• Published 30th Apr 2022
  • 1,570 Views, 25 Comments

The dragon breather of Equestria - Jayelms43

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Chapter 7

Working out at the royal guards gym, and first Time summoning.

(James POV)

I woke up with a start, I looked down and saw Scootaloo landing on top of me sleeping soundly. "God damn it kid, if you are this cute while sleeping. I hate to deal with you and the other girls if you use the puppy dog eyes on me," I thought before shaking her awake.

"Come on Scoot, it's time to wake up, " I said softly while noticing that Fluttershy and Amara were already awake and probably already at the dining hall.

Scootaloo rubbed her eyes while yawning. "I'm up, good morning dad," she said, making me stop in my step to the bathroom.

"Wait what did you say Scoot," I said while looking at her with surprise and shock. Scootaloo was now wide awake and looked worried and scared.

"I'm sorry James I don't mean to say th-" Scoot didn't get to finish before I hugged her and said.

"No I don't mind being your father, I just got confused. But if you don't mind me asking what happened to your parents?" I said while sitting her on my lap.

She was quiet for a moment before saying. "My father died trying to save me and my mom. As for my mom," she said, looking away at the part of her mother.

I noticed and hugged her tightly and said. "Don't worry about scoot because I'm here and I will keep you safe for the rest of your life. Or until I find a way to give you immortality," I thought about the last part before looking at the store and finding something that would help. After a bright flash of light that blinded Scootaloo I was now holding two necklaces.

One was white with a black gem in the middle on a silver chain, while the other one was black with a white gem in the middle on a black chain.

(Like this)

"Wow, what are those dad?" Scootaloo asked with stray eyes.

I laughed a little and said, "These my little princess are Ying and Yang necklaces, the white one is yours and the black one is mine," I said while putting on the white one around Scootaloo's neck.

"But what does it mean?, she asked me while looking cute.

"The white one is called Yang meaning light. You are my light Scoot and that black gem represents me as your dangerous father," I said before pointing at the black one.

"And this one is called Ying meaning darkness and the white gem represents you as my light in my heart my little Scootaloo," I said while looking at her with a warm smile, "I have never been a father nor ever have I ever had a girlfriend or wife. but I will do my best to protect her," I thought while hugging her while she was crying on my shoulder.

(3rd person pov)

After that James and Scootaloo went to the dining hall. But Scootaloo was riding on James' shoulders, smiling big and for the first time after meeting her friends was truly happy because now she has a father, a parent that loves her.

"What took you guys so long," Rainbow said with an annoyed glare at James.

"We were just talking RD," James said, before sitting Scootaloo next to him and Amara.

"Only my friends call me RD, not you," Rainbow said, glaring even harder at James.

"Rainbow stop glaring at my dad," Scootaloo said, shocking everyone.

"What do you mean Scootaloo?" Celestia said but what everyone didn't know was she was smiling big about Scootaloo having a new parent who would love and take care of her.

"When we woke up, I accidentally called him dad. But he didn't mind me calling him my dad," Scootaloo explained while smiling big.

Everyone was shocked but soon said that they were happy for Scootaloo and hope that James takes good care of her. Everyone was happy except for Rainbow Dash who had a neutral face but inside she was angry and jealous of James having Scootaloo her number one fan from her.

After that James asked celestia and Luna if he could use the royal guard gym to workout. They agreed but only if they could see how strong he really is.

After a moment they were at the royal guard gym. "Okay where are the weights at celestia," James said, while looking around.

Celestia showed James the weight and he started to put 50 pounds on the bar until there were 10 of them on each side being 500 pounds on the bar. Making both Amara and Fluttershy worried about him.

"Are you sure about thi-" Amara didn't get to finish before James started to lift the weights with ease and looked like he was in deep thought.

"I wonder how much Exp as Well as gold and silver I got?" Michael thought while looking through his inventory. And what he saw shocked him.


"Holy shit, I'm fucking rich now. How the hell did I-" he started before remembering he fought a demon dragon. "Oh right I fought a dragon probably had a bunch of gold and silver coins and other this……..WAIT A FUCKING MINUTE!!!" He yelled the last part in his head before looking through the things he has in his inventory.

