• Published 16th Aug 2023
  • 1,621 Views, 54 Comments

Kyōka Suigetsu, crumble! - The Archiver

Yet another displaced story. Featuring a guy turned to Aizen who will make everyone crumble into the illusion of despair, for the sake of natural selection... For the sake of those he has yet to care about.

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Chapter nine: May the best man (or most informed) win

Three days later, pov: Spike

Getting up from my bed I feel fantastic, as usual. “This week has been amazing! Seriously, it’s like nothing can go wrong from this point on. Aizen says that I’m doing excellent in my training so far. Twilight isn’t being as up tight as she once was. And I get to eat as many gems as I want without getting a stomach ache.” Yup, life is going good right now. I’ve been practicing how to use my sonido more effectively with Aizen while Twilight’s been helping me with how to control my magic output. And today I’ll apparently be doing something different with Aizen, without Twilight being there.

Stretching my body I can feel a couple of cracks throughout my body here and there, nothing out of the ordinary. Doing my daily routine and finishing it with efficiency, as always. I’m about to exit through my door when a sudden “hey” from behind throws me off my game.

“Didn’t mean to spook you Spike, but I did tell you to keep up your Pesquisa in a constant state while waking up. I can’t entirely blame you though, I’m a little rusty with passively using Pesquisa as well.” The familiar voice of Aizen speaks up.

“Dammit Aizen, why’d you come into my room all of a sudden. It’s still pretty early for me to start training anyways.” I mildly complain, scratching the back of my head. He knows I never activate it in the first place unless I absolutely need to. And this ain’t one of those times.

Aizen crosses his arms and shakes his head. “Do you really think that I’d come to you so early for something like that?”

In response I do the only thing I could possibly find appropriate for an answer. I deadpanned. “Seriously though, did he actually want me to answer that?” I stupidly question myself.

“Seeing the look on your face, I doubt I’d actually want an answer. Don’t worry though, I’ve actually come for something that’s less painstakingly difficult.” Moving closer to me, Aizen stops a few feet away. “Spike, my greatest and only student, would you like to hang out for the day?” My teacher asks me.

To my confusion I look back and forth to make sure he’s actually speaking to me and not just talking to something I can’t see. “Aizen… You realize that whenever we hang out, something weird usually ends up happening, right?” Pointing out the obvious usually works with people like Aizen… Usually, yet this time that doesn’t seem to be the case, weird.

“You worry too much Spike. Today’s gonna be a day of no training, no reading, no worrying about magical mishaps, and especially no magical hijinxs.” Aizen reassures me.

“You know a month ago I would’ve taken that at face value but now? Now not so much, I’m fine just doing this.” I decline his request without batting an eye.

Sighing Aizen is clearly disappointed in my lack of interest. Deciding now would be the best time to use his secret weapon Aizen pulls out a bag of bits. “Spike I’m willing to take you to the local comic book store, right after I run an errand, just to get you to come.”

Okay, while I don’t like to admit it, I really do love the powerponies comics and I’ve really been meaning to get this new issue that’s been out. Ah fuck it, lets do this thing. “What are you waiting for Aizen? I’m already good to go.” Shalom the tiredness out of my body I hurriedly put on my Arrancar clothing and gather my sword and sheath before heading outside, completely skipping breakfast.

And today just kept on getting weirder. As soon as we left the library I noticed that it was actually closed for today which isn’t something that Twi does without asking me to help her clean up and reorganize the damn place. That isn’t the only thing that caught me off guard though, it’s where we were headed, for some reason it seemed like we were headed towards sugar cube corner. But that can’t be true since Aizen’s been avoiding Pinkie like the plague.

Walking down the cobblestone roads, Aizen is completely silent but I notice him glancing at me every now and again.

“Dude, what’s up with you? You’ve been staring at me every ten seconds ever since we started walking.” I blatantly asked him.

“Hm? Nothing, I’m just a little distracted today. We’ll just carry on.” Aizen answered with no hesitation whilst gazing at something. His eyes trailed off into the distance where I can clearly see him looking at the sky, but Aizen’s squinting his eyes like he’s trying to make out something.

“O…Kay, whatever you say man. Listen, lets just get whatever you need to get and bounce. I don’t wanna be out here all day.” I remind him.

Not taking his eyes from out of the sky, Aizen merely nods his head. “Yes, of course Spike. Do not worry one bit, we’ll have this done within a reasonable time period.”

Shrugging my shoulders I continue walking next to Aizen. Getting the occasional look from a pony, not that I mind anymore. “By passively getting stares ever since I was in Canterlot from just being born a dragon, you could say that I’ve gained the skill of ignoring those around me. That wasn’t something I should’ve picked up at such a young age but hey, who cares?”

