• Published 17th Jan 2024
  • 263 Views, 2 Comments

When a Door Closes a New One Opens - coolpony01

After Twilight Sparkle lost her parents due to being sent back to another reality she feels great sorrow and guilt for what her parents are going through and the fact that she misses them. Though this is not the end of her journet as she will gain fr

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Ch 46

It has been a month since that wonderful night of fun with my friends and family. I am still quite delighted about how perfectly that night turned out. How each of my friends and son along with I had the most delightful time and how such memories will remain pleasantly within us forever. Though right now I must be focused on the present. Spike recently got back from a trip his class took to Canterlot to visit the gardens. He had a delightful time but said his friends argued amongst each other a bit too much. I'm not that surprised given the nature of his friends.

Rainbow Dash was flying around when she saw a cloud burst infront of her.

“Come back here you!”

She then got by the cloud but it was all goopy “Eww what is this!?” She asked disgusted. She then licked it “Cotton Candy?” She spoke in confusion.

She then saw several more cotton candy clouds and one went over her she felt a brown drop of chocolate rain. “What a second it isn’t supposed to rain until tomorrow. You can’t just…” It then began to pour down on her and she got a look of annoyance. “You did.” Rainbow Dash said.

Meanwhile Applejack was busy harvesting her corn as it was in the season. When she heard Rainbow Dash yelling and chasing a cotton candy cloud.

It then began to rain. “Rainbow Dash what’s going on with this rain.” She then shook her gead I mean chocolate milk. And then she shook her head again. “I mean chocolate milk rain.” Applejack said.

“There’s crazy weather going on all over Equestria.” Rainbow Dash said concerned. She then continued. “Cloudsdale’s getting soaked by a major cola storm right now. But don’t worry I’’m not leaving you until I get control of Ponyville.” Rainbow Dash said concerned.

The corn then began to pop all over the farm into popcorn. Pinkie Pie was then eagerly enjoying all the crazy shenanigans. “Why would you want to stip this.” Pinkie Pie asked excitedly.

Rarity then approached. “Oh dear I heard about your troubles Applejack but I didn’t think it would be like this.” She spoke in concern.

The apples then grew ginormous on the trees and the trees began to slant over. And the animals began to eat them “Fluttershy do something!” Applejack called out.

“Now angle you really shouldn’t…”She spoke in a quiet tone. The animals then grew long legs.”No that’s not possible I must be seeing things.” She said in confusion.

I looked around in concern. “Don’t worry everyone I learned a new spell that will surely fix everything.” I said as I began to cast it but it did nothing.

Spike then burped up a letter and I knew what this was about. “Come on girls Pri ncess Celestia wants us all in Canterlot immediately.” I said.

We took the train there fortunately it didn’t take too long since the rail way system hasn;t been effected yet.

We barged in “Princess we came as fast as we could.” I said.

“Thank you Twilight thank you all.” She said gratefully.

“Is this about the weather and the animals weird behavior? What’s happening out there?” I asked in confusion.

She then put a hoof forward to silence me.

“Follow me.” She said.

We then went down the hall of great heroes and villains.

“I’ve called you here for a matter of great importance. It seems an old fool of mine someone I thought I had defeated long ago has returned. His name is Discord”

Fluttershy squealed at that.

“Discord is the mischievous spirit of disharmony. Before my sister and I stood up to him he ruled Equestria in a state of unrest and unhappiness. Luna and I saw how miserable life was for ponies and non ponies alike.” Celestia stated in a feeling of disdain for how he treated them. I’ve heard of the spirit of chaos before and I had a sneaky suspicion he was the person we were up against this time.

“So after discovering the elements of harmony. We combined our powers and rose against him, turning him to stone.” Celestia said.

“I thought the spell we cast would keep him contained forever, but since Luna and I are no longer connected to the elements.”

“No longer connected?” I spoke in confusion.

“This is Canterlot tower. Where the elements are kept inside, since all of you have recovered them. I need you to wield the elements of harmony once again and stop Discord. Before he thrusts all of Equestria into a land of eternal chaos.” Princess Celestia said.

Pinkie Pie then spoke. “Hey look! We’re famous!” Pinkie Pie said as she looked upon the mural of us defeating Nightmare Moon and I knew at that moment that we could do this for we have defeated villains before.

“Princess Celestia you can count on us! I stated.

