• Published 29th Jul 2023
  • 714 Views, 99 Comments

Friendship is absolute chaos: Fixing a distorted world. - Aether Spark

Spike and Discord come home to a world on the brink of chaotic catastrophe, can they fix it and save harmony?

  • ...

Friendship is chaos and harmony

A portal opened up and six Draconequi exited.

The other members of both parties were waiting there with bated breath and when they saw the six come back they ran over to them.

“Girls! Spike! Gallus!” Rarity cried.

“Everyone! Did you do it? Did you win?” Pinkie asked.

“Yeah, we did,” Spike said as the others crowded around him and the others.

“Is Chaos… gone?” Smolder asked, having returned to normal size and sporting a few bruises.

“For now, let’s just say he’s been humbled,” Spike chuckled.

“Well, now that that is all settled, I suppose it is time to get back to fixing this,” Rarity said.

Smolder said, "Hey! I thought the whole problem was if Chaos ditched Equestria, Harmony would overload and explode or something!"

“It would have, but according to Chaos, we’re stabilizing the balance now,” Spike said.

"So... I GAVE UP BEING A GODDESS FOR NOTHING?!" Smolder exclaimed.

“We can help you Smolder,” Gabby said with her raised paws.

“Maybe after everything is fixed first,” Twilight said.

“Agreed, let’s get moving, guys?” Spike turned to his fellow Draconeqqui.

They nodded and they all snapped their fingers teleporting everycreature present to the cave of harmony.

Spike walked ahead of the others and Harmony trotted to the edge of the cave and she seemed a bit surprised before grimacing.

“I suspected this, but it still surprises me… Hello again Spike,” Harmony said.

“Hi…Suspected what?” Spike asked.

“...Do you remember what I said to Discord? It seems it is happening all over again with the bearers and those young ones I had elected.” Harmony said with an air of disappointment.

“Is that a problem?” Spike asked a little miffed.

“No… It’ll take some getting used to is all, but having so many Draconeqqui around, I can’t help but suspect Chaos was behind this, I’ll need to communicate with you all later on this to avoid this problem happening again,” Harmony said before gesturing them all to follow her and they walked into the cave.

“So why does the outside still look so messed up? Chaos is gone and we’re in charge till he comes back,” Gallus asked.

“Because Chaos pollution doesn’t just vanish like that… I am afraid to say there’s one more thing that needs to be done,” Harmony said.

“And that is?” Spike asked.

“We need to fully congeal the chaos and compress it, then use the harmony wave to, and I say this theoretically, erase it,” Harmony said.

“Are you mad?!” Discord said “All the chaos coating the world could kill someone who tried to compress it all, the pressure is too much!"

“...There’s no other way to do so,”

“What if he had help?” Gabby said.

“But the chances of you all being destroyed will offset the balance again, not to mention I refuse to endanger anyone,” Harmony said.

“But who will-”

“I will,” Harmony said.

“What?!” Discord said “Think about this Harmony you were just told that all this chaos magic could kill somepony, you are not back to full strength yet because of the tilted balance,” Discord said.

"It would leave us with six draconequi, and no Harmony, and we'd be as doomed as before!" Twilight said.

“...Then who can take the risk? I have a better chance of survival than you all, I mean no offense but you're all still young in the ways of chaos,” Harmony said.

“I can’t accept that Harmony, I will go and that’s final,” Spike said.

“What?” Gallus said.

“Spike, you heard the risks, I can’t allow you to-” Harmony began but Spike interrupted.

“I don’t care what you think Harmony, draconequi started this mess, and now a draconequus will fix it,” Spike said before flying out of the cave.

“SPIKE!” Gabby tried to fly after him but Fluttercruel got in front of her, tiny as she was she made herself known.

“Look, that idiot wants to risk his life to clean that jerk's mess, let him, I know dragons and they are as stubborn as Tartarus,” Fluttercruel said.

“But I-”

“Spike…” Harmony said looking sad “I pray you make it,” Harmony then levitated the elements with her and she exited the cave.

“Ok Spike, I need you to extend your influence across the very planet itself, grab the chaos by the edges, and force it back!” Harmony called.

“OK!” Spike said as he flew up and up and up and eventually, he pierced the thick multicolored clouds and appeared above the top with the sun shining on him.

“Ah! So bright! Ugh, forgot how long I’ve spent with cloudy skies,” Spike mumbled before he began focusing on his power and he extended his influence in the form of chaotic ropes of magic.

Despite the chaos loaded within him, however, his limit was reached…

“Come on! I need more distance!” Spike strained and he pressed the ropes of chaos magic for more miles across the globe.

