• Published 17th Jan 2024
  • 262 Views, 2 Comments

When a Door Closes a New One Opens - coolpony01

After Twilight Sparkle lost her parents due to being sent back to another reality she feels great sorrow and guilt for what her parents are going through and the fact that she misses them. Though this is not the end of her journet as she will gain fr

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Ch 42

We are currently on our way to Applelosa the town that Applejack’s family helped develop. I am so glad to get to meet more of Applejack’s family and to learn the rich culture of their family as well as the southern region of Equestria. I’ve visited a few times in southern parts of Equestria before but not enough to truly delve into the rich history of the region.

We began to happily converse amongst each other.

“Oh man we’re going fast This is so exciting we can’t even wait.” Rainbow Dash said.

“For crying out loud in the morning.” Rarity said annoyed.

We just continued to talk amongst ourselves. And later on fell asleep.

We then woke up the next day to find a beautiful herd of Buffallo by the train we admired their elegant nature. And I admired the fact that they were a large part of southern Equestria as one of Equestria’s sapient creatures. Rarity even acknowledged their accessories which were more of traditional clothing choices. I then noticed they were getting awfully close to the train. They then rammed into it and I couldn’t believe it. They were attacking but why?

We then saw that they took the apple tree and Spike was still in the train yelling for us to help him.

“They’ve got Bloomberg.” Applejack said worried.

“And my son.” I said in concern and love for Spike.

“I’m sorry girls I can’t wait.” I said as I went off the train and went looking for Spike.

When they arrived in Applelosa a few minutes later in a hurry they were greeted by Applejack’s cousin Braeburn “Hey there welcome to Applelosa! He said.

“Braeburn listen.” Applejack said.

“Cousin Applejack mind your manners. You have yet to introduce me to your compadres. Shame on you.” Braeburn said with a smile.

“Brabeurn listen something terrible’s happened!” Applejack said.

“Terrible is right your train is a full seven minutes late. That’s seven minutes less for you to delight in the pleasures of Applelosa!” He said happily. He then pushed at them and showed them around. “Boggles the mind we settler ponies bulit all of this in just the past year. As you can see we have all of the findest comforts. Like pony drawn carriages. And those there are pony drawn pony drawn carriages.” Braeburn said as he showed ponies drawing pictures of horse drawn carirages.
“Listen Braeburn I [offf]” Applejack tried to say but was cut off when her cousin pushed her around to see the sights.

“And here’s our local watering hole, the salt block.” He said.

“That’s enough salt for you.” A stallion in a country said.

“Can I at least get a glass of water.” The elderly stallion asked.

“Over there’s the office of sheriff Siverstar. And here’s were we have our wild west dancing. Ad here’s where we have our mild west dancing. And here’s the most wonderful sight of all our apple orchid.

“Brabeurn!” Applejack yelled having enough.

“Uh yes cuz.” Braeburn said.

“You have a very nice town and all, but we have a huge problem!” Applejack yelled with emphasis at huge to get his attention.

“Some of our friends are missing.” Applejack said.

“A stampede of Buffalo.” Fluttershy said. That got his attention.

“They took Spike.” Rarity added on.

“Rainbow Dash went after them.” Applejack said.

“And we can’t find Pinkie Pie.” Fluttershy said.

“And we had an apple tree with us for your orchard but they took that too.” Applejack added on.

“Did you say Buffalo.” Braeburn sighed. “Them buffalos they want us settler ponies to take every single tree you see here off this land They sure as tartaorus don’t want us added any new ones in.” Braeburn said.

“But why?” Fluttershy wondered with sympathy.

“Beats me. We put a lot of hard work into this land so we could feed our town, our families, our foals. And now they’re saying all these trees have to go? Tain’t fair.” Braeburn said.

I saw Rainbiw Dash hiding behind various rocks as he went looking for Spike.

“Oh I can’t wait to get my hooves on that little buffalo.” Rainbow Dash said.
“Boo.” Pinkie Pie said.

“Awww!” Rainbow Dash said as she jumped back. “Pinkie Pie!” Rainbow Dash said.

“Oh, you caught me. Looks like I tricked you and didn’t get away with it either.” Pinkie Pie said.

“Shh.” Pinkie Pie said.

“I have to agree with Rainbow Dash we have to be quite Pinkie Pie.” I said.

“Twilight?” Rainbow Dash said.

“What he’s my son why would I not go looking for him.” I said.

We were then caught. And Rainbow Dash was getting ready to charge but I wasn;t looking for a fight I just wanted my son back.

“Stop!” I felt joy to hear my son’s voice.

“Mom.” Spike said.

“Spike.” I said happily.

“Hey no worries I know those guys The unicorn is my mom she adopted me and those are her friends They’re cool.” Spike said.

“If you say so Spike. Catch ya later bro.” He then fist bumped one of the members of the buffalo tribe.

“Seems they took me by mistake. And they feel awful about it too, poor gueys. Fortunately they totally respect dragons so they treat me like an honored guest. Still don’t like ponies much though but you’re with me so it’s cool.”

The yonge buffalo from earlier then approached.’

“Mr Spike you like gemstones yes.” The younge buffalo said.

“This here’s little strongheart and that’s my mom Twilight and these are her friends Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash.” Spike said introducing all of us.

Rainbow Dash then noticed her. “You!” She said accusingly.

“You!” Stongheart said.
“That’s it! We are outta here!” Rainbow Dash said yelling.

“Wait please accept my apologies for what happened on the train. We didn’t mean for anyone to be hurt.” She said very apologteically and seemingly culturally.

“Yeah right.” Rainbow Dash said.

“We only wanted the tree. The settler ponies have overtaken the land. And have planted an orchard all over it. Because of their thoughtlessness. We can no longer run over our traditional stampeding grounds.” That makes sense so this is a terriorral dispute.

So this is a territorial dispute.” I stated as I understood the situation.

“I think it’s time they meet Chief Thunderhooves.” Spike suggested.

“We have a long and winding stampeeding trail. That we have run upon for many generations. My father stampedeed upon these grounds. And his father before him. And his father before him. And his father before him And..

“I think they get the idea chief.” Stongheart said.

“It is a sacred tradition to run the path every year. But this year these settler ponies. These Applelosians.” He said in rage.

“They’ve planted apple trees all over it without asking for our permission.” Strongheart said.

“Well that’s not very nice right Rainbow Dash.” Pinkie Pie stated.

“I’m sorry about that. We can fix this problem.’ I suggested. Knowing that those trees have to go because they didn;t bother to ask permission and also the fact that the land wasn;t even being shared between the people.

“See Rainbow Dash they had a good reason too.” Spike was cut off.

“I say they had a good reasons. Come on we have some Apple picking Applelosans to talk too.” Rainbow Dash said.

We then began to talk to the settlers and they realized that the nobles lied about the legitimacy of the land and in an old treaty it was stated that the land belonged to the Yasmaga tribe of the buffalo and so they simply moved their apple trees to another place that was just as good for them. I smiled glad that my negotiation skills were helpful for once in such a person’s rights violation. Even Applejack agreed with us I’m glad that she is able to see the mistakes of her kin even if it means disagreeing with a few of them it is a very noble and virtuous trait.