• Published 27th Nov 2021
  • 3,165 Views, 197 Comments

The Pony Guard (Season 4) - MXCDarkHorse2020

The Lion and Pony Guard all seek to protect Ponyville all while learning more the ways of friendship as the threat of Scar grows.

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Episode 4: Flight to the Finish

Episode 4:

Flight to the Finish

With the upcoming Equestrian Games on the horizon, today was a very special day in class. The reason for this is because Cheerlie and Rafiki will be gifting kids an opportunity to do something special at the games, and that is the honor of carrying the Ponyville and Pride Lands flags. It’ll give said nominees standing ovation and wide recognition for being given said honor.

“Ha, ha, I know you are all very excited and I am very pleased to inform you that today, we have three special guests with a very special announcement!” Rafiki began to their class of students.

“So first up everyone and everypony, welcome the head of the Equestria Games, Ms. Harshwhinny!” Cheerlie then introduced said mare walking inside the classroom although given her personality she wasn’t expecting a standing ovation herself.

Ms. Harshwhinny then trotted to the center of the class room with a dignified expression before addressing the class. “Thank you. Now, I'm sure you all know about the Equestria Games, where ponies from all over the land compete for glory in various athletic pursuits.” She then smiled when the kids eyed in anticipation of what they are being offered before them. “Well, now you littlest ones will have the chance to compete for a weighty responsibility of your very own.”

“Oh, come on! Tell 'em the fun part!” Rainbow’s voice shouted just when she flies in the classroom through the window just when Fuli arrives through the classroom door just an a flash so fast that if you blink you miss it.

“Wow! Aah!”

The kids all cheered for the Guard’s Fastest members grand entrances.

“Wait how did Fuli get here already?” One of the ponies who blinked and missed questioned.

“Well you know what they say, blink it and you miss it.” She said with a smile before Rainbow’s growing excitement does the talking next.

“That's right! All you gotta do is show Ms. Harshwhinny the coolest, most spectacular, most rocking routine and you're going to the Games! So who's going to be the lucky ponies and Pride Landers?!”

“It's gotta be me!” Diamond smugly replied.

“Maybe it's me!” A pony with a light blue-colored mane replied in response to her comment.

“Maybe it's us!” Scootaloo said to her friends.

“Or us!” Mtoto excitably said to their friends.

“Maybe it's us!” Snips and Snails shouted with the former lifting the latter while standing on a desk before falling backwards and over due to the lack of balance he had.

“Hey! It could happen!” Snips said to every staring at them in the classroom rather unimpressed with their antics.

“Maybe if you’re both lucky.” Fuli gently yet honestly broke the news to them. With that out of the way, the three speaking to the students continued with their big announcement. “So anyways class, Rainbow has said it and then some, two lucky group of friends will have the chance to win the honor of performing at the Equestrian Games. Both Equestria and the Pride Lands.”

“And I can tell you all oh,” Rainbow expressed while flapping her wings with mind-blowing excitement. “…you are gonna love this!”

Ms. Harshwhinny was quick to bring her down to earth. “Ms. Dash, will you please curb your over-enthusiastic outbursts?” She quietly chided before politely addressing the class to which Fuli smirked at the Pegasus’s direction for what had just happened. “Now then, let me be clear on the rules.” She pointed towards the chalk board to which she drew on in advance. “You ponies will form teams. Each team will create their own flag carrying routine. Everypony will be judged on grace, style and originality. There's a most complicated scoring system, which I will elaborate upon now. Firstly—“ She then was about to pull out a video presentation when Rainbow once more interrupted her.

“Aw, get to the nitty-gritty later. Tell 'em the important stuff! Like who's the coaches!” She quickly pulled out blue and red coaching hats for herself and Fuli along with red and blue whistles before blowing into her own much to the mare and cheetah’s annoyance. “That's right! Me and my pal Fuli! And you know why I'm qualified to coach you? Guess who carried the Cloudsdale flag in the Games when she was a little filly? Me!” She recalled the memory before flying over everyone’s heads once more all while Scootaloo’s eye-widening and jaw dropping admiration increases with every passing second. “I'll never forget it—I burst into the stadium, spreading my wings, the flag flapping in the breeze. I did tricks with that flag the likes of which nopony saw before and nopony's seen since!”

She was wildly waving her flag around before being brought down to earth once more.

“Professionalism, Ms. Dash. I must insist.” She chided. “If you want to keep your job as coach of these ponies, you must maintain a professional attitude and keep your emotions in check! Am I making myself absolutely, one hundred percent crystal clear?” She added while not being afraid to get up right into her face with her quietly voiced threat.

Fuli could only watch feeling entertained by this already when Rainbow quickly adopts a professional pose. “Yes, Ms. Harshwhinny. Y'know, "professionalism" is my middle name. Rainbow Professionalism Dash.”

