• Published 25th Mar 2023
  • 1,626 Views, 121 Comments

Yugioh Defenders of Harmony - MechaTomX

A young teenager will stand out in the game of Duel Monsters, with the help of his friends, he will face great challenges, such as the threat of some Pro Duelists who threaten to end the fun of the game.

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Sixteenth Turn: Beach Day (2/2)

The day of relaxation on the beach had begun, the duelists present were ready to spend a fun day before the Eclipse Cup began.

Floating above the sea were the 3 Duel Spirits watching over their fellow duelists, Heathspike, Rumble, and Whimsey Weatherbe.

“This reminds me of the ice lagoon in the frozen lands,” Whimsey told Heathspike, “Those were good times.”

But Heathspike lowered his head, “It must have been great, Whimsey, I hope to remember that someday.”

“Oh right,” Whimsey responded a little embarrassed, forgetting Heathspike's condition, “I forgot you still have amnesia.”

“Does it mean you have no memories of your world?” Rumble asked Heathspike who shook his head.

"Not yet, when I saw Whimsey I was able to remember that she was my friend, but that's all, why I'm here, I still don't know, but I will continue to be by Spike's side, since I woke up thanks to him for some reason, and maybe I'll get clues to who I once was,” Heathspike said with a smile, clenching a fist.

Whimsey placed her hand on her amnesiac friend's shoulder, “If I see anything at the tournament that might be useful, I'll let you know.”

Heathspike smiled at him, grateful that at least he had a friend of his own species who loved and understood him.

Whimsey contemplated the sea in the conversation and after a few seconds, she decided to change the subject, “I would really like to feel the way our companions feel, you know, with the breeze from the beach.”

“We are Duel Spirits Whimsey,” Rumble reminded her, “We cannot feel that because we are intangible to this world.”

“I know,” Whimsey responded, but then an idea crossed her mind when she saw the outfits of the girls and boys, at that moment, a smile formed on her face, “But at least we can dress for the occasion. ”

Heathspike and Rumble raised an eyebrow, they hadn't understood what she implied.

“Or I think a better term would be, “Undress,”” Whimsey said with a flirtatious smile.

Heathspike blushed hard while Rumble, who didn't seem to care, understood the situation, "Oh I get it, we wear outfits similar to their swimsuits."

“Yes, that's exactly what I mean,” Whimsey replied.

“I don't know,” Heathspike replied, looking away, “It wouldn't be swimsuits, don't you think that would be a little indecent?”

“Oh please Heathspike, no one besides our partners can see us,” Whimsey told him.

“Yes, and it's very simple,” said Rumble, who took off his black vest, leaving him shirtless, although it was obvious from his arms, Rumble was clearly muscular, “You see, I'm practically ready for the beach.”

“Very simple for you, muscular reptile,” thought Heathspike, envious of Rumble's muscles, “Practically wrestlers wear swim trunks in their fights.”

“Ok, it's my turn,” said Whimsey, who seemed to invoke a spell, at that moment, her icy armor began to melt, causing several of her scales to be exposed, for some reason, Heathspike couldn't look away from her.

After a few seconds, the only thing left of Whimsey's armor was a kind of top and bottoms, appearing to be a bikini made of ice, except for the boots, which Whimsey removed manually, “Ok, I'm ready. ”

Heathspike just stared at her dumbfounded, but had to maintain his posture when he saw her approaching, “So guys, how do I look?”

“I think that ice suits you very well,” Rumble replied, giving him a thumbs up.

“Ummm, you look great,” Heathspike responded nervously.

“Hehehe, thanks,” Whimsey replied giggling, then she turned to Heathspike, “Alright Heathspike, now it's your turn.”

"Me???" Heathspike asked nervously.

“No, Zombyra the Dark,” Rumble replied sarcastically, “Of course you, idiot, you are the only one left.”

Heathspike blushed, he didn't want to be seen without his armor, "I think it'll pass."

