• Published 29th Jul 2023
  • 707 Views, 99 Comments

Friendship is absolute chaos: Fixing a distorted world. - Aether Spark

Spike and Discord come home to a world on the brink of chaotic catastrophe, can they fix it and save harmony?

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A lively city

Spike pulled out a green hair and used his magic on it to form a trace.

“Alright, next up… where does Sandbar live again?” Spike asked Discord.

“I’m not sure, but I believe last I heard he was visiting his uncle in Trottingham,” Discord said.

“Trottingham then!” Spike said flying after the trace which flew off further into Equestria.

Several hours later Spike arrived and was quickly weirded out by what he saw.

Everything looked as it did before, no floating buildings, no bizarre creatures, the only chaotic thing was the sentient objects with pony legs and eyes.

“What the?” Spike said as he landed and walked around “This place looks… normal?” Spike said sounding relieved after his bizarre experience with the living clucking turkeys.

“Spike!” Discord said sounding alert.

“What? I’m just relieved that we may be getting a break for once-” Spike suddenly fell to the right with a surprised yelp.

Spike tumbled through the air and into an alleyway that suddenly morphed into a mouth.

“WHAT THE HAY?!” Spike said before teleporting before the teeth could snatch him.

Spike teleported to the sidewalk and staggered back as he saw several buildings uproot themselves and sprout legs.

“Oh come on! I was just happy about getting a break!” Spike complained.

The buildings tried to step on Spike who flew away from the stomps.

“What’s happening!?” Spike cried as a building fell forward trying to crush Spike and he had to teleport out of the way.

Spike flew high and managed to avoid a building that tried to ram him out of the air and when he was high enough he saw the town had a dozen walking buildings that replanted themselves in the ground.

“What… what is going on?!” Spike panted.

“I tried to warn you, the city is alive!” Discord said as he caught up.

“It’s what?” Spike said before a great rumbling occurred. “Now what’s happening?!” Spike asked

“Oh no, RUN!” Discord shouted as he flew off.

“What?” Spike asked as he saw two whole blocks of the town separate from the ground and swing upwards.

Spike only realized then what was happening…

This part of the town was forming into one giant maw!

“CRAAAAAAAAAAP!” Spike yelled as he shot upwards with superspeed and he had to maneuver around several buildings and he saw a shrinking window ahead.

“COME ON COME ON!” Spike yelled and he narrowly squeezed through a narrow gap and escaped the city's mouth.

Spike flew over to the hills outside of Trottingham and crashed into the ground which stretched like rubber and flung him into the distance.

Spike landed and caught his breath.

“What… Happened in there?” Spike breathed.

“The city seems to have become sentient, luckily it doesn’t seem tied to Chaos in the sense he can see us through it,” Discord said.

“That was insanity!” Spike said.

“Welcome to absolute chaos,” Discord said.

“How am I going to fight an entire city?! This will be impossible!” Spike demanded.

“Well find a way or everypony is screwed,” Discord said.

“Alright…” Spike said with a huff he began pacing back and forth.

An hour passed and Spike still had no idea.

“Well?” Discord asked.

“I don’t know! Fighting an entire hive was enough but all of Trottingham?!” Spike exclaimed.

“Beats me, but if you don’t think of something soon, we’ll be in trouble,” Discord said.

“...” Spike took some more time to ponder and slowly… an idea formed.

“I sense an idea forming,” Discord said.

“Yes…” Spike said.

Spike wandered back into Trottingham, what was different however… was what he was wearing.

“Your sure Spike?” Discord whispered.

“If the city thinks I’m just another aberration then it might not hurt me,” Spike said.

“Good luck then,” Discord said.

Spike wandered into the city, as for what he was wearing… he looked like he was wearing a fire hydrant with his legs sticking out.

“Ok… be careful,” Spike said and he hesitantly approached the very edge of the city that nearly ate him.

“Please for the love of all that is good work,” Spike said putting his foot on the gravel.

Immediately he felt a rumbling.

“Great…” Spike sighed and got ready to run but then he saw what seemed like all the graffiti in the alleyways were moving across the walls towards him.

“Discord, what’s happening?” Spike asked.

