• Published 16th Aug 2023
  • 1,621 Views, 54 Comments

Kyōka Suigetsu, crumble! - The Archiver

Yet another displaced story. Featuring a guy turned to Aizen who will make everyone crumble into the illusion of despair, for the sake of natural selection... For the sake of those he has yet to care about.

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Chapter one: Back up on my feet

Author's Note:

This is my very first story everyone, hope I do well enough to get a like or two. Anyways leave any constructive criticism in the comments below or any tips you wanna give in general.

"You know how they say that the fastest way to get killed is to anger a sun goddess because she didn't like certain teachings you were giving to her little ponies? Because I still can't believe she imprisoned me for doing what was right..." A few seconds begin to pass before I mentally sigh and internally speak once more. Although small jitters and audible cracks are heard from my stone imprisonment "Okay but seriously, I know the exact moment in which I'll break out of this wretched stone prison but damn if this isn't wearing my patience thin... It's been one thousand years since my imprisonment after all. Thus I should be breaking free just by passively absorbing and storing Reiatsu all these years. But now it'll all be worth it, now I will make my great escape!" And soon after I mentally declared my freedom, those same cracks start reverberating throughout the entire stone encasement. Eventually, actual stone pieces fall out and release my imprisoned form. I take my some deep breaths of the outside world for the first time in a long time.

"WOO! I'm back from the dead baby!" Although I try and keep it on the down low, knowing Celestia she probably had my statue the most guarded. I immediately start trying to sense any nearby Reiatsu but to my unsurprising surprising conclusion, there's nobody of threat around me, however I do notice two big presences inside the castle and... "This was to be expected but it still peeves me that such a creature was born with such magic." Although I do calm myself and take inventory. "Hogyoku inside my body? Check. Awesome clothing that I'll need to get repaired later? Check." Alrighty then, time to make the logical conclusion to meet my old acquaintances while they're under distress. I start using Shunpo to make my way into the castle, thankful I can feel my strength passively welling up, in fact it feels like its grown.

Pov: Princess Celestia

"Lately it's been a stressful life for me. The nobles are as up tight as ever, problems are seemingly starting to pop up out of nowhere, and my fellow sister seems to have no faith in the new element bearers. I cannot see an end in sight to these problems. However it thankfully cannot get any worse than this-." But my thoughts are cut off by Luna.

"Sister! Why did you send Twilight and her friends after Discord, you know how your student can't work well under such stressful situations. But this? This takes the cake! Just because they have the elements of harmony doesn't mean-" However Princess Luna was shortly cut off from continuing by the very same sister.

"That's enough Luna." I hold a stern stance before relaxing once more, softly shaking my head. "Such talk about Twilight's failure is inevitable but you must remember that the elements are a force of nature meant to counter-act chaotic forces. The spirit of harmony will protect her. And in any case, Twilight needs some actual experience if she's going to become our successor." One of my hooves stomp to the floor to solidify my point as my sister and I stare each other down.

"Tia... Truly I do not know what you see in that little mare, she's inexperienced with the real world and is quirky at best." Luna sighs before holding a hoof to her face. "But you always did enjoy playing the long game so I shall stop arguing on the matter."

My face lights up from this, I trot a bit closer to my sister, nuzzling into her neck. "Dear Lulu, I promise you wont regret this, simply let the pieces fall into place." Luna's face, in turn, also begins to loosen up, nuzzling me back as a show of our affection for each other.

However, before this interaction can continue I feel a strange pang inside my heart. As if something that was meant to be long forgotten has reemerged. I back away from Luna while my horn instinctively glows a bright celestial yellow, my wings flaring out to the side as well. "Luna, do you feel that? His presence?" I give Luna a small sideways glance but I can already tell she sensed it as well... Sōsuke Aizen, the one thing we both didn't need today.

"Get ready Luna, he could be here at any moment-" A gust of wind cuts me off. I tear my gaze away from my sister, my warm smile long gone. I face the one who has caused us both grief in the past, causing nightmare moon's uprising, twisting my little ponies into entirely different races, and betraying my trust on multiple occasions. I get into combat position as does my sister.

"Sister, do you think it really is him? I thought that the elements were designed to specifically work against him." Luna questions, although I only give a firm nod of confirmation.

"It has to be, that monstrous pressure he's just barely keeping from putting a spiritual weight on every guardsmare around is right in front of us. So you can come on out already Aizen! " I shout in a demanding tone. And as those words leave my lips, I see him teleport in front of us, although he always called that trick "Shupno" but they work relatively the same.