“I think someone forgot to tell you that it doesn't work that way,” Whimsey replied, “You must take off your armor, the beach rules say so, or maybe you're shy and don't want us to see something you're hiding.”

“No,” Heathspike responded nervously and with a high-pitched tone, implying that he was lying, “But I'm not thinking about taking off my armor.”

“It's so cute that you think you have a choice,” Whimsey told him with a flirtatious smile, “Rumble.”

“On it,” responded the Dinowrestler, who took Heathspike by his arms, preventing him from moving.

“Ahh, Rumble, what the hell are you doing?” the Dracoslayer asked them as he was restrained.

“He's helpless,” Rumble announced, “Whimsey, this is your chance.”

“Oh no,” Heathspike exclaimed as he was restrained by Rumble, at which point he saw Whimsey approach him with hearts in her eyes, “No, Whimsey, don't do it, show some humanity.”

“We are not humans Spike,” said the Ice Barrier Dragon who was already close to the Dracoslayer, she at that moment placed her claws on several pieces of his armor, “We are Duel Spirits.”

“Noooo Whimsey,” Heathspike shouted as several pieces of his armor shot into the air as the dragoness proceeded to dishonor the Dracoslayer.

Everyone was having fun.

Scootaloo and Rainbow Dash were playing volleyball against Apple Bloom and Applejack.

Rarity and Sweetie Belle were laying down tanning.

Big Mac, Sugar Belle, Pinkie Pie and Catastros were swimming in the sea.

Discord, Fluttershy and Snowdrop were collecting shells, although it was made difficult by her condition, Snowdrop seemed to be enjoying it.

While Spike and Twilight were building a sandcastle, they were having a great time, something that Twilight remembered was something they enjoyed doing, “Being here at the beach and building a sandcastle does take me back to when we were kids, remember?”

Spike smiled, “Yeah, you and I always made the best sandcastles together, that because you were so structurally detailed with it.”

Twilight blushed, before answering, “Just wanted to make it right.”

Spike couldn't help but laugh, “Only you, Twilight, could turn sandcastle building into architecture.”

Twilight couldn't help but laugh at Spike's joke, the two ended up laughing at the memories and then they saw the 3 Duel Spirits approaching, with Heathspike in front.

But Spike was surprised to see Heathspike without his armor, the only thing he had left of it were some metallic shorts, he had always thought that underneath it he had muscles, but no, Heathspike was just as thin as him, even like him, he had noodle arms.

“What the heck happened to you?” he asked his partner.

“I'd rather not talk about it,” Heathspike replied, looking at the ground and with a defeated tone.

“How can you wear that heavy armor with those skeletal arms and legs?” Rumble asked to which Heathspike ignored him.

“I think he looks very cute, especially his arms,” Whimsey told him as she hugged Heathspike who was still blushing, “It's so cute.”

“HOLY,” Spike exclaimed upon seeing Whimsey, his eyes nearly popping out of his skull when he saw what the Ice Dragon was dressed in, “Whimsey, is that your beach outfit?”

Whimsey smiled at him but at that moment Twilight covered Spike's eyes with her hands, she turned to Whimsey, "Whimsey, don't you see there are children here, I don't think that revealing outfit is appropriate."

“I'm 14, Twilight, not a children,” Spike replied as his sister continued to cover her eyes.

“Oh please,” Whimsey said, crossing her arms, “Don't think it's revealing, it's art, my ice bikini.”

“Uh-huh,” Twilight responded sarcastically.

This made Whimsey upset, “Oh come on, I don't think you can complain, because I'm revealing less scales or skin than you two, Mr. and Mrs. Skimpy.”

That comment made them remember that they were still wearing those swimsuits that Rarity designed for them, although it was out of inertia, they covered themselves with their arms and blushed, although Twilight seemed frustrated, “That's beside the point.”

But at that moment the only Duel Spirit left was Heathspike, Rumble and Whimsey had gone with their respective companions.

“Ughhh, next time I won't let Rarity design the swimsuits,” Twilight said with a deadpan look.

“Agreed sis,” Spike agreed with the same look as Twilight.

