• Published 11th Aug 2023
  • 361 Views, 6 Comments

Conquest Among The Stars: Season One - Pinkamena666

Chrysalis stumbles upon a robot named XJ92 or, as the bot prefers, Jenny. Jenny then introduces Chrysalis to the Galactic Council to help make the changeling's life easier. However, it only sets everyone down a path towards a devastating finale.

  • ...

II - Senate

IX. New Arrival

Chrysalis stood at the top of the ramp as she and Celestia stared at each other. At Celestia's side were two humans, an anthropomorphic brown female chipmunk, brown male fox, and a blue female fox, as well as Luna and Starlight. The two humans eyed each other as the male leaned in close to the female.

"Uh, Ruby?" He asked. "What's going on?" He was wearing white and gold armor and had short yellow hair. The female, who was wearing a red dress, black corset and black boots with red laces, as well as thin thigh-high black stockings and a red hooded cape, simply shrugged.

Jenny stepped around Chrysalis and quickly made her way down the ramp and over to the blue fox. "Krystal," she greeted. "I didn't mean to cause any trouble by bringing her here. I didn't know..."

"It's fine, Jenny," the fox replied. She wore blue armor with gold edges that hugged her body tightly. "There's no way you could've known."

Celestia finally peeled her eyes away from the changeling to look at the fox. "We need to send her away before she causes trouble."

Krystal looked at her and left Jenny. She made her way past the alicorn and over to the ramp. "What's your name?"


"Chrysalis. Please follow Fox to your room"

"I have a room?"

"Every one of us gets a room at this station. And it shall remain yours as long as you're with us."

The brown fox, wearing a green jumpsuit, white jacket, military boots, and a red scarf stepped forward. "This way," he said simply, before he began walking. Chrysalis slowly headed down the ramp and followed the fox. When she passed Celestia, the two eyed each other before Fox led the changeling queen out of the room.

"Alright, everyone," Krystal announced. "Meeting. Now."

Fox brought Chrysalis to a vacant room. When the door slid open, Chrysalis stepped inside and looked around. There was a bathroom off to the immediate left. Past the bathroom in the back-left corner was a big bed. On the right was a desk with a built-in computer and a desk lamp. Next to that was a closet. Above the desk was a large TV facing the bed. Chrysalis looked over her shoulder at the fox just as the door slid shut.

"Nice crew," she muttered.

Celestia slammed her hands on the large oval table. "She has to leave, now!"

"What is the problem?" Krystal asked as she crossed her arms.

"She's evil!" Celestia exclaimed. "She and I were at war on our planet! We left her there for a reason! Hoping that, without us to feed on, she, and the rest of her kind, would die!"

"Feed?" Ruby asked. "She's a cannibal?"

"Changelings feed off love, right?" Jenny asked. "Like sex?"

"Love?" Jaune asked. "That's it?"

Celestia glared at him. "She took it," Celestia practically growled. "She would kidnap, rape, and drain them of their energy until nothing but a husk was left."

Krystal looked at the robot. "You spent time with her. Does that sound accurate?"

The robot rubbed the back of her head. "Um... She did mention rape."

"See?!" Celestia exclaimed. "Admission!"

Ruby crossed her arms. "Nothing's ever as simple as good and evil. Did anyone ever... give love willingly?"

Celestia sighed heavily. "It's not that simple. She attacked us first. We were always enemies."

Sally, the brown chipmunk wearing a white shirt, blue vest, white shorts, and blue boots, looked over at the blue alicorn. "You're pretty quiet."

Luna looked at her. "I have nothing more to say. My sister and I feel the same way."

Ruby looked around at everyone. "Perhaps we just... let her do her thing? And we keep an eye on her? Maybe she can actually help us."

"Help?!" Celestia scoffed. "I very much doubt it."

"Sounds like you're letting your hatred cloud your judgement," Krystal pointed out.

"I'm speaking with experience. That changeling can't be trusted."

Jenny shook her head. "I honestly don't care what anyone else thinks. She's got my support."

Celestia just stared at her in disbelief as Luna spoke up. "You can't be serious."

"I am."

Ruby eyed the robot and then the others. "She's got mine, too."

