• Published 30th Apr 2022
  • 1,563 Views, 25 Comments

The dragon breather of Equestria - Jayelms43

  • ...

Chapter 12

Applejack finding her first love and losing it. Finding out she is the Great granddaughter of the God of War……. The return of the Spartan Rage

(Next morning Third person POV)

It was early morning and both James and Applejack were sleeping peacefully in a broken bed and Applejack was the first to wake up thanks to her farming lifestyle. Her eyes fluttered open and she smiled before looking at a still sleeping James who was holding her against his chest.

She blushes but snuggles up against him as last night's events played out in her mind. ’Sweet Celestia that was the best night ever. Applejack thought while smiling but frowned when she remembered what her mirror self said to her. ’Is what that reflection said true? Do the others really think the same about James?’

The more she thought about it, the more it somewhat made sense. But then James woke up with a groan and pulled Applejack closer and said.

"Fuck you Celestia and your damn fucking sun," James said, while tiredly rubbing his eyes.

Applejack couldn’t help but chuckle at that. “Morning James.”

James smiled and kissed Applejack on the forehead and said. "Morning AJ. How did you sleep?" James asked, while getting up and stretching.

“I slept pretty good.” Applejack said. “What about you? How’d you sleep?”

James pulled her close and said. "Like a baby." James said, before kissing Applejack softly and passionately which she happily returned while also wrapping her arms around him.

The two then pulled away with both of them smiling. “That’s good to hear.” That's when they heard someone clearing their throat. They looked and saw both of Applejack's parents and brother standing in the doorway.

“Don’t y’all know the meaning of knocking!?” Applejack shouted as she covered herself up with the blanket, an embarrassed blush on her face.

As for James he grabbed one of the pillows to cover his lower part. "Uhm G-good morning Bright Mac and Pear Butter. Also to you too, Big Mac." James said, more out of embarrassment than fear.

“Morning you two.” Bright Mac said with narrowed eyes. “I see you two had…’fun’ last night.”

Both Applejack and James blush at that. While Pear Butter was staring at them with shock. Right now she doesn't know how to feel with James being with her daughter Applejack. 'I'm glad that he saved us but I don’t know about him being near Applejack.’ Pear thought while looking at James.

"So just a random question but how loud were we last night?" James asked, fearing the answer.

“Thankfully not too loud.” Big Mac said.

James sighed in relief. After that everyone made their way to the living room all the while James and Applejack were whispering to each other. "Thank God they didn't hear us.” James whispered.

“I don’t think them finding out is all that better.” Applejack whispered back.

James nodded in agreement before feeling like someone is trying to burn a hole through his head. He turned to see Bright Mac and Big Mac glaring at him. "I don't think you're dad and brother are that fond of me right now." James whispered, still looking at them with a nervous smile.

Big Mac just popped his knuckles and even though James fought Lucifer himself, he was a bit scared right now. “No they aren’t.” Applejack said.

Once they made it to the dining room. James saw that everyone was looking at them. "Uhh I thought you said nobody heard us." James asked Big Mac.

“I said you weren’t that loud. You were still loud though so most of us heard you.” Big Mac said.

This made Applejack blush bright red while James looked at the other males who were glaring at him. "Oh come on." James said, as he sat down next to Scootaloo and Applejack.

“Why is everyone glaring at you?” Scootaloo asked him, a bit confused on why everyone was acting this way towards James.

James thought on how to explain it to Scootaloo before saying. "Uhh well you see peanut. Applejack's family is mad because we were doing bedtime sparing." James said, hoping that it would work.

“Bedtime sparing?” Scootaloo asked, confused on what that means. “What’s that?”

James trying to figure out a way to explain the best way possible or to try to deflect the question until he got an idea. "Sorry Scoots, but until you’re sixteen years old and get your Cutie Mark then I’ll tell you what bedtime sparing is." James said.

“But what if I get my Cutie Mark before I’m sixteen? Will you tell me then?” Scootaloo asked.

"Sorry Scoots even if you get your Cutie Mark, you still need to be sixteen to know what that is. Besides, it's going to be like a school lesson more than a talk." James said, knowing that a kid who hates school lessons and making it sound like one will get her to stop asking.

“Nope! Say no more!” Scootaloo said, already losing interest in the topic.

James chuckles before looking at Applejack and kisses her on the cheek before saying. "I'm going outside if you need me AJ." James said before running out the door before both Big Mac or Bright Mac could get their hands on him.

“He and I are definitely gonna be having a talk.” Bright Mac muttered under his breath.

Applejack blushed but smiled and started to eat before Scootaloo said something that also made her choke on her food. "So are you going to be mine and Artemis' new mom?" Scootaloo said.

Applejack lets out a cough as she looked at Scootaloo in surprise. “W-what makes you say that Scoots?”

"Well you guys seem so close and he kissed you like a lot. So I just thought you were going to be our new mom?" Scootaloo said, sounding and looking confused.

“Well uh…you see Scoots, we um..” Applejack was unsure on how to answer Scootaloo’s question. “It’s complicated right now.”

While Scootaloo was still trying to ask Applejack about her and James. James was outside sitting under a tree while thinking about something. 'Wow, last night was amazing.’ James thought before frowning and pulled out the box that was holding the Infinity Stones out of his inventoryinventory space.

’How am I going to explain that I'm planning on making the most powerful weapon with these and not tell them it's to kill any and all gods?’ James thought before noticing someone standing at the entrance of the farm.

Looking closer he saw that, much to his annoyance, it was Pepper Spice and he did not look at all happy to see James. ’God damn it, why the hell is he doing here.’ James thought before getting up and walking towards Pepper Spice. "What the fuck do you want dickhead?"

“I was coming here to speak with my beloved Applejack and ask her to reconsider her choice of stallions.” Pepper Spice said.

James clicked his tongue. "Tch. You really don't know when someone says fuck off do you?" James said, getting into Pepper's face towering over him.