Dragon sword lv.20
Strength: 100
Defense: 99
Speed: 90
Magic boost: 85
Fire manipulation lv. 18

Captain America Shield lv. 25
Strength: 200
Defense: 75
Speed: 50
Magic boost: 90

Red Hood costume lv. 30
Strength: 70
Defense: 150
Speed: 100
Magic boost: 92

Thor hammer lv. 35
Strength: 70
Defense: 40
Speed: 82
Magic boost: 65
Lighting manipulation lv. 15

Ice Spear lv. 40
Strength: 80
Defense: 75
Speed: 100
Magic boost: 50
Ice manipulation lv. 10

Earth Kami katana lv. 50
Strength: 80
Defense: 60
Speed: 150
Magic boost: 30
Earth manipulation lv. 20

Iron Man Suit Mark 50 lv. 35
Strength: 100
Defense: 200
Speed: 160
Magic boost: 34

After staring at the screen dumbly for a moment he shook his head and thought. "Okay, Okay. Let's just calm down," James thought, not noticing the stares.

“Uh dad? Are you ok?” Scootaloo asked him.

I blinked a few times before saying. "Y-yeah I'm alright. Just deep in thought," I said, as I heard both the Elements and princesses talking about me.

"Sister he is lifting 500 pounds worth of weight and doesn't seem tired," Luna whispered to celestia who nodded dumbly at the show of raw strength.

"Tch, I bet I can lift more than that," Rainbow said to which Applejack laughed and said.

"Sorry RD, but that's 500 pounds of weight that not even Big Mac could lift," Applejack whispered, making Rainbow glare at her.

“So? I can lift that much. Probably.” Rainbow said.

The others just rolled their eyes and I laughed. Scootaloo had a look of awe at her adopted father's strength. “So cool!” Scootaloo said, gaining a grin on her face.

I just chuckled and said. "If you think that cool check this out," I said, before throwing it up in the air and catching it with one finger above his head.

“Ok now he’s just showing off.” Rainbow said angrily.

"What? I can't show off in front of my daughter?" I asked, now tossing it in the air like it was nothing but a wooden stick.

Rainbow just grumbles angrily and turns away and her friends shake their heads at her attitude.

After that I went over to the target range. "So which one should I use first?" I question myself while Twilight was excited about seeing me using magic.

"I'm so excited to see what different type of magic he has," Twilight said, summoning pen and notebook.

"How about-" I said, before making my hands in the shape of a gun. "Fire dragon slayer magic: Fire Gatling gun," I said, as thousands of small fireballs shot out of my fingers hitting and burning the targets.

“Geez, overkill much?” Rainbow asked as the targets were reduced to ash in seconds.

I just rolled my eyes and said. "Yeah, whatever helps you not feel jealous," I said, but I didn't know that Rainbow Anger was so big that it could get someone killed.

(Few days later third person pov)

It's been a few days since I did my training in Canterlot. Twilight has offered me to stay at her Library until I can get my own place of my own.

Right now I was in the Everfree Forest looking at the screen and a new perk I just obtained.

Inches of tame the Summoning Function. Assuming any group from any anime movie or TV series.

Before I could do anything Scootaloo had asked me a question. “Hey uh, dad? Why are we in the Everfree Forest?”

"We’re here to see if I can summon people," I said, while looking at Hazbin Hotel characters. So who to choose.’ I thought.

“Really? Who are you going to summon?” Scootaloo asked excitedly.

"Hopefully they aren’t that bad," I said, before selecting random for Hazbin Hotel. And the people I got were: Alastor, Vaggie, Angel Dust, Charlie Magne, Cherri Bomb, Nifty and Husk.

"Oh good lord, and all that is holy," I thought as the magic circle appeared.

“What the? Where are?” Charlie asked in confusion as she and the others looked around in confusion.

“Wait, we’re in the human world! There aren’t trees in Hell!” Vaggie exclaimed, shocking them all except for Alastor who’s grin grew a bit.

“My my my. Such a wonderful surprise! Why, I haven’t seen the human world since I died!” Alastor said with a short laugh.

"Sorry Alastor, but this isn't the human world," I said, getting their attention.

Vaggie immediately pulled out her spear and got in front of Charlie. “Who the hell are you?! And what do you mean this isn’t the human world?!”

I rolled my eyes and said. "Well first my name is James D. Williams. And second this is Equestria on planet Equus," I said, looking at Vaggie.

“Another planet? What the hell are we doing on another planet?!” Vaggie asked in shock.

“I think the bigger question is can you send us back?” Charlie asked me.

I was silent for a moment before saying. "That’s a question I couldn't answer easily Charlie," I said,before walking over to Scootaloo and said. "Put this on peanut," I said, handing her my Bluetooth headphones and phone to listen to some music.

“Ok.” Scootaloo said as she put them on and began to listen to music.

