• Published 17th Jan 2024
  • 262 Views, 2 Comments

When a Door Closes a New One Opens - coolpony01

After Twilight Sparkle lost her parents due to being sent back to another reality she feels great sorrow and guilt for what her parents are going through and the fact that she misses them. Though this is not the end of her journet as she will gain fr

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Ch 70

Fluttershy and I are celebrating Hearts and Hooves Day. We have decided to have a lovely night at this fancy restaurant called the Golden Yam. I hear they have the best Yam. We are currently walking there when Fluttershy began to speak. “Oh this will be quite lovely. I’ve always wanted to try their yams.” She said in delight.

“So have I.” I said in delight. We were pleasantly surprised to learn that such a fancy restaurant was making its way to Ponyville this year. And Fluttershy and I knew it would be the perfect restaurant to celebrate hearts and hooves day.

We went inside. “Good evening Madame may I have you seated.” A unicorn waiter asked with the upmost refine tone and politeness.

“Why yes of course sir.” I said politely.

We made our way to our table.

“What can I get you to drink?” He asked.

“Oh I’d like some white.” I said.

“And I’d like some red wine.” Fluttershy said.

“Execellnt choice.” The waiter said.

“So Fluttershy how was your day?” I asked.

“Oh it was nice. Pinkie Pie gave valentines to all our friends as usual and Rarity made a dashing hat for Angle it is a french style very beautiful. I requested it and she overally met my expectations.” Fluttershy said.

“Well that’s nice Spike and I had a great time watching valentine’s cartoon’s and giving each other valentines and he had a great time celebrating with his friends.” I said in delight.

“Oh that sounds nice.” Fluttershy said with a smile.

The waiter then came back with our drinks and we took some polite sips.

“What can I get you to eat Madames.” The waiter asked politely.

“Oh we’d love some yams.” I said.

He smiled. “Quite the dish, excellent choice.” He said.

We then began to talk some more. “So Fluttershy how have your animals been doing?” I asked interested in how much she cares about her animals.

“Oh they’ve been doing wonderful!” Fluttershy then blushed and silenced herself. “Oh I mean they’ve been doing really good. I’ve been able to heal and help them learn how to forage and provide food for themselves.” Fluttershy said.

I looked in interest and passion at the kindness of this mare.

“So how have you been doing with Spike?” Fluttershy asked.

“Oh we get along great. I just helped him pass his last test I really care that he has a successful future and maintains his well being.” I said with care for my son.

That got Fluttershy very interested and with a spark of passion and impressiveness in her eyes. She always admires how I care dearly about my son.

“And for that matter I have to thank you with helping Spike with his essay over nature I knew you were just the person for the job.” I said thankfully and impressed and how much this mare cares for my son.

“Oh it was no big deal. I’ve helped every child with their homework at least once since I’ve moved here. How do you think Applebloom got so good at biology.” Fluttershy said proudly.

“That’s… amazing.” I said in awe.

“Yes I know.” Fluttershy said in delight.

“But I really mean it, I mean you take care of the animals and help the children of this town prosper that’s really something.” I was impressed by my friend’s great compassion.

“Yes I know. But you care for your son and help the children with learning vocabulary skills and history you really are just as helpful as me.” Fluttershy said.

“True.” I said bragging a little.

That was something that even Fluttershy did sometimes. Shows that we truly are the perfect match.

We talked much about a variety of topics such as how our lives are going how we’re happy that we got to see Usher preform in Canterlot. As well as topics of culture from all over the world. It was great.

Our food then arrived and the yam was cooked just right not too soft or too hard just right. It was… divine. A word Rarity uses a lot but a word that’s appropriate. Perfect for a Hearts and Hooves Day celebration.

Once we were done we headed home for a little relaxation a little movie, watching over the animals but my favorite was the sex. The feeling of Fluttershy is just so divine and is an appropriate word to describe the feeling of this moment between the two of us. We took turns providing each other with the love the other one deserves and it was magical. Once we were done we got ourselves cleaned up and I said goodbye to Fluttershy and headed off back home this truly was a divine night.