Jaune nodded. "If Ruby trusts her, so do I."

Sally looked at Krystal and shrugged. "Keep an eye on her?"

The blue fox nodded. "As long as she follows the rules, she'll be allowed to stay here. Should she break our rules... then we'll take action."

Celestia crossed her arms. "You should take action now before it's too late."

Krystal chuckled. "Maybe you're wrong about her. Maybe she's changed. Now, are we going to have to worry about you? Or can you be a team player?"

"Are you seriously questioning my loyalty?" Celestia gasped. "After all we've done for each other?"

Krystal shrugged. "I feel like I'll have to keep an eye on you now. Make sure you don't... illegally attack Chryalis and her crew."

Celestia grunted angrily and stormed towards the exit. "You'll all regret this!"

After she left, Luna sighed. "I apologize for my sister, but I feel the same way. Chrysalis cannot be trusted."

"As I said, we will watch her," Krystal said with a light smile. "If any of you need backup on missions, you should bring Chrysalis along. Having her tag along will let you watch and observe her actions."

"And it might even form a bond," Ruby pointed out. "If we befriend her, she may be less likely to try anything."

"So, we're all in an understanding?" Krystal asked, getting a nod from everyone, even Luna. "It's settled then. Meeting's adjourned."

Chrysalis fell on her back on her bed with a deep sigh. She then held her forehead with both hands and groaned loudly. She suddenly began stripping out of her dress before angrily throwing it against the far wall. There was a knock at the door as she laid back down, now only wearing green lace panties. "Come in!" She growled. The door slid open as the queen interlocked her fingers behind her head and stared up at the ceiling.

Jenny stepped in with a wave. Before she was able to say anything, she noticed the state of the queen and closed the door behind her. "Oh. Did you know it was me?"

"No," Chrysalis answered plainly.

The robot girl let out a nervous chuckle. "So... you two have a history, huh?"

"We were at war on our planet."

"I probably should've checked to see if you had any enemies before bringing you here."

"It's not your fault, Jenny," Chrysalis sighed.

Jenny turned to close and lock the door, before she made her way over to the bed. "So, we had a meeting about you."

"Oh? Whether or not to throw me back out?"

"Sort of. We all agreed to let you stay as long as you follow the rules. But they'll be watching you. Closely. Especially Luna. From the sound of things, myself, Ruby, and Jaune fully support you. Krystal and Sally are so-so. But Celestia and Luna hate your guts."

"Good to know."

There was suddenly a knock at the door, making Jenny jump a little. "Hey!" Called a friendly female voice. "It's Ruby! Can I come in?!"

Jenny looked over before she looked at the naked changeling. Chrysalis sighed and lit up her horn, floating her dress back over. She sat on the edge of the bed and slipped it back on as Jenny went to unlock the door. When it slid open, Ruby smiled widely.

"Oh! Jenny. You're here."

"I came to check on her."

"I'm sorta maybe here for the same thing," Ruby said as she entered. She stopped near the entrance and looked at the queen. "Wow. Um... If I may, I'd like to ask you something. To confirm something for me."

Chrysalis shrugged. "What?"

"I hear you feed off love," Ruby began as she moved closer. "That you would take it and leave behind a... shell."

"What's the question?"

Ruby took a few more steps closer, now only a couple feet away. "If someone gave it willingly, would it still drain them?"

Chrysalis sighed and slid her hands back on the bed as she leaned back a little. "If you were starved for food and someone denied sharing, you'd take everything they had, yes?"

Ruby shrugged. "Maybe. Possibly. Probably?"

Chrysalis smiled. "Same scenario... but they offered to share."

Ruby thought for a moment. "You'd only take what you needed and leave the rest?"

The changeling nodded. "There you go."

"But..." Ruby began as she closed the gap and sat beside the queen. "why attack in the first place?"

Chrysalis inhaled through her nose before he exhaled out her mouth. "Where I'm from, this..." she said, waving her hand in front of her face. "isn't normal. Evidently, it's scary. When we used to approach others, they'd scream and run. We then became starved and started to take. Things got worse and worse for us until, eventually, war."

"I see..." Ruby muttered. "Well, if it makes you feel any better... I think you're cool."


