• Published 17th Jan 2024
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When a Door Closes a New One Opens - coolpony01

After Twilight Sparkle lost her parents due to being sent back to another reality she feels great sorrow and guilt for what her parents are going through and the fact that she misses them. Though this is not the end of her journet as she will gain fr

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Ch 60

Spike and I along with my friends are watching the dragon migration. We want to enjoy evry minute of it so we got there early as well as not wanting to cause any unnecessary attention to ourselves.

“Yo-hoo!” I was annoyed to see Rarity walking on a red carpet she laid out for herself she can be a bit of a show off at times especially when it’s better not to be. During a dragon migration it is best to be smart about one’s behavior and to humble ourselves and remember to respect the dragons that travel. “Am I the toast of the trench or what.” She said.

“Rarity, what is all this?” I said.

“Well it’s my outfit for the occasion we want it to be memorable after all.” Rarity said.

I just rolled my eyes.

She went in the trench and then the dragons showed up “OOh! AA!” We said.

Spike personality found it to be very cool and it was the dragons were so beautiful and Spike could learn of the culture of his species and it’s very important for him to have knowledge of such things rather than just pony culture.

Rainbow Dash then noticed that Spike had a apron on and commented that he wasn’t like other dragons. I scold her for speaking without thinking. Rarity made it worse by saying that it didn’t matter and that he was adorable and her Spikey Wikey.

Spike then talked to me about where he was from I realized that he felt at odds with himself as he was not like those other dragons. I told him it didn’t matter what he was like and that he should just be himself but he that didn’t seem to help.

I then heard that Spike had to defend himself when a colt was picking on him for being a dragon. And the pony puristsgroup of Ponyville chased him out of Ponyville as they thought he was a threat. I was outraged that they attacked my son because he wasn’t a pony it doesn’t matter what someone’s species is it only matters who they are.

Spike followed the dragon’s for many weeks. Observing their patterns and taking notes he knows he doesn’t belong with ponies as when he gets older he could accidentally cause harm to one.

He arrived in a small valley of some sorts where the dragons lived. He grew worried as he noticed he didn’t seem to fit in or could be safe around the adult dragons. He then spotted some teenage dragons and felt hope maybe he could fit in with them and truly learn about dragon culture and fit in.

We just arrived disguised as a dragon in a costume as we didn’t want to make a scene we are just here for my son and want no trouble but if any of those teenagers cause trouble for him there will be trouble waiting for them.

He went down there and introduced himself as Spike.
“You sure your name is Spike and not Shrimp.” One dragon said. The dragons began to laugh at him

“No it’s Spike.” He said.

“You look more like pee-wee to me.” Another dragon said.

“Hey gueys come on seriously, leave him alone or he might fly away that is uh if he had any wings.” He snickered at that. And the other dragons began to laugh some more.

“You flying on your mommy’s back during a migration.” One dragon asked.

“Not exactly see I lived in Ponyville.” He said.

“Ponyville that explains it I noticed something vaguely ponish about you.” The seeming leader said.

“If I didn’t know any better I’d say your part pony.” The leader spoke in disdain.

“Who me I’m not part pony. I’m all dragon.” Spike said as he let out a slight roar.

“Or maybe you’re a pony in a dragon costume.” He mocked.

“I am a real dragon.” Spike said.

“Oh yeah prove.” He said.

Spike then did several things such to prove he could be like any other dragon such as belging. We then let Spike win during a tail wrestling match and the leader of the teenage dragons said nice going and that maybe he was a real dragon after all.

Then later on he was giving one final test to smash a phoenix egg. “No I came from an egg. I’m not going to break it. I know for a fact that many dragons support the life of all creatures and if this is what I need to do to join your sorry excuse of a dragon club then I won’t. I should have never left my mom and if you’re excuse me I have a family to get back to.” He said

“No body says no to me.” The leader said.

“And nobody treats my son that way.” I went out of hiding. And Spike was awwe stricken yet full of gratitude and joy and understanding knowing that I would care for him so much to put myself in harms way and I knew that we would forever be family and that Spike and I were meant to be and he knew it too.

I then proceeded to attack and they were forced to back off they should know that us ponies are tougher than we look. We went home and I grounded Spike for a month for running away which he didn’t mind. I am just so glad to have my son back and for the lesson that he learned that the family we choose is what matters.