• Published 16th Aug 2023
  • 1,623 Views, 54 Comments

Kyōka Suigetsu, crumble! - The Archiver

Yet another displaced story. Featuring a guy turned to Aizen who will make everyone crumble into the illusion of despair, for the sake of natural selection... For the sake of those he has yet to care about.

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Chapter fourteen: A hearth's warming for family.

Pov: Pinkie pie (time skip a month later)

A nice winter breeze flows by the building of Sugarcube corner as I finally finished packing up my items for a weeks worth trip.

“It’s finally hearth’s warming! Where everypony gives every other pony presents, and this year I get to spend it with my family! I gotta say my goodbyes to my friends before I do though.”

Flipping a scarf around my neck and boots on my hoofises I happily trot out of my room with my packed suitcases left inside at the front door. I hop through the road to go to Fluttershy’s cottage and wish her a happy Hearth’s Warming.

Everypony is out and about playing with family and friends. And then a silly thought enters my head. “What more could a pony ask for right now?”

The answer to that would be a huge Hearth’s Warming party, that’s not really something I can do right now though, don’t wanna annoy anypony too badly today.

I happily arrive at Fluttershy’s cottage, but her front door is already open. These weird footprints are tracking through the mud and only end at the front door.

“Aw, I didn’t know Fluttershy would already get a guest before I got here. That just means that I’ll have one more pony to greet.” I tell myself as I hop through the front door, but as I do, the sweet melody of a flute being played.

Bringing my eccentric energy through the door and positive attitude, I go in Pinkie style to see who’s the talented pony playing that nice song.

Fluttershy is in her living room along with Aizen? Holding a very delicately carved flute in her hoof. “Oh my, this is a wonderful gift, thank you Aizen. With this I might be able to calm any type of pony with this flute without even having to use the stare.” She softly thanks him.

“It was my pleasure Fluttershy. I know we don’t talk very often so I wanted to get you a Hearth’s Warming present for you.” Smiling, he turns over to the door and sees me. “Hello Pinkie Pie, nice of you to drop by. You were actually going to be my next stop but it’s a happy coincidence we’re meeting up here.”

Fluttershy’s head perks up from Aizen’s over to me. “Hey Pinkie what are you doing here? A-are you maybe visiting me before you get to the train station to visit your family for break?” She asks while slightly fidgeting in her mane.

“Why wouldn’t I visit one of my best friends in the whole-wide world right before I leave? I don’t want any of my friends to feel like I just got up and left.” I jokingly told her in return. Putting my attention back on Aizen I give him a good look up and down. “And what did you have for me that you’d visit?”

Aizen looks at me with a relaxed grin. “I’m glad you asked, look no further because when you return from Sugarcube corner you’ll have this bad boy.” Aizen pulls open up one of those sliding doors he took me through before, it was pretty cool. But that’s beside the point, he pulls out a baking tray from it and hoofs it to me.

“A baking tray? Thanks Aizen but I don’t see what’s so bad about it.” Holding up the baking tray in one of my hooves I spin it around giggling as I do.

“It’s not just a baking tray. It’s a sleek, extremely heat resistant, and any food that’s on it can come off with a single swipe of a washcloth.” He almost explained that like a salespony would.

“Amazing presentation Aizen, bravo bravo!” I put the baking tray away in my mane and clop my hooves together.

“Why thank you all. Such a wonderful audience that I’ve been given. Sadly I can't stay, I must be heading to Rarity’s now to give her a present as well.” Aizen leans down and gently rubs Fluttershy’s head. Her face almost turned into a tomato from that.

Such a lucky coincidence, hope Aizen won’t mind a plus one. “Oh, oh take me with you! I was going to Rarity’s house next anyways to tell her goodbye after Flutters.”

“Sure thing Pinkie, I’ll bring you along with me.” Aizen calmly answered.

“T-then I guess I-I’ll be seeing you two later then Aizen and P-Pinkie.” Fluttershy said.

