• Published 19th May 2022
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The Spectacular Spider-Girl - Adamverse

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Chapter Six

All was blurry, the lenses in the mask were opening; allowing Twilight to see her surroundings. She then remembered what had happened; Juggernaut attacked her and Tinkerer in the Underground lair. Spider-Girl tried to get free, but her arms were restraint to the chair she was sitting in.

“I must say, I’m very disappointed with you.” A voice said.

Twilight looked up, Phyllis Cloverleaf was sitting in front of her; she continued talking, “I always knew Miss Montage was going to be a handful. I guess I was kind of hoping you and me would see eye to eye.”

“Where are we?” Spider-Girl muttered.

Cloverleaf raised her hands and gestured to the room, “Your behind the curtain; our most secure facility in the entire city. This is where the magic happens.”

Suddenly, out of nowhere, another voice was heard, “You really are crazy woman, you know?”

The Roxxon CEO chuckled before continuing, “You know, when her uncle and I were developing Nuiform….”

“What did you do? Uncle Zoom told me all you knew how to do was sell other people’s ideas.” Tinkerer interrupted.

Phyllis stood up in anger and turned to Jupiter’; she yelled, “Well at least I’m still breathing!” she then calmed down and turned back to Spider-Girl, “But let’s not dwell.” She sat back down in her chair and face Twilight.

“The first thing I’m gonna do is…” Phyllis reached for Twilight’s mask, but the hero moved her head out of the way. The CEO chuckled again, enjoying this too much, “Let me tell you what what’s going to happen, freak; I’m gonna get that mask off you, then I’ll find out what makes you tick.”

Cloverleaf stood up and began stroking the side of Twilight’s head, “Because you smell exactly like next level biology. And do you know what that smells like to me?”

Twilight looked up to find out the answer.

“Money; like a lot of money.” Phyllis replied. Cloverleaf then stood up and began walking to the door, “Okay, well I have some business to deal with; board meetings, can’t miss them.” The door opened, revealing the Roxxon upgraded Juggernaut behind it. Two Roxxon soldiers walked in as she walked out, “Get miss purple to tell you where my Nuiform is. Oh and hurt the spider.”

The door closed, leaving Spider-Girl and Tinkerer in the room with two Roxxon soldiers; they seemed like they were holding a grudge. “Time to finish what we started on the bridge, girly.” One solider said as they both activated their electric clubs.

All Twilight could do was sit there whilst the two of them began beating her with their clubs, and they got a good laugh while they did it. Tinkerer was just watching; even if she wanted to do something to help, she couldn’t.

Bash after bash was more and more painful, until Spider-Girl had decided she’d had enough; she channelled all her strength to her arms, and pulled the restraints apart.

Once she was free, before the guards could attack, she leaped onto one of them and flipped them over, so would hit their head on the chair. She then shot a web at the face of the other, pulling him into her knee, where she kneed him in the chin.

With both guards knocked out, Twilight walked over to Jupiter Montage and broke her free; Jupiter’ looked at the two unconscious soldiers and muttered, “Whoa.”

“I’m tougher than I look.” Spider-Girl replied.

The two of them turned to the door, but before they left, Twilight had to say something; “Look, I know we’re enemies; but if we want to get out of here, we’re going to have to work together.”

Jupiter’ replied, “For once, we agree on something.” She then pushed a button on the wall and the door opened, “Come on, we can use the floor vents to move around.” Tinkerer then opened up a panel on the floor and crawled down, Twilight quickly followed her.

Meanwhile, back at the HQ; Sunset was still sitting at the desk with her computer. It had been over three hours since she last heard from Twilight, she was getting worried.

Spike then walked into the room, think Twilight would be here; he turned and saw Sunset sitting at the computer table. “Have you seen Twilight anywhere?” the little dog asked.

“No, I’ve been trying to call her for hours; but she might not want to talk to me.” Sunset explained. “Since I accused the lead her father gave her to a trap. What with her dad being the Prowler.”

The dog then gasped, not knowing that part, “Night Light is the Prowler?!”

“Yeah, Twilight told me before she arrived at the Underground base.” Spike then jumped up into Sunset’s lap, she stroked his fur and said, “But I still think that it was too easy for Prowler to have that kind of information.” Sunset looked down at the dog, the worry in his eyes made her worry. “All we can really do is wait for her to call us.”

So that’s what they did, they sat there and waited for Twilight to contact them; because right now, that was all that was in there power.

Spider-Girl and Tinkerer were crawling through the vents of the Roxxon base; all while they could hear footsteps coming from above them. Roxxon soldiers marching the halls and patrolling; if they were to get caught, it would be game over.

“Roxxon kept Juggernaut instead of turning him into the police; how could they get away with that.” Twilight asked.

