• Published 16th Aug 2023
  • 1,623 Views, 54 Comments

Kyōka Suigetsu, crumble! - The Archiver

Yet another displaced story. Featuring a guy turned to Aizen who will make everyone crumble into the illusion of despair, for the sake of natural selection... For the sake of those he has yet to care about.

  • ...

Chapter seven: brotherhands special part 1(crossover.)

Author's Note:

This is a crossover with the wonderful DisplacedWriter who was generous enough to help me write this chapter which took too long to make. Anyways, we both hope you enjoy this amazing chapter and stay tune for part 2.

Pov: Twilight Sparkle

Pacing back and forth behind my librarian counter I can't even begin to describe how infuriated I am right now. After hearing how Spike, Aizen, and even princess Luna for Faust's sake had nearly traumatized a bunch of ponies for good! I have to stop letting Spike get away with all of this. I have to step up as an older sister the way Shining Armor would step up for me. Excusing myself from everypony I walk upstairs and since it's only 8:34 a.m. Spike is probably still sleeping so I think I'll wake him up.

To my utmost surprise when I barge through the door I see Spike doing sit ups on the ground? He... He never did exercise after waking up. And I can clearly see that he's sweating. His bed is even made up.

"Hey Twi, just doing a few grunt more reps, what did you need? If it's about that Nightmare Night incident then all I can say is that it was amazing. You really should've been there." He says with a smirk. And without realizing it my hoof immediately flew into my muzzle, doing an uncontrollable face-hoof.

"Spike... Bucking horsefeathers! I just can't believe you did something so reckless as to go hang out with that, that maniac! And how did you both even get that far so fast!" My younger brother looked at me just before... Shrugging?! "Who does he think he is? I can't have anypony I care about go and stay with a bad influence like bucking Sōsuke. No, as an older sibling I have to set him straight before somepony gets hurt." I've noticed that he's changed ever since he's met Aizen. He walks differently with a lack of care, he talks as if he's invincible... And somehow he's gaining height? It's been minor but he's gained an entire two hooves (one foot) since this month started. I even had to buy him a brand new bed.

Stomping my hooves on the ground I shout at spike. "I mean it this time. Spike, you've left me no choice but to ground you. That means you're not going outside, doing all your chores on time, and most of all, you aren't allowed to hang out with Sōsuke anymore from this day forth." Spike appears to be taken aback by this at least. Smiling, knowing that I've done my sisterly duty I walk away from his bedroom, slamming his door with a satisfaction being present in my aura.

Pov: Sōsuke Aizen

"Wow, he must've really gotten into it with his sister if she slammed his door and the fact I could hear that from all the way down here? I mean I left as soon as I heard her go off but still." Silently observing from outside the treehouse I airwalk up to treehouse's second story, however no pony actually seems to care and instead carries about their business as usual.

Continuing my ascension upwards I tap on Spike's window before opening it and climbing inside with a goofy grin on my face. "Yo Spike, c'mon why don't you ditch staying here from being grounded and instead come to the Everfree with me. Promise it'll be fun for the both of us." I extend a thumb outwards, pointing towards where the Everfree forest's general direction is. "Hey I can even go take you to hunt your first pack of timberwolves all by yourself."

Spike, being surprised from my unexpected entrance, scrambles back a little before taking a deep sigh of relief. "Phew, don't scare me like that Aizen. But I can't come even if I wanted to. Twilight likes to check my room every now and again so I doubt she'll be oblivious to the lack of a handsome dragon inside his bed." We both raise a curled up fist in the air and meet each other's bump.

"I've been teaching Spike how to actually understand comedy whenever we have had the time. It's been tedious but he understands a good bit of it now." Sounds strange even when I say it in my head but whatever.

"You don't need to worry about that, my scaled friend. We'll be back before you know it." Sadly the only reason I cannot simply make another portable Gigai is because of the fact I know how precise that mare is... "I saw her reorganizing her books and took five hours doing it even though she placed them all, relatively, in the same place."

Shaking my head I continue to beckon Spike out here. "C'mon don't tell me you're scared of your sister, worse she can do is ground you again."

Turning back and forth Spike seems unsure of what to do, but before long he reluctantly sighs and nods his head. "Yeah... You're right, plus you said we'll be fast so there's no chance we'll get caught." I pat him on the back with a smile.

"That's the spirit, and so that we can make the most of this. Allow me to try something that I got attuned to again." Focusing on my spirit to the location that I saw those millenniums ago, the room around us generates small gusts of wind. And two large sliding doors are formed in front of us. Making an opening movement with both my hands as if I'm actually gripping it. They both immediatly slide open. Revealing a dark black void inside of it.

"Well don't be shy, hop on in Spike." I tell him. He stares at me with a silent look of judgment before staring back at the portal.

"Dude this looks like a literal blackhole. I'm not comfortable doing this so why don't we just-" And before he could finish I was already in the process of pushing him into the portal. His head instantly snaps back to mine just in time to look at me. "You mother fuc-" Ah, how sad he couldn't finish his oh so vulgar language, welp time to hop in after him.

3rd person; inside the Everfree forest.