Pepper Spice was intimidated by James that was for sure but he just grit his teeth and stood his ground. “I-I believe my dear Applejack is making a mistake being with you when she can do so much better with someone such as I.”

"Oh?" James asked with a raised eyebrow. "Do tell me what you can give Applejack that she would choose you over me." James said, while crossing his arms not noticing the Apple family were right behind him.

“Whatever she wants. She wants the best jewelry in Equestria? It’s hers. The most beautiful dresses? I’ll get it for her. You see, I can get her anything her hearts desires. But you? What can you give her?” Pepper Spice asked with a confident smirk.

James rubbed his chin while nodding. "Not bad really," James said, making Pepper smirk before it turned into a frown. "But I can give her that more easily. Hell I can make them so rare that the gods themselves will want them, " James said before smirking. "I also found and saved Applejack parents, so in short you lose again." James said.

“Her parents? I was under the impression that they had died. I am glad that they are indeed alive.” Pepper Spice said then got an idea. “I wonder though, how do they feel about their daughter dating someone like you instead of someone like me?”

"Oh they actually like me more because I’m not pretending to be nice to them to get the Applejack." James said, shocking everyone except Applejack. "You're just the same as those back home who only see them as objects. You really don't care if her parents were alive or dead. I bet you were counting on it…….. in fact that Minotaur that I was fighting had a crest that looks similar to your Cutie Mark.”

“What are you implying?! That I am in cahoots with a savage minotaur?!” Pepper Spice asked, insulted to be accused of such a thing.

James’ stare made Pepper Spice step back in fear and James then said. "Yes I know you have something to do with it or maybe your family does but don’t you think you can do anything to take Applejack from her family so leave this place." James said, glaring at Pepper Spice.

Pepper Spice just gulps and steps away before attempting to dignify himself, giving James a nasty look he said. “This isn’t over.”

Just before Pepper Spice fully turned he delivered a right hook to James’s cheek making him move back a few feet. This shocked everyone, even Applejack was surprised by the level of strength Pepper Spice had.

“I’m done playing nice. Applejack, I demand that you come with me now.” Pepper Spice demanded, making Applejack shake her head.

“Buck no! I ain’t going anywhere with you!” Applejack said with narrowed eyes.

As for James he turned his head slowly showing his calm and neutral face before saying in a deep and cold tone. "Leave. My. Home." James said, getting back into Pepper Spice's face. However, the stallion just backhands him across the face followed by another backhand before he attempts to punch James but he caught his fist and twisted it. "I warned you," he said, then punched him, sending him back a few meters. James looked at the apple family with a look that says 'he will not listen.'

Most of them knew that a fight was inevitable so they quickly rushed inside to try and avoid it with Applejack giving him a worried look. “Be careful James.” she said to him.

James walked over to Pepper Spice flexing his hand while Pepper Spice was saying no over and over again. James forcefully picked him up and was about to say something but then Pepper Spice said. "Fine…….my turn." he got out of James' grip and to his surprise Pepper Spice punched him so hard he was sent flying and crashed into a few trees breaking them.

“Tch, to think I would have to resort to such barbaric methods just to get rid of filth.” Pepper Spice said as he walked to where James had landed. “But perhaps he’ll be smart and run off like he’s supposed to.”

James got up and rubbed his chin and thought. "I guess it's time to get serious then." James thought as his eyes glowed red and as quick as a flash he punched Pepper Spice in the gut before grabbing his right leg and tossed him into the barnyard which collapsed on top of him.

"My first mistake was thinking you are weak by your body but it seems you have strength equally to that of an angel or demigod perhaps." James said, cracking his neck.

The rubble burying Pepper Spice suddenly exploded with the stallion standing up with a cold look on his face. “I will make sure you regret ever meeting me.”

James just clicked his tongue and summoned Stormbeaker. "The only thing I will regret is having your blood staining the apple family's farm." James said before rushing at Pepper Spice to which he did the same. Their collision made a huge shock wave that spread a few meters while making a crater underneath th them.

“Oh please. As if someone like you can even think of harming me. Especially with a gaudy weapon such as that.” Pepper Spice said before he headbutted James followed by a swift knee to the gut.

James fell to one knee before grabbing his weapon and hit Pepper Spice with the hammer part into the sky and James followed him and grabbed his face before he threw him back down to the ground. "Yet it's doing more damage than you can." James said, charging up electricity and throwing it at Pepper Spice.

The stallion however just backhands the weapon away. “You are a fool for throwing away your weapon!” Pepper Spice said cockily.

James just frowned and snapped his fingers and before Pepper Spice knew it Stormbeaker slammed right in the back of his head sending him face first into the dirt. "Dumbass." he heard James say as Stormbeaker flew back into his hand.

Pepper Spice growls in anger before he, in a shocking burst of speed, tackles James through a tree. The two then landed on the ground where Pepper Spice began to pummel the one who made a fool out of him. “I’ll make sure they won’t even recognize your face, you insufferable bastard!!”

James caught one of his fists before headbutting him, making Pepper Spice stumbled back holding his broken nose. "I think you mean the other way around shit face." James said, before choke slamming him then grabbing both of his legs and spinning around. James started picking up speed creating a tornado before throwing him up into the sky.

James crashed into him and they started punching each other before Pepper Spice kicked him back down to the ground. In which James landed on his feet.

James looked up and saw Pepper Spice coming towards him. He covered his left forearm in armament haki and once Pepper Spice got close he sent a powerful left hook into his cheek not only sending him crashing into a few apple trees but knocking out a few teeth as well.

This made a few of the others wince at the sight with Big Mac commenting. “Damn. Just damn.”

James walked slowly towards Pepper Spice before dodging an apple tree at him but Pepper Spice tackled James before punching him in the air again, but this time going with him and landed on top of the Apple family house where he proceeded to punch James over and over with each blow being stronger than the last which caused James’ face to bruise.

