• Published 19th May 2022
  • 648 Views, 8 Comments

The Spectacular Spider-Girl - Adamverse

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Chapter Eight

When Twilight came around, she wasn’t on the rooftops anymore; she didn’t know where she was. She couldn’t leave the room she was in, because Twilight was trapped behind a green energy shield.

The shield was see-through so Spider-Girl could see where she had been taken; it looked like an old underground subway station, one that had been abandoned. The question that was on her mind now, ‘how did she get here’?

“I didn’t want it to come to this, but you left me no choice.” A voice said.

Suddenly, the Prowler uncloaked himself and appeared in front of Twilight; he said to her, “You think I wouldn’t keep an eye on you after I found out about your day job.”

Spider-Girl responded with, “You’ve been spying on me?!”

“Yeah, and it’s a good thing I was; I saw what that poison was doing to you. If your mom wasn’t at her election meeting and she saw you like that, she’d have a heart attack.” Night Light explained. “Let Tinkerer and Roxxon destroy each other; go back to being Spider-Girl when the heat dies down.”

But Twilight’s reply was, “No, I don’t get to choose when I’m Spider-Girl; this city needs me.”

Prowler said back, “I’m trying to teach you how to survive.”

“If you want me to survive, why’d you sell me out to Roxxon?”

Night Light sighed before face-palming, he replied, “It wasn’t meant to go down like that; you weren’t supposed to get caught, Cloverleaf broke our deal.”

Twilight said, “That doesn’t change the fact that you betrayed my trust.” She then looked at the energy field trapping her, “Now let me out of here.”

“Dang it Twilight, I’m not going to lose you too.” Prowler said to her.

He began to walk away, but that’s when Twilight noticed the four clamps in the corners of the doorway; they were powering the force field. She used Taser-Webs to short circuit the shield; Prowler turned back to her and saw what she was doing.

Spider-Girl stated, “You underestimate me.”

When the force field came down, Twilight pulled herself forward with web-lines and kicked her dad away. They both landed on one of the station’s train tracks; Prowler activated his gauntlets, ready to fight.

He said to his daughter, “I don’t want to fight you, but I will if I have to.”

“Father of the year, ladies and gentlemen.” Twilight said as a witty remark.

Prowler charged his gauntlet and released a blast of green energy, Twilight jumped out of the way and shot an Impact Web to his face; once he was temporally blinded, she pulled herself towards him and began punching and kicking him. But when Night Light pulled the web off his face, he knocked Spider-Girl away; she jumped backwards and got ready for his next attack.

The two of them spoke while they were fighting, “Why can’t you see I’m trying to protect you?!” Night Light shouted.

“Because all I see you doing is blasting me with that green energy.” Twilight replied as she jumped out of the way of one of his blasts.

Night Light grabbed her by the wrists when her guard was down, he pushed her against the wall, try to get her to listen. He said to her, “Didn’t Spiderman teach you anything other being a hero will get you killed?!”

Twilight responded with, “He taught me to do the right thing and help others; even if they don’t appreciate it.”


“Because it’s right.” Spider-Girl kicked him in the chest and pushed him away. She then web-pulled herself towards him and began punching and kicking him again. When he was knocked away by the final kick, he decided to take a different approach to this, and cloaked himself.

Spider-Girl now had no idea where he was, but that didn’t mean she couldn’t sense him coming; her spider-sense warned her of the incoming danger. She jumped behind her cloaked father and pulled him up into the air with her webs; this uncloaked him, allowing her to kick him in the back and slam him onto the ground.

While Night Light was recovering from that, Spider-Girl swung up to one of the platforms above them; she took this time to get her breath back. But suddenly, her father uncloaked himself again and appeared next to her; she moved away from him to avoid any attacks.

“You’re throwing yourself at enemies you can’t beat; do you know who else did that?” Prowler explained.

Twilight replied, “Don’t say his name, you’ve lost the right to speak about him.”

Prowler then supercharged him blaster, he then released a powerful blast from his gauntlet; but Twilight once again dodged the blast and web-pulled herself towards him, she the once again punched and kicked the air out of him.