Aizen was already in the middle of walking through the door when he heard her. “That you will Fluttershy, hopefully sooner than later.” He was already out of the door. I tailed after the slippery guy.

Pov: Sōsuke Aizen

“I wouldn’t call this a stroke of luck or anything of the sorts. A pleasant surprise though? It is indeed, I won’t have to worry about finding this anomaly if I can just keep an eye on her and not have to worry about losing my well deserved break.”

I finished up my thought however and left it at that.

“So Aizen, who’re you spending your Hearth’s Warming with? Just curious since you always seem to be doing something elsewhere.”

Wow… I never expected to hear something so non-idiotic from Pinkie, she really is an anomaly. “Actually I’m planning on spending it with the apple family. As an apology for what happened to their cousin and because Spike and Twilight are going to spend Hearth’s Warming with their family and number one they needed me to watch over the library and number two, I generally didn’t find the aspect of explaining why their son almost got killed to be appetizing.”

Pinkie’s mane briefly lost some of its poofiness before regaining it, which is another thing I’ve need from her. “Things still turned out for the best though, Braeburn and Spike are still alive and that’s all that matters.” She actually sounded a little serious during that

Although I didn’t respond in any way, Pinkie still understood my answer. We continued to walk through the snowy roads and occasionally greet other ponies. Or rather Pinkie did, instead I merely waved until we reached Rarity’s boutique. I knocked on the door and ignored the snow falling on my hoodie.

The door creaks open with a white hoof pushing it. “I’m terribly sorry darling but Carousel Boutique is currently closed dearies-“ The door finally opens enough revealing the two of us. “My, my what a welcomed surprise. What might you two be doing here?” The fashionista asked the two of us.

“We’re here to give you a warm, happy Hearth’s Warming Rares. And Aizen’s here to give you a present. Aizen show her whatcha got!”

Okay maybe I am a little thankful for Pinkie being here. That’s some pretty nice set up. “Of course, for a beautiful lady like you. I have this gem that matches it, this is a Celelite. I made it from the basis of a diamond and refined glass, it refracts at nearly twenty percent more than the average level of luminosity.” Putting my hand into my pocket I pull out a dark marine blue gem that’s about two sizes smaller than my palm. Giving it to Rarity who takes it in her magical field. Blue lights dance all around like a disco ball.

Rarity’s eyes light up like Hearth Warming tree lights. “D-dearies! Thank you so much. What an exquisite gift this is. This shall be a wonderful accessory for me to wear. I will find some way to implement this into a lovely dress or maybe even a mane pin.”

Leaning backwards I shrug my shoulders. “It’s my pleasure Rarity, just thought I’d get something for you. Especially after being so generous with these wares you’ve given me.”

Pinkie starts nudging my shoulder. “Are you sure you aren’t gonna be spending Hearth’s Warming with a special somepony?”

Rarity blushes after hearing that. “D-darling, I didn’t know you thought of me in that way. But I must decline your feelings dear.”

Can’t say I didn’t expect Pinkie to say something so ludicrous. That look she’s giving me past Rarity’s own flusteredness says it all. “Apologizes, that was merely “Pinkie Pie being Pinkie Pie” as the saying is so commonly used. I am happy to hear that you enjoy my present so greatly.”

Rarity’s in the middle of fanning herself. Relieved about the cleared miscommunication. “Pinkie, you mustn’t kid like that. You know how I am with romantics. That little prank you pulled nearly made me faint!” She dramatically tells her friend.

Pinkie Pie keeps that same sly smile of hers. “Technically I only hinted at it. You came up with your own conclusion.”

The pristine mare does a small “hrmm” but lets it go. A small red tinge covers her face.

“Pinkie, stop torturing your friends like this.” I tell Pinkie Pie, turning over to Rarity. “Goodbye and happy Hearth’s Warming miss Rarity.” I go back into the streets of Ponyville and Pinkie following close behind. Snowflakes dancing from all around us.

“What house are we hitting up next?” Pinkie Pie curiously asked

“Rainbow Dashes’ place, but I’ve got a feeling-” As I start talking I notice Pinkie Pie raising one of her hooves. So I pointed to her. “Yes Pinkie?”

