• Published 16th Aug 2023
  • 1,623 Views, 54 Comments

Kyōka Suigetsu, crumble! - The Archiver

Yet another displaced story. Featuring a guy turned to Aizen who will make everyone crumble into the illusion of despair, for the sake of natural selection... For the sake of those he has yet to care about.

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Chapter seventeen: A nightmareish return

Author's Note:

Everyone I want to say something. I've got yet another displaced fanfic in the works. HEY! I see you clicking off. I need to say this. I won't be posting it any time soon, instead I will work on it within the shadows, little by little until a lot of chapters are already made. In the meantime, I'm going to need a TWO week break, meaning the next chapter will come out three weeks from now. I enjoy the direction the story is going into as things will kick up into high gear. But as a little hint to what it this new fanfic may be, Pebble + Agility + Bane. Hearing those back to back will trigger a veteran's PTSD. The reason I didn't directly put in an audio clip is because then it'd be too obvious. (Looking up what it means would also ruin the faraway surprise)

Pov: Sōsuke Aizen (Four days later, inside his spirit world)

I’ve been meditating here for the equivalent of a week, on and off with Kyōka Suigetsu trying to brainstorm for potential solutions.

All my testing so far has resulted in utter-failure. My idea of trying to synthesize love has been a complete bust. Maybe I need to take a different approach. I told Twilight that I’d only be resting for the day. Yet she appears as if she hasn’t slept in weeks. I didn’t ask her about it however because I have more pressing matters to get to, namely the survival of an entire species.

“Kyōka Suigetsu, what do you think? Is there possibly anything that we could do for Chrysalis and her changelings?” I crane my head to direct my attention to my Zanpakutō who’s in the same meditative position as I am, sitting atop his legs with both of his hands on them.

He looks up from his meditative stance. “Apologizes but I actually haven’t been researching ways of finding a good non-finite source of love.”

“Then what have you been doing?”

Kyōka Suigetsu shakes his head in disappointment. “I’m trying to find out what’s happening to our friends… I am not as shy as you are when it comes to casually admitting but I do acknowledge that they are our companions.”

My face contorts into a frown. “I realize that whole-heartedly. Yet it isn’t our main objective and therefore not our focus. They could probably figure it out themselves any how.”

“Supposedly, aren’t you concerned on why whatever is happening to them is subsequently only happening to them? They are all sleep deprived, these ponies jump at the slightest sounds, and their eyes are hazy, almost like there’s nothing there.”

“He’s not wrong. This hasn’t been difficult to notice by any means.” I rub my temple, trying to calm myself. “This is cause for concern, that you don’t have to tell me. However I need to focus on getting Chrysalis’s trust back for the next step of our plan.”

“Fine, do not say that I didn’t try and warn you. If something happens then remember to hold this within your conscious mind… However I did find something.” Kyōka Suigetsu finally has some useful information that won’t put doubt within my mind, swell.

“And? Spit it out Kyōka, we’ve been at this for three days in real time.”

“We’ve been trying to think way too far at this point. Trying to invent our own solutions when there’s something that could be used to satiate everyone’s needs. We could run a brothel and make a lot of money, every mare there would be a changeling.”



“Are you having a stroke right now?” I concernedly look over my Zanpakutō for any signs of brain damage.

“No, I'm being completely serious right now.” We both stare at each other for a good second or two. Then start laughing like mad men.

“Okay you got me right there, I’m being serious about the whole ‘idea’ thing though. I believe we could use mind controlling to force criminals and maybe others into loving every changeling they see. It worked for Chrysalis and Shining Armor so in theory it could work for everyone else.”

I put a hand up to my hair and brush through it, how could I not see something so obvious. “Fuck. Thanks Kyōka, I’ll get started on that… And take your warning to heart.” I get up from my seated position and walk in a random direction.

“I’m merely here to help Xavier, never forget that.” Kyōka Suigetsu waves me goodbye as my mind fades back into reality.

(The next day)

Today I decided to hang out with Spike and Braeburn. I decided I’d do well with some casual wear and put on my Muken garb, it felt very appropriate all things considered. We all walked around Ponyville, not really sure how to spend our time, we decided to take a pretty early walk at seven a.m.. “Hey Spike, everything okay?”

The young dragon has his claws inside his Arrancar wear, his back is slightly hunched over. “Yawn mm, yeah a bit tired but not like Twilight, she’s completely fucked right now.”

Braeburn nods, slowly blinking. “Not the exact wordin ah’d use but yea, ah,ve been getting some on and off nightmares. Applejack’s been saying that she’s been only gettin ‘em every other day so far. She’s lyin though, looks like she ain’t sleep not once this entire week.”

I pull up my black jacket and sigh. “I knew I should’ve resolved this problem as soon as it made itself known.”

