• Published 29th Jul 2023
  • 707 Views, 99 Comments

Friendship is absolute chaos: Fixing a distorted world. - Aether Spark

Spike and Discord come home to a world on the brink of chaotic catastrophe, can they fix it and save harmony?

  • ...

Chaosville [part 2]

Spike and Chaos stared at each other.

“Spike… you fully bonded with the chaos!” Discord said in awe.

“That’s right! Now shut up and let me paste this geezer!” Spike said with a growl.

Chaos just laughed.

“Oh your indeed a hoot young one, so you managed to bond with the chaos in your body, I am the very concept of it! What makes you think you hold so much as a prayer against me?” Chaos asked.

“Maybe not… but I’ll be willing to try!” Spike said before hovering into the air.

“Let’s throw a party dear boy, till we drop!” Chaos said before he lunged forward and Spike mirrored him and the two clashed causing an explosion.

Smolder walked through the prison and looked around.

“I’ve only been here once, nothing seems to be out of the ordinary,” Smolder said as she made her way toward the noise.

As she made it to her destination she suddenly found herself cut off by two burly ponies.

“Um… excuse me,” Smolder said.

“You are not awesome enough to enter, leave,” The pony said.

“Excuse me?” Smolder said offendedly.

“You are not awesome enough to enter, leave,” The pony said almost robotically.

“Let me through, I gotta find Rainbow Da-Oomph!” Smolder was shoved back by the burly pony.

“You are not awesome enough to enter, leave,” The pony said.

“You say that one more time, I swear,” Smolder warned.

“You are not awesome enough to enter-” Smolder breathed fire on the pony in an attempt to scare him off… what happened instead was he reached through the fire and grabbed her by the neck and hoisted her up to him “Leave,” He said before chucking her.

“Whooaaa!” Smolder cried as she hit the ground “The heck? That usually works.” Smolder said before getting up “Alright beefcake, you want some of this?!” Smolder said before charging at him, only to bounce off his muscular chest.

“You are not awesome enough to enter, leave,” He said.

“Is that all you can say?!” Smolder demanded.

“No,” The pony said.

“So you're belittling me… hmmm… wait a minute…” Smolder saw they were earth ponies and there was open space above them.

“Hah! Too bad you don’t have wings!” Smolder said flying over them… only to run into one again, he was floating even without wings.

“You are not awesome enough to enter, leave,” The pony said for the UMPTEENTH time.

“What the?!” Smolder tried to go around him but he just hovered at the right speed in her way.

“How can somepony be this good at body blocking?!” Smolder said.

“Give up and leave, you do not have the permission of the awesome one to enter,” The pony finally said something else.

“And how do I get that?” Smolder asked, arms crossed.

“If she lets you in, which she hasn’t, you are not awesome enough to enter, so leave,” The pony said adjusting his sunglasses.

Smolder pinched her brow “You let me in or I swear… I’M GONNA-” Smolder didn’t get to finish her threat before a booming but familiar voice called out.

“YO! Let her through, she’s with me!” RD called.

“Huh?” Smolder peeked over the guard's shoulder to see a shocking sight.

A draconequus Rainbow Dash, on a throne, carried by other buff ponies.

“You have been granted permission by the awesome one, you may pass,” The guard got out of her way.

“Hmph! Not so cool now are ya?” Smolder humphed at him before flying up to Rainbow.

“Yo! If it isn’t Smolder, what’s shaking my girl?” Rainbow casually asked.

“'What’s shakin' my girl?'” Smolder confusedly parroted.

“Jinx, heheh, so what brings you to my concert?” Rainbow said stepping off her throne and the guards using their bodies as stairs for her.

“Uh…” Smolder had a brief brainfart before shaking her head and resuming “Equestria needs your help Rainbow, you need to leave this prison before you-” Rainbow held up a paw to quiet her.

“I’m gonna stop you there, Equestria’s in danger? And you want my help?” Rainbow asked.

“Um… yeah?” Smolder replied.

“Pass, so why not come down to the concert hall, there’s a big buffet table with gem embroidery, and Spitfire and the group are getting ready for their next number, I tell ya they're awesome-” Rainbow was cut off by Smolder.

