• Published 30th Apr 2022
  • 1,570 Views, 25 Comments

The dragon breather of Equestria - Jayelms43

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Chapter 4

Author's Note:

Forgot to mention that OPTIMUSPRIMEG1 is help me write this three chapters so go and check out his stories they are amazing.

Chapter four

(Third person pov)

While walking towards Ponyville, the CMC and Amara were talking while James was looking at something.

The skill tree is now available to gain new skills or powers.

James rubbed his chin in thought before thinking. "Maybe I could gain an edge just in case something happens," James thought while looking through the list before his eyes Widened in surprise and happiness.

Haki tree
Armament Haki lv 1
Observation Haki lv 1
Conqueror's Haki lv 1
Cost: 23 EXP

Gets stronger if used continuously makes it more easily usable.

After James read it, he pushed the purchase button. In an instant information on Haki entered his head. after a moment James looked at his right hand and it's covered in a black dull metal.

“Whoa! You’re hand is made of metal now! How’d you do that?” Scootaloo asked him, a curious look on her face.

"Something I just found out about," James answers vaguely making Scootaloo puff her cheeks out and cross her arms making James laugh and he rubbed her head making her blush.

“What’s with the blush Scoots?” Applebloom asked her friend with a teasing smirk on her face.

Scoots glared at AB before walking faster to walk next to Amara and Sweetie Belle

After a moment they made it to Ponyville. The CMC were happy to be back while Amara was confused by the town's name.

“Why is the town called Ponyville?” Amara asked the three girls.

The girls just shrugged their shoulders not knowing either. Then when they walked into town, they were met by 30 royal guards as well as the elements of harmony and princesses Celestia and Luna.

“Whoa. I know we went into the Everfree but isn’t that a bit overkill?” Sweetie Belle asked.

"Amara, can you and the girls move to the side, I think they are here for me," James said, surprising them before Rainbow yelled out.

GIRLS GET AWAY FROM THEM!!!!" Rainbow dash yelled while the princesses looked at James.

"Let me guess," James said getting everyone's attention. "One of your guards saw me fighting and heard my roar too right," he finished while looking around using Observation Haki for any surprise attack.

"Creature surrender the bearers sisters at once," Luna ordered while wearing her battle armor.

“Why are they acting all mean to you?” Sweetie Belle asked James, clearly confused. “You didn’t do anything wrong.”

"Because Sweetie, they saw me fight something that was dangerous," James said while looking at the princesses and element bearers stat.

Princess Celestia lv 78
Strength: 4000
Speed: 3600
Defense: 5000
Magic: 67000/67000
Hp: 78000/78000

Princess Luna lv 75
Strength: 3000
Speed: 3200
Defense: 4000
Magic: 65000/65000
Hp: 76000/76000

Twilight Sparkle lv 42

Applejack lv 22

Rainbow dash lv 21

Pinkie pie lv 17
Defense: Unknown

Fluttershy lv 7
Strength: 23
Speed: 19
Defense: 24
Hp: 590/590

Rarity Belle lv 8
Strength: 44
Speed: 35
Defense: 24
Magic: 400/400
Hp: 580/580

"God fucking damn all of them either higher level or near the same level as me. I'm so fuck," James thought while trying to think of something.

“Applebloom get over here now!” Applejack said to Applebloom while glaring at James.

“B-but..but sis-” Applebloom tried saying but her sister cut her off.

“But nothing! Get over here now!” Applejack yelled.

"Go ahead, go to your sister's," James said while looking at the Elements of Harmony. "So how do you want to do this princess Celestia?" James asked while looking at her.

“Who are you two?” Celestia asked James. “And where did you come from?”

"My name is James Williams, and where I came from is none of your business," James said before a royal guard yelled at James.


“Oh yes, just shout at someone when they don’t tell you something. That’ll get them to talk.” Amara said with a roll of her eyes.

"Listen," James said, getting everyone's attention. "The only thing that matters is that the cmc are safe and sound," James said before he could said anything else everyone heard a loud roar coming from the everfree forest.

“What was that?!” Rarity asked in worry.

“I-I don’t know! I’ve n-never heard an animal r-roar like that before!” Fluttershy said as she shook like a leaf.

What came out of the forest terrified everyone; it was a demon dragon. The thing was bigger than Ponyville and it was all white with glowing red eyes and had black lines across the body

Demon dragon lv 100
Strength: 9000
Hp: 23000/23000

James was shaking in fear of the dragon that was getting closer to the town before Celestia ordered everyone to get to safety. The only people remained where Celestia and Luna, element bearers, James and Amara.

“What is that thing?!” Rainbow shouted in fear.

“I-it looks like a dragon but at the same time it isn’t!” Twilight said, equally as afraid as Rainbow.

"Its a Demon dragon," both Celestia and James said at the same time.

The dragon noticed them before it spoke. "Celestia, Luna I should have known you would be involved with Dragon Lord Torch." the dragon growled at the two princesses.

“What is he talking about princess?” Twilight asked her mentor.

The Princesses were confused as well until the dragon replied to the question by pointing at James. “Him? What does he have to do with anything?” Applejack asked in confusion while looking at James.

"Lord Torch summoned him here. For what reason I don't know why. But I will make sure he doesn't survive." the demon said before taking a deep breath and letting loose a breath of blue fire that engulfed James' body.

