• Published 11th Aug 2023
  • 361 Views, 6 Comments

Conquest Among The Stars: Season One - Pinkamena666

Chrysalis stumbles upon a robot named XJ92 or, as the bot prefers, Jenny. Jenny then introduces Chrysalis to the Galactic Council to help make the changeling's life easier. However, it only sets everyone down a path towards a devastating finale.

  • ...

VI - Finale, Part 1: Revelation

XXV. First Meeting

Krystal opened her eyes and gasped. She quickly sat up to find she was on her ship. She held her head with a groan and stumbled over to the cockpit. She looked out to see nothing but space. She checked the comms and sighed with relief when it crackled to like. She quickly made a video call to Ruby.

“Yello?” Ruby asked, before looking at the screen. “Krystal? Where you been? Sightseeing?”

“Uh, something hit me on the back of the head. Next thing I knew, I’m… here. Wherever here is. Have you seen Starlight?”

“Wasn’t she with you?”

“Supposed to be. But she isn’t here. I-I don’t know what happened. I’m really worried.”

Luna stood in the hangar, hoping her sister wasn’t where she thought she was. To be sure, she made her way to a shiny dark blue cruiser and took off. She knew the Senate was trying to recruit others for a while and the closest powerful faction was the Nocturnus Clan run by Shade.

“Please don’t be with Chrysalis,” She muttered to herself.

She soon arrived at Shade’s large battleship. After docking, she was greeted by an echidna guard wearing full body black armor. He let out a sigh and began walking, motioning for the alicorn to follow. He brought Luna up to the bridge where Shade was standing by the large front window.

“I was wondering if you’d show up,” Shade said, without looking.

“Did my sister come to you about Chrysalis?” Luna asked, fearing the worst.

The cream echidna kept looking out at the stars. “You’re too late to stop her. The weapon has been fired. Your home is gone.”

Luna gasped. “She fired it?!”

“And she wanted Chrysalis to bear witness. Honestly, I wasn’t sure about you ponies. But that’s pretty dark. I may consider joining you, after all.”

“That isn’t how we’re supposed to do things.”

“Hmm. Shame. Also, when you see your sister again… Tell her I want extra. I had to wait eleven days for the right moment to strike. That’s time I could’ve spent doing something productive.”

Luna’s eyes narrowed before she turned and stormed off.

Back on her ship, Luna let out a scream of anger. Leaning back in her seat, she covered her face and breathed heavily. When she had finally calmed down, she made a video call to Ruby.

“Yell…” Ruby began. “Luna? It’s a day for calls.”


“Krystal called earlier.”

“I, uh… I take it your team, along with Krystal and Starlight… went to Equestria with Chrysalis to… give birth?”

Ruby went wide-eyed. “Um, uh… I don’t, uh…”

“Ruby!” Luna yelled, tears in her eyes. “I won’t be mad. I just need to know.”

Ruby sighed. “Alright, you caught us. Just don’t tell Celestia!” She pleaded. “Please! I-I really wanna meet my trio of changeling children. A-And if she finds out, we think she’ll attack, or something!” The whole time Ruby spoke, Luna felt more tears fill her eyes as she covered her mouth with both hands. “Uh… Princess?”

Luna sniffled and wiped her eyes. “She already has, Ruby,” she said through tears.

Ruby’s eyes went wide as she let out a soft gasp. “Wh… What? B-But, how did she…”

“She went to Shade of the Nocturnus Clan. Paid her to spy.”

“But, that… Does that mean that… Our children?”

“I-I don’t know. But I’m on my way to have a word with my sister. You should tell the others.”

Ruby sniffled as she tried to keep her lip from trembling. “O-Okay…” Ruby started to cry just as she cut the call.

Luna sighed before she entered the coordinates for Equestria. “This has gone too far.”

Ruby entered her group's rec room and stopped. Yang stopped punching the punching bag and looked over at her. Weiss and Blake were both on the couch, reading. "Girls. S... S-Something bad happened," she said, starting to cry again.