The human nodded. "Where I come from, I've seen a lot of scary. Sometimes... I never knew if I'd live long enough to see the next day. And I've seen a lot of people I care about die right in front of me. I don't feel any of that fear when I look at you."

Chrysalis nodded. "Well... I'm glad one of you isn't scared of me."

Ruby smiled, then blushed. "You know, I... Um... I might know a way we could... ease some of their worry."

"How so?"

"Well... if someone were to... do it... with you... and they survived to tell about it... that would truly confirm what I was saying."

A smirk slowly spread across Chrysalis' face. "You want to have sex with me?"

"For proof!" Ruby exclaimed as her eyes shot open and blush immediately filled her face. "To prove to the others."

The changeling chuckled as Jenny stepped forward. "I had sex with you."

Ruby looked over at her. "You? Really?"

"You're not flesh and blood, Jenny," Chrysalis pointed out. "I couldn't drain you, even if I wanted to." She returned her attention to the human. "Alright, Ruby. I never turn down sex, especially when the one asking is..." Her eyes went down to Ruby's waist and then ran up her body. "attractive."

Ruby rubbed the back of her neck before she looked at Jenny. "Could you... leave?"

"Oh, I've already seen her naked," Jenny smiled. Ruby raised her eyebrows. "Oh! Because you're getting... My bad," Jenny apologized as she backed up towards the door. "I'll just..." She held her hand near the hand scanner as a small cable shot out of her palm and plugged into a socket beneath the scanner. There was a beep and the door opened. Jenny gave them a wave before she quickly walked out of the room.

Ruby got up and walked over to the door as it slid shut. She pressed a switch beside the scanner, turning the scanner's blue light red as it locked the door. "Alright..." she said as she turned towards the changeling. "Here we go."

X. Confirming a Theory

Ruby undid her cape and set it down on the desk. She then undid her fingerless gauntlet gloves and pulled them off. Chrysalis just watched her from the bed. The human looked over as she undid her belt. "Are you gonna just... watch me, or... get undressed, too?"

Chrysalis chuckled. "I only have on a dress and panties."

"Oh..." Ruby muttered as she loosened the laces on her corset. She pulled it off and set it with the rest of her clothes on the desk before she sat down in the chair to undo the red laces on her boots.

"Why do you wear so much?" Chrysalis asked.

Ruby pulled off her right boot and set it down before loosening her left boot. "Because... it reflects my character," she said as she pulled her second boot off, setting it down with the first. The human then worked off her black stockings and placed them on top of her cape. She now only wore her red dress, with a low-cut top and short skirt, and probably panties. "There. Now, we're even,"

"That we are," Chrysalis nodded, before she reached under her dress and slid off her green lace panties. She lightly waved them at Ruby before she chucked them aside.

Ruby smiled and then bit her lip. She slowly reached under her red dress and worked down her red panties. She bent over to slide them down her legs and work them off her feet. She then kept her legs together as she sat upright. She also lightly waved her panties for the changeling to see before she set them down on her clothes.

Chrysalis used her magic to lift her dress up and off before folding it neatly. She then floated her dress over to the desk and set it beside Ruby's clothes. The human stared at the changeling's body as the queen placed her hands on her knees and spread her legs. "Your turn."

Celestia burst into her room and kicked over her chair with a frustrated yell, jer hair no longer flowing and hanging in a mess. Almost immediately, a purple unicorn came running in wearing an aquamarine crop top, dark purple skirt, purple-and-white stockings with black boots and dark purple jacket.

"What's wrong, princess?"

Celestia sighed heavily and forcefully gripped the edge of her desk. "Starlight. Remember Chrysalis?"

Starlight scoffed and crossed her arms. "Of course. How could I forget?"

The alicorn was shaking but she was trying her best to calm her heart rate. "She's... here."

Starlight went wide-eyed. "What? Here? On the base?"

Celestia nodded. "And the worst part?" She said as she looked over at the unicorn. "She's welcome. And has her own room. And their support!" She yelled as she grabbed the chair and flung it across the room. The sturdy chair bounced off the wall and fell on the bed. Starlight took a step back as Celestia exhaled deeply. She then ran her hands back through her hair to move it out of her face. Her eyes fell on the chair and then on the frightened unicorn. "Ah... I'm sorry," she said as she slowly walked over to the mare. "It's just..."

