• Published 11th Aug 2023
  • 361 Views, 6 Comments

Conquest Among The Stars: Season One - Pinkamena666

Chrysalis stumbles upon a robot named XJ92 or, as the bot prefers, Jenny. Jenny then introduces Chrysalis to the Galactic Council to help make the changeling's life easier. However, it only sets everyone down a path towards a devastating finale.

  • ...

III - Ulterior

XIII. Regret

Chrysalis opened her eyes to find Weiss asleep with her head on her chest. The changeling reached her hands around to rub the human's back. As she did, Weiss slid up to nuzzle her neck. "You awake?"

Weiss mumbled something before rolling over and laying on her back atop the changeling. "I am," she said as she rested her head on Chrysalis' left shoulder. "You know... this was my first time with... another female. Especially one with a, uh..."

"A dick?"

“Hehm… Yeah.”

Chrysalis glanced at the digital wall clock. "You should probably head back. If you want to get there before your friends wake up."

Weiss smiled and sat up. "I have time for... one more round."

When the door slid closed, Weiss took a deep breath and made her way around the circular hall, passing the other living areas until she arrived at her own. As she turned down the hall, she saw Ruby leaning against the wall near her door. The younger woman had a smirk on her face and was still wearing her own pajamas.

"Can it, Ruby," Weiss snapped preemptively.

"What, I didn't say anything." She then chuckled. "She's pretty fun, though, right?"

Weiss stopped at her door and smiled. "Yeah. She is." She gave her friend a friendly punch on the arm before she entered her bedroom.

"Hey!" Ruby whined playfully before she returned to her own room.

The next “morning” Chrysalis entered the hangar where her ship was docked and made her way over to it. As she headed up the ramp and arrived back on board, she went over to the cockpit and sat down with a sigh. When she booted up her computer, a hologram of the surrounding space was shown. In the center was the Senate and color-coded sections indicating which group owned which space. Unsurprising to her, all of Celestia’s territories had their borders closed to her.

“Always a bitch,” Chrysalis muttered as she performed a scan of the ship’s systems.

As she waited, she looked out the cockpit to see Starlight standing in the hangar, looking right at her. The mare was wearing a loose white crop top and baggy white pants. Chrysalis leaned back in her chair and sighed. After a few more seconds, she got up and went back to the exit ramp, where Starlight was now waiting.

“So, it’s true,” Starlight said with her arms crossed. “You’re here.”

Chrysalis said nothing, she just turned and headed back on her ship. Starlight walked up after her where she found the changeling waiting. They were in the ship’s cargo hold and Chrysalis was sitting on a crate. The unicorn flexed her fingers a little out of nervousness.

“It’s… been a while.”

Chrysalis nodded. “Sure has.”

Both stayed silent for an awkward amount of time before Starlight decided to be the one to break the silence.

“So, I… I see you’re doing… well.”

Chrysalis smiled lightly and hung her head. “I’ve lost over three thousand of my children.”

“I’m… sorry.”

Chrysalis sighed and let out a light chuckle. "You know... I hated you for the longest time. In fact, one of the reasons I came all the way up here was to... capture you and use you as a breeder." Starlight opened her mouth lightly in a silent gasp. "But... after spending time with Ruby and her friends... I realized that maybe things could've been... different."

"I was wondering why you didn't straight-up attack me when you saw me."

Chrysalis gave her a light smile. "You could not possibly imagine the things I wanted to do to you."

Starlight slowly walked over to her. "Well, I... I did sort of... cause the war... in a way." She then sat down beside the changeling on her right. "I... I didn't know what was going to happen. When I told them where you were. I-I didn't know they'd..." Starlight exhaled deeply and sniffled as she wiped her eyes.

Chrysalis eyed her. "We've all made mistakes, Starlight. I raped. You ratted me out. Celestia killed a whole bunch of my children. One... plus one... plus one... equals war."

"You didn't... have to steal all that love, you know?" Starlight said with a small smile. "You didn't... have to take it from me."

Chrysalis nodded. "And that made the betrayal hurt so much more." She took a deep breath and looked at Starlight. "I never thought I'd... say this to you... after everything that's happened, but... Fresh start?"

Starlight nodded with a wide smile. "I'd like that. But... we don't have to forget about... everything, do we?" She asked as she placed her right hand on Chrysalis' right leg.

The changeling chuckled softly. "Mmm. We did have some fun, didn't we?"

Starlight leaned in closer. "We could have some fun right now."

Chrysalis smiled and went to lean in when a faint beeping sound could be heard. The changeling stopped and sighed. "Hold that thought," she said as she stood up.

