• Published 11th Aug 2023
  • 361 Views, 6 Comments

Conquest Among The Stars: Season One - Pinkamena666

Chrysalis stumbles upon a robot named XJ92 or, as the bot prefers, Jenny. Jenny then introduces Chrysalis to the Galactic Council to help make the changeling's life easier. However, it only sets everyone down a path towards a devastating finale.

  • ...

VI - Finale, Part 2: Retribution

XXVII. The Wedding

Fluttershy left the rec room and made her way towards her bedroom as Twilight ran after her. The pegasus let out a deep sigh and stopped in front of her door. “What?”

Twilight stopped and took a single step forward. “I just… wanted to make sure you’re okay.”

“Okay?” Fluttershy asked. “How so?”

“Just… this whole situation is horrible. What Celestia did. What happened to Starlight’s kids.”

“Changeling kids. Daughters of a rapist. Rainbow and Pinkie can see that.”

“I know,” Twilight muttered. “That event changed everything for the worse. I’m sorry it happened to you.”

Fluttershy hesitated before she opened her door. “Not your fault, Twilight,” she said as she immediately closed and locked her door.

Twilight let out a sigh and headed to her own room. Fluttershy leaned back against her door with a heavy sigh as her eyes fell on the bed. She then left her door and undressed. Once fully nude, she laid on her bed and slid her hand towards her crotch, letting out a sigh.

20 Years Ago

Shining armor was getting ready for bed when Cadance entered the room with a smile. "Hey, future husband."

The stallion gave her a smile. "Hey. Ready for bed?"

The pink alicorn smirked and slowly made her way over to the bed. "Actually... I was thinking... how about one more wild round of sex before we make it official?"

Shining chuckled as his future bride held his shoulders and leaned in. "Alright," he said, before they kissed.

Cadance moaned into the kiss before they hugged. Shining Armor nuzzled her neck as she grinned, her eyes flashing green.

Twilight and her friends watched Shining Armor take his place at the front of the room, dressed in a nice suit and waiting for his bride. Fluttershy took her seat with the others as the wedding began. When Cadance entered in a beautiful wedding dress, she smiled at the stallion. Fluttershy smiled, too, as she watched the two lovebirds getting closer and closer to having their dreams come true. Shining waited for his bride to stand next to him before he turned to face her. The room was quiet as the mare smiled.

"I've never been so excited," she whispered."

Shining smirked. "Me, neither," he said, before he looked around the room. "I think this has gone on long enough," he added as he snapped his fingers.

In various flashes of green, the royal guards in the room all changed into changelings. Celestia and Luna went wide-eyed and looked around as Cadance looked at her fiancé in horror. The stallion smirked at her before he changed into Chrysalis. The changelings began to round up the ponies in the crowd as Celestia stepped forward.

"Chrysalis! What is the meaning of this?!" She yelled.

The changeling queen scoffed. "I know we all had fun together, but I was never willing to share. I want it all for myself and my children." She then looked at Cadance, who had a look of fright on her face. "Oh, don't worry. Your boy toy is safe. For now. So long as you're willing to behave."

"But..." Celestia began, looking hurt. "I thought..."

"Don't get me wrong," Chrysalis said as she left the stunned princess to stand before Celestia. "I did have a lot of fun with you, Luna, and Cadance." She placed her hand on the alicorn's cheek. "But, I have my children to think about. And no amount of love I can get from you three will be enough to feed them."

"We could've found a way, together," Celestia said as she gently placed her hand on Chrysalis'. "We still can. Just tell us where Shining Armor is."

Chrysalis smirked. "In time. Now," she said, snapping her fingers as her children began to move the chairs to the sides of the room before forcing all the wedding guests to their knees.

Luna stepped forward. "If you do not end this now, I will!"

Chrysalis eyed her before three of her children opened their mouths wide and began to spit green slime at her. Each impact covered her more and more, making it harder to move. Pretty soon, she was encased in a green cocoon, only able to move her eyes and look around.

Celestia gasped and ran to the pod. "Luna!"