"I understand, Your Highness."

"Celestia," the princess said as she placed her hands on the mare's shoulders. She let out a shuddered breath and hung her head. "We can't let her... ruin... everything we've built. We came all this way to escape her and..."

Starlight reached up with both hands and gently gripped the alicorn's arms. She then moved her hands to the alicorn's waist before giving her a hug. Celestia hugged back tightly. "We'll get through this," Starlight whispered. "Just keep your cool. Twilight and the others really look up to you, you know? You can't be like this in front of them."

Celestia nodded. "I know."

Chrysalis stared up at the ceiling as Ruby stood by the desk, pulling on her right fingerless gauntlet glove and tightening the strap. "Hey," the human said. "I got an idea."


"You should meet my team. My sister's on it. I think you'll like them."

The changeling closed her eyes and sighed through her nose. "Alright. From the sound of things, I should probably start... mingling."

"Couldn't hurt. And we can tell everybody I had sex with you and lived." Ruby then blushed hard. "W-Well maybe not everyone, but... just the ones that matter."


Ruby led Chrysalis down a hall of doors with a larger door at the end. "The doors in the hall are our rooms," Ruby pointed out. "But we mostly spend our time in the rec room at the end of the hall. Every living section is laid out like this."

"I see."

Ruby opened the large door and brought Chrysalis inside. There was a woman with long yellow hair wearing a yellow tube top, black shorts, yellow knee-high socks and long brown boots. She was busy punching a punching bag near the back of the room. There was a ring of red couches in the center of the room with a large flat screen TV on the wall. On the left was a kitchen set up and on the right seemed to be a bathroom.

Sitting on the couch, reading a book, was a woman with long black hair wearing a white shirt with long white pants. She also appeared to have cat ears in addition to her human ears. In the kitchen was a woman with a long white ponytail and wearing a fancy white dress. At the moment, she was making a simple bowl of cereal.

They all stopped what they were doing when the door opened. "Hey, everyone," Ruby greeted with a wave before stepping aside and holding her arms out at the changeling. "Look who I brought. A new friend!"

"Wow," the cat-eared woman said.

Blondie turned away from the punching bag and wiped her forehead. "I've seen a lot of interesting species up here, not to mention the Grimm... but..."

"She's a changeling," Ruby explained. "Some of the others don't really trust her, but I do."

The black-haired female's cat ears drooped. "Why don't they trust her?"

"Well... one of the big things is that some think that she'll force sex upon you and drain you of your essence. Essentially leaving behind a husk. Which is NOT TRUE!"

The three all eyed each other before the fancy woman spoke. "How do you know, Ruby?"

"Well, Weiss, I..." Ruby began, before she stopped suddenly. Chrysalis crossed her arms, waiting for her to answer. Ruby cleared her throat and took a step forward. "Because I risked my life to test my theory... by having sex with her myself."

Blondie took a few steps closer and stopped at the ring of couches. She then gripped the back of the couch and leaned forward. "You two did it?"

"For proof!" Ruby exclaimed. "I had a theory that giving her love would feed her and keep me safe. The issue was she used to take love, which is where the whole husk thing came from." She then chuckled nervously. "That doesn't really make her seem safe, does it?"

The cat-eared woman went back to her book. "Honestly, we've dealt with worse," she said before she turned the page. "Remember Cinder?"

Ruby crossed her arms. "Of course I do, Blake. She almost killed Pyrrha, after all."

"Honestly?" Blondie said with a smile. "She looks a little scary, but... I'm not getting bad vibes from her."

"Forgive me if I don't jump for joy," Chrysalis said plainly.

"She's sure got an attitude," Weiss muttered aloud.

"Give her a break," Ruby called over to her. "She's had it rough, too."

"Well, I wouldn't mind having her around," the yellow-themed woman said as she crossed her arms on the back of the couch.

"Thanks, Yang."

"So..." Yang started with a smirk. "You two had sex, huh?"

Weiss groaned. "I don't want to hear this," she said as she grabbed her bowl of cereal and a carton of milk.