Starlight stood and followed her out of the cargo hold and into the main hall of the ship. Heading down it, they arrived in the cockpit where Chrysalis sat down. She hit a flashing button and the screen on the console displayed one of her changeling drones.

"Abby," she said. "What's going on?"

"We may have found a suitable planet. Would you like to come see?"

Chrysalis smiled and nodded. "Send the coordinates and I'll be right there."

The drone nodded and the call ended. Starlight moved closer. "Who was that?"

"Abby," Chrysalis answered. "She's... one of my favorites."

Starlight smiled and sat in the co-pilot's seat facing the queen. "Why's that?"

Chrysalis eyed her before pushing some buttons. "I have to... go, so..."

Starlight shrugged. "Take off, then." The changeling smirked and closed the ramp and turned the engines on. As she turned the ship around and flew out of the hangar, Starlight leaned in closer. "So... Why's she your favorite? Did she save your life, or something?"

"No, nothing like that."

"Then, out of all your children, whom you love more than anything... why is Abby..."

"She's one of yours," Chrysalis interrupted as they left the Senate.

Starlight's smile faded as she stared at the queen, who was focused on the console. Chrysalis then pushed a lever up and the ship launched into hyperspace towards their destination. Starlight leaned back in her chair and eyed the screen where the call came in. She shuddered a little and looked at Chrysalis again. "I'm a mom?"

Chrysalis froze. None of the mares she's ever bred had ever called themselves a mom. She then slowly nodded. "Yeah." Starlight covered her mouth. Chrysalis eyed her and looked ahead again. "She's actually the last one of yours. That's why I made her part of the recon team. The safest job out here."

Starlight muttered to herself. "I'm a... mom."

XIV. Rogue

When they arrived at their destination, Starlight was still lost in thought. Chrysalis scanned the area and found Abby’s recon ship. As she moved her flagship closer, she looked over at the unicorn. “Get ready.”

Starlight snapped out of her trance and glanced over at her with a light chuckle. “Would she… remember me?”

Chrysalis shook her head. “She was still an egg when you left.”

“Right…” Starlight muttered as she saw the small recon ship coming into view.

Chrysalis moved her ship beside it and activated the airlock. An airtight black metal tube slid out and connected with the other ship’s already extended tube, creating a safe space to walk. Chrysalis then got up and left the cockpit with Starlight close behind.

Stopping in the ship’s hall in front of the airlock door, they waited. Suddenly, the door slid open and there stood a changeling drone with yellow eyes, long yellow skirt, and a yellow tube top.

“Mother,” Abby greeted her queen as Starlight just stared.

Chrysalis smiled. “Abby.”

The drone then looked at Starlight. “Isn’t she, uh, with Celestia? The one you, um, wanted to…”

“The one I came up here to enslave, yes.”

“Well, uh… congratulations?”

“No, it’s not like that. As a matter of fact, she’s actually your… other mother. The one you came out of.”

Abby’s eyes widened and she looked at the unicorn in disbelief. “Really?”

Starlight slowly walked up to her. “Abby,” she said as she reached out and gently placed her hand on the drone’s cheek.

Abby felt a sudden burst of love flow through her body and she let out a soft gasp. “You really care.”

Starlight chuckled and hugged her tightly. “Of course I care. You’re my daughter.”

Chrysalis smiled as she watched, before a warning alarm went off on both ships. “Shit, we’re not alone.” She then looked at Abby again, who broke her hug with her pony mom. “Jump back to our territory. I’ll close off the borders.”

Abby nodded and ran back to her ship. As her door closed, Starlight followed Chrysalis back to the cockpit.

“You think those are Senate ships?” Starlights asked as their ships disconnected.

“I’m not sure,” Chrysalis said as she sat down and brought up her map. “Better safe than sorry.” She went into the Senate’s system and marked her borders as closed to everyone.

Krystal was sitting in her seat at the Council table, going through files on a computer. Suddenly, Sally ran in carrying a tablet. “Krystal. Chrysalis has just closed off her borders to everyone.”

The blue fox cooed what she was doing and brought up the map. She could see where Chrysalis was and that the borders to her territories were, indeed, closed. “What’s going on in there?”

“This is gonna stir things up with the Senate.”

“Couldn’t give a shit about the Senate!” Chrysalis hissed. “I’m not losing any more children!” Starlight let out a mental gasp as Chrysalis checked the radar. “Besides, there’s only three.”

She turned the ship around and flew towards the enemy fighters. When they began firing, she fired back and rolled the ship to the side. The three ships broke formation and began to circle around back.

“One at a time, then,” Chrysalis muttered and took off after one.

The second she did, the other two turned and began closing in. Chrysalis fired but the fighter rigged to the side and dropped a mine. The changeling gasped and pulled up to go over. When she was above it, it exploded and rocked the ship.