“The town senses an unfamiliar presence, just act natural,” Discord whispered.

“Ok…” Spike then started walking like he didn’t see all the graffiti following him.

He noticed on the wall an eye graffiti watching him.

“So that’s how the city sees things…” Spike whispered.

“Alright, now remember, as long as you don’t act suspicious, we won’t be found and crushed,” Discord said.

Spike wandered for what felt like half an hour.

“Anything yet Discord?” Spike whispered as the eye was still following him.

“We’re going in the right direction, Sandbar’s trace is nearby,” Discord said.

Spike followed Discord for what felt like another half an hour and he arrived at an intersection.

He stood among several other curious items, like a doll that split into smaller dolls, and bear-sized gummy bears and a cactus, and so many more weird sentient objects.

“Just act natural,” Spike said, feeling the graffiti eye’s stare on his back.

Spike waited and saw the crossing light turn green.

“Ok-” Spike began to walk forward into the road but a loud beep was heard and Spike narrowly jumped back from an upside-down carriage driving in reverse nearly hitting him.

“Whoa!” Spike said.

“Way to be subtle Spike,” Discord said watching the eye observing him curiously.

“But the light was green, for trotting,” Spike said.

“Spike, this world is meant to not make sense,” Discord said.

“So we cross on red?” Spike gave a sigh.

“Fraid so, you're lucky the city hasn’t declared us a threat yet,” Discord said.

“Ooook,” Spike said seeing the light turn red.

The sentient objects began crossing, Spike followed and crossed the street hurriedly.

Spike turned a corner and then came across a spiraling street.

“What are we dealing with Discord?” Spike asked.

“Don’t walk on the street, walk through the air,” Discord said.

“Why?” Spike asked.

“It’ll seems strange to the city if you don’t,” Discord warned.

“And this isn’t?” Spike said walking forward and he hesitantly stepped on the area where the road wasn’t.

He was literally walking on air and he walked in the spiral.

“This is so weird,” Spike said “The last two areas were nothing but survive against the odds, but this time it’s all covert operations,” Spike said.

“Weird how this stuff works out,” Discord said.

Spike walked and found himself in a strange intersection.

Some carriages were moving at the speed of light, while others were moving at the speed of a snail.

“Should I just fly over?” Spike asked.

“If you want the city to discover you,” Discord said.

“Yeah…” Spike agreed and he took it carefully, like that frogger game that one-eyed triangle introduced him to when he was in the crystal dimension.

Watching carefully for the slow-moving carts he slowly stepped around each one until he got to the other side.

“Are we there yet?” Spike asked.

“It’s around the corner,” Discord pointed.

As Spike moved to go to the house Sandbar was at, an eye that was watching him narrowed its eye suspiciously, and a piece of concrete raised up slightly and Spike tripped on it.

“AH!” Spike yelped and when he hit the ground the helmet on his fire hydrant costume fell off.

Spike was groaning as he got up and he looked to see the wall staring at him… all eyes were on him…

“If only this show allowed swear words…” Spike muttered before turning invisible and running.

An echoing rumble shook the city and the eyes began darting all over the place looking for him.

“Well, this isn’t fine at all!” Discord said as he ran alongside Spike.

“Gee ya think?!” Spike said before hearing another rumble and suddenly concrete slabs began erupting out of the ground beneath him.

“AAAAH! How did it find me?!” Spike questioned.

“I don’t think eyes are all this city has!” Discord pointed to a graffiti ear listening for him.

“Dagnabit!” Spike said as he took to the air and entered communications with Discord.

“With the city on high alert we need to communicate through thought,” Spike said.

“Good plan,” Discord said.

Where’s the house of Sandbar’s uncle?” Spike asked.

“Over there!” Discord pointed at a faded yellow house in the neighborhood area.

“Ok!” Spike said flying through the air quietly, apparently he wasn’t careful enough as he accidentally rustled a tree’s leaves as he flew by, this was seen by a nearby eye and immediately a dozen concrete hands erupted out of the ground and rushed forward to get him.

“Crap!” Spike said as he dodged the hands and flew through the house wall creating a hole.

Spike looked around and saw several eyes and ears appearing in the walls and floors of the house, but no Sandbar in sight.

