• Published 25th Mar 2023
  • 1,626 Views, 121 Comments

Yugioh Defenders of Harmony - MechaTomX

A young teenager will stand out in the game of Duel Monsters, with the help of his friends, he will face great challenges, such as the threat of some Pro Duelists who threaten to end the fun of the game.

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Eighteenth Turn: The Leaders Meeting

“Oh no, oh no, what am I going to do?” asked Spike, who was pacing around in his room.

His sister, Twilight Sparkle and his spirit partner, Heathspike were at his side trying to calm him down.

“Spike, you shouldn't worry, you can handle the responsibility,” Heathspike told him.

To understand why Spike was so nervous, it was because of what had happened the day before, when they had discovered the evil Team Royal Fist.

The day before, in Team Apple Harmony's lair.

Spike had shown them the drawing he made based on the description Cozy Glow gave him.

“HOLY APPLE SAUCE,” Braeburn shouted in fright and fell to the ground.

“Cousin,” Apple Bloom worried.

“I know that symbol,” Braeburn said with a furious look on his face, “Sure, it all makes sense now.”

"Who are they?" Spike asked him, who wanted to know about that team, which sounded like a similar situation to all those Pro Snobs.

Braeburn responded seriously, “Its the Team Royal Fist.”

“Team Royal Fist?” the 5 young duelists asked at the same time, now they knew that they had a new enemy in common which seemed to be very powerful to defeat.

“I have heard from them, a group of Pros who hate to die the Rogue duelists, they have a supremacist idea so toxically marked that it has taken them to the point of attacking teams with those duelists, and they even attack Pro duelists who agree with the Rogue Duelists,” Braeburn explained.

“It's horrible,” Spike said, disgusted and horrified at the same time, remembering his first duel against Rover.

“To think there are duelists who stoop so low,” said Heathspike who manifested in front of them.

Immediately afterwards, Rumble manifested himself in front of them as well, “They are scum, no, they are worse than scum.”

“Other teams report being attacked,” said Zecora, “That's a thing that really matters.”

“There must be something we can do,” Sweetie Belle said.

“We can't let those bullies ruin this game,” Apple Bloom added determinedly.

“We must be willing to fight, only then will we destroy them,” Scootaloo responded, clenching her fists.

“Umm, destroy is a bit of a strong word, but I get it, I'm sick of those kinds of duelists trying to impose their stupid point of view on us,” Spike said.

“Hey look,” Cheerilee approached them and showed them her cell phone, “Apparently, this weekend there will be a meeting of the team leaders, who will discuss what we can do against those Royal Fist monsters. ”

“Great idea, although Big Mac isn't very talkative, hehe,” Spike laughed but noticed someone's absence, “Wait a second, where's Big Mac?”

“Oh yeah, we forgot to tell you,” Apple Bloom responded, “My brother went out of town for a couple of days, he went to deliver some apples to Manehattan plus help our family with some business.”

“And Discord went with him,” Sugar Belle added.

"Why?" Spike asked.

“Because Big Mac's car was damaged so Discord offered to take him in his RV,” Sugar Belle responded.

“It was Discord himself who damaged his car, but there was no time to complain or argue, we know that guy has a screw loose,” Braeburn said.

“It's missing several screws,” Apple Bloom added with a laugh.

“Umm, when are they coming back?” Spike asked.

“In a week, right before the Eclipse Cup,” Apple Bloom replied.

“But then who will attend the leaders' meeting if our leader is not available?” Spike asked to which Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo approached him with a smile.

“That would be you Spike,” Zecora told him.

“Wait what?” Spike wondered confused.

“Big Mac entrusted you with leadership of the team when the Eclipse Cup began,” Apple Bloom told him, “Therefore, you are our leader when he is not available.”

“Good for you Spike,” Heathspike told him, giving him a thumbs up.

“Guys, I'm honored by this, but I don't think I'm the best choice to be leader, I'm the newest member of the team,” Spike said.

“No, you're not,” Sugar Belle told him with a smile, “That would be me.”