“Shit!” Chrysalis yelled. “Hit that button for a status report,” she told Starlight before continuing to shoot at her target.

Starlight hit the button she was told to and a readout appeared on the screen. "Uh, everything looks fine!" Chrysalis rolled her ship to avoid rockets fired from behind. She then took aim and fired at the ship in front of her before a rocket exploded near the top of the ship, causing it to shake violently. Starlight ducked out of instinct before she looked at the screen again. "Uh... Well... We lost our hyperdrive."

"Shit," Chrysalis growled as she hit the brakes and came to a hard stop. The two ships behind them flew around them before she went forward again. There was a beep from the console before Starlight pushed the flashing button.

"Mom?!" Came Abby's voice.

Starlight looked at the screen. "Abby?"

The changeling looked at her. "Other mom. We have a problem!"

"What is it?" Asked Chrysalis.

"There's enemy ships here! And they've taken out our hyperdrive!"

Chrysalis went wide-eyed and practically lost focus on the enemy ships in her area. "W..."

"Just like us," Starlight said. "And, those ships..." She began. "Even worse news."

"What could be worse?!" Chrysalis yelled as she fired at the ships again.

"Those are Senate ships."

Chrysalis gasped and looked at the unicorn. "What?!"

"What do we do?!" Yelled Abby before her own ship rocked, making her scream.

"Abby?!" Yelled Starlight.

"Still here!"

Chrysalis' hands slowly let go of the controls. "I-I..."

Just when Chrysalis was about to fully pull her hands away, there was another beep. She gasped and quickly hit the button. The screen split in half with Abby's camera on the left and Jenny's on the right. "Jenny?" She gasped.

"Chryssie?!" The robot yelled. "We detected some odd activity near you. Are you okay?!"

"Someone sent Senate ships after us!" Starlight yelled.

"Starlight? You're there, too?"

"Did you hear what I said, Jenny?! Senate ships! If you help us, it could put you in danger!"

"Was a Declaration of War announced?"

"I-I didn't hear anything," Chrysalis stammered as she tried to focus on the enemies near her. "One of my ships... One of my children... is in the neighboring territory I own. She's in danger."

"Open your borders to me."

Chrysalis sighed and nodded. "Starlight?"

The mare nodded and shrunk their cameras down and went into the system to open the borders to the Earth Defense Force. "It's open, Jenny. And both our hyperdrives are down!"

"I can fix it for you after we deal with the threat!" Jenny yelled as she put in the coordinates. "Talk later!" The robot closed the comms before shooting off to help Abby.

Chrysalis gasped as Abby's comms also went dead. "Dammit! Please, Jenny," she whispered, maneuvering her ship and firing. This time, she managed to take out one of the ships. As it exploded, the other two broke off in different directions. "One down. Two to go."

Krystal was still looking through her files when a message popped up on her screen. It was from Jenny, stating that there were rogue Senate ships attacking Chrysalis and Starlight. Her eyes narrowed and she got up.

Chrysalis saw another rocket coming at her from the front as the enemy ship went to fly over them. The changeling used her magic to grab the rocket and propel it at the ship. The rogue Senate ship exploded as the third and final ship spun around and fired its lasers. Chrysalis rolled the ship ninety-degrees, narrowly avoiding the attack as she fired her own rocket. She then grabbed it and propelled it even faster. However, this ship was fast and shot it with its lasers. Chrysalis veered to the right to avoid it.

Krystal walked into the ponies' rec room. "Where's Celestia?"

The alicorn was busy talking with Twilight in the kitchen. They stopped their conversation as the solar princess patted the unicorn's shoulder. She then made her way over and crossed her arms. "Yes?"

"Did you send Senate ships after Chrysalis in a non-declared act of war?"

"What?" Celestia gasped. "No, of course not. I'm a princess, Krystal. Rules and laws are something I live by. Otherwise, I'd have slaughtered her on sight."

Krystal stared her in the eyes and nodded. "Okay. I didn't think it'd be you, anyways."

"What? Why not?"

"Starlight's with her."

Celestia's eyes went wide. "What? But... I have to go!"

"No," Krystal said as she placed her hand on the alicorn's shoulder to stop her. "You know as well as I that Jenny has a better shot at fighting Senate ships than you."

Celestia sighed angrily. "Can't get a break."

"All we can do is... hope that those three can pull it off."

Chrysalis managed to get behind the final Senate ship and tried the comms again. "Abby? Abby?!" She yelled as she kept trying. The enemy ship in front sped up a little and then spun the ship around, ready to fire. "Shit!" Chrysalis yelled, veering to the left. However, she wasn't fast enough and the laser cut through her right wing. "Damn! We lost an engine!"

