• Published 25th Mar 2023
  • 1,624 Views, 121 Comments

Yugioh Defenders of Harmony - MechaTomX

A young teenager will stand out in the game of Duel Monsters, with the help of his friends, he will face great challenges, such as the threat of some Pro Duelists who threaten to end the fun of the game.

  • ...

Eleventh Turn: Draconic Rage

It had been 2 days after Spike had that duel with Catastros, the eccentric duelist had told them about an upcoming tournament, the Eclipse Cup, and supposedly that day they would give the information.

Spike was in his room, looking for tournament information on his cell phone, but couldn't find anything, "Oh rats."

"Be patient, Spike," Heathspike told him, who manifested himself in front of him, "I don't think they'll anounce that right now."

"You're right, Heathspike," Spike apologized, "I'm just really excited."

"I can't blame you," Heathspike replied, "From what Rumble has told me, tournaments are usually epic, it must feel exciting to fight powerful monsters."

Spike nodded, he didn't expect Heathspike to enjoy it that much, but at that moment he heard someone knock on his door.

"Spike, can I come in?"

Spike recognized the voice, "Sure, the door is open Twi."

Twilight Sparkle entered the room, Heathspike didn't hide because Twilight couldn't see him, although he believed that Spike should be honest with Twilight about him, but he respected his decision to hide it for a while.

"Hey Spike, the girls told me about the Eclipse Cup," Twilight Sparkle told him.

"Oh yeah, I don't know much yet, but there's supposed to be a big announcement about that today," Spike replied.

Twilight smiled, "Then come to my room, the girls and I have the television set to watch the Eclipse Cup broadcast, you should watch it with us."

"Yeah sure, sounds fun," Spike replied as he walked Twilight to her room.

Upon entering he saw that only 2 of Twilight's friends were there.

"Hi Spike," Fluttershy greeted him with a smile.

"Spike," Pinkie Pie yelled as she pounced on him for a big hug.

"Hi Pinkie," Spike said as he was hugged by Pinkie Pie who seemed to be suffocating him, and with all his might he managed to pull his arm out only to wave back to Fluttershy, "Fluttershy."

“Is it just you 2?” Spike asked, finally breaking free of Pinkie Pie's suffocating embrace.

"Actually darling," Spike heard Rarity's voice, he turned and saw Rarity enter along with Sweetie Belle, behind her came Applejack and Apple Bloom, "Twilight invited us all, that includes our little sisters."

“Hi Spike,” Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle greeted him at the same time.

Spike smiled and waved back, "Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle."

And at that moment, there was a knock on Twilight's door.

Twilight opened the door, there were Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo.

"Oh no," Scootaloo crossed her arms as she turned to Rainbow Dash, "I knew we would be the last to arrive."

"Sorry squirt," Rainbow Dash apologized, "But you know, I had to feed Tank."

The minutes had passed, and the whole group gathered in front of the huge television that Twilight owned.

“Excited, it's about to start,” Sweetie Belle commented in a squeaky voice.

At that time, 2 people were seen on the TV that everyone in the room knew.

“Principal Celestia,” Twilight and her friends said in surprise.

“Vice Principal Luna,” Spike and his 3 friends said, equally surprised.

Principal Celestia looked a lot like Vice Principal Luna, this because she was her older sister, her skin was white, her hair had 3 colors whose shape looked like an aurora, she wore a yellow outfit with heels, but her height It was her most characteristic feature, she was taller than Luna, almost measuring 2 meters.

What made everyone who watched the broadcast curious was that they both had a Duel Disk attached to their arms, Celestia's was golden with purple parts while Luna's was black with blue parts.

At that moment, they started talking.

“Duelists from Canterlot, Ponyville, etc..,” Celestia said.

“We are here to all of you to announce the most ambitious Duel Monsters tournament yet,” Luna said.

“A tournament so big that a single stadium is not enough for it,” Celestia said, “Therefore, it will be contested throughout all of Canterlot, the Eclipse Cup.”