“Spike, we’re here.” Hearing Aizen’s voice knocks me out of my thoughts. I look around and see that we are in fact in front of sugarcube corner. Aizen, tilting his head, questions me. “Is everything alright with you Spike? You seemed a little off with how you present yourself.”

“Yeah… Yeah I’m fine, I’m only thinking about something. We can just go in right now. But uh, why exactly are we here in the first place?” I inquired.

Pulling his arms back and above his head, Aizen yawns before answering. “I simply wanted to treat you. All in all, you’ve been a great disciple Spike. And I know that for whatever comes up, whatever challenge you may face, I know that you can do it. And I may also be celebrating that idiotically difficult spell that I was deciphering all this week.” Opening up the doors to the bakery, I’m hit with the sweet smell of baked goods. It’s like a symphony of desserts at my claw tips.

The bakery itself was having a pretty good day, some ponies were sitting together in booths. All of them enjoying a sweet of their own or sharing with another. And to our luck there’s no line today which doesn’t happen often. And to add onto all the shock today, Rainbow Dash is in one of the booths. But she didn’t seem to notice either of us and instead was staring outside through a window and slurping on a strawberry milkshake. I thought she had work today, it’s none of my business though.

Ignoring Rainbow’s usual laziness, I put my claws into my pocket, yawning once again. “It’s about time I get rewarded for all that work you’ve been putting me through.” I declare before taking my gaze off of Aizen and to the cashier. And surprise surprise it’s Pinkie Pie. “Hey Pinkie, nice to see you again after that party, I mean, besides the entire kidnapping thing but that’s alright.”

The party pony waves over at both of us from the cash register. “Oh my Celestia, Spike and Aizen. How are you both doing today? My Pinkie sense told me you’d both be here but I didn’t believe it since Aizen told me that he never wanted to see me again after defying the laws of physics and nature without a proper explanation but I guess he was just joking.”

“Yes, well we all cannot have what we want. So I must bear with your existence for now.” Aizen tells Pinkie Pie.

“Aizen you’re such a kidder. So what brings you both here?” Pinkie Pie asks us.

“We’re just out here to eat some snacks, today’s meant to be a helluva relaxing day, Pinks.” I casually called her by one of her nicknames.

“Come on over then and lemme get your orders! Oooh, now that I think about it, I’ve never gotten to take your order before Aizen. I guess I’ll figure that out today, c’mon tell me!” My friend tried to rush Aizen, though to be fair this is Pinkie we’re talking about. She’s basically bound to act like this.

A small hmph comes from Aizen but otherwise he doesn’t complain. “I’ll let Spike go first, it’d be rude if I ordered first when he’s the entire reason I came here.” Stepping aside, Aizen lets me give Pinkie my order.

“Okie doki, didn’t think you had any manners. Wow, guess when my Pinkie sense said a lot of unusual things were gonna happen today it meant it!” Pinkie softly interjected.

A small smile finds its way on my face, I never heard anybody talk to Aizen like that before without immediately apologizing. Then again, Pinkie’s gonna be Pinkie. “Okay I think I’m ready to take my order Pinkie.” I tell the mare who’s getting a very neutral stare from Aizen.

“Don’t worry about that, I think I already have both of your orders. But to be safe just check them out first, I’m pretty sure you’ll both like them though.” Pinkie then turns around from us and pulls out two boxes, one with a baker’s dozen of muffins that has green gems scattered atop them. Which is one of my favorites. While the other one is split between chocolate chip cookies and brownies.

“How is it even possible that you guessed… You know what? For the sake of all sane minds out there I won’t question it.” Aizen says. “Just, just tell us how many bits we owe you.”

“All of this? It’s twenty four bits. I put a lot of effort into making both of your batches. Like I do with every sweet I bake.” Pinkie answers, pushes both boxes from the counter towards us.

“Aw thanks Pinkie, you always seem to know what I’m gonna get.” Taking my sweet sweet victory muffins, Aizen takes his with one hand and levitates exactly twenty four bits from the pouch he had earlier.

Pinkie takes all the bits before popping the cash register open and sliding them in and closing the cash register again. “Thank you for the business, come back as many times as you’d like!” She waves us both off as we find a booth to sit at, I lead us over to Rainbow Dashes’ table.

“Hey, do you mind if we sit here?” I ask the daydreaming pegasus.

“Huh?” Looking over from the window the rainbow headed mare’s surprise from our sudden appearance. “Hey Spike, hey Aizen, yeah sure you guys can sit here. How’s it going with that new training thing that you’ve been doing?” She casually asks.

Both of us sit across from her, setting down our sweets to enjoy them. “Training’s going good, we’ve been making a lot of progress. Funny you should ask about that since that’s sorta why we’re here in the first place. A little celebration from overcoming obstacles.” Taking a bite out of one of my muffins, I feel my worries melt away. Yeah, going with Aizen was definitely the right call for today.