Everyone enjoyed that day, it was very relaxing for them.

Several moments later, the sun was about to set, leaving a beautiful sunset on the seashore.

While the older duelists had already returned to the locker room, the younger ones were contemplating the sunset.

“I admit I needed a vacation like this,” Apple Bloom said.

“Exactly, at least I was able to work on my tan,” Sweetie Belle added even though her white color didn't change one bit.

“Despite Rarity small designs, it was good,” Scootaloo added as she looked at her swimsuit.

“Tell me about it,” Spike responded, then turned to Snowdrop, “And what do you say, Snowdrop?”

“I say that it is a nice feeling to come into contact with the sea,” said Snowdrop, who took off her sandals to feel the sea water, “Being blind, it is something that one treasures when I feel the sand or water, I had never visited the beach.”

“I understand, I did come before, but that was a decade ago,” Scootaloo responded.

“If I could ask, what did you do before you met?” Snowdrop asked them, curiously it's something Spike also wanted to know so he was paying extra attention.

“That's something I'd like to know too,” Spike added.

“Well, I've always admired Rainbow Dash since I was little, so when she started playing Duel Monsters, I decided I would do the same,” Scootaloo explained.

“And you met Rumble after you started playing,” Spike said to which Scootaloo nodded.

“Same for me, my sister and brother always enjoyed this game,” Apple Bloom told them, “I started playing recently, when Team Apple Harmony was just forming.”

“And then it was when the three of us met at Canterlot High,” Sweetie Belle added, “It was Apple Bloom and Scootaloo who showed me Duel Monsters, at first it was a strange experience for me, but over time I started to like it, just Just like Rarity.”

“That's a nice story,” Snowdrop responded moved, “I was able to enjoy this game thanks to my mother and Vice Principal Luna, I owe a lot to both of them, then, Whimsey came to my life.”

The Crusaders and Spike were touched by Snowdrop's reason.

“And what about you Spike?” the girls asked him.

“Like you, I also admire my older siblings a lot, although for a while I felt very weak in comparison,” Spike replied, but then a smile formed on his face, “But Big Mac showed me that I can be stronger and stand out in my own way, I will not forget what he and the team have taught me, and I should thank Heathspike for staying with me.”

The girls smiled when they heard him, it was clear that his motivations were more than acceptable for a duelist.

“Hey,” they heard Rainbow Dash calling them, they turned around and saw the others in their usual clothes, “The locker rooms are free, you know what we're planning tonight.”

The young duelists looked at each other knowing what would await them that night, without saying anything, they headed to the locker room to return to their usual clothes.

At night, the 15 duelists were at the corner of the sea, wearing their normal clothes and each with their Duel Disk on their wrist.

"Are you ready?" Discord asked them.

Everyone nodded excitedly but the one that stood out the most was Big Mac, “EEYUPP.”

“Then lets Duel,” everyone shouted and at that moment, the great duels began, those that represented the ideal, fun and harmony.

In Canterlot.

Heath Burns, one of the strongest members of Team Lost World, was walking down the street when he suddenly heard the scream of a young man.


“What the…” exclaimed Heath, who headed to the source of that noise, in a kind of dark alley, “Oh, how cliché.”

There he saw a boy lying on the ground with a Duel Disk turned on, Heath assumed that a duel had occurred although the boy looked too injured for it to have been a normal duel, his opponent was a guy who looked like Big Mac's age, he was a blonde guy with long hair, he was very tall in stature and his skin was white, he was wearing a kind of white suit with blue boots, in his hand he had a blood red Duel Disk.

“I told you brat, duelists like you will not survive in my new supreme duelist regime, only a true prince can rule and that will be me, the leader of Team Royal Fist,” the subject said, and at that moment, a dark aura began to emanate from him.

“What the hell is this, who is he,” Heath Burns wondered, and worried about the duelists in the area.

Author's Note:

And with this we finish the Rainbooms arc and now we enter the final arc which will have a lot of action, thank you for waiting and I hope that this year brings you good things.