Chrysalis sighed and rolled her eyes. "Her, too, ladies." She turned to look at Cadance, who was still just staring at her, while her drones began to trap Celestia in a cocoon. "Oh, come on," Chrysalis said as she walked back to the pink mare. "We can still have fun, so... why so glum?"

"This was... supposed to be our special day," Cadance whimpered as she hugged herself.

The changeling queen frowned. "Well, you're not going to be any fun, are you?" She backed up as her drones went to work at cocooning her, too. "Well, three for three," Chrysalis sighed, running her fingers back through her hair. "Such a shame," she said as she turned to the wedding guests, her eyes falling on Twilight and her friends. "Alright, girls... let's take a look at our lesser prey."

She walked over to the bride's side of the room while her drones checked the groom's side. No one seemed to jump out at her as being particularly enticing. Frowning, she looked around the room as one of Chrysalis' drones, named Anna, stood in front of Fluttershy. The yellow pegasus looked up at her as the drone knelt in front of her.

Anna tilted her head before she reached down and felt the pegasus' crotch, making the mare blush hard and close her eyes. The drone gasped softly before she moved her hand underneath her dress, making Fluttershy whimper. Anna quickly stood up and looked at Chrysalis.

“My queen!” She said suddenly as she stood in front of Fluttershy. “This one has a vagina and a penis!”

Chrysalis turned to face her. “Really? But she’s a pegasus. Are you telling me this mare can both give birth and get me pregnant?”

The drone shrugged. “Quite possible, my queen. If it all works.”

Fluttershy blushed even harder as Chrysalis smiled. “Perfect. I shall examine this one personally.”

“You heard her, Pony,” the drone said as she grabbed Fluttershy by the arm and forced her to her feet. The yellow pegasus let out a squeal of surprise as Rainbow Dash started to get up.

“Don’t you touch her!” She yelled, before the three drones around her forced her back on her knees.

“Don’t worry, everyone,” Chrysalis cooed as Anna brought Fluttershy over. “She is much better off than the rest of you.” She then looked at Fluttershy, who hid her face behind her hair. “Such a sweet thing. I bet your cock tastes just as sweet.”

Fluttershy didn’t say anything. She just whimpered and hung her head. The changeling queen reached her hand out to gently place it on the pegasus’ cheek.

“You know what’s coming, don’t you?”

Fluttershy nodded and gently rubbed her arm. Chrysalis put her arm around the frightened mare and began to lead her out of the room. All the pegasus' friends could do was watch her leave. Once in the hallway, Fluttershy sniffled and hugged herself.

"Don't be afraid, little one," Chrysalis cooed. "I won't be impregnating you. You'll be impregnating me. All you need to do is lay back and enjoy."

Fluttershy kept silent all the way to Celestia's bedroom, where Chrysalis finally let go of her. "Oh, this place is nice, isn't it?" She asked, walking over to the bed. She felt the sheets and looked back at the pegasus. "Why don't you get out of that dress and join me?" She asked as she held out her hand.

Fluttershy hesitated, but ended up wiping away her tears and disrobed while the changeling queen watched. Chrysalis smiled and waited for the mare to fully undress. Once Fluttershy had the dress off, she kept it held against her chest. A huge blush covered her face while her eyes watered.

"I don't have all day, sweetie."

Fluttershy flinched at the queen's voice, expecting to be punished. She let out a soft squeak and tossed her dress aside, before she slowly made her way towards Chrysalis step-by-step. When she was finally close enough, Chrysalis reached out and held the mare by the hips.

"You have a lovely body."

Fluttershy kept her face hidden behind her hair. The changeling didn't seem fazed by her silence as she slid her hands up to the mare's breasts.

"Get on the bed."

Fluttershy nodded and moved past the queen to climb onto the bed. Chrysalis watched her before she pulled her own dress off. She tossed it aside before she joined the mare on the bed. Fluttershy rested on her back and closed her eyes, sniffling softly. Chrysalis laid atop her and gently kissed her neck.

"You're going to give me sooooooo many babies."

1 Month Later

Fluttershy lay naked on her back, staring up at the ceiling with her hands resting on her belly. Waiting. Sure enough, Chrysalis came through the door, also naked.

"All ready to go, I see," Chrysalis cooed, jumping on top of her and smiling down at her. "Your lovely addition is coming in rather handy. Two hundred brand-new baby changelings and you're the daddy."

Fluttershy turned her head to look away, making Chrysalis frown. "I do wish you'd enjoy this. Do you have any idea how hard it is keeping you healthy? I have to keep these visits short and let you rest longer or you'll become a husk like the rest. Why can't you... just... smile?"

Fluttershy kept silent, making Chrysalis sigh in annoyance. "Fine. That doesn't change the fact that it’s breeding time."

1 Month Later

After Fluttershy undressed and threw her clothes in her typical spot, she sighed and looked over at Celestia’s makeup table. She walked over to it and sat down, staring at herself in the mirror. Her eyes narrowed and she opened the drawer to find makeup brushes and nail polish remover and other beauty products. On top was a makeup set and eyeliner and mascara of various colors.

After a few minutes, the door opened and Chrysalis stepped in. “Ready for the… boning?” She asked, pausing when she saw Fluttershy’s reflection in the mirror. “What’s this?”

“It’s how I feel inside,” Fluttershy replied plainly as she finished applying black makeup on her eyelids and around her eyes and started on her fingernails.

Chrysalis hesitated but eventually closed the door and walked over to her. “Black, huh? I figured you more for the pink type.”

“Ew, gross,” Fluttershy muttered. “If I’m to be your captive forever… can I, at least, have some new clothes?”

Chrysalis hesitated but smiled. “I don’t see why not. I could take you into the city. We'd get it for free since I own it now.” Fluttershy rolled her eyes. The changeling leaned in and placed her hands on the mare's shoulders. "Black really does look good on you."

Fluttershy finished her nails and set the makeup down on the desk. "I know what you want," she said as she stood up.

She quickly turned and grabbed Chrysalis by the shoulders, baking her up to the bed before giving her a shove. The queen was wide-eyed as she landed on her back, the yellow pegasus getting atop her. Fluttershy then had her way with the queen for the next few minutes before she reached her second orgasm. She sighed deeply and watched the changeling. Chrysalis then rolled onto her back, an eerie chuckle escaping her mouth as she looked up at the pegasus.

"Oh, Fluttershy... Such intense emotions..."

Fluttershy dropped down next to her, resting on her back. "Shut up."

Chrysalis smiled and rolled onto her right side, reaching out with her left hand to stroke the mare's thigh. "Please, tell me you have more left in you."

Fluttershy sighed and looked at her. "Perhaps... If you suck it."

Chrysalis licked her lips and crawled atop Fluttershy while they both worked each other up for more sex.

1 Month Later

Chrysalis walked out onto the balcony, overlooking the castle courtyard. Hundreds of changelings flew around and mingled as if the city actually belonged to them. Fluttershy walked up next to her and looked out.

“See, Fluttershy?” Chrysalis asked. “Your children. Aren’t they beautiful?”

“Sure,” the pegasus said as she crossed her arms.

“Such a large family. And many more to come.”

“If you’re so eager,” Fluttershy began as she walked behind the queen and grabbed her butt. “How about we go for another round?”

Chrysalis looked over her shoulder. “Well, this new Fluttershy sure is fun.”

Present Day

Fluttershy panted after her rocking orgasm, exhaling sharply as she rested her head against her pillow.

XXVIII. The Princess and the Queen

Chrysalis sat in the far, dark corner of her cell on Celestia's ship. She had her face buried in her knees as she hugged herself tightly. Her eyes were red from crying and her face and knees were wet. She felt another crying fit approaching when she heard a familiar voice say, "Psst!" She looked out of her cell and sniffled, not seeing anyone. She heard a tap on the bars, telling her someone was there. She got up and slowly walked over, not seeing any guards around.

"We're alone," Starlight said as she made herself visible. "There's an escape pod we can use once I break you out."