“I know where Dashie is, she’s hanging out near Applejack’s farm to talk with her right before she leaves for Cloudsdale to go see her parents too.”

“Ah, wonderful Pinkie. Twilight told me that she’d also be visiting Applejack along with Spike for a monthly test. Great to see that the rest of you are already bundled up into a nice package.” I took my sweet time walking to Applejack’s farm with Pinkie asking me a multitude of questions. Many of which were pointless in nature.

Some more time passes before we reach Applejack’s farm and arrive at the scene of Applejack, and Rainbow Dash together. “I’m tellin ya RD, your parent’s will be happy to see ya. Even if they are a lil overbearing.” Applejack tells her rainbow headed friend.

“Ugh, I know they’ll be happy but that’s the problem! They’re so suffocating whenever I do anything it’s unreal.” Rainbow Dash complains.

“Rainbow, c’mon now, least that means parents love ya though, don’t they?”Applejack argues.

“Yeah Rainbow, I’m pretty sure you can cut them a bit of slack.” Walking up to them both I make my presence known.

They both flinch as both Pinkie and I appear out of seemingly nowhere. “Try not to scare me like that again Aizen, and Pinkie you should know better by now.” Applejack sternly says. Pinkie giggles in response. “What even brings y’all back so earlier anyways? Thought you said you had some business to take care of.” Applejack already started recovering from the shock since I’ve done random check-ins with Braeburn before in the past month.

“This is business, AJ, very serious business.” Pinkie Pie says

“Pinkie’s correct, I’m going to give that daring pegasus over there, this Hearth’s Warming gift.” I pull out a blue colored bottle and toss it to Rainbow Dash who catches it with a wing and expects the container.

“Can you explain why you just threw a blue thing at me?” Rainbow Dash starts skeptically inspecting the blue-colored bottle.

I readjust my jacket, if only to appear neat. “It’s a shampoo specifically designed to help with wing preening and force loose primaries to fall out and start growing new ones. The effects aren’t instant but if you apply it weekly you will notice a huge difference from normal brandings.”

Rainbow Dash begins to sport a large grin. “Aw sweet! This is gonna save me so much time on trying my hardest to look awesome. For a second there I thought this was just some lame drink or something like that.” She holds the shampoo in her hooves as if it were a piece of treasure.

Pinkie Pie repeatedly shakes her head up and down. “I know right? Aizen got me this super neato baking tray that’s super easy to clean. He’s being so nice you’d almost think that he’d be planning something.” She really can’t help herself whenever it comes to being spot on in either coming events or within a person’s personality. Ponies do ignore her truths for the most part, it may be a drawback since a pony isn’t meant to normally have such abilities without the required magical focus.

“Shucks Aizen, you got Rainbow a gift? How kind of ya to do.” Applejack begins to slowly fidget at the ground. The farming mare looks to be unsure of something. “So uh did ya also…?”

“Yes Applejack, you know I wouldn’t forget about you.” I use a decently sized Senkaimon to my personal lab and pull out a brown sac that has no labeling. “This is something that I synthesized from multiple grounded up timberwolves. Thankfully I didn’t put any of their cores inside it. I kept them all for myself. Its main function is to accelerate the growth process of crops and the taste of it as well. It also generally makes the ground more fertile. This should take a load off of you for the coming days. Happy Hearth’s Warming, the both of you.”

Closing the distance between the two of us I give Applejack the bag of fertilizer. She tips her hat to me, putting the bag of fertilizer on her back. “Jeez Aizen. Didn’t think that you’d get me anything.”

“That’s completely fine by me. It’s the thought that you would have gotten me a present that counts.” I told her. “And that applies to you, Pinkie, Rainbow, and everyone else I’ve given presents to.”

“Actually I left a present on your bed Aizen! I hope you’ll like it too.” Pinkie says.

Softly shaking my head I can only watch the anomaly, no small amount of ‘awe’ spared.“Of course you did, sometimes you really do make me want to break the sacred rule Pinkie Pie.”