As Spike picks himself up he thinks to himself. "I'm going to hurt Aizen one of these days if his keeps fucking with me like this..." And instead chooses to let out a series of mumbles and groans before picking himself back up. While also activating his substitute Arrancar badge by spewing fire into it as he gets himself situated.

Aizen steps outside the hybrid Senkaimon portal and takes in his surroundings. "Huh... I know I expected there to be changes but this is a lot more floral than I was expecting." He quietly mumbles to himself. "Ah, oh well, guess we'll just have to scout the area. Right Spike?" The humanoid asks his companion. However in response all he gets is an extended claw that resides in the middle of his fist, flipping Aizen off.

"Don't be that way Spike. I swear we'll have a grand old time exploring our way through here. Just follow me, perhaps you'll find something worthy of note that even I have not seen before." Aizen, already deciding to walk ahead, leaves Spike to catch up to him.

"Yeah yeah whatever you say, just make sure that we get to go hunting. All of this practice has really made me wanna put it into use!" Spike tightly grips his Zanpakuto's handle with the mindset to kill. Aizen encourages this from him. "There it is, that's the Spike that I know, now then let's go. And don't worry about hunting your first pack alone because if we don't find them then they'll have to find us."

The two of them travel for miles on end, observing things from this chaotic forest that neither of them have seen before. Large red flowers that glow a violent orange inside them, strange bumps in the ground that seem to be bouncy and rubbery in nature, small flowers that conjoin to each other to create web like patterns despite having different roots, and yet a little pond is what they both travel to, one that's left alone by wild life. Unanimously deciding that they should both go over to check it out.

Pov: Sōsuke Aizen

As we trudge on I spot something that sticks out like a sore thumb. There's a small patch of dirt that's left disturbed near the pond yet it from what I've notice. It seems more like someone tried to bury something. "Hey Spike, hold on really quick, let me get something." I walk over towards it and Spike, out of instinct, follows me. Digging it up I find a long silver staff that has a decorative dragon curling around the staff and resting on a gem that sits at the top of the staff.

"Hey how'd you know that was there?" Spike asks me, which is a good question because I've never seen this object in my life before. "I... Didn't, I don't even know what this damn thing is." I twirl it around for a bit before I hear a strange message coming directly from it.

"You have obtained our staff, thus allowing us to introduce ourselves to you.” A pair of voices spoke in unison coming from the staff

“I am Twilight Sparkle.” The voice of Twilight spoke, although much calmer than a certain Twilight.

“And I am Grima.” A dark deep voice spoke.

The two voices returned to speaking as one. “We are traveling the multiverse to learn all we can about it and how each Displaced have managed to cope with their new lives. In return for allowing us in your world, we’ll offer to teach you Anima, Dark Magic, or an alteration in body known as a class change. Before you summon us by speaking the word [Warp], we insist you make sure your world’s Celestia and Luna won’t not attack us due to our dark presence.”

Staring at the staff and back at Spike I can only wonder one thing at this moment. “What kind of bullshittery is this?”

And yet before I can even ask Spike if there were any artifacts like this made in my absence he looks at me, frightened from our encounter with the estranged object. “Dude… That sounded off. I’m not sure if we should listen to it. You heard that other voice in the background, right?” The sixteen year old dragon practically acted as a stop sign, trying to get me to not even consider the idea in the first place. Although I don’t pay attention to him and instead try to look deeper into the message. “Traveling the multiverse to learn all we can about it and how each Displaced have managed to cope with their new lives.”

Over and over again their message plays inside my head, and slowly yet surely I can feel an opportunity making itself known. I grip the staff and pull it close to me. Spike, watching me, can now piece together what I’m trying to accomplish and does his best to dissuade me.

“W-wait hold on Aizen, don’t tell me you’re seriously going to believe that if you summon it then they’ll help you. Also, they even said that we had to make sure Celestia and Luna wouldn’t attack them! We can’t promise that.” He attempts to reason with me which I actually nod my head, agreeing with him.

“You’re right Spike, I can’t deny that. But what I can say is that we could fabricate the truth. All we have to do is protect them from Celestia and Luna. To add to that, if I heard the message currently then this could potentially tear a small portal inside our universe directly in front of us. I doubt Twilight wouldn’t notice it and then figure out we’re both missing whilst a hole in reality is made. Which would definitely make her panic and ask her Rainbow haired friend to go to Canterlot herself and report their findings. So really think about it.” I turn around and face Spike, the sun seems to focus its light on the staff I’m holding. “How about we take a chance and let it pay off, big time?

Spike still appears to be uneasy about this but chooses to nod his head up and down. “Alright Aizen, I’ll trust you, make sure to not make me regret this.”

Clearing my throat, I smile, thankful for my student’s faithfulness, taking a deep breath in, I steady myself and say what is supposedly the key to activating this magical object. “[Warp]”

When I uttered the magic word, a circle appeared on the ground filled with strange symbols and lettering, I couldn’t understand. With a flash of light, there appeared in the middle of the runic circle, a spitting image of Twilight Sparkle stood before us, except she was wearing some kind of purple robes around her body. Her hood lights up in a dark lavender glow, soon lowering to reveal her face. She looked rather calm and collected, but those eyes of hers were glowing softly and were a much darker color than I know of my Twilight. She looks around the forest at first before gazing upon me and Spike.