Nodding her head, Rainbow Dash continues looking outside, passively drinking from her milkshake as she does, until Aizen pipes up. “So what are you thinking about? Because by the way your body language has been going, you’ve obviously got something on your mind.”

Rainbow Dash looks back at both of us this time before sighing and letting go of her straw. “I’m thinking about how all my other friends have pets except for me. Silly, yeah I know but I realize that I need somepony that’s gonna be able to keep up with the Dash.” Putting one of her hooves upright, she rests her head upright.

Already on my third muffin, I swallow the one I’m chewing right now. Right after holding up a single claw to signal for her to wait. “Have you tried asking Fluttershy if she could get you a pet? You know she’s always willing to give a pet a new owner.” I advised Rainbow Dash.

“Ask Flutters huh? Y’know what, that ain’t a bad idea. Thanks Spike, I’ll catch you both later! I’ve got a new pet that I need to find.” Hastily downing the rest of her drink, Rainbow Dash bolts upright and flies above all the booths and out the door.

Aizen doesn’t appear to be fazed by this unlike with Pinkie. Instead he crosses over one of his legs over the other. Getting into a more comfortable position. “My dear companion, Spike, have you ever thought of what your fullest potential is? I know I’ve asked you something similar beforehand and I just wanted to know your answer.” My mentor questions out of nowhere.

Mimicking his relaxed posture, I slump forward with my chin touching the table. “I don’t know man. We both know I’m growing right? So I guess we’ll know when we get there.” Answering that left a small but noticeable taste in my mouth, besides the five other muffins I shoved down my throat. It’s as if I need to keep growing despite what I think.

Seeming to only watch over me as I eat, I look down at his box to see absolutely nothing, no box, no brownies, and no cookies either. “Hey Aizen what happened to your stuff? One moment it was there and now it’s not.”

Asking Aizen doesn’t actually spark any surprise from him, in fact he lazily answers. “It’s an illusion, I ate half of both before teleporting the rest back home. I was finished a few moments ago.”

Rubbing my eyes I do a double take at Aizen.That neutral gaze he’s giving me isn’t doing me any favors though so I let it be. “I’m about finished too. I’ll save the rest for later, no use scarfing all of them down this soon.” Opening my claws and briefly concentrating on the space in front of me, I open a small Garganta and push my box of baked goods through it.

Aizen’s small glance of disappointment isn’t lost on me and noticing that I noticed his dismay he holds up a finger. “No, no, before you say anything I apologize. I was merely expecting for that gateway to take you less time than that.” He clarifies

“It’s nothing, I know you’re sorta expectant with this training thing but it’s for the betterment of myself and to finally be able to protect my big sister. A small price to pay if you ask me.” I jokingly responded, following up by asking. “What’s next on the list anyways?”

“I need to go pick up a book holder from Rarity. I wish I could’ve gotten the order in sooner but you are one of my top priorities Spike.” He replied before scooting over to the side, then Aizen got out of the booth.

Going after him, we both leave the store as I’m waving bye to the now-busy Pinkie. “We’re gonna go visit Rarity? Man it feels like I haven’t seen her in ages, even if it has only been six or so days.” Admitting that surprisingly didn’t fill me for a sense of longing for her like it always had. I really am growing up if I’ve already moved past that little crush I had over her. Thinking about it now, it really was quite silly.

“We’ve all been busy lately with these new changes to our lives.” Aizen tells me, relating to the matter himself. “And whether or not these changes are helpful? Entirely dependent on our own life choices, perspectives, life styles, and environmental conditions. Take that however you will though. Since I choose to live my life unorthodox from this world. In my eyes there can be good, bad, gray, you name it, it can become something that’s apparent. However you must utilize it to your advantage and hold your own moral standards up high Spike, please never forget that.”

“Okay that’s definitely weird, he’s only been giving me this type of advice more and more since I started training…” Weird directional guidance aside. I nod my head and give Aizen a thumbs up.

Smiling with one “or both, that eyepatch makes it hard to tell” of his eye(s) closed, being satisfied from my answer, Aizen taps a foot on the ground, stopping in his tracks. “Good, now then lets pick up the pace, try using Sonido in short dashes from here all the way to carousel boutique. I’ll see you when you get there.” Extending his palm I can feel the Reiatsu from him briefly well up, creating a Senkaimon. “Oh and please try not to bump into anyone or crash into anything, thank you.” Walking through the gateway he closes it behind him.

Staring at where Aizen once was, I furrow my brows. Getting into a sprinting position, I crack a small smile. “That’s your little challenge? The boutique is only half a mile from here, I can easily make that.” Gloating to no one in particular I take off in an instant, making a small sound in my wake.

“Just gotta make sure not to bump into anyone” I remind myself, quickly weaving and dodging into very confused ponies who are probably wondering where these random gusts of wind are coming from.

