• Published 25th Mar 2023
  • 1,625 Views, 121 Comments

Yugioh Defenders of Harmony - MechaTomX

A young teenager will stand out in the game of Duel Monsters, with the help of his friends, he will face great challenges, such as the threat of some Pro Duelists who threaten to end the fun of the game.

  • ...

First Turn: Spike and The Link Monster

Author's Note:

Hello everyone, it is an honor to finally start writing my YuGiOh story, I have put a little more effort into this one so I hope everything goes well, I wanted this to be my first story but I still did not have the level to write it , so I hope you enjoy these 2 chapters that will serve as an introduction.

Also, here there will be all kinds of summons, from fusion to link, it will be played with the current rules, but there will be no banlist in this story, that would complicate things much more, without further ado, enjoy it.

Duel Monsters.

A game where through the use of cards, you can summon a large number of monsters to fight in your favor in a duel and thus defeat your opponent, with the help of spell and trap cards, over time the game It became so popular that technology enhanced the experience, making it feel like much more than just a card game.

And it's the truth, it's more than just a card game.

Canterlot High.

Canterlot High, a preparatory school in the city of Canterlot, famous for the union between its students, at least in most cases.

A young teenager was walking through the halls of Canterlot High, he was wearing a purple jacket, he wore jean shorts, a light green t-shirt, and purple sneakers, his skin was purple, but what stood out the most about him was his spiky green hair and emerald green eyes, another detail that made him stand out was the protruding fang that he had in his mouth, in addition to that, he had a purple device attached to his wrist.

That boy seemed discouraged, while he was walking through the corridors, he heard a sound that caught his attention, coming from a room, at the door it said the following: DUEL CLUB.

He peeked out the window of the door and saw 2 boys older than him, who were having a Duel.

“My Borreload Dragon will attack your Firewall Dragon,” one of the boys yelled, while in the middle of the room, a dragon that seemed to be fused with a gun fired a beam at another dragon which seemed to be made of codes, upon receiving the impact, the dragon was destroyed.

The boy looked away from the Duel and once again walked off.

But while he was leaving the place, he heard how the club's door opened and he heard a voice calling him.


The boy named Spike turned around and saw a teenager girl older than him, she wore a light blue buttoned shirt and a purple skirt, she wore black school shoes, her skin was a purple similar to Spike only a bit clearer tone, her hair was 2-toned purple with a pink line and his eyes were a magenta color.

The girl also had a lilac device attached to her wrist, only this one, unlike Spike's, looked a lighter shade of color.

"Oh, hello Twilight," Spike greeted.

The girl, named Twilight Sparkle, greeted him back, "Hi Spike, the girls and I were wondering if you wanted to duel with us."

Spike smiled, but unfortunately, his response was not what she expected, "Thank you sister, but I have many things to do, maybe another time."

"Oh, okay," Twilight replied dejectedly, "I'll see you at home."

Spike proceeded to leave the place.

As Spike left, Twilight sighed.

"He was lying," a voice heard, Twilight turned and saw an orange-skinned girl with freckles, she was wearing a cowboy hat, a jean skirt, cowboy boots, and a white shirt.

"Yeah, I think I noticed it too, Applejack," Twilight Sparkle said, lowering her head, "I don't know what I can do for him, I want to see his smile again, but I feel like it's all my fault."

"Whoa, hold your horses, sugarcube," Applejack comforted her, "It's only been 2 weeks since you guys moved here, give it a few more days, and your little brother will smile again."

"Thanks AJ," Twilight thanked, "I just hope Spike is willing to open up to us."

"He will, believe me, you just have to be patient."

Spike walked through the streets of Canterlot, head down.

"I know you want to help me Twi, but, I don't think you can, but I have to let you know it's not your fault," Spike thought.

The reason for his attitude was because since he was little, he always loved dueling, he liked to play a lot with his siblings, having fun while summoning his monsters.

But quickly that had changed, over time, his older siblings began to play in tournaments, with very good results, his older brother had moved out of the house, he was a Pro Dueslist, while Twilight had become famous for having won the Duel Monsters regional tournament.

However, Spike didn't seem to have the same luck, no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't win his duels, he always lost, he always saw his life point counter reading 0 points, and although he didn't want to admit it, he felt much envy towards his older siblings.