Yang quickly walked over to her. "Ruby?" She asked worriedly. "What is it?"

Ruby pointed to the video phone on the wall. "Call Krystal. I-I only wanna s-say this... o-once."

Yang nodded and slowly backed up towards the wall. She then turned and called Krystal. “Hey, Krystal?”

“Yang. Heard anything about Starlight or Chrysalis?”

Yang kept quiet and stepped aside. Ruby then looked over at the video phone. “Ca-an you hear me?”

Krystal could tell something was terribly wrong, and slowly nodded. Ruby sniffled and let out a deep shuddered breath.

“Th-That Solar Cannon that C-Chrysalis told us about? C-Celestia used it. O-On Equestria.”

The group all went wide-eyed. “W…” Weiss started. “What about the eggs?”

Ruby shook her head. “I don’t know!” She blurted out. “But you remember what Chrysalis said, right? That weapon burns everything its light touches!”

“I can’t…” Blake’s cat ears dropped in sadness as she fell on her side on the couch. “If it feels this bad losing three… I can’t imagine what Chrysalis is going through.” Yang walked over to sit beside her and gently rub the side of her head.

Krystal suddenly gasped. “Wait, if Celestia fired upon the planet… Where is Chrysalis?”

Luna arrived in the space near her home world. Sure enough, close by was the large Solar Cannon and the once-green planet was now brown. Luna scowled as she approached the ship. She docked with it and boarded it immediately. She was greeted by two royal guards who, obviously, let her through.

She made her way onto the bridge where Celestia sat in the commander’s chair, looking out at space. “What the hell were you thinking?!” Luna yelled. “I could tell Chrysalis was getting to you, but genocide?!”

“Sister,” Celestia said calmly before she turned her chair around to face her guest. “I have finally freed us from the changeling menace. This is a cause for celebration!”

“This is not! Do you realize what you have done?!”

“Freed us from the changelings?”

“No! Everyone liked her and now they’re all going to hate you! Especially Ruby, her friends, and Krystal! Plus, now that Chrysalis has nothing left to lose, who knows what she’ll do now? But above all, you committed an undeclared… act of war!”

Applejack was watching a sweaty yellow mare with short red hair, and wearing a mechanic outfit, working on her small cruiser. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Krystal pacing back and forth, looking nervous. AJ left her ship and walked over to the blue fox. "Krystal? You good?"

"Applejack?" Krystal asked, coming to a dead stop and turning to face the mare. "Have you heard from Celestia? Or Luna?"

"The princesses? What about 'em?"

"Well... Celestia found out that myself, Starlight, and Ruby and her team willingly gave birth to Chrysalis' children and then she torched the planet. Your home planet."

AJ went wide-eyed. "She torched Equestria?"

"I-I think everyone's dead down there..." Krystal stammered as she began to tear up. "I-Including my own children. I-I just... I wanna know what's going on. Should I go there? Should I wait here? Luna said she was headed to talk to Celestia, but I don't know if I can wait."

AJ put a hand on her shoulder. "Did Luna sound... angry?" Krystal nodded. "Then wait here. In my experience, if those two fight... it could get messy. You do not wanna get caught up in that."

Krystal pouted as her eyes watered more. Applejack sighed and pulled her into a hug.

Celestia sat down in the captain's chair and crossed her legs. "Luna. Sister. You know as well as I how completely untrustworthy that bug is. Sure, she'll talk nice... compliment you... make you feel beautiful... and then turn on you just like that!" She yelled, emphasizing with a snap of her fingers. "We were fools to trust her once and we'd be even bigger fools to do it again!"

Luna crossed her arms. "What if this time's different?"

Celestia scoffed. "Different? My poor, naïve, little sister," she cooed, getting an angry look for the blue alicorn. "What if she's lying again?"