Chrysalis sighed and nodded. "Just... get me out of here."

Starlight nodded and fried the controls with her magic. The cell door opened partially before the unicorn pulled it open. "Come on," she urged. "We get you back to the Council and they'll protect you."

Chrysalis' eyes narrowed as she left her cell. "I don't need them. I never should've accepted their help." She moved past Starlight and down the hall.

When they heard a noise, Starlight ran up to her and held her against the wall, rendering them both invisible. Just then, a guard rounded the corner and walked right by them. When he saw the open cell, he gasped and went to warn the princess. Chrysalis stuck out her foot to trip him, making him hit the ground hard. When he looked up, Chrysalis kicked him in the head, knocking him out.

"I appreciate the restraint," the mare muttered as they walked away from the body.

"Believe me, Starlight... I would've killed him if you weren't here."

Starlight kept quiet as they moved through the ship, using Starlight's invisibility spell to sneak past guards. When they passed by the cockpit, Chrysalis stopped. Starlight slowed to a stop, too, and turned. She mouthed Come on and motioned with her hand to proceed.

Chrysalis backed up before she stormed into the cockpit. There were guards on either side of the door, both getting ready to attack. Chrysalis held her hands out and fired bolts of magic at them, knocking them back into a wall. Celestia turned to face her as the two fell unconscious. The rest of the crew bolted from the room, most likely to get help.

The changeling clenched her right hand into a fist and raised it. "You're going to pay, you bitch!"

Celestia sighed and began to walk towards her. "I really wish you would've stayed in your cell."

"You'd like that, wouldn't you?!" Chrysalis yelled before she held her right hand out and zapped Celestia.

The white alicorn flew back and tumbled across the floor. When Chrysalis fired again, Celestia held up her hand and summoned a shield, blocking it. She then used her wings to quickly lift herself to her feet. She then fired magic from both hands as Chrysalis raised her own shield. Celestia then looked over her shoulder.

"Try not to hit the window!" She exclaimed, before looking at the queen.

"Makes no difference to me! I can survive in space!"

"But, she can't."

Chrysalis gasped and looked over her shoulder as Starlight ran in. "Starlight! Get out of here!"

"Not without you!" Starlight yelled.

Celestia sighed. "You tricked another mare to fall for you."

Guards ran into the room as Celestia seemed a little upset. "Time to go back to your cell."

Chrysalis growled and tackled her to the floor. "Never!"

When the guards ran to assist, Starlight closed her eyes and sighed. "Dammit," she muttered, before she turned around and fired magic at the guards. This caught them off guard as some took cover and some got hit, flying backwards and landing unconscious. "I'm sorry!" She yelled.

Chrysalis slammed Celestia's head against the floor before Celestia created a burst from her horn to knock the queen back. She then got up and fired a magic bolt down at the queen. Chrysalis rolled to the side to avoid the attack before she lifted her legs, and kicked the princess in the thighs. Celestia grunted and stumbled backwards as a yellow bolt of magic shot past them, destroying a controls console. Sharp metal stuck out of it, making Celestia growl.

"Careful!" She yelled to one of the guards, before she blocked a punch from Chrysalis and delivered a blow to her ribs. Chrysalis grunted as Celestia grabbed her by the shoulders and threw her over another console. Chrysalis hit the top and rolled over, landing with a thud on the other side.

Guards fired magic at Starlight, who had created a shield bubble around herself. "Sorry!" She yelled again, as she knocked out another guard with her magic.

Celestia walked over to the downed queen, who was letting out a groan. "You should've just stayed in your cell."

"And starve?!" Chrysalis groaned as she pushed herself up on her arms. "You know damn well I don't have to drain your essence!"

"I know. But, I just destroyed your home and your changelings. I doubt you'd be merciful to whomever I sent in there."

"That sounds like your fault!"

"My fault?" Celestia asked. "You are the one who played with our emotions, lied to everyone, and tried to takeover Canterlot!"

"But, I didn't kill anyone!"

"Until the war."

"The war you started!" Chrysalis yelled as she managed to get to a knee.