"Come on! We haven't had the time to try it out. And the only two men here are taken. How was it with another female?"

"Yang," Ruby said as she put her hands on her hips. "Dear, sweet sister of mine. It was great," she said dramatically as she looked partially upwards and to the right. "Especially when she grew a dong."

This seemed to get the attention of Weiss and Blake as they, as well as Yang, stared at them. "Wait..." Yang started. "She can... grow a dong?"

Blake looked back at Yang before looking at the changeling. “A real one?”

Chrysalis nodded.

“Can we see it?” Asked Yang.

“Okay,” Weiss said as she sat down at the kitchen table, facing away from the group in the hopes of eating her cereal in peace.

Chrysalis shrugged and made her way over to the couch. She sat down across from Blake and worked off her panties. “Are all humans this curious?”

“Probably,” Yang chuckled. “But we haven’t really had the time. We went from school, to battle, to space. Not much time for fun or relationships.”

“And the crew does seem predominantly female,” Chrysalis said as she set her panties aside. She then spread her legs and lit up her horn. “But..."

Yang tilted her head. "What? What's wrong?"

Chrysalis took a deep breath and sighed. "If... If I finish inside you... you'll get... pregnant."

Yang's smile faded a little. "With an alien baby?" She then looked frightened. "Will it hurt?! Could I die?!"

"No no," Chrysalis assured her. "Just... you'd end up giving birth to three eggs about the size of... Well, about the size of one of your tits. Inside would be... a baby changeling."

Yang thought for a moment. "That's how you repopulate?"

Chrysalis nodded. "Each one of my loads would make you give birth to three eggs. They'll increase in size over the course of two weeks, then they hatch. After about a month, the changeling would be fully grown."

"How long after you... you know... before I get a big belly?"

The changeling queen rubbed the human's hips. "Well... After sex, about... a week."

Yang smiled. "Is this why you... stole love before?"

Chrysalis nodded hesitantly. "Mmm... My kind don't last long without love. I've had to... bury... so many."

Weiss stopped mid-chew and looked over at the group. Yang let out a silent gasp and looked over at Ruby, who also appeared saddened by this knowledge. Even Blake's cat ears were drooped. "Well..." Yang began. "I... wouldn't mind... trying."

Chrysalis stared at her. "Yang, I..." she began, but got cut off when the human dove in for a kiss.

Blake watched them and smiled lightly. "I wouldn't mind a turn."

Yang broke the kiss to look at her friend as Chrysalis froze.

"I wouldn't mind it, either," Ruby said. "Though, I can wait until another time. I'm just... throwing it out there."

Weiss averted her eyes as she thought. She turned and went back to her cereal.

Starlight entered the rec room belonging to herself and her crew. Twilight, Rarity, and Fluttershy were reading on the couch, Applejack and Rainbow Dash were at the punching bag, and Pinkie was baking a cake in the kitchen. Starlight walked over to the center of the ring of couches and cleared her throat loudly. Everyone stopped what they were doing and looked at her.

"So..." Starlight began. "Chrysalis is here."

Chrysalis entered Team RWBY's bathroom and closed the door, now back in her dress. She then gripped the sink and let out shuddered breaths as she kept herself from crying. She exhaled deeply and sniffled. Looking up, she stared at herself in the mirror. She didn't expect to find help this soon and this easily. Was it this easy the whole time? Was all the conflict back home completely and utterly unnecessary? Were all the burials avoidable? Chrysalis let out a soft whimper and put a hand to her mouth. She sniffled again and cleared her throat. Once she composed herself, she left the bathroom. Everyone else was dressed as well and Weiss was putting her bowl in the sink to dry. Ruby walked over to her and smiled.

"So, we have a mission that we were wondering if you'd like to help with," the human said with a smile.

Chrysalis nodded. "Alright. It's the least I could do, after what your friends did. And... you."

Ruby chuckled. "The least you could do is nothing at all. But we'd love your help."

XII. Remnants of Dust

Ruby landed her team's red fighter ship in a large desolate wasteland. Chrysalis walked up to the cockpit window and looked out. "Where are we?" The changeling asked as she looked around.

Ruby turned the engines off before she stood up. "Remnant," she said. "Our home. After years of Grimm attacks."