Starlight looked up as the Senate ship moved closer to them. "Well... at least I got to die with you."

Chrysalis leaned back in her seat and sighed. "Shame to die at all." The enemy ship fired up its lasers again before a rapid laser blast off to the left shot it to pieces, causing it to explode. "What?" Chrysalis asked and leaned forward. There was a beep on her console and she hit the button.

"Miss me?" Came Jenny's voice.

Chrysalis sighed heavily. "Jenny! How's Abby?"

"Safe and repaired. Now, it's your turn."

"She's okay..." Starlight told herself and let out a deep exhale. Chrysalis eyed her and got up with an angry yell. Starlight got up and followed after her. "What? What's wrong?"

Chrysalis turned around and forcefully grabbed Starlight by the shoulders. She then pushed her against the wall. "Why were Senate ships here?!"

"How should I know?!"

"Because Celestia doesn't trust me and EVERYONE is watching me! How do I know Celestia didn't send you to keep an eye on me?!"

"Why would she send me with you if she was just going to attack you?!" Starlight yelled back. "Why would she send me to my death?!" Chrysalis just breathed heavily. "Do you really not trust me?" She asked more softly.

The changeling let out a shuddered gasp and loosened her hold. "N-No, I, um..."

"Look... Anyone on the Senate has access to the Senate's fleet for support. Anybody could've sent them."

"If not Celestia, who?"

Starlight shrugged. "Maybe they were just supposed to keep an eye on you, and acted on their own. Can't really ask them now, can you?" Chrysalis hung her head and sighed as she placed her hands against the wall on either side of the mare's head. "You don't really think I'd conspire against you, do you?"

"I..." Chrysalis started as she looked up at her. "I believe you'd do whatever your princess asked of you."

Starlight smiled warmly. "Mostly whatever."

Chrysalis' breathing didn't lighten. Instead, she dove in for a kiss. Starlight grabbed Chrysalis' hips and pulled her closer as she kissed back. The mare spun them around and pinned Chrysalis against the wall before she broke the kiss. She then grabbed the bottom of Chrysalis' dress and pulled it up. The changeling helped and then tossed it aside. Starlight pulled off her own top before she dove back in for a kiss. The two hugged each other and moaned lovingly.

Krystal and Celestia were seated on the couch in the rec room when the fox's tablet beeped. She held it up and sighed. "Chrysalis and Starlight are both fine. Love, Jenny."

Celestia exhaled deeply and hung her head. "Good."

Both Chrysalis and Starlight lay on the floor naked, back-to-chest, with the changeling hugging the mare tightly as Chrysalis breathed heavily on Starlight’s ear. There was a beep from the console as the queen let out a sigh. She used her magic to hit the button.

"Chryssie?" She heard Jenny ask. "Chryssie? Where are you?"

"Off-camera, Jenny!"

"Oh, okay! I fixed the wing and your hyperdrive. Abby said she's going back home. I'll... see you back at base?"

"Yeah!" Chrysalis called over. "I have to thank you properly!"

The robot giggled. "Can't wait!"

Chrysalis kissed Starlight's neck. "You know you're going to have to... pretend to hate me when we get back. And we can't be seen together."

Starlight nodded. "I'll tell Celestia I joined you to monitor your actions. She'll probably give me some speech about how dangerous it was to go with you, given our history, and blah blah blah... And I'll probably have to... start banging her to keep her calm. She's getting pretty riled up with your presence."

Chrysalis chuckled and rubbed her belly. "Do what you gotta do, Glim-Glam."

"Glim-Glam. Haven't heard that in a while."

XV. Relaxation

Chrysalis landed her ship in the hangar to see Jenny was already back. In fact, she could see the robot talking with Celestia, who wore her regal white-and-gold dress that showed off a lot of cleavage, gold wrist cuffs, lace thigh high white stockings with garter belt, and black open-toe high heels.

She looked over as the changeling turned off her engines. "Here we go," Chrysalis sighed as she and Starlight got up. "Come on."

She then left the cockpit with Starlight close behind and the two exited out the back ramp. When their eyes met Celestia's, the changeling eyed Starlight. The mare sighed and left the changeling, making her way over to the alicorn. Chrysalis crossed her arms and watched. Celestia put her arm around the unicorn and shot the changeling a hateful look before leading Starlight out of the hangar.

"Wow..." Jenny said as she walked over to her. "She does hate you."

"Thanks, Jenny."

The robot went wide-eyed when she realized what she said. "I-I didn't mean..."

"For helping us."

"Oh... Right.” Jenny chuckled in relief. “You're welcome.”

“I still owe you thanks.”