Applejack entered her and her friends' rec room to see Twilight reading a science book, Rainbow Dash running on a treadmill, Pinkamena resting her upper half on the kitchen countertop while she waited for something to cook, Rarity flipping through a fashion magazine, and Fluttershy drinking a beer in the corner wearing black lipstick, black eyeliner, with a black crop top, long black skirt with black leggings and black elbow-length fingerless gloves.

"Girls," AJ announced, getting Twilight's, Rainbow's, and Rarity's attention. "Celestia has... torched our home planet. Killed all the changelings."

"Oh, dear," Rarity muttered. "I know we were at war with them but... that's a little extreme."

Rainbow sighed as she kept jogging. "Those changelings were nothing but pests. If Celestia wiped them all out, I'm sure she had her reasons."

Twilight scoffed. "I know they did some horrible things to us but..."

"They raped us," Fluttershy said plainly before she took another swig of beer.

"Yes," Twilight agreed. "But they're still a species. What Celestia did was... nothing sort of genocide."

Pinkamena chuckled. "Are you speaking out against her, Twilight? I thought you idolized her."

"I did, but... this is too far."

"Too far?" Fluttershy asked, before scoffing. "What's too far for a changeling?"

"So, we're supposed to be just like them?" Twilight asked. "I can't believe Celestia would do this."

"I can," Pinkamena said as she went over to the oven and knelt down. "They did something horrible. She didn't want it happening again."

"What about Chrysalis?" Fluttershy asked. "Did she survive?"

AJ shrugged. "Krystal didn't say."

"If I were to torch the planet, I'd make her watch," Pinkie said as she stood back up. "Five more minutes."

"Pinkie, that's horrible!" Twilight scolded.

"What? I didn't say I wanted to do it. But if I wanted her to suffer, I'd make her watch."

Fluttershy eyed her empty bottle. "Then she's probably still with Celestia. And if she's alive, she can always make more."

Twilight looked over at her. "Flutters. You can't tell me you're okay with this."

The yellow pegasus left the corner and made her way over to the recycle bin, tossing her bottle in. "Honestly? I'm not sure."

Luna sighed and looked at the door to the bridge. "Where is Chrysalis?"

Celestia eyed her. "There's cells down below meant to hold intruders or those we should interrogate. I put her in one of them."

"You are going to... starve her?"

"Just holding her, sister."

"You know how she feeds. You could give her food but she would have no energy. She would essentially become a living corpse. Killing her would be preferable."

Celestia exhaled. "What would you have me do? Send someone down there so she can rape them? Besides, the weaker she gets the less magic she'll have. The less danger she'll pose."

"This is madness, sister. You have to let her go."

"If I do, do you really not think she'll attempt to kill me? There's no outcome where she just walks out of here and you know it."

"And whose fault is that?!" Celestia stayed silent, making Luna sigh in frustration. "I have to leave. You do what you want to do. Just leave me out of this."

Celestia watched her walk off before she looked out the large front window at her old home. "If only..." she said softly.

20 Years Ago

Celestia paced back and forth in the large dining hall as Luna walked up to her. “Sister, be patient,” Luna said with a smile. “Cadance will make it.”

“I know. But… I always look forward to her visits, since we don’t get to see much of each other anymore.”

“Being the sole ruler of an empire can take a lot out of someone.”

“Very true. And I hope she finds a prince soon. After all, she wasn’t as lucky to be born with an amazing sister,” she added with a smile.

“Oh, stop,” Luna scoffed playfully. “If I recall, I made some mistakes in the past, and you were there for me. You are the amazing one.”

Suddenly, a royal guard ran into the room and over to the princesses. “Your Highnesses. The queen of the changelings would like a word with you.”

Both went wide-eyed. “The changeling queen?” Luna asked. “Here? In the kingdom?”

“Where is she?” Celestia asked.

“At the front gates,” the guard replied. “She’s being watched, but it doesn’t seem like she intends to fight.”

Celestia and Luna thought for a moment before Luna eyed her sister. “If she wanted to sneak in, she probably could have.”