But as it looked like the chaos ropes were about to snap from the pressure they finally reached the edges of the chaos bubble surrounding Equus.

“I…got it!” Spike strained, it was like stretching his arms across the whole world.

“OK! NOW DRAG IT BACK TOWARDS YOU!” Harmony called loudly.

“Ok!” Spike strained and he began pulling.

He felt the bubble shudder and groan as he pulled it back across the world. The world was fixing itself as he reigned the chaos in.

“Are you okay up there!?” Gabby’s voice most likely through a megaphone called up.


The bubble began to slow as the compression got more and more difficult.

“AAAGH!” Spike was turning purple in the face from the strain.

“We gotta help him!” Gabby said.

“No! The process is too delicate at this stage, if his concentration is broken the chaos will snap back over the world!” Harmony said.

“Then what do we do?! That kind of pressure will kill him!” Gabby said.

“I should have done this, only a cosmic being like me or Chaos could breach that compression of chaos without breaking Spike’s concentration,” Harmony said.

“Then go!” Gallus said.

“I. CAN’T. I need to fire the harmony wave!” Harmony said.

“Then… what do we-” Suddenly the world shook and they saw yellowish magic beginning to turn thicker and thicker like a layer of molasses.

“All we can do is hope at this point,” Harmony said before sensing something “Wait… no way,” Harmony turned towards the distance as a portal opened…

Spike was raining sweat and looking like he was going to explode from the strain.

“I…can’t… do this!....” Spike gasped as the chaos bubble though a few thousand miles to go was becoming so thick and compact that it was like squeezing a boulder into a pebble.

“I need…. To hurry…. For…. for….” Spike looked like he was going to pass out when suddenly…. His chaos reserves were refreshed in an instant.

“Huh?! How did-” Spike turned his head and saw Chaos. “What are you doing here!?” Spike demanded.

“I had a while to think it over, and I’ll need many more, but really, if you are to be a new chaos god, don’t give in, chaos bends to you, not the other way around,” Chaos said before vanishing.

“Was… I hallucinating?.... No, no distractions!” Spike said focusing on his chaos magic. Chaos may be a jerk but he’s right, with his powers, he bends to no magic now! Twilight and his friends will live in harmony and chaos once more!

Spike roared and his eyes lit up as the ropes tightened once more and the bubbles condensing resumed.

“If I have to bear the weight of the world, SO BE IT!” Spike said before pulling with all his strength and the chaos shrank and shrank until it formed a smaller town-sized sphere.

“I… CAN’T GET IT ANY SMALLER!” Spike yelled to Harmony.

“Amazing,” Harmony said before shaking her head and charging all the power in the elements.

“I cannot focus on that right now! RAISE IT AND THROW IT INTO SPACE SPIKE!” Harmony yelled.

“Ok!” Spike heaved with everything in his being and the chaos magic sphere began lifting off the ground.

Ponyville returned to normal as the chaos left it and Spike raised it over his head.

It was a giant bright yellow sphere of chaos magic and he threw it into the sky will all the strength he had left.

“Honesty, Kindness, Loyalty, Generosity, Laughter, Magic! GIVE ME STRENGTH!” Harmony yelled and she aimed and fired her harmony magic and it pierced the clouds blowing a giant hole in them and it flew all the way into space after the chaos magic and struck it.

She yelled as she gave it her all and the Chaos bubble shrunk slowly.

Disappearing slowly by the harmony magic striking it and soon it was pushed farther and farther away until the harmony magic began coiling around it and compressing it until it was eliminated altogether.

Spike watched the whole thing and smiled before falling, completely exhausted.

As he fell it looked like he was going to crash but Twilight suddenly appeared and caught him.

“I got you,” Twilight said before carrying him to ground level.

Spike slowly woke up, it was odd, he felt warm. Did he die? He doesn’t seem to be anywhere else but-

“AH!” Spike shot up in his bed and looked around, he was in the hospital.

Twilight was sitting in a chair next to him and she smiled and ran over to him when she saw he was awake.

“SPIKE!” Twilight called as she hugged him.

“Twilight? TWILIGHT!” Spike said as he hugged her back.

After a lengthy hug, Spike laid back in his hospital bed “What happened? Where did everypony-” Spike asked but Twilight answered.

“It’s alright Spike, you did it,” Twilight said petting his head with a hoof.

“You look… normal,” Spike said.

“I’m actually not a Draconequus anymore,” Twilight said.

“What?” Spike said.

“Yeah, having phenomenal cosmic powers was fun, but Smolder made it clear she wanted them and honestly, harmony is where I should remain, besides, doing so cleansed my mind of Chaos’s control,” Twilight said.

“So Smolder is now a chaos goddess again?” Spike asked.