“Oh, that’s not necessary.” Jenny rubbed the back of her head as the red light emitters in her cheeks turned on. “Although…”

Starlight brought Celestia back to the princess’ room. “It wasn’t that bad, I promise.”

“But… You’re sure she didn’t try to hurt you?”

Starlight shook her head. “She made zero attempts to stack or rape me.” She then brought Celestia over to the desk chair and sat her down. “Maybe she’s changed.”

“Someone like that doesn’t change.” Starlight raised an eyebrow as the princess sighed. “You know what I mean.”

“I think…” Starlight began as she chuckled around behind the alicorn. “…that you need to relax,” she cooed, gripping the white mare’s shoulders and massaging them. “She’s got you really tensed up. I don’t think a simple shoulder massage is gonna cut it, Your Highness.”

“What do you mean?”

Starlight leaned forward and slid her hands lower. “I’m thinking… you need the royal treatment,” she cooed as her fingertips touched Celestia’s breasts.

The alicorn gasped. “No!” She yelled as she sent out a small magic shockwave that knocked Starlight back against the wall. As the unicorn fell to the floor, Celestia stood up and spun around. “I won’t fall for your tricks, changel…” She stopped suddenly when she saw a trickle of red blood rub down the mare’s head. Her eyes went wide and she quickly rushed to kneel beside her friend. “Starlight, I…”

The purple mare felt her head with her palm and chuckled. “Helping you relax is more dangerous than a space battle.”

“I’m so sorry, I…”

“It’s okay,” Starlight smiled as she put two fingers to the alicorn’s lips. “I should’ve expected you’d react that way, given the circumstances.”

Celestia to a deep breath and word her tears away. “Were… Were you trying to…”

“Massage your boobs? Yeah. Among other things.”


“Shh… Just let me help you relax. Okay? Please, sit back down so I can continue.” Celestia hesitated and eyed the unicorn’s head. “I’m fine, Celestia. Now, sit down.”

The alicorn nodded. “A-Alright, I… I trust you.”

She stood up and helped the unicorn to her feet. She then went to sit back down as Straight rubbed her forehead. She went to stand behind the princess again and placed her hands back on the shoulders.

Starlight then slid her hands lower again. This time, Celestia let out a soft gasp when she fell fingers on her breasts.

Jenny fell backwards on Chrysalis’ bed, her head landing on the pillow. The changeling dropped on top of her before the two kissed. The robot let out a moan before she broke the kiss.

“Can I be on top?”

Chrysalis smirked lightly and shrugged. “Why not?”

Starlight reached up to grip the princess' lace stocking and slowly pulled it down. When it was almost off, Celestia lifted her foot to let the unicorn pull it off. Starlight set it aside and leaned in to kiss the leg. Celestia gripped her own tits with a moan, before Starlight gave light licks to the bare skin. She slid her left hand under the knee and her right to the princess’ ankle. She continued kissing as she lifted the white foot off her lap and brought it to her face, where she kissed all over the top and slowly dragged her tongue over the sole.

Chrysalis kissed down Jenny’s body when suddenly a beeping sound came from Jenny as her eyes turned red. "Huh?" The robot asked, her eyes returning to normal as she raised the index finger to her ear "Yes? What's wrong? Got it." She lowered her arm and slid off the bed. "Gotta go!"

"What's wrong?" Chrysalis asked as she sat up.

Jenny began putting her metal coverings back on. "One of my planets is under attack by the Voltuur. They're such a pain." Once her top was on, she stepped into her metal boots and they clamped onto her legs.

"I'll help," Chrysalis said as she floated her dress over to her.

"What? No, you just had a big, epic space battle."

"It was far from big or epic," Chrysalis said before she slipped her dress on. "Besides, so were you. And you helped me, so..."

Jenny smiled. "Thanks."

Celestia moaned loudly. "Oh, yes!" She then sighed heavily. "Wow. That was amazing."

Starlight smiled and licked her lips. "Mmm..."

Celestia looked down at her before she had a thoughtful look. "Thinking clearly now... I have a solution to my problem."


"Yes. My Solar Cannon."

Starlight went wide-eyed. "What? You said you wouldn't make that!"

"I did. I thought I needed a back-up weapon. Just in case. Turns out, I was right."

"But... I-It's too dangerous! Have you even tested it yet?"

"I have that covered." Suddenly, there was a beeping sound coming from her desk computer. She sighed and turned in her chair to face her desk as her computer slid out. She hit the Answer button and saw Krystal. "Krystal. What can I do for you?"

The fox eyed the alicorn's breasts. From her angle, she wouldn't be able to see the nipples. "Am I catching you at a bad time?"

Celestia looked down and blushed. "Um... No?"