“Waitwaitwaitwait, you pass? Rainbow, your friends need you, to stop Chaos! I-”

“Oh you mean the cool guy who gave me unlimited power, as long as he supplies it I’m gung ho for some action,” Rainbow said all chill-like.

“Rainbow… what about your friends!?” Smolder demanded.

“Eh who needs em, having fans is better,” RD shrugged.

“Who are you?” Smolder said sounding shocked.

“The coolest Draconeqqus around, that’s what!” RD snickered before floating back onto her throne.

“After the concert, I’m gonna leave this rock called Equus behind and bring my awesomeness to other dimensions, just like bossman said,” RD said.

“B-but what about pony kind! You can’t leave them like this!” Smolder said before RD was suddenly up in her face talking in a low tone.

“Please, do tell me what I can and can’t do again, see where it gets ya,” RD said before resuming like she hadn’t threatened her.

“Anywhoo, the concert is calling me so I bid you adieu,” RD said before teleporting away.

“....What the…?” Smolder said just standing there in shock.

Silverstream walked into the light and came out into what she expected, a HUGE party was going on.

There were rides, clowns, buffets as far as the eye can see, and ponies everywhere.

“Wow! What a big party! Eh normal get-together” Silverstream grunted as she tried to sort the voices in her head.

“One part of me wants to stop and party. One part is really confused, and the last is annoyed at how hard it is to find the pink weirdo in this."

Silverstream entered the party and saw all sorts of things going on, it’s like Pinkie’s description of the pony custom called… Comic con or something like it?

As she walked on she saw some ponies cheering for a clown and she figured she’d ask for directions.

“Excuse me,” Silverstream asked getting the clown's attention.

“Hmm?” The clown hummed.

“I am looking for Pinkie Pi-” Silverstream got cut off by a pie in the face.

“Oh nono, no speaking of the birthday girl until it’s time!” The clown said with a giggle before floating away.

“Oook… Do you know where she is?” Silverstream asked.

“Who?” The clown paused.

“Pinkie P-” another pie hit her face.

“HAHAHA!” The clown laughed before flying away.

“One part is annoyed… another is also annoyed… but the other other loves pie!” Silverstream said before moving on,

As she moved through the party she noticed that anypony she chatted with was avoidant… odd.

Silverstream was about to just fly around until she found her before a loud bell went off and everypony left their stations and went to a stage.

“Huh?” Silverstream went to where they were going and looked up at a giant gift box.

“What is-?” Silverstream was shushed by everyone.

Suddenly the gift opened and a platform rose out of it and a draconequus Pinkie rose out of it.

“Hello…” Pinkie muttered even as the crowd cheered.

"Happy birthday..." Silverstream turned her head... next to her was another Pinkie Pie with 'deflated' hair.

“Huh? Two Pinkies?” Silverstream asked.

"Hm? What are you doing here? I thought this was supposed to be a 'slow burn corruption' story," said the other Pinkie Pie. "You haven't awakened to your true-self... even I can tell that."

Silverstream looked at the pink draconequus performing on stage without a care in the world.

"W-Who are you?"

"The name's Pinkamena... and you and I have a lot in common, for instance, I can tell you're in pieces... a lot like me. I'm the part of Pinkie Pie she never wants to think about, bad memories, bad feelings, I come out when she doesn't want to deal with them."

“You're a fragment of her personality, a part of me is curious! I am also confused, and upset?” Silverstream said as her mind was drifting again.

“That’ll happen, you’ll get used to it, for now you got to get Pinkie to remember who she is,” Pinkamena said looking up at the depressed draconequus trying to do a musical number and the crowd somehow liking it.

“I'm honestly surprised you're here though... I know everything Pinkie Pie knows, even if she sometimes blocks out things I know. And I know, you were supposed to awaken the chaos in you, and be a candidate for becoming a draconequus... But you're not radiating chaos magic at all... meaning Spike took it from you, or Chaos for whatever reason didn't give you the chance TO awaken... not that Chaos has to make sense... but everything he's done so far as been part of some scheme... so it'll a little off-putting."

"Wait wait... Spike told us that Gabby and Smolder gained chaos magic... but I was supposed to too?! Wait, 'supposed to' with chaos?"

"Yeah. For being the embodiment of unpredictability, he sure seems to be an angel." Pinkamena said without much passion.