Spike clenched his fists while furiously cursing his own impotence, he was a weak duelist, but above all, he wanted to be a respected duelist, someone who could win his duels by shutting the mouths of those who belittled him, someone who could defeat duelists like his sister.

"They told me that what matters is not the victory, it's the fun, but," Spike said with tears in his eyes as he took out a deck of cards from his device, "I'm sick of always losing, it's very frustrating, maybe it's a sign, maybe I don't have the right to be a duelist."

With tears in his eyes Spike began to run, he felt very bad, since he and his family moved to Canterlot, he had not improved, he saw all the students of Canterlot High impressed by having the Pro Duelist Twilight Sparkle as his classmate, but no student noticed him, they only saw him as Twilight Sparkle's loser brother.

"DAMMIT," Spike yelled as he kept running, until he got tired, he leaned against the wall of a building, but it wasn't just any building, he turned around to look at the place and realized that it was a card shop.

Spike didn't know why, maybe something inside him still enjoyed dueling, without thinking about it he entered the store, what seemed very strange to him, was that there was no one, there was only an employee at the counter, who couldn't see his face, because he wore a huge black hood that covered him.

“Welcome,” the hooded man told him, “Looking for something specific?”

"Not really, I was just passing by, I didn't know this was a Duel Monsters store," Spike replied.

"Mmm, I notice from your tone of voice, you haven't had much luck in dueling, have you?"

Spike lowered his head, that was his way of noding.

The hooded man chuckled, "Don't worry, there's nothing to be ashamed of, you came to the right place."

"Huh?" Spike asked, what he didn't expect was that his answer was another question.

"You want to be stronger right?" asked the hooded man.

"Yeah, I'd do anything to get stronger," Spike replied determinedly.

Although it was not noticeable because his face was not visible, the mysterious man smiled, at that moment, the man took out a box under the counter, "Unfortunately, I have already sold everything, but I still have this."

Spike saw the man take out a booster pack from the box, it seemed strange to him since the booster pack was a black color which had no word on it, but seeing that it couldn't hurt him, Spike decided to buy it, in that moment, he took out his wallet, “Um sure, I guess that would be good, how much?”

"Nah, it's okay," the man told him as he handed the booster to Spike, "You don't need to pay, you just have to promise me something."

"Um ok," Spike replied a little nervously not knowing what this man would ask of him.

"I only ask that you become a powerful duelist, someone who inspires others and protect them, because I know that you will be very strong."

Even though it was a stranger who told him, Spike smiled as he heard someone besides his sister tell him that he can be a strong duelist, "I promise sir."

"Okay, you can go now, I need to close," the hooded man told him, at which point Spike proceeded to leave.

Later at home.

Spike arrived home, went to his room, in the corridors there were photos of him and his siblings, in one photo his older brother was shown, who had white skin and long blue hair, Spike remembered that day, the time his brother, named Shining Armor, became a Pro Duelist.

Another of the photographs was recent, only a week old, it was a photo of Twilight Sparkle carrying a trophy along with 5 other girls, “The day we moved in, Twilight recommended our parents enroll us in Canterlot High because of its environment, but another reason, was because in one of the tournaments that Twilight won, she met those girls who became her friends, who suggested that she transfer, and here we are."

"Yeah, everyone knows the name Twilight Sparkle and Shining Armor, but when it comes to me," Spike said with a bit of frustration, but then he looked at the booster, "I'm going to teach them, show them what I can do, and someday, I will be recognized as the strongest duelist in this city.”

Spike entered his room and proceeded to open the booster, which contained cards that would be a very nice addition to his deck, “This isn't too bad, Pot of Greed, Harpie's Feather Duster, Evenly Matched, Dark Ruler No More, Solemn Judgment.”

Spike marveled at the cards he now possessed, he thought that this mysterious man must have really liked him to give him those cards, but when Spike saw the last one, it seemed very strange to him, "What the?"

The last card was a Link Monster, but, it was empty, it did not have the image of the monster, instead there was only a black background, the card lacked a name, attribute, ATK points, even if it showed the Link Arrows around it , 8 that all were off.