"Uh-huh. We're having a meeting regarding what happened with those rogue Senate ships."

"I'll be right there."

Krystal nodded and eyed the breasts again with a blush before she hung up. The computer slid into the desk again as Celestia stood up. As she started to get dressed, Starlight stood up, too.

"A-About the Cannon..."

"I'm still a princess and leader of the Solar Empire," the alicorn said in a serious tone as she eyed Starlight. "If I feel we have the need for the Cannon... then we have need for the Cannon."

Starlight stayed silent before she rushed to get dressed. When Celestia was dressed, she quickly left the room. Starlight pulled on her boot as she hopped on one leg out of the room. Once Celestia was out of view, Starlight took off running back to her own room. She sat down at her desk, took out her computer, and found Chrysalis in the directory. Hitting it, she waited for the changeling to answer. After a few seconds, she quickly got up.

"Shit." She then ran out of her room, down the hall, and into the hangar just as Chrysalis' and Jenny's ships flew off. "Shit! Shit!"

XVI. Robots & Ravens

Chrysalis’ and Jenny’s ships left hyperspace in front of a planet that had a bunch of neon lights emitting from the buildings. It looked like there were cities down there. Chrysalis stared at it before she heard Jenny’s voice.

“Alright, keep comms open,” Jenny said. “See them?”

Chrysalis noticed a small fleet of jet black fighter ships heading down to the planet while a larger one stayed in orbit. “They’re being attacked down there. Can’t you close your borders?”

“That only works for members of the Senate, like you and me,” Jenny explained. “Because there’s no physical borders to close. It just prevents you from trespassing so you don’t anger a fellow member.”

Chrysalis groaned. “Of course. The honor system. So, think we can do this?”

“The Voltuur are good and will fight to the death. Never attempt to take one prisoner. It won’t work.”

“Got it. Should one of us go down there while the other deals with the ships up here?”

“I say we take out that big one together. Then we split up.”

“Alright.” Chrysalis took a closer look at the ship in the distance. “Big. Long. Looks like it has turrets on the top and bottom.”

“Two sets on the top and bottom,” Jenny corrected. “One on the left side, one on the right. We can either take them out one by one…”

“Or target the power sources on the top and bottom? The ones right in the middle of the cannons?”

“Yeah. That.”

Chrysalis sighed deeply. She expected resistance when she set out on her quest, but not this soon and not from a non-pony. “So tell me about the Voltuur while we still have time to talk.”

“They’re birds. Like how Celestia’s a pony?”

“I get it.”

“I believe their leader is a vulture, hence the name. Their home world is a volcanic planet named Vex and they’re a proud warrior race. They wear very little, making them very agile. Good space battle-ers, but even better hand-to-hand. And they hate the Senate.”

A smirk spread across Chrysalis’ face. “You don’t say.”

They suddenly came into range of the enemy ship’s firing range as the turrets began attacking. Chrysalis pulled up while Jenny went low. “Aim for the generators!” Jenny yelled.

Chrysalis rolled to the side to avoid fire before she twirled around and dove downwards at the ship. She opened fire with a yell before she spun off to the side as a barrage of laser fire shot passed her. “This may take a while! Are you sure your friends down below are okay?!”

“They sure won’t be if this ship remains!” Jenny then let out a shriek.

“Jenny?” Chrysalis asked as she spun around and pulled up, more laser fire shooting passed her.

“I’m okay. Just a nick. Close one, though.”

“I can’t see well enough to aim with all the lasers going off.” Chrysalis then looked at the ship again. “Jenny? I may be a while. Head down below and save your friends.”

“What about you?”

“I have an idea.”

“O-Okay, Chryssie,” Jenny muttered, before Chrysalis watched her ship head towards the planet. “Be careful.”

“You, too, Jenny.”

The robot girl flew down through the stratosphere and entered the planet’s airspace. She was directly above one of the larger cities on the planet and she could see both Voltuur fighter ships flying around as well as Voltuur warriors on the ground.

“This could get dangerous.”

She flew after one of the fighters and shot at it. The ship exploded before the others in the area all turned and fired at her. Jenny yelled and pulled to the side, narrowly avoiding the attack before she had to pull up to avoid hitting a building.

“Is that you, Jenny?” Came a female’s voice in her ear.

“Polly?” Jenny asked. “Are you okay?”

Down in the city, a robot girl resembling Jenny ran through the streets as an avian warrior chased her. Polly wore a pink dress, instead of the metal coverings Jenny had, and had long pink hair made out of a synthetic fiber that made it glow and move like real hair. Her eyes were also pink and she wore pink boots.

“I’m being chased!” Polly yelled at Jenny, before she turned her hand into a gun and fired behind her. The chasing avian rolled under the attack and stood back up as she continued her pursuit. “And this one’s agile!”

