• Published 19th May 2022
  • 651 Views, 8 Comments

The Spectacular Spider-Girl - Adamverse

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Chapter Four

While Twilight was swinging home, Sunset called her on the comms, hoping to help her friend, “Are you okay, Twilight. It seemed pretty tense on the bridge.”

Spider-Girl replied, “I stopped the bridge from coming down and saved the people; I mean sure I let the bad guys get away, but Roxxon were gonna shoot me.”

“I’m sorry Twilight, I wish I could have done something to help you.”

“It’s okay.” Twilight replied. “I just need to go home and go to bed. I’ll call you in the morning.”

Sunset ended this talk with, “Good night Twilight.”

“Good night Sunset.”

When the call ended, Twilight finished swinging home; a bit of happiness came back when, like always, Spike was waiting for her.

“Oh Twilight.” Spike was about to cry for some reason, he jumped up into his owner’s arms and she hugged him tight. Spike was nuzzling his head against her shoulder; Twilight carried him inside, she put her dog in his doggy bed and changed out of her suit.

Once she was done, she fell asleep in her bed; sad that she might have failed, but happy that this day was finally over.

When the sun rose the next morning, Twilight woke up with a yawn; she got up before her alarm could go off. He alarm was connect to her radio, so when it went off, the radio was turned on; on the channel, Diamond Tiara was doing a bit for her news channel.

“Good morning Canterlot City, the first thing I want to talk about is that crazy situation the happened last night on the Canterlot Bridge.”

“Oh no.” Twilight moaned. She got up and went to her closet to pick out an outfit for today; however, she kept listening to the radio.

“And here with us for this report, is Roxxon’s CEO, Phyllis Cloverleaf.”

The voice then switched to Cloverleaf.

“Look Diamond Tiara, I want to root for the Spider-Girl; I met he once and she seemed like a nice girl. But I can’t turn a blind eye to the damage she caused last night. Roxxon was perfectly capable of handling the Underground and this ‘Plant Man’ themselves. If she wanted to do something useful, why not go to the police station and stop the Underground from freeing Jupiter Montage.”

The voice heard changed back to Diamond Tiara, she introduced the next guest.

“Now on the line, we Captain Gilda Griffon of the CCPD; care to comment on last night’s events.”

Gilda replied, “I just want to start off by saying it seems I was right all along; these spider-people think they’re helping when they’re just getting in the way. If they actually wanted to help this city, they’d step aside and let the real police do their jobs to protect this city.”

Before anyone could say anything else, and now dressed Twilight turned off the radio; she couldn’t listen to them bad mouth her anymore. She needed something to take her mind of this for now; she took out her phone and checked the Friendly Neighbourhood Spider App.

“Someone posted a request.” She said to herself. She tapped on the post and read it, “It say that someone’s been seeing flashing lights coming from the generator company just down the road from here.”

Twilight thought for a minute, “It could be nothing, but it’s worth checking out.” The hero changed into her suit and jumped out the window, she then began swinging towards the given location.

Spider-Girl landed on the roof of the generator company, where she saw a skylight; she jumped over to it and pried it open. She jumped down through the building, until she came to a stop; Twilight began crawling along the wall, that’s when she found the disturbance.

Twilight hid herself on the ceiling because the room was crawling with thugs; most of them armed with machine guns. “Come on, the boss wants this job done and dusted before tonight.” One of them said.

Before she could jump into action, Spider-Girl was contacted on the comms, “Twilight, where are you?” Spike said to her on the call.

“Oh, look who finally decided to wake up; to answer your question, I’m dealing with a problem someone posted in the app.” Twilight replied.

Spike just replied, “Alright, I’ll be watching everything through your live-stream.”

Using what Adam had taught her, she was going to silently take these guys down and find out what they were up to.

The first guy made the mistake of leaving the group and going into the corner to work on one of computers; so when he least expected it, Twilight shot a web at his back and pulled him up to the ceiling. Without knocking him out, she just tightly tied him up in webs; one guy down, four more to go.