However, when Night Light knocked his daughter away, he pushed a button on his wrist, this generated an energy shield around his body. Twilight needed away to break this shield, she knew she couldn’t touch it directly, so she used her webs to grab objects and throw them at Prowler.

All the items she threw just broke to pieces upon impact, they weren’t doing anything to the shield, Prowler just kept walking towards her. But when Twilight grabbed a fuse box off the wall with her webs and threw it at the shield, the electricity caused the shield to glitch and deactivate.

Night Light just shouted to his daughter, “How are you going to stop Tinkerer, do you even have a plan?!”

“No, but that’s the way we do things; we make it up as we go along.” Spider-Girl replied.

Spider-Girl then jumped towards her dad and kicked him off the platform, they both fell back down to the train track, with Prowler hitting the ground first. He rolled across the floor to the wall; when he sat up against it, Twilight shot a web at his arm, trapping him.

She walked over to him and said, “Stay down.”

Prowler looked up at her, he explained, “Look, I know I messed up; but I’m your dad, Twilight.”

“My dad; that didn’t stop you from lying to me, tricking me, spying on me and selling me out to Roxxon.” Twilight replied.

“I was trying to protect you; when Shining Armour found out I was the Prowler, it broke his heart; he thought he would have to arrest his dad. But I explained to him that I was doing this for the family; I had to keep working for Roxxon.” Twilight was listening to what he had to say, she needed to know the truth. “Before I met your mom, I was a nobody; until Roxxon found me and trained me to become something more. Then I met Twilight Velvet and that all changed.”

Twilight asked him, “So why did you carry on, even though you had a family?”

Night replied, “Because I still had a debt to pay; once my debt was paid I was going to hang up the mask forever. But Shining Armour finds my lair and I told him the truth; he said he wouldn’t turn me in if I promised not to do this anymore.” He then pushed a button on the side of his mask and to it off. “But I knew my daughter was in trouble, and the Prowler was the only one who could help her.”

Twilight took her mask off and knelt down to his level, “I’m sorry dad, but I have to do this; Spiderman taught me the greatest lesson I could learn about being a spider.” Night Light looked his daughter in the face and listened, “I have great power, and with great power, there must always come great responsibilities.”

She stood up again and put her mask back on, “And my responsibility is to protect this city; even if it means I don’t survive.” She walked away from Night Light, she left him webbed to the wall.

Before Twilight left, she heard Night Light mutter, “That’s my girl.”

Spider-Girl was swinging as fast as she could go, being stopped by her dad delayed her by some time, it was now the middle of the night.

As she got closer to Roxxon Plaza, she could hear things coming from the streets below; Twilight landed on a lamppost, there she saw the two sides fighting. Roxxon soldiers were in an all-out war with the Underground; brutes would knocked soldiers out of the way, allowing Underground to advance, only to be met by Roxxon using shields to block the gun fire and gauntlet users.

Even though it would help if these two side just took each other out, Twilight couldn’t let them cause destruction during their fight; she jumped down to the street and got the attention of the two small armies.

“Hey, if you’re going to shoot at someone, shoot at me.” Spider-Girl stated.

Both gangs turned to the spider-hero and aimed their weapons at her, Twilight should have thought this threw before jumping into action. The Roxxon soldiers fired their blasters at her, while the Underground equipped their melee weapons and charged towards her.

Twilight jumped over the Underground and shot Taser Webs at Roxxon, the webs disabled their guns, allowing her to get into a fist fight with them and punch them all to the ground. Spider-Girl turned back to the Underground and was ready to fight.

The first thug jumped towards her, but Twilight shot some web into his face and kicked him to the ground. The next two attacked together, but Spider-Girl was able to strike both of them; she jumped up onto their shoulders and shots some web-lines at their heads, she then pulled their heads together, knocking them both out.

When three of their guys were down, the rest of the Underground didn’t know if they stood a chance against Spider-Girl; they backed away as Twilight asked, “You guys want a taste?!”

“No girl, it’s cool.” One of them said as they dropped their weapons and ran away, “It’s cool.” The guy repeated.