The mare wasn’t completely convinced but knew that she gets her point quite clearly, especially when she gets in your face eye to eye to make it crystal clear. “Well, in three days time, Ms. Dash and Ms. Fuli will accompany anypony and anybody competing to the Crystal Empire, where you will demonstrate your routines for me and the other judges, who will judge you very professionally.”

“Yep.” Fuli nodded before taking her turn to speak to the class. “So in the meantime, get ready to train, and train hard, because I know this opening ceremony is the single most important thing that will ever happen in your young lives! But, I know you're up for the challenge. For those who are interested, meet us after school tomorrow afternoon at 3:00 sharp. And show us your flag carrying skills. We look forward to seeing you there.” She then quickly motioned Rainbow to follow after her before she gets herself into trouble. “Come on, Rainbow!”

And that just leaves Ms. Harshwhinny with one final statement before leaving “Your routine needs to show what your town means to you. So, do Ponyville proud. Work hard, be bold, wow me. That is all!”

Shortly after their announcement, the school bell rang which signaled the end of school and the kids were all dismissed from class with an opportunity to represent Equestria and the Pride Lands right in front of them.

“Wow!” Mtoto happily expressed. “Being able to carry the flag of our home nation!”

“That would such a great honor.” Kwato happily added before seeing the Crusaders emerge from the building.

Scootaloo is the first of the fillies ready for pounce on this, especially if it means wowing her idols and big sisters. “So what do you say we come up with the perfect routine and win this thing?” She asked her fellow Crusaders.

“I'd say that's rootin'-tootin' terrific!” Apple Bloom voiced her matching enthusiasm.

Although, Sweetie Belle shared quite the opposite thoughts. “But there's one problem! I bet everypony in class is planning to compete!”

Scootaloo seeing her friend’s nervousness was quick to insist otherwise. “Listen. Somepony in our class is gonna carry that flag, so it might as well be us! Crusaders, are you in or are you in? 'Cause I'm in!”

With that declaration, Scootaloo ran off ahead to start working on a performance pleasing rountine.

“Me too!

“Me three!”

The other Crusaders voiced while following after her.

“Wait for us!” Kambuni shouted while she and her friends follow after them.

“Alright, the winning routine needs to show what's important about Ponyville, right?” Scootaloo asked the Crusaders.


“And, the winning routine also has to show what’s important about the Pride Lands, too right…” Scootaloo continued.

“Uh…” Mtoto uttered weakly.

“Right?” Scootaloo repeated.

“Right!” The fan club stated.

Even though everyone in the Pride Lands knows about what happened, only the Pony Guard along with the Royal Family in Ponyville know the truth, including the Cutie Mark Crusaders. And that is a promise that Mtoto had to make in under to keep the threat of Scar under wraps, even though having to keep his victory in the Pride Lands a secret.

Nevertheless, Scootaloo began thinking of ideas for their routine. “So... what's special about Ponyville? It's... it's... I got it! It's a place where different kinds of ponies live together as friends!”

It took some deep thought but the three fillies were able to figure out ideas.

“Earth ponies like me!”

“Unicorns like me!”

“And Pegasi like me! So somehow we got to figure out a way to show that in our act.”

The kids liked the idea when they all smiled in agreement and at the same time gave them ideas for their routine to represent the Pride Lands.

“We're gonna need a plan.” Sweetie thought.

“And a lot of hard work!” Apple Bloom added.

“And a whole bunch of practice!” Scootaloo added. “But take it from me; we may just be little ponies, but we have hearts as strong as horses!”

With a plan set in stone, the Cutie Mark Crusaders marched forward together while singing a tune.

“We're the toughest little ponies in town

Got the moves, got the mojo, no harder working ponies around

We are a trio, work as a team

We'll be the first ponies out on the flag-waving scene.”

The girls sang together while their friends watch them rotate and walk around like a team before engaging in several physical activities together while marching and running off into the sunet.

“We get going when the going gets tough

We know our very best is just never enough

We're kinda short, but so what? We don't get defeated

We could take a little break, but we don't need it.

We've got hearts as strong as horses

We've got hearts as strong as horses

We've got hearts as strong as horses

We've got hea-a-a-arts, hearts strong as horses

When we put our minds together, we can achieve

We're the Cutie Mark Crusaders, and you should believe

We've got determination to represent the nation

For the win

We've got hearts as strong as horses

We've got hearts as strong as horses

We've got hearts as strong as horses

And we're playing to win as we gallop to glory

We can conquer any challenge we're in

We've got hea-a-a-arts, hearts strong as horses

Hearts strong as horses.”

Just when the three finished, they were suddenly interrupted by the sound of clapping. Clapping that came from two familiar and obnoxious ponies having walked by and watched their performance.

“If that's the best you've got, we're going to win for sure.” The pink filly remarked with a mean grin.

“We already have the most divine routine planned.” Her partner added before they circled the three with the five Pride Landers frowning at the two for their behavior.

“It's absolutely sure to crush everyone else – and I mean crush.”

“Oh really…” Shaukku remarked while pretending his heart’s been crushed. “…oh. I am so utterly mortified…” The two fillies smirked feeling they succeeded. “…that you two are showing us how pathetic you both really are.”

His friends all laughed to when the rich fillies smug faces while wiped off clean when he said that. “What did you think we’d listen to couple of ponies like you just because you’re rich?”

“Of course.” Diamond replied with her head up high.

The mongoose winked at his baboon partner who quickly moved to stretch a leg in the ponies direction to trip them up and have them both fall into mud.



“Oops.” Gumba feigned fake innocence. “Sorry, I couldn’t help it because…you’re rich in mud.”

Everyone laughed further more at the humiliated duo who both angrily shake the mud off to try to regain their composure.

“And besides…” Scootaloo then said not letting them get to them again while singing. “…we’re winners, we have hearts…”

“Sure. But you know what you don't have?” Silver Spoon retorted.

“Your cutie marks! Blank flanks, blank flanks, blank flanks!” The two taunted circles around them.

“What does that have to do with flag carryin'?” Apple Bloom questioned them not seeing any problem with it.

“Having cutie mark-less ponies represent Ponyville would be unthinkable.” Silver told them.

“And we, of course, already have our cutie marks. So we know who's gonna be in the winner's circle.” Diamond added with a tone of arrogance while briefly bumping flanks with her partner.

At this point Scootaloo has had just about enough of their constant heckling before getting up in their faces over it. “Listen, you two! Cutie marks or no cutie marks, you'll see! The Crusaders are gonna carry that flag at the Games.” The three shared a hoof-bump over it to state their confidence.

“And that goes the same to us for the Pride Lands flag!” Mtoto declared to the two slightly nervous pair in the face of a baby elephant that’s just right about their size, yet capable of tearing them apart if he wanted to.

“May the best ponies win!” Silver stated before locking eyes with the Crusaders specifically Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle.

“Game on!” Scootaloo returned with humbled confident in the face of the smug smirking pink filly.

The next day, the three fillies have set up a stage in preparation in showing the coaches their routine. The fan group club were standing right behind both coaches wanting to see up front of what their friends have in store.

“Okay, Cutie Mark Crusaders, you ready?” Fuli asked Scootaloo once they had everything all set up.


“Show me what you got, Cutie Mark Crusaders, and make it good!” Rainbow told her.

“Don't worry, we will!” She replied before ducking behind the curtain.

“Now, this is just a little something we threw together. It's not perfect yet, not even close...” Sweetie Belle began.

While this was going on both Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon watching from the bushes across the yard in anticipation to see an opportunity for the trio to potentially humiliate themselves.

“Let's watch the Cutie Mark "Goof-saders" do their saddle routine.”

“They're gonna be a hot mess!”

The two shared with a mean giggle while the Crusaders continue their introduction.

“Since the dawn of recorded time, in one town of amazing amazingness, three types of ponies coexist!” Scootaloo voiced while the curtains open to reveal cardboard creations of mountains, the apple farm, and clouds before they all emerge with streamers on their hooves.

“We are Earth ponies!”

“We are unicorns!”

“We are Pegasi!”

The three said one by one with the orange filly continuing with her friends holding up a hoop with a paper covering over it.

“And the town where friendship reigns is our home. Now, welcome to the stadium, the flag of the place we love best...”

Scootaloo burst through the hoop on her scooter and rode to the center of the stage before leaping off of it. When she got down on her knees, she stood up while lifting both Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle up to form a pony pyramid.

“Ponyville forever! Yay!” They cheered while the Pegasus pony’s scooter wheeled by with streamers appearing from the floor.

Rainbow Dash, Fuli, the fan club, Diamond Tiara, and Silver Spoon were jaw dropped and speechless at what they just saw. An amazing routine that is a sure winning performance if they audition like that.

“It's kind of a work in progress. So? What did you think?” Scootaloo then said while approaching the two coaches still stunned.

Rainbow was about start by gushing over it but then remembered what Ms. Harshwhinny told her about maintaining professionalism and composure in order to remain coach before responding. “To give a calm, clear analysis— wait. You whipped that act together just yesterday?! Overall, it was... kinda, sorta...“

Fuli quickly stopped Rainbow from continuing to fumble with her words by placing a paw on her chest before turning to the kids. “What she means to say is you three did very well.”

“Really?” The kids gleamed with bright smiles.

“Yep.” Fuli nodded. “And I can see potential to win if you audition like that.”

“Really?!” The girls repeated with bigger and brighter smiles.

“Yep.” Rainbow also nodded being quick not wanting them to get too sure about their chances. “Keep working hard. Who knows? You might have a shot. Gotta go!” She quickly rushed away not wanting to get in the way of their drive and bursting their bubble with Fuli following after the Pegasus so they can regroup and proceed with the next audition in line.

