• Published 11th Aug 2023
  • 361 Views, 6 Comments

Conquest Among The Stars: Season One - Pinkamena666

Chrysalis stumbles upon a robot named XJ92 or, as the bot prefers, Jenny. Jenny then introduces Chrysalis to the Galactic Council to help make the changeling's life easier. However, it only sets everyone down a path towards a devastating finale.

  • ...

V - Hope

Author's Note:

CONTENT WARNING: Sexual dialogue, experiences, and birthing but no EXPLICIT descriptions.

XXI. The First One

6 Years Ago

Starlight wandered through the forest as she looked around for any signs of changeling activity. "I could've sworn I tracked them to this forest. But, where are they?"

She continued on until she heard a twig snap to her left. She whipped around as she was suddenly jumped by a black figure before she was knocked out. When she came to, she was on her back on a bed with the changeling queen above her. The queen's eyes were locked on hers as both of them were completely naked.

"Hey, I'm sure we can talk about th..."

"Shut up," Chrysalis interrupted. “You have a lot of nerve coming here, Pony.”

“It’s Starlight Glimmer. Pleased to meet…”

Chrysalis put her left hand over the unicorn’s mouth. “What did I say about talking? Now, using your fingers… tell me how many others are with you.” Starlight quickly shook her head. “No, you won’t say?” The mare held up a zero with her right hand. “None? I find that hard to believe seeing how Celestia has been trying to wipe us out for years. I bet she sent you in as a spy. Seems she doesn’t really care for your safety.” Her eyes then wandered down the mare’s naked body. “But worry not, little one. I’ll take good care of you.”

Starlight went wide-eyed and mumbled something. Chrysalis sighed and removed her hand. “I-I’m, uh… I’m still a virgin.”

Chrysalis smirked. “Oh, how delicious. I do love breaking in new toys.”

Starlight awoke on the bed and sat up with a groan. She rubbed her head and looked over at Chrysalis, who was sitting on the edge. "You let me live?"

The changeling looked over her shoulder. "No. You... let you live."

The unicorn stared at her before she understood what happened. "Oh... Well, I can explain."

"I'm sure you can." Chrysalis turned around and got on all fours, facing the mare. She seemed both angry and confused. "Every one I've fucked has been drained. Everyone but you. That can only mean one thing."

Starlight laid back down. "I know. I gave you love."


"You needed it." Chrysalis hung her head as she stared at the bed sheet. Starlight watched her before she also got on all fours. "You're not the monster you appear to be."

"I appear monstrous?" Chrysalis asked as she looked up at the mare. "I am monstrous."

"No, you're not. And here's proof that you don't need to steal love to live."

The changeling scoffed as the unicorn crawled closer. "I do wish everyone thought the way you do, Starlight Glimmer. But history has proven that my kind will never be accepted."

Starlight crawled up to her to look her directly in the eyes. "Maybe I could convince them?"

"You shouldn't get involved with me. Now, I came inside you so you'll get pregnant. After you lay the eggs... you should leave and never come back."

"What if I wanted to come back?"

Chrysalis growled and backed away before she got off the bed and stood up. "You're trying to trick me to lower my guard. It won't work!"

Starlight crawled after her and knelt on the edge of the bed. "But, they need to know you're okay. You should come with me."

"Absolutely out of the question."

"Then let me visit you. Alone. And you can breed me all you want."

Chrysalis let out a low hiss. "Fine. It doesn't sound like I'd be able to stop you, anyways."

Starlight smiled and jumped to her feet before she hugged the changeling tightly. "I knew you wanted me."

The changeling sighed deeply. “I can already tell I’m gonna regret this.”

“Oh, don’t be such a downer,” Starlight cooed as she pulled back. “After all, who knows? Maybe this could lead to you and your changelings not having to hide anymore.”

Chrysalis’ eyes narrowed. “There will never be sanctuary for us in Equestria as long as Celestia is alive.”

Starlight placed a hand on the queen’s cheek. “Nothing’s impossible.”

Present Day

Chrysalis sat in her ship as she held a hand to her cheek. A slow sigh escaped her lips as she lowered her hand to the ship’s computer. She brought up the map of the surrounding star systems to check on her hive’s progress. They were quickly making up lost time as they already scouted twenty unoccupied systems far away from the Senate. Resources were pouring in like crazy and she had already ordered more bases to be built.

She leaned back in her chair and thought about Starlight. It’s been three days since Celestia showed her the Solar Cannon and three days since she’s seen Starlight. She knew it was for the best since Celestia couldn’t find out that one of her best was willingly impregnated. She also knew that it wouldn’t be much longer before the ones she impregnated started showing signs.

Four days ago, Weiss, Blake, and Yang were impregnated. The next day was Starlight, Krystal, and Ruby. She’d need to do some expert coordinating to avoid Celestia finding out. She brought up the Senate members and found Beacon Of Light. The only ships out right now were from Team JNPR. She let out another sigh and radioed for Pyrrha Nikos.

After a few seconds, she got a response. “Hey, Chrysalis? Is this the changeling I’ve heard so much about?”

“Yes, uh, Pyrrha? I was just wondering if you were returning to the Senate any time soon.”

“Not particularly, why?”

Chrysalis let out a light groan. “Well… I need to contact Ruby for an urgent and private matter. And I’m also preoccupied.”

