• Published 25th Mar 2023
  • 1,624 Views, 121 Comments

Yugioh Defenders of Harmony - MechaTomX

A young teenager will stand out in the game of Duel Monsters, with the help of his friends, he will face great challenges, such as the threat of some Pro Duelists who threaten to end the fun of the game.

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Fifteenth Turn: Beach Day (1/2)

Author's Note:

Hello everyone, as you can see, today's chapter will be filler, with a bit of fanservice, it will be 2 parts, but after uploading it I will take a break, I will return next year, thank you for continuing reading and if you like you can check out my 2 other stories that I have also been updating.

I wish you a Merry Christmas and Happy Heartswarming.

“I screwed up the things again,” Spike said with his face plastered on a table.

He was in Discord's RV, next to him and Big Mac.

"When you say again, are you referring to the incident at the Magic Trick store?" Big Mac asked him.

"Those poor girls," said Spike with his face still on the table, "And Twilight too."

“You didn't screw it up Spike, you just have bad luck when it comes to women,” Discord told him.

“I can't believe I'm saying this,” Big Mac said, “But Spike, you have to listen to Discord, the situation about Sunset Shimmer wasn't your fault.”

“I wanted to defend the team, but all I managed to do was destroy the confidence of a poor duelist who just wanted to retire,” Spike responded without removing his face from the table.

“At least you managed to defend the team, and Big Mac,” Heathspike pointed out, who showed up next to them.

“Yes, but at what cost?” Spike responded, standing up dejectedly.

“You did it for me too, that's what matters, in time Sunset will understand,” Big Mac responded, sounding even more talkative.

That made Spike stay quiet for several seconds, thinking about what his friends were telling him.

“You know,” Big Mac told him as he placed a hand on his shoulder, “You've been under a lot of stress lately, I think we all are here, we should take a day off.”

Spike stood up from his seat and looked at Big Mac, who smiled weakly at him, “I think that's a good idea.”

“And I know where we can go,” Discord told them, showing them a map, “The beach, which is not far from here.”

“Eeyup, sounds like a plan,” said Big Mac who looked at Spike waiting for a response from him.

Spike was quiet for a few seconds and then spoke, “Well, I guess it'll be relaxing.”

“Great, he accepted,” Discord said, confusing Spike a little because of the speed at which he spoke.


At that moment, the door of Discord's vehicle opened and 3 people who Spike knew entered.

“It'll be fun,” said Sugar Belle who came in and she sat next to Big Mac.

“I've never been in an RV,” said Snowdrop, who entered and was guided by her hands touching the place, “Everything feels weird but great.”

Yay,” Catastros exclaimed in a shy voice worthy of Fluttershy.

“Sugar Belle, Snowdrop, Catastros?” Spike wondered in surprise.

“Discord invited us,” Catastros responded.

“Wait, so this was already planned?” Spike asked Discord.

“Yes, basically,” Discord replied as he placed a pair of sunglasses inside his hat.

“And what would have happened if I refused?” Spike asked.

“We would have gone anyway, and you would have come with us,” Discord replied as he pulled duct tape out of his hat, “It would have been more fun that way because I could use this.”

Spike gulped knowing he made the right decision.

“Alright then, get ready because I'm going to go at full speed,” Discord told them as he started his RV.

“WAIT DISCORD,” Big Mac tried to say but it was too late because Discord had already started the vehicle.

“GYAHHHH,” everyone shouted as they tried to fasten their seat belts.

“Woo hoo, at this rate we will arrive in just 10 minutes,” Discord said while driving.

“You should be careful, I wouldn't want you to crash into my card shop again,” Catastros told him.

10 minutes passed and they could already see the beach in the distance.

“We're almost there,” Sugar Belle said.

“This will be exciting, don't you think Spike?” Snowdrop told him.

Spike smiled at her, “Yes Snowdrop, the truth is that it had been a while since I went to the beach.”