Just after both parties left the scene, both Diamond and Silver were still stunned and now left wondering how to respond to this.

“Did you see that?! I can't believe I'm saying this. They could win!”

“How are we going to be able to top a performance by a trio of blank flanks!”

“By finding a new way to get under their skin.” Diamond replied trying to think of a new dirty method while eyeing Scootaloo’s wings.”…by getting under their wings.”

“Really…?” Silver eyed her friend looking a little uncomfortable about the angle she is proposing. “…as opposed to actually working on something to outshine their act?”

“You want to win? Then follow my lead.” Diamond returned with a tone of certainty that this is the best approach before moving to approach the three with her reluctant friend following after her.

“Great job, girls!” Mtoto began with the others following after his compliment to their friends.

“That was amazing!”

“It was mind-blowing!”

“It was in the Lion Guard’s Bravest words…”



“It sure was…” Diamond voiced while approaching the suddenly surprised kids with the fan club immediately frowning in their direction.

“What now, Diamond?!” Shauku demanded wanting to know her new approach to get under their skin. “Are we to assume you’re just flattering them to boost your ego in some way.”

“Oh no, silly mongoose. Nothing like that.” Diamond shrugged it off while pitching his cheeks before moving towards the fillies. “We just wanted to say your act is quite impressive!”

“Wait... what?”

“Um... thanks?”

Both Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle responded while taken aback by the rare compliment.

But knowing them Shaukku and Gumba were suspicious of why they are doing this.


“…what are you doing?”

“Nothing.” Diamond said with attempted innocence while nudging at her friend to back her up. “Right, Silver Spoon…”

“Oh, but of course. As a matter of fact, we think you're very brave.” She said somewhat forced.

“Brave? Why?” Scootaloo asked when they were eyeing her in particular.

“Isn't it obvious?” Diamond asked before continuing. “It is to us. In fact, it's obvious to everypony. You're showing all three types of Ponyville ponies, yet you have a Pegasus pony...who can't even fly!”

“And that’s what you’re up too!”

“And that’s where we draw the line…”

Both the mongoose and baboon stated with the latter quickly confronting them ready to get physical with them if they keep this up.

“…and where it is time for you two to go.”

“Come on, get a move on, show’s over.”

Their friends were quick to restrain them to keep them from getting themselves into trouble.


“…don’t take the jump into something you can’t swim in.”

Kwato and Kambuni pleaded with them while the other Crusaders step in Scootaloo‘s defense.

“What in tarnation does that have to do with anything?” Apple Bloom demanded.

“I'd say not even being able to fly has everything to do with everything. Doesn't it?”

Diamond continued taunting as she explains what she meant. “I mean, a Pegasus pony at your age? You should've been flying long ago.”

“So what if my wings can't get me off the ground?” Scootaloo questioned while trying to not let her words get to her.

“Your career as a flag carrier isn't getting off the ground either.” Diamond answered with a tone of insistence. “Ms. Harshwhinny will never pick a Pegasus pony who can't fly to represent Ponyville in front of all of Equestria.”

“Ms. Harshwhinny never said anything about that!” Sweetie Belle shouted in her friend’s defense.

“That’s right!” Mtoto added in fierce agreement. “It’s all about representing the true spirit of Ponyville which is what the Cutie Mark Crusaders have just shown!”

“And may I ask do you have a routine that matches up to what they just performed?” The young mongoose inquired expecting them to put up a comeback in response.

“Because if you don’t….” The baboon added with the same tone. “…I’m afraid you two should make like vultures in the Seaequestria triangle and get lost!”

Both fillies were unsettled at the two friend’s nonsense attitude towards their insults before they heed their warning’s to walk away, but not without Diamond wanting to get the last word. “Well, have fun practicing anyway, even if your routine will never, how shall I say…”

“Get out of here!” Both Shauku and Gumba shouted at them to which had them running off and away before anything else can happen.

“Un-Bunga-veilable.” Gumba grumbled before turning back to their now distraught friend.

“Don't listen to them, Scootaloo.” Sweetie Belle asserted her friend who unfortunately was already deep in thought and feeling hurt by their remarks while watching Rainbow and Fuli coach some fillies flying loops in front of them. “Scootaloo? You okay?”

But the emotional damage has already been done. “This routine isn't working how it is. We've gotta rethink my part in the whole thing.” She stated.



Her pony friends inquired of her new approach with the former hoping she didn’t mean it and the latter trying to wonder what’s wrong with their routine.

“You heard Fuli and Rainbow…” Kwato added.

“…they liked it the way it is.” Kambuni finished.

“If we wanna win, I'm gonna have to fly!” She replied with a tone that it has to be done not paying attention to the reminders of her friends.

“Is that even possible?”

“And by tomorrow?”

“Please reconsider?”

Her pony friends along with Mtoto all urged her against this idea.

“Maybe I can win if I work twice as hard.” She moved to try flapping her wings. “See?” After a few seconds she fell back to the ground. “Oof! Maybe... three times as hard.”

“Golly, I don't know, Scootaloo, I don't think that's the problem.” Apple Bloom repeated once more.

“Yeah, those girls don’t know what they’re talking about.” Shauku added in agreement.

"They’re just trying to get into your head.” Gumba backed his partner while trying to the pony to avert her concerned gaze towards her small wings.

But nothing was changing her mind before saying what she thinks is the best course of action before running off ahead. “Well, I know this for sure – flying is the only way we're gonna win, so it's back to practice!”

“Is this a good idea?” Sweetie Belle whispered to her friends just as Scootaloo ends up crashing after another failed attempt.

“I'll just work four times as hard!” Scootaloo declared.

“I’m going to have to say no.” Gumba bluntly answered.

“Probably not.” Apple Bloom agreed knowing of what’s in store for them this time since Scootaloo is now fixated in wanting to be able to fly.

So with that the girls continued to rehearse their routine over and over throughout the rest of the day, even though her friends were starting to get tired from constantly re-performing the routine over and over again.

“Guys, guys, guys! Try it again!” Scootaloo insisted once more.

“But we've been rehearsin' all the livelong day! We're gettin' tired!” Apple Bloom protested with a yawn.

“Fine! We'll skip to my big impressive flying entrance.” Scootaloo said while her tired friends share a tired glance towards each other. “So you've done the do-si-do to the left, then to the right, and then there's the hoop.” She motions her friends to hold it up. “Then I come in—“ She moves to fly through it, only to fall down short of it. “Not quite what I had in mind. We'll just... try that part again.” She continued straining and struggling to flap her wings to get herself flying with little to no success while her friends watch on in dismay.

“I liked the routine the way it was!”

“Me too! But all she cares about now is flying!”

Her fellow Crusaders shared with each other.

“Don't worry, I'll be flying high tomorrow on our final run-through for Rainbow Dash and Fuli. I'm gonna get this, you'll see.” Scootaloo reassured her friends even with evidence opposite to the contrary.

At this point, their friends who have been watching tirelessly have decided to call it a night only hoping they can see to it that this gets resolved the next day.

“Okay, Cutie Mark Crusaders, this is your final run before you show it at the stadium tomorrow.” Rainbow told them before getting excited once more. “I know you're gonna absolutely, positively…” She quickly recomposed herself once she caught herself. “…have a lot of fun, heheh.”

Fuli just rolled her eyes in amusement before focusing back on the Crusaders o once more. “Okay, go!” She told them before blowing her whistle so they can show the routine again.

And of course, what has happened in the last twenty-four hours have proven that things have gone south as evidenced by the Crusaders tired expressions and disorganized showing due to full focus on the whole futile flying part in Scootaloo’s mind.

“Ponyville! Home of the, um...” Scootaloo began while forgetting what to say.

“Friendship!” Her friends whispered before their friend continued.

“Ah, friendship, right! Uh, there are four— no, three kinds of ponies.”

During this Apple Bloom started to trail off to the side with her earth pony friend there to correct her. “Left, left!”

“I'm sorry! I'm just tired!” She apologized before trying to perform her part in the act only to accidentally bump into her. “And then I dip, and then we turn, and— Sorry!”

Both Rainbow and Fuli watch on very shocked with what they are seeing. Clearly, they expected the same and improved routine but instead they are seeing a fumbled execution with Scootaloo too tired to burst through the hoop her equally tired friends struggled to put up.

“Ta-da! Oof!” Scootaloo stated while trying to fly, yet crashes to the ground again. “So? What'cha think?” She asked hoping for their approval.

Rainbow was the first to respond still at a loss for words in trying to be professional about it. “That's... y'know... good and all, heheh... I just thought... maybe possibly you might wanna go back to, say, the first version of the act, which was, I dunno, what's the word, better? Just do the routine as it was! Don't mess with success, right?“ She then excused herself to avoid upsetting them. “Now I need to... go coach these other ponies! And don't forget, we've got to catch the early train for the Crystal Empire. See you in the morning!”

While Rainbow quickly flew off, Fuli this time around stuck around before approaching the fillies with something on her mind. “Girls? Could I talk to three for a minute?” She gestured them to follow her to a more private area nearby the school before continuing. “Okay, I will start off by saying the routine you did yesterday was great.” The girls briefly smiled in acknowledgement. “So may I ask what happened to that performance?” The girls shifted eyes with each other uneasy to answer the question before trying to hint an answer from them. “Did someone say something to have you try and alter the routine, to one’s liking, such as one desiring to fly?” Hmm?”

“How did you know?!” Scootaloo exclaimed in surprise.

“Just from first glance, your desire to fly during the most recent routine, and how Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon have been known to give you trouble from time to time.” She said like its little to no surprise to her. “Also, your friends were quick to inform me of what happened while you three were constantly practicing.” She added while gesturing to the fan club group standing behind her.

