• Published 29th Jul 2023
  • 707 Views, 99 Comments

Friendship is absolute chaos: Fixing a distorted world. - Aether Spark

Spike and Discord come home to a world on the brink of chaotic catastrophe, can they fix it and save harmony?

  • ...

Chaosville [part 1]

Spike and the young six as well as Discord and Dragon Lord Ember sat around a fire in the middle of the cave of harmony.

“Alright, now that we have the necessary beings for the assault on Chaosville, we have to come up with a plan of attack,” Harmony said.

“Who needs one? We move in and attack Chaos with the harmony beam, BOOM!” Smoulder said eagerly.

“No no, do you really expect him to be caught off-guard so easily? Besides, as we are now, the harmony wave won’t destroy him, only weaken him,” Harmony responded.

“What? I thought that was the point of all this,” Spike said.

“No, he is an abstract concept like me, you’d need to get rid of chaos entirely to destroy him, he needs to be subdued,” Harmony said.

“Ok, how do we ‘subdue him’?” Gallus asked.

“As it stands the chaos surrounding the globe is speeding up, I fear it is because the former bearers are slowly succumbing to the influence of Chaos, if that happens, we are finished,” Harmony said.

“I got a lot of chaos power,” Spike said.

“Against six draconeqqui and Chaos himself?” Harmony said.

“Point taken…” Spike said.

“We need to move in undetected and free the six before dealing with Chaos, the less pawns he has the easier this will be,” Harmony said.

“Well then what are we waiting for!?” Ember said.

“Alright, Ember’s right,” Spike said.

“Ember? Nonono, I am her twenty-third sister, she’s over there,” the Ember clone said as Ember approached.

“Thanks for holding my spot sis,’ Ember said.

“No prob,” she walked away and Ember sat.

“So what were we talking about?” Ember asked.

“....Anyways, we need to get moving, time is of the essence,” Harmony said.

“Alright first, we must give the elements to the new bearers,” Harmony said before floating the jewelry off of the tree to the group.

“Let us start the initiation, first off Gallus,” Harmony floated the tiara to him.”

“Oh come on, I get the girly tiara?” Gallus complained.

“Hush, anyways, you seek to defy the norm in Griffonstone and find friendship among ponies, you seek the magic of friendship, thus I give you the element of magic,” Harmony puts it on his head.

“I…guess that’s kinda cool, am I the leader?” Gallus asked.

“No,” Harmony said.

“Darn,” Gallus said.

“Next Silverstream,” Harmony said turning to her, “You seek the joy of everything fun and happy, and seek to spread that to your friends, I grant you laughter,” She said.

“We thank you,” Silverstream giggled.

“Next, Smolder, back in the day I had almost given up hope that dragons would look beyond their own hoard for another, but you give me hope once again, you value your friendships and thus are granted loyalty,” Harmony said.

“Nice,” Smolder said putting on the necklace.

“Yona, you express yourself without hiding your nature, sure you wish to be a pony, but you're honest about it, I grant you honesty,”

“Yona thanks you!” Yona said.

“Sandbar, you show consideration for others, and are a beacon for others to be better to one another, Kindness is yours,” Harmony said.

“He could never replace Fluttershy,” Discord yawned.

“Shh!” Spike said.

“Lastly Ocellus, your something the Changelings of old were never and that is giving, you share your pure heart with others and never give up on your friends, Generosity is yours,” Harmony said.

“T-thank you,” Ocellus took the necklace.

“Are we done?” Discord boredly asked.

“Silence,” Harmony said rubbing her temples.

“What’d I say?” Ocellus asked.

“Nothing nothing, just an annoying thought is all,” Harmony said.

"I think she’s talking about you Spike,” Discord teased.

“No…” Spike sighed.

“Alright, now that that is done with, we must hurry on, our next item on the agenda is to fix the element bearers.” Harmony said “You have protection thanks to the elements of harmony but not much,” Harmony said.

