• Published 27th Nov 2021
  • 3,165 Views, 197 Comments

The Pony Guard (Season 4) - MXCDarkHorse2020

The Lion and Pony Guard all seek to protect Ponyville all while learning more the ways of friendship as the threat of Scar grows.

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Episode 22: Twilight Time

Episode 22:

Twilight Time

Inside the Golden Oak Library, Twilight was watching over the Cutie Mark Crusaders. There are all practicing and learning to improve on their new skills. A time where the three kids like to call these sessions “Twilight Time" something that they all agreed to have together so the kids could help Twilight feel better about herself and help put aside her past in favor of contributing to a greater future.

Even with all things considered about Twilight, deep down she does have a heart for almost everyone in Ponyville and the Pride Lands and that includes the Cutie Mark Crusaders for whom share the big sister and younger sister relationship much like the other members of the Guard.

Throughout the sessions, Twilight has still been affable, kind, and caring towards them wanting what’s best for them with her mane now restyled her mane to its normal state, but still colored black while still keeping the pink streaks.

Sweetie Belle wanted to go first with her lesson, something Twilight had to caution to the young unicorn before proceeding with her attempted task at hoof. "Uh, Sweetie Belle, maybe we should run through the steps another few times before you try it on your own. Levitation isn’t as easy as it looks."

Sweetie Belle simply shook her head in response. "Nope. I'm ready to give it a shot, Twilight!"

"Okay then!" Twilight reluctantly allowed. "Just don’t strain yourself.”

Sweetie nodded in reply before focusing her horn on a broom that was placed nearby the library door. She enveloped the broom in her magic with her horn glowing a green aura while doing so, after her horn sparked for a few seconds. Since she is still very new to getting accustomed to using her magic, Sweetie found herself straining just to maintain a grip on it. "Can't... seem... to...!" She groaned while sweating in her struggle, before her magical grasp gave out having experiencing a crick in her neck, and once she did, the broom fell over. "Ugh! I think I threw my neck out..." She groaned while rubbing her now stiff neck.

"Aw, you're okay. Not every pony gets it right away." Scootaloo assured while walking up to her side.

"Yeah, ya just need a little more practice and then liftin' brooms'll be a cinch!" Apple Bloom added in encouragement while joining her.

"I doubt it. That thing weighs a ton." Sweetie remarked saying otherwise.

But even so, Sweetie still dropped on her flank feeling disappointed with herself. "I'll never get my cutie mark for this, and anyone without magic can pick it up without even trying."

“Now I wouldn’t say that.” Twilight gently encouraged her from getting down over it. "So maybe magic isn’t your special talent, but as long as you keep trying you’ll get it. It just takes practice. And I’m happy to keep helping you learn just for the fun of it as long as you like. Plus, it also might help you three stay out of trouble for the sake of searching for your cutie marks." The three fillies nervously giggled at the thought of their past shenanigans before moving forward when Twilight turns to Scootaloo and the disassembled pieces of a unicycle. “So, Scootaloo?"

“Are you sure you can’t show me how?” The orange filly pleaded with a wide eyes and huge grin accompanied with a squee.

But Twilight wasn’t taking the bait. “Scootaloo, I already told you I won't show you how, but I'll help you find the instructions so you can figure it out yourself." And besides, it’d be too easy if I just showed you how."

Scootaloo groaned before moving towards the bookshelves to find the information she needs to do so. "Ugh, I hate research!"

Twilight smirked to herself seeing another thing both she and Rainbow Dash have in common before guiding her of where to look. “To your left, third shelf from the bottom. You'll find it in no time."

"Thanks again for helpin' us learn all these new skills, Twilight," Apple Bloom spoke up feeling grateful for what she is doing for them.

Twilight smiled at Apple Bloom in return. "Always glad to pass on my love of learning for learning's sake. Plus it’s a pleasure teaching you three."

“It is…” Apple Bloom returned while walking over towards her chemistry set where she has a set up of potions, chemicals, along with a potted plant she plans to use for her experiment. “…although I’m a little afraid I'll never get the hang of this potion-makin'."

"Did you follow the magic plant-growing formula I gave you last time?" Twilight asked.

"Well... uh... more or less." Apple Bloom answered rather nervously and honestly without giving a direct answer that gives away yes but it didn’t go the way she thought.

But nevertheless it was still a learning experience for the farm filly and that was enough for Twilight to give some encouragement. "Well, let's give this a try on this apple seedling and see how we do. Shall we?"

Apple Bloom moved to do so while still very nervous with the results that will come out of this. "Oh... I hope this works."