Spider-Girl watched the bad guys run away, she then said to herself, “’You want a taste’? I have got to work on my fight banter.” She turned towards Roxxon Plaza, she could already see glowing particles coming from that area. “It’s starting.” She muttered. Twilight leaped into the air and began swinging down the street.

Whilst swinging along, she noticed something else on the street below her; as she was passing her neighbourhood, she could see her mom, helping the people. She was there with Sunset Shimmer and Spike, after Twilight was captured by Night Light, they must have been trying to help in their own way.

“Alright folks, let’s keep moving. We have to get somewhere safe.” Twilight Velvet stated. The people did as she said, and followed her down the road. But what they didn’t notice was that some Roxxon soldiers were approaching them.

The leading soldier shouted, “Hey, nobody move; you’re all being taken for questioning.”

One of the soldiers tried to grabbed one of Velvet’s friends, but Velvet’ pulled her back and demanded to know, “What are you doing? We’re not the problem here.”

“Stop resisting arrest…”

Before the guy could finish, he was pulled away from the scene by webs; he was dropped and landed on someone’s car. The other three soldiers were pulled away by webs to, all three of them were tied up in a web net, hanging from a lamppost.

After they were taken care of, Spider-Girl jumped down and landed next to her mother, friends and neighbours; she said to them, “Alright people, if you keeping moving up this street, you should be at a safe distance from the plaza. Just make sure that you get everyone there.”

Twilight Velvet nodded at her orders, she turned to the crowd of people and gave some orders of her own, “You heard the super-hero, people; we go door to door and get to safety, no one gets left behind.”

However, before the crowd could start moving, the Roxxon soldier got off the car and picked up a blaster; he aimed it at Spider-Girl and said into his comm, “I have eyes on Spider-Girl, commencing execution.” But before he could fire, a green blast stunned him and knocked him unconscious.

The crowd, and Twilight, all turned to see the Prowler walking towards them; he explained why he was here, “Come on folks, I’ll lead you to where you can be safe.” After he said that, two more Roxxon soldiers charged towards him with electric batons.

Prowler made quick work of them; he kicked one of them in the face and knocked him to the ground, he then lifted the other guy over his head and threw him on top of the other. They both made the right choice by choosing to stay down, Night Light motioned the people to follow him.

All the people did as instructed and followed the purple suited man; as the crowd left the area, Twilight turned to two members in particular.

Sunset was holding Spike in her arms, they both stopped to speak to Twilight; Sunset started the talk by saying, “I’ve told your mom you’re at the library across town, so she doesn’t worry. Are you sure you can handle this?”

“No, I’m not sure.” Twilight replied.

“Then don’t go, come with us and we can get somewhere safe.” Sunset said to her.

Without taking her mask off, Spider-Girl kissed Sunset’s forehead; she then said to her, “I promise, when this is all over, I’ll take you on a real date; just me and you.” She then kissed Spike on the forehead as well.

Before she could run off, Sunset said to her, “Please come back.”

Twilight nodded at her, “I love you.” She said to her.

“I love you too.” Sunset replied. With Spike still in her arms, Sunset Shimmer ran to re-join Twilight Velvet and the group.

Meanwhile, Twilight Sparkle had some business to take care of.

Jupiter Montage was already at the reactor, she had super-charged the Nuiform earlier today, and now she was plugging it into the machine to destroy it. All that was going through her mind, was memories of her and her uncle; and how she couldn’t save his life, she didn’t even try to.

But this was her way of avenging his death; by destroying the ones who had started this whole mess in the first place.

“This is for you, Uncle Zoom.” Tinkerer plugged the Nuiform into the reactor, activating the overload sequence; but what she didn’t see coming, was the super-hero swinging to stop her.

Spider-Girl landed behind the Tinkerer and shouted, “Shut it down!” Jupiter turned to the one she had warned to stay away. Twilight said, “Is this what Canter Zoom would want?”

The Tinkerer replied, “My uncle is gone! And it was my fault; so this is me making up for it.”