“Heh, we’ve all been there before Aizen. Pinks makes me wonder how she’s as fast- I mean almost as fast as me.” Rainbow Dash agreed.

“Besides that I’m going to pay a visit to your cousin. He’s out in the barn house, yes I know. He’s not very hard to sense. Not many people or ponies have high amounts of Reiatsu coming from them.”

A small twitch of Pinkie Pie’s eye makes her leap up. “Sugar cookies! I’m gonna miss the train, sorry Aizen but I’ve gotta get going, see you later.” Reality bending is quite useful, especially when it lets you zip out of everyone’s perspective as Pinkie just did.

“And there she goes, off to see her folks…” Applejack silently mutters while I walk past her and into the orchard, and to the scene of Braeburn, Twilight, and my personal student Spike all talking to each other. With a glance I could see Braeburn and Spike were both sweating, ah yes that’s something I should mention, Braeburn’s heirro is exceptionally hard, even harder than Spike’s. The reasons for this may vary but I believe it’s due to his near-death experience before turning into an Arrancar, it may have triggered for him to have a harder natural defense than others.

“Dude, you came just when we stopped sparring.” Spike starts taking controlled breaths as he gives a thumbs up to Braeburn who returns it with a hoof pointing upwards, attempting to emulate the gesture. "And I finally unlocked Armshift, guess I just needed to clash with a heavy ass greatsword for a bit." He jokingly says

“Not a problem, it’s not even why I’ve come here. Although I would appreciate a progress report, Twilight.”

Twilight’s ears perk up and her head turns away from the clip board that’s levitating. “Braeburn has been exponentially growing in terms of his Zanjutsu skills. He’s already mastered the basics faster than Spike has. There’s a problem though, he can’t seem to use anything Kido related other than ‘Cero’ which isn’t too far of a setback but I still wanted to tell you.” Twilight says, shrugging at the same time.

“Yeah, sorry dude but I tried my best to teach him how to work it out with ‘Bala’ and ‘Caja Negación,’ no dice though.” Spike started stretching his limbs as he told me the news, he put his Zanpakutō inside its sheath.

Braeburn sighs, wiping the sweat off his brows. “Sorry Aizen, ah know how much y’all are believin in me and ah still can’t do somethin so simple.”

What a predicament he’s in. This came to my attention a while ago. On the first day after he was back from training with the night guard. I tried to teach him Cero and Bala but he could only use Cero for some reason. But I think I can work around this. “Nobody is perfect after all, except me.”

“Allow me to tell you something Braeburn. None of that means anything to me. So let us simply skip over that fact. In the meantime I wanted to do something nice for everyone here and got you all presents.”

Twilight snorts in response to my, oh-so kind, announcement. “And what exactly did you get us? Rocks that would blow up in our faces?” She sarcastically asked.

“Okay that was one time and Rainbow Dash asked me to and I was bored.” I retorted.

“That’s the thing though, when I asked her about it she said she didn’t say anything like that and that you also did it to her.” Twilight crossed her forelegs over one another while Braeburn and Spike stared at us both.

Hm… I should probably make a tactical retreat from the argument. “Anyways moving this along, I got you and Spike something special so here you both go.”

“Oh fucking sweet you got me a present? better not suck after the experiences I’ve had from this week alone.” Spike said as he held out his hands expectantly.

“Got ‘em both presents huh. Ain’t that mighty kind of ya.” Braeburn started smiling as I pulled two objects from my jacket’s pocket. They were both necklaces that were made of silver and had two emblems at the bottom of them. One has a six pointed star on it that’s colored purple and six tiny white stars around it while the other has a singular purple claw reaching upwards as if grabbing for something. I hand them to their respective new owners.

Spike looks at his new necklace and puts it around his head. “Hey this is actually pretty damn sick, thanks Aizen.” He told me with gratitude.