“Told you so.” I hear Kyōka Suigetsu whisper from my sword. I send him a mental command to shut up.

“I’m gonna do something about it tonight though. In the meantime, you guys wanna see some of the sights in Clouldsdale I was telling you guys about?”

“Sure ah’m in.” Braeburn excitedly agrees.

“Long as it won’t make me bored.” Spike replies, ready to walk upwards.

“Don’t wait for me then.” I open a Senkaimon and bow. “If you’d like to go then go through yourself, I’ve got other business to take care of. Catch you all later though.”

Braeburn looks offended but slowly nods and goes through the portal. Spike appears to be surprised but I shoo him through the gateway and close it behind him.

Okay, I didn’t actually have anything that important going on, however I needed to pay my favorite fatass, I mean princess, a visit.

It should be somewhere around early afternoon, Celestia is probably on her lunch break. Opening a second gateway to her personal chambers and hop through.

“Celestiaaaa, my favorite- WOAH.” I snap my head back and stare at a wall.

“Faustdammit Aizen, why'd you burst into my living quarters like that? I was having some private time to myself.” The princess says as she quickly gets out of the dress she was wearing while levitating the entire decorative cake that, may I say, had amazing attention to detail on it when it came to the edible suit that was put on it.

Okay who am I kidding? That was pathetic, which is why I looked away in the first place. “Why were you trying to date a dessert?” I never thought I’d have to stare at a wall and inquire about something so out there so soon.

I hear the sound of a *pop* which didn’t teleport me, instead came from behind Celestia. “That… That is none of your business, t-tell me what you came here for already.”

“First, I’m going to turn around.” Which I do, I move to face a very irritated alicorn who is tapping one of her hind hooves on the ground below us. She no longer has a dress on and the fancy cake is nowhere to be found.

“Um, yea back to business. I’ve been getting reports from my colleagues that some of their friends have been and even themselves have been having night terrors.”

I put my arms out, adjacent to each other in the air. “And I’m focused enough as is with Chrysalis breathing down my neck about this love situation. So I was thinking that it was the very same mare who led you to the decision of imprisoning me.”

Her hoof stops hitting the ground, instead, Celestia stares at me. “I never did understand why you and Luna loved that parasitic creature, especially one that you have made. While not directly you still did it. She’s always acting as if she has something to prove, I suppose being called “Queen Chrysalis” does that to a pony…”

“Ignoring all current jokes. I do understand what you are implying or rather who you are implying. Forgive me for saying this but you are correct, Nightmare Moon is coming back. And that’s exactly why I need you to kill her for good. Nightmare Moon, one of the few dark creatures that you never created but has still been a pain to others.” Celestia takes a seat at her bed.

I hold a hand up, trying to comprehend what she asked me. “You can’t possibly be serious. You want me to permanently kill off Nightmare? I get your reasoning though. Yet, there’s the matter of realization that Moonie was only going based off of what Luna truly wanted deep down inside. I only came to give you insight of what I’ll be doing in response. Something both I, and Kyōka Suigetsu agreed on.”

Celestia rolls her eyes. “And pray tell, what would that be if not killing off the demonic spirit to make sure it no longer causes these night terrors as you’ve described.”

“The solution is simplistic. I’m going to give her a body I can always command.”

“YOU’RE GOING TO DO WHAT?!” Princess Celestia shouts at me. Her calm demeanor changed into that of a raging bull.

I keep my same collected and calm gaze, smiling. “I said what I said. And I’m going to do what I do. Also you can rest assured that I aim to get Luna on board with this, to the extent that she won’t be so intolerant.”

Celestia probably can’t believe what she’s hearing. “Excuse me Aizen but you know this would never slide with my sister, she hates Nightmare with a burning passion.”

“Doesn’t matter what you think, I’m doing it anyway. Because we need her, I can’t build a team from nothing. Good day Celestia, oh and the next time you try to romance a cake, make sure to not get too intimate until the fifth date.” I wave goodbye to Celestia and open a Senkaimon in front of me.

“Buck you Aizen…” I hear Celestia uncharacteristically mumble under her breath as I leave.

“Oh and I left a scroll on your bed, make sure to read it!” I yell out before leaving.

I make out the sounds of paper being unfurled before a large shout goes through my Senkaimon.

“BUCKING MIND CONTROLLED LOVE SLAVES?!” Yeah, that’s the reaction I expected. I immediately close my Senkaimon back and whistle a small tune.

I walk through the deserted wastelands. Feeling the sand beneath my shoes. Thankfully the pegasi never scheduled for snow to be out here in the badlands so it’s only slightly chilly over here. I decided to wear my post-defection outfit today. Very snazzy and stylish if I do say so myself.

“On topic Xavier, stay on topic.”

The Nightmare situation, thanks for reminding me Kyōka, we need someone extremely trustworthy for this, someone who’s good with the mind… Somebody who would never double cross me in a million years.