“I see. No one told you about the Senate’s comm system?”

“What do you mean?”

“All communications are on a private line. Just call the Senate and ask to be directed to whatever room you want to call. For example, Ruby’s room.”

“Oh. And you’re sure it’s private?”

“Of course. Must be some secret.”

Chrysalis smiled. “You have no idea. I appreciate the info.”

“Anytime. And I hope we can meet in person some day.”

“Yeah. Maybe. Well, I… guess we’ll talk later.”

“Have a good one.”

When the line went dead, Chrysalis called the Senate. The screen displayed a large list of rooms. She had to scroll until she found one that read Ruby Rose’s Room. She tapped it and sat back, waiting for a response. After what felt like a minute or two, the call was answered.

“Chrysalis?” Ruby asked, wearing her pajamas.

“Hey, Rube.”

“How’s it… Wait. Rube? You gave me a nickname?”

Chrysalis shrugged. “Why not?”

“Cool. Royalty has bequeathed unto me… a nickname.” The changeling rolled her eyes. “So what’s up?”

“How’s your belly?”

“My belly? Oh, you mean… Because of the… Well I’ve started to notice a little bump.”

“Okay, I need you and your friends to hang out on my planet while your belly gets big and you lay the eggs. If Celestia is fully aware you’re all pregnant…”

“Say no more. I’ve actually wanted to meet the other changelings. I’ll let the other three know.”

“Thank you, Ruby.”

“Anything for you, my queen,” Ruby said dramatically as she bowed, her forehead hitting her desk hard. “Ow!”

Chrysalis smiled. “Good night, Ruby.”

The human rubbed her forehead with a light blush. “Night.”

When the call ended, Chrysalis leaned back in her chair and stared out into space. She was currently in one of her newly acquired star systems. In front of her was a rather green planet and her drones were hard at work constructing a base in its orbit. She then heard her comms beeping. It was a video call from Equestria.

When she answered, she saw Dorsa. “Hello, mother,” Dorsa greeted with a smile.

Chrysalis smiled back. “Dorsa, my sweet. What can mommy do for you?”

“I was just wondering how your conquering was going. When you came here last, you had that fox with you. And she seemed… willing?”

The queen sighed. “Honestly, I’m not sure if I’ll need to conquer anyone. Aside from Celestia, everyone I’ve met has been pretty open to doing it with a changeling.”

“Is that so? Maybe I need to get up there and join you.”

“I’m actually bringing a few over to you soon to give birth.”

“Oh, you already impregnated a few?”

“Six, so far.”

“Eighteen more sisters,” Dorsa cooed. “I can’t wait.”

“Yes, I just need to get them away from Celestia before she notices. If she finds out Starlight is not only pregnant but became pregnant willingly… she will go to war with me.”

“What if you lied? Say you took advantage of her?”

“I doubt saying I raped her will yield better results.”

“Rape or betrayal. Not good options.”

“Not god at all.”

“Well, I gotta go. We think we found a way to open that door we found.”

“And I plan on getting some sleep.”

“Say hi to Abby for me.”

“Will do, Dorsa.”

She then hung up.

Starlight entered her room at the castle before there was almost immediate knock at the door. She turned around and opened it to see Celestia standing there, looking worried.

“Are you okay?” She asked. “What happened?”

“Nothing happened. I just… went looking for the changelings, but… found nothing. So I hung around a nearby town to see if I find out anything.”

“And, did you?”

Starlight shook her head. “Dead end. As usual.”

Celestia nodded. “I see. Well… as long as you’re safe, that’s all that matters. Good night, Starlight.”

Starlight smiled. “Good night, Celestia.”

When the princess left, Starlight closed the door and made her way over to the bathroom to get ready for bed. Once cleaned up and in her underwear, she crawled into bed and drifted off to sleep. In her dream, she thought back to her last encounter with Chrysalis.

She had just pushed out the last egg and sat up on the bed. One of the drones carried the egg off to put it with the others. “Will I get to meet them?”

Chrysalis sat down beside her. “Maybe. I suppose that depends on the princesses. But, you should head home now. Before they send out a search party.”

Starlight sighed and leaned against the changeling. “Gimme an hour. I just pushed out three eggs, after all.”

Chrysalis gave a small hint of a smile. “Very well… Starlight.”

When Starlight left the cave, she looked back at it and wished she could stay a little longer. When she turned around, she stopped suddenly when she saw Luna standing there.

“Dreaming about the Queen, are we?” She asked, looking at the cave. “So this is where she’s been hiding.”

“N-No, you can’t!” Starlight pleaded. “Y-You can’t tell Celestia!”

“I must,” Luna said as she lit up her horn.

“No!” Starlight yelled, before she sat up in her bed. She quickly threw the covers off and ran to her door, only to find it locked. “No no NO!!!”

“Do not bother, Starlight,” the princess’ voice came from behind. Starlight turned around to see Luna standing by her bed. “This is still a dream.” Luna looked around the room before she sat down on the bed. “I remember this day. Six years ago. The day I told my sister what I saw in your dream.”

“You betrayed me.”

“As I thought back then, you betrayed us.”

“And what do you think now?”

“I think we all made mistakes.”

“You let her believe I told you willingly.”



Luna stayed silent for a few seconds before she let out a soft sigh. “I had hoped that, should she escape again… she would no longer wish to see you.”

“She came to space for us. For me!”