Unfortunately, two of the guys noticed that their friend had gone, so they went to see where he went; Twilight had to hide herself otherwise she’d be caught.

“So, how do you think the boss does it? You know, even though he’s inside?” One of the thugs asked.

The other one replied, “I don’t know, but if we mess up, he’ll find a way to get back at us.”

Spike could hear the thugs talking through Twilight’s feed; he said to her, “Oh my gosh, their boss is inside the building.”

“No Spike, when the say ‘inside’, it means ‘in prison’. Their boss must be in jail, but he’s still operating crimes.” Twilight explained. “But who could do that? Spike, use my computer and see if you can check the police records for and villain who would be able to do that.”

“I’m on it.”

When they weren’t looking, Spider-Girl lowered herself down on a web behind the two thugs; without making too much noise, she wrapped them both in web cocoons and stuck them to the ceiling.

“Hey, it’s Spider-Girl!”

Twilight looked behind her and noticed that one of the thugs had noticed her; with only two of them left, but both of them armed, she had to stop them.

“Forget this, let’s just run.” One of the criminals said to the other.

If those two crooks got away, Twilight would lose any chance of finding out what was going on here or who they were working for. So she jumped to the floor and ran after them; pushing through every door they tried to close on her.

The thugs had just made it outside, but what they didn’t see coming was an Impact Web shot by Spider-Girl; the web got one of the crooks, sticking him to a car parked outside. But the other guy didn’t stay to help his friend, he just ran for it.

With the thug getting away, Twilight had only one chance; she shot a web-line at a post box and swung it around. When the timing was right, she let go of the web and threw the object at the crook; it was a direct hit, knocking him out.

Someone had clearly called the police, because all of a sudden, police sirens could be heard approaching the scene; with the bad rep she has at the moment, Twilight thought it was best to avoid the police at the moment.

So without a second thought, she jumped into the air and started swing away.

Twilight landed on a roof somewhere away from the scene, she took a breath before leaning against the wall. That’s when something completely out of the blue happened, she got a text on her phone from an unknown number.

“’Hey Twilight, it’s been a while. Wanna meet up at Sugar Cube Corner.’” Twilight read out loud. She didn’t have a clue who this was, but she was curious to find out. “Okay.” She said and put as a reply.

The mysterious text’er replied, “Great, meet me there at ten.”

I guess this means Twilight had plans for today, she started swing home to change out of her suit; this was going to be interesting.

Later that day, Twilight Sparkle walked into Sugar Cube Corner, trying to find the one who had been texting her. But when she walked in, she was quickly recognized by someone already in the shop.


She turned to the left and saw an old friend of hers; none other than one of the councillors of Camp Everfree, Timber Spruce.

Timber stood up from his both and walked over to his friend, Twilight was surprised to see him; here in the city of all places. The two friends hugged quickly before Timber invited her back to his table.

Twilight asked, “So, you finally made it to the big city?”

“Yeah, it took some convincing, but I was finally able to move to town and live the street life.” Timber explained. “But what about you, I haven’t seen you since your last trip to camp.”

The Rainbooms last trip to camp was one that they don’t really want to remember, if you know what I mean.

“Well, a lot has changed over the last two years. Some of us are in relationships, Adam and Fluttershy got married; and the city has had a few issues with Meta-humans.” Twilight told him.

Looking out the window, Timber replied, “Yeah, I have seen them on the news; personally I think the worst of them are those awful spider-people.” The comment made Twilight’s smile shrink a little. “You have to admit, the do seem like they get in the police’s way sometimes. I mean you saw what that spider-girl did on the bridge last night, didn’t you.”

“Yeah, I know.” Twilight replied.

As the two of them talked about other things for a while, Twilight began to remember the tiny crush she had on Timber Spruce and how they sort of dated/hanged out after the first time the Rainbooms went to camp.

After their talk at the café, Timber walked Twilight back to her house; when they arrived, they spoke one last time.

“I liked seeing you today.” Timber explained.