That surprised some girls who saw it, even Spike, others had the feeling that it would be something like what was announced.

“So it's going to be a city-wide tournament,” Apple Bloom said.

“Makes sense, with the big number of duelists out there,” Scootaloo added.

“Right now, Duel Monsters champions from around the world and special guests are making their way here to participate in the ultimate tournament that will award 2 prizes,” Luna said.

“The first, a large sum of money,” Celestia said while an image appeared on the screen showing several 100-dollar bills, which made her think that it might be a lot of money.

"Wow, that's a lot of money," Spike said in surprise, a big smile breaking out on his face at the thought of what he could do with all that money, but then he shook his head and slapped himself.


"Spikey Wikey, why did you do that?" Rarity asked.

“I get a greedy thought when I see the money,” Spike replied, “Shining Armor told me it's bad to want to enter a tournament just for the prize money, it clouds your mind, it distracts you from the fun of the game, it's a horrible thought.”

Twilight put her hand on her little brother's shoulder.

"And you want the money for something?" Scootaloo asked.

"No, I don't need it," Spike replied in denial.

"Yeah, we don't need it either," Sweetie Belle added, "Though I won't deny that the fabrics Rarity buys are sometimes very expensive."

"Sweetie Belle," Rarity said with a hand to her forehead.

The TV ad continued.

“And the second prize, the one that every duelist should aspire to achieve,” Luna said, “The title that accredits you as the strongest duelist, the King of Duels.”

“Oh queen, don't forget Lulu, there are also girls who are very skilled at Duel Monsters,” Celestia added.

“You're right sister, that is the title duelists will compete for, both Pro Duelist and Rogue Duelist,” Luna replied.

“Every duelist invited to this great tournament should be receiving an email invitation at this very moment,” Celestia said, “to which all they have to do is reply to sign their entry.”

At that moment, Twilight's Duel Disk started playing.


"Huh?" Twilight picked it up, it was a purple Duel Disk, it was the new model that allowed you to play with digital cards.

Turning it on, a smile spread across Twilight's face, "No way, I was invited to the tournament."

It was clearly seen that when he showed them his Duel Disk, the official website was shown, which said the following text: Twilight Sparkle, you have been invited to the Eclipse Cup.

Her friends celebrated that great achievement.

"That's great Twilight," Applejack told her as she slapped her on the back.

“Awesome,” Rainbow Dash told her.

"Congratulations Twilight," Pinkie Pie jumped for joy.

“You deserve it,” Fluttershy added.

"Of all of us you are the strongest darling, show that in the tournament," Rarity told her.

Although Spike, Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo were confused, of course they were happy that Twi was invited to the tournament, but according to what Catastros said, any duelist could enter.

But their doubts were resolved when they heard Luna speak on TV.

“And even though the invitations have been sent out, every duelist listed in our database has the right to participate in this event,” Luna said.

That encourages everyone else.

"To do so, you simply have to enter the official website of the tournament and request registration, when you have registered, you will get a new device which will be the proof of your participation in this tournament, we call it the Duel Watch," Celestia said while showing a kind of watch, which when turned on revealed a holographic screen that said the following: 1000 HP.

“However, to fight from anywhere in the city, you will need a Duel Disk like the ones we carry in our arms,” Luna said as she and Celestia displayed their Duel Disks.

The girls and Spike were relieved that they already had their own Duel Disks, so they didn't have to worry about not having one.

“Those who don't have a Duel Disk can purchase it in the shop at a discount if they've applied to sign up, doing so will also give them a free Duel Watch,” Celestia said.

“The first round will consist of duels all over the city, from there, the best 64 duelists will advance to the finals, the real tournament,” Luna said.

"A moment ago we said that all participants will had Duel Watch, which contains their points that will allow them to advance to the finals, we call them Harmony Points or HP for short, those who manage to reach the finals, will be the first 64 duelists to reach to have 10,000 Harmony Points,” said Luna.

