• Published 6th Nov 2012
  • 19,434 Views, 1,942 Comments

The Reader - GnollReader

A gnoll appears in the Canterlot library and is forced to cope with an endless amount of problems as it gets to know the ponies a bit better.

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Chapter 33: Chasing the rainbow

She had planned it to be totally awesome, but Rainbow Dash was starting to have doubts about this. It wasn't so much the fact that she was running through Ponyville at top speeds. She was the infamous Rainbow Dash after all, she was all about speed. Nor was it the fact that she was screaming all the time, if anything it would make her look cooler. What really troubled her was the mountain of fuming teeth and claws hard at her tail.

"GNOLL... WILL... CHEW... ON... PONY... HEAD!" with each word she felt his breath on her back and with each word she quickened her pace. How was he that fast? She dodged around corners and small alleys trying to outmaneuver the gnoll. Much to her dismay it didn't help much, the gnoll was surprisingly agile and when an alley was too tight for him he simply took the roof instead. It barely helped to keep her distance to him.

It was only when she barely dodged a swipe from one of his paws that she realized for the first time that she would lose this bet. She was already starting to tire and judging by the sounds the gnoll behind her was making... what would he do if he caught her? She decided it was time for damage control.

"I'm sorry... " she dodged another one of his lunges, "For making you mad..." she ducked as she dashed under a stall, the gnoll jumped right over it, "Let's just call it even, okay? No hard feelings?"



Purple Haze had spent more time in the bakery than she had intended to, mainly because the princess and her husband wanted to know everything she knew about the gnoll and his actions. The cake was good, but she was starting to worry about Scar.

Princess Cadence had escorted her to the door while Shining Armor, Pinkie Pie and Twilight were busy planning a 'Foal Surprise' party. Spike had been sent to inform the other elements of harmony about the celebration.

Just as she was saying her goodbyes though, a screaming Rainbow Dash shot past the entrance with a foaming and roaring gnoll hard on her tail. Purple Haze looked after the two, somehow she had been expecting this to happen sooner or later.

"Shouldn't you do something about this captain?" asked a visibly worried Cadence.

Purple Haze only shrugged, "Nope, she had her warning. Now it's Scar's turn to beat some sense into her." she saw Cadence's look, "Don't worry, he won't hurt her..." much, she finished the sentence mentally, "Besides, Dash is a tough mare, she'll handle herself just fine." she went back inside. It looked like she had some extra time to spare.


Rainbow Dash wasn't handling herself very well. Not much longer and the gnoll would catch her. This was now officially not awesome any more. Luckily she remembered that she still did have wings, her bet with Applejack was a lost case anyhow. She unfolded her wings and jumped into the air. She felt the gnoll's claws go through the hairs of her tail. With a mighty push of her wings she pulled herself upwards and onto a small cloud.

"COME DOWN LITTLE PONY! SCAR STILL HAS TO CHEW ON PONY HEAD!" the gnoll thundered from below while he shook an angry fist up at the little cloud.

She panted heavily as she lay on the cloud, "I... said... I'm... sorry! Come on, give it a reAAAA!" she barely managed to roll off the cloud as the gnoll shot through it. He had taken a wild jump at it from one of the roofs. She quickly flew to a higher cloud while he landed on all fours. "Look, I'm really sorry. I really am. Can't we just call it quit at that?"

He looked up at the cloud, "Rainbow pony has to come down sooner or later, and when Gnoll catches pony..."

"There you are!" a voice interrupted him. Scar turned around, it was Rarity.

"White pony, Scar is very busy. Is important gnoll work." he turned his head back up again in time to see Rainbow Dash fly off. He gave an annoyed grunt, he would get her sooner or later.

"Yes, as interesting as your games with Rainbow Dash seem I can't help but feel horrified that you're stlll wearing those rags! Is that blood? And that smell! Come now, we simply can't have our hero running around like that!" she started to lead him away by one of his paws. He was too tired to resist at this point.

"Hero? Scar does not know word. Gnoll is gnoll. Where is white pony taking gnoll?"

"We are going to my boutique to get you some new clothes! Of course you're a hero, you saved the little fillies, saved Twilight from those horrid things and now I hear you found out that Cadence will have a little foal of her own!"

"Is two tiny ponies."

She stopped for a moment, "What?"

"Gnoll forgets to tell pink pony, but is with two tiny ponies." he scratched his head.

"Well just the more reason to get you something nice to wear!" she continued leading him on.

Scar thought for a moment, Purple Haze had said he'd need something new to wear. "Scar needs to get little coins first, so it can pay pony for new clothes."

Rarity struck a mortified pose, "PAY? How dare you insinuate I would actually demand payment for something like this!"

His ears dropped, "Scar is sorry, did not mean to insult white pony."

She flashed him a smile, "Don't you worry, you did no harm. Come now, it is my gift to you."

A gift. That would be nice. He could give a gift in return later. Something nice. Maybe he'd get her a chew bone. Did ponies like chew bones? He'd have to ask Purple Haze later. They stopped in front of a strange building. A multitude of different smells entered his nose as he approached it. It was intoxicating.

"This not white pony's house... Scar gets clothes here?"

"Oh, don't be silly darling." Rarity laughed as she led him to the door, "This is the Ponyville Day Spa."

"What is gnoll going to do here?" he asked as he started to duck through the door.

"We're going to get you a nice bath of course! I can't have you put on new clothes smelling like that!" she chimed happily. She saw him stop in his tracks, "Don't you dare even think about running off now!"

Scar shuddered, he hated baths. But as things were he was too tired to escape the white one anyway. He gave a heavy sigh as he stepped inside, he'd have to do it at some point and it would probably be the most peaceful thing he had done this day.

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