Glancing back, my smile keeps on growing wider and wider. The wind carrying underneath my feet feels absolutely amazing. Now I can see why Aizen likes doing this so much. “I’m coming through so watch out!” I twisted my head around to try and tell the crowd in front of me but accidentally knocked over a seafoam green unicorn, Lyra.

Tumbling over, I swiftly hop back up to my feet, concerned for one of my friends I rush over to help her up.

“D-did anypony see whose carriage slammed into me?” Her dazed state is all I need to see that she’s probably seen better days up.

Snapping my claws in front of the mildly confused unicorn, I grab her hoof and help her upwards. “Sorry Lyra, I accidently knocked into you, but first before anything.” I put up three claws in front of her face. “How many am I holding up and what’s your first and last name?”

Her brief confusion from my random questions doesn’t stop her from actually answering them. “Uh, three claws and I’m L-Lyra Heartstrings. Why are you asking me this Spike?” She correctly answers, to my immense relief. I move over to dust her off before giving her some personal space. As I help her up, I notice another pony watching me. Usually people only stare for a couple of seconds before going on with their business but this one…? He only stared at me, and you know what? It was the same guy who was watching me during Nightmare Night, and he’s still got that militaristic outfit on. Rubbing my eyes due to disbelief I try and spot him again but he’s already gone.

“It was probably just some nut job anyway, I’ll just ignore that guy and tell someone later.” Putting that in the back of my mind for later I look back over to Lyra. “Sorry I was just trying to see if I gave you a concussion, you should be fine though as long as you get some good rest. Though, I’d still recommend seeing a doctor to be sure. Anyways we’ll talk later, see you Lyra!” Remembering that I’ve still got a challenge to do, I dash off elsewhere, leaving only a blurb of my after image where I once was. Leaving a still confused unicorn to go back to trying to do the rest of her business.

Feeling a little sorry for how I left Lyra so soon after knocking into her like that I promise myself that I’ll make it up to her. However I don’t have nearly enough time to think about it since I’m already in front of Rarity's shop with a very smug looking Aizen, giving me a knowing look.

“I’m late, I’m late, you don’t even have to say it.” I admitted, not even bothering to give him the satisfaction of letting those words come from his mouth. “Can we go in already?” Irritated doesn’t even begin to describe how I’m feeling right now but I’ve gotta bear through it for a little while longer.

“Actually? I don’t even care, I’ll just go in right now.” Pushing past Aizen I open up the doors and immediately flag down Rarity. A small round of applause behind me is a dead giveaway he came after me. Not like I wasn’t expecting him to… Woah, that felt weird to think about, probably nothing though. Besides that weird instinct I got to be expectant about something so basic, Rarity approaches the both of us, holding several threads and needles with her magic.

“Hey Rares, nice to see you again.” Waving at her, the look of my unexpected appearance is accompanied by a bright smile.

“Spike! What a wonderful day it must be for you to have come here. And Rares? Well that is most certainly new, you’ve never called me anything like that before.” Turning her head by a bit she stares at Aizen, never dropping her beautiful smile. “Also, hello Aizen, a pleasure to see you. I got a little preoccupied with a project but not to worry, I know you’re here for that book holder of yours. Just allow me to go fetch it for you darling.”

“That’d be much appreciated thank you.” Aizen and I both say at the same time, facing each other briefly before chuckling about how absurd that moment was. So absurd in fact, that it gets the mood lightened back up. At this point it’s me and Aizen talking about random things that’ve happened to us in the past. That is until Rarity comes back five minutes late with a book- er I guess tome holder in her magic. Strangely enough, its materials look almost identical to leather.

Levitating the requested item down, Rarity puts it in Aizen's hands. “Thank you for your business deary. Now I don’t mean to be rude but I must ask that you both sho away for now. The project I mentioned earlier is of utmost importance.”

“Yup, classic Rarity.” Shaking my head, some things never change, do they? “Kay, see you Rarity, have a good day.” Not even bothering to wave, we both exit out of her store. I slump down to the floor, kinda exhausted since it almost looks like it’s a little past noon now. Aizen takes a spot on the floor next to me. Already having his tome holder strapped to his waist, another thing to add to the ever growing list of questionable things Aizen does.

“Spike, I know you’ve been wondering all day why I, all of a sudden, chose to bring you around with me. And I’ll be honest, I wanted to soften the blow before I have a straight conversation with you about all of this. And I mean all of this because things aren’t what you think they’ll be from now on. People are going to get hurt, people are going to be killed. All of these upcoming events will be due to one pony and one pony alone...” Leaning his head down, Aizen’s face is blocked out by the shadow of the sun.

“Young drake, do you know who Yhwach is?”

Author's Note:

Well who could've seen that coming?! :pinkiegasp: