• Published 19th May 2022
  • 651 Views, 8 Comments

The Spectacular Spider-Girl - Adamverse

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Chapter Five

The sun was just going down as Twilight arrived at the old Canterlot Theatre; this place had been closed for longer than Adam had been on this Earth. And surrounding the area, to Twilight’s surprise, were Underground thugs; they were patrolling the rooftops for any unwanted visitors.

Spider-Girl called Sunset on the comms, she needed to update her on the situation. “Sunset, my dad gave me the location of the Underground base; check it out.”

“Your dad, how did he know about this?” Sunset replied, looking through the camera in Twilight’s mask.

The hero replied, “I don’t know, maybe he figured it out.”

“I don’t know Twilight, something doesn’t smell right. What if this is a trap?”

Twilight swung closer to the area before replying, “He’s my father, he wouldn’t do something like that."

Sunset argued, “Your father that is a known criminal.”

“If you not going to say anything helpful, then good bye.” Twilight then ended the call; she had to focus on getting in there somehow.

Once a part of the roof was clear, she jumped down to take a look at the entrance she could use; the hatch was electrified, no way to get it open without accessing the system. Spider-Girl walked over to the console that was next to the hatch; it needed an access key-card to open it.

Twilight muttered to herself, “One of the Underground guys must have a key; time to ask around.” Spider-Girl webbed up to a vantage point to scope out the area, she counted a total of seven guys on the roof.

When one went off on his own, Twilight seized the opportunity to take him out. She shot two web-lines down to his shoulders, she then pulled him up to her, making him drop his gun; Twilight knocked him out before tying him in webs.

Before leaving him, she quickly searched him for a key; sadly, he didn’t have one. All she could do was carry on looking.

Two thugs were distracted by talking to each other, a guy and a girl; the guy one said, “So why can’t I meet your parents, are you embarrassed of me or something?”

“No babe, of them.” The girl one responded.

The guys sighed in relief, until he saw his girl get pulled away by webs; before he could do anything, he was shot with an Impact Web, sticking him to a wall. The girl was then swung into him, sticking them there together.

Spider-Girl searched them both, “Still nothing.” She grunted.

Suddenly, across the roof, a door was thrown open; and a brute of a man marched out of it. He began barking orders at the Underground thugs, “We got a security alert, Spider-Girl’s here; spread out and find her."

Twilight then thought to herself, ‘If anyone had a key-card, it would be that guy’; so now playing it safe was out of the question, it was time to attack with brute force.

After shooting a web at them, she pulled herself forward and knocked the brute onto his back; she then leaped off him and was surrounded by the Underground. They each tried to attack her, but she would either dodge or counter the attack.

The first guy charged towards her, but she leaped over him and shot a web on his back, pulling him back and threw him into another. They were both knocked down, leaving just two guys left; and the brute, who had now got back up.

She began rapidly, firing webs at the brute; tying him in webs. Twilight then shot a web-line at him and pulled him forward; she swung him around like a wrecking ball, his weight made him perfect for knocking out the last two thugs. Once they were down, she let go of the web and sent the brute flying towards the wall; the webs stuck him to it like glue.

Unfortunately, that wasn’t enough to stop him; his strength given to him by the Underground tech, allowed him to break free from the sticky stuff. Using the tech again, a mace and a shield materialized in his hands.

“Come at me, girly.” He taunted.

Spider-Girl was happy about that comment, and she had just noticed the brute thug was standing in front of the electrified hatch.

“Who needs a key-card?” she said to herself.

Jumping up into the air, Twilight shot two webs and pulled herself back down; she landed on the brute and pushed him down, he fell onto the hatch. Spider-Girl jumped up again and pulled herself down with webs once more; this time, the force was so great, they both smashed through in and fell into the theatre.

The two of them fell right in the centre of the theatre, the brute was about to hit the ground; but Twilight, being the hero that she is, caught him with her webs and saved him. She hanged him from the ceiling, before investigating the large red machine in the middle of the room.

It was a large generator -looking device, which doubled as some kind of container; Spider-Girl said to herself, “The colour of this machine matches the colours of a Nuiform container, is this what they were going to use to store it?”

There was a computer next to the machine, it looked like it was the controller. Twilight worked her tech magic and accessed the computer.

“According to this, the machine wasn’t just going to store Nuiform, it was going to super-charge it. But doing that would make it unstable.” She said. A small projector showed a hologram of what was going to happen; it showed the supercharged Nuiform be inserted into the Nuiform generator in Roxxon Plaza. “If the Tinkerer was to go through with her plan, it would destroy Roxxon Plaza. It’s not open yet, so no one would get hurt.”

Before she could check anything else, Twilight found a file that interested her; a video file. Without hesitation, she played the footage. It showed security camera footage of Jupiter Montage and someone else inside a Roxxon facility.

Jupiter Montage and her uncle, Canter Zoom were inside a Roxxon facility; they were inside a room that was generating Nuiform.

Canter Zoom turned to his niece and said, “You ready?”

All she did was not in return; the two of them stood by a console while Canter’ worked, they were going to shut down these machines and destroy the Nuiform. It was too dangerous for anyone to use, it had to be disposed of before it got out.

After he typed in the cancellation code, Canter Zoom looked up to see all the machines shut down; he then turned to the canister of Nuiform in the centre of the room. He picked up a close by wrench and approached the energy source.

“Wait Uncle Zoom, not like that; that stuff is raw power, it could be unstable.” Jupiter’ warned.

But Canter’ didn’t listen, he was going to destroy the mistake he helped create; he swung the wrench at the canister and wacked it hard, the glass casing began to crack.

Suddenly, an alarm went off; a glass shield was lowered around the Nuiform and Canter Zoom was trapped inside it. He turned to Jupiter and started banging on the glass, begging for help; but she was looking at the canister of Nuiform, the energy was leaking out of it.

Before Canter Zoom could scream for help from his niece, Jupiter Montage ran for her life; not looking back. And inside the glass shield, the Nuiform exploded, vaporising everything inside the shield; Canter Zoom had no chance of surviving.

And with that, the video ended; Twilight backed away from the monitor, not believing what she just saw. She muttered to herself, “Oh my gosh, Roxxon and the Tinkerer; this is how it all started.” As Twilight searched through the computer to see what else she could find, a voice caught her attention from behind.

“That wasn’t yours to see.”

Suddenly, without warning; Twilight’s spider-sense went off, she jumped of the way. Good thing to, because someone had leaped forward and smashed into the computer desk; Spider-Girl looked up at the one responsible, it was her, The Tinkerer.

She had the same technology her minions had, so two of those power fists materialised on her hands, “You shouldn’t have come here.” Spider-Girl was ready to fight, and that’s exactly what those two did.

The hero started by rapidly firing webs at the villain, but she blocked it with her gauntlets; they then disappeared and were replaced by a large sword-type weapon. Tinkerer swung the blade at Spider-Girl, trying to take her out; but Twilight was able to dodge the attack and counter them.

When Jupiter stopped for a second, Twilight shot a web into her face; with her temporally stunned, the hero jumped forward and began punching and kicking her. But when Tinkerer pulled the web off her face, her big metal fists came back and she punched Twilight away.

The two of them charged at each other; however, before they could attack again, Twilight’s spider-sense went off again.

A large object smashed through the ceiling and crashed into the ground, the force blew Tinkerer and Spider-Girl to the side. When Twilight got up, she saw who it was; Juggernaut, free again.

The brute turned towards Tinkerer, he said to her, “Hello again, Jupiter; haven’t seen you on the outside of the bars for a while.” Jupiter Montage reequipped her gauntlets and charged towards her new enemy; but they broke into fragments the moment they touched Juggernaut’s suit, which looked like it had been upgraded.

Covering Juggernaut’s armour, was more armour; red pieces of metal covered his already powerful suit. A similar colour to Roxxon’s soldiers, indicating the brute had a new employer.

Bulk Bicep raised his fist and punched Tinkerer away, rendering her unconscious.

Spider-Girl jumped onto his back and tried to pry his new armour off, but it seemed like it was welded to him. Juggernaut grabbed her with his giant hand; before doing what he was going to do, he muttered, “Lights out.” He slammed Twilight onto the ground, knocking her out.