“There's only one person who could help me, Queen Chrysalis.” I slam my fist on my open palm with conviction.

“Aizen, stop playing and get serious about this.” Kyōka Suigetsu mentally tells me.

“No, I’m not playing, Chrysalis is good with mind magic and I need to make sure nothing goes awry with this. When was the last time that we resisted mind magic? Also, why do you even think I’ve been walking in the badlands? She's shown us where her hive is located.”

“...I see your point, okay then let's do this.”

I double tap the ball of my foot on the sand below and use Flash Step for the rest of the way to her hive. Which was only five hundred hooves away (two hundred and fifty feet away for Americans) how has Celestia never found this place before? It’s like… An evil villain’s lair from literally any movie, pony logic can be the only justification for this.

Chrysalis’s hive comes into my sight in just under a minute. Extremely fast if I do say so myself. Her very large and insectoid structure isn’t hard to miss. All these openings in her base are probably still in use for drones, that’s going to be my dropping point.

Hurriedly forming Reiatsu beneath my feet I start to rush up the air. In one huge stomp I leap forward, at a downwards angle, shooting directly through one of the openings for this structure.

“Incoming my queen!” A voice shouts as I crash through. Goofily smiling I leap from the dust that I kicked up with a joyed expression.

“Who dares invade my hive? You’ve made a foolish mistake this day creature and you shall- oh it’s Sōsuke. What do you need from me? I’m running on a busy schedule right now.” Queen Chrysalis blows some of her own hair away from her eyes, completely annoyed from what I’m guessing.

“What? An old friend can’t visit every now and again?” Chrysalis is giving me the cold shoulder, as expected.

“We aren’t friends anymore and I know you need something. While you’re hiding it well there’s a slight impatience inside you. Spit it out, you know I’m not one to dilly-dally unless I’m in the mood for it.” Cutting right to the chase, this is definitely going to be tough to ask straight up but I’ll give it my best shot.

“Okay Chrysalis, I require your expertise in mind related magics.”

She leans forward in her throne as her eyebrow raises. “And why do you need my ability for mind controlling?”

I move my hands back and forth. “No no, I mean I only need your expertise for mind magic, not simply mind controlling. I’m going to need Luna’s help and your help. Luna to help me access the dream world and yours to keep my mental state stable in case something goes wrong.”

Chrysalis slams a hoof on the armrest for her throne, practically laughing at me. “Ah and what makes you think I’ll help you? I don’t do charity work, especially for the likes of you.”

“Kyōka, you were right to make sure that I made several copies of this.” I mentally transmit the message to my blade’s inner spirit who emits a small hum in acknowledgement.

I reach into my left pocket and pull out a scroll. The same scroll I gave Celestia. “This right here, if I could get the princesses on board with this then that means a more permanent solution for you. Celestia is the only one who will actually need convincing as I know Luna will accept the terms of this agreement.”

“Hm… Let me see this.” Chrysalis takes the scroll with her magic and takes it loose. Her eyes travel through the text. Almost immediately she furls the scroll back up and throws it at a nearby changeling who struggles to catch it. “Drone, take that to my room, I need to study that later.” The changeling in question puts a hoof to salute their queen while quickly buzzing off.

Chrysalis squints her eyes but smirks. “Sōsuke, if you could make this happen then I shall reconsider our current relationship. For now though I shall give you my aid.”

A soft sigh comes from my mouth. “Knew that you would come around. Normally I’d make us walk and use the train all the way back to Canterlot. I have a feeling that Celestia wouldn’t let that happen since I gave her the same proposal that I allowed you to receive. Therefore instead of that I shall teleport us there.”

Chrysalis gets up from her throne, elegantly striding her steps. “You never fail to amuse me Sōsuke. Although for whatever you’re doing, make sure it doesn’t involve possible harm coming to me. Not much of anything nowadays can harm me.”

I nod my head, not for the fact that I acknowledged her request and accepted it. No, it’s because I acknowledged she said something, and do not particularly care for it. I press my palm against the open air. Repeating the same process I’ve done several times previously, I open a Senkaimon and present it to Chrysalis.

“I’ll never understand why this is fully blacked out as if it were a void when the doors themselves look so beautiful.” Chrysalis takes another step forward, entering the portal.

“For style’s sake of course.” I quietly whisper before entering the spiritual gate and appearing through the other side.

Looking around Luna’s quarters I can safely say that it hasn’t changed a bit. Dark blue curtains draped on her window. A cute little nightstand colored a deep purple. There’s a small candle atop of it. Also the desk and chair that’s directly in front of her bed can’t be doing her any favors. She has little to no paperwork on it.