Pepper Spice eventually stopped punching James before grabbing him by the front of his shirt and lifting him up a bit. “Now, are you going to do what I ask? If you say yes. The pain will stop.” Pepper Spice told him but only received a glare. “Your choice.” he then pulled his fist back ready to pummel James once more before a shout was heard.

“NO!” Pepper Spice then looked over to the Apple family and noticed someone he knows for sure wasn’t part of them which was Scootaloo who had a panicked and fearful expression on her face.

“And who is that?” Pepper Spice questioned.

James one good eye widened before narrowing and he threw Pepper Spice off of him. And covered both his fist in armament haki and started to beat living shit out of Pepper Spice and yelled at him.

"LEAVE! MY! HOME!!!" James yelled with each punch before finishing it with a devastating punch to the gut which sent them both into the house and destroying the roof in the process.

The Apple family and Scootaloo were worried and scared for James when the house then collapsed on top of the two. It was quiet for a few moments before Pepper Spice was thrown out of the debris with James falling behind while limping a little. "Damn bastard is strong, I'll give him that."

“James!!” both Applejack adn Scootaloo shouted at the same time as they rushed over to him.

“Are you ok?!” Applejack asked then mentally hit herself for asking such a dumb question. “What am I saying your face is all purple and swollen!”

James had a sad smile and said. "Sorry AJ I guess I have to be more of a monster to kill him." James said, turning into his Dragon form.

“Wait kill?! You’re still willing to go that far?!” Pear Butter asked him. “Is that how you’re going to solve all your problems?! By killing them?!”

James looked at Pear Butter and sighed."I gave him a chance to leave but he didn't take it. And both me and him aren't going to stop until one of us is dead." James said, looking serious.

“B-but there are other ways to end this without bloodshed! For Celestia’s sake you two are fighting like monsters instead of people!” Pear Butter shouted, the idea of killing each other not sitting well with her at all.

"But he is not lying," everyone turned to Pepper Spice who was covered in cuts and had one of his eyes swollen shut. "I will not stop until I have Applejack and if you are also going to get in my way then you'll just have to die too." he said before flying towards Pear Butter ready to kill her but James went in front of her.

"Gomu Gomu No Dragon Pistol!" James shouted while shooting his fist into Pepper's gut, making him fly back a few meters. James looked back at the apple family. "You guys need to get somewhere safe," James said in a serious tone.

“Like where?!” Bright Mac asked before he and the others were being shoved in one direction by Applejack.

“Who cares?! Just run y’all!” she ordered and the Apple family began to flee the area with Applejack giving James a worried look before continuing running.

James saw Applejack's worried look. ’Sorry Applejack…….. everyone, but I don’t think I’ll make it out of this one.’ James thought before Pepper Spice appeared in front of him. "Alright Pepper after this day one shall stand…..and one shall fall." James said, getting into a fighting stance.

Pepper Spice just gave him a blank look. “That was the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard.”

James smirks before saying. "Yeah but stupid or not it's true either way," he said, before bending his knees while putting one first to the ground. Pepper Spice was confused until he saw James legs bending down without moving from his position and went back to normal until he saw his skin turning pink. James did it again until he said. "Dragon form second gear." James said, glaring at Pepper Spice.

Pepper Spice just scoffs. “Are you just gonna keep calling out stupid names or are you actually gonna give up?”

James didn't say anything and disappeared leaving Pepper Spice surprised before getting punched in his right cheek, sending him flying a few meters. He got up and looked but only saw a cloud of smoke before getting kneed in the gut. He fell to the ground gasping for air before being grabbed and thrown into the sky where James delivered punches and kicks to Pepper Spice’s face and body leaving him no time to defend himself.

James then slammed both fists into the back of Pepper Spice’s head, sending crashing down to the ground, creating a crater and a large dust cloud.

James landed on the ground breathing heavily and said. "Let’s see you get up from that." James said, not noticing one of his angel blades falling down next to Pepper Spice.

“James!” James turned to see Applejack running towards him. “Are you alright?!”

Unbeknown to James Pepper Spice was getting off the ground while holding the angel blade. "Applejack!?! What the hell are you doing? Get back!!" James shouted before limping towards her.

Before Applejack could say anything, her eyes widened when she saw Pepper Spice running towards James with the angel blade. “WATCH OUT!!” Applejack shouted but it was too late as the blade was stabbed into James' back, piercing right through his heart.

James gasped in shock as he slowly looked down at the tip of the blade sticking out of his chest before hearing Pepper Spice whisper. "You should have left when you had the chance. Now you die." he whispered as he forcefully ripped the blade out as blood burst out of the wound and onto the ground.

Applejack stared in horror as the life slowly left James’s eyes before he fell to the ground. She ran over and fell to the ground next to him and held him while crying. "N-no come on James don't die. I still haven't told you how I really felt!" she cried, while holding him close.

She listens for a heart beat but to her horror there was none which made her cry even more.

The whole time Pepper Spice was chuckling at the scene. “Oh do stop that my dear. He isn’t someone to cry over.”

This made Applejack stop. Hearing what Pepper Spice said, something deep down inside her started to awake. All her life she was a farmer, a bringer of life that was her way….the Apple family way. But now after losing the one person she truly loved was killed by this bastard and he is still talking bad about him.

“Honestly, dating him was possibly the worst mistake you could have ever made. He’s nothing more than a waste of space.” Pepper Spice continued, oblivious to Applejack's growing anger.

Unbeknownst to Pepper Spice, red marks that start at Applejack forearm and work their way up her arm as she slowly stands up her hat covering her eyes. Her Cutie Mark that was three apples now had a red omega symbol appeared over it and was pulsing like a heartbeat.

Applejack always had trouble controlling her anger. Not as much as James or Rainbow but still had trouble. But at this very moment in her life she didn't care if she killed Pepper Spice anymore.

“Y-you…” Applejack said which caught Pepper Spice’s attention and he finally notices the marks.