Twilight replied, “Yeah, me too.” She was looking into his eyes, like they both felt something. “Would you want to hang out again sometime?” she asked him.

Timber replied, “I’d like that a lot.”

For a few minutes, the two of them said nothing; until Timber leaned in closer, and closer. Twilight didn’t stop him, she moved closer to him; it wasn’t long before they’re lips met in a small passionate kiss. Timber rested his hand on her shoulder as she put her hand on his cheek.

The kiss ended and both of them blushed, “Bye.” They said in unison.

As Timber left, Twilight closed the door; once it was closed, she leaned against it, not believing what had just happened. “Oh my goodness, I think I’m in love.” She said to herself. She went to her room to lie on her bed when her phone started ringing.

“Hello.” She answered with.

“Twilight, it’s Sunset, I think I might have something for you. Roxxon has a second building in the city; and after doing some research, I learned that they’ve been working with plants there. It might explain where the Plant Man came from.”

Twilight replied, “Okay, I’ll check it out.” Before she hung up, Sunset said on last thing.

“Oh, and Twilight. I just wanted to say, that I…. that I…. that I lo….” The phone then suddenly hanged up.

“Huh, wonder what that was about.” Twilight said. She then changed into her super-suit and jumped out the window to start swinging away; but what she didn’t know, was that someone watched her leave, and was listening to her conversation on the phone.

Spider-Girl landed on a lamppost outside the Roxxon building she had been sent to by Sunset. She muttered to herself, “If what Sunset tells me is right, this place should give me the answers I need.” She jumped over to another lamp, to get a closer look at the building; she noticed two guards were patrolling what looked like her only way in.

“I here we’re getting new orders soon.” One of the guards said.

But the other one replied, “Don’t raise my hopes. The talk of Cloverleaf discovering the Underground’s base and that we have a new weapon is just a load of rubbish.”

Twilight had to take these guys down quietly, without raising too much suspicion. She looked around and noticed a trash bin next the two guards; this method she was about use was loud, but quick.

The spider-hero jumped down in front of the bin, she then lifted it up over her head with her spider-strength; before the guards could react, she jumped into the air and threw the bin to the ground. It smashed to bits, but the forces from it collision knocked the two guards to the ground.

She then quickly webbed them up before they could get up or call for backup.

With the guards out of the way, Twilight crawled up the side of the building and into an air vent; she crawled for a while before crawling out into a room. She walked down the halls of the Roxxon building, trying to find where they conducted the plant experiments.

Before she could do anything else, her spider-sense warned of incoming danger; Twilight jumped to the ceiling to hide. A door opened and five Roxxon soldiers walked through the hall; they were talking to each as they walked.

“Have you heard from the guys outside; we should probably go check on them.”

“Nah, don’t bother; they might just have fallen asleep again.”

When the guards left the room, Twilight jumped back down to the floor. But what she didn’t realise was that there was a sixth guard, and had just spotted her.

The pointed his gun at her and said, “Hey, don’t move.”

Spider-Girl raised her hands to surrender, until the guard stopped what he was doing, because something just started electrocuting him. When the guard fell unconscious, an invisible figure uncloaked himself.

“What’s up, Spider-Girl.”

Twilight got a good view of the figure, it was the Prowler; the guy from Shining Armour’s old police file.

Without thinking, Twilight shot two webs at the wall behind him and pulled herself forward; she kicked Prowler in the stomach and pushed him against the wall. She then jumped back and was ready to keep fighting.

However, Prowler just got back up and said, “Nice move; I don’t remember teaching you that.” He began taking his mask off, “Did Spiderman teach you that trick?” he revealed his face to be Twilight’s father, Night Light.

Spider-Girl couldn’t believe her own eyes, “Dad, you’re the Prowler. Shining Armour had a file on you; is this the reason he never caught you?”

“There’s more important questions that need to be answered, like what the heck are you doing here?” Night Light replied.

“I’m here to find out who the Plant Man is, my source tells me he was created here.” Twilight explained.