“As I said: a mistake.”

“So what does this mean? Are you going to Celestia again?”

“Why? Because you are pregnant again?” Luna asked, getting a gasp from the unicorn. “You should really watch what you dream about. But… I already made the mistake of betraying your trust and privacy once. I have no intention of repeating the past. So, no. I will not tell my sister.”

Starlight exhaled with relief. “Oh, thank you so so much, I…”

“But… I must stress how important it is that you tread with extreme caution. If my sister gets the idea that history is repeating itself, even I will not be able to stop her.”

“I understand.”

Luna nodded. “I will do what I can to keep her mind off it, but it will not be easy.”

“I appreciate it.”

“Of course. Sleep well, Starlight.”

The princess snapped her fingers and she vanished in a flash. Now, laying naked on the bed, was Chrysalis. Starlight smiled and began to undress.

XXII. Secrecy

Chrysalis looked out of her cockpit window to see Ruby’s ship shoot off into hyperspace. “There they go.”

“So far, so good,” Ruby said as she dropped into the co-pilot’s seat. “Now, it’s gonna look like we’re lightyears away.”

“Not a bad plan,” Yang said before Chrysalis shot off into hyperspace towards her home. “I just wish we didn’t have to lie to the princess. She’s done a lot for us.”

“And if she finds out I’m trying to expand, she’ll go crazy and probably kill all my children.”

“Will we know which ones came from us?” Weiss asked.

“I’ll know,” Chrysalis replied. “But there is a way you might, too.”

“What is it?”

“The magic of the individual laying the eggs determines the color of the eyes,” Chrysalis explained. “Ruby’s color seems to be red, so her children will have red eyes. I’m not really sure about Krystal, though. Probably default to light blue.”

“So, what do we do when we get there?” Blake asked.

“Mingle, I guess. Feel free to help out with anything. We just need time for you all to lay the eggs.”

“I don’t mind helping out,” Yang said as she stretched her arms. “After all, you helped all of us.”

Chrysalis smiled and eyed her computer. “Almost there.”

Celestia pulled her ship up to a larger black fighter ship, her airlock latching onto the other ship's airlock. Once the connection was made, Celestia got up from her seat and headed over to the airlock chamber to board. When the doors opened, she was met by a Mobian echidna wearing black armor and a black helmet with glowing blue eyes.

"I need to speak with Shade."

The echidna eyed her before he nodded and walked away. Celestia followed him onto the bridge where a female echidna was sitting in the pilot's seat. She sat sideways and was eating an apple, her legs dangling over the left armrest. The male echidna leading Celestia brought her over before he walked away. The female echidna eyed her visitor.

"Princess Celestia of the Equestrian Protection Alliance. As I said before, we will not be a part of your Senate's fleet."

"I know. I just have a favor to ask. In exchange, I will give you a large amount of resources."

Shade hesitated in thought as she took a bite of her apple. "Interesting," she said with a mouthful before swallowing. "What's the favor?"

"If I remember, your suit has stealth capabilities?"

"It can render me invisible, yes. You need infiltration? Or someone spied on?"

"Both, actually."

Shade took another bite of her apple.

Chrysalis set her ship down before she got up. "We're here," she said. "And in a few hours I should go grab Krystal and Starlight."

She then left the ship with the others following. Ruby looked around in awe, as did everyone else. Just like Krystal, they probably weren’t used to so much nudity. Chrysalis was approached by Dorsa, who gave her a wide smile.

“So, these are your baby mamas?” The changeling asked as she approached the visitors.

“Yes, this is Ruby, Weiss, Blake, and Yang,” Chrysalis said as she turned to face the humans.

“Who’s who?”

“Simple. They filled me in on the ride over. Just think Red, White, Black, and Yellow.”

Dorsa looked at each human and noted the color of their clothes. “Ah. Makes sense.”

“So, uh…” Yang began. “Anything we can help with?”

“You’d like to… help?” Dorsa asked. “I thought we’d just let you rest while we all… pampered you.”

“I wouldn’t be against being pampered,” Weiss said with a smile. Blake slowly leaned in to whisper in her ear. Weiss’ eyes went wide, before she shrugged. “Still. I’m okay with that.”

“Well I need something to do,” Yang said as she pounded her fists together.

Ruby nodded. “Me, too.”

Dorsa looked at the fourth. “Blake? Pamper? Or work?”

The cat-eared female thought for a moment. “Hmmm… Could I just… relax? Maybe read a book?”

“The castle does have a library.”

“Alright,” Chrysalis said with a smile. “Let’s get started.”

Weiss was resting on her back on a beach chair by a lake, in underwear only, while a few changelings massaged her shoulders, feet, and hips. “Oh, this feels amazing. I hope I’m not taking advantage of you all.”

“Are you kidding?” A drone asked. “You’re helping repopulate our species. It’s the least we could do.”

Least you could do, riiiiiight,” Weiss said as if in a trance as her eyes wandered down the changeling’s body to her crotch. “Hmm…”

Yang punched a rock wall as hard as she could, causing large cracks to form before the wall crumbled. Embedded deep in the rock were a ton of iron and copper. “There. Mined.”

“Not bad,” Ruby said with a smile before she held out her scythe. “Let's see what Crescent Rose can do.”