“..Good, Good, no beams of sun and moon, none of the two sisters screaming or accusing someone of dark sorcery.” Twilight said with a gentle sigh.

Spike and I almost instantaneously stare at each other, his expression is from the complete bafflement that the situation has instilled in him while mine is due to the fact that I simply have to wonder how shall this… thing or whatever it is benefit me. So putting on my polite facade I turn back to them and wave. “Well howdy there, so you’re this um… Twilight or Grima was it? Anywho it’s nice to meet you, we both hope that you didn’t have any trouble getting here.”

“I am Twilight, yes, and this.” Twilight pauses as a serpent with large tusk-like horns comes out of her back staring at us with its six glowing orange eyes, almost as if he’s Venom the way he floats there.

“And I would be Grima. To avoid some confusion you might have, we share the same body as I cannot detach myself from her.” Grima explained to us.

I inch bit by bit towards Spike before softly nudging him with my elbow, electing him to say something so as to not give them the wrong impression. His entire body slightly hops up, though his body, as sheepish as it was, tries to exalt confidence in the situation. “Wait so you aren’t… You aren’t my Twilight, right? And you guys aren’t gonna like, try and kill us right?” I glance down at Spike with an annoyed expression, kicking him in the shin for asking a dumbass (pun not intended) question like that.

Grasping at his knee he takes an immeasurable amount of deep breaths before sharply exhaling. Although I leave him to wallow in his mistake for a bit.

“No.” Grima said calmly before his expression turned serious. “Unless you were trying to kill my sister Twilight.” Grima explained.

Spike, sucking the pain up while shaking his leg, tells our newest guest something else or rather states it. “Wait, she's my sister, so either you’re lying or something fishy is going on right now.” I was almost tempted to kick his other shin but decided to let Grima and Twilight make the call.

“Not the same Twilight as you know her, Spike.” Grima said, making Spike blink his eyes in confusion of how he knew his name.

“To put it simply, our token did mention the multiverse, meaning there is one of me in each universe across the void; each following a different path or being a different creature, or the same in general with minor differences.” Twilight explained as she brushes her hair aside.

“So there actually is a multiverse, I mean I already guessed that much since I’m here anyways from, presumably my own universe, but this here is living, undeniable, proof.” I think to myself, deciding that I should stop there little back and forth before Spike decides to truly offend them.

“Pardon my partner from his rude comments but he didn’t mean them, not one bit. So would you be willing to teach us a few things about these Displaced?” I know on the outside, or rather I hope that on the outside I seem calm but this is making me way too excited… Excited enough to the point where I may want to go to their world, forcefully.

“You and I are what is known as Displaced; humans yanked from our world and thrown into another into a different body given powers. Some of the others I’ve met often have knowledge forced into their mind or their personality altered to best survive in said world. Some of the more fortunity Displaced stayed in their original bodies with just the powers. Thus far, most of them are connected to the common fate of buying an item, resurrecting or incarnation from death, going to sleep and waking up somewhere else, or they’ve met with some powerful entity desiring to grant them a better life.” Both Grima and Twilight explained in unison, which kind of creeped Spike out and helped me get a feel for their bond, it’s so strong, as if it could never be broken

“Uh… Listen Twilight, Grima you’re both kinda unsettling. I mean I’m sorry, I really am but it’s just the way you talk Twilight, it’s so mellow and neutral. But my Twilight is always eccentric while being nerdy too. And Grima… You’re something completely different to unpack.” Spike looks at me with an apologeticness to it. I obviously don’t return it and instead give him a flat “Are you fucking with me right now?” face.

“Oh, I can assure you I am, as you say ‘nerdy’, in fact if I was not under the calming spell placed by my world’s Celestia, I would be very excited right now.” Twilight explained as she looked around. “Speaking of Twilights, where is she, and why are we in the Everfree Forest?” Twilight asked in curiosity.

I hastily speak up before Spike decides to say something else offensive. “Oh Twilight? Eh she’s just, y’know? Chilling at the library, and we’re here in the Everfree Forest because my buddy here needed a pick me up since he got laid, so I’m taking him hunting for some timberwolves, so far though? We haven’t seen any yet.” Spike nods his head, adding a small. “I didn’t need a ‘pick me up’ but I still appreciate it.” in a soft tone.

Both Grima and Twilight eyebrows both raised in confusion. “...Timberwolves lack meat..” Grima pointed out with skepticism in his voice.

“Well Aizen is really insistent on specifically hunting timberwolves for some reason. I even told him that they don’t have any meat but he said something along the lines of ‘Don’t worry about that, the why isn’t important, just the how.’ And left it at that.” Raising my eyebrow, I can’t really get a good read on their internal thoughts. Every single time I’ve stayed back from the conversation at hand I try to analyze them and they show nearly zero emotion. This’ll be difficult for me to try and manipulate two beings with a shared consciousness.

“Right… I suppose it is just a little something you two do and it is none of my business, so I'll avoid asking questions that’ll lead to more questions.” Grima said with a soft snort, causing a spray of energy to come of his nostrils.

“Good…” I respond to the entity inhabiting Twilight's body with a bit of force laced underneath it before quickly becoming cheery again. “Anyways besides all of that, I can tell there’s a little friction between us all. And there’s a lot of new information processing. So how about this, why don’t we exchange knowledge? Wouldn’t that be a nice icebreaker?” I readjust my cloak and eyepatch, leaning back by a little to put even the barest of inches between us.