“Hey you two, you're interrupting the show, this is the best part,” A clown said.

They saw Pinkie doing a dance with the microphone that sprouted legs and after several twirls she did the splits.

"I'm talking with my friend!" Pinkamena growled. "We can enjoy the show just fine!"

"Uh, yes mistress... sorry for interrupting." The clown bowed several times before running.

"What IS this?" Silverstream asked.

"It's a rite of passage, Pinkie Pie letting of her harmonic desires to embrace chaos and complete her ascension as a chaos goddess... to only care about HER chaos."

“No! I gotta stop her then, maybe after this tune, no asap! Argh!” Silverstream tried to focus.

"Do you have a right to? If this is Pinkie Pie's decision, then-" Pinkamena said.

"Chaos brainwashed her!" Silverstream insisted.

"Did he? Or did he just tempt her with things she'd always wanted, but didn't want to grasp because the harmonic side was keeping them in check?"

“The world needs Harmonic Pinkie to save it,” Silverstream said as she started to press through the crowd, Mena close behind.

“You're only going to make things worse…” Mena sighed.

“Maybe you're right, no I can do this!” Silverstream said trying to shake the other voices out.

She made her way up to the platform where Pinkie is dancing.

"Just be careful... Chaos wouldn't have boasted of you being a chaos god candidate and then made sure you couldn't awaken as one without some scheme in mind."

“We’ll be careful,” Silverstream said before calling up to Pinkie “PINKIE! I need to talk to you!” Silverstream called.

The crowd gasped and stared at her as the music paused and Pinkie looked at her, sounding excited despite the glum look on her face.

"Silverstream? You're here? Cool! I was wondering when we'd get to that part of the story! ... But you seem kinda plain... But I see you're now a crowd."

"No thanks to Chaos!"

"Multiple personalities is a good thing for a chaos goddess, just think, no one can be sure which of you will do next!"

"Pinkie Pie this isn't about that! You need to get out of here! Chaos is going to destroy Equestria, the WORLD from all the chaos he's spreading, Harmony can't keep up!"

"I've had time to think about it... and honestly, I LIKE being this way. Cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye... " Pinkie replied.

“What? Pinkie! What about Equus?” Silver asked.

"It'll be FINE! Once Chaos leaves and us with him, then Discord will be the only Chaos God left, and Harmony will have Equus ALLLLLLL to herself like she's always wanted, big bully."

“But without Chaos here the balance will tilt again, Discord can’t possibly take the job solo,” Silver tried to explain.

"Oh you haven't seen the big twist coming," Pinkie Pie leaned in with huge grin.

“Twist? What twist?” Silver asked.

"Come on! We've been building up to it since the beginning of this story arc! I thought it was kinda obvious by now!” Pinkie said with a laugh.

Pinkie Pie cracked her knuckles. "But if you really are that worried about Equestria not having enough chaos when we leave... you can help fill in the quota. You've always been chaotic at heart Silverstream... "

“Me? You're suggesting I become the new lord of chaos and disharmony?”

"Well, there are so many different KINDS of chaos... having just one was always kinda weird don't you think? You, Discord, Spike-"

"How do you know about Spike?!" Silverstream demanded.

"I read the last chapter," Pinkie replied.

"What?!" Silverstream exclaimed.

"Don't worry about it, it'll make sense to you soon enough," Pinkie said.

"Pinkie Pie! I don't care how much you love doing this-" Silver tried to reason.

"Say that again!" Pinkamena suddenly closes, her head on the Draconequus, and suddenly Pinkie Pie being in the crowd.

Even more confused Silverstream said, "Not-not what we meant! I mean, that abandoning everyone you love just for a giant party? That's not you! You love GIVING parties to others, parties that LET THEM be happy, not parties that only make YOU happy."

“But chaos me loves parties for myself,” Pinkie said grumping a little.

“But that’s not who you are!” Silverstream said.

Pinkie began to grumble and suddenly Silverstream was hoisted up with chaos magic.

“You darken my party with your anti-chaos talk, GET OUT!” Pinkie said tossing Silver to the edge of the crowd. Pinkie's head was on the Draconequus again and continued her song and dance routine.

“Warned ya,” Mena said, trotting up to her.

“There’s gotta be something we can try,” Silverstream said before looking around for anything that could help.