She then twirled it a few times before holding it with both hands and slamming the pointy part into a rock wall. A long crack shot out from the point of impact and moved horizontally for about ten feet. The wall then crumbled along the crack, creating a long horizontal hole in which there were tons of minerals and ores.

Mined,” Ruby said with a smile as changelings quickly set up wooden pillars near them to keep the ceiling from collapsing.

Blake laid on her back, fully clothed and reading a book in the Canterlot Castle library. As she turned the page, she noticed a drone sitting on the couch across from her, just watching.

“Oh, don’t mind me,” the drone said with a smile. “I’m just here in case you need anything.” The drone then looked around before she got up and walked over to a bookshelf.

Blake watched her pick out a book and head back to her couch. The drone then laid down on her belly and began reading. Blake went back to her own book and continued reading.

Yang punched another spot on the mine wall, causing more rock to fall. The drones had preemptively set up additional pillars to avoid a cave-in.

Weiss reached out to gently rub the hips off the changeling to her right, who was currently massaging her hip. “You all… wouldn’t mind if we…” She started to ask with a blush.

The changelings knew what she wanted and a smile spread across their faces.

Ruby converted her scythe into its gun mode and fired at three other spots, knocking more rock away to expose the minerals underneath.

Blake looked over at the changeling reading. “So, uh… What are you reading about?”

The changeling looked over at her. “It’s called The Cat’s Journey. It’s about a kitty that gets lost and goes on this adventure to get back home.”

“Oh. Sounds cute.”

“I like cats.”

Blake couldn’t help but feel like the changeling may be talking about her, even if she wasn’t. “Is that so?” She then blushed a little. “You know, I’m… part cat.”

The drone smiled. “I noticed. The ears kinda gave it away.”

Blake smiled and looked down at her book. Her eyes then went to the changeling’s naked body. “I-If you want… we could…”

The changeling closed her book.

Ruby and Yang leaned against a wall, covered in sweat as one of the mining drones walked up to them. “Excellent job, you two,” she said with a smile. “Easily sped us up by a day or two.”

“Always happy to help,” Yang said with a thumbs up.

“There a shower around here?” Ruby asked as she wiped sweat from her forehead.

“The lake,” the drone replied. “Exit the mine, take a right. Can’t miss it.”

As Ruby and Yang left the mine, they took a right and saw a sign pointing down a park through the trees that read Lake. They followed it down to a large body of water where there were a lot of changelings bathing.

“Must be the place,” Ruby said as she went over to a truck and started to undress.

Yang did the same as she looked out at the lake. “I bet we could have some fun with a few of ‘em. What do you think?”

Ruby pulled off her shirt and looked out at the water. “Well, seeing as how that’s food to them, I don’t see why not.”

Yang smiled and quickly finished undressing before she jumped into the lake near a group of three changelings. “Alright! Who’s hungry?!”

Ruby smiled and jumped in after her.

Chrysalis made her way over to the landing pads where she noticed a ship entering the atmosphere. It was blue, like Krystal’s ship. The changeling queen narrowed her eyes as she tried to see through the cockpit. When it landed, a ramp came down on the side before Starlight came running out, followed by Krystal. Chrysalis went wide-eyed as the two approached her.

“I was… just coming to get you,” Chrysalis said. “How’d you…” She was interrupted when Starlight threw her arms around her and hugged her tightly.

Krystal smiled as she watched. “Ruby called us. Said she was calling from a mine on the planet and told us the plan.”

“Plan?” Chrysalis asked as she hugged the unicorn.

“I told Applejack that I was borrowing Starlight and then Jenny took my flagship while we switched over to one of my scout ships.”

“I hope this all works,” Chrysalis said as Starlight slowly pulled away.

“Can we…” Starlight began as she wiped her eyes. “go somewhere?”

Chrysalis smiled and put an arm around her. “Dorsa?!” She called out. Moments later, the changeling drone ran up to her. “Please assist Krystal with anything she needs.”

“Of course, mother,” Dorsa replied. She then walked over to the fox while her mom and the unicorn left. “Krystal. Welcome back. I heard about what you did last time you were here. Kissed every drone up in the station. Showed Anna a good time.”

Krystal chuckled. “Yeah, Chrysalis and I had a lot of fun on the planet, too.”

“Yeah, I was busy and didn’t get to join that orgy you had when you first showed up.”

Krystal smiled and pulled her close, the changeling’s chest slapping hers as the fox rested her hand on the changeling’s lower back. “We could go right now. Your mother did say anything.”

Dorsa smiled. “As it is my job, I cannot decline.”

Ruby and Yang were relaxing naked in the lake, cooling off after the wild sex they just had, when Blake showed up with a changeling beside her.

“There you are,” the cat-eared female said as she looked at the changeling. “This is Coral.”

“Hiya, Coral,” Ruby greeted with a wave. “Gonna join us? Water’s great.”

Blake smiled and went over to where she saw her friends’ clothes and began to disrobe. As she did, Weiss got up from her chair and stretched before she walked around the lake to join her friends.

“Quite the show, you two,” Weiss commented.

“Hey, Weiss,” Ruby smiled. “Already naked? Were you having fun, too?”

“I was being massaged. Then that led to a fivesome. Is fivesome a word?”

Blake chuckled as she squatted by the water’s edge. “I think after four it becomes an orgy.” She then looked down at the water and just stared at it, her own reflection staring back at her.

Weiss sat down on the edge of the lake next to her cat friend. “Need help?”