I watch as his calm facade is displayed, trying to mask his true intentions. All while he circles both of us like we're prey. "Well Princess, I thought it'd be nice to stretch after being encased in stone for a while. And what better place to stretch than in the very Canterlot Castle I was imprisoned in?" His voice is dripping with venom. "

"Save your passive-aggressiveness for later Aizen, me and my sister have half the mind to just strike you down right now to kill you off for good." I watch as Aizen still circles us, having a neutral smile on his face. My mind running into a chaotic frenzy. Tch! Why did he have to break free now of all days? At the same time as Discord's release no less. And just as my sister said, Aizen modified to elements to imprison those with higher amounts of magic for longer the more they fed into it so we could stand a chance against Discord.... But he always played tricks on us. I manage to shake myself out of my mental conversation, noticing that Luna has moved behind me to cover anyways surprise attacks.

"Passive-aggressiveness? Why Celestia I would never stoop so low as to passively wear my emotions like some amateur. No no no, you see I'm here to present you with an opportunity. One so grand you may find yourself awe-struck, would you like to hear it?" Aizen suddenly stops circling us both before standing still. He raises a single eyebrow, seemingly waiting for something.

"Celestia! Don't fall for this vile creature's lies, you know he always has an ulterior motive! Every single time he tries to on-up us in some way shape or form." Luna warns me, nearly seething just from being in front of this monster. I can't help but agree with Luna. However Aizen has helped us on very few occasions without asking for any. I look over to my sister with an apologetic gaze before staring back at Aizen.

"...Fine, I'll hear you out but if I even sense a lick of magic or falsehood we shall both destroy you where you stand." And after that Aizen claps his hands with a smug smile on his face.

"Oh joy Celestia, for a second I thought you would listen to that hotheaded sister of yours. And by the way Luna you seem to have gotten a bit weaker, perhaps your banishment is still recent?" Luna dashes in front of Aizen but stops just before making contact, wind kicking up in her wake.

"Creature, if you dare disrespect me again, a stone imprisonment will be the least of your worries, do you understand?" She stares him down, deep into his eye with an intense glare but he... Laughs?

"Hahaha! Dear Luna you've always been my favorite, being more fierce and ferocious. It's a wonder how you haven't snapped because of how mare-like you've had to act this pass couple of months. But for the sake of getting my offer out of the way I shall appease your demand and attempt to be less disregarding towards your feelings." Luna snorts but ends up backing off. "Now then onto business, I've noticed you're having a bit of a draconequus problem and I can help you fix it, if you'd just let me-." I am the one to cut him off this time.

"The new element bearers are already on it. And I have complete faith in them, they do not need your sly tactics to help them." I tell him with a sense of neutrality. Aizen stops for a moment, staring me deep in my eyes but for some, then turns his attention over to Luna. He smiles then speaks up once more.

"Perhaps you have confidence in them but your sister does not. Luna my dear, whoever these new elements are they most likely have never faced a threat like Discord before, have they?" Aizen rhetorically asks, continuing with his speech. "Listen, I give you both my word that I shall just give them all a helping hand with no ill intentions. Besides, what choice to you really have? I mean sure they might win or they might gruesomely fail and I would never take such chances." He finally finishes before simultaneous landing his gaze on me and my sister.

I'm uneasy about this but we may not have a choice. I mentally sigh before looking over at my sister and telepathically speak to her with magic.

"Luna. Luna can you hear me? I worriedly ask her. Clearly Celestia, I also already know what you're going to say, and as much as I despise that cretin we must temporarily... Work with him. Out of the corner of my eye I can see her do a slight shiver before shaking her head, most likely out of distaste for Aizen. "I'm glad we're on the same page but just in case this goes wrong, we shall have the elements be used on him as a contingency." I quickly respond, and seeing Luna's affirmative nod is all the confirmation I need.

"Okay Aizen we shall accept this offer, for hopes that those one thousand years you were imprisoned have changed you for the better. But if you harm a single one of my little ponies, the entirety of Equstria shall be after you." He merely waves me off.

"Yes yes, no harm shall come to your precious ponies. Now if you'll excuse me, I have a pest problem that needs to be solved." And just like that, Aizen teleports or rather uses "Shunpo" to exit.

Pov: Sōsuke Aizen

Well that was easy, now I suppose I should actually follow through before doing anything else I internally monologue. And while I do so, I manage to travel across miles upon miles in the blink of an eye while air walking before reaching Ponyville in record time. I briefly look around, taking note of the situation. As I take analysis of the small town in havoc I see that almost everything has Discord's signature style to it. Walking flowers, huge wheels of bread that roll down the roads, and his more notable use of chaos magic, cotton candy clouds that rain chocolate milk. However I'm not here to admire the scenery, I'm here to see if Luna truly had anything to worry about. "Heh, and it's obvious Luna isn't the only one panicking, there's ponies running amuck with no sense of real direction. Still, I cannot pay attention to those who do not need it."