“Ok fair point,” Spike said, “But I don't know, shouldn't it be Braeburn or Apple Bloom, you know, someone in the family?”

Apple Bloom approached him and put her hand on his shoulder, “Spike, since you came here, you have created harmony as a duelist, you have caused a change in us, so you deserve this, we do not choose a leader for his power, its for his heart.”

Spike looked at Braeburn who nodded his head, then looked at the other members of Apple Harmony who were supporting him with a smile, but what finally made him decide that he would be the temporary leader was the voice of Cozy Glow which had been heard approached without making any noise, “Please, I know you can, stop other teams from ending up like mine.”

Hearing that, a flame ignited inside Spike, “Alright, I'll take temporary leadership of the team.”

“YEAH,” the Crusaders shouted at the same time, while all the members cheered him on.

Back to the present.

“Oh no, why the hell did I agree to this?” Spike said worriedly, “I should have insisted that Braeburn be the temporary leader.”

“Spike, I know you must feel enormous pressure,” Twilight Sparkle told him, placing her hand on his shoulder, “Believe me, I understand it as the leader of my team.”

“I've always wondered, how do you do this Twi?” Spike asked.

"What are you talking about?" Twilight responded with another question.

“You really are impressive,” Spike responded, “I've only been around for a day and I'm not even an official leader, but suddenly it feels like carrying around an entire team is pretty scary.”

Twilight and Heathspike were watching him carefully.

“And I'm not even dueling, I'm just going to a leadership meeting,” Spike continued, “But all of that makes me nervous, what if they judge Apple Harmony based on me?”

“Spike,” Twilight tried to comfort him but Spike continued.

“And since you formed the Rainbooms, you have had great duels against strong opponents while also carrying the weight of being a leader.”

At that moment Twilight smiled and approached him, “Spike, do you know what I do when I feel this overwhelmed?”
Spike shook his head.

“I just defeat them to shut everyone's mouths,” Twilight responded very seriously.

Spike swallowed, he didn't expect to hear such a response coming from his sister, from girls like Rainbow Dash or Applejack yes but not from her.

“Hahaha,” Twilight started to laugh, “It was a joke.”

Spike was speechless for several reasons.

“The truth is, sometimes I don't even know what I'm doing, I'm always doubting and several times I also wonder if I was the best choice to lead, when the other girls are just as qualified as me,” Twilight Sparkle continued, “But at the same time In the end, they chose me, just like they chose you, there may not be a clear answer, but at least it is an honor.”

Twilight's words seemed to have an effect on Spike as the young duelist smiled, "I guess you're right Twi, thanks."

“Don't thank me, since you won't be alone there, I was called too and even your strange friend from the Lost World shop, what was his name?”

“Catastros,” Spike responded.

“Yes, he or she, hehe, because he or she is also a leader,” Twilight added.

“One advantage you will have is that I think you are the only team leader who has a duel spirit,” Heathspike told him, to which Spike smiled again, everything would be fine.

The next day.

Spike was ready, he was walking down the stairs of his house wearing the biker suit that Twilight had given him.

He went out to the yard of his house and saw Twilight Sparkle dressed in her biker outfit and sitting on her Duel Runner, she was ready, “Are you ready Spike?”

“I am,” Spike said enthusiastically, then proceeded to put on his helmet and climb onto the Duel Runner sitting behind Twilight.

“Then it's time,” said Twilight Sparkle who put on her helmet and proceeded to power up and accelerate her Duel Runner.

While the 2 siblings were traveling, Spike decided to ask Twilight something, “Hey Twi, besides Team Lost World, are there any other teams that you know?”

“Mmm, let's see,” Twilight responded, trying to remember, “Well, there's Team Seaquestria, Team Pilar, I'm sure my friend the leader of Team Shadowbolt will be there, or and of course, I think it's safe to see the leader from Team Magic Trick, Trixie.”

“Oh,” Spike replied, lowering his head, “I bet she's still mad at me.”