“And the way to obtain them is simple, by challenging another duelist participating in the tournament, the winner will receive Harmony Points based on the skill of the duelist they are facing, however, the losing duelist will have 500 Harmony Points subtracted each time they lose,” Celestia said.

“Oh, we just have to win without losing any duels,” Rainbow Dash said.

“Sis, that's easier said than done,” Scootaloo told her.

“However, if your Harmony Points reach zero you will be immediately disqualified from the tournament,” Luna told them.

This caused Spike, Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo to swallow hard.

“Their Harmony Points will also be distributed depending on the skill of the duelist, and not only that, during the duration of the tournament, the company will be organizing small events whose prizes will be more Harmony Points for the winners,” said Celestia.

“And one more thing, the tournament will start exactly one month from now and it will be separated by 2 divisions,” Luna said.

That got the attention of the girls and Spike.

“The Solar division,” Celestia said, “Where duelists over the age of 16 will participate.”

“And the Lunar division,” Luna said, “Where duelists under the age of 15 will participate.”

That came as a relief to Spike, Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo knowing that none of them would face their older sisters in the first part of the tournament.

“In the finals, the winners of both divisions will face each other for the title of the king/queen of the duels and for the Eclipse Cup,” Celestia said.

“May the best duelist win,” Celestia and Luna said at the same time, and at that moment, the transmission ended.

Needless to say, they were speechless, they were like that for a few seconds, until Applejack broke the silence.

"Boy howdy, what are we waiting for."

“Right behind you, sis,” Apple Bloom replied as she pulled out her Duel Disk.

At that moment, the girls and Spike, with the exception of Twilight, took out their Duel Disks to apply for registration on the tournament website.

"Guys, it says here that to apply for registration, the duelist must be at least Rank B," Fluttershy told them, a little worried.

That made everyone worry, ranks were something that determined your position as a duelist, from Rank E the lowest, to Rank S which only the most powerful duelists possessed.

"Shy, why are you worried?" Rainbow Dash asked her, “All of us are S-rank duelists.”

It was a fact that the Rainboom were the strongest group in Canterlot High, but they were also great Pro Duelists, it was obvious that they would be in the highest rank.


"Oh no," Sweetie Belle said worriedly, "The requirement is too high, I haven't checked my rank in a while."

"Me neither," Scootaloo added to which Spike and Apple Bloom shook their heads, implying that they hadn't checked their rank either.

"Guys, don't get discouraged, you're great duelists," Pinkie Pie told them.

“Not as great as us,” Rainbow Dash added.

"Rainbow, you're not helping," Rarity told her with a frown.

Spike looked at Twilight, who looked back at him with a smile.

Spike nodded and along with his friends decided to check their ranks on their Duel Disks.

"I am…." Scootaloo said narrowing her eyes, but they widened when she saw his rank, "B, it can't be I'm B, even though I'm all the way down, but I'm B rank."

"Good for you, Squirt," Rainbow Dash stroked her little sister's hair.

Then Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle checked their ranks at the same time.

Seeing them, their faces did not look happy, but there was also no expression of sadness.

"Sweetie Belle, what's wrong?" Rarity asked.

“Our Rank is C,” Sweetie Belle replied to which Apple Bloom nodded.

“But we're right at the top of the rank duelists,” Apple Bloom added.

“Which means that if we work hard with our duels, we can get to Rank B in 2-3 weeks, just in time for the tournament,” Sweetie Belle said.

"Well that's a relief," Applejack replied, "You'll just need to work hard and you'll see your rank increase in a few days."

The two nodded happily.

But in Spike's case.

"I'm Rank C," Spike said with wide surprise and anguish in his eyes, "But I'm almost at the bottom."

"What?" asked Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo at the same time.

"No, this can't be happening," Spike said with a tear in his eye, "It can't happen to me again."