Without thinking twice, Spike placed the card in the device he was carrying, it made a sound, "My Duel Disk detects it, which means it's an authentic card."

"This is some kind of joke?" Spike wondered but he quickly turned his head in denial, "No, it can't be a joke, that man had a sincere voice when he gave me this, maybe it's just a printing error, even so, they were good cards, but I think I still lack a lot if I want to become a great duelist,” Spike said as he placed the cards in his deck while he placed the mystery card in his extra deck even though he knew it wouldn't work, at which point he went to sleep.

The next day.

Spike woke up to the sound of his alarm clock, "Grr, I hate mornings."

After that, Spike proceeded to get ready to go to school, he placed his Duel Disk in his left arm and went down to the kitchen, after breakfast, he went out to the frontyard of his house, there he found his older sister waiting for him, she was riding some kind of purple motorcycle with pink stripes.

But Twilight's outfit was different, she was wearing a purple full body leather suit with pink boots and gloves, as well as wearing a purple helmet with a pink 6-pointed star pattern on it.

That motorcycle was a Duel Runner, created for high-speed dueling which was called Turbo Duels, and of course Twilight was an expert in that type of dueling as well, to the point that she was able to build her own Duel Runner.

“Oh hey Twi, I thought you'd come in later today,” Spike said.

“Yeah, but I thought it would be nice to go together,” Twilight replied, at which point she started her Duel Runner's engine, “So, do you want a ride?”

At first Spike was going to decline her offer, but he thought that maybe it would be for the best to spend a few moments with Twilight, besides that he had never been able to ride her Duel Runner, "Yes, I would like it."

Twilight smiled knowing that her little brother began to open up to her again, "It will be fun Spike, thanks for accepting, but first, take this."

At that moment Twilight handed Spike a box.

"For me?" Spike asked.

"Yes Spike, open it," Twilight replied excitedly.

Spike smiled, "Thanks Twi."

At that moment, Spike opened the box, in it was a leather suit very similar to Twilight's but in a smaller size and in a masculine form, the suit was dark purple with green gloves and boots.

Spike was touched, not only by the gift, but also because it symbolized that his sister hadn't forgotten about him, "Twi, you shouldn't have."

"You're kidding, you're a duelist and every duelist needs something like that, besides," Twilight Sparkle answered as she handed him a green helmet with a purple flame pattern on it, "Safety first."

"Wow," Spike replied in surprise, taking the helmet.

"What are you waiting for Spike, put it on so we can go," Twilight told him.

Spike nodded and started to put on the leather suit, it was a little difficult for him, but he managed to put it on just in time, "Ready Twi."

"Excellent, now come up," Twilight told him.

Spike proceeded to get on the Duel Runner.

"Hold on, I'll go at a safe speed."

Spike proceeded to hold on to Twilight's waist as if he were giving her a hug, although he was a little embarrassed, the Duel Runner didn't have a place to hold on.

But Twi smiled at this.

On the streets of Canterlot.

Twilight and Spike were heading to Canterlot High in the Duel Runner.

As they headed there, Twilight took advantage of that moment to talk to Spike.


"Yes, Twilight?"

"Was there a specific reason why you didn't want to go to the Duel Club with me?" Twilight Sparkle asked.

Spike didn't know what to say to her, but Twilight continued.

"Spike, you can always tell me everything you feel, I promise I'll listen to you, you can be honest with me, it's the duty of an older sister to take care of her younger brother."

Although Spike was moved by Twi's words, he wasn't sure if he was being sincere, but after a few seconds, he decided that it was best not to bottle up his feelings.

"Actually there was a reason," Spike replied, "But you might be mad at me if I tell you."

"Spike, I couldn't be mad at you, what's the problem?" Twilight Sparkle asked.

Spike was silent for a few seconds before responding, "I think I'm jealous of you."

Twilight knew she had something to do with it, but she wasn't surprised, she asked Spike to continue, "Jealous of me?"

"I'm sorry Twilight, I've just felt inferior when I'm by your side, like I'm always living in your shadow, I mean, you're the Duel Monsters regional champion, everyone wants to be you, that's why I've felt displaced, even more when we moved here, before it was just you and me, but then you got friends and well, one thing led to another and that added to my weakness as a duelist, and here we are,” Spike replied, lowering his head.