“Wait, I'm sensing magic from this…” Flipping it over Twilight finds runes inscribed on the back of it. “Are you going to explain what these are for? They look like they were done with a rune smith’s hammer instead of putting raw magic into it. Is this why you were disappearing on and off for the last month?” Twilight inquired .

“Woah, hold your hor- I mean hold on and let me explain.” I point to Spike’s necklace and begin explaining. “You both have a locating spell on your necklaces meant to track the other’s movement. Thought it’d be cute since you’re both siblings and in case either of you gets lost then you’ll always know how to find each other. To activate you merely need to poke its center and call out your sibling’s name.”

Twilight holds up her piece of jewelry with one of her hooves. “This… Aizen, thank you, a ton.” She puts the necklace to her chest before letting go of it. “We’ve got to get going if me and Spike are going to see our parents at one thirty eight on the dot.” And I was this close to not hearing her have unrealistic expectations.

“Damn… How much thought did you put into this for you to make this for us?” Spike asks.

I chuckle and shake my head. “Y’know I just threw some stuff together is all. Glad you both think highly of them. Oh and speaking of gifts I need to talk with Braeburn, alone.”

“Ah’d be happy to, specially if it’s a Hearth’s Warming gift.” Braeburn jokingly says.

“Alright, since Twi and I are gonna be going by using Garganta we don’t have to hurry but she’s forcing us on a tight schedule as always.” With a bored tone Spike leans back some, still smirking at the thought of seeing his parents again.

“Come along then Braeburn, also Twilight make sure to tell your parents that, again, I apologize for turning their son into an Arrancar.” I politely requested to Twilight.

Twilight nods her head before hurrying her little brother along. He opens a Garganta which they both enter through.

“I suppose that eliminates the “going elsewhere for privacy“ factor.” I kiddingly tell Braeburn.

Braeburn chuckles. “Suppose it does, so ya gonna tell me what y’all got in store or am ah gonna have to guess?”

I roll my eyes. “Whatever Brae, I got something that’s actually worth your time. But it’ll come later. For now I wanted to… Ask you something very important.”

He tilts his head and slowly nods. “Ask away Aizen, whatever you need.”

I take a deep breath before giving Braeburn a serious look while wiping the snow building from my shoulders. “Braeburn, please allow me to spend Hearth’s Warming with your family. Not as a super-powered anomaly, but as Aizen, a person who’s in this with you.”

Braeburn looks at me in shock. He moved his hooves one after another, the small crunches of snow sound beneath his hooves. Standing up on two hind hooves he wraps his forelegs around my stomach and looks at me with a grin as snowflakes fall on the both of us. “Aizen if that ain’t the goofiest thing ah ever heard from somepony as smart as y’all.”

A small warmth builds up in my chest and I return the hug, although reluctantly. Not showing any of my true emotions yet still enjoying the embrace. “Braeburn, words cannot express how thankful I am for you.”

After Braeburn and I were done talking we both went inside the house. We saw Braeburn’s family. Applebloom was happy to see me there, jumped right on my leg and gave me a hug. Big Mac as he liked to be referred to, only did a silent “eeyup” in approval. Granny Smith went on about the time she met a minotaur when she was younger. She only did that because she thought I was one even though several members of her family told her elsewise.

Hm, yes now and before I forgot. I got them gifts as well. Applebloom was a confusing case so I got her a bunch of firework, metals, empty flask, and other cutie mark crusading materials that she may have needed. Really just junk materials from my lab. For Grannysmith I elected to get her something sentimental. An empty picture frame for her to fill. The crazy woman thanked me and went up to her room to put it up. Big Mac is a simple stallion so I merely gifted him a new pair of horseshoes that I bought.

I didn’t say I used that month of preparing for this by only building things from scratch. That would’ve taken some more effort which I usually substitute for time instead.

This day went wonderfully. Made me remember how my own family could be doing…. They could be long dead or a mere day could’ve passed on their side within my disappearance. And now my old personality is leaking through again, I’ll allow for it though. And as I sit on the front porch, full from that amazingly heartwarming meal we all shared it still makes me wonder. “If I’m not alone in the multiverse, would it be possible for me to accept help I didn’t plan on asking for?”