"Spike," Twilight walked over to her little brother and placed her hand on his shoulder, "Everything's going to be okay."

"Yeah, don't be discouraged Spike," Pinkie Pie told him as she walked over to him.

Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo looked sadly at their friend, who couldn't participate in the Eclipse Cup.

"Don't worry," Twilight ruffled his hair, "You just keep practicing and working hard and next year you'll make it into the next Eclipse Cup."

Although far from encouraged, a great feeling of anger invaded Spike, he remembered that he could not enter the previous regional tournament because the organizers told him that he did not have the necessary skill level to compete.

"Spike, I know how you feel," Twilight told him.

"No, you don't," Spike replied coldly.

"What?" Twilight Sparkle asked.

“You know what, I really don't care,” Spike said as he proceeded to leave the room.

"Spike," Twilight tried to stop him but Spike continued on his way.

"Its okay, why should I be surprised, I always hear the same crap over and over again," Spike replied, "You don't have the necessary skill level, keep practicing, you'll soon get better."

"Spike wait."

“I SAID I'M FINE,” Spike clenched his fist and snapped.

"Spike," Twilight said in surprise, she didn't expect her little brother to yell at her like that.

"Spikey Wikey, we know you're angry, but losing your temper like that won't fix anything," Rarity told him.

"Well, keeping quiet isn't the healthiest," Spike replied without losing his anger.

“Hey, you should be nicer,” Rainbow Dash told her, but before she could get any worse Applejack stopped her with a gesture.

"I'm sorry, but I'm sick of this, sick of always being on the bench cheering you on," Spike told them with a little anger in his eyes, causing the girls to back off, "I'm sick of being looking down, sick of being exclude, from being left out, do you think I wanted to be on the sidelines cheering you on at the regional tournament? do you think i wanted that Twi? No, I wanted to participate in that stupid tournament."

Twilight knew that Spike had wanted to participate in that tournament, but she had no idea how much it affected him.


"We know you are, Spike," Applejack replied.


"Are you threatening us little brat," Rainbow Dash said as she clenched her fist, which was again stopped by Applejack, "Dash, what the hell are you doing?"

But at that moment, more tears began to well up in Spike's eyes, who seemed to have lost his anger.

Spike dropped to his knees as he hit the ground, "It's not fair."

At that moment, Twilight walked over to him to hug him, "I'm really sorry Spike, we didn't mean to make you feel like this."

"I know Twi, but it's still very frustrating," Spike replied with tears in his eyes, letting himself be hugged by Twilight.

Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo approached him, "Spike, we know it's not fair."

"That's why I'm not participating either," Scootaloo told her to which Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle nodded, "No one will participate."

"No, don't do that for me," Spike replied trying to wipe away his tears, "You girls are great duelists, you deserve the chance to prove it, do it for the team."

At that moment Spike proceeded to leave the place, "I need to be alone for a moment."

"Spike, where you're going, it's raining outside," Twilight told him.

"Then it's a good thing I've got this stupid jacket on," Spike replied as he pulled on the hat of his jacket.

"Spike, wait," Twilight moved closer, but Spike stopped her.

"I SAID I WANT TO BE ALONE," Spike yelled, Twilight could see his angry tears on him, she stopped.

As Spike left the room, tears welled up in Twilight's eyes.

"Don't cry sugarcube," Applejack told her placing her hand on her shoulder.

"But Spike's right, he's always been left out, and I've done nothing, I'm a bad sister," Twilight replied crying.

"I think you should give him some time off," Apple Bloom told her, "Let Spike cool off and then you can all talk to him."

Twilight and the other Rainbooms nodded sadly.

On the streets of Canterlot.

Spike was walking furiously through the streets, but the rain was so hard, so he had to speed up, "Stupid rank, stupid tournament, stupid rain."

"Don't you think you were a little harsh on Twilight," Heathspike told him as he manifested in front of him.