“I’m not scared of the water,” Blake said quickly.

“I didn’t say that,” Weiss muttered.

Blake looked around at her friends and her eyes fell on Yang’s abs and muscular arms. She never saw her friend as anything more than a friend. But being here with all these changelings… She blushed and looked away when she saw Yang smirking at her.

“See something you like, Blake?” Yang asked teasingly.

“No, I was just… admiring your, uh…”

“My amazing breasts?” Yang asked.

“No, your… abs. And arms.”

“Oh,” Yang muttered. A grin then spread across her lips. “If you come in, I’ll let you feel them,” she cooed, running her hand over her abs.

Blake blushed hard and looked at the water again. She then got on all fours and slowly reached out to touch the water. On contact, she pulled her hand away. Weiss rolled her eyes and grabbed her friend’s arm.

“That’s cute and all but we don’t have all day.”

She then pulled Blake into the water with a splash. The cat girl began to flail sound wildly, spitting up water.

“Blake, put your feet down!” Weiss yelled as she grabbed the woman by the waist.

Blake did as told and immediately felt the bottom of the lake. Her flailing speed and she stood up, the water going up to her belly. “Oh.”

Ruby giggled as Yang smiled. “Hey, you’re in,” the yellow-haired female pointed out before she motioned for her friend to come over. “Come here.”

Blake looked over and blushed again before she slowly made Her way through the water over to where Yang was. Once there, she moved to blondie’s right side and placed her hand on Yang’s right arm.

“Wow, you are quite muscular,” Blake muttered.

Yang smiled. "If you like that, feel my abs."

Blake smiled lightly and moved her hand to her friend's abs and ran her fingers along the bumps. "So strong."

Yang pulled her into a really tight hug, their bodies pressing together. Blake went wide-eyed and quickly grabbed blondie's shoulders. "Wanna wrestle?"

Blake chuckled nervously. "No, I'm... I'm sure you would win."

Yang smiled and leaned in. "I was being metaphorical," she whispered into the cat girl's cat ear.

Blake blushed even more. "O-Oh! Um... Right here? Right now?" Yang pulled back to look her in the eyes. "But Ruby and Weiss are right th..."

Blake was cut off when Yang pulled her into a kiss. Ruby watched them with a smile as Weiss leaned back and closed her eyes, simply enjoying the water and the heat of the sun.

Chrysalis and Starlight entered the unicorn's old room at Canterlot Castle. Starlight looked around the room, realizing nothing had changed. There were a couple kites up on the wall and few action figures on a shelf along with horror and adventure books. The unicorn looked at the opposite wall and saw her old posters.

"Everything's still here."

Chrysalis smiled. "I used to come in here often and just... sit on the bed. Think about things. Eventually, it became too much and I had to stop."

Starlight turned to face her. "You... cared that much? About me?"

"You... were the first, Starlight. The first one who ever... cared about me. Even after everything I did."

The unicorn slowly walked over to her. "Do you... love me?"

Chrysalis stared at her and said nothing. However, after a few seconds, tears began to fill her eyes. Starlight started to tear up, too, before the two dove in for a kiss.

Chrysalis fell back on the bed as Starlight crawled atop her, both now completely naked. The unicorn leaned in and kissed the changeling's neck. Chrysalis moaned while she gripped the bed sheets. Starlight kissed the queen's neck a few more times before she pulled back.

"Do you think it'd be possible for... me to impregnate you?"

Chrysalis sighed. "You know as well as I do that... that spell only creates fake sperm."

"What if it's from someone with powerful magic? Like me?"

"Magic does play a big part, but... the sperm would disappear before it could impregnate me."

"What if I altered the spell?" Starlight asked with a smile. "Made it so that the fake sperm lasted longer?"

Chrysalis smiled back. "Starlight? It takes about a week for non-changeling sperm to fertilize the egg. There’s no way the spell would last that long.”

Starlight sighed and rested her cheek on the queen’s left shoulder. Chrysalis gently rubbed her head. “It’s not fair.”

“Don’t feel too bad. You’ll be giving birth to your own eggs soon.”

“I know.”

Chrysalis smiled. "But don’t let that stop you from trying.”

Starlight picked her head up and smiled. “Oh, I know what you want.”

As Ruby watched Blake and Yang engage in intercourse, she slowly slid her hand under the water. When she started to moan, Weiss eyed her.

“Are you seriously masturbating to your sister?”

“No!” Ruby yelled, holding her hands up. “I wasn’t doing anything of the sort.”

Weiss sighed and blushed as she moved behind her friend. “You’re supposed to have someone else do that.”

After their exhillerating sexual experience, Chrysalis and Starlight slowly slumped down to their knees. Chrysalis leaned against the wall and breathed softly while Starlight leaned against her.

“That was amazing,” the mare whispered.

Chrysalis smiled and looked over her shoulder. “It sure was. But don’t tell me you’re all done already.”

Starlight chuckled. “Just need to catch my breath. Then you can screw me.”

“Good. Because I would like to make every second here count.”

Starlight kissed the back of the queen’s shoulder. “So would I.”

XXIII. Birth

4 Days Later

Chrysalis entered a room of the castle that used to be Celestia’s bedroom. Over the last four days she had it converted into a comfortable breeding room for her friends. She figured they’d prefer to give birth in a nice room rather than a cave. Waiting inside for her was Blake, naked and with a big belly.