“What? What’s with those markings?” he questioned her.

"You……. You’re going to fucking pay!!!!!" Applejack yelled as she punch Pepper Spice so hard that it sent him flying while he was screaming in pain as well as crashing into a few apple trees.

Pepper Spice groans as he gets up only to yelp when Applejack seemingly appears right in front of him but before he could do anything, he was hit with a viscous right hook that nearly broke his jaw and sent him flying once more.

’What the hell?! How is she this strong!?!’ Pepper Spice thought, before hitting the ground hard. Applejack growled before yelling out in anger and pain as her forearm burst into flames as the ground shook. Pepper Spice stared in both shock and horror as his blood went cold. He didn’t know why but he feels like he’s not looking at some apple farmer but something else.

Pepper Spice ran at Applejack throwing a right hook at Applejack cheek, but to his surprise and horror not only did it not affect her nor send her back he also felt the bones in his hands break upon impact.

He screamed in pain as he grabbed his now broken hand. “What the fuck?!? It’s like trying to punch through the toughest of metals!”

Applejack just growled like a wild animal which scared Pepper Spice. "I'm going to make you bleed Pepper Spice." she said, Pepper Spice surprised as a literal fireball was thrown at him before he screamed in pain as the fire burned his fur and flesh.

“Since when can you throw fireballs?!?!” screamed Pepper Spice as he tried to put out the fire.

Applejack didn't answer. Instead, the fire on her forearms intensified as they started to solidify into a new form while the rest of the fire started to wrap around her forearms and start to form into chains. Soon the fire in her hands took form into short blades with the handles being golden and bronze and blazing with three apples and the omega symbol on both while the blade had red marks going across it.

(Something Like this)

Pepper Spice just stared in shock at the sight. “W-what?! How is this even possible?!”

Applejack just pulled her left arm back and threw the bladed weapon at Pepper Spice, who moved out of the way. He then smirked before screaming in pain after Applejack grabbed the chain that was attached to it and pulled it towards the direction he jumped, cutting his side and making him bleed.

"AHHHHH!!!" Pepper Spice yelled out in pain as he held his now bleeding side he stared at Applejack’s wicked grin.

"You know Pepper Spice? I never like killing. I was always a farmer…life Giver, but now I see why Jame says there is no other choice but to kill people like you. You won't stop until someone has to put you down like a rabbit dog, and that's what I'm planning on doing." Applejack said, fully ready to torture and then kill Pepper Spice.

Pepper Spice however was sweating bullets as Applejack stomped towards him. “N-n-now wait a minute! Let’s n-not be hasty now! I’m sure we-”

Pepper Spice didn't get to finish before Applejack did a sequence of slashes before using one to chain to wrap around his leg and start to slam him across the ground before throwing him up in the air and using both chain blades to impale him in his chest and slamming him into the ground again hard.

Pepper Spice began to cough up blood as he began to grow weak. “N-no…this can’t…b-be happening!!”

While that was happening James was in a black void, looking around. "God damn it!!! I can’t believe I died to that fucker!!" James shouted while punching the ground.

Just then he heard a soft female voice that made him feel calm and safe for some reason. “Calm yourself young one. This isn’t where your story ends yet.”

James looked around for the voice and his eyes on a figure standing across from him. She was 8 feet tall, taller than him with an hourglass figure and she was wearing a white Roman style dress with gold and silver accents across it. She also had it on a gold tiara on top of her head. It contrasts with her red mane and white fur. She also had wings and a horn. James noticed she had a double H-cup breast.

“Hello.” she greeted with a warm and friendly smile.

James stared before saying. "Hello lady who is standing in the dark," James said, confused by the lady's sudden appearance.

The female figure just laughed before the void they were in changed to a familiar scene to James. It was a field with flowers of different varieties with a large tree next to a lake. In the distance you can see a castle but what was more surprising to James was that a song that he heard from a video game he played as a child.

"T-this is the place that I always go to when I slept as a kid and pretend to be a hero of the universe," James said, walking over to a nearby flower and grabbed it.

“I figured you would find this to be a bit more comfortable than the previous location.” the woman said.

James just stood there before clenching his fist so hard that it started to bleed. This was one of the only happiest memories of his childhood before the accident…… before the so-called God took everything from him.

The woman noticed this and came up behind James and hugged him. "It’s okay I'm here," she said, and James started to cry into her chest while shaking violently.

They stayed like that for a moment before James was able to pull himself back together wiping away the tears. "Sorry About that. I didn't even get your name and I just cried like a child." James said, sitting in front of the lake.

“It is quite alright, young one. As for who I am, I am Faust.” the now named Faust said and James eyes widened a bit.

"Faust? As in the goddess Lauren Faust?! Creator of Equus as well as the mother of Celestia and Luna?! That Faust?!" James asked with surprise and shock written across his face.

Faust just giggles and nods her head. “The very same.”

".......... your daughter Celestia is a bitch you know." James said, looking back at the lake.

“Y-yes, she may need a stern talking to about her little attitude.” Faust said with a comical sweatdrop.

James nodded in agreement. It was quiet between them for a few moments before James sighed. "You already knew about Lucifer's daughter and her friends being in Equestria right." James said, more a fact than a question.

“Yes. Nothing escapes my notice. Not even Earth bound demons being forced into my world.” Faust said, her smile disappearing and being replaced by a neutral expression.

"That means you also knew about the Infinity Stones as well as what I’m planning on doing with them." James said, looking down already knowing the answer.

Faust nodded her head. “Yes, I also know that nothing I say will deter you from doing it.”

James' laugh was hollow and full of pain. "Not like it matters anymore I can't even touch them without killing myself. But I'm already dead so I can't do much so you don't have to worry about me becoming a god killer." James said, looking at the lake showing his and Faust reflection.

“I believe I can help with that.” Faust said, making James look at her with a raised eyebrow.

"What are you going to do? Make my body able to use the Infinity Stones or something?" James questioned looking at Faust.