"No..." Celestia sighed, pointing at her. "You started everything. We were prepared to welcome you and your kind into our lives. You wouldn't have had to hide anymore. But that wasn't enough for you, was it? You wanted it all to yourself and you let your pride get to you."

Chrysalis growled and closed her eyes, knowing deep down she was right. "I didn't..." she started, her eyes watering.

"You could've been happy if you had JUST... LET ME..." Celestia started to yell, tears streaming her face.

"SHUT UP!!!" Chrysalis yelled, creating a strong magical burst that launched the princess backwards.

Luna was still in her ship, crying softly at what was going on. "Dammit, sister," she sniffled, covering her face with her hands. When she was about to start up her ship, she heard a loud magical explosion. "What the...?"

Starlight knocked out the last guard and dropped her shield before she turned to the royal battle behind her. Her eyes went wide when she saw the aftermath. "Oh, no."

Chrysalis grabbed the top of the console she had been knocked over to pull herself up. She gasped when she saw Celestia impaled against the broken console, a piece of metal sticking out of her chest. "No..." she choked out, stumbling over to the alicorn and dropping to her knees. "Shit..." She leaned in and brushed hair off the princess' face. "C... Celestia?"

The princess spit out blood as she wheezed weakly. "If you had just... let me... marry you..."

Chrysalis gasped as tears fell from her eyes. "No... Why?"

"B-Because I... loved you... Then you be... betrayed us..."

The changeling closed her eyes and hung her head. "It didn't have to be like this. None of this had to happen." She felt the princess' hand on her cheek and opened her eyes.

"We all made mistakes."

Chrysalis started to cry before she leaned in and kissed the alicorn on the lips. The kiss lasted for a few seconds before Chrysalis felt the mare exhale slowly. She pulled back and looked into the lifeless eyes of the alicorn. Starlight put a hand over her mouth, her eyes watering. The changeling leaned into the princess and nuzzled her cheek.

"I'm sorry," she whispered.

Starlight ran over and put her hands on the changeling's shoulder. "Come on! We have to go!"

Chrysalis stood up and stumbled backwards. "But... I..."

"Sulk later!" Starlight practically ordered. "Let's go!" She grabbed Chrysalis and pulled her towards the exit.

Without thinking twice, they blew past Luna and ran down the hall towards the escape pods. "The hell?" Luna asked, before she ran into the cockpit. "SISTER!!!" She yelled, running over. Seeing she was already dead, she clenched her fists and growled. "CHRYSALIS!!! STARLIGHT!!!"

The purple unicorn gasped at hearing the lunar princess yelling. "Move faster!"

Luna ran down the hall after them just as they dove into an escape pod, dodging a magic blast. "GET BACK HERE!!!" Luna screamed.

Starlight launched the pod and set its coordinates to Equestria. Chrysalis sat in silence, her head hung as she tried her best to stop crying. She was failing. Luna quickly ran back to her ship and took off after them.

Starlight landed the pod before Chrysalis quickly got out, wanting to see what her home was like. Starlight followed after, practically stumbling to keep up. They looked around at a barren wasteland. There were still buildings, but all plant life and animals had been burned away.

"It's all gone..." Chrysalis said softly as she clenched her fists. "All of it."

"I-I'm so sorry..." Starlight said sadly as she gently placed her hand on the queen's back.

"I'm sorry, too... I should've kept Celestia alive to torture her. Death was too good for her."

"You don't mean that."

Chrysalis was about to say something when they heard the sound of approaching ships. They both looked up to see three small transport ships coming in for a landing. They each found a spot on the ground before their engines turned off. One was dark blue, the second was white with a blue stripe, and the third was silver. Their doors opened and the passengers stepped out. Out of the silver one came Jenny, Fox McCloud left the white one, and Luna emerged from the dark blue. Chrysalis’ eyes narrowed in anger before Starlight put up a shield around the both of them.

“We aren’t here to fight,” the fox assured.

“Says you,” Luna growled as she moved closer. “She killed my sister. And who called you?!”

