• Published 17th Jan 2024
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When a Door Closes a New One Opens - coolpony01

After Twilight Sparkle lost her parents due to being sent back to another reality she feels great sorrow and guilt for what her parents are going through and the fact that she misses them. Though this is not the end of her journet as she will gain fr

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Ch 3

After my brother and I met I was given a summoning by the princess herself. I wondered what she wanted to talk about. I was brought into a small but beautiful room with a wooden table with a white cloth on it and a beautiful golden plated tea set. I then saw her walk in. She was taller than my parents even, she towered over me. Though she had a warm, kind smile on her face. “Good afternoon miss Twilight Sparkle.” The mare spoke kindly.

“Good afternoon princess.” I said politely. I already felt her as my leader.

“I’m sure you are confused, see I brought you here to learn more about your culture within the land you’ve grown so accustomed to.” She said,

“You want to learn more about my culture?” I asked in appreciation for the fact that she had such value towards my culture.

“Yes of course, it has been many centuries since I last came across another intellectual being. I've always had appreciation for culture and the way of life for all creatures.” She answered.

“Alright well you see there are five nations in my former world: the earth kingdom… or earth empire known as it is called, the fire nation, the two water tribes located in the northern and southern pole, the United Republic, and the newly developed air nation.” I spoke.

“Yes, I am aware of that. I would like to learn more about each individual culture.” The princess said.

“Well, my culture the earth empire has always valued the spirits. We have several cultures that worship them. The south are stronger in that worship with the city of Omashu being one of the most culturally and appreciative for nature. There is also the Si Wong desert where it’s members often honor their ancestors and their ability for survival. It was very hard getting them to accept the new trade roots throughout the empire or the new train station but my parents were able to persuade them.” I said.

“Your parents sound like the militaristic type.” Princess Celestia said.

“Yes they are, they can sometimes take things too far like when they “persuade” people to pledge their loyalty to them.” I said.

“I see.” Princess Celestia said she seemed a bit concerned by the growing militaristic aspects of my parents. Though she has nothing to worry about, my parents are peacekeepers and would never create conflict without good reason.

“Yes but they are still good leaders and have done many good things like opening the train system so trade and materials could be brought throughout the earth empire. They also developed running water and allowed for the usage of satomobiles to be developed throughout the empire.” I said.
“Yes I’ve heard about your satomobiles how do they work?” She asked with some slight excitement.

That brightened my day. “They work with several parts. If you put gasoline in a small opening with these parts it causes the mechanism to become mobile.” I stated as I began to explain how a satomobile works I also gave her a blueprint about how the system worked.

“This will be a great invention for my subjects.” The princess spoke happily.

“I’m sure it will be.” I stated.

“But onto the discussion they’ve told me that your people have this unique ability to bend the elements.” Princess Celestia said, trying to bring the subject into motion.

“Yes as I’ve said before it’s not magic it’s bending it’s a genetic trait that came from the great lion turtles before the avatar and it has unique properties. An earth bender can also bend almost all types of metals except for platinum. A fire bender can also bend lightning. A water bender can create all sorts of water and ice. And an air bender can create all sorts of gusts of wind as well as create tornados.” I said. I left out the more troubling traits of bending such as a water bender's ability to blood bend and an air bender's ability to suck the air out of its victim. She was likely told such traits anyway.

“I see such a unique ability.” She stated.

“Yes it is a unique ability but not as unique as the avatar. See he’s the only person alive who can bend all four elements and that’s because of Raava the spirit of light see the avatar is originally supposed to keep balance in the world such as fighting off the evil spirit Vaatu of darkness. It however changed to the avatar whether male or female fighting off other enemies such as adding in wars or peacemaking properties.” I stated.

“That’s very interesting, however I still would like to know your knowledge about the other cultures in case we meet one day.” Celestia stated.

“Well I know the northern water tribe in particular is very spiritual based and focuses their efforts on tradition. The southern water tribe isn’t as traditional and embrace more modern aspects such as technology and their art rather than the spirits so don’t say that they are the same tribe the north might think so but not so much the south especially after the last civil war between the two.”,I stated.

“Alright, what about the fire nation and air nomads?” She asked.

“Well the fire nation traditionally was the most culturally, economically, and technologically advanced out of all the other nations they did nearly win their last war after all. But they’re not warmongers anymore they now embrace other nationalities and their culture and their new leaders strive for peaceful means rather than war.” I stated.

“Alright so what about the air nomads?” She asked.

I smiled “The air nomads are my favorite of the nationalities of my world. They've always embraced life and non violence to the point that they don’t even eat meat. And they’re now not just spiritual enlightened, they are enlightened about the world around them and have been working towards helping my country and the world prosper for the last three years.” I stated.

“So what of the United Republic?” She asked.

I smiled. It is one of my favorite countries. “The united republic also known as the united republic of nations has people from all over the world living in it. They've embraced the idea of equality for all whether it be their bender type or if they’re non bender. See after the one hundred year war ended people took advantage of the cultural progress that came from the former fire nation colonies working together with the earth nation and they’ve built a nation of progress out of it.” I stated.

“Taking the fullest advantage of wealth and culture to create a better harmony after the destruction of war is wise of them.” Celestia congratulated them on their progress towards harmony.

“Well that’s about all I have though I could go on about food and artwork.” I said with a smile.

She smiled back appreciating my optimism “I’d appreciate that.” She stated. I knew this would be a great way to talk about all the culture of my former home and it helps since talking about it allows me to remember all the good I had back there and appreciate what I had.