“That sounds delightful.” Twilight said as she clopped her hooves together with a little weak smile.

“What do you desire to learn?” Grima asked as he kind of curls around Twilight and lays down onto the ground.

“Oh, hm… Well do you know any spells that you could teach perhaps? Or is it possible you have a tome that we could have?” I further inquired. Spike on the other hand looked a little bored.

“Wha- tomes? Aizen I mean, seriously these guys are from another universe and you’re asking for books? Heh maybe you are more like Twilight than you think.” He ends up poking a bit of fun at me at the end. Much to my lack of care.

“Well then how about this instead, do you both have any tomes that would be accessible to both Myself and Spike since he decided to be a smartass?” I calmly ask them.

“Quite alot actually. As our token mentioned I can give Anima spells, which are basically the elemental powers of Fire, Wind and Thunder. The other being Dark Spells, not to be confused with that of evil, unless you chose to make it so, for it is the caster that can make them that way.” Grima explained before Twilight made a purple tome appear in a flash of purple flames.

Clapping my hands in excitement I look between the alternate Twilight and Grima. “Amazing trick! Is that tome, perhaps, soul bound to you both by chance?

“No, this just a tome my brother Grima wrote all his spells while in my mindscape, and before you ask no, I cannot give it to you, thus you’ll need to tell me which of the four spell types you’d like so that I may write it in another tome.” Twilight explained to me just as a second tome appeared.

Spike gives me a pleading expression as if not to make him do homework and I look back at him with an uncaring look on my face, both of us or rather I’m struck with the difficult choice of what to pick. However, through the process of elimination I think I know which I can or rather should pick. “I can already emulate fire, wind, and thunder all by using Kido spells but not dark spells… The closest thing would be Hado #90: Kurohitsugi but it’s just made of darkened spiritual matter.”

“Twilight, Grima” I individually address them just to build up the moment. “I think we’d both be interested in having the experience of learning Dark Spells.” Clasping my fingers together I stare at them both. Spike makes a small “nooooo” noise but I, again, ignore him.

“Don’t worry, Spike. The magic me and my brother use won’t require any nerd talk, just a clear explanation.” Twilight said as she held out her hoove. Grima leans in, giving Twilight’s ankle a bite, causing blood to flow freely. Twilight begins writing in the tome’s pages in some sort of language. After a minute of writing and flipping pages, some kind of sign appears on the tome’s cover. “But I will show a demonstration so that Aizen gets the general idea.” Twilight said as she hovers the tome over to me.Which I graciously take from the air with an excited grin.

“Spike, it looks like we both lucked out on this one. You don’t have to do the typical studying for this and now we both benefit from having the magic from an entirely different universe.”

Well on his way now, Spike already walking over and hovering beside me, invading my personal space, while observing the unique spell book we have in our possession. “Wait so if I’m understanding this correctly. Then we have an entire tome that has undocumented spells inside it from this alien who looks like my sister and is my sister but at the same time… Isn’t? Getting a little confused himself he starts counting on his fingers before reaffirming it for himself.

“Another sister from another world I suppose I could be.” Twilight said with a giggle of amusement at Spike’s confusion.

“...Well yes but actually no. You still have to study but its more akin to you staring or trying to read the words.” Grima said as he pointed with a purple wing at the tome in my hands.

Spike looks up from the tome to face Grima, shaking his head. “Dude that’s lameeee. I already did that enough with my Twilight.” His head moves and meets me this time. “Aizen are you sure this is worth it. For all we know this could do absolutely nothing.”

Tisking my little apprentice I smile. “Ah ye of little faith. These seem like trustworthy folks and I shall put my faith in them, why don’t we just open up the tome ourselves and see.” And without waiting for Spike’s answer I do it anyways. Revealing pages filled with these incoherent scribbles with only the first line making out a proper word [Flux].

“In order to cast it, you must visualize the spell, focus your magic into your hand, and speak the ancient language [Flux].” Grima said as magic gathered into Twilight’s horn.

“[Flux] is a dark spell, meaning ‘flow’ that lets you control a liquid-like shadowy substance that engulfs whoever is the target. Spike, if you could be the volunteer in this demonstration as I’ll need someone to use it on? Don’t worry, you won’t feel too much of pain as it is the weakest spell at E Tier ” Twilight said to Spike

Walking forward Spike manages to gain the courage to help with the demonstration. “Okay Twilight, I just hope you’re right when you say it won't hurt that much.” The young dragon automatically takes his substitute Arrancar badge in his palm, holding on to it as if it were his life line.

The moment Twilight repeated the word, the shadows suddenly leaped off of the ground and turned into a shade of dark purple, grabbing and surrounding Spike’s body, encasing it in a bubble of darkness. “Now, next you can imagine whatever you want to do with this. Break their bones, hold them in place or fling them, or worse suffocate them.” Twilight explained. The glow from her horn vanishes, causing Spike to softly flop onto the ground.

Spike, heavily panting, says. “That was both the coolest and scariest thing I’ve ever experienced. And Aizen, you were right to pick Dark Spells because that was amazing but lets stop using me as a test dummy, Twilight already did that enough, my Twilight anyways.” The apprentice sits down to take a breather and take in the experience.

