• Published 29th Jul 2023
  • 707 Views, 99 Comments

Friendship is absolute chaos: Fixing a distorted world. - Aether Spark

Spike and Discord come home to a world on the brink of chaotic catastrophe, can they fix it and save harmony?

  • ...

United we stand, and hopefully not fall.

Discord and Spike found themselves being led by Celestia to another part of the Crystal Castle.

“So… uh-” Discord attempted to break the awkward silence.

“Silence,” Celestia said.

“...” Discord grumbled.

“Why am I coming? I didn’t even do anything,” Spike asked.

“You are not in trouble Spike, however you need to hear this too,” Celestia said.

As they walked down to what looked like a map room, Celestia showed them in and stationed herself at what looked like the map from Twilight’s castle.

“You may sit,” Celestia said.

Discord and Spike sat, guards were watching the door and standing behind them.

“What’s with the guards?” Spike asked.

“Insurance,” Celestia said.

“You do know I can beat them all easily right? They are not even-” Discord began to say before Celestia interrupted.

“They’re not for you, they are here as volunteers to go out into Equestria, as such they are needed here as the last bastion of Equestria’s safety, they go out for food and helping ponies come here and be saved,” Celestia explained.

“Why didn’t you say so sunbutt?” Discord sighed.

“I am NOT in the mood to be mocked Discord,” Celestia barked.

“Sorry,” Discord said casually.

“Anyways, as you can see, Equestria is in danger, it seems that the chaos has become so congealed and thick it can literally be cut with a knife,” Celestia said.

“We know,” Discord said.

“What I also know is that this all resulted because of a bet… care to enlighten us Discord?” Celestia asked.

“....Well… a bet and trying to prove a point are similar yet different-”

Care to enlighten us?” Celestia repeated frustratedly.

“Ok I can see where this is going… yes this is partially my fault,” Discord said.

“Only partially?... tell me, who was it that decided that turning the elements of harmony into chaotic beings was a good idea? Which led to the current state of the world?” Celestia asked.

“Hey now, If Twilight had just gotten over her personal bias and admitted I was right, maybe these current events wouldn’t have unfolded,” Discord defended, Spike looked a little upset that he was blaming Twilight, Celestia even more so.

“I have been so thoroughly stressed out trying to keep the populace I managed to save from panicking and maintaining order while there still is, and you AREN’T helping,” Celestia said rubbing her temples.

“Well tossing around blame isn’t going to get this problem licked sooner,” Discord said.

“Agreed… We’ll deal with that afterwards, for now, I need to know how this will get fixed, I managed to teleport the elements of harmony and combine their powers with the crystal heart to form the harmony barrier, now the question is how long it will last, we are running out of rations and the ponies are growing restless, we need to find a way to disperse the chaos magic,” Celestia said.

“I don’t think it even can,” Discord said sadly.

“What do you mean? Surely there is a way,” Celestia demanded.

“The harmony wave is the only way to possibly fix this chaotic pollution, and even then the bearers are trapped in Ponyville, being brainwashed into new lords of chaos and disharmony, and the chaos is sentient, it will know I’m around, a few mere ponies will know nothing about how to survive in Ponyville, there’s nothing we can do,” Discord said.

“Then… we’re doomed?” A guard nervously said.

“No! Where there’s a will there’s a way,” Celestia said

“Can you stop a world from exploding?” Discord asked.

“What?...” Celestia said sounding shocked.

“Naturally absolute chaos takes months to decay a planet but due to the extra chaos magic it has been shortened, we may only have days left,” Discord said, the guards began to shuffle nervously.

“We need to awaken my sister, surely she can help!” Celestia said.

“What happened to Luna?” Spike asked.

“She was attacked by Chaos in the dream realm and trapped there, I have tried to go in after her but I am forced out each time I try,” Celestia said somberly.

“That is because the dream realm is now under the occupancy of Chaos, I am afraid there’s nothing we can do now."

“W-We’re doomed!?” A guard began to panic.

“Silence! We can find a way,” Celestia said sharply.

“Be real, if we leave this world now we can survive!” A guard shouted.

“Are you crazy?!” Another said.

“I don’t see you coming up with ideas!” The guard barked back.

“I SAID SILENCE!” Celestia said with the Canterlot voice startling the ponies “We are doomed the moment we give up! Discord, if there is a way, any way! We need to try!” Celestia said.