Celestia nodded. “Bring her here.”

The guard nodded and quickly ran off. Luna watched him leave before she looked at the white alicorn. “What if Cadance shows up during the queen’s visit?”

Celestia sighed and walked over to her chair, tightly gripping the back. “Well… if she’s here for diplomacy… we could just let her stay for dinner.”

“What if it’s a trap?”

“I don’t think it is. But, the queen before her was pretty cunning. Just keep an eye on her.”

Luna nodded. A few minutes later, the doors opened as two royal guards stepped in. They then stepped aside as Chrysalis entered the room.

“Celestia. Luna. Thank you for seeing me.”

Celestia turned to face her. “Chrysalis. I do hope this is to discuss peace between us and the changelings. After all, we knew your mother, and… Well, she wasn’t the easiest to get along with.”

Chrysalis smiled. “Glad to see we’re on the same page. By now, I’m sure you are aware that we feed off positive emotions like love.”

“Of course.”

Chrysalis nodded. “Well, it’s hard to get love when everyone runs away from you. And if you aren’t welcome in towns and cities.”

“After what everyone has been through,” Luna began. “It will be hard to convince our subjects to suddenly allow changelings into their lives.”

“Agreed,” Celestia said. “However, I’m sure they would eventually warm up to the idea.”

The queen smiled. “That’s why I’m here. I was wondering, if it’s alright with you… if I could hang out around here? Get everyone to get used to seeing a changeling around?”

Luna looked at Celestia, who smiled. “We have a few guest rooms around the castle. I’m sure we could set you up in one.”

“That would be lovely, thank you.”

The white alicorn looked at the two guards. “Please find her a room, and treat her like one of us. And this should be assumed but spread the word to the guards not attack one of her changelings on sight.”

The guards nodded. “Yes, ma’am.”

Chrysalis smiled and gave a nod before she turned to head towards the guards.

“Oh, Chrysalis?” Celestia said, making their guest stop and turn around to look at her. “We’re having dinner with our niece whenever she should arrive. You’re welcome to join us.”

“I might do that,” Chrysalis said, before she left with the guards.

“Is this wise?” Luna asked.

Celestia crossed her arms. "If this can bring peace, we need to take it. If it is a trap, we'll be ready."

Luna nodded. "If you think this is the best course of action, I will do whatever I can to make this arrangement work."

"Much appreciated, sister."

Chrysalis was brought to an empty guest room and thanked the guard before she entered. She could feel the stallion watching her, so she used her magic to close the door instead of turning and using her hand. She let out a sigh and walked over to the bed and dropped down, feeling the sheets before she rested on her back.

“Fools,” she muttered with a smirk. “They’re making this soooo easy.” Her smile soon faded. “Still… I could get used to this.” She then turned her head to look out the window at the sky. “I miss you, mother. This one’s for you.”

Celestia and Luna were seated at the table when Cadance entered wearing a regal cyan dress. “Sorry I’m late,” Cadance said quickly as she walked over to the two sisters. “Small issue at the Empire regarding who would watch it for me while I was away, but it’s fine now. I’m here now.”

She took her seat across from Celestia. “So, anything interesting happen while I was away?” She asked, before noticing a fourth plate set up next to her.

Celestia smiled. “We have a visitor. One I think you’ll find rather interesting.”

“Who?” Cadance asked.

“In a moment. I told the guard to invite her to dinner once you arrived. She should be here shortly.”

“Well now I am intrigued.”

The doors suddenly opened as Chrysalis entered the room. Cadance looked over and went wide-eyed Bernie she looked at Celestia. Celestia could tell what she was thinking and shook her head. The changeling walked over and took her seat next to Cadance and across from Luna. Immediately, Chrysalis looked at Cadance and just stared at her. The pink alicorn eyed the other two alicorns as the changeling slowly leaned in closer.

“What’s she doing?” Cadance asked.