…Ah on topic, right. Besides all of that I must have begun over analyzing everything because I failed to pay attention towards the twelve hoof tall (six feet) changeling queen who laid sprawled out on Luna’s bed. Comfortably staring directly upwards on the roof of the box bed. Which again, the lunar themed blankets and pillows are difficult to miss.

“Well since Luna isn’t here does that mean I get to go back?” Chrysalis rubbed a hoof on her cheek, doing her best to appear tired although I knew she was rhetorically questioning me.

“Someone as smart as a changeling queen should know the answer to that. Besides, it gives us a chance to snoop around in her stuff.” I move over to check out her nightstand before I stop in place.

“Fuck, Kyōka why didn’t you warn me Luna was about to enter? Or at the very least tell me that she got in here?” I can only glare at my sword from the corner of my eye. Wishing that they hadn’t done this to me.

“I apologize but you do constantly brag about having your Pesquisa constantly activated. So I let you have this one.”

“And of course it’s a smartass answer, you’re lucky I don’t bash you across stone to let you dull out.” I quietly grunt before slowly turning around to see a very amused princess in front of me.

“Hello Aizen, what exactly brings you and Chrysalis to my living space while also warranting you to attempt a search through my personal treasures?” That cheeky stare she’s giving me almost rivals my own whenever I have the upper hand.

Doing my best, I gesture for Chrysalis to say something, anything actually but she shrugs in Luna’s bed.

“Hey don’t look at me, I’m not the one who said to do such a idiotic thing.” The changeling queen responds.

Then the only option for me now is to go the most direct yet safe route so this can end safely. “Apologies Luna, I won’t lie to a pony such as yourself. I got a little curious while you were away.” Always play the apology card, it works in most cases.

Luna steps away from her door and closes it behind herself. “Perhaps I could forgive you. Tell me what you both intend to do here and I won’t punish either of you.”

Chrysalis shuffles on top of the bed to face me and Luna. “I’m at least interested to hear why you’ve brought the three of us here. I remember you saying something about the dreamscape. What could you possibly need to do there?”

I put both my hands into my pockets and smiled. “Something very important. And now that you’re both here I shall tell the two of you. Lately nightmares have been plaguing a very specific group of friends. Five that I know of but eight in total from my guess. I believe that these are coming from one mare. One mare that Luna specifically hates, Nightmare Moon. And I need to talk to her alone.”

Luna’s brows furrow, no small amount of rage isn’t shown. “Absolutely not! Unless your goal is to eliminate the wicked spirit through the dream world then under no circumstances will I be allowing you to speak with her alone.”

“Oh talk with Nightmare? I knew you two were all buddy-buddy when you told me that she visited you in her dreams when I was still young.” Chrysalis stated. Not that she’s wrong.

“Neither of you have anything to worry about. You both know I’m one of the strongest creatures around. If anything happens then my willpower should be enough to handle her before one of you pulls me out.” I walk in front of the bed and sit with both my legs folded underneath me in a meditative manner. “No time for arguing on this, the faster we get this done the faster we can get the situation under control.”

“Not that I was worrying in the first place but…” Chrysalis leans forward and sits up from the bed. “I’m willing to do this if it means I don’t have to be on Lulu’s coarse bed.” The queen rolls off of the bed and catches herself right before hitting the edge and sits next to me. “Alright Luna, don’t stand there and point, come over here.”

“Chrysalis! Do you not see how bad of an idea this is? Aizen is going to converse with Nightmare Moon, an evil spirit capable of possession and terrible influence. Even if we do manage to pull him out of the dreamscape in time there could be potential permanent damages.” Luna attempts to reason.

“Hm… Nightmare could turn out to be a reasonable mare. I’m in for this, not for Sōsuke’s reasoning but to receive what he promised me.” Chrysalis lights up her horn which surrounds my head in a green aura. My mind starts to soothe almost automatically.

“How is it possible that I am allowing you all to convince me this is going to be a good idea?” Luna sighs and trots over to my left as Chrysalis is to my right and sits down while circulating magic through her horn as well the mare’s ears slightly fold in on themselves. “Aizen, close your eyes and relax your mind. I’m going to put you into a dreamed slumber. It won’t work if you fight it.”

“Actually I’m always at ease.” I corrected her, no short amount of playful arrogance was spared. I close my eyes and imagine calm waves silently splashing against each other. A vast emptiness fills my head as I start to drift off.

Everything feels lucid, my body and mind are nearly split but at the same time are whole. My hearing fades, though I listen out and Luna says one more thing to me. “Make sure to be careful in there Aizen. There’s no telling what could happen in the mind.”

All at once my senses black out, allowing myself to be transported from one realm to another. As if swimming through liquid rubber I could feel myself being dragged in an omnidirectional manner. Something that is distantly familiar to me. Everything suddenly stops as the darkness is drowned out and I finally take form inside a wide plain of existence. Soft crystalline flooring that contradicts itself, with many millions of glass shards dancing about. Some form entire mirrors however those are far and few.