“...I suppose… it’s a long shot, but I could send someone in my place to the places we need to go,” Discord said.

“What?” Spike said.

“Chaos recognizes my chaos signature, but if an unknown were to use my power, the signature would change and he would think that pony a random aberration and ignore it, like I said though that’s a long shot, if he finds out what we’re planning that pony would be killed on the spot to dissuade us,” Discord said.

“K-killed?” A guard said.

“Alright, if it is our only option we need a list of volunteers-”

“Only one,” Discord said

“What?” Celestia said.

“You think I have all the power in the world? We need to send in a fully charged pony, not a bunch of weakly charge ponies,” Discord said.

“One pony could not fix this, we need many!” Celestia said.

“Not happening, they wouldn’t last a day out there, and then we’d be thoroughly screwed,” Discord said.

“Then… who?” Celestia said looking to her guards, all of them had a big no on their faces and looked ready to flee the room.

Celestia sighed and stood straight.

“I will do it then,” Celestia said.

“As good of an idea as that sounds, you wouldn’t last very long either," Discord said.

"Why?" Celestia said.

"You've used the elements of Harmony on it before, it would recognize you in an instant," Discord said.

"How do you know?" Celestia said.

"I've seen absolute chaos before, never on this scale but I have seen it," Discord said.

"Then… who?" Celestia asked sullenly, everypony looked about the room wondering the same thing, then an unexpected voice spoke.

"....I'll do it," Spike said.

Everypony just looked at Spike with varying expressions.

"What?" Celestia said

"Spike, that's very brave but surely you know the dangers, somepony else should go,” Discord said.

“No, If I had been here, Celestia would have known and none of this would have happened, I gotta go and save my sister and her friends if nopony else will go,” Spike said looking at the guards judgingly.

“Spike it is too dangerous,” Celestia said.

“That’s the thing, it’s always too dangerous for me, I get left behind for my safety all the time, and I appreciate Twilight looking out for me but I need to be a big dragon one day, I blame myself for not staying to help Twilight, now I need to make up for it, even if just to myself,” Spike said.

“...A dragon would make for an interesting unknown chaos signature, but still, you're leaping into the lion's den here,” Discord said.

“Then I better bring my meat collar,” Spike said and Discord laughed.

“Very well, I suppose you’ve proven your gusto, very well, Celestia.” Discord turned to her. “Have your guards get together all these materials,” Discord said, conjuring a list of items and handing it to Celestia.

“Why?” Celestia asked.

“I’ll explain later, for now, have them get moving, the sooner we do this the better,” Discord said.

“Very well,” Celestia trotted over to her guards and hoofed it to one and instructed them to go get it.

After the guards leave Celestia trots back to them.

“Okay, this won’t be easy Spike so listen up,” Discord said.

“Ok,” Spike said.

“Celestia, how long before the world is fully subsumed in absolute chaos?” Discord asked.

“Using my magic senses and the rate of spread I determined yesterday that we have only a few days before the world is subsumed and destroyed,” Celestia said.

“A few days?” Spike gulped.

“So this will be our only chance, okay Spike, what you need to do is go into the heart of this chaos, I.E Ponyville, and find your friends, we need to be careful because right now they're not in their right minds,” Discord said.

“Ok,” Spike responded.

“You need to attach the elements of harmony to each bearer and get them to remember who they are, then hope, just hope that they don’t revert,” Discord said.

“Ok,” Spike said.

Suddenly a guard appeared in the room “Pardon the intrusion, the items and room are set up,” the guard said.

“Okay, follow me everypony, we only get one shot at this,” Discord said.

“Okay,” Celestia and Spike said as they went to the room, as they got there They found multiple bagged items.

“What is this?” Spike asked.

“I’m going to be merging my body and power with you Spike that’s what,” Discord said.

“....What?” Spike said, looking surprised.

“What? This is what you signed up for,” Discord said.

“I didn’t know we were going to fuse or something like that, is it permanent,” Spike said.

“I dunno never attempted it before,” Discord said.

“I’m not feeling very reassured here,” Spike said.

“You're welcome to back out and let another pony save your friends,” Discord dismissed as he used his magic to start forming the ritual circle.

“I…. what does this merging entitle?” Spike demanded.

“I become one with you and you obtain my powers and knowledge, but to be clear, when this happens you may feel urges to commit chaos and run amok, resist that,” Discord said.

“O-ok?” Spike said feeling nervous right now.