"Be careful, the only answer might be inside."

Yona walked through the apple trees and saw what looked like one of Applejack's family get-togethers.

“Eat to yer heart's content everypony! Ah, transcend today and bring the name of the Apple Family to the stars, and maybe ah’ll meet some UFOs too!” Applejack said although she was clearly lying about the UFO’s.

“Yona smell food!” Yona said making her way over to a table, but before she could sit down she paused and shook her head.

“No! Yak must focus!” Yona said making her way up through the crowd and approaching Applejack who was a draconequus and lounging on a throne made of apples.

“And ah said to Flim and Flam, ya’ll can have mah farm, when ya learn how ta beat me at hoofwrestlin! HA!” Applejack said.

“Yona don’t believe that,” Yona said and the ponies around her looked at her like she had just spit on Applejacks apple fritters.

“Oh hi there little guy!” Applejack said.

“Yona a girl!” Yona said.

“Really, ah canne tell the gender difference, it’s all in tha fur,” Applejack said.

“That not how Yak genders work!” Yona said before taking a breath “Applejack must stop and come with Yona, Equestria in danger!” Yona said.

“Ah no need, ah jest checked a few minutes ago, everythin’s fine,” Applejack said.

“Yona been here for nearly half an hour, you lying,” Yona said.

“Ah ain’t lyin, maybe yer jest a bad judge of character,” Applejack said.

“Will you come and help or not?” Yona asked.

“Nah, ah’ll jest stick around here an enjoy time with mah family before ah take the Apple name to cosmic levels!” Applejack laughed, and everypony robotically laughed with her.

“Yona need to figure out how to convince Applejack she not liar,” Yona wondered.

“Well if that’s all ya needed ah got lots of work to do, sittin, eatin, staring at sky, ya understand,” Applejack said dismissively.

“Yona not leave,” Yona said.

“Then ah’ll kick ya out,” Applejack said getting up… before sitting back down “Big Mac, escort her out,” Applejack yawned and laid back.

“Yes mam,” Mac said with a hypnotized look in his eyes as he walked up to Yona and picked her up.

“Hey! Let Yona down!” Yona said as she was carried to the edge of the property.


Yona got up but Mac stood there blocking her way “Yona have to figure out how to fix Applejack’s head!” Yona said.

In the opulent version of Fluttershy's cottage, the yellow draconequus waved at Sandbar.

"Hello Sandbar, it's right about time for you to show up. Please have a seat. Don't worry, nothing here is booby-trapped or going to try to corrupt you. The tea is safe too."

Sandbar inched in, braced for some sort of trap... he'd heard the corrupted Fluttershy was as cruel as needless... not... not like normal Fluttershy.

"Fluttershy! I know this might sound crazy, but you're not supposed to be a draconequus, this isn't real! Chaos is corrupting you, and soon he'll destroy Equus from Harmony being overwhelmed! You can to escape here and help stop him!"

"... Oh I know all that already, sugar?" Fluttershy said offering him some sugar.

Sandbar found himself holding a teacup sitting in a chair his size across from the chaos goddess. He dimly nodded.

"I know this is a pocket world created to finish my 'corruption' into a complete draconequus like Discord. I know the others are going through the same thing. And I know you and the others are here to 'rescue me' from this. Restore us all to normal, put Chaos 'in his place' and restore Equestria's status quo as if none of this had ever happened, except the others learning not to bully Discord about his magic." Fluttershy said in a knowing tone.

“Why are you sounding.,.. Uncorrupted? Shouldn’t you be shouting at me or something?” Sandbar said wondering what was happening right now,

"Because this is me Sandbar, Fluttershy. Not AngryShy, not SnootyShy, not GothShy, not TrendyShy, not OppositeFluttershy... I've had my head swapped around many many times. And I know chaos way more than any of the others... I don't even scream when I visit Discord's world anymore... it's rather beautiful when you accept it for what it is."

“I…get that but-” Suddenly Sandbar jumped when he heard a yell from behind him and he turned to see a tiny Draconeqqus Fluttershy in a cage.

Fluttercruel snarled from within a cage, "I was supposed to absorb you! Not the other way around!"