“Sorry.” Mtoto apologized on behalf of the group to the distraught filly who is now already panicking.

“What are we gonna do?! We're competing tomorrow, and I still can't fly! Unless...” She then thought to herself much to the dismay of her companions.

“I'm just too tired! I can't keep going!”

“Me too! I'm tired, I'm hungry, and now I hate this routine! It feels like it's all about you now!”

They complained which Fuli had to say something to stop it from escalating.

“Now girls.”

“She's right. It's like you don't even need us anymore!” Sweetie continued not even listening to Fuli for a second there.

“Girls.” Fuli repeated.

“Of course I need you!” Scootaloo said otherwise with both Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom smiling when she said that until she said. “Without you two, who's gonna hold up the hoop?”

“Rrgh!” Apple Bloom growled. “You don't listen to yourself! Forget it. I'm goin' home to get some sleep.”

She then stormed off ahead ready to leave until Fuli quickly moved to intercept her. “Easy, Apple Bloom.” She then turned back to the other Crusaders. “And you since you’ve all been working nonstop recently, I suggest you three go on home and get some rest. We’ll talk about this in the morning.”

“Fine.” Apple Bloom stated before leaving in a huff with Sweetie Belle moving to the same in the opposite direction.

“See you in the morning, Scootaloo.” Sweetie returned before leaving.

“Fuli…” Mtoto hesitantly asked her friend still worried about the infighting the Crusaders are showing.

“Don’t worry.” She quickly assured. “They were just being cranky with each other, that’s all. They just need a little time to rest.”

“I sure hope you are right.” Shauku muttered still feeling they more tension in the knots that what they are really showing right now before they all moved ready to show her and Rainbow of what they have in store for their routine.

“In the meantime…” Fuli continued moving on from that topic. “…you ready for your audition?”

“Yep.” The kids all nodded just when Fuli leads them away while moving to find Rainbow Dash.

During the time she spent alone, instead of taking to heart that she doesn’t need to improve her will to fly to properly execute the routine that both Fuli and Rainbow liked and were sure game winner’s and instead focusing on continuing her attempts at trying to fly. But after twenty to thirty to forty times all throughout the afternoon, into the evening and night, and into the morning she is left with the hard realization that she has to face.

“I can't fly. I just... can't.” She admitted to herself with a sigh before moving to regroup with her friends waiting for her.

“Crystal Empire! All aboard!” The train conductor announced to everyone with all of the young ones all ready to board their ride with their luggage in tow. All while Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle look around for their other friend.

“Scootaloo? Where is she?”

“She'd better get here soon! This here train is about to leave!”

The two shared before they spotted the filly they were looking for approaching them looking rather downcast.

“Here I am...”

“We were scared you were gonna miss the train!” Apple Bloom expressed in relief before turning back to the train ready to board it.

But Scootaloo judging from her reluctant expression and tone said opposite to what they were anticipating. “I... I'm not going.“

“What?!” Both girls once more exclaimed in shock.

“I'm the weak link. If I go, and fall, flop, or do anything but fly, I'm gonna blow it for you two.” She fearfully explained.

“I can't believe you're quitting on us!” Sweetie expressed her disbelief.

“But you're better off without me!” Scootaloo retorted.

“But that's not true, Scootaloo!” Sweetie insisted her against thinking that way.

Apple Bloom already having enough of her decided they were better off this way. “You know what, Sweetie Belle? Forget it. If she's gonna quit, we don't want her, and we don't need her!”



Both Scoootaloo and Apple Bloom angrily stated even against Sweetie Belle’s silent disagreements.


“All aboard!” The train conductor called out as a final signal before the train departs for the Crystal Empire with everyone but Scootaloo getting on the train before it departed from the station.

Scootaloo watched on with a look of regret and sorrow knowing that she made her decision and that there is no going back before turning away to head back home.

On the way over to the Crystal Empire, both Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle both immediately regret their decision to leave her behind but like Scootaloo, they knew there was no going back once the decision was made.

And no sooner the realization hits them, both Rainbow and Fuli came by to greet them.

“How's my favorite routine going today?” Rainbow asked the Crusaders with great encouragement lined up for them wanting them to win it. “Oh, I just can't keep it in! I want you to win so bad!” She happily expressed to them much more than the other day to the beat. “Bom, bom, bom, bom...and then Scootaloo does that…” She made the sound of a whistling sound while flying a loop-de-loop. “…through the hoop!”

“Speaking of which…” Fuli spoke up noticing said filly isn’t on the train with them. “…where is the filly that’s supposed to be here with you two?” She asked with slightly interrogating tone and expression like she is checking to make sure they did their homework.

And since the glare was so powerful even if it’s not Fluttershy’s Stare, neither of them had the will to lie to her. That had it tell the truth.

“She’s not coming.”

“She's staying home.”

“She's what?!” Rainbow questioned in shock.

“She got it in her head that the only way to represent Ponyville was by flyin' in our routine! When she couldn't do it, she told us that she was quittin'.” Apple Bloom explained.

“And then you tried to stop her from doing that, right?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“Well, actually, we kinda told her...” Sweetie nervously began knowing what reaction to expect.

“...uh, that we didn't want a quitter.” Apple Bloom finished expecting the worst.

“So in other words, no.” Fuli voiced with a tone that doesn’t express surprise.


“Hang on. Are you nuts?!” Rainbow quickly chastised them. “You're a team, and a team never leaves a friend behind!” She quickly pulled the train’s emergency brake cord causing the train to immediately skid to a halt before flying out of the cart with Fuli and the two Crusaders quickly exiting the cart. “Come on!”

Just when the three get out of the cart, Diamond takes this moment to savor this moment. “Sorry you can't make it! We'll take a picture for you from the winner's circle!”

She started to laugh only to quickly shut up when she sees the cheetah locking eyes with her along with Silver Spoon. “Don’t think I’ve forgotten about you girls. And count on expecting a serious talk for your behavior when we get back.”

“Yes, ma’am.” Silver voiced not even denying that’s going to happen to which sparked slight surprise in the cheetah’s eyes while Diamond is shocked into silence while slinking her heads back in their seats just when the train resumes heading on out to the Crystal Empire.

“Put on some speed, girls!” Rainbow called after them to which Fuli quickly does so by placing both girls on her back before taking off after her back on over to Ponyville.

“Hang on! Huwezi!”


Scootaloo had made it back to her home where she is tearing down all of her Wonderbolt posters before tossing it along with her scooter into the nearby trash bin all while tearing up at the very reminder of her soul-crushing handicap.

“Throwing away your scooter?!” Rainbow called out to her from the doorway with Fuli standing just below the floating mare.

“That’s not like you at all.” Fuli added finding it a far cry from someone who admires the fastest of the fast.

“Rainbow Dash? Fuli?”

“Yup, but not just me.” Fuli said while creaking the door open behind her to reveal both Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle are with them who both can only offer apologetic smiles with the hopes of cheering their friend up.

Scootaloo briefly smiled before frowning at turned away from them. “I don't wanna see them. And what are they doing here, anyway? They're supposed to be on the train.”

“We're not goin'.”

“Not without you, Scootaloo.”

Both fillies asserted with the stance that a good friend never leaves one behind.

“What's gotten into you, Scootaloo?” Rainbow asked of her. “Staying up all night in the park, not joining your friends on the train ride, and this after I hear from Fuli what’s been happening beforehand. I mean, why did you do it?”

Scootaloo still didn’t want to turn back and show weakness but didn’t really want to push them away and destroy her friendship with them over this so she confessed. “I didn't want to ruin their chance to win just because I couldn't fly.”

“And who said you had to?” Rainbow asked.

“Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon?” Fuli added to which the Pegasus filly nodded while turning to face her big sister idols. “Well, if there’s one thing I can tell you now is that you shouldn’t listen to them because they’re just trying to put you down and get under your fur.”

“But flying's what Pegasus ponies are supposed to do!” Scootaloo responded while feeling the remarks are spot on. “You flew when you carried the flag in the games!”

“But that was me! You're you!” Rainbow responded back. “And it just doesn't matter if you can fly or not.”

“And let’s not forget that even though I can’t fly…” Fuli added. “…I am more than capable of matching her speed and being able to go up against enemies that can fly.”

“Really?” She asked feeling surprised.

“Yes, really?” She answered with a proud smirk.

“Point being…” Rainbow continued. “…Your routine was amazing 'cause it represented exactly what makes Ponyville special. You do still know what that is, right?”

“Friendship.” Sweetie said.

“Three kinds of ponies livin' together as friends. Just like us. Earth ponies...” Apple Bloom added.

“...unicorns...” Sweetie added once more.

“...and Pegasi.” Scootaloo finished feeling better already but still has that nagging concern in her head. “But Rainbow Dash... what if... what if my wings never grow? What if I never fly?”

Rainbow’s response was to quickly assure her with a hug and arm wrapped around the filly. “Listen, Scootaloo. Maybe you'll fly someday, or maybe you won't. You're all kinds of awesome anyway. Who's the toughest little pony in town?” She asked while ruffling her mane affectionately alogn with Fuli giving her a playful punch on the shoulder before Sweetie Belle started singing something to cheer her up.

“Got the moves, got the mojo...”

“No harder working pony around.”

Apple Bloom chimed in.

“We are a trio, work as a team.”

Scootaloo then sang before they all sang together.

“We'll be the first ponies out on the flag-waving scene.“

With that, Scootaloo now had the motivation and confidence to carry out the routine they performed and actually loved.

“So let's get to the Crystal Empire and let's do the routine as it was! And let's win this thing!” Scootaloo declared while donning her helmet and retrieving her scooter from the trash bin.

“Welcome back, Scootaloo!” Fuli congratulated her quick turnaround before she and Rainbow lead the way on over to the Crystal Empire as fast as the wheels on Scootaloo’s scooter can carry her friends.

Thanks to some outside help, the judges were patient enough to wait for them before seeing their routine in person.

“We've got hearts as strong as horses

We've got hearts as strong as horses

We've got hearts as strong as horses

And we're playing to win as we gallop to glory

We can conquer any challenge we're in

We've got hea-a-a-arts, hearts strong as horses

Hearts strong as horses.”

The girls sang on the way over before they performed their routine together just like they did and rehearsed the first time.

“Ponyville forever! Yay!”

Everyone cheered and applauded them grandly for their performance, since it captures what represents Ponyville to the core. And so did the Lion Guard fan club group with their performance happening right at that moment. Even Silver Spoon cheered and applauded them for their performance.

“In a land where danger is lurking from the horizon of the rising sun…” Mtoto began. “…a place where everything the light touches lays it’s very kingdom. A place where five brave animals venture the Pride Lands to defend it from the Outsiders...” Just when he said that he and his friends appear in the following order.

The Guard’s Fiercest played by Shauku, The Guard’s Bravest played by Gumba, The Guard’s Fastest played by Kwato, The Guard’s Strongest played by Mtoto, and the Guard’s Keenest of Sight played by Kambuni. They all appeared in that order running and braving through props of the Guard’s adversary's they’ve had to deal with on a daily basis before being joined by the Cutie Mark Crusaders in action.

“To the Pride Land and Equestria’s end…” Apple Bloom began.

“Lion and Pony Guard defend!” The others finished while the props and background depicting a peaceful and balanced Pride Lands kingdom behind them.

The crowd roared a thunderous applause once more with what they have seen because not only does it represent the Pride Lands at its most peaceful, it also represents that the Lion and Pony Guard will stand strong and tall in the face of their Darkest Hour even when thinks looks bleak and will always protect both realms no matter what.

After every team has performed and the judges evaluated from the sidelines with their decisions, Ms. Harshwhinny stepped forward with the big announcement at the podium while tapping the microphone to make sure it’s working before speaking through it. “In the Equestria Games, the Ponyville flag will be carried by...” She paused before declaring. “'Cutie Mark Crusaders'!” Everyone including the three fillies themselves cheered in celebration while Diamond Tiara walks off with a groaning huff but didn’t leave since Fuli made it quite clear that she is going to get the talk for her behavior towards Scootaloo. “And in addition, the Pride Lands flag will be carried by…” She paused once more before announcing. “…The Lion Guard fan club.”

The kids all cheered and high-fived each other with the crowd cheering them on for their accomplishment before stepping forward along with the Cutie Mark Crusaders in accepting their prizes in addition to having the honor of carrying the flag at the Games to have wreaths of flowers placed around their necks.

During which both Rainbow and Fuli stepped forward to personally congratulate once more.

“Congratulations to you all.” Fuli started with proud composure.

“Indeed.” Rainbow agreed in the same tone. “What you eight did was... acceptable.”

During this, Ms. Harshwhinny said something that no one expected to hear come out of her mouth. “Acceptable? Acceptable?! Why, it was totally stupendously the single most amazing thing I've ever seen!” She expressed like a giddy schoolgirl.

“Contain your excitement, Ms. Harshwhinny. Remember – professionalism.” Rainbow playfully reminded her.

“Ahem. Y-Yes, well, I-“ Ms. Harshwhinny nervously laughed before quickly recomposing herself before stepping aside to avoid further embarrassing herself.

Once she was gone, Rainbow Dash, Fuli, and the kids all laughed together very amused with what they just saw.

“Wow!” Fuli remarked. “The more I get to know her, the more I get to really like her even more.”

Author's Note:

For starters, it's safe that say is a definite Breather Episode with all the high-stakes drama going on since late Season 3 heading into Season 4, with this little episode focused on the Cutie Mark Crusaders and their little Pride Lander friends.

Here they are both setting out to have stellar routine performances to represent their countries in the upcoming Equestrian Games and both the Cutie Mark Crusaders and their fellow Lion Guard fan club friends are vying to represent their respective nations flags.

Of course as usual for the Cutie Mark Crusaders, Diamond Tiara's around to stir up trouble again, this time going for the low blow in regards to Scootaloo's wings leading to the filly to make near disastrous changes to the already perfect routine. In the process there were some frictions in the girl's friendship.

Fortunately, thanks to both Coaches Rainbow Dash and Fuli, along with their Pride Lander friends, the friendship managed stay strong and allowed them to perform the winning performance alongside their friends which earned them the coveted national honor.

Next up is "Power Ponies." where the Lion and Pony Guard will be experiencing a little comic book adventure where they get to play superheroes battling supervillains in this upcoming episode set to be published sometime during the weekend.

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