“You don't need vision to feel the sea breeze or the softness of the sand,” Snowdrop told him, and at that moment, a Duel Spirit manifested in front of them.

“We have beaches like these in my world.”

“Whimsey, I see you came too,” Heathspike told her, happy to see his friend.

“Obviously I'd be here, I mean, I go where my human partner goes, and I think you do too,” Whimsey joked.

But there, Spike realized something important, “Oh no.”

“What's up Spike?” Big Mac asked him.

“This was so sudden, I didn't bring a swimsuit with me,” Spike responded.

“Oh that,” Big Mac said relieved, “Don't worry, it's already planned.”

“Umm, ok I guess,” Spike said a little confused.

“We're here,” Discord announced, stopping abruptly.

“That Discord, where did he get his driver's license?” Catastros asked himself as he got out of the vehicle.

“Wow, this place is beautiful,” said Sugar Belle as she got out of the vehicle, holding hands with Big Mac who nodded, “Eeyup.”

Snowdrop got out of the vehicle, she proceeded to sniff the place, “Wow, it feels very different.”

Spike got out of the vehicle and could see the beautiful scenery.

The beach consisted of beautiful white sand, the water was too crystal clear that it could reflect the blue of the sky, the place was clean, there were no seaweed or rocks in the sand that could ruin a walk.

“Wonderful, you're here,” a voice was heard, they turned and saw Rarity.

“Rarity?” Spike wondered.

“That's right, dear, but it's not just me,” Rarity responded as she moved to the side, revealing that the other Rainbooms were there, and not only them, the Crusaders were with them as well.

“Girls, I'm glad you came,” Spike said with a smile, “Did Discord call you?”

“Spike, this was our idea,” Twilight responded with a smile.

“Yes, Big Mac explained everything to us,” Apple Bloom continued, “He told us how you felt about Sunset Shimmer.”

“That's why we thought a break would be best,” Sweetie Belle added.

“And not just for you, we have also been training non-stop,” Scootaloo finished as Rumble manifested in front of her, “And may you say it, I'm just a spirit but even I feel my life slipping away while I was training.”

“A Dinowrestler,” Whimsey said, surprised to see another Duel Spirit.

“Oh right, I think we forgot to make introductions to our fellow spirits,” Scootaloo said.

“The Rainbooms,” Catastros exclaimed in surprise, then he bowed on one knee and spoke to them in a serious tone, “It is an honor to meet you, your talents in dueling are worthy of admiration.”

“Ummm, thanks, I guess,” Twilight responded, not expecting them to be greeted so formally.

After a long presentation.

Pinkie Pie spoke up, “Well, come on, everyone! Let's go have fun!”

"All right, everyone. Let's hit the beach!" Rainbow Dash declared.

“Wait, I didn't bring my swimsuit,” Spike told them.

“We know Spike,” Twilight told him.

“That's why I used this opportunity to work on my new line of swimsuits that I designed,” Rarity added, pulling out a huge bag, “And here they are.”

“Rarity, that's very generous of you,” Spike told her smiling.

“It's my nature dear,” Rarity replied, “But it's also my taste for designing clothes.”

“And the best thing, Rarity's swimsuits for the girls are 2 pieces,” Sweetie Belle told him with a sultry smile, making Spike blush.

"WHAT?" Twilight Sparkle and Fluttershy wondered in surprise at the same time.

“Any problem girls?” Rarity asked them with a smile.

“Rarity, I don't think this is a good idea,” Fluttershy responded, blushing.

“I agree with Fluttershy, I don't think a bikini looks good on me,” Twilight Sparkle added, a little embarrassed.

“Nonsense darlings,” Rarity told them as she put her hands on their shoulders, “You're already cute, I just made sure the others knew that, but enough of the talk, time to get ready.”

Yay,” Fluttershy exclaimed, feigning excitement, while Twilight thought that the quicker, the easier the embarrassment would pass, and at that moment everyone headed to the locker room.