Fox held out his hand to stop her. “Fluttershy told us you'd be here. And we've been watching. Now, your sister, leader of the Solar Empire, started a war with Chrysalis’ Hive and lost. The fight is over.”

Luna growled again but took a step back. “Fine! But, I’ll be declaring a war of my own.”

“I’ll be ready,” Chrysalis responded.

Luna’s eyes fell on Starlight. “And, you best be sure what side you’re on, Starlight.”

“Oh, I’m quite sure I’m where I belong.”

Chrysalis moved forward so that she was standing right at the edge of the magic shield. “You may tell the Council, of which I’m still part of, that I hereby close my borders to the Lunar Republic for the time being. Any attempt to breach my borders should be met with consequence.”

Fox eyed the alicorn before nodding. “Understood.” Luna quickly looked at him, eyes wide with anger. “It’s her right,” Fox insisted. “As it is yours.”

“Fine,” Luna snapped. “Then, I close my borders to the Hive as well.”

“I would just like to say,” Jenny said, finally saying something. “we have no quarrel with the Hive. We’d actually like to offer to help rebuild this planet.”

Chrysalis’ expression seemed to soften a little. “Why?”

"I don't mean to be rude, your Highness," Jenny began. "but, I believe you could use some help."

"I get that," Chrysalis began. "But, why help us get back to full strength? Are you not worried we'll come after you?"

Jenny shrugged. "Maybe you will. Maybe you won't. I would rather us be allies. I respect Luna a great deal, and Celestia truly was a great leader, but the ponies' quarrel with you has nothing to do with us."

Luna crossed her arms in anger but said nothing. Chrysalis eyed the alicorn before looking at the robot. "Very well, then. I accept your help."

Jenny smiled as Fox gave a light nod. "Alright, then. I believe this concludes the Declaration Of War." He then looked at Luna. "Shall we leave? Or, do you have anything more to add?" Luna's glare didn't fade, but she eventually turned and headed back to her ship. Fox then looked at Chrysalis again. "And, you?"

Chrysalis crossed her arms. Celestia murdered three million of my children. There's no conceivable way this will ever be okay. Unless there was a way I could kill her three million times."

Luna stopped at her ship and looked over her shoulder. Seeing the tension rising again, Starlight quickly moved in front of Chrysalis. "Let's just stop," she said loudly enough for all to hear. "There'll be plenty of time to kill each other later. Right now, I think we all need to rest."

“I think that’s a good idea,” Fox affirmed.

Luna said nothing, but she did enter her ship and close the door. Fox looked at Jenny before he turned and entered his own ship. As the two ships took off, Starlight lowered her shield.

“Well, that went well,” the unicorn commented. She then looked over at Jenny. “So, you’re going to help?”

The robot girl smiled and nodded. “In any way I can.”

Starlight looked at Chrysalis again. “Shall we… start looking for a place to start?”

The three wandered over to where the changelings’ first ship was built. The factory and launch pad were completely empty. Chrysalis walked up to the building and thought back to how busy this place used to be. There were changelings running all around as they worked on the ship. She then saw a changeling run up to her. Chrysalis smiled and held out her hand, but the changeling drone faded away. The queen clenched her fist and held it to her chest before she dropped to her knees.

Starlight and Jenny looked each other with solemn expressions before something caught Jenny’s eye. She walked over to a golden tablet resting on a wooden table. It rested atop a bunch of papers depicting a nearby location in Equestria. She picked up the papers and the tablet before she made her way back to the changeling.

“Um, Chrysalis?” She asked, holding out the tablet. “This mean something to you?”

Chrysalis eyed it before taking it in both hands. “I helped my drones fish this out of a lake. They were trying to find where it led.”

“Well…” Jenny began, holding out the papers. "These were under the tablet. Only reason they survived the attack."

Chrysalis quickly dropped the tablet and grabbed the papers. “This… This is only a few miles from here.”

“Shall we go see what your children found?” Asked Starlight.

As they sped over the land in Chrysalis’ hover car, Starlight stuck her hand out the window to feel the wind on her fingers. “I missed this. Dry land. Earth to walk on. And, everything looks pretty much the same.”