“Yes, she’s going to be a big help in keeping things interesting around here, as will Gallus and Gabby and Fluttershy and Discord-”

“Wait, Discord? He’s back? I thought he was still a ghost,” Spike said.

“Alooots happened since you passed out a month ago,” Twilight said.

“I’ve been asleep for a month…?” Spike asked in shock.

“Yeah,” Twilight said.

“Oooh boy…” Spike rested his head on the pillow.

“I need to leave soon, I still got a few hours of community service to take care of and Celestia will get mad if I don’t-”

“Community service?!” Spike said sitting up.

“Easy Spike,” Twilight helped him lay back down.

“Sorry, but what do you mean community service? Don’t tell me you were punished,” Spike said.

“No… well actually yes, you see after everything was basically back to normal Celestia gave me and my friends a stern reprimanding for what happened, as well as Discord, and we’re now doing community service for a year to make up for it,” Twilight sheepishly said “I’ve honestly never seen Celestia’s face turn that color while yelling, I don’t want to bore you with the details,” Twilight said.

“You shouldn’t have been punished, this was all Chaos’s fault,” Spike said.

“Alot of creatures were at fault really, but mostly us, we apologized to Discord for underestimating chaos magic, it’s fine Spike, we only have eleven more months to go,” Twilight said.

“What about Harmony?” Spike asked.

“She’s fine, still recovering from that massive harmony wave but she’s doing better now,” Twilight said before getting up “I have to get going now,” Twilight said.

“Ok… Umm, see you later then?” Spike said hopefully.

“Yeah, and Spike,” Twilight said.


“I’m proud of you, not just for saving Equus, but for everything else too,” Twilight said.

“Thanks,” Spike said.

“See you later,” Twilight said before leaving.

Before Spike even had a chance to go back to sleep a few figures decided to swoop in and say hi.

“HI SPIKEY!” Gabby cheered.

“AH!” Spike bolted up at the sudden voice and saw several more figures pop into view.

“Hey Spike!” Smolder said.

"Hey Smolder you look... different," Spike said referring to her now draconequus look.

"New and improved," Smolder grinned. "Miss Twilight's loss is my gain."

“Hello again Spike,” Discord said coming in last.

“Hi guys, uh… why are you here?” Spike asked.

“We were pretending to be flies on the wall and overheard you were better,” Gabby said.

“Indeed, I must say Spike you gave us all quite the scare when you blacked out for a whole month, Celestia has been positively chewing my ear off about the chaos incident.” Discord sighed dramatically.

“How about you Spike? Are you feeling better?” Gabby asked.

“Yeah… Am I still… a draconequus too?” Spike asked.

“I still sense the power of chaos within you but it will take a while for it to return to what it was,” Discord said.

“Alright,” Spike said “Well if you guys can give me room I need to rest some more,” Spike said laying back down.

Instead, he found himself standing with a backpack on.

“Huh?” Spike said.

“Not today, you just woke up and now you're coming to see something,” Smolder said.

“What? Why?” Spike asked.

“Just come on,” Discord said and the three teleported and Spike found himself in Ponyville Square.

Where he saw something that made his eyes widen.

“Wanna have a picnic right next to your congratulations statue?” Smolder said with a chuckle.

Spike saw before him a giant sculpted statue of himself as a draconequus standing tall and proud.

“Wow, I don’t… know what to say,” Spike said.

“Say yes!”

“Yes?” Spike said

“Permission given!” Gabby snapped her fingers and summoned out of Spike’s backpack a picnic spread full of gems.

“Whoa!” Spike said.

“Come now, is that enough to surprise you after all that’s happened?” Discord asked.

“Discord!” Everyone turned to see Fluttershy trotting up to them.

“Hey Shy!” Discord said.

“Fluttershy? You look normal too,” Spike said.

“I’m not, see,” Fluttershy turned into her draconequus form before returning to her pony form “I just like my old form better, I am going to be a Draconequus from here on,” Fluttershy said.

“Why?” Spike asked, “What about the element of kindness?” Spike asked.

“Sandbar is taking over for me,” Fluttershy said “What matters is that the dark future I foresaw is going to either be averted, or me and Discord will be together, either way is a win,” Fluttershy said.

“Aww, it gets more heartwarming every time,” Discord said.

“Dark future?” Spike questioned.

‘Oh right, you never heard, let’s let that be a story for another day,” Fluttershy said before sitting with them.

“Ok,” Spike shrugged and they all sat down and enjoyed their food.

As Spike ate he couldn’t help but look at his statue and smile.

“What’s up Spike?” Discord asked.

“Oh nothing, so, how does it feel not being the only Draconequus around here now?” Spike asked.