I smiled at Scootaloo with a fatherly pride and it didn't go unnoticed by the others. I turned to see Charlie look at me with a smile. I just sighed before walking over towards a rock and sat on it.

"Alright let's start, first thing first I am not human.. well not fully, I'm half human and half Kaiju dragon, as well as half demon after I ate demon meat." I said, while looking at them.

“Wait, how the hell did you get your hands on demon meat?” Husk asked me.

“What’s a kaiju?” Nifty asked next.

"First to be more specific I ate demon bear meat," I said before looking at Nifty and said. "And as for your question. A Kaiju is simply a monster and this is what it looks like when you're half," I said, as my skin now had light orange scales, as well as my hair was spiked and looked like a mix of orange and red. I also had four horns, two small ones in the front of my forehead and the other two on the side of my head that were bigger than the two small ones. And lastly my eyes were blood red draconic that were glaring at them.

“Whoa! That’s pretty scary!” Nifty said.

“Meh, I’ve seen uglier.” Husk said.

"Look who's talking little dog," I said, while smirking.

“You fucking blind? I’m fucking flying cat demon.” Husk told me with a raised eyebrow.

"Does it look like I have any fucks to give?" I asked, not interested in what he had to say. That's when I noticed both Angel and Cherry were quiet for a while.

I look over to see them staring at me. "You two have been quiet been quiet for a while huh?" I asked standing up and letting them see I was taller than everyone here.

“Eh, we got nothing to say.” Cherri Bomb said with a shrug. “Well, other than hoping that Edge Lord doesn’t try to take my turf while I’m gone.”

“Pft, please. You can easily kick his ass if he does!” Angel Dust told her and Cherri grins.

"That’s the thing I don't think you guys can go back," I said, rubbing my chin in thought.

“What!? What do you mean we can’t go back?! We’re not allowed to be in the living world!” Vaggie exclaimed in both anger and panic.

"Well…. You have noticed the mark on your hand. Which allows you to be in the living world be," I started as they looked at their right hand to see The Mark of Cain which had red chains wrapped around it.

"You guys are my servants, " I finished what the screen showed me after I summoned them. They were a dangerous threat and the only way for them to be allowed in the living world is for them to become servants.

“What?!” Husk, Vaggie, and Cherri were not happy about that. Alastor was still grinning though I can tell he was annoyed and Angel had the most panicked look I ever saw and Charlie just had a worried look on her face.

“There better be a way to remove these things cause having to be summoned from whatever I was doing by Alastor was bad enough but there ain’t no way in hell am I going to be another punk's little lap dog!” Husk shouted, teeth bared.

“I’m with him on that! I am not going to be your servant! You got that buddy!? No way in hell!” Cherri Bomb shouted next.

Those two are constantly shouting and yelling at me as I try to think of a way to help them cause me to snap and roar so loudly that it shakes the Everfree Forest.

(Like this roar starts at 0:20)


That immediately shut them up as they, minus Alastor who looked more than amused, stared at me in shock.

I was breathing heavily looking at them and I just sighed and said. "Look, I know you don’t like this. Hell I don't like this, if there was a way to free you and send you back, I will gladly do it but there's not so can you please for the love of all that it's fucking holy and Secretary JUST. COOPERATE. WITH. ME." I said, not noticing my eyes turned pitch black and I had a dark aura around me.

“Please calm Mr. Williams. They are just upset. We all are.” Charlie said, standing in front of the group.

I took a deep breath and said. "Sorry it’s just really not helping anyone being mad I know that," I said, before a blast of hell fire hit me and sent me into a tree.

“DAD!” I heard Scootaloo shout in panic before a voice filled with venom spoke up.

“So this is the fool who decided to snatch away my daughter. Not impressed.”

I cracked my jaw back in place and said. "Jesus, who else did I fucking summoned," I said, not noticing another fire blast was coming at me but I heard a screaming and stared horror as Scootaloo was hit by it.

"SCOOTALOO!!!!!" I yelled as I held her. She wasn't moving nor breathing. "No…. Nonononono please Scootaloo don't die on please," I whispered and I heard Charlie father say.

"Stupid child got herself killed for some weakling." I heard him say.

(Third person pov)

As everyone, except Alastor and Charlie's father, stared in shock. James was remembering all the times people called him weak, seeing his parents die, his best friend killing herself, and now seeing Scootaloo dead finally made him snap.

A huge amount of bloodlust and anger washed over the forest every animal and Demon felt it and or immediately scared even ponies from Ponyville were shaking in fear. Alastor was looking at James with interest in his power.