Jupiter Montage replied, “I did my research, Roxxon has contacts in the CCPD; clearly they can do whatever they like.”

Just as they were coming up to a turn, Twilight heard a voice she recognised.

“You promised you’d leave Spider-Girl out of this.”

Twilight looked up through the floor grate and saw Phyllis Cloverleaf and Juggernaut talking to the Prowler. “We had a deal, Cloverleaf!”

The Roxxon CEO then replied, “Look, I know I went back on my word, but I needed to get the Tinkerer here, and Spider-Girl got in the way.” She then turned away as to walk away, “Besides, it was because of your information that we found them.”

Night Light walked up to her and shouted, “I don’t care, you have the Tinkerer now; let Spider-Girl go.”

“I can’t do that, who’s to say she won’t go running to the police and tell them everything she’s seen. Plus I don’t think you’d want that either; half of what Roxxon’s been involved with, has your name on it.” Phyllis explained. “And as a wanted criminal, you’d be parked right into the cell next to me.”

Juggernaut followed Cloverleaf as she walked away from Prowler, she explained, “Anyway, we need to check up on our guests; I would invite you along, but three’s a crowd. Bye.” She then turned away from him and followed Juggernaut to the door.

With nothing left to say, Prowler just walked away; he left for the exit.

Spider-Girl turned towards Tinkerer and said, “I can’t believe he’d sell me out.”

Jupiter Montage replied, “Wait, you know that guy; is this the reason we got captured.”

“Kind of, I thought I could trust him; but I guess not.” Twilight explained. “I never thought he’d sell me out to Roxxon of all people.”

Tinkerer said back, “I knew it, you spiders just love getting in people’s ways; even if they’re trying to deliver the kind of justice people don’t usually want.”

When they heard no more footsteps, they both left the vent system; they crawled out into a large open room, Roxxon tanks were parked up against the wall. The coast was clear, they made their way across the room; right up until a door opened in front of them.

“Cloverleaf’s lab.” Tinkerer gasped.

Spider-Girl was a little confused as to what she just heard, “Wait, Cloverleaf has a lab?”

“It’s mostly just for show.” Jupiter replied. “My uncle showed me a picture once.” The thought of her uncle made her heart ache a little.

Across the room, Twilight saw Tinkerer’s nano-tech device; she shot a web-line at it and pulled it towards her. She then handed it back to Jupiter’, “Here. It’s better in your hands anyway.”

“Thanks.” Tinkerer took the tech and placed it on her back, the metal then covered her arms and here mask materialised on her face. Twilight then jumped over to a computer that was placed on the wall of the lab.

She began to hack her way into the files, and she found some pretty interesting stuff; she read them out loud, “Failed health inspections, safety reports and hazardous chemical poisoning; Cloverleaf’s name is on everything. This would destroy Roxxon, the right way.”

Jupiter’ joined her by the computer; Twilight explained, “If we give these files to the police, Roxxon would get shut down and Phyllis would go to prison for years; and no amount of police favours and cover ups can hide this.”

“Can you download the files?” Tinkerer asked.

Twilight replied, “I’m already on it…”

Before she could finish, her spider-sense warned her of incoming danger; she grabbed Tinkerer and web-swung them both out of the way, just as Juggernaut smashed through the wall and destroyed the computer.

As the two girls recovered from the attack, Juggernaut walked towards them, followed by Roxxon soldiers. The brute asked Spider-Girl, “Like my new armour? It protects me from your attacks, and makes me ten times stronger.”

The soldiers surrounded the girls; Tinkerer turned to Twilight and said, “I’ll handle the guards, you get the big guy.” A large sword materialised in her hand, she then began attacking the guards.

Spider-Girl began by swinging towards Juggernaut, but the big brute was right; as long as he had that armour, Twilight couldn’t hurt him. She tried punching and kicking him, but he didn’t even stumble; the villain grabbed her with his giant hand and threw her across the room.

As she crashed into a pillar, smashing it to pieces; Spider-Girl needed a new approach to this.

Juggernaut charged forward, attempting to crash right into Twilight; so she jumped over him and shot two web-lines onto his back. She pulled herself onto him and began riding like him like a mechanical bull, like she did in the mall; Spider-Girl steered him around the room until he crashed into one of the Roxxon tanks.

When the tank exploded from the impact, the energy fuelling the vehicle electrocuted the Juggernaut, causing him to fall to his knees; when Twilight saw he was down, she webbed towards him and began punching and kicking him.

As a finisher, she pulled him forward with her webs and slammed his face onto the ground; but after that, he got back up and knocked Twilight away.

Jupiter’ watched this happen and shouted to Twilight, “That hurt him, keep doing that.” She said as she kicked down one of the soldiers. Spider-Girl saw there were still four of the tanks surrounding the room, she used them to her advantage.