“Yes, maybe, but that's Trixie,” Twilight told him, “I'm sure when she sees how sorry you are she'll forget about it.”

Quickly after several minutes, the 2 had arrived.

The place they arrived at was a huge building that seemed abandoned, Spike felt a little afraid but he was calm being next to Twilight.

“Are you sure this is the meeting place?” asked Spike, who was changing his clothes in a bathroom in the building, which was surprisingly very clean.

“I'm sure,” Twilight responded from another part of the bathroom where she was changing clothes, “This building doesn't appear on maps or GPS, that way they can't track us.”

“I guess that makes sense,” Spike emerged from the bathroom in his normal clothes.

“It makes a lot more sense now that we have to hide from Team Royal Fist,” Twilight Sparkle emerged from the bathroom in her normal clothes.

Twilight led Spike to the basement of the building, where there was a red door that seemed to be closed, but Twilight knocked on the door.

"Who is it?"

“Twilight Sparkle, the leader of Team Rainbooms, accompanied by Spike, the substitute leader of Apple Harmony,” Twilight responded to which several seconds of silence passed, which was broken when they heard the sound of many locks unlocking.

On the other side of the door they were greeted by a thin young man with gray skin who seemed to be Big Mac's age, his hair was a grayish blue color, his hair was short but his front side was similar to Twilight's cut, he wore a white dress shirt, green pants with brown boots, but what was most striking was that he was wearing a gray cape.

Needless to say, Spike was attracted to that way of dressing, but he felt like he wasn't in a position to say anything to a leader.

The boy spoke, “It's a pleasure to meet you, my name is Stygian, the new leader of Team Pilar.”

“So he's the leader,” Spike thought.

“Nice to meet you, I heard that you are very skilled, that's why Starswirl gave you the position,” Twilight greeted him.

Stygian blushed, “Oh, hehe, thanks for the compliment.”

But at that moment his gaze turned to Spike, who only greeted him with a little nervousness, “Um, hi, nice to meet you.”

Stygian smiled at him, “Don't be nervous, years ago I was also just the substitute leader of my team, please both of you come in.”

Kindly, Stygian invited them in and they cordially accepted the invitation.

The place was a large room with several armchairs, leaders of different teams were sitting on them, there were tables spread throughout the place and many lights illuminated the space.

“Wow, I didn't know there would be too many teams against Royal Fist,” Spike said.

“What should surprise you is that there aren't more teams against Royal Fist,” Twilight Sparkle told him.

“Still, it's nice that there are both Pro and Rogue teams that just want to play in harmony,” Stygian added with a smile.

“Wow, look whos here, the Sparkle siiblings,” Trixie told them, who was sitting in the corner, not looking happy.

“Hi Trixie,” Twilight greeted her with zero enthusiasm.

“It's the Great and Powerful Trixie for you, Twilight Sparkle,” Trixie told her, but then she looked at Spike and walked over, “And as for you.”

“Trixie, I'm really sorry for what I did, I know I have no excuse,” Spike tried to apologize.

“What did he do?” Stygian asked Trixie.

“This clown went into a nervous breakdown for not entering the Eclipse Cup and took out all his frustration on members of my team, in my shop,” Trixie responded.

“That's so badass,” Stygian said.

“It wasn't badass,” Spike and Trixie said at the same time.

“It's something I shouldn't have done, it wasn't fair to anyone, it's not something I'm proud of,” Spike said very regretfully, which was noticed by Stygian and Trixie.

“Hey, don't feel so bad little one, at least it seems like you've improved as a person, I had that problem in the past too,” Stygian told him.

“Really?” Spike asked.

“I felt like my own team didn't respect me, so I wanted to get revenge, I don't know what would have happened to me if Starswirl hadn't stopped me,” Stygian replied. “I owe him everything, but above all, I'm grateful that he forgave me.”

And apparently his words moved Trixie, she approached Spike, “Listen little one, we may not talk much, but the Great and Powerful Trixie accepts your apology.”

“Thanks,” Spike thanked him, feeling moved.