“Hold on a second. Eternal chaos comes with chocolate rain you gueys chocolate rain.” Pinkie Pie said.

I rolled my eyes at Pinkie’s usual goofiness but she’s still a good friend because of that.

“Have no fear. I have total confidence you will defeat Discord with these.” We all gasped when the elements were missing.

“That chamber is protected by a spell that only I know. This doesn’t make any sense.” Celestia said worried.

“[Maniacal laughter] Make sense ? Oh what fun is there in maing sense.” We heard an ominous voice echo from all over.

“Discord, show yourself!” Celestia demanded.

[Laughs] Did you miss me Celestia.” We then noticed one of the murals of Discord began to talk and move around I missed you.”

“It’s quit lonely being encased in stone, but you wouldn’t know that. Because I don’t turn creatures into stone” Discord said.

“Enough! What have you done with the elements of harmony?” Celestia demanded.

“Well I just borrowed them for a teensy little while.” He said. He then caused the elements of harmony on one of the murals to disappear to emphasize his point.

“You’ll never get away with this Discord.” Celetisa said.

He then began to talk about how he knows all about us and our elements.

“Stop stalling Discord. What have you done with the elements of harmony?” Celestia demanded.

“Oh so boring Celestia really. Fine I’ll tell you but I’ll only tell you my way.” Twist and turns are my master plan. Then find the elements back where you began.” I could clearly understand what he meant meaning they were in Ponyville he then got to my friends one by one causing them to rethink their purpose and to lose their viortous and happy personalities for something much crueler and just not them. I first noticed this with Applejack she seemed to lie to me about something but I don’t know what. I then noticed that Rarity went greedy, Pinkie Pie hated laughter, Fluttershy was cruel and Rainbow Dash was disloyal.

“I’m assuming you noticed what I did to your friends.” I heard Discord taunt and then reveal himself he towered over me was taller than height of Princess Celestia.

“Discord I swear if it’s the last thing I do I’ll reverse whatever you did to them.” I stated passionately for the sake of my friends.

“Oh we’ll see anyways I was here to congratulate you not many people figure out my riddles on the spot I take it Celestia choose her student well.” He said.

“Don’t flatter me Discord, we'll still find a way to defeat you.” I stated.

Discord then began laughing and even fell to the ground laughing.

“What are you laughing at!” Pinkie demanded clearly not her usual cheerful personality.

“Oh you ponies are the most fun I’ve had in centuries.” He said.

“Well you better think before you laugh at the Pink-ie Pie.” She said.

“Oh yeah well ha ha.” Fluttershy said cruelly.

“Quit it.” Pinkie demanded.

“No ha ha.” She said.

“Hey Rarity this here diamond of yours Twilight said we should spilt it in six ways since we found it together.” Applejack spoke with a clear lie.

“Hyah. Try it punk! He’s mine all mine.” Rarity said.

I was saddened to see my friends acting this way Spike asked what was wrong with them and I said that Discord did something to them and we had to fix it.

I then found the elements of harmony book and I had to fight with my friends in order to get it which was annoying.

We tried the elements of harmony but they didn’t work now that my friends had been turned against each other and eventually it got to me and I became gray as well as I shamefully know recall the fact that I thought what was the point of staying friends with them or friendship in general if they were going to betray each other along with myself.
I then saw that Spike was burping up letters “Make it stop.” He said.

“These are the letters I’ve written to the princess since I’ve lived in Ponyville. I then began to read and smiled as I reminded what I learned. “Real friends don’t care what your cover is. Friendship is a wondrous and powerful thing. And like the path cut through the orchard, they’ll always be a way through. The best thing to do is to saty true to yourself.” I then began to turn back to my old self and realized how to defeat discord with the memory spell that shows us the lessons we’ve learned. I used it on my friends one by one and it worked we were reunited as friends and could finally defeat Discord.

It was quit magical having us all renuinted again with the elements of harmony where our eyes magically glowed again and we were able to defeat another threat to Equestria and the world.

I did feel a bit guilt turning him to stone since I’ve spent a day turned to stone and now how cruel and tormenting it is. But I knew it had to be done and so I did it to protect the land from chaos. While Celestia has told me that chaos and order are good and when balanced thus brings when it is done in a harmful way then it becomes clear that something needs to be done. There was even a celebration after the events took place and even a new mural of us defeating Discord was adding. I was proud of myself and my friends for with helping them we’ve learned that friendship can overcome any challenge.