’Well, this should be very entertaining to watch.’ Alastor thought as his grin grew a bit.

Lucifer raises an eyebrow before shooting a blast of hell fire at James but when it was about to hit him only for James to open his mouth and to everyone's surprise, he ate Lucifer fire. He then appeared right in front of Lucifer and punched him in the gut so hard that he doubled over in pain and surprise.

“W-what?!” He said as he stumbled back a bit before growling and snapping his fingers, causing a pillar of hellfire to erupt right where James was standing.

James was unaffected by the pillar of hellfire and said. "Rip and tear," he then rushed at Lucifer and started to beat up the king of hell.
However the king of hell conjure a hand made of fire to grab James and slam him into the ground before throwing him away. “Hmph, you caught me off guard at first but this time you won’t be so lucky.” he said, his eyes glowing with power.

James got up and growled as his eyes were now pitch black. Then he ran at Lucifer throwing a punch that hit Lucifer in the face but Lucifer countered with a right hook to James' jaw. This happened for what seemed like hours, both of them beating each other to bloody death showing scratches and burn marks on each other's bodies.

Everyone except Alastor were getting worried. If this doesn't stop soon then this whole area is going up in flames.

“I-I have to stop them!” Charlie said which Vaggie immediately disagreed.

“Charlie no! That fight might end up killing you!” Vaggie told her just as a shockwave nearly knocked them to the ground.

"What is going on here?" They heard a female voice say, they turned to see a woman wearing a black dress. Her skin was lightly tanned, her hair was brown with her eyes being chestnut brown but they also noticed the same mark on her collarbone.

“Uh, just the king of hell itself duking it out with a random person.” Angel Dust answered, pointing a thumb at the the two combatants who had leveled the area around them.

The person took one look and gasped in shock. "JAMES!!!" The female yelled trying to run over but was stopped by Vaggie.

“Are you crazy?! That guy is going toe to toe with the King of Hell!! If you go in there there won’t be anything left of you!” Vaggie told her.

The woman looked at Vaggie in anger before pushing her away. What was surprising to everyone was that Vaggie went flying. Just then both James and Lucifer were getting ready to fire another massive blast of fire attack but both the woman and Charlie got in front of them.

“Stop!” both of them shouted at the two.

Lucifer looked at his daughter in shock while James looked at the woman with anger and pain. "Amara, move. This fucker had killed Scootaloo. I'm going to make him pay for it," James said, shocking Lucifer while everyone was confused by her name.

Amara stood her ground and said. "No James look," she said, pointing at Scootaloo. To his surprise, Scootaloo was in a white barrier and her necklace was glowing white and her burn marks were healing. "See James, Scootaloo is fine now. Please calm down," she said, holding both his cheeks and smiling softly at him. He started to calm down while looking at Amara.

Lucifer heard James say the woman's name was Amara and he instantly knew he was in a position that he can't talk his way out of or fight. However, there was one question that popped up in his mind. “Amara, what are you doing in the realm of the living?” he asked her.

Amara looked at Lucifer and said. "I was trapped in the void by my brother, your father God. But then." she started before smiling and rubbing a now blushing James. "The man who you were fighting freed me and let me travel with him to the living world," Amara said.

"Like I said Amara, it was no big deal." James said, now holding an unconscious Scootaloo.

“Father banished you to the void? His own sister?” Lucifer asked with a raised eyebrow.

Amara nodded and that's when James said. "At first she really did like your father's creatures and thought they were useless and thought that he loved us more than his sister. But after a talk with a elderly woman she saw what God made us to be," James said, before walking up to Lucifer.

Everyone thought that James was going to attack him but he said. "I'm sorry for taking your daughter Lucifer Morningstar. I didn’t know that it would look like I was trying to kidnap her but it wasn't the case. When I was choosing someone from your world to summon, she was chosen at random and your daughter got caught in it." James said, bowing his head.

Lucifer however was frowning before sighing. “Perhaps I may have overreacted a bit. How could I not? Even if CHarlie’s ideals are delusional, she is still my daughter.”

James laughed, making everyone confused. "I guess we have one thing in common, and that is we would kill God himself for our children," James said, holding out his hand. "So truce?" he asked, holding out his hand to Lucifer.

Lucifer nodded his head and shook James’ hand. “Truce. Now, if you excuse me, I’ll be taking Charlie and her companions back to avoid trouble with heaven. It’s always such a hassle having to deal with them.”