"Oh, Spike," Twilight replied sadly, "I didn't mean to make you feel that way, I'm so sorry, if I had paid more attention to your feelings."

But as Twilight blamed herself, Spike interrupted her.

"Twilight, please don't blame yourself for it," Spike groaned, "I hate it when you do that."


"Look, at the end of the day, it's my fault, not yours, I should've just told you how I felt instead of playing mind games for weeks."

"Still, there's no excuse for how I've made you feel, that's why I want to make it up to you, come to the club today, I promise you'll have fun, so you can meet my friends," Twilight told him.

Spike smiled, "Thanks Twi, although I'm still not sure, what if they don't consider me someone worthy of joining, for what little I know, they are all just as strong as you, while I am just me."

"Spike, no one will discriminate against you for that, AJ always says that there is no weak duelist," Twilight told him, then she looked at Spike, "And she's right, you're not weak, you just need more confidence in yourself."

"Well, I guess it wouldn't hurt, it's okay Twilight, I'm going to the club after school," Spike told her.

"YAY," Twilight yelled in celebration, she wanted to hug Spike for finally opening up to her, but remembered that he was still driving, "You won't be sorry Spike, I promise."

A few minutes later, the two of them had arrived at Canterlot High.

Pulling up and removing their helmets, Twilight was greeted by her classmates like a celebrity.

"Hey look, it's Twilight Sparkle."

“The regional champion has arrived.”

"Twilight Sparkle, please sign my Duel Disk."

The 2 were surrounded by the students.

“Ok, looks like you'll be busy, I think I'll see you after school,” Spike told her as he took off his leather suit, to which Twi nodded as she slipped out of her leather suit.

"I'm sorry Spike, I didn't want this to happen," Twilight told him, at which point she kissed Spike on his forehead, "See you at the club."

Spike blushed a little at that action but he only took it as a nice gesture, at that moment, he went to his classroom, "See you Twi."

A few hours later.

Classes had finished, at that moment, Spike was walking through the halls of Canterlot High, he was heading to the Duel Club.

"Maybe I can get lucky," Spike said as he looked at his deck, "Maybe my new cards can make a difference."

Spike thought about the kind of duels he could have at the club with Twilight and her friends, but he knew worrying wouldn't do him any good.

But as Spike kept walking, he could hear some voices from around the corner.

"That's enough Rover."

"Huh?" Spike went to the place of the noise, he discreetly leaned out so as not to be seen, there he could see a group of 3 boys who seemed older than him, among them stood out a muscular boy with gray skin, blue hair of a grayish tone, he wore a red vest with a white shirt and blue jeans with red tennis shoes.

Also in the place were 3 girls who seemed to be the same age as Spike, one of the girls had yellow skin, she was red-haired, she wore a pink bow on her head, she was wearing a green t-shirt and jean pants, she was wearing boots.

Another girl had short purple hair, orange skin, wore a black jacket with jean shorts and black sneakers.

While the last girl had white skin, a fancy hairstyle, her hair was pink and lilac, she wore a yellow dress with pink boots, Spike found her very pretty.

"Wait, I know those girls, they're in my class," Spike said quietly.

“I'm going to make it simple for you,” the gray-skinned boy explained, “You give me your money and I will protect you from any bully in this school.”

“The only bully is you,” the yellow-skinned, red-haired girl yelled at him.

“Hey little girl, show more respect to the great Rover,” said one of the gray-skinned boy's friends, whose name was apparently Rover.

“An idiot doesn't deserve our respect, let's go girls,” said the girl with purple hair and orange skin.

But as they left, Rover took the girl with white skin and pink and lilac hair, "I don't think so."

“Ahhhh, girls, help,” the girl yelled.

“Rover, let her go,” the yellow-skinned, red-haired girl yelled.

“How about we make a deal, I won't hurt your friend in exchange you gave me your money,” Rover told them, taunting them.

“Rover, you are a…”

Spike from afar looked at the situation worried, "Oh no, a case of bullying, what should I do, maybe I should report it, no, its gonna take long, I could go over there and try to stop it, what are you talking about Spike, those guys will tear you to pieces oh dammit, I have to think of something and it has to be quick.”