“Ready?” Chrysalis asked.

“Will this hurt? I heard giving birth hurts.”

Chrysalis smiled. “Pushing out a living, moving creature is one thing. Laying an egg is different. For instance, look at your belly. There’s three eggs in there. How big could one possibly be?”

“Oh yeah,” Blake said with relief as she looked down at her belly.

“Check on them in a couple days and they’ll be much bigger. But when they first come out, they’re small.” She then held her hand out to the bed. “Please. Get comfortable.”

“How should I…”

“It doesn’t matter. On your back. On all fours. As long as you can push the eggs out.”

“I get it,” Blake said with a smile as she crawled onto the bed and flipped onto her back. She spread her legs and rested her arms up by her head.

Chrysalis smiled as she reached down and slid a basket, with a soft pillow inside, that was on the floor closer to where she was. “Do you feel the eggs moving?”

Blake nodded. “Yes.”

“Good. Now, push.”

Blake let out a grunt as she worked on pushing out the first egg. To her surprise and relief it came out rather easily. She even let out a cute moan when it did. Chrysalis gently caught it with both hands before she set the egg in the basket. They repeated the routine for the last two before Blake sighed heavily and felt her normal-sized belly. When she sat up, Chrysalis held up the basket.

“To think, these three came out of you.”

Blake smiled. “Can’t wait to see them hatch.”

“Mmm… The cat that laid an egg.” Blake blushed before Chrysalis set the basket down. “How’s your baby hole?”

“A little sore," Blake chuckled lightly. "Like I just had sex with a well-endowed man.”

Chrysalis nodded and placed her hands on the woman’s thighs. “A changeling’s saliva can help soothe most aches and pains.” She then leaned in to demonstrate, making Blake moan out and grip the bed sheets.

Once dressed, Blake joined her friends inside the castle's library. Upon her arrival, the other three humans, as well as Krystal, all got up from the couches and ran over to ask her about the experience. Starlight smiled and stayed seated.

"What was it like?" Ruby asked. "Starlight wouldn't tell us anything."

"It wasn't bad at all," Blake said with a light smile. "It did feel weird when the egg started making its way out, and after the third one I was a little sore. But Chrysalis made it better, so... I wouldn't mind doing it again."

Starlight chuckled, getting their attention. "There you have it. Personally, I enjoy the feeling. Plus the knowledge that I'm helping rebuild a species that's been on the brink of extinction almost as long as they've been around."

"Why were they so hated?" Yang asked. "They seem... really sweet."

"I agree," Weiss said as she crossed her arms.

"Well..." Starlight began. "It pretty much came down to the leaders; Chrysalis and Celestia. They refused to see eye-to-eye and get along, so it led to war. Things back then were... rough, but... they seem okay now. I just wish Celestia would just lighten up about it."

Krystal smiled. "So, are you two... a thing?"

Starlight blushed lightly and rubbed the back of her head. "Well, we... confessed our love for each other. But, we can't really call it being together as long as we have to hide from Celestia."

"Just run, then," Ruby smiled. "Take Chrysalis and her children and just run. Leave Celestia and the Senate behind."

"I can't do that, Ruby," the unicorn sighed. "My life is the Senate. And despite recent events, Celestia has always had my best interest at heart."

"Except when it comes to the one you love," Blake pointed out.

Starlight leaned her head back against the back of the couch. "We'll think of something."

"Alright, that's one down and three more eggs," Chrysalis said as she entered the room. "Tomorrow should be Yang and Krystal's turn."

Yang looked down and rubbed her belly. "Here that, little ones. You're next."

The changeling went over to sit beside Starlight, the mare shifting to lean her head against the changeling's shoulder. "Then Weiss and Ruby," Chrysalis continued. "Then, lastly..." She looked over at the unicorn. "Starlight."

The unicorn smiled up at her before the queen put her arm around the mare. The changeling's smile then faded. "Then you all have to head back."

The room fell silent before Ruby let out a soft chuckle. "We can always visit."

"No..." Starlight began. "Chrysalis is right to worry. Celestia has a weapon capable of destroying all life on a planet. If she feels everyone's taking Chrysalis' side over her..."

"She'll use that weapon here?" Blake asked, her cat ears drooping.

"We could stop her," Ruby said hopefully.

Chrysalis scoffed. "The only way to stop her at this point would be to kill her. Something I'd like to avoid."

"Why?" Yang asked, crossing her arms.

"Do I need a reason not to kill someone?"

"She seems to be doing nothing but making your life hell," Weiss pointed out.

"And, what would you all think of me... if I were to murder Celestia? What would Luna think?" She then looked at the unicorn still leaning against her. "Starlight?" The mare looked at her but said nothing. "Please, if any one of you can guarantee that absolutely nothing bad would happen from killing her... I'm all ears." No one said anything. "Yang? Krystal? You two should take it easy," she said as she got up, making Starlight sit upright. "Tomorrow is your turn." She then walked past the group and left the library.

Starlight hesitated before she, too, got up and ran after the queen. She quickly found her in the halls outside the library, heading for the royal chambers. "Chrysalis!" She called out as she ran after her, making the changeling stop. "Chrys." She slowed to a stop behind the queen. "What's really wrong?"

Chrysalis hesitated before she sighed heavily. "I'm afraid, Starlight. I'm afraid that... I'll have to kill her. And that when I do... you'll never look at me the same way again."