Just then all the Hazbin Hotel characters, except Lucifer’s, right hand glowed blood red with a message popping up in front of James

Summons cannot leave this area they must stay with Summoner or else they will suffer the consequences from weakness of the body to death.

After James read he then said to no one making everyone confused. "Then just undo the summon," he said, he then got a message that made him go pale and both Lucifer and Amara were worried about.

“What? What has you frightened boy?” Lucifer asked with a raised eyebrow.

Instead of saying anything a hologram of Michael as well as all the other archangels and regular Angels appeared. This made Lucifer have a look of annoyance.

“If you have gotten this message James and you have noticed that Lucifer's child is with you, if you think that the Summoning was at random it was not. We chose these people to be sent to the living world and be trapped there as a form of punishment for Lucifer Morningstar as well as Alastor, Angel Dust, Cherri Bomb and Husk as well. And if you think removing those marks on their hands will help set them free then it won't. If you were to remove them they would burst into flames within seconds and be reduced into ashes just as a precautionary if they ever try to leave. And as for you brother, I hope you will suffer every agonizing moment knowing that you will never see your child again.” the being known as Michael said before the transmission went out.

“Oh Heaven has just crossed the line with this.” Lucifer said, his voice low and laced with venom while he was glowing ominously.

James was just standing there and was looking down with dead eyes. "I was just the scapegoat for heaven to take away a man's kid." James said, while looking at the others. "It could have been anyone else, but they chose you guys on purpose." James said, as he felt like a jackass for believing that he took them from their home.

Charlie placed a hand on his shoulder. “Hey, it’s ok. I’m sure my dad might be able to fix this.”

Both James and Charlie look to Lucifer who had a look of rage and trepidation. "I'm sorry princess, but Michael thought this thought making sure not even I could do anything about it," he said, looking at his daughter.

Charlie was surprised and also a bit saddened to hear that. The others however had different reactions to that. Angel Dust, Vaggie, Cherri, and Husk didn’t look all that bothered by them being trapped in the living world. Nifty actually looked a bit excited and the same can be said about Alastor, who had a gleam in his eyes that just promised he’s going to cause something bad if given the chance.

James saw this and said. "Alastor I wouldn't be happy if I was you." James said, getting everyone's attention. "It says you guys are free in the living world, but your powers are somewhat restricted except for Alastor. They saw him as a potential threat to the living world and decided to heavily restrict him to the point where he has to get permission from the Summoner to use his powers or else it will cause extreme amounts of pain if you ever try to use his powers without permission." James said.

Alastor thought James was lying and he tried to use his powers but just then he felt immeasurable amounts of pain go out throughout his body as well for everyone else saw chains appear around his body holding him down to the ground.

“S-shit…” groaned Alastor as he kept himself standing with his cane.

James gave an unconscious Scootaloo to Amara and ran over and helped Alastor stand up. "Even if they let you guys into the living world. You can still be considered a threat to the ponies as well as other species here," James said, helping Alastor over to a rock to sit on.

“Hmph, this world's deity isn’t going to be too pleased about what has transpired here.” James heard the king of Hell say to himself. “I just hope this doesn’t cause problems in the future.”

"So what can we do?" James asked the king of hell. Lucifer was quiet for a moment before sighing and said.

"Until I can find a solution to this problem. My daughter as well as the others will stay here under your care for the time being." he said, looking at James with an air of seriousness.

“But we’re allowed to do our own thing right? We’re not just permanently stuck to his side?” Husk asked Lucifer.

"It says you're free to roam around so you can do whatever you want as long as you ain't killing. but if you are planning on gambling I suggest going to Las Pegasus for that," James said, looking at Husk before smirking.

"Also you might want to be careful if you are going to gambling with Griffins, they don't like scammers," James said, that’s when everyone including Alastor knew that James wasn't a nice soul in any sense of the word.

“Well, I’ll take my leave while you explain to them the rules of this world.” Lucifer said as a red fiery portal appeared but before he left, he glanced at Charlie. “Goodbye Charlie. I’ll be sure to inform your mother of your situation.” with that, he entered the portal which promptly disappeared after him and left no trace of it ever being there.

“Well now that he’s gone, how about you tell us about our new permanent home and what sort of entertainment I can expect from it!” Alastor said as he stood next to James, his signature grin not leaving his face.

James just sighed and said. "Well first off, the planet Equus houses different types of species ranging from anthro ponies to humanoid dragons, some of them are nice while others have the same personality as Husk." James said, making Husk glare at him.