Chrysalis scoffed at that. “Did you think we’d destroy everything?”

“And rebuild,” Starlight added. “I’m sure you have your own idea of what good building structure looks like and the planet was yours. You could’ve changed everything. But, you didn’t.”

Chrysalis eyed her before letting out a sigh. “I was too busy thinking.”

“Oh, really? What took you so long to think about?”

“You,” Chrysalis said plainly.

Starlight’s smiled faded. “Right. About that. You said you were afraid of killing Celestia... because it'd make me feel differently about you." She smiled. "You were wrong."

"You can't tell me you're happy she's dead."

"Of course not, but... what's done is done. And what she did to you was horrible. I understand why you did what you did, and... it looked like an accident to me."

"I still went there to kill her."

"But, would you have?" Starlight asked. "If she was down, beaten, and defeated... would you have finished her off?"

Chrysalis tapped on the steering wheel a couple times before she sighed softly. “I guess we'll never know.”

Chrysalis parked her car at the coordinates. It was a cave with a large metal door. "What?"

The three climbed out of the car and walked towards the large metal door. It looked like a bunker. In front of it were skeletal remains of what appeared to be changelings. They heard a metallic clank as the doors slid open, three changelings emerging. Chrysalis gasped and ran over to them, hugging each one.

"Thora! Cepho! Phalo! You're alive!"

"Not just us," Thora said before she looked back at the cave.

Chrysalis looked up to see even more changelings emerging from the cave. "What? But, how?"

"Dorsa alerted everyone when she saw Celestia's ship nearing us. Most of us perished, but... a lot of us made it inside. Plus, we... saved the eggs."

Chrysalis gasped as Starlight smiled, starting to cry softly. "The eggs?" The queen asked. "Wh-Where's Dorsa?"

Thora's expression became sadder and she looked over at the skeletal remains. "She... She didn't..."

Chrysalis glanced over at the remains and shuddered. "Okay... I say it's time we stop playing nice. I thought I could play nice!" She looked around as the surviving changelings all gathered around her. "But look around! Playtime is over! I promised you all a conquest! And I plan on delivering!"

Starlight's ears flattened as the drones all cheered, clearly ready for revenge.

Twilight entered her team's rec room as everyone all looked at her. "Celestia is... dead." Everyone, except Pinkie and Fluttershy, all gasped as the room fell silent. "Chrysalis killed her."

"What?" Rarity gasped. "No! That can't..."

Fluttershy was sitting on the kitchen counter, drinking a beer. "I'm not surprised. Celestia destroyed her children. As a mother, her reaction is understandable."

"You're not taking Chrysalis' side, are you?!" Rainbow Dash exclaimed.

Fluttershy sighed and dropped to her feet. "Whatever," she muttered, drinking her beer as she left the room.

Luna sat in the Senate room, by herself, waiting for her visitor. She didn't have to wait long before the doors opened and in walked a mare.

"Sunset Shimmer," Luna said with a smile. "Thanks for coming."

"And, what does the Lunar Republic want with us?" The unicorn asked.

"You had a past with Celestia, yes?"

Sunset sighed. "A rocky one, but yes."

"You respected her?"

"Of course. Wait... Respected?"

"Unfortunately... it would seem Chrysalis has killed her."

Sunset gasped. "What?"

"And, that's where you come in. You aren't part of us. You refuse to be. But, I ask for your help in killing her."

Sunset smiled and placed her hands on the table. "What's the plan?"

To Be Continued in...
Season Two

Comments ( 1 )

"All ready to go, I see," Chrysalis cooed, jumping on top of her and smiling down at her. "Your lovely addition is coming in rather handy. Two hundred brand-new baby changelings and you're the daddy."

That makes no sense if she already has a overpopulation problem, unless the current generation is going to be decimated soon through old age, sickness or war.

Well... Luna killed Chrysalis mother, Chrysalis killed Celestia. They are mostly even. Now the question is will it finally end in peace or will they just keep going until they are all dead? Because death is the only thing remaining.

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