Starlight let out a silent gasp as the changeling walked away again. This time, she didn't follow.

Yang and Krystal both got up from the bed as Chrysalis picked up the basket with six eggs. "Well, I never had to do two at once before... and I think I almost dropped one... but, a victory nonetheless."

Yang and Krystal eyed each other before Krystal stepped forward. "About... yesterday."

"Don't," was all Chrysalis said before she left the room.

Yang stepped up to the fox. "Starlight did say it was best to drop it."

"I know. I'm just... worried. These changelings are wonderful. I don't want anything to happen to them."

Yang looked over at the bed. "You know, in hind sight, there was probably a better position for us to be in."

"Oh?" Asked Krystal. "What?"

"Well, like this," Yang said as she crawled onto the bed and got on all fours. "You'd be beneath me, right? That way Chrysalis could just focus on the one area rather than having to move back and forth between us."

Krystal walked up to the bed. "I see," she said as her eyes went to the woman's muscular body.

Yang noticed her looking and smiled. "You know, I've been with Blake, Chrysalis, and changelings... but not one with... fur."

Krystal looked at her own body and smiled. "You want to know what it's like to lay with someone furry?"

"I wouldn't be against it."

Weiss and Ruby disrobed as they looked at each other. "Shall we... try the position Yang suggested?" Ruby asked.

Weiss blushed. "Would make it easier for Chrysalis."

The changeling entered the room with the basket and closed the door. "Alright, you two. Positions." Yang climbed onto the bed and rested on her back while Ruby crawled atop her, both staring into each other's eyes with deep blushes. Chrysalis smiled and set the basket down. "That works."

After the birthing, Weiss and Ruby sat on the edge of the bed, still naked. "So..." Ruby began. "About what happened at the lake?"

"It was... just two friends helping each other out," Weiss quickly replied. "That's all."

"Right. Just like Blake and Yang."

Weiss eyed her. "Did you... like that?"

"O-Oh, yeah yeah. Of course. You?"

"Wasn't bad," Weiss muttered. "Wasn't bad at all."

Ruby patted her own knees and made popping sounds with her lips. "Wanna do it again?"


Chrysalis stood outside the birthing room and took a deep breath. When she was ready, she opened the door to find Starlight laying on the bed. Her head was on the pillow and her left leg was pulled back so the foot rested by her butt while her right leg was stretched all the way out. The mare smiled and pulled her right leg up before spreading her legs. Chrysalis smiled and entered before she closed the door. The changeling brought the basket onto the bed and set it down before she crawled up beside the unicorn.

"Ready?" She asked, gently rubbing Starlight's belly.

The unicorn nodded. "Of course. Just like old times, right?"

"Yeah. Just like old times."

Chrysalis leaned in to kiss the mare, the mare kissing back. Soon after, Chrysalis held her hand by the mare's crotch as the mare pushed out an egg with cute grunts. They kept the kiss going as Chrysalis gently gripped the egg and helped ease it out before she set it in the basket. They broke the kiss as a string of saliva connected their tongues.

"Nothing beats... giving birth while kissing you," Starlight cooed as she reached up and placed a hand on the changeling's cheek.

Chrysalis smiled and kissed her neck. "Two more to go."

"I'm ready."

Chrysalis then kissed her on the mouth again as the unicorn worked on pushing out the last two.

XXIV. No Other Choice

The next day, Chrysalis watched Ruby and her friends leave on their ship with a sigh. Krystal and Starlight stood by the fox's blue ship as Chrysalis walked over to them. "So... these past eleven days have been rather fun. But Celestia is probably worried about you."

Starlight nodded as Krystal patted the mare's shoulder. "I'll go warm the engines," Krystal said as she boarded the ship.

Starlight watched her leave before she looked at Chrysalis. "You know, we could always find a way to take out Celestia's weapon. Then, we could come clean and force her to see reason."

Chrysalis nodded. "I was thinking about that. But that would require a large fleet and I could lose a lot of my children in that fight."

"Isn't it better to lose some than all?"

"I'd rather not lose any."

Starlight nodded. "That would be possible in a perfect world. But things are far from perfect."

"I am well aware."

"Well..." Starlight muttered. "I should... probably head back... I'm sure Celestia's pacing back and forth wondering where I am."

Chrysalis smiled. "I'm sure she is."

She stepped up to the mare and gently kissed her on the lips. Starlight hugged her and kissed her back. The mare slowly pulled back and rested her forehead on the changeling's shoulder.

"I don't wanna leave."

Chrysalis rubbed the back of her head. "You have to. For now, anyways. We will find a way to make this work."

Starlight sniffled and nodded before she pulled away and rubbed her eyes. "I know we will." She quickly dove in for another tight hug before she backed up towards the ship. "I-If I don't leave now, I never will." She backed onto the ramp. "I love you."

Chrysalis smiled. "I love you, too, Starlight."

Starlight smiled and quickly ran into the ship. Chrysalis turned to leave but stopped. She felt like something was off. Why hadn't the ship's engines turned on yet? Krystal had enough time to turn them on by now. Chrysalis turned back towards the ship and waited. After about a minute, she made her way up the ramp and onto the ship. She saw the familiar hallway and the cockpit at the end. She couldn't see Krystal. She whipped around to go run for help before something hit her on the back of the head, her whole world going black.