Spike realized how he acted, but he was still a little angry, "Yes, a little, but at least she will be able to participate in the tournament, so what's in it for us?"

"I..." Heathspike tried to say something but couldn't, he also wanted to participate so it also seemed unfair.

"I've always cheered for Twilight in each of the tournaments she's entered, and I hope she wins the tournament since I'm not going to participate," Spike told Heathspike with tears in his eyes, "But what about me, this was my chance, but it's gone."

“Spike, really if I could do something to cheer you up,” Heathspike told him.

"Heathspike, you're my best friend, thanks for coming with me," Spike told him trying to hug him, but he remembered that Heathspike was a Duel Spirit, however, Heathspike made the same gesture as if he were hugging him back, "Thank you."

"Just for once, I want to show my ability, but I've never been given the chance," Spike said, wiping away his tears again, "You know, Im done with this crap, my parents can cheer for Twilight all they want, but I'm done, maybe I can accept that school exchange program with Ponyville, it would be great to get out of this town, a great excuse for me to not see the tournament.”

"Umm, Spike, don't you think you're being a little unreasonable?" Heathspike asked a little nervously.

"No, I'm not, I won't be able to go participate in the Eclipse Cup, but I can do something else," Spike said thinking about what he could do.

But at that moment the rain began to fall faster and stronger, "But first we need to find a shelter."

Spike ran and ran, but stopped halfway when he saw a kind of sign with neon lights, the sign said the following: MAGIC TRICK TCG SHOP.

"Wait, I know this card shop," Spike thought, "I think I know what I can do."

A sinister grin spread across Spike's face as he entered the shop.

“I have a bad feeling about this,” Heathspike said, but Spike ignored him.

Upon entering the place, he realized that it looked a lot like the Lost World store only with a Spellcasters theme, cards of powerful monsters like the Dark Magician lay in display cases.

"Welcome to Magic Trick," he was greeted by a girl who looked the same age as Twilight, she had blue skin, silver hair, and wore a purple jacket with a purple skirt, you could see a drawing of a crescent moon on her jacket, but what was most striking was that she was wearing a long witch hat, “Today we are open 24 hours due to the exciting announcement of the Eclipse Cup.”

Spike wasn't surprised to hear that, it was clear it was a national announcement, but as he got closer the girl recognized him.

"Wait a minute, I know you," the girl told him, which made Spike raise an eyebrow, "You're Twilight Sparkle's little brother."

"Umm yeah, my name is Spike," Spike introduced himself, not caring about the fact that the girl only recognized him from Twilight.

"I am the Great and Powerful Trixie, the leader of the team that makes up this store, I went to the regional, but I was defeated by Twilight Sparkle," the girl introduced herself but she frowned when she mentioned Twilight's name, "But that will change, in the Eclipse Cup.”

"I wish you luck with that," Spike told him nonchalantly.

"In any case, I imagine you come here to duel, my little teammates who participated in the Lunar division would gladly be willing to duel with you," Trixie told him.

Spike smiled, and an idea formed in his mind, "If I could ask, I could duel all of them."

Trixie found it incredible that someone would dare to request a duel with all her young companions, but she didn't deny it, in fact she wanted to see how long Spike could last against them, "Sure little one."

At that moment, Trixie approached her companions to warn them of the duels, leaving Spike alone, Heathspike took advantage of that moment to manifest himself.

"What are you doing?"

"Having duels, what else do you think I do?" Spike responded with another question.

"You're not fooling me, I know what you're planning to do," Heathspike told him, "You're angry and want to take it out on future tournament participants."

"Maybe," Spike replied with a smirk, "Or maybe I'm just doing this for fun."

"You're lying, you don't want to have fun," claimed Heathspike.

Spike smirked, "You know me very well."

At that moment Trixie arrived at the place with several girls who were Spike's age, he approached them, took out his deck and spoke, "I'M GOING TO DEFEAT YOU ALL."

The girls took that as a challenge, and the duels began.