The draconequus Fluttershy said calmly, "You wanted me to embrace being a draconequus, I have, you wanted me to embrace chaos, I have. You don't need to be so sour about it, you need to learn to behave yourself for when you meet your father."

"Chaos?" Sandbar asked confused.

"Discord of course silly, he was the one to create my corrupted self... yes he was quite horrible wasn't he when we first met," Fluttershy said.

Some scones appeared on a plate next to Sandbar... he gingerly took some.

"This.... this isn't what ... you were supposed to be all evil and stuff... and I was supposed to snap you out of it!"

"I know you were Sandbar, that's how this is 'supposed' to go. You were supposed to come here, with her treating my animals as if they were stuffed animals, suffering for my amusement, that I'd never do. I'd kick you out of my cottage when you tried to convince me it wasn't right, and have to come up with another plan."

“I am so confused right now,” Sandbar said

"You're telling me! I'm supposed to be Fluttershy right now! Not her!" The little draconequus snapped.

"And that behavior is why you're still on time out," Fluttershy said.

“So let me get this straight Fluttershy, you are not corrupted and you know everything that is going on? And your doing nothing to stop it?” Sandbar asked.

"Not anymore. Chaos let us have our most petty desires here filtered with our corrupted selves. And no, I'm not. Because I don't intend to leave once Chaos and the others leave."

"... What?... But... " Sandbar said.

"That's what Chaos says is supposed to happen?” Fluttershy said.

"Why... why are you DOING THIS Fluttershy? Don't you want to save Equestria?" Sandbar exclaimed.

"I AM saving Equestria..." Fluttershy responded with a sip of her tea.

"... Have you looked outside?! Have you seen what Chaos did to everyone, is doing to everyone, to your friends?"

Fluttershy said darkly. "Yes... I do... He's being horrible... every bit as horrific as Discord was, except he knows better and is doing it anyway... all for the plan he's had in motion from the beginning, that you're supposed to overcome in the end anyway... "

"THEN HOW IS THIS SAVING EQUESTRIA?!" Sandbar slammed his hooves on the table.

Fluttershy stared at him.

"Uh... please explain Miss Fluttershy please, I'll be good?" Sandbar squeaked under the power of her stare.

Fluttershy put down her teacup. "Have you ever heard of Opaline, Sandbar? You will... and you'll wish you never did."

“Who is she?” Sandbar said.

"She's an Alicorn who was raised in the same kingdom as Luna and Celestia... except she thinks Alicorns should rule ponies 'just because' rather than earning it. She's so powerful that the only way Twilight will be able to stop her is to seal away magic from Equestria completely... it'll cause every dragon in the world to go into a centuries long sleep... Equestria will fall into ruins... the ponies tribes will be separated again... unicorns will become depressed recluses, Pegasi will become fame obsessed isolationists, and earth ponies militant xenophobes"

“H-how do you know this? Did Chaos feed you lies or something?” Sandbar stuttered.

"No. I'm further along than any of the others... that means I can ... well, you wouldn't understand the term. But I can see beyond our world Sandbar... in a way you can understand, you could understand, you could say I'm seeing the future the same way you're seeing me across this table."

“S-so… Equestria’s harmony is doomed?” Sandbar gulped.

"As long as events continue on their current course, Sandbar. I won't let Discord face that future all alone. Discord will see ponykind fall apart without being there for me. If we cause enough chaos, we can cause our reality to take a different course than the one it would naturally take... that world would still exist... but it'd be no longer OUR world."

“I…I still need to get your help in fixing the current situation, think about it, what about your friends? How can Twilight help guide Equestria from the stars?” Sandbar said grasping at straws.

"I'm hoping that if I knock things enough off the rails, then there's no way that future can come to pass. I don't like it. I hate it. I loathe myself for it. But if harmony falling and chaos reigning is inevitable, then if I'm part of the chaos, maybe I can help things along a different course."

“That’s… I don’t even know where to start… Your gambling on the hopes that Equestria will fix itself based on you being one of the Chaos beings?” Sandbar questioned.

"I have faith that Discord and I, and maybe Spike and Silverstream, together can make it so the chaos won't destroy everything, just set Equestria on a better course."

“And if it doesn’t? What if you putting it all to faith causes things to go down a worse path?” Sandbar questioned.

