• Published 30th Apr 2022
  • 1,570 Views, 25 Comments

The dragon breather of Equestria - Jayelms43

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Chapter 5

Chapter five

(James pov)

I woke up with a growned. I opened my eyes and immediately closed due to the light hitting me directly in the eyes. I then heard a gasp and someone running out while yelling 'he is awake'. "While that happened, wait what the fuck happened anyway," I asked out loud.

“You passed out due to magic exhaustion.” I heard Amara say and I opened my eyes to see her sitting nexting to me.

"Huh, I guess that happ-" I didn't get to finish before Amara punch me in the cheek, making me fall out of the hospital bed.

“That is for scaring me to death when you let that dragon hit you with his fire.” she told me as I stood up and looked at her but then she hugged me. “I am so glad you are alright.”

I hugged her tight and said. "Sorry, I guess I got too into the fight to notice my magic exhaustion," I said before seeing both princesses, element bearers and the CMC standing there before Scootaloo ran up to me and hugged me while crying.

“You have no idea how worried Scoots was while you were unconscious.” Applebloom told me.

I looked down at Scoots before picking her up and hugged her and said. "How long was I out for," I asked Scoots while trying to calm her down.

“Y-you were asleep for a-an entire day.” Scootaloo said between sobs.

"Damn entire day, wait what is my stat now," I thought before looking at it and it made my jaw hit the floor.

James Williams lv 150
Strength: 6,4000
Speed: 58000
Hp: 7000/7000
Magic: 55000/55000

Fire breathing form Lv: 25
Pyrokinesis Lv24
Electrokinesis Lv: 20
Fire dragon slayer Magic Lv:23

Everyone noticed and it was Luna who asked. “What is the matter?”

James just shook his head before saying. "Nothing, just thinking about something," I said before seeing Twilight was shaking violently while looking excited.

"Uh, is she okay?" I asked while pointing at Twilight.

“Oh geez here we go.” Rainbow said while shaking her head and Twilight suddenly appeared in front of me.

“How were you able to spin that dragon around like that?! What kind of magic was that that you used?! Is it possible for me to learn it as well?!” she asked me.

I backed up in surprise before I could answer her questions it was Celestia who saved me. "Now Twilight I believe our guests will answer your questions but first let's go somewhere more comfortable so that he could answer our questions as well, " Celestia said, making me sighed in relief.

(Third person pov)

After about an hour they made it to the dining Hall and after everyone ordered something, it was Celestia who asked the first question. “Who are you? And how were you able to perform that strange magic?”

"Okay first my full name is James D. Williams, and as for the second one that a secret," James said before Applebloom asked another question.

“How did you get so strong?” she asked, curiosity clear on her face.

James was silent for a moment before saying. "I accidentally ate demon meat," James said, making Luna stand up and ready to fight James at any second.

“Demon meat?! Then you are a threat! No creature other than monsters and other demons would dare eat demon meat!” Luna shouted as her horn glows brightly.

“Wait, so does that mean the D in your name mean demon?” Scootaloo asked James, a bit nervous.

James rubbed his head in annoyed before saying. "Okay first off I didn't know that eating demon meat would kill me, I thought it was just regular bear meat," James said before looking at Scootaloo and smiled before rubbing her head and said.

"And no the D doesn't stand for Demon, my dad gave me that of a show called One piece," James said calming Scoots down a bit.

"S-so what does the D stand for?" Fluttershy asked while hiding behind her hair.

"Well, my dad said that in the show In the Post-War arc, one of the Five Elders stated that "D." means danger. After the timeskip, Law mentioned the Will of D. once more when Doflamingo asked him why he had so much faith in Luffy. “ In certain places, the clan of D. have been called by another name, God's Archenemy." James said before Rarity asked another question.

“You know you’re starting to make yourself sound a tad bit like a villain don’t you darling?” she asked.

James just sighed before saying. "Look lady Rarity, my dad gave me that name, I ask him why and he just said "I believe that one day the will D will bring hope to the world and I know in my heart that it will be you' but I thought he was just saying it to make it sound better to have that letter in my name," James said, trying to get his point across.

“Oh, I see.” Rarity said in understanding.

"So what is your favorite cake or cupcake?" Pinkie said while smiling.

"Well, to be honest I haven't had a cake or cupcake since-" James started before his expression went from thinking to sadness after he remembered what happened to his parents.

Pinkie somehow knew it was a sad topic for him to discuss so she hugged him to help comfort him.

"Thanks Pinkie, I'm fine," James said while faking a smile.

Pinkie frowned at him, knowing that he was faking a smile since she knows smiles but didn’t push.

"I guess it's my turn, how strong are you mr. Williams," Sweetie Belle said.

James thought for a moment before saying. "I guess before the fight with the dragon. I guess I could leave a large Boulder with one hand. But now I’d probably lift and throw a mountain.” I said thinking about it while everyone in the dining Hall had their jaw on the floor even the guards were shocked by his answer.

“B-but that’s impossible!!! No one is that strong!!” Celestia nearly shouted.