Unfortunately Spike forgot to turn his face away from the corner, causing one of the boys to spot him, "Hey you, what the hell are you looking at?"

“Oh great, they saw me,” Spike said to himself.

The 3 boys approached Spike slowly.

"What are you looking at, weirdo?" asked the middle boy of the group.

Spike swallowed.

“Yeah, weirdo,” the shorter boy told him.

Spike started to take steps back, but he collided with something, when he turned around he saw Rover behind him, up close he looked bigger and more threatening.

“Freshmens should learn to mind their own business,” Rover said in a threatening manner.

Spike was speechless, he didn't know what to do.

At that moment he grabbed Spike by his shirt and pulled him up, "Your silence bothers me a lot."

"Oh, I'm sorry, you know, we could made an agreement," Spike said but was interrupted by the girl with white skin and pink and lilac hair.

"Hey, leave him out of this, that boy has nothing to do with it."

"Sorry brat, but he saw us," Rover said while still holding onto Spike.

"Hey, I don't know what led you to do this," Spike said to Rover, trying to reason with him, "But you should stop doing this kind of thing or you could end up in juvie."

But Rover didn't take it well, "Are you threatening me?"

"What? No,” Spike said, shaking his head.

“I think he is threatening you Rover,” the shorter boy said.

"No, he lies," Spike said scared.

"Are you calling my friend a liar?" Rover asked.

"Yes, I mean no, I mean, ummm…..maybe," Spike replied nervously.

"Grrrr, you make me desperate, I'll hit you so hard that…" Rover said but stopped when he saw the Duel Disk on his wrist, "Oh, so you're a duelist too."

"Umm, yeah, I guess," Spike replied a little relieved because it looked like the bully would forget to hit him, "Though I've barely made any changes to my deck and haven't tried it yet."

Hearing that, Rover smiled evilly as if he had an idea that Spike and those 3 girls weren't going to like.

“Actually, I also create a new deck recently and haven't dueled anyone yet, so we're on a level playing field,” Rover said, “How about we make a bet.”

"A bet?" Spike asked looking at him puzzled as well as the 3 girls.

"After school, you and I, we'll have a duel," Rover told him as if threatening, "If you win, we won't cause those girls any trouble anymore."

After pointing at the three girls, Rover approached Spike sinisterly to which the boy gulped, "But if you lose, not only will you have to give us your money, but we'll also keep your most valuable cards."

Spike nearly dropped his pants at that.

"Hey, that's unfair," the girl with white skin and pink and lilac hair.

“He has nothing to do with this, you can't make him,” the orange-skinned, purple-haired girl continued.

“My brother has taught me that a duelist's cards contain a piece of his soul in it, surely this boy has put passion into his duels, you can't take his cards away from him,” said the yellow-skinned red-haired girl.

"Haha, and you girls think the big Rover would care a bit about that crap?" asked the shorter boy.

"Victory is the only thing that matters, that's my philosophy as a duelist, losers don't deserve anything," Rover said at the same time as he looked at Spike's Duel Disk, "And besides, what the hell is wrong with you, you don't know that one must update.”

"Sorry but I didn't understand you on that last one," Spike told him.

“I mean your Duel Disk,” Rover sneered as he pointed at the device, and mercilessly took it from him, “It's an old version, that thing still needs cards, hahaha.”

Rover and his minions taunted Spike's Duel Disk, causing the latter to frown and grit his teeth.

“Hey, give it back to me,” Spike said.

“Just look at ours,” Rover said as he and his 2 minions showed him their Duel Disks, “The latest in technology, these don't need cards as they are digitized, as well as having an artificial intelligence that can help us during the duels.”

Spike ground his teeth, it was crystal clear that those 3 boys were despicable.

“Hey, you can't make fun of his choice of Duel Disk,” the red-haired girl interjected and showed her Duel Disk, “I like to keep my cards too, just like my brother.”

"Or maybe you're too poor to afford one of the new ones," Rover sneered as his minions laughed.

The redheaded girl frowned, she approached him with the intention of hitting him, but Spike advanced before her and approached Rover at a faster speed.


