• Published 30th Apr 2022
  • 1,563 Views, 25 Comments

The dragon breather of Equestria - Jayelms43

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Chapter 3

Chapter three

(James pov)

I was sitting on the ground next to a fireplace while Amara was asleep. We had been traveling for about 2-3 hours and it was now night time.

"Okay now I can get items so let's see what they have" I thought while looking through the list. Before three items got my attention.

*Red Flame Samurai Sword lv 3
Strength boost:4
Defense boost:9
Magic boost:8
Cost: 50 golden/silver

*Leslie Kyle Leather Jacket lv 2
Defense boost:7
Magic boost:2
Cost:15 golden/silver

*Red Hood outlaw mask lv 2
Defense boost:2
Strength boost:1
Magic boost:2
Cost:10 golden/silver

I rubbed my chin in thought while looking at the screen in front of me before saying. "Okay so in all it's 75 golden or silver, meaning I will have a boost in both strength, defense, and magic. But only a small boost so strength will be 5,108, defense 10,018, and magic 5,012. It looked like I just get a small boost in strength, defense, and magic" I said while still thinking about before shrugging my shoulders and said.

"Fuck it, doesn't matter how strong I get, I just need something to wear just in case Ponyville citizens are either xenophobic or very skittish," I said while pushing the purchase button.

After a moment in a flash of blue light the jacket appeared on me while the sword and its sheath appeared on my right and the mask in my right hand.

"Okay that happened, so now I'm going to get some sleep. Hope no wild animals attack us while we are sleeping" I said before falling asleep.

(Third person pov)

James was still sleeping before he heard bird chirping which woke him up and saw Amara still sleeping next to him. He just smiled before thinking.

"She is the darkness and the most powerful being next to God and makes the angels and demons look like children compared to her. And here she is sleeping like a beautiful princess" I thought before blushing crimson at the end of that thought before shaking my head and said.

"Don't get your hopes up James. She is only with you because she just needs help. After a week or two she will just go her way and you will be Alone Again," I said in sadness before I heard Amara's voice.

"Can someone turn off brother's sun please," Amara said while covering her eyes with her arms trying to go back to sleep.

"Come Amara we have to get up and continue to Ponyville," James said while getting up and stretching hearing loud cracks coming from him

Amara was confused and said. "How do you know where we are going and how did you knew about this town," she said while looking confused, making James think she was cute with that look.

"Well for one, when it was nighttime the star constellations don't look the same back on Earth. And I know for a fact that it was not a patch of blue flowers that gave me the chills just looking at them," James said while pointing at said flowers, making him shutter a bit.

"And last, a few meters from here I can see a destroyed Castle. And it sure shit didn't look like anything from the history books back home either," he finished while walking to said castle.

While walking towards the castle Amara asked James a question. "So James what was your life like," she asked before seeing James' face turn from happy to sadness and pain with a hint of anger.

"It was." James started before thinking about his next words. "Not a good one but it was somewhat nice," he finished while having an image of a person who was laying in a pool of blood and him screaming at someone to get help.

After a moment of walking they made it to the castle and rested in one of the rooms before James said. "I need some air," he said while having lifeless eyes while walking outside. Amara wanted to said something but she didn't know how to help James.

James was looking up at the sky while memories of his life up to this point was either nice or so fucked up that not even getting mugged by someone, and You probably would have gave them all your money and then asked them to shoot you so you didn't have to live a other day on that planet.

He clenched his fist while glaring up at the sky and said. "Not only you had to take my parents from me. But you made life a total piece of shit that my closest friend killed herself so she didn't have to live through it. What more do you want to have me said fine you win," James said while tears fell down his cheeks before yelling out.

"WHAT ELSE DO YOU WANT UNTIL I SAID YOU CAN GO AND FUCK YOURSELF HUH!?!?!?" James screamed while still glaring at the sky.

Silence was all he heard.

James just stood there for a moment before saying. "You may be God, but you will always be that bastard who took my family and friends," he said while still glaring at the sky.

That's when Amara showed up and said. “Hey, are you ok? I heard yelling.”