"You have faith in your friends succeeding, you have faith that Harmony knows what she's doing, you have faith that Spike and Discord will be able to keep Chaos distracted long enough for you to save me and the others and that all of us will still want to be ourselves after everything Chaos has done to us."

“Spike…Yeah, what about Spike? If you just lounge here waiting for completion Chaos will kill him!” Sandbar said worriedly.

"... Being dead isn't very chaotic is it? Sandbar... let me ask you... if Chaos wanted to make Spike never heard from again... why wouldn't have already? If Celestia fought YOU seriously, do you think you'd win? Or 'delay' her?"

"... Chaos is TOYING with him?" Sandbar asked.

"No. He isn't." Fluttershy responded.

“Then Spike’s part of his ‘grand scheme’?” Sandbar tried again.

"That would be spoilers, I'm sadly not allowed to share, I would if I could."

“How Fluttershy… How can I convince you that waiting around may make things worse?” Sandbar said honestly trying to find a leg to stand on in this conversation.

“Good luck pal, she’s as dense as they come,” Fluttercruel said.

"You're right Sandbar, it might make things worse, it might make things better, isn't that better than knowing things WILL get worse?"

“I… need a moment…” Sandbar said getting out of his chair and trotting to get some thinking space.

"Take as long as you need. Your friends will be finished with their parts in your quest around the same time when we're done here. Feel free to use my Element of Kindness... "

“I’ll keep that in mind,” Sandbar said sullenly.

Ocellus wandered into the cave and looked around at the crystalline walls and stalactites.

“R-Rarity?” Ocellus murmured as she made her way into the deep dark cave.

As she walked past something she turned and saw a shape.

“AH!” She jumped before seeing it was a statue of Rarity, chiseled to a tee.

“Huh? Where am I heading in this cave?” Ocellus asked herself as she continued on, seeing more statues in different poses and she eventually found a red carpet.

Her confusion growing she made her way to the other side of the cave and saw something… that made her cringe.

A castle was being built atop a statue of Rarity.

As Drconeqqus Rarity was hovering about cracking a whip at the ponies building it.

“Faster! I want this beautiful diamond statue of yours truly to be finished ASAP, better yet NOW!” Rarity said.

“I knew she was vain but… this is scary,” Ocellus said, wondering if she should run.

“You there!” Rarities voice called and Ocellus eep’d, thankfully when she looked she just saw Rarity chastising a slave taking a break.

“Must I watch you all day!? The more gems you find the better! I NEED MORE GEMS!” Rarity said.

“Yes mam!” The slaves ran back to hurry.

“How can I convince her to help when she’s holding that whip?” Ocellus said not liking the idea of getting whipped.

Ocellus knowing she had to do something snuck down to a lower area using a belly crawl and when she got there she saw Rarity flying about cracking her whip.

“O-ok… here’s hoping nothing bad happens…” Ocellus gulped and called out.

“Mrs. Rarity! I need to speak with you!” Ocellus called as loudly as she could.

“HMM?” Rarity turned to her and floated down, her eyes almost looked like Discord’s… she was running out of time.

“Rarity I need you to listen Equestria needs-” A lash landed just in front of her. “EEEP!” Ocellus jumped onto a pillar avoiding it.

“Why aren’t you working? My precious little gems need mining and cleaning,” Rarity said snobbishly.

“R-R-R-Rarity, this isn’t you! You have to stop! Before Equestria dies!” Ocellus said.

“Dies? What care have I? I need my castle completed in which I shall take it with me so that I may have a throne among the stars, I’ll beat Luna out for most glamorous ruler!” Rarity laughed.

“B-but what about-”

“Move along! I have no time for minor drivel!” Rarity said taking her leave, at least until Ocellus shouted after her.

"SPIKE NEEDS YOU!" Ocellus shouted.

Rarity stopped dead in her tracks, her eyes widened.

“Spike? Oh dear me… how blind I’ve been… I need…” Rarity began.

“Yes? Yes?” Ocellus said hoping she got through to her.

“A butler for the trip, how silly am I?” Rarity said face palming “I do thank you for reminding me,” she said “Where is he anyways?” Rarity said.

“Rarity, Spike is fighting Chaos right now! He might lose!” Ocellus said.

“Oh dear! I hope he doesn’t smite him! Spikey-Wikey is the only one here that is actually good at finding gems,” Rarity obliviously said and Ocellus facehoofed.