"Yes actually, I can." Faust said, smirking at James shock face but her smirk disappeared soon after. “However, it will come at a cost. One that I believe you might find ridiculous.”

His shock turned into confusion and said "If you are asking for me to give you my soul then I think I’ll-" James didn't get to finish before Faust interrupted him looking shocked and horrified by his words.

“Your soul?! Why would I ever want your soul?! What am I? A demon?” she asked him.

James just shrugged his shoulders. "I don't know, sorry I have been around demons for a while. But what do you want in exchange for helping me use the Infinity Stones?" James questioned.

“You will have to become the protector of Equus.” Faust told him.

James just blinked for a moment before saying. "You want me? The guy who killed both angels and demons or anything really to be the protector of Equus?" James asked, making sure he heard her right.

Faust nodded her head. “Yes, that is correct.”

James just blinked again before sighing. "Alright, fine. It's not like I got any other chance, Ok I'll protect Equus and all who live on against any enemies." James said, voice full of seriousness and determination.

Faust smiled and nodded her head. “Thank you, James.” She then reached behind her back and pulled out a familiar box. "Since your original heart was destroyed by an Angel blade I think you'll be better if I could use these Infinity Stones to make you a new one." she said, as the Infinity Stones float out of the box and after a bright flash of light, in front of James was what looked like a heart but it had the Infinity Stones implanted into it.

Back to the battle. Applejack was standing over a bloody and bleeding Pepper Spice. “Looks like the game is now over Pepper Spice. Once I get through killing you I will go after the rest of your family and make them bleed too." Applejack said, her emerald green eyes now turn into blood red.

Coughing up some blood before he weakly held his arm up. “P-p-please….have m-mercy!”

Applejack looked at Pepper Spice with anger and hatred before stomping on his chest making him scream out in pain. "You dare ask for mercy after you kill James……..the one person who would love me for I am and not for my body or title," Applejack said, not even trying to hide her face of disgust for Pepper Spice.

Pepper Spice tried to get her foot off of him but had no success as she only put more pressure on him to the point where he can hear his ribs cracking. "I'm going to enjoy murdering you and your family Pepper Spice." Applejack said, raising the Blades of Chaos fully consumed by the Spartan rage..

That's when they both heard a thump and they looked around until they heard it again. "W-what is that?" Pepper Spice asked.

That's when they looked over to James and saw his finger twitch before tightening his fist and the box that was a few meters away from them opened up with the Infinity Stones flying out and slamming into his chest.

James' body started to convulse as the Infinity Stones' power started to surge through his veins before a burst of energy shot out of his body and into the sky creating a pillar of rainbow energy.

“W-what in the n-name of Celestia?” Pepper Spice said as he and Applejack continued to stare at the pillar.

Inside the pillar James' body was healing and he gained black marks all over his body and face. And once his eyes opened they were now silver draconic eyes.

(Something like this)

Once the pillar disappeared James was standing and looked around at the destruction of the apple farm. "Jesus Christ what the fuck happened here." James asked not noticing Applejack's and Pepper Spice shock faces.

“J-James?” Applejack asked, tears beginning to form within her eyes.

James looked at Applejack and jumped in surprise. Applejack was covered in blood and dirt while having one of her legs standing on Pepper Spice chest who looked like he got into a fight with a Jaguar and polar bear at the same time.

"Holy fuck AJ!? You really gave him a beating.” James said before walking over and held Applejack’s free hand. "But it's OK I'm here and live…. You can stop now." James said, in a calm voice.

But Applejack had other plans as she pulled him into a tight hug before sobbing into his chest, happy and relieved that he’s alive. James smiled and hugged her tight and kissed her forehead. "It’s okay I'm here AJ, and this time I Pinkie Pie promise I'll stay," James said, cupping both her cheeks while wiping her tears away.

“B-but how…how a-are you alive?” she asked him in between sobs.

James smiled and said. "You could say there's a God or goddess out there that cares about me." James said, before looking over to Pepper Spice, seeing the stallion trying to crawl away from the two.

’T-those two are going t-to pay when I return! I-I swear it!’ the stallion thought angrily.

Just then James appeared in front of Pepper Spice shocking him. "Where do you think you're going?" James asked as a rainbow aura covered him and what sounded like six other voices talking at the same time.

Gulping and thinking it might work, tried begging with james. “W-wait! I’ll leave! You w-won’t ever see me again! I swear!”

James just stared at Pepper Spice for a moment before lifting his right hand to which Pepper Spice mangled body was floating in mid-air much to his shock and horror. "Don't worry I don't have to kill you, someone else has a worse punishment in store for you later down the line. I think the name Lauren Faust goddess of creation rings a bell to you," James said, as all the color drained from Pepper Spice's face, showing a look of horror.

“F-Faust?! What do you m-mean Fasut?!” he questioned, too weak to struggle out of whatever is holding him up.

"I think you know what I mean by Faust," James said, not noticing the other apple family and Scootaloo were behind them. "She brought me back to life as well as gave me an offer I couldn't refuse." James said, snapping his fingers and Pepper Spice was healed but still couldn't move.

This caught Applejacks attention as she looked at James with a slightly curious expression. “W-what kind of o-offer?” Pepper Spice asked.

"Well, in exchange for bringing me back to life as well as giving me the ability to use powerful artifacts from my Homeworld. You're looking at the new protector of Equus in its entirety which to put it simply I only answer to her which means I can do whatever I want however I wanted to do it as long as it doesn't kill her little ponies as long as they didn't do anything that could be considered evil or sinful." James said, getting into Pepper Spice's scared and terrified face.

Everyone in the area were beyond shocked about this news. Even Applejack was staring at James like he was a different person. "But that being said I won't kill you instead I got something far worse." James said, as a portal opened up behind him.

“W-what are you doing?!” Pepper Spice questioned, finding the strength he needs to try and struggle free.