James just stood there for a moment before saying in a fake happy tone of voice. "Yes, I'm just fine," he said before he could walk away he heard a scream.

“Someone’s in trouble!” Amara said in worry before heading in the direction of the scream.

James stopped her from going. She tried to go and help but James said. "Hold on Amara, we need to think smart about this," he said while looking at her.

“But someone is in trouble!” Amara argued.

"I know. But we are in the Everfree Forest and here shit ain't the same on earth," he said before adding.

"So you need to stay here, please don't follow me. I will go and see what's going on," James said looking serious.

Amara sighs and nods. “Fine.”

James nodded his head before rushing into the forest. It took him a while until he saw the Cutiemark Crusaders running from a bug bear.

“Run faster! It’s gaining on us!” Scootaloo shouted.

“What does it look like we’re doing?!” Applebloom shouted back as she made the mistake of looking back and screamed.

“Why did you look back?!” Sweetie Belle asked her.

“I don’t know!!” Applebloom yelled as she tried to run faster.

That's when James rushed in and punched the bug bear in the abdomen sending it a few meters.

He then looked at the bear stat and they said.

Bug bear lv 9

"Damn you are one ugly mother fucker," James said trying not to throw up.

The bug bear roars in anger as it glares at James before flying at him and trying to slice with two of its four arms.

Just received 5 point damage hp is now 5100/5600.

James grunted before looking at the bear and said. "Now you're fucked." he said and started to beat the shit out of the bug bear. While this was happening the Cutiemarks Crusaders were watching and were amazed at James' strength.

“Whoa! He’s taking on that bugbear all by himself!” Scootaloo said in awe.

“Yeah! And he’s doing it with his bare hands!” Applebloom said next.

After an hour James had his foot on the bug bear neck and growled at it.

The Bug bear whimpered before laying its head on the ground showing James had won.With a smirk James took in a deep breath and roared out. It also reminds him of hulk roar.

(Like this)

The bug bear had a terrified look on its face before it whimpered again, no doubt wanting to get away from James.

"Now that you know whose the real alpha here," James said before adding. "Get lost little bear," James said, his eyes flashing red for a second.

The bear whimpers again as James moves his foot off the Bug Bear’s neck and flew off. James stared for a moment before mumbling. "Pussy," he said before looking at the CMC. "You three okay," James asked while walking towards them.

“That. Was. AWESOME!! Though not as awesome as Rainbow Dash but still awesome!! You took on that Bug Bear like it was nothing!” Scootaloo excitedly said.

“Yeah!! You were all pow! And bam! And that roar!! That was so scary and cool at the same time!!” Applebloom said next, equally as excited.

James just laughed before saying. "Thanks girls," he said while hearing Amara's voice.

"Damnit Amara," James thought while seeing her running towards him.

“What was that roar?! It didn’t sound like any creature I know!” Amara asked James in both concern and slight fear.

James rubbed his head and laughed nervously and said. "W-well that roar came from me," he said while blushing and mumbling. "Sorry."

Amara let out a sigh of relief then punched his arm. “Jerk. At least let me know that you can roar like a beast from the abyss.”

James rubbed his arm and said. "okay sorry again Amara," he said while smiling.

Amara still gives him an annoyed look before noticing the CMC. “Are they the ones who screamed?”

"Yeah, go ahead, introduce yourself," James said to Amara with a smirk.

“Greetings, I am Amara. Who are you three?” Amara asked the three Crusaders.

I'm Sweetie Belle, " Sweetie Belle said.

I'm Applebloom," Applebloom said.

I'm Scootaloo," Scootaloo said, then all three took a deep breath and yelled.

"WE'RE THE CUTIEMARK CRUSADERS YEAH!!!" all three yelled making Amara cover her ears from the yelled.

James just laughed and said. "Well then my name is James Williams nice to meet you three," James said while smiling.

After that James and Amara help the CMC get back to Ponyville not noticing two royal guard Pegasus looking at the group.

"We must head back to inform princess Twilight and the bearers about their sisters and the dangerous creature," one said while the other nodded and they flew off to do so.