"Right. Grimm," Chrysalis muttered as she followed Ruby to the back exit ramp where the others were waiting. "You mentioned that the most common type is... a Beowolf?"

"Yeah, they're scary and they're dangerous," Ruby said as she hit the button to lower the ramp. She then went to pick up a large scythe that was resting against the wall. "But they're no much for this baby!"

Yang punched her fists together, now wearing a large, golden gauntlet on each hand. "Let's get going."

Weiss checked her rapier and Blake gripped her sword as they all left the ship. Nearby was a rectangular metal building. The wind howled and made it hard to hear anything else. As they made their way across the open land, they kept their eyes on the surrounding area, as well as the sky.

"That building leads to an underground Dust mine!" Ruby yelled. "We need to gather all we can! Dust is extremely powerful stuff!"

"That's quite an oversimplification!" Weiss yelled in response. "Just remember, no negative emotions! We don't want to attract any more Grimm than what may already be down there!"

They made it to the building with no problem and entered. Inside was wide open with drilling equipment and a ramp leading down into the mine. The four humans got their weapons ready while Chrysalis lit up her horn. They then made their way down into the Dust mine, the only source of light coming from strange crystals that gave off their own light.

Chrysalis eyed Blake and moved closer to her. "So... what are you?" She asked, getting the woman's attention. "You seem human, but..."

"The cat ears?" Blake asked. "I'm a faunus. It's a species on this planet that are humans with animal parts. Some have ears, tails, scales, et cetera. They were pretty much looked down upon by everyone. Outcasts."

The changeling nodded. "I know the feeling."

Blake gave a light smile. "Yeah, you do."

After walking for what felt like an hour, they finally found themselves in the main part of the mine where they could clearly see Dust in the walls. Also here were a few beowolves. The team ducked behind large rocks and got their weapons ready.

"I count eight," Ruby whispered.

"Remember, no ranged attacks," Weiss told their newbie.

Chrysalis nodded and lit up her horn. "I have alternatives."

"Alright..." Blake said as she unsheathed her sword and gripped both it and her sheathe tightly. "Let's go."

They all ran out from cover and charged at the Grimm. The monsters immediately spotted the females and roared before charging. One lunged at Ruby, and she slid under it, swiping at it with her scythe. She managed to cut it in half as another tackled her. Before it could bite her, Yang kicked it off her and helped her sister up.

"Seven left," Yang said as she held up her fits.

She and Ruby rejoined the battle as Chrysalis dodged a swipe and punched the wolf hard across the face. Blake leaped over a wolf and knocked its hand away with the scabbard and then swiped at it with her sword. When she landed behind it, she sheathed her sword, creating a greatsword, and swung at the wolf. The creature was knocked back and then vaporized.

Weiss spun to the side a beowulf tried to bite her. It swiped a few times and Weiss used her semblance to create a platform beneath her and slide backwards. She then did a backflip, created a vertical platform in the air, and kicked off of it. As she flew at the wolf, she held her rapier out in front of her and impaled the monster in the face.

Ruby swiped at a wolf, but it ducked and uppercut her in the face. Ruby flew backwards as Blake used the ribbon hanging off the back of her sword as a lasso and wrapped it around the wolf's arm. It roared at her as Yang jumped in front of it and punched it across the face a few times before kicking it backwards. Weiss then landed on it and impaled it in the chest.

"Four more!" Ruby called out as she held up her scythe to block an attack.

Chrysalis used her shield to protect herself against two attacking beowolves, before she made the shield burst. The force knocked the two back as she lunged at one and clawed it in the face. She slashed at it a few times before kicking it aside. The other one tackled her and she let out a growl. Holding her hand to the creature's head, she looked up at the ceiling. No Dust up there. Good. She then fired a magic bolt that tore through the wolf's head, killing it and creating a small dent in the ceiling. A couple chunks of rocks fell down as Ruby killed another wolf.

"Careful, Chryssie!" Ruby called out as the changeling stood up.

"I am!" Chrysalis called back as she leaped at the other wolf and knocked it to the ground. She then fired another magic blast at its head, this time killing it and hitting the ground.

