• Published 6th Nov 2012
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The Reader - GnollReader

A gnoll appears in the Canterlot library and is forced to cope with an endless amount of problems as it gets to know the ponies a bit better.

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Chapter 31: Good news

Scar watched the ponies leave the hall, most of them were still arguing vividly and casting him strange stares. He didn't care. His thoughts were still on the rats. If there were more rats... maybe he should get himself a club to smack them. He didn't even realize he was growling. Some of the ponies quickened their steps as they walked past him.

"Scar? Is something wrong?" he turned around, it was Celestia. "You seem... troubled."

The gnoll tried to compose himself. He stopped growling and shook himself to straighten his fur. Celestia watched with wonder, the act served to remind her how deeply his behavior was rooted to his instincts. "Is nothing, though Scar may need club..."

"A club?" Celestia asked with a raised eyebrow. She shook her head, "Never mind. Luna is already sending a letter to Twilight and captain Purple Haze to inform them of the council's decision. Also, there is somepony I would like you to meet." She extended a wing and guided him towards two ponies, "This is princess Cadence and her husband Shining Armor."

He inspected the two ponies before him, the first one was a white magic pony and the way it stood reminded him of the guard ponies. It was glaring daggers at him. The gnoll moved a bit closer to take in the pony's smell, there was something familiar about it.

"I do not entirely approve of you living with my sister.“ the pony said with a stern voice, "But I must thank you for protecting her. The izelim will not go unpunished for this, mark my words.“ he gave Scar a nod which he returned.

"I too would like to thank you for protecting Twilight.“ the other pony spoke up. She looked similar to Celestia in her appearance and was colored in a light pink. He hoped she wasn't related to the Pink Pie. "She means very much to me and...“ she stopped talking as the gnoll stepped very close to her and inhaled deeply. That smell, he knew it from somewhere.

He slowly circled the pink pony, holding his nose close to her while sniffing and taking in her scent. With every sniff he took she flinched slightly. She smelled of sweet fruit, but somewhere beneath there was something else. The white pony seemed unsure of his ambitions, "Is this behavior normal for him?“

"I do not think so. At least I have not seen this reaction before.“ Celestia answered unsure herself, "Scar, is something the matter?“

The gnoll stopped in front of the pink one again, he was sure know. "Pink pony has tiny pony.“

The pink one was surprised by this, "What? Tiny pony? Oh! No, I'm sorry but you're mistaken, I do not have foals of my own yet, although I hope to someday.“

Scar shook his head, "Pink pony will have.“

"Yes, like I said. I hope to...“

"No, pink pony does not understand. What is word again?“ he scratched his chin, "Ah. Gnoll remembers. Pink pony is with tiny pony.“

"I'm... I'm pregnant?“

The gnoll nodded, "Is with tiny pony.“ There was a shocked silence. The three ponies were looking at him like he'd gone insane.

"How can you tell?“ asked Celestia.

He tapped his nose, "It can smell, is faint so not with pony for long yet, but Scar can smell.“

"This is ridiculous, you can tell just from smelling her? That's impossible!“ intoned the white one.

"White pony should wait some moons then, will see that gnoll is right.“ the gnoll replied sternly, his nose had never betrayed him before.

Celestia stepped forward, "Cadence, please hold still for a moment.“ she closed her eyes and ever so lightly touched the pink one on her head with her horn. After a moment of silence she lifted her head again and opened her eyes, "Scar is right.“ there was a smile on her face, "You're pregnant.“


Scar wasn't exactly sure what happened after that point, everything suddenly got very confusing. The pink one constantly switched between crying, laughing, hugging him, hugging the white one or hugging Celestia. The white one was in some state of shock, and Celestia had tears in her eyes while she smiled and laughed with the pink one.

The gnoll couldn't make heads or tails of it. Were they sad or happy? Maybe they didn't know who the father was, or had they not planned it? The white one definitely seemed shocked enough, Scar didn't know pony jaws could even drop that far. The pace and the volume at which the pink one was talking at this point strongly reminded him of the Pink Pie. It was painful for his ears and something told him this probably wouldn't stop very soon. He made a mental note not to tell any more ponies they were pregnant.

When the pink one and Celestia were distracted with a now slowly grinning white pony, Scar took his chance and quickly slipped backwards through one of the curtains. Let the ponies be ponies. They would sort it out by themselves. He needed to give his ears a rest.

Scar quietly exited through the doors he had used to enter before. He pushed the doors shut again as softly as possible, careful not to make a noise. Cloud Dancer and Star Glaze gave him questioning looks. The gnoll simply shrugged, "Tiny ponies make pink pony cry.“, he said before he walked off.

He made it back to Celestia's room in good time and found his costume where he had left it. Climbing with one arm wasn't too complicated, he'd manage.


When Luna returned to the audience chamber she wasn't quite sure what was going on, although the way her sister and Cadence were smiling, and that idiotic grin on Shining Armor's face... could it be? "It seems you have received good news." Luna said as she stepped closer.

"I'm going to have a little foal!" squealed Cadence with delight, Luna couldn't help but smile at her joy. "I didn't even know! But the gnoll, I mean Scar, he was able to tell just from smell! I mean, that's..." she happily prattled on with a pace that would have made Pinkie Pie proud.

"Speaking of Scar,..." Luna interrupted Cadence's endless stream of words, "Where is he?"

There was an awkward silence as the three other ponies looked around themselves in surprise. "That's strange..." said Shining Armor, "He was here just a moment ago, how did we miss him leaving?"


Scar was already half-way down the mountain when he wondered if he should have told the pink pony it was two tiny ponies and not one.

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