“But that doesn't change the fact that you're still banned from my shop,” Trixie told him.

“I guess that's fair,” Spike said, scratching the back of his neck, he couldn't get everything.

"But what is this?" A girl with yellow skin approached them who seemed to be the same age as Twilight, her hair was orange and extremely poofy, she wore a purple blouse and pants and white boots, “Are there kids who are team leaders, dont make me laugh.”

Spike took a step back while gritting his teeth, luckily for him, Twilight jumped to defend him, “Be careful Adagio, Spike may seem weak, but he is one of the strongest duelists I know.”

Spike was touched by his sister's words, although he felt she should have left out the part about him seeming weak.

“Spike, meet the leader of Team Seaquestria, Adagio Dazzle,” Twilight said, “Adagio, this is Spike, my little brother.”

“Your little brother?” The girl named Adagio asked him, “Were you afraid to come to this place alone?”

Twilight frowned, she was really bothered by Adagio's attitude.

Getting a little frustrated by the girl's haughty attitude, Spike stood in front of Twilight, “Actually, I'm the substitute leader of Apple Harmony, they chose me to come here, and for your information, I took down the leader of Team Diamond Dog, Rover and defeat the wandering duelist Discord, so don't take me lightly, or you'll be in for a big surprise.”

Adagio thought it was an empty threat but seeing Spike's eyes, she knew the boy was serious, she rolled her eyes to hide and then left, “Pfft, whatever, let's just get this over with.”

“Is she always like this?” Spike asked.

“You have no idea,” Twilight replied, but at that moment, she saw someone sitting in the corner, she recognized him and motioned to Spike, “Spike, look.”

Spike turned around and saw the duelist who was sitting in the corner as if he wanted to hide from everyone, he seemed to be shaking, Spike approached him with excitement, “Hey Catastros.”

Catastros heard his voice, turning around, he saw Spike and Twilight Sparkle, his fear was quickly gone, “Spike, Twilight, nice to see you.”

“The pleasure is all ours,” Twilight Sparkle replied to which Spike nodded.

“So you got promoted Spike?” Catastros asked him.

Spike shook his head, “No, I'm only here because Big Mac isn't available.”

“I see,” replied Catastros, whose smile had disappeared, “I was hesitant to come here, there are a lot of people I don't know and that overwhelms me, but this is also my problem, Heath was attacked by one of those Team Royal Fist monsters.”

Hearing that, the siblings were surprised, “Heath was attacked? How is he?"

“He's fine, just a few bruises, but still, the damage was real, I'm so scared but I can't just run away,” the androgynous duelist responded.

“This is worse than I thought, they have to be stopped no matter what,” Spike said.

“Twilight, Spike,” they heard a voice, the siblings turned around and saw a white-skinned girl with a hairstyle very similar to Twilight's, only it was red with a purple stripe, she wore huge glasses and was wearing a black sweater, wore a black skirt and shoes.

“Moondancer,” Twi and Spike said at the same time, then the two of them proceeded to hug the girl whose name was Moondancer.

“I see you know the leader of Team Shadowbolt,” Stygian told them.

“Of course we know her,” Spike responded.

“She's our childhood friend, we always had duels every day before we moved,” Twilight added, “It's great to see you again Moondancer, how the team is doing.”

“Great, they learn quickly, I even dare that we can defeat you and the other Rainbooms,” Moondancer responded determinedly.

“Hehe, we'll see about that,” Twilight said just as determined.

But at that moment, Stygian arrived to announce something, “Very well, I see that there are already many leaders here for the roll call.”

Stygian asked about the team leaders, and they introduced themselves, followed by Twilight's turn, “The leader of Team Rainbooms.”

“Present,” Twilight Sparkle responded.

Stygian continued with more names until he reached Moondancer, “The leader of Team Shadowbolt.”

“Present,” Moondacer responded as if imitating Twilight.

“The leader of Team Magic Trick,” Stygian said to which Trixie introduced herself.

“The Great and Powerful Trixie is present.”