“Psst, check upstairs,” Discord said, Spike nodded and silently flew upstairs and fazed through a door, finding himself in a colts room.

“Ok… where is he?” Spike asked looking at the messy room, he thought he wasn’t here when suddenly he saw a traffic cone exit a closet with Sandbar’s legs.

“Found him!” Spike accidentally said outloud.

“SDJDAQI?!” The cone said before a dozen eyes entered Sandbar’s room and Spike knew he had blown it.

“Aw heck,” Spike said before darting forward and grabbing the cone and flying through the wall.

Immediately entire houses began uprooting and chasing Spike.

“Why can’t I turn Sandbar invisible!?” Spike said as he tried to fly higher but thrown objects forced him to fly lower.

“He has an some kind of chaos field around him that’s messing with your chaos magic!” Discord explained.

“Great! Can anything else go wrong?!” Spike shouted.

A giant hand formed out of all sorts of object congealing into a giant hand-shaped mass.

“When are you protagonists going to stop saying that?!” Discord shouted.

The giant hand moved quickly and smashed down repeatedly and Spike avoided and flew higher.

Suddenly dozens of buildings appeared in the sky and began to rain down.

“It’s never easy is it?!” Spike shouted as he flew around the falling buildings and objects.

Spike seemed in the clear before a falling bicycle hit him and he dropped Sandbar.

“NO!” Spike shouted and he dove for Sandbar as the giant hand transformed into a giant stone dragon head and it opened its maw to eat them.

Spike grabbed Sandbar and flew as fast as he could and he escaped the mouth, the teeth however struck him and sent him tumbling.

“AAAAAHHH!” Spike shouted as he tumbled through the air.

“Spike!” Discord called as the giant head flew after him.

Spike thought this was it… but he remembered Twilight and the others and he knew he couldn’t lose here! Spike then teleported and avoided the bite of the stone head and he flew over and caught Sandbar before he hit the ground.

As Spike flew through several street walls that sprang up he knew he was on his way to the edge of the city.

But Trottingham wouldn’t let him leave that easily…

The city split down the middle and it began sandwiching itself.

“OH COME ON!” Spike said as he dodged buildings like rows of teeth and he flew to the edge of the city.

“COME ON COME ON COME ON COME ON!” Spike yelled as he got to the edge just as the jaws of the city were about to clamp on him.


The city clamped down and a noise like an explosion occurred for miles.

Discord flew up into the air and turned, but not seeing Spike “Spike?...” Discord asked.

Just when Discord was about to panic he saw a light erupt from the jaws of the city and Spike busted through a building with Sandbar in tow.

“SPIKE!” Discord yelled and he flew over to him as they flew away from the living city.

“I can’t believe you survived!” Discord said.

“It was touch and go but I made it! Let go!” Spike said as they flew back to the cave of harmony.

When they arrive Spike hit the ground panting and Sandbar tumbled over to the hooves of Harmony who was in the process of teaching the Changlings and Griffons present.

“Well… that was a surprisingly tough one,” Discord said as he landed.

“SANDBAR!” Oculus ran over to him and picked the cone up.

“Uhh, Harmony could you um,” Gallus asked.

“I may,” Harmony said before bathing Sandbar in her light and Spike saw the restored pony.

“Thank goodness…” Spike said getting up.

“He will be unconscious for awhile, were you seen out there Spike?” Harmony asked.

“No… not by Chaos at least,” Spike said.

“Then we still have a chance, your efforts have borne fruit Spike, with more harmony, brought back to my presence I am having an easier time restoring several areas from chaos decay.

“Alright, then we better pick up the pace,” Spike said before getting out his box of DNA samples.

Chaos overlooked the town returning to ‘normal’ and smiled.

“Things seem to be going my way after all,” Chaos said with a chuckle before vanishing.

As he appeared back in Ponyville where the chaos was so thick it was beginning to subsume the town like a fog he approached a purple chaos cocoon.

“And soon, I will have my new apprentices, the question is, will you succeed? Or will I?” Chaos asked.

Author's Note:

Does Chaos actually know? Find out by tuning in.

And be sure to vote for the next destination.

1. Dragonlands

2. Yakastan

3. Mount Aries