“I can see you on my radar,” Jenny said as a laser blast shot past her. “I’ll try and find some place to land! Just stay alive until then.” She then looked up, wondering how Chrysalis was doing.

Chrysalis managed to shoot two turrets before she had to pull away. She felt her ship shake as a laser blast hit her. "Dammit!" She flew around the ship and went below it and fired at it, only stopping when the enemy's laser fire was about to hit her. She then veered off to the right and sped away from the large ship. "This is taking way too long," she muttered, before she looked down at the planet, wondering how Jenny was doing.

Krystal watched, on her computer screen, a small icon that represented Chrysalis' ship flying around a larger, longer dot that represented the enemy battleship. She was too focused on what was happening, she wasn't paying attention to the meeting. "Ma'am?" Sally asked, getting the fox's attention. "Are you okay?"

"Yes, Sally," Krystal said with a light smile as she interlocked her fingers. "So, none of you asked for the Senate ships to attack Chrysalis?" Celestia, Luna, Ruby, Jaune, and Sally all shook their heads. Krystal then let out a sigh. "Either someone's lying, or our military is acting on their own."

"I admit, he may seem a little extreme but he's all about the rules as we are," Celestia pointed out.

"I hope you're right."

"Is it possible the pilots acted on their own?" Ruby asked.

"If that's the case," Krystal began. "we'll never know."

Celestia glanced over at the empty seat. "Where's Jenny, anyways?"

The blue fox sighed. "She's busy defending one of her larger colonies. Chrysalis is helping her."

"Wha..." Celestia began.

Krystal crossed her arm. "Is there a problem?"

Celestia shook her head. "No. Not a problem at all. But is it possible that Chrysalis is helping out to make us believe she's good? So we let our guard down?"

"Or maybe she's trying so hard to prove she's good because you put her on the spot the second she showed up."

Celestia opened her mouth to say something before Luna put a hand on her shoulder. She then clasped her hand together and rested her elbows on the table. "Apologies. Please, continue."

Jenny shot down another enemy ship before she looked at her radar. Polly was close but still a ways away. Jenny flew under a walkway between two buildings and then over what appeared to be a museum. She fired a rocket at another enemy ship and blew it up. "I'm coming, Polly. I'm coming, everyone."

Chrysalis had her ship facing the enemy battleship, trying to figure out her next move. She leaned back in her chair with a sigh, before she eyed her horn. She then looked left and right as she tried to judge the size of her ship. "Okay..." she muttered to herself as her horn lit up.

She then charged forward at full speed. When she was in range, the enemy ship began firing at her. The changeling let out a strained yell as she put a magical shield in front of her. She felt every hit of laser fire and it made it hard to keep the shield up. She closed one eye and groaned as she fired at the lower generator. After a few seconds, her attacks hit and the device exploded. All the lower turrets stopped firing as Chrysalis came to a stop.

Now that it was safe underneath, Chrysalis dropped her shield before holding her head with both hands. “Shit!” She yelled as her head throbbed uncontrollably. She never had to put up a shield that big and the strain was too much.

Polly ran into a hotel and bee-lined it to the staircase. Being a robot, she knew she had more stamina than her pursuing avian, and was hoping the bird’s energy would dissipate. When she arrived at the stairs, she bolted up them as the Voltuur behind her took two steps at a time.

Jenny noticed Polly’s signal was now going in a circle. She looked ahead to see the hotel and realized what was happening. She rolled to the side to avoid more enemy fire as she flew by the hotel. She turned her ship and circled around a skyscraper, taking out the enemy craft as she looped back around.

Polly burst through the door onto the roof and ran to the edge of the building. The Voltuur chasing her slowed down and started walking towards her prey.

“End of the line,” the bird cooed. “Unless you have rockets in those feet.”

Polly shrugged. “Not rockets, but…” The bird looked up as laser fire pummeled her into a bloody mess. Polly looked up as Jenny’s ship flew by. “Thanks, Jenny!”

Chrysalis took deep breaths and looked up. “Fine.”

She then rolled forwards ninety-degrees and flew forwards. When she was quite the distance away, she turned around to face the bottom of the ship. She took off again, unleashing everything she had; lasers, rockets; even a few of her own magic bolts. As the barrage of attacks rocked the bottom of the ship, she noticed chunks breaking off. Just when she felt like victory was hers, a big fighter ship took off from the battleship. Various escape pods also took off but left the area entirely.

“Oh, shit. Big boss is coming.”

She turned away and went full sped to try and get some distance between her and the fighter. However, she was stopped short when laser fire took off the right side of her ship.

“Shit!” She yelled.