"Ignister Prominence, destroy the Witch of the Black Forest," Spike ordered his Synchro monster as he used his sword to attack a woman in a black robe who was consumed by fire.

“Ahhhhhh,” a pink-skinned girl yelled as she lost her monster and life points.

Spike: 2450 LP (WINNER)
Diamond Tiara: 0 LP

"Who's next?" Spike asked them with a smile.

“I'll wipe that smile off your face,” a girl with gray skin and silver hair told him.

"Dinoster Power, attack, Dino Tsunami," Spike said to his monster which summoned a tsunami which hit the girl.

“Gyahhh,” the girl yelled at the thought that she would be drowned by that huge wave.

Spike: 2700 LP (WINNER)
Silver Spoon: 0 LP

"How is it possible that you can participate in the Eclipse Cup and I can't," Spike told them making fun of them.

“Spike, I know you have every right to be angry, but this is horrible,” Heathspike told him.

"Hey, they'll participate, they just need to get a bit of a reality check in a duel, where not everyone can be happy, and I'm the perfect example," Spike replied almost losing control.

"Who are he talking to?" Trixie wondered, "Or has he gone crazy?"

"Majester Paladdin, send her flying," Spike ordered his monster which released a current of wind which blew away a blonde girl with grayish purple skin.

“Oh no,” the girl complained as she was sent flying.

Spike: 1800 LP (WINNER)
Dinky Hooves: 0 LP

"No matter what you do, you can't take me down, hehehe," Spike laughed, but it seemed like an evil laugh.

“Ignister attacks,” Spike yelled as his monster smashed the Insect Queen in half.

Spike: 2200 LP (WINNER)
Ocellus: 0 LP

“I guess this can't be good for business,” Trixie said as she began to call someone on her cellphone.

“Oh man,” the bluish girl with pink hair whined.

"Better luck next time," Spike told her.

"Dinoster, attack her," Spike ordered his monster which attacked a girl with water.

“Bbbllghhh,” a girl with pink skin and purple hair complained, “Wait, I'm not drowning, I forgot I was a hologram.”

Spike: 1900 LP (WINNER)
Lily Longsocks: 0 LP

"And they said you were very strong," Spike sneered.

“Okay, this has to stop,” Heathspike told him.

"Why, I'm just having friendly duels," Spike replied clearly lying.

“You're only doing this to humiliate the other duelists who would enter the tournament,” Heathspike demanded.

"So, I'm not hurting anyone," Spike replied matter-of-factly.

"Humiliating girls who have nothing to do with you isn't a very chivalrous thing to say," Heathspike told him, "Spike, you're not like that,"

Several of the duelists Spike had defeated lay on their knees on the floor.

"Exactly, Im not like that anymore," Spike replied with fury in his eyes as he bared his fangs, "Now I'm stronger, as I told the Rainbooms, I'll overcome them, and I'll take down anyone who gets in my way."

"Oh really," Spike heard a voice, turned around and saw Twilight with the other Rainbooms, some like Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie were surprised by what they saw, while others like Applejack and Rainbow Dash showed a disappointed face.

But Twilight and Rarity were wearing scared faces, as if the person they were addressing was someone other than Spike, "Spike, what are you doing?"

"But what do I see," Spike said nonchalantly and ignored her, "They want to ruin my fun again, I won't let them."

At that moment Spike activated his Duel Disk, if you want, face me all at once, I don't care anymore.

“We have to stop him, he's clearly lost his mind,” Applejack said as she looked at her friend in a state I never imagined, consumed by rage.

Author's Note:

Spike has always felt inferior to the Rainbooms, and now he decided to break free, but without considering if what he is doing is right or wrong.

The tournament has already been announced, what do you think will happen in the future, only time will tell.

With this we start the arc of the Rainbooms, wow, I really had fun writing this chapter, that's why it came out so early, I hope you enjoy it, I think I crossed the line a bit but I don't regret it.