Approaching her, carefully, Twilight tried to convince Jupiter that this wasn’t the right thing to do, “Please, you can’t let hate and anger take over the memories of someone close to you that you lost. I lost someone close to me, but I didn’t let anger take over; you still have a choice, Jupiter.”

There was a moment of silence between them, until Tinkerer materialized her gauntlets around her hands, “I don’t need pity from you!” Tinkerer charged towards Twilight and the hero was too late to dodge the attack. The villain punched her into the air, then grabbed her by the ankle and slam her back down; once she saw the opening, Jupiter grabbed Twilight by the neck and used her magnet shoes to run up the side of the building.

Both of them smashed through a window to the top floor, Tinkerer threw Spider-Girl across the room; she then smashed her gauntlets together and shouted, “You’re not going to stop me!”

Spider-Girl saw that the only option was to fight; so she got up and was ready for it.

Tinkerer charged forward and smashed her gauntlets into the ground, but Spider-Girl jumped out of the way; once she saw the opening, Twilight webbed towards the villain and began punching and kicking her down. Jupiter blocked one of the attacks and punched Twilight away; she then deactivated her gauntlets and equipped a sword instead.

“Listen to me, Cloverleaf changed the specs; you’re not just going to destroy Roxxon Plaza, you’ll take out the entire city.” Twilight explained.

Jupiter responded with, “Who fed you those lies? Cloverleaf?!”

Spider-Girl dodged the sword attacks and jumped away from Tinkerer, she then web-grabbed a piece of debris and threw it at her; the debris stunned for a moment, allowing Twilight to jump forward and punch and kick her.

After jumping away from the Tinkerer, Twilight explained, “And it’s not just that, Plant Man is playing you. He wants you to overload the reactor to bring a dead plant back to life.”

“Now you’re just making stuff up!” Jupiter said as she swung her sword at the hero, knocking her away.

When the opportunity presented itself, Twilight spread some web into Jupiter’s face, she then jumped over her and kicked her away. And after that, she web-pulled the villain back to her; Spider-Girl punched her up into the air, jumped up after her and kicked in the side.

Tinkerer was thrown across the room, she crashed into a pillar and smashed it to bits; but got back up and continued the fight. “How much is Cloverleaf paying you to protect her precious plaza?!” Jupiter shouted.

“I’m not protecting the plaza, I’m trying to save the city.” Spider-Girl replied; the hero’s arm was then grabbed by Tinkerer and she pushed to the floor.

However, Twilight flipped them by shooting two web-lines to the ceiling and pushed Tinkerer upwards, the spinning around and dropping her on her back. Once she was down, Spider-Girl quickly webbed her to the ground.

Once she was sure it was safe, Twilight said to Jupiter, “I don’t have time to fight; we’ll talk, after I disable the reactor.” The hero walked over to the window and looked down at the reactor, it was glowing like the sun.

Suddenly, Twilight’s spider-sense went off; she jumped out of the way of a punch from Tinkerer, who had broken free from the webs. With her gauntlets back, she swing her other fist around pushed Twilight against the wall; she held her there.

“I gave you every chance to leave.” The villain the punched the wall she had Twilight pressed against, just missing her head. “You can’t win; why do you keep fighting?!”

Twilight closed her eyes and breathed heavily, she then opened her eyes again and replied, “Because, with great power, come great responsibility.” Spider-Girl was then able to channel all of her strength into her arms, she was able to push Tinkerer away and grab her arm.

Spider-Girl swung her around and threw her out the window, she jumped after her; the two of them were now falling towards the reactor. Twilight web-pulled herself towards the villain and latched onto her back; with her strength, she pulled the battery off of Jupiter’s back, disabling her tech. The hero then grabbed her before she hit the ground and shot a web-line back up to the building; they both swung safely to the ground.

When Jupiter Montage looked at the reactor, she finally noticed something was off; the ground across them started rumbling, as if something underground was trying to get out.

The rumbling kept getting louder and louder, Twilight muttered to herself, “I’m too late.”

Suddenly, the reactor smashed apart as a giant monster of a plant grew out of the ground of where it used to be; this beast was no ordinary plant.