Braeburn opens the front door and gazes around until he sees me to his right. “Aizen, y’all been here the entire time? Probably shoulda guessed that from the get-go. Anyways ah came out here cause of what ya told me earlier. Bout how you had somethin else to tell me?”

The yellow earth pony knocks me out of my thoughts. Forcing me to quickly push my emotions back up and sit up attentively. “You remembered? Excellent, that just saved me the trouble of searching for you. Braeburn I’ve got something very important to teach you in order to compensate for not being able to produce the Bala skill or having any dexterous abilities.”

“A teaching huh, what exactly are we talkin about here? Gonna teach me some of that sciencey magic stuff that you’re always usin?” Braeburn’s curiosity begins to peak.

“Braeburn, when I was first ‘displaced’ into this world I was inadequate. When I first mastered Kido I was still inefficient with Zanjutsu. Then I remembered something from a source of media in my world I didn’t truly understand. This ability is called “Reinforcement” and there were other abilities I picked up as well, although I won’t teach you those for now. The ability alone will allow every hit you do to become potentially lethal.”

Braeburn doesn’t actually reply, instead he nods his head. Carefully listening to what I’m saying. “Now, I’ll use…. This stick as an example.” I use my Reiatsu and levitate a stray stick in front of me before grabbing hold of it. “For me I simply rush my Reiatsu within the object and worm into its interconnections. But for you, I need you to slowly work your energy through it and imagine the structure of said object in order to bring out Reinforcement, like so.”

Keeping my eyes open I feel the composition of the wooden stick and rush my Reiatsu through it like circuits before continuously having it circulate inside the object, giving it several purple streaks flowing through it. The branch grows back some of its leaves at the bottom which are fashioned dome-esque guard as if it were a rapier, the point of the stick grows sharper than any normal non-enchanted blade.

“This is a higher grade version of Reinforcement and this is what I need you to learn. Even if it ends up being at the most basic scaled level.” Throwing the wooden stick away it lodges itself into the ground in front of us until I deactivate the Reinforcement on it, forcing it to return to its regular state.

“...Give me a moment Aizen, but as soon as ah try this we’re headin back inside. Can’t expect anythin grand of me, the instructions ya said were confusing at best.” Picking up the now wilted stick up in front of him, Braeburn takes a nice deep breath and holds it. Closing his eyes and searching inside himself. Releasing all his energy into a continuous filtered stream, forcing thin lines of orange energy to flow through the stick, as it grows a singular leaf at the end.

Braeburn watches the results of his work. He smiles and nudges my shoulder.“That was pretty easy, not the same as y’alls version, still somethin though. So get your flank back inside. We can talk about this after we enjoy time with family.”

“You’re right, I’ve been out here long enough, I can’t have your family worrying about me.” I stand up from my spot while pushing through the front door.

Pov: Spike

How many times will I stare at my reflection and think? “Wow, I’m finally special, special enough for Twi to trust me.” I don’t really know, but it’s funny isn’t it? Aizen’s already got me teaching someone older than me and yet I’m still learning things myself.

“Kiddo, you okay?” I lift my head up from my hand, seeing my dad in front of me. “You’ve been sitting on the couch for the past ten minutes and you haven’t said a word.”

“Yeah I’m fine dad, I’m only thinking about some things right now. Mainly with what’s been going on and now I’m unsure of myself for what feels like the one hundredth time ever since I’ve gained these powers.” There’s been a conflict inside my mind. When I killed that guy, that Quincy, it felt like it was nothing. Just a stepping stone for me.

“Hmmm…” Night Light rubs the bottom of his chin with his hoof before sitting down next to me. “Your mother and I have been getting the letters you and your sister have been sending us, which we will always appreciate. The situations you were placed in from having to choose between your sister and a mentor or even more recently. From when you had to…. Yeah.” Night Light leans further back into the couch cushions, turning his head to look at me. In

“Night, thanks for trying to help but you don’t understand-“

Twilight’s yell from across the hall manages to cut me off. “Spikeeee, mom’s asking you to do that trick again!”