“This one’s interesting,” Chrysalis said as her eyes turned completely black. “There’s something different about you.”

“Oh,” Celestia said with a soft chuckle. “Changelings are attracted to positive emotion. And, Cadance?”

“Hmm?” The pink alicorn asked. “Oh! My love magic?”

“Princess of Love?” Chrysalis asked. “Very Interesting.” Her eyes then returned to normal. “I bet we could make some long-lasting memories together.”

Cadance blushed hard. “That’s… inappropriate.”

“I’m a changeling, my dear. Sex is my life. It’s all I think about. In fact, right now I’ve already come up with a few things I could to everyone in this room.” She then eyed the royal guards by the doors. “Them, too.”

Celestia eyed the guards before looking at their guest. “Being a changeling, must you change your whole appearance? Or could you change… I don’t know… your…”

Luna and Cadance looked confused but Chrysalis smirked. “My tit size?”

Luna gasped. “Sister, are you…”

“That, or…” Celestia continued. “Your hips? I’m just curious if you can change parts of your body without having to fully change your appearance.”

Chrysalis nodded. “I can. And I could give you a private demonstration, if you’d like.”

Celestia blushed while Luna spoke up. “Okay, that’s…”

“Jealous?” Chrysalis asked her. “I could share some time for you, as well.” Luna leaned back in her chair and crossed her arms. “But as a gesture of good faith… allow me to share a flaw in our magic.”

“Flaw?” Asked Cadance.

“Yes. See, a changeling can imitate any living creature down to the minute detail. But,” She continued as she turned to the pink alicorn. “Lets say Cadance, here, had a tattoo of a heart… on the lower side of her left breast.” She then shrugged. “I wouldn’t be able to see it, or know it’s there. So if I turned into her, all you’d have to do…”

“Is look at your breasts,” Celestia finished, before blushing when she realized what she said.

Chrysalis smiled. “Same goes for artificial limbs.”

"May we eat, already?" Luna asked, getting impatient and annoyed.

Chrysalis looked at her with a wide smile. "Alright, moody. We can eat. But I will break through your... rough exterior. And when that happens, we'll be much closer."

Luna scoffed as Celestia looked at one of the guards. "Let them know we're ready, please?"

"Right away," the guard said as he walked off to the kitchen.

"Oh, Chrysalis," Celestia said with a smile. "Before I forget, the Grand Galloping Gala is in a month and I would be honored if the changeling queen could attend."

The changeling queen smiled. "Sounds like fun."

"And, Cadance? You'll be spending the night?"

"Yes, I don't plan on heading all the way back tonight."

"Then the guest room across from Chrysalis should do."

"Oh," Cadance said with a light blush as the changeling smirked.

After dinner, the princesses headed to their royal chambers while Chrysalis and Cadance made their way to their own rooms. The whole walk was silent, but that silence ended when Chrysalis put her hand on the doorknob.

"I'll leave this unlocked," she said as she looked over her shoulder. Cadance stopped and looked back at her. "Just in case you want to make some special memories you'll never forget."

Cadance stayed silent while Chrysalis entered her room and closed the door. Cadance opened her own door and stepped into her room. She soon stopped and held her hands together. She then gently cupped her chest and sighed. Turning around, she looked at Chrysalis' door. With a deep sigh, she walked over and placed her hand on the doorknob. She was about to back away when a question entered her mind. Wanting an answer, she turned the knob and pushed the door open. Chrysalis was standing a few feet away, facing the door and arms crossed.

"That didn't take long," Chrysalis cooed.

Cadance stepped inside. "I thought changelings drained the energy from their mates by absorbing all their love."

"Positive emotions," Chrysalis corrected. "But love is the most potent. Even more so when taken with sex. And much more so when willingly given. If you choose to have sex with me," she explained as she held out her hand. "you will be fine."