"What I am about to do, Pepper Spice, is send you to another universe where you have to fight for your very life. I hope you like the undead." James said, and before he could get free James threw him in and closed the portal.

It was quiet for a moment for James that I saw and fell to the ground breathing heavily. while everyone just stared in shock at what he had done. however, two certain girls were more concerned about James than Pepper Spice as Scootaloo quickly ran over to her father and tackled him into a hug.

"Ow!! Jesus kid, how many times are you going to tackle me to the ground." James asked, getting off the ground and holding Scootaloo in his arms.

“As many times as it takes to show how much you worry me whenever you get into big fights.” was Scootaloo’s response as she hugged him tighter.

James sighed and walked towards Applejack while still holding Scootaloo. "Hey Applejack, like the new look?" James asked, smiling at Applejack.

She just hugs him as well, tears still falling down her face. “I don’t really care about the look. I’m just glad you’re alive.” He just hugged her as well as the apple family came towards them as the black marks were disappearing and his eyes were turning back to normal. “Don’t ever scare me like that again. You hear me?”

"Sorry AJ but if you and the others are going to stay by me there are going to be times where I may or will get killed," James said, while rubbing Applejack back. Applejack wanted to say something but knew that James was right and just enjoyed James' warmth. "So that the problem is out of the way. Let's get this farm fixed up,"

“Can’t we just relax for now? Please?” Scootaloo asked him, looking up at him with pleading eyes.

James smiled and kissed Scootaloo's forehead and said. "Don't worry peanut, it would take a long time," James said, as he lifted his right hand while it was glowing green just like the entire landscape of the Apple Family Farm. Then he turned his hand counterclockwise as everything started to rewind back to normal. Everyone stared in shock and awe at the spectacle that James was doing. After a moment the Family Farm was brand new like nothing had happened to it.

“Holy Celestia…..he just fixed everything with just a wave of his hand…” Granny said as she stared at the newly repaired apple trees and house.

"Yeah it looks almost like nothing happened." Bright Mac said, with Applejack and Pear Butter nodding in agreement.

"You know Applejack there is one thing I haven't done yet." James said, smirking evilly at her.

“And what would that be?” she asked with a raised eyebrow.

Without warning James locks lips with Applejack, catching her and everyone off guard and after a couple of seconds they separated. "Sweet Luna moon. I'll never get tired of you tasting like apples Applejack," James said, grining.

Applejack was sporting a massive blush on her face before she shook her head. “You’re lucky we’re together.” she told him before giving him a quick peck on the cheek.

"Yeah……. But we do have to talk to the others about, you know." James said and Applejack knew he was talking about his relationship with her as well as the others like Ember, Cherri, Angel as well as her friends.

“Yeah, I guess we do have to talk about it eventually.” Applejack said, already thinking of how awkward it was going to be.

After that everyone agreed to go to bed early after the tiring event but on the way back to the farmhouse James was thinking to himself. ‘She has no idea how awkward it is going to be and if she finds out about her family lineage as well as the others.’ James thought while looking at a sleeping Scootaloo.

(James pov the next Day Ponyville station)

I stretched my arms while yawning after the long train ride back to Ponyville. And it didn't help that both Bright Mac and Big Mac were glaring at me while Applejack was sitting next to me.

Just then the Main Six, Hazbin Hotel and Helluva Boss gangs were waiting outside with Pinkie tackling both James and Applejack into a bear hug.

“Oh missed you guys so much!! You guys didn’t forget who I am right?!” Pinkie asked us, still hugging us to the point where it was getting a bit difficult to breathe.

"Pinkie…. We can’t breathe." I said before teleporting out of her death hug with Applejack, shocking everyone except for Alastor.

“Since when can you do that?” Twilight asked him, her eyes wide.

"It was after I died and brought back to life by this world's goddess……..Aw crap basket you didn't know about yet." James said, slapping his forehead.

“WHAT?!” the rest of the Main Six and most of the Hazbin Hotel Gang shouted in shock while Alastor, Husk, and the Helluva Boss gang didn’t seem to care.

James knew this was going nowhere so taking a deep breath and said. "OK this is going to be something soooo-" James started before snapping his fingers and everyone teleported into James house more specifically the living room.

“Hey! How about a warning next time!” Rainbow said in annoyance.

I ignored her and looked at Charlie and Vaggie. "Can you two look after the kids for a moment," I asked, they nodded and left with Artemis and the CmC.

After a moment I told everyone about what happened at Appaloosa as well as telling them about how me and Applejack got together and me dying and meeting Faust, her proposal to help me use the Infinity Stones and make me a protector of Equus.

Safe to say, this made those who were shocked earlier even more shocked. “Sweet Celestia….” Rarity said quietly.

I nodded my head in agreement and said. "Yeah but that's not all." I said, getting their attention. "She also told me about some interesting things about your guy's family history." I said, pointing at the main six.

This piqued everyone's curiosity before Twilight asked. “What do you mean?”

I took a moment to prepare myself before saying. "All six of you are not full ponies like the others. To be brutally honest all of you are descendants of gods or goddesses," I said, waiting for their reaction.

“Now that’s a load of bull I ever heard.” Blitzo said with a chuckle before pointing a thumb at the six. “These girls being the great grandbabies of those loser Olympians?”

I sighed before opening my right hand and to everyone's surprise the skin on my hand moved before the mind stone appeared in the palm of my hand as it started to glow. "It’s better to show you than telling you." I said, as the memories of my compensation with Faust.

"So you're telling me that the element Bearers are related to gods and Goddess from my universe?" my past self asked, looking confused and shocked.

“That is exactly what I am saying. Each one of them are descendents of certain members of the Olympians. Well, some of them anyways. Two of them is related to a couple of the Norse gods.” Faust said.

My past self looked more confused. "If you don't mind. Can you tell me who those gods or goddesses names?" I asked.