“Discord, are you sure?” Celestia said.

“I am, and if we cannot unfuse, then I have one request Spike,” Discord said.

“What?” Spike asked.

“Take…care of Fluttershy,” Discord said sadly.

“Discord, we can find another way if you-” Spike began but Discord cut him off.

“This is literally our only option, and it’s a fifty-fifty percent chance, we got no other options, consider this my atonement in Celly's eyes even though I'm not fully in the wrong,” Discord said.

“...Very well, let’s begin then,” Celestia said.

“W-wait, will I still be myself? Will I remember-” Spike said trying to get to know what is going to happen.

“I don’t know Spike, like I said, I never used it, I may have made it on the off chance I was ready to pass the mantle but I never ended up using it,” Discord said.

“I see… Ok…” Spike said taking a deep breath “For Equestria,” Spike said stepping into the circle with Discord.

“S-so will this hurt?” Spike asked.

“Not at all,” Discord said before glancing at Celestia and nodding, signaling it may.

“By the way if Spike does go rogue because of the chaos magic, I need you to calm him, just letting you know,” Discord said to Celestia.

“Very well,” Celestia said.

“Alright Spike, ready to become a creature of chaos?” Discord asked.

“As I’ll ever be,” Spike said trying to steel his nerves.

“Very well….” Discord said “Close your eyes, and take a deep breath,” Discord said.

“Alright,” Spike shut his eyes and breathed deeply.

“If I don’t see the light of day again, then goodbye, my dear friends…” Discord sighed before beginning.

“Tibi potestatem meam trado, vitam aeternam concedo tibi in chao,” Discord began, and as he spoke the circle began to light up, a wind whipped through the room and heat began radiating off of Spike “sume potestatem meam et exsequere sic missionem tuam, FIO!” Discord said with finality.

He then repeated himself three times and each time he did the circle lit up more and more and it felt like a mini hurricane in the room, Celestia watched in awe as Spike lifted into the air and Discord coiled around him and chanted one more time.

“Tibi potestatem meam trado, vitam aeternam concedo tibi in chao, sume potestatem meam et exsequere sic missionem tuam, FIO!” Discord shouted and a blinding light shone forth.

It filled the room and shattered the windows.

Celestia was laying against the wall and she fell down.

As she got up she saw Spike kneeling amidst the smoke, but Discord was gone.

“Spike?” Celestia warily asked.

“...” Spike stayed there kneeling on the ground.

Celestia got up and trotted over to him cautiously as anything could happen right now.

“Spike are you-” Celestia froze when he spun to meet her, he opened his mouth and he breathed fire at her.

“Huh?!” Celestia hurriedly put up a barrier as the confetti hit the barrier scorching the…..wait… what?

“Hahahaha! You thought I was going to burn you eh Sunbutt?” Spike laughed and rolled around on the ground.

“Spike! What is the meaning of this?” Celestia said, sounding upset.

“Aw, take a joke Celly! Hey wanna play cards? Or eat candy I could go for some candy, Oh! Let’s visit those sourpusses downstairs and livin them up with pranks, all sorts of wonderful pranks ahahahahaha!” Spike jumped into the air and floated.

Showing his new form.

He was still a baby dragon but now he had an antler and a horn, his tail looked like Discord's red scales and a tuft of hair at the end, and he had a pair of mismatched wings and yellow eyes with one slit and one circular pupil.

Realizing Discord's prediction became true Celestia tried to calm Spike.

“Spike, ignore the chaotic urges in your mind, remember your-” Celestia got a pie thrown in her face.

“Boooooring, all this talking is boring, let’s play!” Spike said before running up then along the walls at increasing speeds.

“Spike!” Celestia called out.

“Wheeee!” Spike said ignoring her.

“Spike!” Celestia grabbed him in her magic and pulled him close “You will calm yourself!” Celestia demanded.

“Blah blah blah! Who cares what the boring Princess of the Sun has to say?” Spike giggled and started flying around and bouncing off of the walls like a rubber ball.

“It’s honestly like dealing with a toddler,” Celestia said as several more pies impacted her.

“Whoo hooo!” Spike cheered doing a frontflip in the air.

“How can I get him to center his thoughts?...Wait…” Celestia got an idea and spoke casually. “I suppose that Chaos will destroy the world and thus no more fun for you,” Celestia said.

Spike paused and looked at Celestia with an unreadable expression.