I saw how much force could’ve been applied, and I must say this can work as a great torture spell if used properly.” I mentally take note. Tightly gripping the tome in my hands I grin.

“That was absolutely fantastic, you guys. But I must say, we have to cut this encounter short for reasons that I may not disclose. Because I have a very big feeling that something’s coming for some people that aren’t supposed to be here right now.” I said as I heard loud shouting coming from the distance/ I knew it was Twilight (who I shall now refer to as Twilight.S for Sparkle and refer to the one in front of us as Twilight.G for Twilight/Grima) and her two pretty pink princesses, but they were too far away for me to pick up what they were actually saying.

And of course right on cue a huge bolt of purple force slams into the tree in front of me, completely splintering it with all the bark exiting on the other side. “Aizen… I will rip you to bucking Shreds!” Although before she can attempt to carry that out a motherly tone is heard from behind all four of us.

“Twilight. That is not how we handle the situation, first we start off with a non-violent situation and if it further escalates then we use non-lethal to lethal force depending on how dire it is.” Celestia, of course Twilight got Celestia all the way to Canterlot just to help with her tiny little problem.

A small mumble is uttered from Twilight but otherwise she stays silent “Sister, it’s perfectly reasonable for Ms. Sparkle to decide she wants to crush this snake who even tricked me into thinking that they could be normal and not struggle to plot behind your back for two damn seconds!” Luna angrily finishes.

Grima cussed through his teeth as he retracts a little into TwilightG’s back, however it was a little late for that as they had already gotten a look at him.

All three of their heads snap over to the Twilight clone/alternate universe Twilight. Twilight.S looks at Aizen with a demented look on her face as her glows a brilliant deep shade of purple. “You even made a bucking clone of me? What the hay have you been doing while I was asleep? And most of all, what in Tarturses’ name is Spike doing all the way out here in the Everfree alone with you?!My Twilight starts impatiently tapping her hoof on the soft soil as if she’s waiting for Celestia to give her the command to strike..

Luna looks even more infuriated than Twilight and Celestia put together. Her horn goes a deep midnight blue and summons a large scythe behind her. “And you brought yet another demon into this world?” Referring to Grima with a deep hatred in her low tone. “How despicable… You truly cannot be trusted Aizen.”

Celestia’s fury quickly turns into pure disappointment directed at Spike and myself. “I’m sorry but this is too far Aizen, I thought maybe you could change and even if you didn’t I’d be fine with that. But to drag young Spike into this as well? I guess I failed at redeeming someone as crooked as you.”

"Oh for the love of Celestia.." TwilightG said as she rubbed her forehead with her hoove.

"I know, right? they acted like the previous other sisters in the last world we got summoned, except not anthro this time." Grima whispers to TwilightG, earning him a nod from his sister.

"I can assure you that Aizan did not summon me for any kind of vile deeds nor did he create a clone. I am a Twilight Sparkle of another world, and if this world's Twilight is of any similarity to me, will understand the concept of the Multiverse theory." TwilightG said calmly as she picked her words carefully.

I speak up to vouch for the multiversal travelers. “If everyone would just calm down then I’m sure there’s no need for any abrasive actions to be ma-”

Being cut off by Luna I see her swing her scythe towards my neck, catching the blade with my wrist, my hierro defends my neck, making it sound as if two blades clashed each off each other. As soon as this happens Celestia flaps her wings and ascends up into the air, only to light her horn up and instead teleport behind me to deliver a nasty drop kick to my spinal cord, breaking it almost instantly. Luna follows this up by flapping her wings, zooming towards Twilight.G with her scythe in her telekinetic grip. The small noise of teleportation pops are heard trailing behind Luna as Twilight.S follows suit to help her.

Grima quickly curls around TwilightG, protecting her from Luna’s scythe as it collides with his scales.

“I was hoping to avoid this foolishness..” TwilightG said as a wind of magic swirled around her horn.

Luna dashes backwards with fury present on her face. “Horsefeathers! You do not get to call this foolishness when you are a creation of evil. I can sense that dark presence within you that I know Aizen has put inside you.”

“Only our aura is that of darkness, not our intentions.” Grimlight spoke in unison as if the two are not working together.

Twilight.S finally catches up and teleports into the air before charging up her horn to fire a wide arc of fire towards Twilight.G.

“[Elwind]” Grimlight spoke in some language I didn’t understand. Suddenly crescent shaped blasts of wind came flying at Twilight.S’s arc of fire, colliding and thrashing wildly with each other.

Twilight.S’s brows furrow, that same impatient aura she has starts to rise up. “I am sick and tired of not knowing what’s going on. And I’m especially tired of this chaos that seems to just surround Aizen. The fact that you’re with him willingly has to mean you’re on his side. So as the element of magic I will take you in!” Her horn glows even brighter but she grunts in pain, a migraine is forming from all the magical draining whiplash she’s going through. And she cast’s a medium sized fireball to just incite an explosion to try and disrupt the active flowing of magic.

“[Elfire].” Twilight.G spoke, launching her own fireball at Twilight.G, clashing with a powerful explosion of fire, leaving trails of flames along the ground. “I cannot blame you, but you will learn in due time, my counterpart.” Twilight.G said.