“Not a lot of dreamers today then.” I commit inside my head. This sky is always something else, it almost mirrors my own inner world. The purplish sky with several stars hanging above gives off the sensational feeling of cosmic energy floating barely out of your reach.

“Xavier, how many times do I have to tell you to concentrate on what’s truly important here?” I almost jumped at the sudden voice.

I grunt, not even bothering to turn around. I instead choose to walk forward throughout this dimension. “Dammit Kyōka, you’re one of the only beings that I can’t sense because of how similar our Reiatsu is. You knew that’d sneak up on me. I almost forgot that you could manifest yourself here with an actual form.”

Kyōka’s footsteps sound behind me before he ends up on my left as the two of us walk, Kyōka shakes his head. “Again, this is in no way my fault. For how smart you can be you’re always procrastinating whenever nothing important is at hand.”

I open my mouth to retort his utterly false claim but I stop. “Hold on, Kyōka you feel that, right?” I lower my stance slightly. Trying to make myself more aware.

Before my Zanpakutō could respond, a dark blue cloud of miasma painted with stars traveled at insane speeds towards me. The Two slightly dark teal eyes are the most visible feature besides the plume of smoke itself. A predatory look comes from them… And I welcomed it as it made impact with my body, knocking me to the floor with the smoke staying above me.

“Despite always being attached to your master you both seem like polar opposites.” The strange cloud of blue starry night begins to take form as it speaks. A large cackle is heard before they finally dawn their true appearance, Nightmare Moon. “I do second your deduction however, Aizen was always one to do some form of lazing around if it was possible.”

“I know it shouldn’t come as a surprise that you remembered my old habits yet it manages to make me nostalgic.” I joyfully get back up, some of that joy comes from the obvious reason of seeing an old friend most comes from reasons that aren’t as pure.

Kyōka Suigetsu chuckles at the sight. “I must admit, I’m pleased to see another spirit after so long even if we aren’t of the same type.”

Nightmare Moon nods, her two fangs show and even shine a bit of the ambient light around. “I could say the same… But I know that you all could not have couldn’t have come here by chance while I’m carrying out my plans. So allow us to arrive at this metaphorical point and ask, are you here to meddle with my plans in acquiring a host?”

“Before answering this I need to say that you should keep an open mind with what I’m about to say. And tell you that this will benefit the three of us with no double crossing involved. One could say that I’m putting all of my cards on the table.” I throw my blade to the side and slide my tome elsewhere. Confidently gambling on Nightmare Moon’s reaction I already prepare the next part of my offer inside my head.

“Very well, I shall hear you out. However if any trickery is used within your words then you can consider this done. And we both know you do not need a mere book and sword in order to put up a fight. Do not think I have not noticed my counterpart’s magic radiating off of you along with the changeling princess… Or I suppose they are a queen last I heard.”

I close my eyes and take a deep breath, unnecessary but it’s a human habit that I can’t shake from my old life. “Nightmare… No, Moonie, I’m prepared to give you a body in the real world. One made from half of my soul. The conditions of this will be as follows.”

I hold up a finger and begin my terms and hold up another for each number that corresponds with the gesturing. “Number one, I will split half of my power equally between us, number two, a permanent telepathic link will be instated between us that cannot be temporarily cut off without the two of us allowing for such to happen, number three, if I ever require your aid then you must come immediately and vice versa, number four, I need your consent here and now into having us fuse back together to become one at any time. Essentially, you will be my true inner hollow given physical form, and finally number five which is an addition to the terms of number three, if I am ever to need your immediate aid and there’s no way for you to get to me within a reasonable estimated period, then even across space and time I shall fuse us partially or wholly together or bring you through via soul tethering.”

“That was a load if I’ve ever heard one, you basically dumped that all on her right as she was carrying out some type of plan to give night terrors to the elements and our proxies.” Kyōka Suigetsu telepathically notifies me.

“I know, and I was hoping for this. By interjecting an offer that you can’t refuse while already having to go through a more difficult plan allows for some confusion. The possibility that she will choose the easier option over the harder one is high. Although the chance of her seeing through this is also very high. She used to be a part of a princess who was a bit hot-headed but could still use such tactics.” I mentally sigh, her expression is almost unreadable but through the tiniest holes I find the smallest hint of relief.

“As Xavier’s Zanpakutō it’s not hard to tell that there’s some reluctance going on. We could give you more time to decide on this-”

“No… I will do it, I agree to all the terms stated and will follow through this mutually beneficial contract. Albeit there is one thing I must request. Allow me some time to recuperate and denounce my position from the Nightmare forces.” I could practically hear Kyōka Suigetsu’s relief. I knew he was bullshitting on that ‘more time to decide’ thing, he was probably banking on being cut off. Bad habits really do reflect on those you’re closest to.