“How do we help them though?” Spike asked.

“It will harrowing, but you must have each of these six enter the respective element prisons and find a way to snap the element bearer out of it.

“How?” Gallus asked.

“I do not know, but you must get them to remember who they are,” Harmony said.

“And what do I do since I can’t wield an element?” Spike asked.

“Your job will be the most harrowing of all, you must directly battle Chaos to distract him, and prevent him from realizing our plan until it’s too late for him, and hopefully things go well unlike before,” Harmony said not so subtly hintingly.

Discord crossed his arms and humphed. "What makes you think I've ever forgotten what I was 'before?' That hasn't turned me into 'Not Discord.'"

“You joined Chaos voluntarily, he’s brainwashing them, besides, what of your life prior to Chaos do you actually remember?” Harmony said.

"Grogar. A tyrant. Ruling the world with absolute perfect order. Perfectly predictable, dull, and without anything that makes life worth living."

“Whose she talking to?” Smolder asked.

“It’s a little freaky,” Sandbar said.

"No it isn't!" Spike said with a quiet echo to his voice.

"No it isn't." The six echoed.

“Spike? What are you doing?” Harmony asked

"Keeping things streamlined," Spike said.

“I would appreciate you not hypnotizing them, we need them to not be susceptible to Chaos’s mind tricks,” Harmony said.

"Exactly," Spike said. "I hijacked Queen Novo from Chaos no problem."

"I'm sure all of me is fine," Silverstream said. "Part of me is impatient right now and wants to kick the bad guys' tails, but another part wants to work out all the details so everything goes according to plan, and the rest is excited to see all the strange and crazy stuff in Ponyville since we're gonna save the day no matter what."

“I rest my case,” Harmony said, “Let us move now, I will remain here to try and slow the spread of chaos,” Harmony said.

"Thanks for nothin', that is quite logical, this is gonna be so exciting!" Silverstream said in multiple tones.

“Is she alright?” Sandbar asked concernedly.

"It's nothing you need to worry about until AFTER we rescue my family and we put Chaos back in his place," Spike said.

"We don't need to worry until after we've rescued the Bearers and defeated Chaos." Sandbar echoed obediently.

Discord said, "Spiky-Wikey... since I can see what's going to happen a mile away, I might as well tell you now. Chaos magic doesn't just disappear. Either Fluttershy and the others will come to their senses, but their transformation will remain until I or they undo it, assuming they can force themselves to after they've gone from being ponies transformed into Draconequi into Draconequi who used to be ponies... or if the Elements somehow squeeze them back into their tiny pony shapes... you better be prepared... you're about to become the most powerful, and dangerous, chaos god in history, assuming your friends don't decide they like being all-powerful and immortal now that it's not just been a 'problem of the week to get solved.' Even if they decide what I did... not liking being anyone's minion."

“I… see,” Spike gulped.

“Off you all go then, be careful,” Harmony said.

“Alright, let’s go!” Smolder said.

“Yes! All but one of me is not cowering!” Silverstream cheered.

“Time to set things right,” Ocellus said.

“I’m coming girls, wait for me,” Spike said as the group exited the cave.

The group moved on to the outside of the cave of harmony.

“Alright, everyone listen up, I am going to fly us there, there’s no telling what may happen along the way so let’s stick together,” Spike said as he grabbed them in his magic and floated up into the air.

“Just please don’t drop me again, I nearly had a heart attack last time,” Sandbar begged.

“I won’t I won’t,” Spike said before flying off in the direction of Chaosville.

Chaos looked out towards the cave of harmony from Ponyville.

“Heheh… seems the time has come, let’s start the party,” Chaos said before suddenly the extra thick chaos polluting Ponyville began to expand…

Spike flew in the direction he knew Ponyville was in, when he saw Ponyville he looked shocked.

The town somehow looked, even more, worse for wear than before, he was seeing whole buildings beginning to disintegrate and reform, the formally parading pony objects were rapidly disappearing and reappearing in random places, and at the heart of the chaos a similarly named being seemed to just be… lounging?