“Sorry dad, can’t disappoint Velvet.” I get up from the cushions and walk away, silently thanking the lucky coincidence.

Arriving in my parent’s bedroom I see Twilight Velvet laying on the bed and my older sister sitting on a chair. “Spike my little baby or rather not so little anymore. Can you please do that little trick of yours again?” Twilight Velvet asks me.

Twilight Sparkle shrugs. “Sorry Spike but for some reason mom really likes the skill. No matter how many times I tell her it’s an offensive move in nature she doesn’t listen.”

I start shaking my head. “Really? Fine I’ll do it, Soutai Bala odoru.” Raising my palm up I produce two dark red colored balls of condensed Reiatsu, swirling them around each other until the light leaves an after trail of light. Eventually they both explode leaving small tiny puffs of smoke and a few red particles in the air.

“That’ll never get old Spike, I love you son.” Said my mother.

“Love you too mom.” I reply, lacking some of my usual energy.

My sister becomes confused. “Everything alright Spike? You haven’t really been your normal self ever since we went on break. Anything you wanna say before we go bake those cookies like we promised?”

“I’m fine, but I’m not gonna be baking cookies with you guys. Not now anyways.”

“Of course, be a coward with your feelings, as always… Choose to lie a third time today and I’ll step in myself.” The voice inside my head says. It’s that same voice I heard before I had killed that pony. It’s been giving me little bits and pieces of advice yet I can never fully hold a conversation with them.

“Spike, if it’s about what happened in Appleloosa….” Twilight Velvet looks at me, one of pity

My claws clench up into a fist, barely able to keep my emotions from flowing out. “Mom I can’t understand why you and everyone else thinks that something happened to me when I killed him. There nothing emotionally wrong with me and I’m the same as I’ve always been.”

My body begins feeling rushed and slowed at the same time. A strange sensation of weightlessness fills me. “I warned you little drake.” And then I blacked out.

Looks like I’m on the floor, the heat that’s emanating from the ground alone gives me a pretty good idea of where I am.

“Why did you lie again, why do you hide the truth from your family, why hide it from yourself?!” The giant wyrm asked.

I stare up at my inner spirit, my head is spinning from emotion. “I’m not sure, all of this, I can’t- I won’t- urgh! I don’t know dammit! I’m scared, scared of how easily I cut down a person.”

insurrección slithers down to my level, putting us face to face. “Who do you think you are to deny yourself of greatness? After everything I’ve seen from within your subconscious. You think that a measly death in front of us would be a big deal?”

“Yes! That was the first life I ever took, the first time I made something stop breathing! Maybe there was a way I could’ve done it without murdering them.” I shout at him

The wyrm recoils in disgust. “Everything that you do is something I have done, every time you swing our sword is akin to swinging yourself which is why I guide our blade to always cut cleanly.” insurrección starts to hit his tail on the magma below him, forcing small eruptions of lava to appear behind him at the end of each of his sentences. We killed him because he was a stepping stone for our rebellion against norms, a stepping stone for power! It wasn’t our fault he died, he made the choice to be evil, pathetic, and apathetic.”

My Zanpakutō stops it’s rage, looking upwards at the sky. “You’re always saying that “you” took that life. You’re wrong, “we” took that life, never forget that I will always be with you. Now you must go, it’s been a few minutes since you’ve blacked out.”

I’m not given much time to relax as my Zanpakutō shoots me back into reality with all of my family looking down at me.

“Spike! Oh thank Celestia you’re awake, why’d you pass out like that? Is everything okay?” Night Light is holding onto my shoulder.

Smiling, I lift up my head with a renewed pride. “Yeah, I’m fine dad. Just got to understanding something.”

Author's Note:

Everyone I'd like to simply say two things! Number one, this is a very well deserved break on Aizen's part. And number two... Aizen has never actually seen anything from the fate series besides Fate/Stay Night Unlimited Blades Work (the anime). So I'll see you all next time, TRACE ON!