"Well you are right but I ate demon meat as well I'm half dragon now," James said not noticing everyone's shocked expressions.

“Half dragon?! Is that why you were able to breathe fire and be stronger than the average person?!” Luna asked, eyes wide.

"I mean Yea," James said while turning into his dragon form which was easily taller than both Celestia and Luna. "I remember someone with the same ability to do this and he was the son of a dragon king," James said before Scootaloo asked him a question.

“Dragon King? Who’s that?” Scootaloo asked while tilting her head.

"King Belloc of the Kaiju, also known as the most powerful dragon Kaiju in the world," James said while everyone was confused.

“Kachu? What the buck is a kachu?” Rainbow asked in annoyance due to James not making any sense.

"It's Kaiju Dash, meaning he is the king of monsters, and that also means I'm half human and half kaiju dragon," James said, correcting her.

“King of monsters?” Celestia asked while thinking to herself. ’Like Grogar.’[/]

"Yep, he is the most powerful Kaiju dragon who ever lived, he was known as the most dangerous and destructive Kaiju dragon in the world, no one challenged him or his power. Even the other Kaiju Monsters were afraid to be killed by him," James said while Celestia and Luna went wide-eyed by James’s explanation.

“W-what?! He was that powerful!?” Celestia asked, fear welling up in her chest as she was afraid that this Dragon Kaiju might appear one day.

"If you are wondering if he will appear don't worry he won't, and if he does he won't hurt anyone," James said but Twilight was skeptical.

“Are you sure about that? What if this Dragon Kaiju is somewhere out there in the world and no one would even know.” Twilight said, “You can’t always be sure of everything.”

"Because if there is one he wouldn't attack unless he was defending himself," James said, surprising everyone by his answer.

“Y-you mean he i-is peaceful?” Fluttershy shyly and nervously asked.

James thought about it for a moment before answering. "Yes and no," he said.

“Yes and no? What the buck kind of answer is that?” Rainbow asked in annoyance.

"Yes he is peaceful, but not to the point where he respects you, even though you are not a danger to him doesn't mean he will give you respect," James said, making Rainbow, Applejack, Luna angry.

“Not even to the princesses?! What a jerk!” Rainbow said while crossing her arms.

James glared at Rainbow Dash making her fear for her life before James said in a cold tone. "You better watch that tone dash because he doesn't care if you are a princess or element bearer. He will kill you or worse make you watch as he destroys everything you ever love or care about," James said in a serious tone.

"He is the most powerful Kaiju dragon in the world, he doesn't care if you are fast, Rainbow. He will catch you and kill you or just out of spite he will kill your friends and make you watch," he added.

“That’s some bullshit! The princesses can move the bucking sun and moon!” Rainbow said angrily.

"WHO FUCKING CARES BITCH!!!" James roared, making the castle shake. "Can their name bring fear to thousands of Kaiju monsters by their person only making them think twice about fighting them huh?!” James asked. "Can they make a Kaiju that has the same high as a fucking mountain shit themself when they hear Celestia or Luna is coming to kill them," James asked again.

“Don’t underestimate our princesses' jerk!” Rainbow shouted back.


"In their world it's kill or be killed, no mercy, no friendship, no harmony, they go by one rule. The strongest survive and the weak die, and where I'm sitting your princesses would die if they don't kill. Luna would probably live for four or five years. But Celestia, she will be dead on day one," James said in a cold tone.

Rainbow just growls as she glares at James. “Our princesses aren’t weak!”

"Then look at your princesses' faces then you will know the truth," James said pointing at Celestia and Luna.

Rainbow just huffs and looks at the two princesses. “I don’t even know what I’m supposed to look for.”

She stopped when she saw the princesses' faces. She saw fear in their eyes, not just for them but Equus as a whole, in that moment she knew but didn't want to believe it before Celestia asked James a question.

“What do we do if this Dragon Kaiju does come?” Celestia asked in worry.

"Pray that your ponies don't attack him. Because if they do your kingdom will be destroyed," James said, looking Celestia in the eye. He then sighed before saying. "Look princesses right now your kingdom technically is fucking behind every country. Magic isn't going to help you fight a Kaiju dragon or monster, face facts guys, Discord may be a chaos god, but I believe he wouldn't pissed them off if he knew what they are capable of," James said as their food came in.

Everyone saw that James had only meat and no vegetables, so Fluttershy asked James a question about his choice.

“W-why do you have o-only meat? That is i-if you don’t mind me asking.” Fluttershy said, shying away a bit.

Well Ms. Shy, the reason for that is I just want to eat meat," James said smiling, forgetting that he is in his dragon form and he has razor sharp teeth now.

“Eep!” squeaked Fluttershy as she froze and fell to the floor, making James raise an eyebrow in confusion.

“The poor dear is terrified of dragons.” Rarity said.

"Oh, well don't worry I'm not going to eat you," James said.

"R-really," Fluttershy asked fearfully.

James smirks before saying. "Unless you want me to if you know what I mean," James said, sticking out his long tongue and giving it a flick at Fluttershy while winking at her.