“Twilight and even Rarity is depending on you but if you're going to sit here and goof off then we have no hope then best to lie down and accept fate,” Celestia dramatically said.

“Rarity? Twilight?” Spike said remembering them and all his other friends, and that seemed to help him calm down.

“Are you calmer Spike?” Celestia asked.

“I-i think so,” Spike said.

“Good,” Celestia then walked on and gestured for Spike to follow.

“Are you ok?” Celestia asked.

“I feel… Great! Awesome! Like I wanna-” Celestia smacked Spike to snap him out of it “Thanks, gotta get that under control,” Spike said.

“You do, so tell me, how… is Discord still in there?” Celestia asked.

“I think so, It’s kind of like he’s rattling about my brain, it’s so strange, knowing so much chaos magic when literally an hour ago I didn’t know the first thing about it,” Spike said rubbing his head trying to center his thoughts.

“You possess power beyond that of even me now, it is not a toy, it will be a tool to help save the world,” Celestia said.

“Bout time I got a turn at saving the world,” Spike chuckled.

“I will bring you to Starlight, we’ll discuss our next step with her,” Celestia said.

“Ok," Spike said before wincing.

"Are you ok?" Celestia asked.

"Yes, just a… headache," Spike said.

"Very well let's get moving" Celestia said.

"Nice coverup Spike," Discord chuckled as a see-through apparition visible only to Spike.

"Why did I say that?" Spike wondered.

"Because I wanted you to, I had to make it sound like I was vanishing forever just in case," Discord said.

"In case of what?" Spike asked.

"In case Celestia started asking questions, after all we don't want her or any pony else looking over their shoulders knowing that I could be there watching, ponies are paranoid as is," Discord reasoned.

"I guess, so were you lying about being able to separate too?" Spike asked.

"...No, I'm really not sure if this can be undone," Discord admitted.

"I hope so I don't want you rooting around my head forever," Spike said.

"Hey, maybe we can find the CMC, and make them our agents of chaos, and you can be the new Lord of Chaos and Disharmony," Discord chuckled.

"Be quiet! I don't want the story to get plagiarized," Spike said.

"Oh… you can see the fourth wall too now, so much for that line of jokes…" Discord said sounding bummed.

"Yeah it's weird… it's like knowing we're in a story…that we're all fake, I honestly don't like that thought," Spike said uncomfortably.

"You'll get used to it," Discord said.

"I doubt- oh hang on Celestia is talking again," Spike said.

"Sorry what was that?" Spike asked.

"You didn't hear a word I said along the way to the war room did you?" Celestia said impatiently.

"What can I say I got a lot on my mind," Spike shrugged.

"I do hope this arrangement is temporary," Celestia said with a sigh. "I said that we need to figure out our next move now that you possess the power of Discord, and if you truly possess his knowledge now,” Celestia said.

“Got it, well to be frank I feel like the information is slowly registering like I don’t know everything he knew but I’m sorta learning as I go,” Spike said.

“I see, well we’re here,” Celestia said as they arrived.

Starlight was organizing books and reading them in a quick way, hearing the door opening and closing she turned to see Celestia and Spike.

“Oh hello Celestia, hello… what is that?” Starlight warily asked.

“That’s rude,” Spike huffed.

“Discord performed a ritual that bestowed his power unto Spike,” Celestia said.

“He could do that?” Starlight asked.

“Clearly, now I’m The Lord of Chaos and Disharmony!” Spike said cheerfully.

“Temporarily,” Celestia added.

“We’ll see,” Spike said.

“Why did he do that? And where is Discord right now?” Starlight asked.

“He’s become one with me, as far as I’m concerned he’s a thought in my head now,” Spike said.

“Aww Spike, did you have to say it like that?” Discord said while hovering behind Starlight.

“I see… this is truly an interesting turnaround,” Starlight said.

“As to why I’m wielding Discord's power now, it’s because if he went out there Chaos would be able to track him using his chaos signature, but now that the power is in me, it’s changed and I seem like just another abnormality, now before we get too distracted, what’s the situation?” Spike said.

“Ah, good point, we’re getting off-track, alright come with me,” Starlight went over to the map of Equestria, just a normal map unlike the other.

“So far the chaos spread has covered a majority of Equestria, and each day that goes by it spreads further, we need to find a way to sneak into the center of the chaos, without, alerting the entity, and since we have you we need to think of how we are going to get the coverage we need to do this,” Starlight reasoned.