Twilight.S is blown back, tumbling over to Spike who he immediately embraces her unconscious body in his arms. Luna, seeing that one of them is out of the fight, uses this as a chance to grab onto Spike and Twilight.S to teleport them both outside the Everfree forest in the middle of Ponyville before teleporting back to where Twilight.G is. Twilight.G stands there calmly, her eyes full of calculation.

“Do not force our hoof, Princess Luna.” Twilight.G said as Grima decides to come out of her back. There was no use hiding since Luna could see the malevolent aura. Luna felt a little uneasy staring at Twilight.G.

“I shan’t be dissuaded by some homunculus seems to not even feel emotional about anything. And to add icing on the cake, you’re going to say something like that when it is we who hold all the power here. As soon as my sister is done with Aizen we shall finish you off as well.” Holding her scythe just above her own neck in her stance.

“I’m sorry to say, but you’ll find that to be utmost difficult, Princess Luna.” Grima said as a greenish blue energy flowed through him and Twilight.G.

Luna glares down at them, raising her scythe she coats it all in magic, making it seem as if a second scythe is also overcoating hers like an alloy. “You can heal all you want, but you will fall. Now then, let's see if you can make this worth my while.”

“[Arcthunder].” Grima spoke, causing twin bolts of lightning to came crashing down toward Luna.

Looking at Grima with a playful expression Luna twirls the scythe in the air with a spinning motion. “Let the winds grace my weapon, lift, lift, lift, and dance!” A huge amount of wind starts spinning around her already twirling scythe. Creating a miniature vortex filled with moisture to absorb the lightning.

“[Arcfire]” Twilight.G spoke, causing a blast of flames to rush out of her horn at Luna.

Luna becomes increasingly irritated from how well this, seemingly just an imitation, of Twilight.G is able to keep up with her so well. “Just make this easier for both of us and die.” Like clockwork Luna tosses her scythe at Twilight.G with enough force to the point where it begins cutting down any trees in its wake. Yet something weird happens, the magic she coated onto her blade forms another magical scythe as it detaches from her original one, creating two cycling blades rushing towards Twilight.G

Both Grima and Twilight.G let out a sigh of unison, as a strange glass-like barrier manifested into being, stopping the two blades. “If only it were that easy.” Grimlight said.

Luna’s neck snaps to the left as she stares at the two of them. “...To hay with it. You’re a dirty… Low down whorse who can’t tell right from wrong because you’re working with your nightmare. So I’ll put an end to you mercifully.” The magical copy scythe fades away as her real one returns to her hoof within her telekinetic hold. “Lunar moon respond to my heed, tides may be turned, death may be veiled, darkness, darkness, darkness, rapture those who are ignorant to you and permanently disable their will: shadow of darkness, shadow of closure!”

The clouds above us darken all around to a supernatural pitch black, ringing is heard from within my ears as Luna laughs menacingly before thousands of tiny black sludge-like needles start pommeling towards Twilight.G and Grima, trying to turn them both into pincushions.

Grimlight is taken by surprise as the needles come straight at him. Before he could speak a magic word, the attack pieces right through Twilight.G, dealing the most damage while to Grima, only half of his body was covered in liquid needles.

The dome of pitch black is soon recedes back into the ground. Luna cockily struts towards Twilight.G and Grima, hanging her scythe over her shoulder. “Ah, I guess those little techniques of yours couldn’t help you this time. It’s about time. But I will say this before you meet your end. I share your pain of being possessed, but sadly we do not have the time or resources to help you.” Luna, brings her scythe, in a vertical manner before dropping it down towards Twilight.G, closing her eyes as she does it.

The blade connects, however, as Luna opens her eyes, she finds the serpent Grima taking the blunt of the attack once more. All was silent as Twilight.G stood still, until the sound of bones cracking was heard. Grima moved forcefully, causing the liquid needles to break one by one. "..I must congratulate you though, Princess Luna.. It has been a long time we felt great pain." Grima said as Twilight.G coughed up blood from the liquid needles that stayed in her body. "But this ends now before my sister Twilight dies because of my fear of fatally wounding you!" Grima said before letting out a loud scream; opening his maw wide open. Luna can see a dark fire building in the back of Grima's throat. "[Waste]." Both Grima and Twilight.G spoke in unison as a powerful explosion of raw dark fire slams into Luna.

A few seconds before the explosion hits Luna, a feeling of pure shock and fright is nearly permanently edged into her. In her few last moments of consciousness she can only think of one thing. “It… Called that clone of Twilight, sister. Maybe there is hope for them yet-” And the explosion of dark flames completely knocks out Luna, rattling her brain within her skull and falling to the ground, defeated.

Slowly, one by one, Grima begins yanking the liquid needles out of Twilight.G as the greenish blue glow enveloped them both, healing up their wounds slowly. “..Brother, before the next time we get summoned? Let’s figure out a way to hide all this dark aura and not be summoned by another Displaced whose sisters act like total…” Twilight.G paused in mid-sentence.

“Stubborn mules, if you’ll forgive me of the term..” Grima said, causing both of them to laugh, although weakly.

Pov: Sōsuke Aizen

I start coughing up a bit of blood before I feel the Hogyoku lightly hum and realign my spine and heal my eardrums, returning them both back to their previous state a few minutes ago. Celestia, seeing how fast I’m about to get back up, gallops over whilst charging her horn full of solar energy and concentrates it into a beam. I hastily roll over to the side and unsheathe my Zanpakuto with one hand and hold the new tome I acquired with the other.

“It really didn’t have to be like this Celestia. If you just gave me a chance to explain-” The alicorn cuts me off.

“I’ve given you chance after chance to explain your motives but every single time it’s a pile of manure with you. But maybe, just maybe I’ll let you explain inside tartarus when we can figure out a way to restrain you well enough.” She growls out.

I squint my eyes at her, loudly laughing before starting to get serious. “Fine then, you’ve left me with little to no choice. Bakudō #4: Hainawa.” A large golden rope forms around my right hand that holds my Zanpakuto and goes to wrap around Celestia. The large mare, seeing this, flaps her wings to start flyings around all the trees and avoid the attack but they keep tracking on to her.

“Really Aizen? Cheap tricks like this are below you. I expected more of you but it seems like today is just full of disappointments.” Celestia attempts to taunt me but I don’t lose focus and instead open the newly gained tome I acquired. “[Flux].” Ancient words I’ve only heard spoken a few times, fluently come from my mouth. As Celestia flies by another tree line, two large shadowy tendrils pincer Celestia’s wings and encase her within a dark, purplish dome like bubble. Celestia becomes pissed off as she starts to charge up her horn but then the bright yellow shackle catches up to Celestia. Fully binding her.

“Now stay there and think about what you’ve done, alright?” A large muffled amount of screaming is heard but I keep both spells in place as I walk back to check on Twilight.G and Grima. However I’m stopped by a torrent of flames that singe my back. I grunt from the temperature rising so rapidly. Though I don’t bother to put out the flames, allowing them to burn away the top half of my clothing. A small purplish’s orb is now visible inside my chest.

“This… Isn’t over Aizen. I’ve let you get away with too much now and this is where I draw the line. I’ll either burn you to a crisp or bring you in. Your choice.” Celestia’s tone is darker than usual, sounding coarse and rough.

“It’s over when I say it’s over, and right now? Yeah it’s fucking over.” Switching from being offensive to defensive I shout. “Hadō #54. Haien.” A medium sized purple ball comes from my Zanpakuto, firing out a large oblong-like circle from it, homing directly onto Celestia. To which she charges up her horn and fires off a small condensed crackle of electricity which explodes the homing fireball. Completely unamused

“Oh please you’ve done this in the past so many times it’s unbelievable, the only reason you caught me off guard was because you used dark magic that I haven’t seen before.”

Ignoring her snide little remark I flashstep a couple of meters back to avoid the blast radius as Celestia simply teleports out of the way. “You can’t win Aizen, so give it up already! I’m tired of you prolonging everything. So please for both our sakes, give in!” She focuses her magic and transports a large golden greatsword from her castle into her telekinesis and starts swinging it from far away. With every little swing however she sends out a small solar wave that ignites into flames. And sends one miniature sun that blitzes towards me, the sun originating from her horn, whose heat I can feel from here.

“Child's play…” I mutter to myself. “Hadō #58. Tenran” I resheath my sword and levitate it in front of me, I slightly poke it and it swerves to the side and creates a small vortex before I grab it as its pommel reaches the top and do a reverse grip vertical slash, creating a medium sized tornado, blasts all of the sun powered slashes back at Celestia but it doesn’t move the sun, it instead makes the sun grow even larger than before.

“I wasn’t expecting, no matter I can just-” And the sun detonates in my face before I could even react, I thought it was slower but I was wrong.

“A true pity Aizen, I really did have high hopes for you but you failed me, yet again.” Celestia walks closer to me. I try and rely on the Hogyoku to heal me but its regeneration is slowing down… Do I want to lose, deep down? N-no! Even if that was the case I cannot stop now, not ever.

Slowly shambling up I let go of my Zanpakuto and tome before raising my hand up. Celestia seems to be confused by this. “Aizen, are you giving up now? You’re clearly not healing as you did all those years ago. Maybe you should take this as a-” But her heart drops and she backs away while pulling up fifty different golden barriers across herself to separate her from this attack. Her horn illuminates the entire half of the forest. Pushing her alicorn body to the limit she looks at me, pleading. “Wait, don’t you dare use that spell, it could destroy this entire part of the forest!”

But I couldn’t hear her, my body’s on autopilot at this point. My mind is blank… My body moves on its own. Raising both of my fists before holding them together and extending them apart, forming a gigantic amount of Reiatsu that is devoid of any color, that’s so condensed it appears to be a very short spear and mumble three words. “Gran Rey Cero.” Weakly blasting it at Celestia I stumbled back from the force it generated on its own, the recoil itself nearly dislocated my left shoulder.

The crackling ball of pure dark purple energy however, crashes into Celestia’s multilayered barrier and briefly pops out of existence before coming straight back in, forming a large black hole that starts sucking all the magic out of the barrier’s spell components and would’ve absorbed Celestia if she didn’t teleport twenty meters back. Afterwards it explodes, forming a huge crater with the explosion seeming to not have affected me. The black void-like explosion, instantly expanding out seventy meters and slamming into Celestia at full force. A large crack is heard from Celestia’s body, her ribcage was nearly completely shattered. A small “w-why?” comes from her muzzle before she drops to the ground, exhausted from her body.