“What’s going on?... nevermind, we need to find the others,” Spike said.

Gallus suddenly grunted in pain.

“Huh?” Spike turned to him.

“I’m fine, just a twinge of pain,” Gallus said.

“Ok,” Spike shrugged and he flew down to the forest which had trees rapidly spinning in place, he flew to an open area amidst the trees.

“Alright, we’re in the thick chaos, Harmony said the elements will protect you but not for long, so time is of the essence,” Spike said.

“Let’s save Fluttershy first,” Discord said.

“No, we save them all at the same time, I am going to send you all to your destinations,” Spike said.

“How do you know where to send us?” Gallus said wincing from a pain in his head.

“I can… sense things, just give me a moment,” Spike turned around and whispered to Discord.

“So where are they?” Spike asked.

“From what I saw last time, at their places of residence,” Discord said.

“Ok! My sources say at their places of residence, I will teleport you there,” Spike said.

“W-we’re going in alone?!” Ocellus shivered.

“Don’t worry, things will go smoothly as long as you have the element,” Spike said.

“Let’s go,” Smolder said.

"I'm not scared, that is logical, this is gonna be fun!" Silverstream said.

“Yona is ready!” Yona said.

“Ok, remember what Harmony said, and good luck!” Spike then teleported them.

“Are you ready Spike?” Discord said, admittedly nervous.

"I wasn't about to say anything in front of Harmony with her precious chosen ones, but if this had been my scheme, I'd have gotten the parents of the ladies and have THEM remind them who they were, or Shining-Didn't-Appear-In-Season-One for Twilight and Miss-200-years-old for Applejack. They TAUGHT the girls to be who they are... they'd have found one of them for each." Discord said.

"I trust Harmony to come up with a plan a lot more than you," Spike said.

"And I don't blame you. Just don't forget, thinking outside the box isn't Harmony's strong suit. Just as thinking INSIDE IT isn't Chaos's." Discord warned “Now go on, before Chaos realizes what our plan is,” Discord said.

“Ok,” Spike said as he walked out into town and spotted Chaos just floating around.

“CHAOS! I’m here to finish this!” Spike said.

Chaos spun around with mock surprise. “OH! Spike the newcomer to godhood, you scared the me out of me!” Chaos mocked.

“Enough games Chaos! I have enough power to beat you,” Spike said.

“Heheheh, so the pet got off his leash and thinks it’s above the holder?” Chaos mocked again.

“I am NOT A PET!” Spike yelled and he fired a beam of chaos magic at Chaos, who just opened his mouth and ate it.

“Hmm… a bit spicy isn’t it?” Chaos remarked.

“What?” Spike said.

“What? Is your gusto fizzling out already? Hah, Discord really messed up choosing you,” Chaos mocked before forming a body with crystals from the castle looking like a random colored even more random version of Discord's body, each toe and claw from a different beast, each scale from a different creature, ever-shifting in meaningless pattern.

“Don’t underestimate me, I’ll do anything for my friends!” Spike said.

“Which is what makes you unfit to be a lord of chaos, friendship,” Chaos said.

“What do you mean?” Spike demanded.

“Friendship is synonymous with order, peace, and all those other things that make me want to hurl, tell me dear boy, what sounds more fun? A predictable world run by logic, or a world where anything can happen? You can do anything, be anything, you could be immortal, invincible, and control everything,” Chaos asked. "Why throw that away for your friends?"

"... Have you seen the things Twilight would do for a friendship report? Or how crazy things get when Rarity and Rainbow Dash hang out together in spite of being like oil and water? Friendship is as chaotic as it comes, you can never be sure which way it'll go." Spike explained.

Friendship is what tied Discord down and led him to become peaceful then he stopped spreading chaos, that yellow-bellied thing ruined him, and now, I am ruining what made that happen, you cling on to the norm, while I make the new norm, If ponies don’t want chaos, they get DESTRUCTION!” Chaos said malevolently before raising his hands and tearing multiple houses out of the ground.