Sugar Belle and 3 of the boys had come out of the locker room, all wearing swim trunks except for Sugar Belle who was wearing a bikini.

“Good design, it makes me feel powerful,” said Catastros, whose swimsuit was black with red flames resembling the colors of the Red Eyes Black Dragon, he didn't wear a shirt and had purple sandals, “But hey, I couldn't expect anything less from Pro Duelist Rarity.”

“Eeyup,” nodded Big Mac, whose swimsuit was green with a drawing of half an apple on the left side, he didn't wear a shirt and wore red sandals, but next to him, Sugar Belle was ready wearing an orange 2-piece swimsuit and wearing blue sandals.

“It looks good, although it doesn't reflect my nature,” said Discord, whose swimsuit was brown with green and yellow lines on the sides he was not wearing sandals, but he was wearing dark glasses that he had brought with him, but the right lens It was cracked which Discord didn't seem to mind.

The girls still needed to be ready, but they also noticed that Spike was missing.

“Spike, what's taking you so long?” Discord asked him.

“Umm, because I think there was a mistake,” Spike responded through the wall of the men's locker room.

“Is everything okay, dear?” Rarity asked him whose voice sounded through the wall of the women's locker room.

“Rarity, don't you think my swimsuit is a little small?” Spike asked her.

“I don't know what you mean Spikey-Wikey,” Rarity replied, her voice getting closer.

At that moment, Rarity and Sweetie Belle came out of the locker room, their swimsuits were the same purple color, their tops shined, it seemed like the fabric had glitter, it couldn't see their bottoms since both of them were wearing a sarong, Rarity's was blue and Sweetie Belle's was pink, they both wore blue sandals, and black beach hats.

“Spike, Twilight, we know you're ready, don't waste any more time,” Sweetie Belle told them.

“Umm, I don't think that's appropriate,” Twilight Sparkle responded from the women's locker room.

“I'm with Twilight on this, I think we'll be stuck in this safety locker rooms for a while,” Spike added from the locker room.

"Don't worry, I know you look great, my designs are tailored to you darlings," Rarity told them but there was no response, that made those who were already ready get frustrated.

“Ok that's enough, I'll stay calm and take them out gently,” said Sweetie Belle and then approached the locker room, she took a deep breath and screamed, “SPIKE, TWILIGHT, IF YOU DON'T GET OUT OF THERE, I'LL TAKE YOU OUT MYSELF EVEN IF I HAVE TO GET INTO THE MEN’S LOCKING ROOM.”

“Ah, okay, we'll go out,” Twilight said scared, to which Spike nodded equally scared, “Okay, okay, just don't come in here.”

After a few seconds, Twilight and Spike finally dared to leave, curiously they came out at the same time despite being in separate locker rooms.

Spike came out of the locker room, he was shirtless and was wearing dark blue swim trunks with a drawing of a purple dragon claw on the left side, he was not wearing sandals but what was most striking was that the swimsuit was noticeably much smaller than the other boys, so Spike walked slowly feeling a little unsure, the same thing happened to Twilight.

Twilight Sparkle came out of the dressing room, her swimsuit consisted of a dark blue bikini, her top was strapless and had a drawing of a purple 6-pointed star on the left side, her bottoms were the same blue color, she was not wearing sandals, like Spike, she was also nervous, since when she saw Rarity and Sweetie Belle's swimsuits, she realized that hers was 1 or 2 sizes too small, this realization made Twilight cover herself with both arms wishing she could cover her entire body.

That's when Big Mac realized something, “Wait a minute, those swimsuits match.”

Upon hearing that, the 2 siblings looked at each other and could confirm it, the colors of their swimsuits were the same, “Rarity, did you…”

“Of course Darling,” Rarity responded with an animated smile, “I just thought it was a great idea, it's not just you, Rainbow and Applejack also have swimsuits that match their little sisters.”

“Oh, that's good to know, but I'd like to know why mine is so small, I'm practically wearing a speedo,” Spike said without losing his nerve.