Cadance hesitated but ended up moving forward. When she reached out and took Chrysalis' hand, the changeling used her magic to close the door. Cadance let out a gasp when the changeling pulled her up against her. Chrysalis leaned in and began to kiss the alicorn's neck. Cadance tilted her head back and closed her eyes with a soft moan.

Early next morning, Chrysalis and Cadance woke up with a yawn, both lying naked on their backs together. "Wow," Cadance moaned. "I feel... amazing."

"Same," Chrysalis said as Cadance sat up. "Shame you have to leave now." The pink alicorn stretched as she yawned. Chrysalis smiled and sat up, running her hands up the princess' sides. She then leaned in to kiss the mare's shoulder. "You know no one can worship you like I can," she cooed. "The Queen of Love and the Princess of Love. We were made for each other."

Cadance chuckled. "Does sound nice. But even though we here in Canterlot know you've changed, it still may take everyone else to get on board with that idea. After all, changelings have been nothing but a plague on Equestria this entire time. I'm sure there are families out there that will never forgive your kind."

Chrysalis rested her chin on the mare's shoulder. "I am aware. But, we have eternity. I can wait for you."

Cadance smiled. "My kingdom can't wait for eternity. I am sorry. You will always be welcome in my bedchambers, though."

The queen chuckled softly and kissed the princess' neck. "Hmm... I'll keep my options open."

Cadance turned to kiss her on the lips before she got up from the bed and stretched. "This was really fun. Maybe I'll visit you, soon. There is that Gala coming up, after all."

"That, there is," Chrysalis cooed as she watched Cadance slip into her dress.

Once dressed, Cadance smiled at the queen before she slipped out of the room. Chrysalis laid back down with a sigh as she thought to herself. "Maybe..." Her smile then faded. "No, she'll never marry me. Maybe some stallion her subjects will approve of. Still... if I can't have her... there's always Celestia and Luna. But..." She then sighed and rolled over to bury her face in the pillow.

XXVI. Grand Galloping Gala

Celestia, Luna, and Cadance sat at a table in the ballroom as they watched everyone dance. "Think she'll show?" Cadance asked.

"Maybe," Luna said. "You're here."

"Did you two really..." Celestia began to ask.

Cadance blushed and nodded. "Yes, it was... amazing. We had sex all night long. For hours."

Celestia blushed now. "Wow..."

Luna rolled her eyes before she looked at the entrance to the room. "Well well well. She did show."

Celestia and Cadance both looked over to see the changeling enter the room, everyone stopping to look at her. The queen was wearing an elegant backless red dress with a red rose in her hair. She eyed the crowd before her eyes fell on the trio of princesses sitting at a table. She smiled and made her way over, all the while being watched. A few resumed their dancing and, when the others noticed where she was headed, the rest resumed soon after.

Chrysalis sat down at the table between Celestia and Cadance with Luna being across from her. “I feel like the center of attention.”

“You are a changeling,” Luna pointed out.

“Changeling queen, dear sister,” Celestia corrected. “Even though she isn’t part of our kingdom, doesn’t mean she isn’t still royalty.”

“Don’t be so hard on her,” Chrysalis cooed as she interlocked her fingers and rested her chin on her hands. “After all, if I had killed her mother… I probably wouldn’t trust her, either.”

Luna gasped softly. “That is not…”

“Relax,” Chrysalis cooed, interrupting her. “I’m not here for revenge. Believe me, if I was going to take action, I would’ve done it by now. But it’s been a month since you allowed me a room at this amazing castle…” She then held out her hand for a shake. “…so how about we… bury the hatchet?”

Luna hesitated, but did eventually reach out and shake the queen’s hand. “Oh, my,” Chrysalis commented as she held the princess’ hand a little tighter, her thumb rubbing the back of the hand. “You have such smooth skin.”

Luna blushed and looked around sheepishly. “I, uh… use lotion. We all have our favorite method of keeping our skin presentable.”

“I can tell.” Chrysalis then lifted the hand to her face and sniffed. “Lavender?”

“I find its scent calming.”

“I noticed lavenders around the castle. That you?”