Many ponies fell out, some bounced like rubber, other shattered, only to reform into smaller ponies and start playing poker, other went 'splat' flat like pancakes, only to pull themselves up and walk away with her flat legs flapping in the wind. Seemingly oblivious to Chaos and Spike.

“First, I’ll strip you of your powers, then I’ll leave you to die with this world, and your sister and friends, will be my messengers to the worlds beyond this dimension, and the best irony is, you could have prevented all of this Spikey boy,” Chaos sneered.

“What?” Spike said.

“You could have said no to Discord's offer, stayed to help your friends, and maybe when things went south you could have sent a message to Sunbutt about this, and it would have been resolved! I wouldn’t have gotten my chance to drown the world in chaos, so really Spike, the blame goes to you,” Chaos mocked.

“N-no… I-” Spike stuttered.

“Like the perpetual child you are, you need a time out for your mistakes!” Chaos threw the houses at Spike.

"You wanna see childish? Twilight and the others are MINE, not yours! The real them! Not whatever cheap, boring, PREDICTABLE, flat-as-paper personalities you've given them!" Spike said as he teleported around the houses thrown at him.

“Oh, I'm wounded!” Chaos laughed as he turned the clouds above Spike into stone and they fell towards him.

Spike saw them and flew out of the way but instead of hitting the ground the clouds flew to the left.

"Blah, blah, I'm so evil, blah, blah, spread chaos, blah blah, old me was a loser. I don't NEED to meet them to know you've done nothing but copy Discord's old shtick! You call that chaotic?! Fluttershy gave Discord MORE possibilities, more chances for chaos, without her, he'd have stayed EXACTLY THE SAME! Sounds pretty darn orderly to me!"

"Spike... thank you..." Discord whispered.

“Oh, so you think you know my job better than me? I invented chaos!” Spike dodged giant fists made of crystal that manifested out of the ground, they opened their hands and sent flying hordes of birds at Spike and when the birds got close, they burst into blinding flurries of confetti.

“Agh!” Spike was disoriented as Chaos laughed.

“See! Unpredictability is the best ability!” Chaos chuckled.

“Spike, be careful,” Discord said.

“I hope the others are having more luck than me,” Spike grumbled.

Smolder appeared at Rainbow Dash’s prison.

“Ok! Now, let’s do this!” Smolder approached the blue sphere and entered.

And she fell through the skies…

“AAAAAHHH!” Smolder quickly stretched her wings out and flew up “Whew that surprised me,” Smolder said before seeing that she was in Cloudsdale.

“Huh?... for a chaotic brainwashing prison this seems oddly normal… I wonder-” Smolder suddenly had to cover her ears when loud as heck music blared over the cloudspace and Smolder turned to see what seemed like a concert in the distance.

“What the? I gotta check this out,” Smolder said flying in that direction.

Silverstream arrived at a pink sphere and looked around.

“Alright, two parts of me thinks there’s a trap, while another wants to proceed, overrules? Nah, I am sure Pinkie is nothing to worry about,” Silverstream said as she entered… and found herself in darkness.

“Huh? Odd,” Silverstream said before proceeding on and seeing a light ahead.

“Alright, Pinkie, what is he offering you? Nothing, everything, shut up you two!” Silverstream talked to herself as she proceeded into the light.

Yona arrived at the farm and she looked to see the trees picking their own apples and eating them before regrowing them.

“Odd, now Yona must enter prison and find out what Applejack’s problem is,” Yona said before entering the prison.

She found herself right where she was a minute ago, with no sphere in sight.

“Hmm? Where did Yak go? No difference,” Yona said looking around.

Suddenly a loud cheer caught her ear and she turned to see some kind of party being held.

“Yona like parties, but where Applejack?” Yona said entering the party.