“Oh a speedo, another great idea, I think it would look better on you,” Rarity responded, writing it down on a pad she pulled out of her hat, making Spike's eyes turn white with future embarrassment.

“Well done Spike,” Twilight said to Spike sarcastically, then she turned to Rarity, “But Rarity, don't you think this is a little revealing.”

“I know it's a little risky, but I also know that you two have such thin figures that I would think it would be a bad idea for you to hide them,” Rarity responded, as she walked over and placed her hands on Twilight and Spike's stomachs, making them blush, “After all, I think it was time for you to show the world what the Sparkle siblings are made of.”

Neither Twilight nor Spike felt like showing the world what they were made of, they just sighed and stopped covering themselves, knowing that it was impossible to reason with Rarity when it came to clothing.

“Don't worry Spike, I know you look good,” Discord told him in a mocking tone as he pulled out a camera and took a photo of him.

“Wait, Discord,” Spike tried to stop him but it was too late, the camera flash was a bad sign, “Rats.”

“Ignore Discord,” Sweetie Belle told them, “You guys look great, especially you Spike, both of you look adorable wearing matching swimsuits.”

Twilight and Spike smiled at the compliment, but Spike was still blushing, “Thanks Sweetie, you and Rarity look beautiful in those swimsuits.”

“Oh Spikey-Wikey, thanks,” Rarity responded, flattered by the compliment.

That made Sweetie Belle blush, she smiled and could only say one word, “Thank you.”

There Spike realized what he said, he whispered in Twilight's ear, “Twi, did I say that out loud?”

Twilight smirked, she responded and stroked his hair, “Yes you do Spike.”

Immediately afterwards, the other girls came out of the locker room, almost at the same time, Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo wore tight bikinis of the same black color, they looked like those worn by female beach volleyball players, none of them wore sandals but each one carried a ball of volleyball in her arm, Rainbow looked cheerful, but Scootaloo was having the same reaction as Spike and Twilight, she was also nervous.

Sweetie Belle and Rarity approached them to see them up close.

“Are you coming to participate in a volleyball tournament?” Sweetie Belle joking asked them with a teasing smile.

“Hehe, that's funny,” Scootaloo responded sarcastically, obviously not amused.

“Come on squirt,” Rainbow Dash told her, “Since we're here we have to enjoy it.”

“I know,” Scootaloo responded, she cheered up a little when she saw her older sister's attitude, wanting to be like her.

“I knew you would like them,” Rarity told them, “I designed them with your athletic personalities in mind, I hope I didn't exaggerate.”

“Not at all,” Rainbow Dash responded and at that moment she saw Twilight and Spike, Rainbow stayed silent for a few seconds but then burst out laughing, “Hahahaha, what's up with you two and those swimsuits.”

Twilight and Spike didn't say anything, they were waiting for Rainbow's mocking reaction, Rarity interfered.

“For your information Rainbow Dash, I remind you that I designed those swimsuits myself,” Rarity said somewhat indignantly.

Rainbow kept laughing, “I'll assume you ran out of fabric when you were halfway through, that's why they're so small.”

Rarity was going to say something but Scootaloo saved the situation by speaking first, “I think they're cool.”

Rarity and Rainbow looked at her in amazement, Scootaloo had never given her opinion regarding fashion design.

“Plus, Spike looks cute in those little swim trunks,” Scootaloo finished.

Spike felt nervous about Scootaloo's comment, which Twiligh thought was funny, hhe placed her hand on Spike's shoulder and smiled at him, "Wow Spike, it seems like that those trunks works to attract young female duelists."

Spike was going to say something but at that moment Applejack and Apple Bloom came out of the locker room.

The two were wearing 2-piece swimsuits, their tops were red, but their bottoms were covered by tiny jean shorts that both sisters wore, they wore red sandals and kept their accessories on their heads, Applejack her hat and Apple Bloom her bow.

“Woo hoo, you really looked good, Rarity,” Applejack told her, impressed by her swimsuit.