I stop right about the town and take a deep breath, close my eyes, then exhale. My sense are flooded with new information, sensing the different amounts of Reiatsu everyone around me has. I can distinctly feel five ponies with a trace of chaos magic that's blocking off their connection with the natural harmony that this planet has to offer. Yet there's something else... A strong feeling of harmony that's slowly depleting within the pony. They're most likely a unicorn with the extra amount of Reiatsu they have. And judging by the fact that their signature is moving away in the opposite direction from the other effected ponies from Discord's influence. I can only assume that this is an element bearer. I Shunpo over above them. Actually being able to make out their or rather her physical features, a lavender colored mare with a purple and velvet colored mane, the same applies to her tail. Upon even closer inspection she seems to be losing hope, slowly succumbing to Discord's effects.

"I guess this would be a good first impression to make on an element of harmony user. Nevertheless it's time to make my appearance to this new world that's changed over the past millennium!" After finishing my mental prep talk I stop producing Reiatsu below my feet, jumping down behind her with a large thud.

"W-what was that?" She leaps up into the air, being startled from the sudden noise before turning around "Who's there...." However as soon as she sees me her jaw drops while I smirk.

"Ah someone who recognizes me, barely anyone ever visited my statue but you did every day. I guess when Celestia nicknamed me "The forbidden practitioner" you must've gotten it drilled into your head about what I looked like? Truth be told though, I have no recognition of you." As I smugly introduce myself I walk closer to the mare, inch by inch.

"S-stay back, I've read what you've done in the past. You should still be trapped in stone right now for what you've done!" Her horn flares up but it sadly only leaves a couple of sparks before powering back down. Although her body language still carries a bit of fire inside her

I stop in my tracks and give her a bit of space. "Ah, sorry about my reputation. Both story tellers and writers tend to twist my accomplishments and leave out the details of most of my deeds being necessary for growth. However your dear princess would never let me sell these out to potential buyers and prohibited me from ever giving it to her little ponies due to 'potential dangers' but please let me formally introduce myself." I put a hand on my chest while keeping the other behind me. Twilight gives me a skeptical look but knows she cannot do anything against me in her current state.

"I am Sōsuke Aizen, the displaced hybrid who's finally breached the barriers between soul reapers and hollows. I'm an intellectual despite what others may say and currently I'm at your humble service, curtesy of your princesses." The lavender mare looks disheveled at this introduction.

She snorts and shakes her head. "Curtesy of my princesses?! Like I'd believe Princess Celestisa or Princess Luna would send a criminal as wretched as you to my aid... Unless she didn't believe in me." Her eyes lock onto mine in disbelief. And even though I could just confirm this I decide to put up a concerned facade.

"Oh no you misunderstand miss. She just sent me here as reassurance for you since she cares so deeply about you. So why don't you tell me your name so I can stop calling you miss?" I ask with a fake sense of cluelessness as I tilt my head.

The lavender mare shakes her head and sighs. "...I still don't trust you but if both Princesses sent you then they must have a good reason for it. And for the sake of the princesses I shall tell you my name. I am Twilight Sparkle." The mare named Twilight Sparkle lamely presented herself. I'm a bit disappointed by this but choose not to show it.

"Twilight Sparkle? What a pleasant name, I can tell we'll get along just fine." I slyly comment. "So Twilight, I see you have a little problem going on that involves a certain draconequus, am I right?" She glares at me for my lack of real care but chooses not to say anything about it.

"If you mean Discord then yes we have a problem. But me and my friends can't beat him without the elements of harmony and he's hidden them somewhere." Twilight lets out a slight sniffle. Remembering what happened to her friends and what split them all up.

I lean closer to her, this time not moving an inch. "Well then do I have a solution for you. How about this, I go find these elements of yours for you and you go try and gather your friends back up. It should be easy since you've all had so much time spent together, hence why this little fight wont stop you all from saving the world again. All you have to do is believe in what your heart knows is the truth, after that all you have to do is follow through." Twilight's glare lightens up as does her entire body, she looks thankful... Twilight walks closer to me before grabbing my hand in her hoof, firmly shaking it while saying "I hope I don't regret this Aizen, you have a bit of my gratitude." And then she gallops off back from hence she came.

I look at my hands, clenching them with a large smile. Because through that motivational speech I gave her there's a hidden intent, like always, through it and I need the elements of harmony in order to get back up on my feet! Now then time for my first time using a spell outside my imprisonment.

"Bakudo #26: Kyokkō" Light starts to bend around me, my body begins fading from sight as does my Reiatsu's presence. Eventually I manage to fully blend into the background "hopefully I can find these elements in time." With that, I start flash stepping around town whilst activating my spiritual senses, whether or not I find these Dues ex Machina artifacts.