Night Light shook his head and said to her, “Look, I did some work for Roxxon a while back; these are not the types of people you want to get involved with. Especially since they’re already out there gunning for you.”

Twilight then walked away, “Do what you want, but I’m not leaving until I find what I came for.”

This time, Night Light just chuckled, “You’re as stubborn as your brother.” Spider-Girl turned back to her Dad, “I’ll help you find some answers, but then we get out of here.” Prowler put his mask back on, before he could jump away, he said on final thing to his daughter, “Don’t get caught.”

Prowler left the way he came in, while Spider-Girl just used the vents to get through the building.

“I can’t believe my own father is the Prowler.” Twilight muttered to herself.

Night Light had tapped into her comms, he could hear her talking, “You should consider yourself honoured; I brought the Prowler out of retirement to save your life.”

“Were you ever going to tell us, does Mum know?” Spider said back.

The Prowler replied, “No, no one knows; the only person who knew was your brother.”

Before they could continue talking, Spider-Girl pushed a panel out of the way; she was now in a room filled with plants and flowers. She just down to the floor, there were no guards patrolling; just a plant room of some sorts.

And in the centre of the room was a computer; Twilight said to herself, “Maybe that contains some answers.” The hero began using the computer to find out what she needed to know. “This computer contains all of Roxxon’s research on these mutated plants; it’s like they’ve been infused with…” Twilight looked at the scan.

“Nuiform.” She finished. “Or more accurately, Energon. The powerful energy-source that creates meta-humans.”

Right next to the computer was a large flower-like-plant, while Spider-Girl was working, she didn’t notice one of the plants vines growing around the table and going towards her. Growing from the tip of the vine, a purple thorn sprouted. And then without warning, the thorn stabbed Twilight’s hand; she moved it away once she felt the pain, now holding her injured hand with the other.

“What was that for?” she said, talking to the plant. Twilight suddenly felt a little dizzy, she began walking towards the door, trying to leave.

Prowler tried to call her, “Twilight, are you there. Roxxon know you’re in the plant lab, get out of there before they catch you.”

Before she could respond, Spider-Girl fell to the ground; the door to the lab opened to reveal two Roxxon guards. “Well, well; look what we have here. A street-spider.”

The guards went to arrest Twilight, but they got a bit of a shock; literally. Prowler ran up behind them and blasted them with a taser he has in his wrist blaster. When the two guards were down, Night Light picked up his daughter and got her to safety.

When Twilight came around, she noticed she was sitting on a cell phone tower; standing beside her, was her father, still in his Prowler suit. Spider-Girl stood up and walked over to her dad, “Thanks for the save, Dad.”

“I don’t believe this.” Night Light stated.

“What is it?” Twilight asked.

Prowler explained, “You had no idea what you were getting into; and Roxxon is now gonna double their might to try and find you.” Then Night Light pulled something out from his belt, “But since I’m not gonna be able to stop you, here.”

Night Light handed his daughter a flash-drive; Twilight then asked, “What’s this?”

“Everything you need to know about the Underground, including the location of their hideout.” Prowler explained. “You’re looking for a place called Canterlot Theatre.”

Spider-Girl realised, “The old theatre that closed down five years ago?” Night Light just nodded. Twilight said to him, “Thanks Dad.”

“Be careful, Twilight.” He replied.

After that was said, Spider-Girl jumped off the tower and started swinging away; once she was gone, Night Light pressed a button on the side of his mask. It turned on a comm device to his employer, he told them everything.

“Yep, Canterlot Theatre; the Tinkerer is yours. But leave Spider-Girl out of it.”

A few hours earlier.

Sunset was at the HQ, she had just told Twilight about the second Roxxon building.

Twilight replied, "Okay, I'll check it out." But before she could hang up, Sunset had one las thing to say.

“Oh, and Twilight. I just wanted to say, that I…. that I…. that I lo….” She then suddenly hanged up the phone. Sunset grunted at herself before shouting, "For goodness sake Sunset, just tell her you love her."