“Wait, wait, what,” Rover said, noticing that the Duel Disk Spike had taken from him had disappeared from his hand, “Where did it go?”

"Here," Spike pointed out, showing them that he had recovered his Duel Disk.

“Hey, I wasn't done talking yet,” Rover told him furiously.

But Spike wasn't scared anymore, his contempt for that guy had made his fear go away.

"And I accept your conditions, we will have a duel, I hope you comply with what you agreed to," Spike told him, causing the three girls to be surprised.

“Hey, you don't have to do this,” the white-skinned girl told him.

"I know it's not my obligation," Spike told him as he looked at his deck, "But, anyway, I don't have much more to lose, but that could change today, I don't know how to explain it, but, I feel like I can beat him, besides, you don't deserve those guys to keep bothering you, that's why I want to help you."

The girl smiled blushing a little.

“Alright, I'll see you in the schoolyard after school, that is if you don't chicken out,” Rover sneered as he walked off along with his 2 minions.

After they left, the girls talked to Spike.

“Hey, thanks for the help,” the orange-skinned girl told him.

“Yes, it would have ended worse if you hadn't interfered,” the yellow-skinned girl added.

“Yes, she would have hit him causing a ruckus,” the white-skinned girl said.

"Hehe, don't worry," Spike told them, "Happy to help."

"Still," the white girl told him, "I hope you know what you're doing."

"Yeah, well, a little, at least he's going to use a deck he hasn't tried, so I have a slight advantage," Spike told them, "Don't worry."

The girls smiled.

"Well, we wish you the best of luck, my name is Scootaloo," the orange girl introduced herself.

"We'll support you, I'm Apple Bloom," the yellow girl introduced herself.

"And I'm Sweetie Belle, it's nice to meet you," Sweetie Belle introduced herself.

Finally, Spike introduced himself to them, "The pleasure is all mine, and my name is Spike."

The 4 smiled, after a few minutes they went to their classroom, while they waited for the duel time to arrive.

Several hours later.

At the Dueling Club.

Classes had finished so several students went to spend time at the Duel Club, among them was Twilight Sparkle who looked discouraged.

She sighed, something that was not unnoticed by one of her friends.

"Are you worried that Spike won't show up?" Applejack asked.

"Yeah, I thought he'd come," Twilight told her.

AJ went to comfort her friend but they were interrupted by the sound of a door being thrown open.


“GIRLS,” they heard a loud voice.

"What in tarnation," Applejack complained.

“You don't need to yell,” Twilight Sparkle said, rubbing her ears.

"You won't believe it, someone challenged Rover to a Duel," said a girl with light blue skin and red eyes, she wore a white shirt with a drawing of rainbow lightning in the center, she wore a pink sports skirt and blue tennis shoes , but what stood out the most about the girl was her hair that looked like a rainbow.

"What?" Twilight Sparkle asked.

"Rainbow Dash, why would anyone want to duel Rover?" AJ asked.

"Beats me," Rainbow Dash replied, "But we can see that, they're in the yard."

The girls followed her.

"Who would be foolish enough to challenge Rover?" Twilight Sparkle wondered.

Twilight, Rainbow, and AJ arrived at the yard which was filled with many students.

“Looks like word got out,” Twilight Sparkle said, amazed at the number of students who were hoping to enjoy a grand duel.

"Girls, this way," they heard a voice, they saw a pink-skinned girl with pooffy pink hair, wearing a white shirt with the drawing of 3 balloons, a blue skirt and boots, "I saved the best places for you."

"Thanks Pinkie Pie, by any chance, do you know who is the student who challenged Rover?" Twilight Sparkle asked.
Pinkie Pie shook her head.

“Actually Darling,” interrupted a white skinned girl, purple hair styled elegantly, wearing a blue dress with purple boots, she had many accessories, mainly bracelets, “As far as I know, is a freshmen.”

"Rarity, you said a freshmen," Rainbow Dash said in surprise to which Rarity nodded, "doesn't he know who is Rover?"

"Apparently not," Rarity said with concern.

“Oh poor thing,” said a yellow-skinned girl with long pink hair, wearing a white sleeveless shirt, green skirt and boots, she spoke in a very low tone, “I hope Rover doesn't do anything cruel to him.”