Luna stopped paying attention to the fact that Chrysalis still held her hand as she was too focused on what Chrysalis was saying. “Yes. It helps with peaceful dreams.”

“Does it work?”

“Have you had any nightmares?”

“My kind have been hunted for centuries. All I’ve ever had are nightmares.”

“Oh, I am s…”

“Until I came here.”

Luna closed her mouth and looked down at her hand. “I am… glad I could help.” She then looked up again. “I noticed that… whenever I Dream Walk… I don’t see you.”

“Probably the Hive Mind,” Chrysalis explained. “Changelings are connected telepathically, allowing us to know who’s who and what each other is feeling. They can also serve as portable cameras for me to spy with. So, there’s probably not a whole lotta space up there for you, too.”

“That… makes sense.”

Chrysalis smiled and looked at Celestia. “Care for a dance, princess?”

Celestia let out a soft giggle. “Oh, I suppose so.”

Chrysalis smiled and stood up, holding out her hand. Celestia took it and stood up, too. As they turned to walk away, Chrysalis gave Cadance’s shoulder a rub. “You both look beautiful tonight, by the way.”

Cadance smiled while Luna blushed. “You, too,” the pink mare replied.

Nearby, Applejack was getting some cider from the drink table as Twilight walked up, both wearing formal dresses that matched their color palette. Applejack even had her hair down and was wearing fancy shoes. She glanced over at Celestia and Chrysalis.

“Think she’s really legit?” AJ asked.

Twilight looked over at them. “Seems that way. The princesses seem to trust her.”

“You’ve read more history books than anyone I know. Ever read up on changelings?”

“Everything we know about them, yes.”

“Think Chrysalis could be faking?”

Twilight let out a sigh. “Deceit is part of a changeling’s arsenal, so it’s possible. Definitely. But I’d like to believe this is real.”

“Same,” AJ said. “But I’ll be ready if she attacks.”

Twilight walked up to her and put a hand on her shoulder. “Relax and enjoy the night, AJ. Now, drink. I wanna get back to dancing," Twilight said as she emphasized her need for dance by shaking her hips side to side.

AJ chuckled and chugged her cup of cider before putting her hand around the mare's waist. "Come on, then."

Chrysalis held Celestia's hips while the princess placed her hands on the changeling's shoulders. "You also look rather stunning," Chrysalis cooed.

Celestia smiled. "Same goes for you. I love your dress."

"A fan of backless dresses?"

"I have to be. With my wings, and all. Must be nice to be able to hide them," Celestia said as she moved her right hand behind the queen to feel her bare back. "Wings constantly get in the way."

Chrysalis leaned in so their cheeks touched. "I think... wings are pretty. I can just imagine you... riding me... and as we both ride the waves of our orgasms... you stretch out your wings and arch your back... So beautiful."

Celestia let out a shuddered breath. "Wow, um... Wow."

"Not used to being talked to this way?"

Celestia chuckled under her breath. "Um, no. Everyone's usually so formal. For obvious reasons."

"Do you like it when I talk this way?"

The princess smiled and wrapped her arms around the queen's waist. "Maybe."

Chrysalis smirked. "I bet... with all the Your Highnesses and the Yes, ma'ams... you're just dying for someone to say something like..." She then leaned in and whispered into the princess' ear. Celestia let out a soft moan and bit her lip. "Mmm... don't tell me all that talk has gotten you turned on." The princess blushed. "Maybe we should go sit down?"

Celestia nodded. "Yes, that'd... be great."

Chrysalis took her by the hand and began to lead her back to the table. "Everything I said? Totally on the table if you're up for it. Just come by my room tonight after the Gala."

Before Celestia could answer, they were back at the table, each one sitting down in their own seat. Celestia eyed the changeling queen and kept silent while Cadance smirked, clearly knowing something happened on the dance floor. Luna seemed to know something was up but couldn't figure it out. She did feel left out, though.