Chrysalis let out a groan and, before trying to open her eyes, she tried to move. She couldn't move her arms. It seemed there was rope tied around her. When she tried to use her magic to remove it, it didn't work. She let out another groan and opened her eyes. The world was blurry but she knew exactly where she was; the bridge of the Solar Cannon. A black metal boot came down in front of her with a loud thud. She looked up to see a cream-colored Mobian echidna wearing black armor, leaving only her head visible. The echidna was looking down at her.

"Shade! You weren't supposed to attack Starlight and Krystal!" Celestia yelled from the front of the ship.

"They're alive, aren't they?" Shade asked coldly before she looked over at the alicorn. "I had to remove them in order to get Chrysalis. As for my payment?"

Celestia crossed her arms, but nodded. "You'll get it. Just... leave us for now."

Shade narrowed her eyes. "I will let you play with your prey." She then pointed threateningly at the princess. "But don't keep me waiting." She took one last look at Chrysalis before she walked out of the room.

Celestia sighed and rubbed her forehead. "That's what I get for doing business with Nocturnus."

"Celestia!" Chrysalis yelled. "What the hell is going on?! Are you crazy?"

"No, you irritating bug!" Celestia snapped. "Crazy, was letting you continue on for this long. We should've killed you long ago!"

Chrysalis gasped. "You bitch! I never wanted you dead!"

"Don't lie to me! You sucked the life out of everyone you fucked, leaving nothing left! You say that wasn't on purpose?!"

"We were hungry! Starving!"

Celestia scoffed. "Excuses. That's all I hear. Did you also rope my sister onto your side, along with everyone else?"

"Your sister?"

"Luna tried so hard to get me to stay back at the base. Said she wanted to go look for planets together. That part of your plan? To distract me while your new friends give birth to your spawn?!"

Chrysalis narrowed her eyes. "I never even spoke to your sister. I figured she hated me just as much as you do!"

"And, how did you manage to get Starlight on your side? After everything you did to us?"

"That, I can't explain. Even I was confused when she told me."

"Told you what? That she loves you?" Celestia groaned. "I refuse to worry about that. Because I plan on putting an end to all this foolishness."

"It's foolish to love?"

"IT'S FOOLISH TO LOVE YOU!" Celestia shouted. Chrysalis went wide-eyed and tried to hold back tears. "All I have to do is remove you from the equation and everything will go back to normal."

"What about Ruby, her friends, Krystal, Sally, and Jenny?! Everyone will be against you if you go through with this!"

"They'll get over it," Celestia replied coldly.

"Even if you kill me?! You think they'll just ignore that?! What about Luna? She might hate me but does she want me dead, too?!"

An evil smirk spread across Celestia's face. "Kill you? Oh, my stupid insect... I have no plans on killing you. If I simply kill you, you'll never learn. I plan on teaching you a lesson. Should you refuse to learn afterwards... then I'll kill you."

"A lesson?"

Celestia sighed in annoyance. "Look around. You know where we are! Even I don't believe you're that stupid! So stop insulting your intelligence!"

Chrysalis thought for a moment before she struggled to look out the window. Her heart stopped and her eyes went so wide they felt like they would pop out of their socket. In front of the large battleship was Equestria. "No, you bitch!"

"I warned you what would happen."

"They were already pregnant!"

"Then I was the fool for not acting sooner."

"How can you be so cold?! Those are my... my children!" She yelled, tears filling her eyes. "Starlight's children! How do you think she'll react when she hears you killed her children?!"

"Those bugs will only ever be your children, despite who pushed them into existence. Now charge the cannon!"

The silver mare at the firing controls slowly reached out and pushed a lever into the upright position. "W-Weapon's, uh... charging, ma'am!"

"Thank you, Silver."

"This is insane!" Chrysalis yelled. "You're insane!" She grunted frantically as she tried to free herself.

"Oh, don't bother struggling. Shade tied those ropes herself. And there's a ring on your horn to prevent you from using magic."

"NO!!!" Chrysalis screamed.

Silver eyed the changeling before looking at the readout. "Weapon's at... f-fifty percent."

The princess eyed her, noticing the mare's apprehension. "Thank you, Silver."

Chrysalis just lay there and cried. "Please, don't."

"Believe me, I didn't want this. But you left me no choice." Knowing that begging was pointless, Chrysalis gave up and just sobbed. Celestia turned from her to Silver, the mare giving her a nod. "Good. Fire."

Silver looked around the room at the rest of the crew, all eyes on her. She then looked over at Chrysalis. Celestia slowly made her way over to her, the silver mare returning her attention to the lever. When Celestia placed her hand on the mare's shoulder, Silver flinched.

"I-I'm sorry! I-I can't!"

Chrysalis looked up at her with a faint glimmer of hope. Celestia tilted her head. "You don't have to be afraid of me, Silver. If you can't do it, stand aside."

Silver sniffled and got up, quickly backing away. "I-I can't!"

Celestia nodded. "I understand." She then grabbed the lever and pulled it.

Chrysalis went wide-eyed as the cannon fired upon the planet. "NO!!!" She screamed. "I'LL KILL YOU!!!"

Silver sobbed, too, and ran out of the room, repeating I'm sorry over and over again. Celestia stared out the window as the green began to disappear from the planet, a sickening smile spreading across her face.