I grip my left shoulder, not in pain but from the fact that I need the balancing to support me in order to still move. Turning from Celestia I feel my injuries slowly start regenerating back to their normal pace but the major ones only fade by a bit. Walking over to my tome and Zanpakuto I sheathe my sword and hold onto the tome, heading back to where the conflict first arrived.

3rd person pov

Aizen shambles back to where they first met Twilight.G, his shamble slowly turns into a small limp before his chest has finally healed enough so that they don’t have any trouble breathing. Grima was curled around Twilight.G as a magical green and blue glow surrounding the two, healing them up slowly. Every so often Aizen would see a purple mist leaving Grima and entering Luna’s body whenever he spoke the word [Nosferatu]. Grima’s head rose to attention as Aizen drew closer.

“I am deeply sorry how all of this fell apart when the two sisters saw me.” Grima said with a fang filled frown.

“I’m a little disappointed your Twilight did not see reasoning when I mentioned the multiverse theory.” Twilight.G said as she was magically mending the holes in her robes caused by Luna’s last attack.

Feeling that his right arm's sufficiently healed enough even though it’s still bruised he waves at the two with a small smirk on his face. “It’s nothing to worry about, all that matters is that everybody made it out alive.” Turning his gaze over to the unconscious Luna, he weakly sits down to take a breather. “What are you doing to Luna?” Asked Aizen.

“A reverse [Nosferatu] by inflicting wounds upon ourselves to heal Luna, while our Renewel ability heals ourselves.” Grima explained, making Aizen nod in understanding of what the greenish blue glow came from.

“Interesting… Although, are you truly sure she deserves your mercy or rather empathy? I like Luna, don’t get me wrong, but ever since that Nightmare Moon incident she’s got an intense grudge on me. An understandable one but still, a grudge nonetheless.” Aizen finishes weakly.

“Would you rather Celestia finds her sister on the brink of death and go after you?” Grima asked in a semi serious tone of voice as he looked at Aizan with those six glowing orange eyes.

Rubbing the back of his head, with a guilty presence surrounding himself. “For argument’s sake I’ll just say no, but I think you of all people, especially considering you were once a human, would know what I’d actually pick.” Bypassing the judgemental stare Grima gives Aizen, he preoccupies himself by scanning the area, starting to count the people around him, Grima, Twilight.G, Luna, and himself… “Did you see where Spike and Twilight.S went? They’re not here. Are they both hurt or did they run off?” Concentrating on his own wounds, they start to mend themselves at an incredible pace.

“Luna teleported them off to somewhere, I’m guessing Ponyville as that’s as far as I sensed her magic presence.” Twilight.G said as she finished healing Luna up. The princess of the night’s body looked freshly healed as if there was no fight at all.

Walking over to the still unconscious Luna. He heaves her across his shoulder and points the way he just came. “Twilight.G, Grima, I need you both to go get Celestia, but watch your step since there’s a crater down there. She should be about forty hooves (around twenty feet) to the left of it.” The antagonistic displaced requested.

“...Crater? You didn’t kill her, did you?” Twilight.G asked in concern.

Waving her off, Aizen shakes his head. “Unconsciously? Yes I was, but when your body’s on autopilot there’s not much you can do about it. But don’t worry she only got caught up within the last thirty hooves of the blast radius so she should be okay, besides singed feathers, body parts, and broken bones.” The uncaring humanoid responded.

Grima let out a tch as a a runic cycle appeared under Twilight.G. “Let us hope they’ve some to their senses when they wake up.” Grima said, and with a flash of light, their form turned into blue light and zipped off into the air. A moment later, the circle appears again as Grimlight reappears with Celestia in tow. Right off the bat, The two begin to use the reverse [Nosferatu] spell to heal her up.

Nodding his head with a little thankfulness behind it, Aizen whistles. “Woo, now that we’ve got that minor little scuffle out of the way, we’ve gotta leave this place. C’mon Twilight.G there’s just one last thing we all have to do before I send you on your merry way. So if you’d please, teleport us where you first sensed Luna’s magical signature spike towards Ponyville so we can go get the other two.”

“..We’re just gonna leave the two sisters here??” Twilight.G asked with a frown.

Aizen shakes his head in amusement. “As much as I’d love to do that, I sadly cannot, so if you’d please.” Leaving them to fill in the metaphorical blank.

“Will do.” Grimlight said in unison as Twilight.G’s horn lite up as Grima summoned the runic cycle, however expanding the size. With a brief flash, all four shot up into the air as bluelight heading toward Ponyville.

Immediately after being beamed towards Ponyville there’s an immediate reaction of multiple ponies freaking at the sight of two of their diarchy figures being unconscious on the shoulder of their most recent resident and on the back of Twilight.G… Then though the Twilight they all know is with her younger brother who were both being comforted and treated by their friends. A large overarching shout is heard from a chorus of six ponies (and a half due to Fluttershy’s voice being naturally quiet.) And one dragon. “Everypony calm down and let us explain what’s going on!”