"The ponies believe in the power of friendship and harmony which you could say is Charlie kind of people but they are rather skittish around new people. The dragon and Griffins are like Alastor and Husk except for the dragon are greedier than Husk," James said, smirking at Husk.

"There's some other species but I believe I'll leave that to my friend Twilight Sparkle who will be meeting soon to explain the rest to you and fair warning you might want to invest in Notebook cuz she talks for a very long time. You could say she is a demonic nerd." James said laughing a little.

“Great. Just what we need. To be talked to death by a nerd.” Angel Dust said with a roll of his eyes.

“Meh, I don’t care as long as there’s a bar in this damn world.” Husk said with a shrug.

"Then you better get used to drinking water and soda because there's no alcohol at all. Meaning no Whiskey, Jack Daniels, and not even beer exists here. I think that's why the angel sent you here too." James said, before hearing a girly scream coming from Husk.

“Are you fucking kidding me?! You mean I have to deal with being stuck here SOBER?!” Husk shouted, extremely pissed off and distraught.

James just rolled his eyes and tapped on the invisible keyboard before and a bright flashlight he was holding a bottle of whiskey. "Here you big baby, the first one is a freebie but the next time you need another bottle you're going to be paying for me for it." James said, tossing the bottle towards him.

Husk easily caught it with a sigh of relief. “Good. The moment you said this place was all about sunshine and rainbows, I immediately knew I wasn’t going to enjoy being here.”

"Good, but one word of advice, " James said before Angel, Cherri, and Husk felt a monster amount of bloodlust pulling towards them. "Don't ever curse in front of the kids. if I find out that it was you. you're going to wish you weren't here. GOT IT?" James said, his eyes glowing red.

The three Sinner Demons gulped and nodded their heads fearfully. They knew it was better to listen to the guy who managed to keep up with the king of hell.

James smiled and said. "Good, let’s get going. I'm pretty sure the others may be worried," he said, walking next to Amara who was still holding Scootaloo.

(James POV)

We made it to Ponyville and immediately every pony saw them and stared. I was worried that they may get scared too much. That's when I was hit by a yellow blur and heard someone crying. I looked up and saw a crying Fluttershy.

"Hey Flutters, what's wrong," I asked, hugging her close. "Your acting like I was gone for 1200 years." I said, worried about her.

“W-we heard explosions a-and felt shockwaves all the way from tt-the forest you said you were going to! I-I thought something bad happened t-to you!” cried Fluttershy as she hugged him even tighter.

I felt like crap for worrying her so I hugged her and whispered. "Don't worry my beautiful Flutters, I ain't dying anytime soon.” I whispered before kissing her forehead and hugged her tightly.

Me and Fluttershy just remained like that, holding each other as she cries into my shoulder until she spoke. “W-when I saw those explosions I-I thought something had happened to y-you. I was so worried.”

"Don't worry Fluttershy, you and the others aren't getting rid of me that easily, " I said, making her laugh a little.

“I-I guess so but w-what if something did happen to you?” she looked at me with tear filled eyes.

I was stumped by her words and I couldn't really think of anything. Even if I was at level 300. Or had S-class items and abilities, it wouldn't stop something or someone from killing me. "I-I really don't know Fluttershy. The future is full of possibilities and the only thing we could do is hope for the best," I told her. While that was happening the others were watching and they noticed that Amara had gotten a jealous look on her face.

“I-I just hope that the future h-has you still in it.” Fluttershy told him.

I just laughed and said. "Yeah, let's just hope so," I said, before looking at Amara's annoyed face. "Hey Amara you okay, you look like you're mad," I asked confused.

“No reason.” Amara replied and the look of annoyance disappeared from her face.

I just shrugged my shoulders and we continued to the library with Fluttershy’s hand on my arm. I just smiled before I saw Scootaloo waking up.

“Hmm wha? W-what happened?” she asked groggily as she looked around before gasping. “DAD!!” she then started to look around frantically.

"Hey peanut," I said, getting her attention. She turned to look at me and jumped out of Amara's arms and hugged my face and yelled.

"DAD!!! YOU’RE OKAY," Scootaloo yelled as she held onto my face.

After a moment of prying myself out of her death grip I said. "Okay okay Scootaloo just calm down." I said, Scootaloo did but she puffed out cheeks and crossed her arms.

“How could I calm down when you nearly got hit with a fireball?” she asked me.

"Scootaloo I'm literally half dragon. Meaning I'm fireproof and I can't get hurt by fire," I tried to reason with her but she still was angry. "OK Scoots, I promise to be more careful" I said, sighing.