She nodded her head. “Of course. For the Olympians there is Athena, Aphrodite, Hermes and a warrior named Kratos. Norse, Loki and Hela.”

They then saw my face go pale with fear and worry. "Let me guess Fluttershy is related to Hela the Goddess of Death, Pinkie Pie is related to Loki the God of mischief and chaos, Rainbow Dash is related to Hermes the God of Speed, Rarity is related to Aphrodite the goddess of love, beauty, pleasure and procreation, Twilight is related to Athena the goddess of battle strategy, and wisdom, and Applejack is related to Kratos the God of War?" he asked fearing the answer.

Faust nodded her head while the Main Six were surprised to hear this, I can tell they didn’t know who those gods were but with the way I said their names and titles, they knew they were important. “That is correct.”

Then they saw me next to a tree with a dark cloud over my head while saying in a scared and terrified voice. "I literally had sex with someone who's ancestor that can literally rip me in half," they heard my past self say, fearing for my life.

This made Blitzo laugh mockingly. “Aw, looks like you’re not as tough as you make yourself to be!”

"Blitzo." I said, getting everyone's attention about how serious my voice was. "Kratos is known as the god that killed all the Greek pantheon gods aka the God Slayer. Not even his own father Zeus, the most powerful God of all of them, can stand up to him." I said, as everyone stared at me.

“Oooh scary. Trust me, when you live in hell with beings like Overlords and Princes, things like that don’t really scare anyone.” Blito said.

That's when everyone notices the room warping in and out of reality as they see places that they thought never even existed beings who are beyond space and time. "Blitzo." I said, everyone stared at me as my eyes were now silver with draconic-like pupils and a rainbow aura was surrounding me.

"Those people in hell are just that, Overlords and princes…….but these people are full of fresh gods and goddesses. And not even Lucifer would play around with people like them." I said, as I noticed my voice had an echo to it as well as six other voices too.

“I’m not saying they aren’t hot shit. Gods killing one another, especially if they’re on different levels of power, sounds just like Overlords killing Overlords so it’s not really all that frightening to hear.” Blitzo said with a shrug.

"Don't do it James. Don't do it," I said to myself before the mind stone went back into my body. "Anyways I need to have a conversation with the element Bearers, Ember, Amara, Angel and Cherri alone." I said, as I saw Applejack stiffen at that.

“Uh, why?” Cherry asked me.

I had a serious look on my face and said, "I think you know why Cherri, and before anyone of you say you don't know both me and Applejack know that you are lying," I said, as the people in question eyes widened.

“O-oh. He’s right. This is gonna be a private conversation so please give us some privacy.” Twilight said to the others.

“Very well. This was starting to bore me anyways.” Alastor said as he and Husk left the room and slowly those who weren’t part of the conversation began to leave though Moxxie had to drag Blitzo out due to him wanting to eavesdrop.

After everyone had left it was just me, the main six, Amara, Ember, Cherri and Angel sitting in the living room. It was quiet for a moment before I sighed and got their attention. "OK, this is not easy especially for Angel, Cherri and Rainbow Dash when it comes to feelings or love." I started getting up and walking over towards the window.

Rainbow wanted to say something but stopped. She hates to admit that I was right. "And it makes it worse when we don't hang around each other that much but yet you still developed feelings for me as I do for you guys." I continued, as I looked back at them.

“So what do you suggest we do then? Start hanging out with each other? Well let me tell you this, a lot of these girls don’t exactly agree with how me and Cherri have fun.” Angel Dust said with said demon nodding in agreement.

"Yeah you might be wrong on that account.” I said and everyone was confused until I looked at Fluttershy.

"W-why are you looking at me?!" Fluttershy said, trying to act scared but I knew.

"Flutters….. stop acting and just be yourself." I said, confusing everyone even more.

“Dude, what are you talking about? She is being herself.” Rainbow Dash said.

Just then they heard Fluttershy laugh and then to Rainbow Dash shock as well as everyone she smirked at me. "So you knew I was faking this whole time huh?" she said, not even trying to stutter or hiding her face in fear.

"Not at first but I started to see the signs." I answered and Fluttershy just laughed harder which freaked out her friends, especially Rainbow Dash since she’s known her since they were kids.

“I-is Fluttershy…” Rarity began but stopped, unable to find the right words.

“Actually openly laughing loudly instead of being all shy and quiet? Yes, yes she is.” Applejack said.

Fluttershy got up off the couch and stretched. "Jesus fuck, you have no idea how hard it is to act all weak and pathetic at times." she said, walking over to James and smirks. "Especially when you are in front of a natural born killer like James here," Fluttershy said. Wrapping her arms around my neck and kissing my cheek.

I then noticed that Rainbow Dash had a betrayed look on her face.

"Rainbow," I said, getting her attention. "I know you think that Fluttershy betrayed you but this change probably happened before or after she got her Cutie Mark." I said, getting out of Fluttershy hug and walked over to Rainbow Dash and pulled her into my embrace.

“Don’t. Don’t try and make this any better. Cause you’re failing at it.” Rainbow Dash said, removing my arms from her. “I’ve been lied to my entire life by someone I thought was my best friend. No amount of comfort is going to fix the betrayal I’m feeling right now.”

"If it helps I 'll just tell you what happened and why I lied." Fluttershy said. Getting everyone's attention. "It was just a few days after I got my Cutie Mark that things changed." Fluttershy started looking out the window.

"I was still a foal at the time and was in the Everfree forest playing with my animal friends when it happened," she said, her eyes closing for a moment before continuing. "A large bug bear attacked me when I was walking back to Ponyville. I tried to reason with it, but it just wanted to kill ponies just for fun, more specifically foals who were no more than 5 years old."

Everyone except for me, Angel, Cherri and Rainbow looked shocked and horrified by this. "So I tried to run but it chased me all the way into a corner. I thought I was going to die that day until I heard a voice in my head that told me I could easily kill it if I just focused inward inside myself and I did so….. and I blackout for what seemed like a few minutes but when I woke up I saw the bug bear torn to pieces and I was covered in his blood."