And standing on the head of the plant, was the one who caused this whole thing; the Plant Man walked across the head of the plant, now wearing his super-suit, he looked at the city he was about to conquer. “I love it when a plan comes together.” He was able to control the plant with his mind, he ordered it to start smashing the Roxxon building.

As the monster began its work, Spider-Girl looked up from the ground; she knew what she had to do. The hero jumped up and web-pulled herself onto the side of the plant, she began running up its trunk to reach the top; Jupiter watched her from the ground, but then looked at the side of the building and saw the main entrance, she thought about what she had to do.

Twilight reached the top of the plant and landed behind Timber Spruce, he turned to her and was surprised, “Twilight? You’re still alive?”

“Yes, now stop this plant and turn yourself in; before I make you.” Spider-Girl replied; however, Plant Man just chuckled at her statement. The plant villain’s arm then grew into a vine and he wrapped it around Twilight; he threw her off the plant and onto the roof of the Roxxon building.

He raised his arms into the air, controlling the plant with his thoughts; he stated to her, “If you will not stay out of my way; then you will die knowing you couldn’t stop me.” Twilight prepared for another fight for her life.

Plant Man climbed down into the mouth of the plant and was shield by a cocoon casing; from inside, he was able to control this monster, the first thing he ordered it to do was attack. The plant saw where Twilight was standing and stabbed its vine-tentacles into the ground; her spider-sense warned and told her to jump out of the way.

It was a good call, because where she was standing, thorny vines and plants sprouted out of the ground; the plant did this again, but Spider-Girl just jumped out of the way again.

“Hold still, so I can turn you into compost!” Plant Man cried.

Two smaller flowers sprouted from the side of the large flower on the monster; they both opened their heads and began blasting toxic pollen balls from themselves. Twilight watched as the pollen melt through the ground, she knew that getting hit by that stuff would not be a good idea. So all she could do was dodge the pollen and the vines.

But when it seemed like all she could do was move out of the way, she noticed something in the centre of the plant; the case that was holding Timber Spruce had to open when he wanted to give a new order, so Twilight decided to try something.

When the case opened, Spider-Girl fired a Taser-Web at Plant Man; the web electrocuted him slightly, causing him to lose some focus. Twilight web-pulled herself up to him and stated, “I’ve been waiting to do this all night.” She began punching and kicking the breath out of his lungs.

However, a vine wrapped itself around her waist and threw her back to the roof. Plant Man shouted, “You can’t defeat me, I’m one with nature, and nature always wins.”

The vine-tentacles once again stabbed themselves into the ground, causing more vines to shoot up out of the ground; Spider-Girl jumped out of the way again, but then something different happened. Small fly-trap heads sprouted from the main plant, they began biting the air, indicating they were hungry.

The fly-traps pounced towards Twilight, they smashed into the roof’s surface, their teeth digging into the stone. When one of the plants was about to pounce, Twilight had an idea; she jumped out of the way of the fly-trap, and then webbed it to the ground, trapping it in place.

Desperate to get free, the main plant began pulling at the smaller one; until it finally broke the web, but it ended up smacking the fly-trap into itself. The collision knocked Timber Spruce from his place and he rolled onto the roof.

Spider-Girl saw this as an opportunity to end this; she jumped up onto the main plant’s head, she worked fast, wrapping the plant pod in webs. She then jumped away from the head and fired a Taser-Web-Line at the other webs; the other webs acted like conductors, electrocuting the entire plant.

With the energy so strong, the plant couldn’t take it; the flower pod exploded. The other plants that had sprouted from it died, and the main stem began to turn brown; it just stood there, no longer moving.

As this happened, Jupiter Montage opened the door to the roof and joined the scene, only to watch the large plant die. She turned to Spider-Girl and said, “You did it.” Twilight turned to her and smiled under her mask. Tinkerer then turned to the guy in the plant costume, “What do we do with him?”

“We let the police have him.” Spider-Girl replied.