“Anything that you need Moonie.” I childishly kid. At this point I’m t̶i̶r̶e̶d̶ ̶o̶f̶ ̶f̶a̶k̶i̶n̶g̶ ̶t̶h̶e̶ ̶r̶e̶a̶c̶t̶i̶o̶n̶ ̶o̶f̶ scared that my heart could burst at any time.

“Nightmare? Are you sure that’s all you need? We could protect you from Princess Luna if you request so.” Kyōka Suigetsu attempts to offer.

Nightmare Moon rolls her eyes, that mane of hers flows in a more rapid tempo as if beating against the wind. “As if I would need anypony to protect me from my own reflection. How ridiculous do you have to be in order to say such a thing?” The nightmare spirit shakes her head. “You two may wait for me here if desired. This should take naught but five minutes. Using telepathy feels akin to sending a letter of grave importance to a fellow power, dishonorable is such a way to describe it.”

I watched Nightmare Moon settle down on the ground as she closed her eyes. “Thank you for being such a considerate person, Nightmare.” Okay that shouldn’t have come out of my mouth. Yet Nightmare Moon still concentrates, like she didn’t hear me.

“Xavier I would advise against saying such rude things without warning.” Kyōka Suigetsu said, the actual translation of that was “please do not test the waters by jumping down the deep end so quickly.” I could only shrug in response.

“Right right, guess we could just chill here and maybe pear into a dream or two.” I suggest. And as I do, a large grunt is heard from Nightmare Moon. Not one sounding from pain, no, from annoyance instead. “Everything alright over there Moonie?”

“...Yes, I am fine. I merely had to save us all the trouble and told the other nightmares to stay in their places. Even if from this point on I can no longer be classified as their queen I still have the might to put them in place.” Nightmare Moon raises her head all the way up in an attentive manner.

“Huh, I knew they were ‘scaredy’ a thousand years ago for lack of a better term but geez.” I note. “So, does that mean you’re ready for the process?”

Nightmare Moon gets back on all four of her hooves without hesitation and stands in between Kyōka Suigetsu and myself. “Just get it done and over with. I am going to have a lot of antagonizing to do once I’m free of this spiritual limitation.”

“Somehow I don’t doubt that.” Kyōka Suigetsu tiredly agrees. “Remember, this telepathic link will allow us to talk at any time. You’ll most likely hear from us at least once a day.” He adds.

“Having to deal with constant voices that will most likely bug you through the day? I could not possibly tell you how prepared I am for such irregular behavior. I have gotten such treatment from my own people as well as my other half. Now hurry it up, there is no room for foaling around.” Nightmare Moon appears to be thinking of something. Guess she’s thinking of the ramifications of this. Hopefully she doesn’t do anything that will make me use the hidden trigger. Giving someone half of such immeasurable power isn’t something you do on a whim.

“Then allow me to give you this Nightmare, something from the depths of myself.” I cup my hands over my mouth and whisper several incantations. My voice grows into one of many, as it does the Hōgyoku glows a brilliant blue with each passing word.

I release my hands from my mouth and act as though I’m entrapping something inside them. When I do, the same light from my Hōgyoku shimmers through the openings of my fingers, glowing akin to how the moon itself does. And wow I’m definitely weaker than before. As if I were still stronger than my previous hollowified allies, but definitely not how I was a few moments ago.

“This is now yours Nightmare, as much as it is mine.” I take one step… One moment to reconsider the immorality of what I’m about to commit. Another step, yet another moment to listen to another’s perspective of morals. The final step and final thought, my mind is settled. I’m already in front of Nightmare with my ‘gift’ inside my palms. Reaching out I place both of my encompassing hands onto Nightmare’s chest and let go. A small light manages to dance through I̶t̶'̶s̶ ̶s̶e̶t̶.

Immediately Nightmare Moon crumbles to the floor, coughing up black ooze. “T-This bucking strength! I-Is this what you cough have to deal with on a daily basis? This is overflowing, monstrous, unadulterated power and it’s a mere half of your real power… Your power’s sensation is of rapid tides, trying to drown me and claim what it thinks is theirs.” Nightmare hesitantly puts a hoof on the ground in front of her as she nearly froths at the mouth. “However I refuse to be overtaken by it.”

“Nightmare…” Kyōka says with mock concern. I say that because we both already planned that she would likely receive physical backlash from this.

“Tis alright, we need not of your help.” Oh wow she started speaking in old english… Or equish as the ponies call it. This must really have hurt her pride then. “We merely need but a moment to grunt recuperate, thee should not worry for us.”

“You heard the mare, and uh… We should probably bounce soon. Nightmare is beginning to materialize in the real world now. I can feel our energy manifesting beside us.” I urge my original spirit to say their last piece.