After the Gala, Chrysalis said good night to the princesses and headed back to her room. She made her way over to the bed and sat down. After about a couple minutes, there was a knock on her door. Smiling, she got up and walked over to open the door. Standing there was Cadance.

"Oh, I was expecting Celestia," Chrysalis cooed. "But I have time for you, too."

Cadance smiled and stepped up to her. "A quickie is fine with me. Now, whip it out."

Chrysalis pulled her into the room, before Cadance pinned her against the wall. As they went ahead with their quickie, Celestia made her way down the hall towards the Queen's room. As she got closer, Cadance slipped out into the hallway, clearly having just had some fun.

“Oh!" Cadance exclaimed, slightly startled. "Celestia. Hi.”

Cadance left the room, rubbing her throat a little. “Hey, Cel.”

Celestia blushed while Chrysalis looked at her. “Sore throat?” The queen asked.

Cadance nodded and, before Celestia could react, Chrysalis dove in to kiss her. The changeling’s tongue made its way down the mare’s throat and licked around for a little bit. Chrysalis then pulled back with a sigh.

“There. My saliva should help soothe your throat.”

Cadance stared at her before she felt her neck. “It’s already working. Thanks.”

Chrysalis gave her a smile before the pink alicorn disappeared into her own room. Celestia watched Cadance leave, too. When she looked back, Chrysalis was heading into her room. Celestia walked over to stand in the doorway. Inside, Chrysalis had stopped and looked over her shoulder.

“Care to help me out of this dress?” The changeling asked.

Celestia blushed but entered the room, closing and locking the door behind her.

The next morning, Celestia entered the dining room to see Luna seated with her breakfast. Next to her was another plate for her sister and across from her on the other side was one more for their guest. Celestia took her seat beside her sister as the blue mare eyed her.

“You look… radiant, sister. Did you have a relaxing night?”

Celestia blushed and picked up her fork. “I don’t think it’s much a secret, is it?”

Luna shook her head. “She really that amazing in bed?”

“She’s incredible.”

Luna poked at her food with her fork. “I see.”

Celestia smiled. “I can share her with you.”

Luna blushed hard. “I, uh…”

“How’s this? She and I will get together tonight. And you can join us. If you want.”

“I-I will, uh… think about it.”

That night, Luna paced back and forth in front of Chrysalis’ room, her mind telling her two different things; go in and walk away. She let out a frustrated, muffled groan and held her head. Screw it, she thought. She took hold of the doorknob and turned it. When she opened the door, she blushed hard. Her sister and the changeling were naked and in bed together. They broke their kiss and looked over, saliva dripping from Chrysalis’ tongue.

“Decided to join us?” Chrysalis asked as she rubbed Celestia’s hip.

Luna stepped in and closed the door. As the fun escalated more and more, the rest of the night became a blur for the princesses. By the time it was over, they barely remembered walking back to their own rooms and collapsing on their own beds.

The next morning, Celestia joined her sister in the dining hall for breakfast. “Morning, sister,” she said with a beaming smile.

Luna eyed her as she drank her water. “You seem glowing. What changed?”

Celestia giggled and quickly took a seat next to her sister. “So… I was thinking… if it’s okay with you… I’d like to ask Chrysalis to marry me.”

Luna went wide-eyed and choked on her water. She set her glass down and wiped her mouth. “Seriously?”

Celestia nodded. “I was thinking all last night after the three of us parted ways. She’s immortal, like us, so it’s perfect. Plus, it’ll unite ponies and changelings.”

Luna sighed and leaned back in her chair. “Shining Armor and Cadance’s wedding is coming up. Can we wait till after?”

“Right. Yes,” Celestia said as she visibly relaxed. “The wedding.”

Luna gave her a light smile. “I am pleased to see you this happy, sister.”

Present Day

Celestia stared out the front window of her Solar Cannon as she gently rubbed her ring finger with her thumb. She let out a shuddered breath as a single tear fell from her eye.