"Don't worry Fluttershy," Applejack soothed, "If Rover tries to do anything to him, we'll jump in to stop him, right Rainbow."
Rainbow Dash nodded, clenching her fists.

A few minutes passed, and that's when one of Rover's friends stood in the center of the yard, the place where the duel would take place.

"Thank you for waiting, now is the time to enjoy the victory of the Great Rover."

Rover approached the place with a Duel Disk on his left arm.

"And now, his foolish opponent who dared to challenge him and we know he's going to lose."

“Grr, we would have gone with a more neutral narrator,” Spike said as he strode to the center.

“Good luck Spike,” Sweetie Belle, Apple Bloom, and Scootaloo said at the same time.

Spike smiled knowing that these girls trusted him.

When he got far enough away from them, Spike confessed his ultimate reason for dueling, "If I lose, they'll take my cards, which means I don't deserve to be a duelist anymore, this could be my last duel that will decide everything."

"Girls, I saw him, it must be him," Pinkie Pie pointed out.

"Let's see who the is fool that agreed to duel Rover," added Rainbow Dash.

"I think…" Twilight Sparkle said as she leaned out to see the challenging duelist, but when she seeing him, she was shocked.

"Twilight darling, what happened?" Rarity asked.

"The duelist, who challenged Rover, is Spike," Twilight Sparkle said, still in shock.

“Spike? Who is Spike? asked Pinkie Pie.

"He's her little brother," Applejack replied, to which the girls became concerned.

"You have a little brother?" asked Pinkie Pie.

"Oh no," Rarity said, "We have to stop him."

"Quickly we have to do something or else..." Twilight said but was interrupted by Applejack.

"Wait a minute, I know you're worried, but we must stay out of this, at least until the duel is over."

"How can you say that, in case you don't remember, Spike has been feeling so bad lately about not winning duels," Twilight Sparkle told her.

"And what do you think he feels when his sister interferes because she thinks he's not capable enough to beat Rover," Applejack replied, "The only thing we'll do is make him feel worse, the only thing you can do is cheer him up and trust him."

Twilight was going to say something, but she realized that AJ was right, she had to stay out of it and trust Spike, "You're right, girls, let's cheer him up."

"That's right, Twi," Applejack said proudly.

“Come on Spike you can do it,” Pinkie Pie yelled.

"You can do it, darling," Rarity yelled.

"Go on," Rainbow Dash yelled, "Come on Fluttershy, join us."

Fluttershy gathered all the energy she could and let out the most tender cry she could manage, "Yay."

"You can do it Spike, you can beat him," Twilight Sparkle yelled.

"Huh?" Spike heard the screams that were going towards him, he turned around and saw his sister and her friends in the stands, although they didn't officially know him yet, they still cheered him on.

Spike smiled, "Wow, I guess I'll have a lot of explaining to do after this."

At that moment Spike approached the place, Rover looked at him with superiority, "So you didn't chicken out, I respect that little boy, I'll remember it when I take your cards."

Spike frowned, "I may be little, but I've met great duelists who have taught me different values, with that I can be a threat to you."

At that moment Spike remembered his siblings' teachings about respecting their opponents and fighting in harmony, "But you're not that kind of duelist, so I'm going to stop you right here and right now."

“Hehe, the only thing you'll get is to be humiliated in front of almost the whole school,” Rover replied with a sneer, “But don't worry, when you lose, no one will remember it.”

"Maybe," Spike replied rolling his eyes, but then he looked directly at Rover, "But when you lose, no one will ever forget it."

"You're a…" Rover said but was interrupted when his friend told him that the duel would begin, "You will suffer the consequences later."

Then, from both Duel Disks a robotic voice was heard: “Local VR Network, Duel Standby.”

At that moment, Spike placed his deck in the slot of the Duel Disk, a green energy blade forming, Spike drew 5 cards from his deck and placed them in his left hand.

While Rover only had to press a button on his Duel Disk, at that moment, 5 digital cards materialized in front of him, on his Duel Disk the following could be read: CARDS DIGITIZE COMPLETE.

Spike and Rover's Duel Disks connected and showed their life points.


The two nodded silently.

"Then start."

"DUEL!" Spike and Rover yelled at the same time.