“What do you mean?” Spike asked.

“I reckon if we manage to free every Element of Harmony from the chaos’s influence we can weaken the chaos subsuming Equestria and transfer the harmony magic of each element to the Crystal Heart, by fueling the heart with enough harmony energy we can create a counter field and revert Equestria back to normal!” Starlight reasoned.

“That could actually work,” Discord admitted.

“Yeah,” Spike said.

“Yeah what?” Starlight asked.

“Uh, yeah that sounds like a good idea,” Spike hurriedly said.

“Hmm, ok? Anyhoo, we have a problem,” Starlight said.

“What?” Spike asked before Celestia cut in.

“We need to breach the barriers all at once and simultaneously fix this, otherwise, Chaos could retaliate before we fix this,” Celestia said.

“I can always make more of me,” Spike said snapping his fingers and making six of him.

“Not likely, the reason is that the elements are the antithesis of you right now Spike, touching them will damage you, let alone all six of them,” Celestia said.

“Crap, I remember Twilight mentioning that she couldn’t touch the elements,” Spike said before merging back into one dragon.

“Then what are we going to do? There’s only one who can enter the bearer's prisons undetected.” Starlight pointed out.

“Well… what if we find new bearers?” Spike offered.

“What?” The two mares questioned.

“Think of it, if we find new ponies… or whoever can resonate with the elements and fix them up maybe we can have new bearers that can help me?” Spike said while subtly high-fiving Discord who told him to say that stuff.

“...That could work… Spike you're a genius!” Starlight said getting to work, writing out a list of possible candidates.

“Let’s get the elements ready for the trip, I will find a method of transportation so Spike doesn’t have to touch them,” Celestia said teleporting away.

“Is there anything I can do while preparations are made?” Spike asked.

“Well… now that you mention it can you come with me,” Starlight said trotting out of the room, Spike floating after her.

As they made their way to the lower lobby area of the Crystal Castle Spike saw a saddening sight.

Multiple ponies were pitching tents setting up corners and occupying the large room, and several other rooms.

There were many familiar faces too, like Cheerilee, Diamond Tiara, and Silver Spoon, Bon Bon and Lyra, Mayor Mare, and many others.

“Wait, where are the other creatures?” Spike asked.

“This and the ponies in town are all that we managed to save before the chaos took over, the rest are swallowed up in the chaotic pollution, which is why we need to get moving,” Starlight said.

“Got it, but maybe I can help?” Spike wondered.

“Hm? Help how?” Starlight asked, Discord meanwhile gave Spike a knowing look.

“A party!” Spike said flying into the air.

“Huh? Spike! Get back here!” Starlight called after him.

The other ponies looked up to see Spike hovering over them and they all grew restless.

“What is that?” Diamond Tiara nervously said.

“Are we in danger?” Mayor Mare asked.

“Worry not quadrupedal mammals, I bring, FUN!” Spike then summoned his powers and made the room glow before a big magical poof made a party set-up.

“Huh?” Starlight said seeing this.

“Hungry? Let me take care of that!” Spike made tables of food appear “Bored? I gotcha!” Spike created an arcade in a room. “You all don’t have to worry, because I am going to fix the problems in Equestria and save everypony!” Spike cheered.

Everypony saw the party and began to cheer up a little as they went ahead and started to party.

“Whoa… he did more in one minute than me and Celestia did in several days,” Starlight said impressed as she saw Spike flying around and helping ponies out.

Celestia came running into the lobby with the elements.

“Worry not my subjects, we have found a...solution?” Celestia said confusedly as she saw the party “Spike! Stop this party at once, we have an important objective-” Celestia wanted to go retrieve the partying dragon but Starlight got in her way.

“Let them have this, the ponies needed this,” Starlight said.

“But the world is in-”

“The world can wait a few more hours, right now he’s cheering everypony up, this way we’ll have less ponies making complaints in the future about this ordeal,” Starlight said.

“...Very well, I suppose a cure for their flagging hopes was in order,” Celestia said sitting down with Starlight and watching Spike fly around and conjure more methods of entertainment.

Author's Note:

If you guys are a fan of Chaos Spike, then here ya go! I got some comments suggesting a chaotic Spike at one point and thought 'Why not?' So now Spike can survive in the chaotic realm.

Tune in tomorrow, where a poll will be featured in the author's notes determining the course of the story.

Till then, stay frosty! :raritystarry: