• Published 19th May 2022
  • 651 Views, 8 Comments

The Spectacular Spider-Girl - Adamverse

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Chapter Three

The next morning, Twilight yawned as she rubbed her eyes; on the floor in his little bed, Spike did the same. When the little dog was awake, he jumped up onto Twilight’s bed to check if she was awake. When Spike saw her moving, he began to nuzzle her up.

“Good morning, Spike.” Twilight greeted.

Even though Spike could talk, it was still within his power to deliver a nice little bark in response to her greeting. Twilight scratched him behind the ear before getting up; as she did, she heard a beep come from her computer.

Twilight walked over to the laptop she had on her work desk, when she turned the screen on, it showed a project she’d been working on for a while. “Wow, its working.”

“What’s working?” Spike asked while jumping off the bed.

“A while ago, I had an idea about an app where people could submit their problems and us superheroes could assist them.” Twilight typed in the code and launched the app onto the internet. “It just finished programming itself, now it’s live online.”

After Twilight had a quick shower and changed into her spider-suit, she walked over to the window; Twilight then put her mask on and pushed a button on the side of it. It connected her mask lenses to her laptop, “Spike, I’m gonna need you to be my ‘dog in the chair’. Think you can do that for me?”

Spike replied, “Of course, no problem, Spider-Girl.”

With that said, Spider-Girl opened her window and began climbing up the fire escape; when she reached the roof, Twilight jumped up onto a pipe. The comms were working, so she was able to talk to Spike; she said, “You ready?”

“Go for it.” Spike replied.

Twilight jumped off the roof and began swinging through the streets of Canterlot City; with Spike watching the whole thing from Twilight’s laptop.

“How do you do this every day without throwing up in the mask?” Spike asked her. All Twilight did in return was chuckle at his question. The Spike got an alert on the computer, “Hey Twilight, someone posted a request in your app.”

“Whoa really?” Spider-Girl replied. Spike sent her the alert and she read the request, “Someone needs help at the subway station, the one in Applepaloosa Square.” Twilight thought for a minute, then she realised something, “Wait, isn’t that the one where Dad works now?”

Spike replied, “Come to think of it, I think it is. He mentioned how he was offered a job there after he came out of retirement.”

Spider-Girl explained, “It’s probably just a coincidence; I’m gonna head over to see what’s up.” After saying that, the comms when silent, Twilight started swinging faster towards the subway station.

When the spider-hero arrived, she saw it was one of those stations that sat on top of a bridge over the city streets; and next to the station was a tower, seemed like the best place to look for Night Light.

Inside the tower, Night Light was pressing buttons on the computers to try and get the system working again. “Come on, I left early this morning so I could avoid something like this.” He muttered to himself.

Without warning, Spider-Girl leaped onto the side of the tower and crawled down to the open window; she looked at her father working, she knew she would have to disguise her voice. “You call for some help?” she asked in a deeper tone.

Night Light turned to the window to see the masked hero looking through his window; he replied, “Yeah, I got this app and thought you could help me with something.” He turned back to the controls and explained, “I think someone’s messing with the system relay, and we need trains on the track or all these people are gonna be late. I’ve had four complaints this morning alone.”

Twilight quickly took a look at the controls, she then explained, “Don’t worry, I’ll follow the tracks back to the train yard, see if anything needs fixing.”

Before Spider-Girl could swing away, Night Light stopped her and asked, “Wait, where’s the other spider; you know, ‘Spiderman’?”

“He’s on vacation. But don’t worry, I got this.” Twilight then started web-swinging down the track, following them back to the train yard.

Spider-Girl landed on a roof next to the train yard; when she looked at the trains, none of them were on the main tracks. But that wasn’t all, the area was swarming with those same guys who attacked Roxxon Plaza, the Underground.

Twilight heard of one them say, “Keep working, the boss wants this done before tonight.” The one working just nodded her head, it looked like she was sabotaging the train system.

“Okay, what would Adam do in this situation?” Twilight asked herself, then the answer came to her, “Well, he’d take these guys out stealthily, to avoid any unnecessary gun fire.”

While the Underground kept working and patrolling, Spider-Girl started crawling around the area, taking these guys out one by one.

The first Underground member was standing by a trash bin, Twilight was able to use her webs to pull the bin forward; this knocked the guy flat on his face and knocked him out. However, that idea was noticed, two other ‘Underground’ers’ went over to investigate what had happened.

The next one Twilight took out, she was perching on a lamppost above him; so when no one was watching, she shot webs down to him and pulled him up. The thug dropped his gun and Spider-Girl tied him up in her webs.

What happened next didn’t go as planned, Spider-Girl web-zipped to the ones that were messing with the control panel and knocked their heads together, knocking them out; but she didn’t check to see if anyone wasn’t watching.

“It’s her!” an Underground member yelled. “It’s Spider-Girl!”

Another one shouted, “Well don’t just stand there, waste her.” He said while activating his gauntlets.

Now Twilight had to take these guys down the old fashion way; with brute force. All five of the remaining Underground members charged towards Spider-Girl, but she jumped over them, while also webbing one in the face.

This allowed her to web-zip towards him and knock him out cold with one punch to the face.

The rest of them were taken down by punches and kicks to the stomach, face or back; once they were dealt with, Twilight could work on getting the trains back online. She swung up to the control room and let herself in, there she saw a picture spray painted on the walls.

“Long live the Tinkerer.” Twilight read aloud. The painting was a picture of the Tinkerer, with a silver mask; and under the picture, read the words. “The Underground work for the Tinkerer? But she’s locked up in Rykers with the rest of the super-villains.”

Twilight had to think about this later, she walked over to the controls to try and get the train system working. Within a matter of minutes, the automatic train system was fully functional again. Trains automatically made their way back onto the track.

Suddenly, Twilight got a call, Night Light was calling Spider-Girl through the app; “I don’t know what you did, but the trains are working again. Thanks.”

“Don’t worry about it; I took care of the people messing with the controls. And be sure to tell your friends about the Friendly Neighbourhood Spider App.” Spider-Girl replied.

“Will do, in the meantime, come back to me; I got something for you.”

Twilight finished tying up the Underground before contacting the police, she then started swinging back to her dad.

When Twilight arrived at her father’s office, he stepped up to the window to greet her; he was holding a little reward for helping him keep his job. “Here, a one year free subway card; ride the trains with no charge. Did I get the name right?”

Twilight looked at her reward, she said, “Thanks sir, I’m sure the name is ri…”

But she could finish, she noticed the name on the card, ‘Twilight Sparkle’. She muttered, “But ho..?”

“When I saw Spider-Girl on the news, fighting those convicts, all I could see was some of the moves you and your brother used to practice in the park when you were play fighting. Plus, you’ve stopped disguising your voice.”

Spider-Girl jumped into the office and took her mask off, “Are you mad, Dad?”

Night Light replied, “Mad? My little girl’s a superhero, how could I be mad. You’ve made me the proudest dad ever.” The two of them embraced in a loving hug.

When the two of them pulled away, Twilight asked, “Are you going to tell Mum?”

“No, I think she has enough on her plate, what with her city council thing she’s doing.” Night Light replied.

Twilight then said, “Oh yeah, she wants to be a part of the city council. Doesn’t she have a big campaign thing tonight?”

“Yeah, she’s having a big event on our street; so don’t be late.” Night Light explained. Just as Twilight was about to leave, her father stopped her; he explained, “Just so you know, Roxxon were planning to transport that Nuiform stuff on the trains, but they’ve just cancelled their shipment.”

“They must have already heard that the Underground were stopping the trains, and after the break in a Roxxon Plaza, they don’t that gang anywhere near the Nuiform.” Twilight said.

Night Light then told her, “I heard on the news this morning that Jupiter Montage is being taken to the CCPD building today for questioning; since she apparently commands the Underground.”

Spider-Girl put her mask back on and jumped up to the window, “Thanks Dad, I promise I’ll be careful.” She then jumped off the tower a started swinging away.

“I know.”

Just as Twilight was swinging away from the station, she got a call on her phone, Sunset Shimmer was calling her; her friend greeted with, “Hey Twilight, how’s it going?”

“Fine, my Dad just found out who I am.” Twilight replied.

Sunset then said, “What? Are you in trouble?”

“No, he was actually okay with it. He promised not to tell my Mum, or anyone else.” Twilight explained as she landed on a rooftop.

“Anyway, I can you come by the HQ, I need to show you something.”

Twilight answered with, “Sure, I’m on my way.” Spider-Girl hanged up the call and began swinging towards the superhero HQ.

When Spider-Girl arrived, she landed outside the HQ; before she could walk inside, she heard a noise coming from her left. Driving up to the her was a cool looking RV truck, sitting in the driver’s seat was Sunset.

When the red haired girl stepped out of the truck, all Twilight could say was, “Where did this come from?”

Sunset replied, “When we bought the HQ, I only just realised we had some money left over; I used it to buy this little beauty I like to call ‘HQ II’. A mobile headquarters we can use to fight crime across the city.”

“Nice.” Twilight said. “Do you think we could drive this thing to my Mum’s big event thing tonight; plus I don’t really want to go on my own?”

“Of course.” Sunset Shimmer replied. That’s when Sunset remembered that thing she wanted to tell Twilight, “Uh Twilight.” She said.

“Yeah.” Spider-Girl replied.

Sunset said back, “I just wanted to say that I… That I… That I l…” Twilight took her mask off, now Sunset was looking into her eyes. “That I like what you’ve been doing with your hair.”

Twilight replied, “Oh, thanks. I like yours too.”

Sunset put on a fake smile, once again she chickened out of what she really wanted to tell her; but I guess that would be something for another day. The two of them went inside the HQ to just hang out until tonight, once the evening started to show, they got in the truck and drove back to Twilight’s street.

On the street where Twilight Sparkle lived, the road was full of people and stalls; people from all over Canterlot City was here to support Twilight Velvet. The two girls walked down the lit up street, Spike was following them; he was told to stay close, didn’t want him getting lost in the commotion.

“Is all this just for your mum?” Sunset asked.

“Yep, everyone wants her to get on the city council. She does so much for the community, now she can spread that to the whole city.” Twilight replied.

The two girls were enjoying themselves around the stalls when they ran in Night Light; he greeted them with wave and motioned them to come over. “Hi girls.”

“Hi Mr Light.” Sunset greeted. She then whispered this next bit, “Twilight tells me you know her little secret.”

Night Light replied, “Yeah, but I’m okay with it. As long as she’s safe.” He then took a minute to realise something, “So you know too, huh?”

Twilight then replied, “Actually Dad, all my friend’s know.”

Now Night Light was a little more shocked, “What even that guy with the glasses? The one that married your friend Fluttershy?”

“Yeah, you know him by another name.” Twilight said as she and her friends walked away.

It took some thinking, but Twilight’s father got it in the end, “Wait he’s…”

Before he could finish however, everyone began gathering around the stage; it was time for Twilight Velvet to give a speech to the people. She got up on stage and walked up to the microphone; took a deep breath and then began.

“People of Canterlot City, I stand before you today as just an ordinary person of the streets. I live at home, with my husband and daughter. I had a son, but not anymore; he was the captain of the police and he gave his life for this city. But I stand here not to dwell on the past, but look to the future; I want to make my son proud by letting the people having a say in the matters.”

The crowd clapped for her, Twilight looked up at her mother and was so proud.

Velvet continued, “So if you elect me for the city council, I will personally make sure that everyone has a say in the problems that our city faces on a daily basis…..”

Suddenly, she was cut off when a billboard to her right began sparking; everyone turned their attention to the large monitor. On the screen, appeared a member of the Underground.

“Ladies and Gentlemen, we are the Underground. You talk about voices being heard, but what about our voices; and our freedom. Our leader, the Tinkerer, was put in jail for being the smartest person in the city; well that mockery of justice ends tonight.” The screen then went blank.

As the people started panicking; Twilight, Sunset and Spike ran for the van. When they got inside, Twilight began changing into her suit; when that was done, they turned to the monitor in the truck.

“Okay Sunset, what’s going on?” Spider-Girl asked her friend.

The red haired girl replied, “Well, if what that guy on the big TV said was true, then they’re probably planning to spring Tinkerer.”

Spider-Girl then said, “That’s right, my dad said that she was being moved to the CCPD for questioning about the Underground.”

Twilight got out of the van and jumped into the air, she then began swinging around the buildings, making her was to the police station.

However, as Spider-Girl was swinging; Sunset called her on the comms. “Twilight, I just heard on the police scanner; the Underground are on Canterlot Bridge, and the police station.”

“What? What are they doing there?” Twilight asked.

“Well it turns out Roxxon was scared to use the trains to transport their new power source; since the Underground were able to sabotage it so easily. So they decided to ship it via convoy, and now it’s being attacked.” Sunset Shimmer explained.