Suddenly, the two girls heard yet another rumble; Twilight ran to the edge of the roof and saw that the Nuiform reactor was still going off. Because most of the energy had been absorbed by the plant, the energy levels were only powerful enough to destroy the plaza; as Tinkerer wanted. But still meant that her and Spider-Girl had to get the heck out of there.

They were both about to leave with the Plant Man, until he jumped up from where he was and pushed past Twilight; he ran and jumped up onto the dead plant stem. Timber’ turned to the two of them and pointed his arm at them; at this time, thorns sprouted from his arm, indicating he was going to fire them at them.

“Not so fast, girls.” He started with. “The jig is up, this is it Spider-Girl; no more games, no more lies, just curtains for you.”

Jupiter held out one of her hands and said, “Wait. Can’t I at least say my last words.” He didn’t notice her arm a flash grenade that was still working and hooked onto her belt. Plant Man was listening; Tinkerer threw the grenade up at him and shouted, “Catch!”

As the grenade went off, the flash temporally blinded him; he couldn’t see, meaning he couldn’t see where he was stepping. Timber’ lost his footing and fell off the plant; Twilight raced to the edge of the roof, trying to safe him, but she was too late.

Plant Man screamed as he fell towards the Nuiform reactor, bolts of energy were blasting from the core; one of the bolts struck Timber Spruce, vaporizing his body. He was gone in an instant, scattered into particles.

Once Spider-Girl saw it was too late to save him, she focused on saving herself and Jupiter; she grabbed the Tinkerer and jumped off the roof. She fired a web-line at one of the buildings and swung them to safety. Twilight turned back and watched Roxxon Plaza fall apart; finally destroyed.

Suddenly, she heard police cars rolling up to the scene; the spider-hero turned to the police. Officer Spear Head got out of his car and greeted the hero, he then pulled out a pair of handcuffs and put them on Jupiter Montage. Surprisingly, the Tinkerer didn’t seem mad that she’d been caught, she did what she came to do.

Tinkerer turned to Spider-Girl and said, “I’ll look forward to when we meet again.” The police then took her away. Twilight then aimed her web-shooter at a building and began swinging away; this little adventure of her’s was finally over.

Four weeks later

The police were bringing Phyllis Cloverleaf out to the car, she was in handcuffs and shouting at the officers that had her.

“Oh please, gentlemen; those reports are fake. And can you really trust the words of two wanted criminals.” The police weren’t listening, they just shoved her into the can. But she kept talking, “Do you know who I am; give it two months, I will own you…” the officer shut the door, finally free of her whining.

A report on the radio by Diamond Tiara was explaining everything that had happened, “That’s right folks, Phyllis Cloverleaf is in prison; ever since Night Light confessed to being the Prowler and spilled the beans about everything Roxxon had been doing, the company has been shut down pending an investigation. Now Night Light will serve time in Rykers, but for flipping on Roxxon, he’ll probably get reduced sentence.”

Twilight was walking down her street, knowing it was safe to be around again; no more Underground, no more Roxxon, life was great again. She walked up to her apartment building, she was meeting with someone there.

Once she’d made a quick change into her ‘work clothes’, Twilight jumped out of her window and onto the roof, where a friend was waiting for her.

“Nice to know you’ve had things under control.” Adam said as he turned to see her arrive.

Spider-Girl jumped to his side, her mask raised above her nose as she was eating something; Twilight took another bite of the cheese sandwich she’d picked up down the road. “You were right, these sandwiches are great.”

The female-spider-hero finished her snack and then pulled her mask over her face, she then asked Adam something she’d been wondering, “Adam, does this job ever get easier?”

Spiderman replied, “I’d like to tell you that it does; but I’d be lying to you.” He turned to face her and explained, “Sometimes, we have to give up any chance of a normal life to do what’s right. As much as it may hurt us, that’s the price of being a spider.”

Suddenly, police sirens could be heard from down the street; Adam turned to Twilight again and asked, “Go time?”

“Go time!” she replied.

The two spiders jumped off the roof and began swinging after the van that was being chased by the police; the end of another era…

Just another day in the life of your friendly neighbourhood…. SPIDER-GIRL!!!