“Different I will admit, but fun! Now the griffons and dragons will know chaos and fun, while I remain here with my friends,” Discord said.

“That’s good, but don’t start sounding like Chaos now, or else somepony will think it’s all going to happen again,” Spike laughed and so did everypony else.

They clinked cups of juice “TO FRIENDSHIP!” they cheered as they went on with their picnic.

It showed the cave of harmony and Harmony looked out at Ponyville with a smile.

“It’s good to see him awake again, I admit, the fact you helped him last moment came as a surprise to me, what happened in the rift?” Harmony asked.

Chaos appeared next to her.

“Lots…. Let’s just be glad that balance is restored, I… hope you had the time to consider,” Chaos asked

“Even I can only forgive so quickly Chaos, I will admit you were in a dark place back then, and I can understand what with Discord being your one hundredth failed student, but it seems you outdid yourself, I will have to try extra hard to balance out the amount of chaos your new draconequus proteges will cause,” Harmony sighed.

“Figured I would at least try,” Chaos shrugged “I will admit that young dragon is more exceptional than I first thought, It was worth it I suppose, to create my successor,” Chaos said.

“You and your long cons,” Harmony said with an eye roll.

“What can I say, I invented them!” Chaos laughed.

“Not anytime soon though, and only if he wants to take your role,” Harmony said.

“Yes yes, Now if you’ll excuse me, I have work to do,” Chaos said before walking into a portal.

“Farewell,” Harmony said before vanishing as well.

---A few weeks later---

Spike stood in the throne room with all of his friends, Draconequus and not.

Celestia and even Luna who thankfully recovered when Equus was liberated from the chaos.

“Spike, I believe you know why you're here,” Celestia asked.

“I’m not in trouble?” Spike asked.

“No no, quite the opposite, we wish to both congratulate you and also ask for your aid,” Celestia said.

“Aid? In what?” Spike asked.

“I am afraid that given recent events, the pony population is… understandably still recovering from the travesty that occurred awhile ago, Discord and his fellow Chaos users have received some grief while going about their lives, I suppose what I am saying is, we would like you to be their spokes-dragon,” Celestia said.

“Me?” Spike said.

“Everypony knows it was you who saved Equestria, and so I feel that it would be best that you aid in helping the ponies get over their fears,” Celestia said.

“Even though we feel grief of our own towards Discord, it is not fair to the other Draconequi here,” Luna said.

“Are you up to the task?” Celestia asked.

“Am I? Of course!” Spike said “I saved Equus, I can save my friends,” Spike said.

“Thank you, Spike,” Celestia said.

Spike nodded and turned to his friends who smiled gratefully.

“After all, friendship is harmony, but it’s also pretty chaotic,” Spike chuckled.

Author's Note:

And we've finally finally reached the end of Friendship is absolute chaos.

This was a fun and exhilarating adventure we all took, and now everything is alright again.

I will be resuming some of my unfinished stories and starting new ones, so I hope you all enjoyed this story and all the adventures that it came with. :pinkiehappy:

Comments ( 20 )

Well not quite how I imagine the the part with the girls realizing they were wrong in the first place. I wish I could have heard Celestia chewing them out. Discord had shown a lot of restraint in his actions and so they got driven nuts a little they overreacted to something harmless.

What’s stories you going to working on now?

Ok and anything else including this month Halloween?

Hmm... there is a scary story I've been meaning to write for a while.


Problem is I have no experience writing horror stories related to MLP, so maybe I'll see about that.

That was one hell of a story, Amazing Spike became the hero in all this.
Wait since Equestria was thrown into chaos, doesn't that mean Discord won the bet, so they have to sleep over at his place?

Well, this was an amazing read!!

Ok what is Tatzel-Terror?

And it can’t be that horrible just little bit spooky it all.

Yup they lost the bet guess they better bring the pillows :rainbowlaugh:

Can we see that sleep over now?

I'd like to see an epilogue of that.

That does sound fun, but I got other stories to focus on now that this is done, if you guys want to make a spin-off though I'd be ok with that. :raritystarry:

A fun read. Definitely better ending than whatever cannon did. Each chaos location is unique and fresh. The protaganist is not a complete mary sue.


#draconequus now exists! please help it grow by tagging your fiction with #draconequus!

Thank you because a lot was happening but it's not your fault I love this trilogy and I can't help but think that when it's all over Discord is going to teach some of them to control their chaos magic that would be fun to see on the side.

I SOOOO badly want to see the new day to day chaotic status-quo that everyone has to live with now!

I have cleaned up the story a bit so it's more readable, let me know what you think. :raritywink::pinkiehappy::rainbowdetermined2:

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