The brute of a villain got down on his knees and was ready to charge again, he then charged forward towards Twilight; she pulled the same trick as before, jumping over him and sticking to his back. She steered him towards another tank and like before, it exploded when he crashed into it.

“Ouch!” Juggernaut cried.

Twilight paid no attention to his wine of pain, she just webbed herself towards him and began punching and kicking the air out of him. This time, the finisher was her jumped over him again and pulling herself down with webs; her feet slammed into the back of his head and pushed his face down to ground, slamming it onto the floor.

During the fighting, Twilight heard Jupiter Montage say to her, “We need to put him down, permanently.”

“I’m not going to kill the guy.” The spider replied.

Now Juggernaut was tired of this, instead of charging towards Twilight, he ran for one of the tanks; using his strength, he lifted the vehicle above his head. Tinkerer figured out what he was going to do with that.

“Oh my gosh, he’s throwing a tank.”

He did exactly that, Juggernaut threw the tanks towards Spider-Girl and Tinkerer; they both jumped out of the way and watched the tank exploded. Twilight noticed that from the wreckage of the tank, was the energised engine; this gave her an idea.

Spider-Girl used her webs to grab the engine and throw it at Juggernaut; when it hit him, the energy electrocuted his body, he once again fell to his knees. Twilight jumped forward and started punching and kicking him again.

Once she was sure Juggernaut was weak enough, Spider-Girl webbed his arms to the ground, so he couldn’t block this next attack; Tinkerer jumped towards him and slashed his armour with her large sword. This disabled his armour, leaving him open to regular attacks.

“His armour is down, finish him!” Jupiter’ shouted.

Juggernaut ran over to another tank, he picked it up and attempted to throw it at Twilight; she jumped out of the way again and watched it exploded. She then used her webs to grab the engine and throw it at the brute; without his armour, the attack was way more effective.

Twilight began punching and kicking him, a lot harder this time; and this finisher was the last to be done. She jumped onto his back again and steered him towards the last tank; when it exploded from the impact, Juggernaut was thrown to ground, unable to get back up.

Coincidently, it at this time, Tinkerer had finished of the Roxxon soldiers.

She saw that Bulk Biceps was down, she walked over to him, wanting to finish this; but Twilight stopped her and explained, “Make sure he doesn’t do anything, I’ll be right back.” Spider-Girl ran over to the lab to try and find something.

Though the monitor of the computer was destroyed, the hard-drive remained intact; she unplugged it from the PC, now she had the evidence she needed to stop Roxxon. Before she could walked back over to Jupiter’, another computer caught her eye; this one showed the energy results and blue prints for the Nuiform reactor.

“According to this, Cloverleaf supercharged the reactor to make her deadline. If Jupiter’ goes through with her plan…” Twilight ran a simulation of what would happen if an overcharged Nuiform canister was loaded into the reactor; the blast radius covered the entire city. “Canterlot City would be destroyed.”

Meanwhile, Tinkerer was doing as instructed, keeping an eye on Juggernaut; until he started talking to her.

“You know, Cloverleaf told me how your uncle died; very amusing.”

Jupiter’ turned away from him and said, “Shut up.”

But he didn’t, he continued, “He also told me, it was your fault. You could have saved him, but you chose to save yourself and run.”

Tinkerer didn’t want to hear this anymore, two gauntlets appeared over her hands; at this time, Twilight’s spider-sense went off, warning her about what Tinkerer was about to do.

“Light out.” Jupiter’ said, before starting beating the life out of Bulk.

Spider-Girl saw this happen and cried, “No!” she web-pulled herself towards Tinkerer and kicked her away from Juggernaut; they both crashed through the wall and fell into an old subway tunnel that was next to the underground Roxxon base.

Jupiter Montage got up and walked towards Twilight; Spider-Girl got up as well and said to Tinkerer, “What the heck were you…” before she could finish, Jupiter’ whacked her down with her gauntlets.

Like she was doing with Juggernaut, she started beating the life out of Twilight; all while she was saying, “You broke into my lair! Stole my secrets! Got me kidnapped!” She eventually stopped, she kneeled down and said to her enemy, “If you come near me, or try and stop me again; I’ll kill you, just like that police captain.”

Before she could walk away, Twilight tried to warn her, “Jupiter’, the reactor, it’s…” but she was too weak to finish.”

All Jupiter’ said in returned was, “Jupiter Montage is dead; now, there’s only the Tinkerer.” She then ran away, down the subway tunnel. The spider-hero heard her talking into a communicator to her men, “Has Plant Man delivered the Nuiform?... Good, begin supercharging it.”

With no other option, Twilight used the comms to try and contact Sunset Shimmer, “Sunset, can you hear me? I need help…..”