“Right. Nightmare I would like to tell you that it’s going to be a pleasure working with someone of your stature.” Kyōka says. “Now Xavier, let us go out and confront the terror that is the real world.”

I take a deep breath and concentrate on getting us awake. And as I do, my body begins to fade. “Looks like I can still do my techniques as normal… Anyways, catch you on the flipside Moonie!” My body turns to nothingness as does Kyōka Suigetsu’s, only seeing Nightmare Moon fully stand up at the last moment of my vision with a determined gaze.

I’m sent through the same process of entering the dream realm but in reverse, as if going back in time. The sensation forces me to spring upwards as my real sight returns to me.

“Aizen what the buck did you do…?” Luna is standing on my left. She has a calm fury practically absorbed inside her aura. I look beside me to see if she’s angry for the reason I’m assuming. And I do in fact see Nightmare Moon, she looks normal, as if nothing’s changed about her. Except for two features, her fangs grew an inch or so longer and her ethereal mane is longer which flows slower than before. Chrysalis is staring at her with analytical eyes, probably figuring out the same changes I have.

For a moment, a split second, I think about whether I should act confused or pretend as if this was normalized. I think my actions will speak for themselves however.

“Luna, you see the craziest thing happened. As you can probably tell I gave Nightmare Moon a physical form.”

She takes a large deep breath, almost unwilling to let go of it before bowing her head down. “And why? Did you make her this powerful? I can feel you both radiating nigh-identical energy. Which is one of the only reasons I am refraining from attacking. Because of my patience I have built against her within the millennium I have been banished, patience that is growing thin.”

Chrysalis interrupts the tension by deeply sniffing the air. “Not merely power that was split, no… Some of Sōsuke’s soul was put into her. Their emotions are somewhat correlating despite inwardly expressing different emotions.”

The changeling, I distantly recall you speaking about her in a high position of praise as one of your creations. That was right of you, she’s very perceptive of the two of us.” Nightmare Moon’s voice echoes through my head, yet she’s not even looking at me. Her voice is different from Kyōka’s, it’s more profound and instated rather than his back seated tone.

“Yup, Chrysalis is a real gem.” I telepathically retort back

Kyōka Suigetsu loudly clears his throat inside both of our skulls. “Excuse me but if you two are done then we have something we must get to immediately. That being to convince Luna this is fine.”

I take a step back from the three mares, more out of reflex than caution. “Luna I know I didn’t give you the whole truth when I requested you both to do this for me. This was an absolute must though, because Nightmare Moon no longer has a reason to go out possessing ponies. With the addition of her, this mare could become a powerful ally.”

Nightmare Moon seems to be enjoying the new energy circulating through her body, unconsciously, instead of using a short range teleportation spell she instead uses her hooves to make a single burst up for a standing position and do a rudimentary version of an instant movement technique. “Aizen is correct Luna, I shall not bring harm to others if they themselves bring none to me. Not that I require your trust in the first place. There is no doubt that my strength is greater than yours in many ways now thanks to your friend.”

Chrysalis makes easily telegraphed movements. The changeling queen stands up, leans down, and puts a hoof on my shoulder. “As long as you keep her under control and do not go after my hive then all will be acceptable. Now take me back.”

“There was no need for her to be so rude about it.” Thinking that to myself I didn’t expect for Nightmare to actually respond.

Yes, especially when we can hear the devious mare. We’re within earshot of her voice.

Not willing to push Chrysalis’s patience any further I open a Senkaimon back to her hive which she impatiently enters through.

“Aizen, what you have done is a grave sin. One that I simply cannot allow to roam free… Yet you must already know that there is nothing I could do about it unless my sister was here. Even then, you would stand proudly in our way.” Luna huffs, her expression still has much to be desired inside it. “We both gave you permission to do as you pleased. To some extent this leads to this revelation being my fault. Were it a few months ago I would have lost my temper, tried to attack Nightmare Moon and take my estimated loss. However I am a new mare thanks to you and the company you have brought me.”

The lunar diarch stares directly into Nightmare’s eyes. Moving a few steps forward until there’s no room left to approach her by. Her horn immediately ignites and wraps around a smug looking Nightmare Moon. Watching her former host, waiting for a reason to lash out at her. Luna’s magical grip brings Nightmare Moon’s neck closer to Luna and hugs her.

Surely I must be seeing things, right? “I… I actually didn’t see that one coming, maybe that’s how quicksilver felt in that one movie. What an unusual comparison for me to make.”

How do you think I feel right now? I thought for sure she was to strike me so that I could retaliate back. I never thought in a millennium that she would embrace me.Nightmare Moon grits her teeth yet allows the hug to go on. Luna backs away rather fast though and stomps a punctuating hoof on the ground.