Sandbar poked his head out of some bushes, and unlike Spike from before there were no mutant animals guardian it now.

“Curious…“ Sandbar said before approaching and slipping into the prison.

He found himself at a much bigger cottage.

Within was a yellow-furred Draconequus reclining on a chair drinking tea.

“I don't know what I have gotten myself into, let’s hope nothing bad happens…” Sandbar said.

Ocellus entered the prison before her inside the Boutique and found herself somewhere odd.

It looked like… a cave? Why a cave?

As she was wondering that she heard voices echoing from within.

“O-ok… it’ll be okay,” Ocellus said before entering.

Gallus arrives at Twilight’s prison floating in the center of a spiral of crystals that was once a castle.

He was about to fly up but he heard the explosions in the distance and turned to see Spike in the distance fighting a Draconequus made of crystal.

“Good luck Spike,” Gallus said before flying up to the prison… before something appeared behind him…

Spike impacted the ground before rolling and he jumped and flew away as the ground turned into a mouth and tried to eat him.

“Ngh!” Spike grunted as he impacted against Chaos.

“Right behind ya!” Chaos tail-whipped Spike into the ground.

“Aaah!” Spike yelled as he hit the ground.

“Do you admit defeat? Please say no,” Chaos said.

“Not on your life you psycho!” Spike fired a chaos blast at him but he simply snapped his finger and turned it into balloons that popped raining down chattering teeth on Spike.

“Ah! OWOWOWOW!” Spike yelped as they bit him.

"Seriously Spike? This is the limit of your imagination? I thought you were better than this. All that chaos magic and all you can think of is 'zap-zap'? I thought you were calling ME boring! This can't be all you have. Or is your definition of chaos being a punching bag?"

“You- I am just getting started!” Spike said conjuring up a pie with dynamite in it.

Chaos just snapped his fingers and the dynamite blew up early sending Spike flying.

"No no no, boy. I can't believe you. How can you be so close to becoming something greater, and you're still trapped thinking inside the box, clinging to arbitrary rules of what can and can't work. I can think of a million ways to blow you up where you stand right now. But so what? Where's the UNPREDICTABILITY in that? Come ON hatchling! Show some freakin' will to live!"

“I’m… not done yet!” Spike said before using his imagination to conjure up a catapult with a dozen flaming fists on it, it flung them at Chaos, but Chaos simply blew some air and sent them back and Spike was forced to dodge.

“Oh that was sad… the old flaming fist trick? What is this amateur hour?” Chaos taunted.

“Shut up!” Spike said.

"I know you're still learning hatchling, but stop clutching to these logical, rational, and harmonic ideas of what you can do! Hit me with something surprising for me's sake!" Chaos said exasperatedly.

“I-I…” Spike said.

“Spike! Listen to me!” Discord said.

“Huh?” Spike said, turning to Discord.

“You gotta do as he says and turn it up a notch or a dozen!” Discord said.

“I’m trying!” Spike said.

“Try harder, everything rides on this fight!” Discord said. “Your family, your friends, everypony! Use everything you’ve learned on this journey to win! Or at least… you know,” Discord said insinuating on the success of the student six.

“... You're right…” Spike turned to Chaos.

“Oh, you're done talking with that failure now?” Chaos casually asked.

“Yeah, and now, it’s time for some chaos…” Spike said powering up his claws with chaos magic.

In his mind's eyes, Spike the little normal baby dragon stood before a giant iron double door covered in chains... with the faintest pull... the chaos rumbled with a thundering echo. The iron doors swung outward with a deafening creek. Out flooded green fire with countless long necked dragon heads, laughing, snarling, hissing, weeping, sighing, and reciting poetry... Spike was swept up in the green flames, his body turning into the same green fire, and became one with it.

In the real world, a spiral of flame erupted, and in Spike's place a purple-scaled draconequus.


"... Finally," Chaos whispered.

Author's Note:

Things are heating up as we speed towards the final confrontation.

What twists and turns await us?