“JAMES!!” Amara cried out in despair while everyone else just stared in shock at what the demon dragon had done.

After the flames die down it shows James fine but doesn't look the same. His skin now had light orange scales, as well as his hair was spiked and looked like a mix of orange and red. He also has four horns, two small ones in the front of his forehead and the other two on the side of his head that were bigger than the two small ones. And lastly his eyes were blood red draconic that were glaring at the dragon.

Before anyone could say anything James let out a roared that shook the whole town

(Like this stop at 0:38)

“WHAT THE BUCK!?!” the Element Bearers, minus Fluttershy, shouted in unison upon seeing James' new look.

"You really fucked up now," James said while growling at the dragon. Amara stared at James' new look before thinking to herself.

’Since when can he do that?! He looks like some form of dragon hybrid!’ Amara thought to herself as she continued to stare at James just as the demon dragon roars.

“You think by changing your look you stand a chance against me!? FOOL!!” roared the demon dragon before raising its claw into the air and slamming it down on James.

To everyone's surprise James caught the claw before saying. "No my look didn't change to fool you," he said in a cold tone before yelling.

"MY FORM CHANGED BECAUSE I'M PISSED OFF!!!" James roared before moving the claw aside and jump into the air and punched the dragon hard enough that it made its head move to the side.


"You don't have the fucking right to tell me I don't deserve to live," James growled steam coming off his body before he took in a deep breath and blew out black and red Flames at the Dragon.

The dragon roars angrily and lets out his own fire at James which causes the two attacks to clash and try to surpass the other.

James arms gain red electricity before throwing both arms out shooting out a large bolt of electricity at the dragon face causing the dragon to lose force.

James’s fire breath overpowered the dragons own and rushed at the demonic dragon before hitting him full force in the chest and causing the dragon to roar in pain much to the shock of everyone as they knew dragons were fireproof so it was a shock to see a dragon roaring in pain from fire.

He then ran and grabbed the dragon tail and started to swing him around making everyone's jaws drop to the ground even Applejack was dumbfounded at James' strength.

“How in the buck is he able to spin a dragon around like that?!” Applejack shouted.

“I don’t know! Why are you asking us?!” Rainbow shouted back.

After a while James threw the dragon back to the edge of the forest. "Is that all you got bitch?" James asked while the CMC was cheering him on.

The dragon growls as it got up and glares at James. “I will make sure not even ash will be left of you!” the dragon roared out as the earth around him suddenly started to shake and crack. “Terra Destruction!!” the stone then shot up into the sky before curing and shooting back down much to the horror of everyone.

James glare up before his right arm was covered in Haki before he pulled it back and shot it forward. "Then try it bitch," James said while his right hand burst into black and red flames as he yelled out.

"DRAGON SLAYER MAGIC: FIRE DRAGON KING'S DEMOLITION FIST!!!" James roared as both attacks collided with each other and caused an explosion of stone and fire and everyone had to take cover lest they want to be burned or crushed. The only to not have taken cover was the dragon who had a shocked look on his face due to his attack easily being countered.

“Impossible….that was my most powerful attack!” he said as he felt something he never felt before.


James smirked before saying something that made everyone even more sacred. "Well as for my attack that's only the fifth strongest," James said while getting into a stance and added.

"Here let me show my most powerful attack," he finished as he took in a deep breath but instead of breathing fire. all the surrounding fire started together. And to everyone's surprise and the dragons fear he started to eat the fire as his chest was expanding.

“IS HE EATING FIRE?!” everyone shouted at once as they watched James eat fire with no visible signs of pain or discomfort.

“T-that’s not possible!!” the demon dragon shouted before he turned and began to fly away, not wanting to stick around to see what James' most powerful attack was.

"Too late," James said while putting his hand together before saying something that got everyone's attention. "In the name of Natsu's father I named this move after him," he said before roaring out.

"FIRE DRAGON SLAYER MAGIC: IGNEEL DRAGON FLAME ROAR!!!" James roared out letting loose his attack on the flying dragon.

The dragon saw that pillar of fire heading towards and tried to fly faster. “No. NO!!” but it was no use as he was hit by the attack, causing him to roar in pain.

Everyone were shocked. While James just looked at the dragon before he said. "You shouldn't have started something you couldn't finish," James said before the CMC ran up to him and said.

“That was so awesome!! I didn’t know you could breathe fire!” Scootaloo shouted.

“Yeah! That dragon didn’t stand a chance!” Sweetie Belle shouted next.

James laughs before seeing a notification saying.

You have defeated the Demon dragon, your hp is back to full, and you receive 450 EXP.

Before James could say anything he felt sleepy and before anyone could react he fell unconscious. “James!” Amara and the CMC shouted as they knelt down next to him.

“What happened?! He was just fine a second ago!” Applebloom said.

"Magic exhaustion," said Princess Celestia while walking over to the group before saying. " it seems he's used up all his magic in that last attack. Let's take him somewhere so he can rest," Celestia said while everyone agreed.

“Alright but you better not try anything. Got it?” Amara warned while glaring at Celestia and Luna and the two nodded before a couple of Guards put James on a stretcher and they began to head back to Canterlot via carriage.