The last wolf lunged at the changeling, but Weiss slid in its way and used its momentum to impale it on her rapier. It dissolved upon death before Weiss sheathed her weapon. She turned to Chrysalis and gave her a light smile.

"That's all of them," Ruby said as she looked around.

Weiss' eyes went to Chrysalis' crotch before she went to investigate the Dust. As she left the changeling, she started to feel hot again and wiped her forehead. Yang went over to Chrysalis and let out a sigh as she stretched her arms over her head.

"Pretty easy, right?" She asked.

"Not much of a challenge."

"Yeah, beowolves are chumps. Maybe, if you keep helping us, you'll see the really bad ones."

"Maybe," Chrysalis said as she watched Ruby pull out a bag and join Weiss as they gathered up whatever Dust they could. "They seemed to be attracted to me."

"The Grimm?" Yang asked as she put a hand on her hip. "Maybe it's your magic."

Chrysalis thought to herself that maybe it was due to her negative feelings. Sure, she was enjoying herself and she liked her new friends, but she couldn't help but think about how she may have been able to save her hive sooner if she had tried harder. "Yeah. My magic."

After gathering up the Dust, the group made their way back outside and back to the ship. Ruby carried the Dust on board, followed by Blake and Yang. Weiss hung back with Chrysalis at the base of the ramp and waited until Blake was far enough away.

"Hey?" Weiss said as she eyed the changeling.

Chrysalis eyed her back. "Yes, Weiss?"

"Could I... maybe..." Weiss began as she blushed. "I-I was just wondering if... I could come... visit you? Later? In your room?"

The changeling smirked. "I'll leave my door unlocked."

Weiss smiled lightly and made her way on board. Chrysalis watched her leave before she sighed. She looked in the distance to see an approaching horde of beowolves. She knew they could sense her negativity and quickly boarded the ship. Once on, she hit the button to close the ramp.

Back at the Senate, Ruby docked the ship and her crew left the ship. As they were leaving the hangar, Luna walked in. The group stopped as Chrysalis sighed heavily. "You all go," she said as she crossed her arms. "I got this." Ruby and the other three eyed the alicorn before they all waved bye and left.

Luna waited for them to leave before she returned her attention to the changeling. "So... you are helping out?"

"Figured I'd lend my assistance, yes."

"We had sex, by the way!" Ruby called out from down the hallway, before she ran off to catch up with the others.

Luna looked back at her before she looked at Chrysalis again. "Really? Already starting to spread your hive?"

"Their idea. But, most importantly, they're all healthy."

Luna sighed deeply and nodded. "I cannot argue that. Just watch yourself."

Chrysalis forced a smile. "You, too." She then walked around the blue alicorn, making her way back to her room.

Luna watched her leave before going on her own way.

Later that day, Chrysalis lay in bed naked and stared up at the ceiling. She had the covers pulled up over her chest and was feeling nice and comfortable while she thought about everything. She had come all this way and was prepared to take what she wanted by force. However, much to her surprise, she found four who seemed willing to help out on their own. Was this all worth it?

She was pulled from her thoughts when there was a knock on her door. "Come in!" She called.

The door slid open as Weiss entered, wearing fancy pajamas. She noticed Chrysalis' dress on the desk and then looked over at the changeling in bed, watching her. "Hello," Weiss greeted with a wave.


"I'm sure you know why I'm here."

"You want what Blake and Yang experienced."

Weiss nodded. "And, technically, Ruby, but... I'd like to help, too," she said as she disrobed.

"You're amazing," Weiss sighed as the two rested in the afterglow of sex.

Chrysalis smiled and rolled onto her back. "Going to spend the night?"

"I... I think I'd like that."

"What about your friends? Wouldn't they wonder where you were?"

"They'll give me a hard time, for sure, but... they're still my friends and they'd be more happy that I... actually enjoyed myself."

"Sounds like you have some pretty amazing friends."

"You met them. You know I do."

Chrysalis chuckled softly. "I never had that."

"You have it now."

"Yes, I do. Now, we should probably get some sleep."

Weiss smiled and moved closer to rest her head on the changeling's shoulder. Chrysalis put her right arm around her and hugged her tightly. "Good night, Chrysalis."

"Good night, Weiss."

To Be Continued…