“That was easy Applejack,” Rarity replied, “I just remembered when you guys worked in the summer during hot weather.”

“But will they have to take off their shorts to swim?” Scootaloo asked them.

“No, although it may not seem like it, these shorts are made with swimsuit fabric, it's really impressive,” Apple Bloom responded, admiring her swimsuit shorts.

After that, Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy left the locker room, along with Snowdrop, who both held her hands to help her walk without tripping.

All 3 wore 2-piece swimsuits, Snowdrop's was white, Fluttershy's was green and Pinkie Pie's was yellow with ribbons, only Fluttershy and Snowdrop wore sandals while Pinkie was barefoot, besides that, Pinkie was wearing some googles.

“Yay, we're all ready,” Pinkie Pie exclaimed, bouncing around.

Yay,” Fluttershy exclaimed in a low tone, feeling nervous, when she looked at the others, she realized that her bikini was smaller than most of her friends', it was the same size as the one Twilight was wearing, “Rarity, “I don’t think I can do this.”

“It's perfect, dear,” Rarity told her as she placed her hand on her shoulder, “That old wetsuit you were wearing hid the figure of a goddess, it was time to reveal it.”

Fluttershy just gave up, there really was no way anyone could convince Rarity when it came to clothes, Spike and Twilight Sparkle tried but they kept wearing those skimpy swimsuits.

“I can assume this is your first time wearing a bikini,” Snowdrop told her, smiling.

Fluttershy blushed and nodded, “Yes.”

“It's ok Fluttershy, Spike and I understand how you feel,” Twilight Sparkle told her, placing her hand on her shoulder.

“Maybe it doesn't mean much coming from a lunatic like me,” Discord said to Fluttershy, “But I agree that a beauty like you should be revealed to this world.”

The boys were clearly surprised, they didn't expect Discord to be able to say those words, he didn't seem like the same Discord, he seemed like a sane person at that moment and that made Fluttershy smile and blush, "Tha Thanks."

After a few seconds, Apple Bloom, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle came up with an evil idea, they approached Snowdrop, whispered something in her ear making the blind girl giggle, then they went to Spike who didn't stop looking at them, he couldn't help it.

“So Spike,” Apple Bloom told him with a sultry smile, “What do you think of our bikinis.”

"What? I…” Spike wasn't sure how to answer that question, especially since Big Mac was standing right there next to him, “You girls look very good, cute and beauty.”

Apple Bloom smiled, as Spike tried to keep her face from being seen by AJ, Twilight Sparkle or Big Mac.

“And now, the million dollar question,” Scootaloo told him, smiling sensually while the 4 girls posed as if they were going to have their photo taken for a magazine.

“Which one of us do you think is the prettiest?” Snowdrop asked, making Spike's face blush red as hell.

Spike didn't know what to respond, he froze as he listened to the laughter of Twilight and her friends, while the boys just gave their thumbs up.

“Don't worry Spike, we won't mind your answer, oh and I almost forgot,” Sweetie Belle told him and at that moment she took off her sarong revealing her bottoms that also shined like her top.

Spike was about to suffer a nosebleed, but luckily someone came to his rescue.

“Oh please, we're wasting so much time, we have to have fun before the sun goes down,” Whimsey told them, the Duel Spirit had manifested itself in the middle of Spike and the girls.

“Yes, I think you're right Whimsey, let's hit the beach,” Snowdrop said.

“Yeah,” everyone shouted and headed to the beach to have fun, but Spike stayed behind talking to Whimsey, “Thanks for saving me.”

"Not at all little one, I know the females of my species always take advantage of the weaker male, I wasn't going to let that happen here, for now," Whimsey said to Spike who didn't know what to feel, he simply smiled and walked away to the beach.

“What are you waiting for,” Whimsey said to Rumble and Heathspike, “Let's have some fun.”

The 2 Duel Spirits nodded and together, the 3 headed to the beach to have fun together with the duelists.