Ocellous thought for a moment. "Chaos is going to take Spike from you... something that belongs to you... are you just going to give him up?"

“....” Rarity paused and looked conflicted “Oooh, you do make a good point, Spikey-Wikey is MY assistant, why should I let Chaos have him?” Rarity said to herself, “But then again scrapping with the boss will be oh so tiring, I just got a manicure too… oh what to do?” Rarity said.

“She’s really consumed by her greed… I need to sway her to put this on,” Ocellus said to herself.

“Hmm… oh well, perhaps after my beautiful castle is finished,” Rarity said.

“Uhh… wait!” Ocellus called after her flying after her.

Gallus woke up on the ground.

“Ugh.. what hit me?” Gallus said before realizing he was still in front of the barrier.

“Well, no time like the present,” Gallus said entering.

And he found something interesting… Nothing changed, except for the lack of chaos, everything looked like it did before the chaos.

And Twilight was sitting on a chair reading a book with her friends all reading books too.

“Alright, let’s do this,” Gallus said before heading over to the draconequus.

“Hey! Twilight!” Gallus called.

“Hmm? Gallus?” Twilight looked up at him.

“I-...” Suddenly The headache returned and Gallus grunted “Ugh, what is with this headache, ever since we got here…” Gallus said before something rose up behind him.

“Huh?” Gallus turned and… saw nothing.

Spike impacted a wall and teleported just as a dozen giant bees attacked him.

Spike floated up and sent energy spheres at Chaos who dodged them but was hit by another, the sphere squirted water sending him flying through a building.

Chaos got up and reached his hand to the side and a hand came out of the sky and grabbed Spike before pulling him up, and Spike found himself suddenly next to Chaos and he found himself suddenly smashed into the ground.

Spike’s tail gained a hand and snapped its fingers and suddenly an anvil landed on Chaos’s head.

“Ooof! Not bad dear boy, but your still green,” Chaos said poking the anvil and making it go up and it suddenly came out of the ground and hit Spike in the face.

As the anvil flew up it suddenly shattered and formed into a rain of gecko’s that exploded like dynamite on impact.

“HAHAHAHA! The old raining Gecko’s gag, always get’s me!” Chaos chuckled.

Spike flew out of the smoke and tackled Chaos before snapping his finger and raising two houses before turning them into ice cream and making them slam together on Chaos as Spike backed off.

Suddenly the ice cream was eaten rapidly and Chaos burped.

“Whoo! Needed that stress reliever, ice cream always was my favorite, that’s why I made the calming mechanism when I invented the draconequus!” Chaos said before grabbing himself from the sides and ripping himself in half before the halves reformed into two Chaos’ and then he did it again and they became four then eight then sixteen.

“Time to split! Wouldn’t you say?” Chaos said before the Chaos’ all pounced on Spike in a dogpile.

Spike exploded out of them as a giant.


“Oh, made yourself larger? That’s cute, can you do… THIS?” Suddenly all the copies made themselves ten times bigger than Spike.

Spike tried to make himself even bigger but as he got bigger suddenly a house was crushed.

“Oh no!” Spike stopped growing.

“HAH! And that dear boy is one of at least fifty reasons why I’m better at chaos than you or Discord, I don’t care what happens to mortals or this stupid town,” Chaos said before they all raised their feet and aimed to crush Spike.

“NO!” Spike put up a shield to protect the town as they all began stomping on it.

“GUYS! You gotta hurry!” Spike said.

It showed Harmony sitting with the other Dragons and Changelings and every creature, waiting for everything to change.

“How’s it looking?” Ember asked Harmony.

“Not well, the six are struggling to reawaken the former bearers, one in particular is set in their ways, and Chaos has become more powerful than I first anticipated. If things go on like this, our problems will only grow…” Harmony said.

“We must have faith,” Thorax said and they turned to him “Faith in those six, in the bearers, and especially, Spike!” Thorax said resolutely.

“You're right, the moment we give up is the moment we lose,” Ember said.

“Very well let us keep our hopes high, for a better tomorrow,” Harmony said as they all looked out at the chaos unfolding.

Author's Note:

Things are only getting more and more dire, can Spike and the others turn this around?