“Nightmare Moon, know that the embrace was not because I forgive you. It is meant to represent how I have forgiven myself and as a declaration of self-praise for being able to even think while also carrying out the action of giving you such a kind gesture.”

“Thoust thought we needed to hear thy opinion for ourself? Laughable that thou would think of such ridiculousness.” Nightmare snides.

Luna merely nodded, her rage quells itself as a fire does when it loses oxygen and no longer outwardly ill-respondent towards her counterpart. “Nightmare Moon, we- no, I can tell that you were not entirely at fault for the actions we caused while we were together, some of that blame lies along me.”

I scratched at the back of my head, you could call me impressed. “That was awfully… Wise of you Luna, there really isn’t a doubt for me that you’ve grown past your old self.”

Nightmare is stricken when disbelief. From seeing me agree with Luna to her realizing that things didn’t go as planned, Nightmare only frowns. “Tch, whatever. Now that everything is ‘fine’ now what do we do?”

I shrug my shoulders. “I planned on bringing Nightmare with me in Ponyville to try and ease her into the community so that it’s not a surprise that she’s back… You need to tell your sister about her, I can’t for reasons that only I, Chrysalis, and Celestia know about.”

When did I agree to meet up with the elements?Nightmare Moon questions inside my mind. Which I promptly ignore.

A passing clopping of hooves is sounded after that, right in front of Luna’s door. It suddenly goes back and knocks on her door and opens it without question.

Blueblood walks through, his eyes still haven’t opened. “Auntie Luna, I was wondering if… Aizen.” He nods at me. And I nod back at him.


Luna raises an eyebrow. “How exactly do you two know each other? There is no recollection of my sister or I introducing the two of you to each other.”

“We’ve had interactions, ones of enlightening manner.” Blueblood answers.

“Enlightening interactions you say? Aizen has been one to give out knowledge if ponies peek his interests.” Nightmare Moon quietly states.

“Xavier wouldn’t interact with this noble without a clever reason Nightmare Moon.” Kyōka Suigetsu chimes into both of our heads.

Luna raises both of her brows, something clicks together inside her head. “Wait, is Aizen the reason why begun to call me auntie and you cried in your room nine weeks ago?”

Blueblood watches the words leave his relative’s lips. Attempting his best to try and figure out a reasonable response to her conclusion. Noticing that he’s pausing for an extended period of time, I step in instead to save him. “I found Blueblood to be of interesting character. His mask of being snobbish was imperfect by many standards. And I merely pointed them out to the young stallion.”

The white coated stallion half-hazardly tightens his bow. I told that pony that he needed to fix that habit for any would be confrontations. “He is not wrong aunties. Much about my personality is left to be desired yet I never would have known had Aizen not knock some sense into me. Also, Aizen, we’re up for lessons next Tuesday, right?”

“Canceling a lesson would set a terrible example for you Blueblood, self-improvement should never be skipped out on.” I answer.

Do I even have to ask what these lessons are for?Nightmare Moon projects her inquiry inside my head which I answer back.

“Kyōka, you can answer for me while I get things set up, I’m not going to waste an opportunity of all of us being together in one room while it’s still this early in the morning.” And my Zanpakutō goes on an entire explanation of how we graciously agreed to give Blueblood classes on personality reading, masking, and general information about the psyche of a regular creature.

I let him continue blabbering Nightmare’s ear off as I use some of my Reiatsu to scoot Blueblood closer to us.

“Come, sit you’re not going to get many opportunities like this again to spend time with the three of us all in the same room.”

Luna runs magic through her horn and forms a small stick construct to poke me. “If my nephew is not comfortable staying here with us then you should refrain from using any type of force in order to make him do so.”

“Do you really find it necessary for him to not get along with me? Perhaps you do not want us in his presence then.” Nightmare concludes.

“Manipulation tactics? Hmph, I thought a spirit such as yourself would be better than that.” Luna stops poking me with the stick and moves to point it at Nightmare instead.

Whether or not they resolve it can no longer be considered my problem as Blueblood sat next to me near the beginning of their argument. “So, should I consider this normalized behavior from the two of them?” He turns over to steal a quick glance at the two of them bickering.

“Only when they are around each other, anyways I’ve got an interesting past time for us. Something that I haven’t actually done before.” I use my Reiatsu and pull Luna’s blanket from her bed and on the floor to surround us all.

“Here then, let me show you a wonderful thing back where I’m from, it’s called Jujutsu Kaisen.” I dig into my eye socket and pull out my own eye and keep the eyelid open. Crushing it into spiritual matter which turns into purple dust that floats around to condense into a rectangular shape.

“Solita Vista.”

“W-what is this Aizen?!” Both mares ask at the same time, immediately turning their heads to look at their adversary, surprised by having the same thought within moments before looking back at me.

“We’re going to be watching a moving picture. So kick back and enjoy the show. You all are going to love this one.”