Stygian rolled his eyes and continued, “The leader of Team Apple Harmony.”

“Here,” Spike responded, but it seemed like some of the leaders didn't notice him as they were expecting someone tall, so Spike had to remind them, “Down here.”

Stygian continued with the list, “The leader of Team Lost World.”

But before introducing himself, strange music began to play, it seemed that the music was playing from where Catastros was.

The music had stopped and Catastros was in the same place but for some reason, he looked different, although his appearance was the same, his look had completely changed, he didn't seem like the same person, the shy look that Catastros showed to the Introducing himself was different from this, now he had a serious look with a confident smile.

“Im here,” replied Catastros but that didn't seem to be his voice anymore which was very low and with a feminine tone, this was a deeper and more confident voice, with more conviction and without any hesitation.

This surprised those who did not know him.

"What's happening? Do I have something on my face?” Catastros asked them.

“What the hell happened to you?” Stygian asked him who was almost in shock.

"What are you talking about?" Catastros responded with another question, but now retaining his new gravelly voice.

“Don't play dumb, when you came in here you looked like a girl and you were even scared of your own shadow, it can't be possible that you suddenly show such a manly attitude,” Adagio told him.

Catastros looked at Twilight and Spike, and asked them something, “Is she crazy?”

“That's it, AHHHHHH,” Adagio tried to lunge at Catastros, but he stopped her with one hand, “I'm not your enemy, our enemy is Team Royal Fist.”

Catastros' deep voice made Adagio get scared and nod, returning to her seat.

“Okay, enough, we can discuss the effeminate later, but for now, let's focus on the meeting,” Stygian told them, “You know why I called you here, to know how to deal with those anti-fun snobs.”

All the duelists present had similar opinions.

“We just want to have fun playing.”

“I swear, this is a bummer, those Pro Snobs…”

“They are the worst.”

At that moment, Adagio spoke, “My team always goes around challenging others, but hurting is prohibited, I won't allow something like that to happen.”

“The Great and Powerful Trixie knows that's crossing a line, there's no way she'll let something like that happen,” Trixie said determinedly.

“Those clowns attacked one of my members, I will not forgive them,” added Catastros furiously.

“Our team is on the lookout for any attack,” Moondancer added.

"I know what they are capable of doing, a girl from Team Flufflepuff came to our lair with the last strength she had left, she told us what Royal Fist did, they defeated her team and the only thing she could do was protect her flag," Spike told them.

Many of the duelists who listened were horrified to hear what Team Royal Fist did.

But there were others who, in addition to being horrified, also looked confused.

“Spike, did you say Team Fluufflepuff?” Moondancer asked him.

“Yes, why?” Spike responded with another question.

A look of horror formed on Stygian's face, “Spike, that was the first team to fall.”

"WHAT?" Spike asked feeling terrified.

“They were destroyed 2 weeks ago and their flag was stolen, that's why I organized this meeting,” Stygian told him.

“Wait, if their flag was stolen and Cozy Glow had it, then that means…” Twilight said, putting the puzzle together.

Spike had already realized, “I MUST RETURN TO MY TEAM IMMEDIATELY.”

Spike proceeded to leave the place at full speed with Twilight at his side, but at that moment Moondancer appeared, “I'll go with you.”

They nodded and proceeded to leave.

Meanwhile in Team Apple Harmony's lair.

Apple Bloom was fixing some boards in the old barn, but she heard footsteps in the distance, she smiled, “Girls, I think Spike is back.”

Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo followed her to the entrance.

But Scootaloo, thanks to Rumble, could see in the distance, she trembled and backed away, “Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, that's not Spike.”

A blonde guy with long hair arrived at the place, he was very tall in stature and his skin was white, he was wearing a kind of white suit with blue boots, in his hand he had a blood red Duel Disk.

But the worst thing was that on his suit, they saw the same emblem that Spike had drawn, it was the emblem of Team Royal Fist.

Author's Note:

In this chapter I introduced several teams and their leaders, but it will only be up to that point, they would be more relevant in the sequel.