His face was suddenly splashed by a very annoyed Rarity. “Pervert.” she said.

James smirk grew bigger and said. "Oh Miss Rarity, I didn't know you were so uncomfortable with me being a pervert," James said, making Rainbow and Applejack laugh at James' comment.

“What do you think? I’m also making sure perverts stay away from my friend.” Rarity said while crossing her arms and glaring at James.

"Are you sure about that?" James asked, pointing at a blushing Fluttershy whose wings were on up wide.

Fluttershy turned away while trying to keep her wings down. “That is a normal reaction for Fluttershy. Hardly anypony ever asks her out.” Rarity said.

"Okay then," James said smirking before Rarity could react James instantly appeared next to Fluttershy and asked. "What do you think little shy?"

“EEP!” Fluttershy then elbows in him in the gut and flies away while nearly all of her friends glared at him.

“Stay away from Shy you creep!” Rainbow said angrily.

"Why?" James asked while looking at them. "Is it because I'm a demon or dragon, or it's because I like her more than any of you," James asked.

“No! Because you’re being creepy!” Rainbow shouted. “So leave her alone if you’re gonna be creepy!”

James just frowned and said. "Then that means my love for her is just me being a pervert then. because that's what you're trying to tell me. if I can't love someone the way that I want to and you're just telling me that I can't be with her," James said, shocking everyone, even Fluttershy and Amara.

“That’s how you show your love?! By acting like a perv?!” Rainbow shouted again.

"Fine then," James said before walking towards the doors. "That means I no longer want to. Probably my own family and friends didn't want me, Amara, maybe it would be better if you weren't around me," James said while closing the door.

Amara then turns angrily to Rainbow. “What is wrong with you?! Ever since we’ve met, you’ve been acting all hostile towards him!!”

Scootaloo got up and ran after James and to everyone's surprise Fluttershy was about to as well. “Shy, what are you doing?! He was acting like a perv towards you!” Rainbow asked the shy pegasus, confused on why she was going to run after James.

"Yes, it was embarrassing. But for some reason I like it. And I would like to know why he did," Fluttershy said while walking away then Amara followed after the two, giving Rainbow one more glare.

Rainbow's jaw just dropped when she heard her friend say that. “W-what?! She liked it?!”

"I guess you learn something new about our friend," Twilight said.

James sat next to a lake with all the animals around or sitting in his lap or head as he thought to himself. "Why did I do that?" James thought before a memorie of a girl laughed at his perverts and said 'never change James never change'.

“Mr James? A-are you ok?” James turned to see Scootaloo, Fluttershy and Amara walking towards him.

James smiled sadly and said. "Hey Scoots just thinking about how my life was nothing more than shit." James said while looking depressed.

“What? Why?” Scootaloo asked with concern as she and the two other girls sat next to James.

"Well first my parents die because I acted like a spoiled kid because I wanted to go to see a new movie and on the way we got into a car crash. I was fine but my mom died from her neck snapping, and my dad from too much blood lost, my only friend that was a girl that didn't care if I was a huge pervert kill herself because she tell me and her parents that she like girls instead of boys." James said while tears fell from his eyes before yelling out.


The three girls just stared at him in shock, unsure of how to respond other then pulling him into a group hug.

"W-what are you guys doing?" James asked, looking at them.

“We’re hugging you. What else does it look like?” Amara asked him.

James just sat there for a moment before smiling and tightening the hug. "Thanks guys, I really need this," James said.

“You’re w-welcome.” Fluttershy said.

“It’s the least we can do.” Scootaloo said next.

After a moment they started to talk about James' old life until he noticed the rest of the main six were coming their way. "Hello people who made me remember how much of a freak I am," James said with no emotions.

“What do you want?” Amara asked them while glaring at them.

“We came here to apologize. Right Rainbow?” Twilight asked the rainbow maned pegasus with a stern glare.

“Yeah sure. Whatever.” Rainbow grumbled before Applejack elbowed her in her side.

James stared at them and said. I can forgive Twilight and Pinkie because they didn't say anything, Applejack as well but for Rarity that will take time," James said before looking at Rainbow dash.

"But Rainbow I will not forgive," James said glaring at her.

“We kinda figured that but still had to give it a try.” Twilight said with a sigh.

"Yea I noticed but first," James said before jumping at Twilight.

Everyone was shocked but they noticed that he had his hand stretched out holding an arrow that was about to hit her. "You know if you want to kill someone maybe do somewhere that nobody can sense you," James said.

There was no response other than shocked gasps from Twilight's friends. “Alright who’s the asshole trying to kill my friend?!” Rainbow shouted angrily as she looked around for the owner of the arrow.

“It came from over there!” Applejack said while pointing at some trees and Rainbow flew and there were sounds of struggle before she came back out with a pony whose arm was pinned behind his back by Rainbow.

“Alright buddy! Start talking!” Rainbow ordered.

"He works for Blueblood," James said everyone looked at him and he pointed at the red rose on the guard chest plate.

"Seem like he doesn't want Twilight alive anymore," James said as 20 more guards appeared surrounding them.