She heard beeping from her radar, telling her there was an attack incoming. She let out a growl and turned her dress on. After getting up from her seat, she flew out of the hole and into space just as rockets blew her vessel up. She looked around and spotted the ship closing in on her. She narrowed her eyes and got ready as her nails grew.

When the ship was about to hit her, she covered herself in a shield. The force of the impact pushed her backwards, causing her to grunt. Just before the shield collapsed, she rolled to the side and dig her claws into the side of the ship.

As the ship flew around, trying to find her, she crawled her way up to the cockpit window. The bird inside looked up at her in surprise and rolled the ship. Chrysalis held on for dear life and grunted with effort.

“This is for my ship, you bitch,” Chrysalis hissed before she dug her claws in the glass.

The window cracked and shattered, the driver quickly running out of air and freezing. Chrysalis let go as the ship came to a stop. She sighed and stared at it, knowing that hyperspace travel in it would be impossible without a windshield. The force alone would crush you.


Jenny shot another ship down as she noticed a couple others taking off for space. “Did we win?” She then tried her comms. “Chryssie?” She asked, getting static.

She went into her ships systems and looked at the Senate list. The ship Chrysalis was using appeared as offline. “Oh, no no no no no…” she whimpered as she looked out her cockpit.

Her robo friends seemed to be rejoicing, which told her the enemy had left. “Polly? What’s going on down there?”

“The enemy is leaving! I guess you took out enough of their ships!”

“Or Chrysalis took out the… Oh, no.”

“Who’s Chrysalis?” Polly asked.

“Someone who helped me. A friend. I gotta go check on her!” Without waiting for a response, she took off back to space. When she entered space, she flew toward where the large battleship was. Both the front and back halves were slowly floating apart. She then spotted Chrysalis floating with her arms crossed, staring at the enemy's fighter ship. "Chryssie?" She flew over to the changeling and pulled up next to her. She then opened the outside airlock.

Chrysalis looked over at her and noticed the ship's airlock door open. She got the hint and fluttered her wings as she flew over to it. Once inside, she closed the outer airlock door so the air inside could pressurize. The inner door soon opened and Chrysalis was greeted by the pilot.

"You can breathe in space?" Jenny asked in amazement.

Chrysalis turned the heat in her dress off and wiped sweat from her forehead. "I can keep air in my lungs for up to ten hours. The dress helps with the cold. Now... can you fix that?" She asked, pointing at the enemy ship with her thumb.

"What's wrong with it?"

"I broke the windshield to kill the pilot."



"We're not... working on glass right now. I could have them put some other stuff on hold, so..."

"No need. I'll just... fly it as is."

"But... the pressure of hyperspace could kill you. Or it'd take years to get back."

"I should manage if I can keep a forcefield around myself. I may pass out by the time I get back, but... I can make it."

"You sure? Because, I could..."

"I'm sure," Chrysalis interrupted. "Don't change your plans on my account. You saved me and I helped you. We're even."

"You saved me on that ice planet," Jenny pointed out as she crossed her arms. "I owe you."

"You brought me to the Senate, so we're even," Chrysalis said with a smirk as she crossed her arms, too.

"Where the one who hates you the most resides?"

Chrysalis smiled. "I'll make it work. Now, you go see to your colony down there and I'll meet you back at base."

"Alright," Jenny said. "Be careful."

"You, too," Chrysalis said, before she hit the button to close the inner door as the air depressurized.

Chrysalis turned on her dress again before the outer door opened. She flew out and made her way over to the fighter ship. Slipping in through the broken window, she pulled the pilot out and let the bird float away before she sat in the pilot's seat. The ship seemed to be in working order.

"Alright... From memory," she muttered, manually entering the coordinates of the Senate into her computer. She lit up her horn and cast a protective shield around herself as she placed her hand on the lever that controlled the hyperdrive. "I hope this is the right one," she said, before she pushed it forward.

The stars around her began to stretch before she was shot forward towards her destination. The force of hyper speed pummeled her shield and she gritted her teeth as she strained to keep it up. She eyed the star map on screen and saw that she was getting closer and closer. Parts of the ship fell off as loose objects in the cockpit bounced around. The queen's horn flickered as she began to lose focus.

"Come on!" She yelled. "Just a little more."

The ship shook as she closed her eyes. The shield began to flicker more, so she only made a half-shield that protected her front from the G-force but left her back exposed. Her breathing became more strained as she felt the magic failing. Just as she was about to let go, the ship left hyperspace and she found herself in Senate space. She could even see the station off to her left.

"There... Made it..." she muttered, before her shield disappeared and she fell to the floor.

Her vision began to fade as the world around her went black. The last thing she heard was herself exhaling.