“S-sweet Celestia!” Rarity said, horrified by what she heard.

“So ya tore it to pieces?” Cherri asked Fluttershy.

"Yup, I was horrified by it at first but I started to like it which confused me, after I got home understandably my Dad was scared out of his mind but my mom looked at me like she knew what I did. So after I got cleaned up and I checked over by doctors, my mom sat me down and told me what was happening," Fluttershy said.

"She said, ever since the start of Equestria and unification of the three pony tribes. The mares in my family will go through somewhat of a change in nature. We will hear a voice of our great ancestor Hela telling us we can kill anything that threatens us, once we have done our first kill our personality and the way we think will change over time."

"We would enjoy seeing death happen to ponies, animals, anything that has life to a worrying degree, sometimes we'll indulge in the act of killing things. So my mom told me to pretend to be weak and scared in front of ponies and keep this side of me a secret because other ponies wouldn't understand us and see us as Psychopathic murderers who just enjoy killing." Fluttershy said, before looking at Rainbow Dash with a sad smile.

"I wanted to tell you, but mom said that you wouldn't understand and be scared of me and tell others…..so I lied to you not wanting to lose the only friend I had, I'm sorry for everything Rainbow Dash." Fluttershy said, bowing.

Rainbow Dash look of betrayal was changed to a more conflicted one. “I…I don’t think I can just forgive you right away Shy. You lied to me for years. You made me think I knew everything about you. That we wouldn’t keep secrets from each other. I’m sorry but I just need time.”

Fluttershy nodded her head. "I know this is hard for you, when you are ready we can talk again and you can ask me anything and I won't lie to you," Fluttershy said, smiling.

I looked at the two in worry but knew I couldn't do anything for them. So I cleared my throat, getting everyone's attention again. "OK let's focus back on the main topic we need to do something about this between us." I said, more serious than before.

"Because I can't just write off and say 'I'll think about it later' and the next time I'm around any of you and some stallion comes up and flirts with you that I will either kill the guy or threaten to kill a guy and I don't think we want to live like that with me acting possessive." I said, snapping my fingers and some drinks appeared.

“What’s with you and killing?” Aapplejack asked me.

I rubbed my head in embarrassment. "Sorry I guess I resort to the option every time I see a problem, but you do agree that we need to figure this out. Because every time I try imagining one of you guys dating someone I instantly destroy the image before the body can even be formed next to you guys." I said, sighing and sitting on one of the couches.

“Is there a reason why you’re so kill happy? Other than you being possessive of course.” Angel Dust said with a chuckle.

"It’s because I have this." I said, pointing at the curse mark. "The curse mark makes anyone who has it for too long have a murderous impulse to want to kill anything or everything. I try to fight back those urges by doing other things but as you can see it's not really helping all that much." I finished.

“Maybe we can find some way to remove it? Or at least weaken it? Cause honestly, this whole kill everything that angers you is a bit…well…frightening.” Twilight said.

"Yeah you guys are probably right I need to…….wait a minute." I said, stopping for a moment before yelling at them. "YOU GUYS ARE TRYING TO CHANGE THE SUBJECT ARE YOU!!!!" I yelled, catching what they were trying to do and seeing them not look at me prove my point.

“W-what are you talking about?” Twilight said nervously.

I groaned in annoyance as I rubbed my forehead. "Guys, I'm serious about this. We can't just ignore this and pretend it may or it may not happen." I said, looking at them.

"Like I said before, it's not easy being honest about how we feel. But we need to talk about this and find a way to deal with it so it wouldn't be a problem down the line," I finished.

Cherri then sighed. “He’s right. We keep trying to ignore this, it’s only gonna cause problems for us in the future.”

Everyone nodded and tried to think of something until I saw Pinkie Pie eyes light up. "I got an idea, why not form a Herd with James and date him for a while if our feelings for him change we can leave the herd at any time." she smiled brightly.

“Herd? The fuck is that?” Angel Dust asked as both he and Cherri had confused looks on their faces.

"Think of it like harem, where one guy gets an unspecified amount of women or men that love you and go on dates and stuff," I answered.

“Ah, got ya.” Angel Dust said, nodding in understanding.

"Though that sounds like a bad idea, Pinkie." I said, thinking about it more.

“What? Why?” Pinkie asked, a bit dejected her idea was a bad one.

"Sorry Pinkie but I think the others wouldn’t really willingly share the same guy." I said, but was proven wrong by the others.

“Pft, I don’t mind sharing just as long as there’s enough for me.” Angel Dust said.

“Same here.” Fluttershy said next.

“I knew that others would be interested in ya so I did prepare myself for the thought of sharing you with whoever has caught your eye.” Applejack said.

I just blinked before looking over at Amara, Rarity, Twilight, Cherri, Rainbow and Ember. "What about you guys? Do you feel the same?" I asked.

"I really don't mind as long as you love us equally." Amara said.

“I guess you can say the same about the rest of us.” Twilight said with a small blush as the others, minus Rainbow Dash who just mumbled, nodded in agreement.

"So two demons, six mares, a dragon and the literal darkness herself wants to date me? Am I getting this right?" I asked while feeling embarrassed and my face turns red.

“Yeah that seems about right.” Angel Dust said, chuckling as he no doubt found amusement in me getting flustered.

"Cool." I said, it was quiet for a moment before I fell face first on my face hitting the ground hard.

“James!” everyone shouted before they all ran over to me.

I was helped up and into a chair. "It’s okay now, I'm OK, just a little surprise is all." I said, trying to get the feeling back into my legs as they felt like jelly right now.

"Yeah right," Rainbow said, rolling her eyes.

I rubbed my head and looked at a lot of them with an embarrassing smile. " so since we figured out how we going to do this there's only one thing left," I said, getting their attention. "Which one of you wants to go on a date with me," I said, smiling.