Twilight landed on a ledge, she was looking between two directions; she said, “So it’s either let the Underground the Nuiform or let the Tinkerer escape.” Those were her two options, what was she going to do?

The decision came to her; she said to her friend, “The police are going to have to handle themselves; if the Underground get their hands on Nuiform, the whole city will be in danger.” Spider-Girl then jumped off the ledge and began swinging towards the bridge.

Spider-Girl landed on the bridge, there was already fire and destruction on the scene; and in the centre of it all was the armoured truck that was carrying the Nuiform. Four Underground members were approaching the truck, only to be greeted by three Roxxon soldiers.

The leading Underground member said, “Listen, we just want the Nuiform.”

“Well, that ain’t gonna happen.” The commander Roxxon soldier replied.

The two groups raised their weapons at each other; until Spider-Girl jumped in between them, holding out her hands. “Whoa, let’s not shoot each other.”

Suddenly, a rumble was heard from under the bridge; the Roxxon commander pointed his pistol at the Underground and demanded to know, “What are you doing?!”

But the young adults raised their hands in defence, their leader explained, “We’re not doing anything.”

That’s when they all got a surprise, they all heard a large splash from the river underneath them; rising up from the water was a giant plant vine. It rose up like a large octopus tentacle; and standing on the tip of the plant, was a man. This person leaped off his plant servant and landed beside Spider-Girl; everyone got a good look at him.

Without warning, this person raised him arms and shot plant vines out of his hands; the Roxxon soldiers and the Underground were pushed away from the truck.

Twilight raised her fists, ready to fight; she said to him, “I don’t know who or what you are, but you picked the wrong day to get involved in something like this.”

Finally, the ‘Plant Man’ said something, “Look Spider-Girl, I have a lot planned and none of it is to do with you.” He grew a vine out of his hand and wrapped it around Twilight, he then threw her across the bridge, crashing her into a car wreck. “I’m only here for the Nuiform.”

Plant Man shot vines out of his hands again, this time at the armoured truck; he pulled the door down, revealing the Nuiform. He stepped inside the tuck and grabbed himself a canister; Plant Man took a look at the blue crystal inside the container.

A vine grew around his back, he tied the canister to himself and was ready to leave.

The Underground were getting up, and were ready to fight this new plant villain; but they were radioed by their other members, “With draw, we have the boss.” The Underground did as ordered and left the scene of the crime.

Spider-Girl got up and shot a web at the plant villain; he took notice of this and just ripped it off himself. He then turned to his giant plant tentacle; without saying a word, the plant smashed itself down onto the bridge, causing great damage to the structure.

Plant Man stepped onto his plant and it carried him away; before Twilight could do anything, the bridge started shaking and crumpling apart. Plant Man was carried back into the water, with the Nuiform; but that didn’t matter right now, there were still people on the bridge.

Twilight worked quickly, she used her webs to hold the bridge together and she quickly got the people out of harm’s way; once they were safe, Twilight used more webs to hold the bridge together.

When she’d done that, the bridge kept shaking; until it stopped suddenly. The bridge stopped moving, all was okay; and just in time, the Roxxon soldiers were coming around.

Once she was sure all was okay, Spider-Girl turned to the Roxxon guys and said, “Everyone is okay, the bridge is secu…”

Before she could finish, one of the soldiers muttered something into his shoulder radio, “We have eyes on the ‘spider-girl’; requesting instructions.” Twilight heard some mutter from the radio, then the commander said, “Copy that.”

The Roxxon soldiers pointed their guns at the hero, she raised her hands in defence.

One of the people Twilight saved shouted, “Hey, what are you doing; she saved us!”

Sunset, who was watching everything through Twilight’s mask, said to her through the comms, “Twilight, get out of there.” Spider-Girl did as instructed and jumped away, the soldiers opened fire but didn’t land a hit; Twilight swung away from the bridge.

Twilight stopped swinging when she landed on a rooftop, she leaned against a wall and took off her mask; she was sweating from the tense situation she was just in.

“What happened to Roxxon being there for you?” She said to herself. “They were going to shoot me.”

With nothing left to do, Twilight reapplied her mask and began swinging home; still puzzled about what made Roxxon turn against her and who that ‘plant man’ was.

Author's Note:

Because of my job and real life, chapters for this story will just come out randomly.

Anyway, if you like my work, don't forget to Like, Comment and Follow me.

See you guys around.