She flipped a switch, and a drop of the formula landed in her potted plant, creating a cloud of green colored dust. Twilight coughed, as she fanned the dust away with a hoof. When the dust cleared, the seeding looked like it was starting to sprout for a second, before it hunched over and starting coughing like crazy.

Both Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle giggled with Twilight unable to resist a slight giggle too since it was admittedly funny.

Apple Bloom just had this to say to her plant. "Layin' it on a little bit thick there, aren't we, pal?"

The next day, at school, all three crusaders were playing with Pipsqueak, with all four ponies all in separate squares created by white paint each passing a blue toy ball towards each other while taking turns. The rest of their classmates were occupied with having fun such as playing on the playground, talking to each other, playing tag, and of course relaxing in the shade.

But the fun didn’t last all recess when a familiar pony approached everyone with her voice speaking up loud and clear.

"Yoo-hoo! Gather 'round! It's time!" Everyone rushed over to the direction of the voice provided by Diamond Tiara herself with Silver Spoon walking beside her. "You all know that I promised to show off an amazing, first-time-ever acrobatic display for you all today!" The pink coated addressed everyone with all of her classmates all cheering in excitement.

Well all expect the Lion Guard fan club, due to knowing the real her underneath that sweet and seemingly friend face and for a good reason.






All five kids counted down with deflated expressions.

"I know, it's so exciting. But I'm tired." Diamond said with a pretend pout which earned her disappointed “Aww’s.” from the crowd along with a disapproving look from her partner.

“What a surprise.”

“No kidding.”

Both Shaukku and Gumba dully remarked.

“But...” Diamond continued not done there. "I did not wish to disappoint you all, so I brought my butler Randolph to do them for me.”

Said butler is an elderly male earth pony wearing a black butler jacket with a white undershirt and a blue bowtie. He was also sporting a blueberry colored coat, light gray hair, blue eyes, and had a feather duster cutie mark on his flank.

Even with his old age, he managed to perform a series of acrobatics that most ponies his age don’t have.

Everypony was amazed with his magnificent and graceful displayed, even the fan club was impressed yet disappointed when Diamond rudely shoved her family butler aside to basking in the applause and praise near and far from most of her classmates.

The kids along with Silver Spoon moved to help the poor pony up to his hooves before moving to help him up to his hooves.

"That was amazing, Diamond Tiara.” One of the fillies complimented.

"I know.” She smugly replied. “I don’t know how I do it.”

“By being a mean jerk face to a pony hired to assist you.” Shauku remarked with a tone of disgust while turning back to the butler still spinning his eyes in his daze.

“I know she is a smug c…” Gumba remarked back before realizing what he was about to say in front of every kid in school and in front of Silver Spoon now giving him the eye. “…contagious and disgusting in every way.”

“I’ll say.” Mtoto agreed sharing his friend’s disgust. “And nice save, by the way.”


“Where exactly did you learn that word?” Silver inquired of Gumba with an arched eyebrow.

“I may have accidentally picked it up from some of the grown up elephants when one of them accidentally dropped a true trunk on his feet.” He sheepishly confessed. “I’m sorry, you know I didn’t mean to nearly say that.”

“That’s fine.” Silver Spoon accepted it before sternly advising. “Just be careful and watch your mouth while you’re here unless you want to get the whole class getting an earful from our teachers and parents about that.”

She moved to join her friend while the other kids move to assist the butler back towards the crowd

"Can you believe her?" Apple Bloom groaned, also disgusted with Diamond’s behavior yet again. "She can treat butlers like trash yet is still getting so much attention without even doing anything."

“I know.” Scootaloo commented. "She's using somepony else to build herself up, and without even putting any effort into learn her own skills like we do!"

“Yep, she takes the credit and he takes the fall.” Sweetie summed up. “But you know…” She then thought. “If we get really good at the stuff Twilight's teaching us, we could be the big shots around here for a change!”

The three fillies all thought long and hard with their idealistic visions of how talented they could become with the skills they are learning before demonstrating it to their classmates.

"Check this out!" Scootaloo exclaimed, as she easily put together a unicycle in less than five seconds.

"And check this out!" Apple Bloom shouted, as she poured a potion into the ground and created a giant apple all supported on a tree when it sprouted up from the ground. Everyone was amazed by the sight of it, very much so since it was like the impossible became possible.

"And now, check this out!" Sweetie Belle shouted while using her magic to levitate Diamond Tiara while spinning and tossing her around like a rag doll.

"Whoa, whoa, Hey, put me down!" Diamond pleaded unsuccessfully with everyone all laughing at her humiliation.

Sweetie continued to giggle like she would in her fantasy until Diamond Tiara came over to tap her head in order to get her attention.

"Hey, can you hear me?”

"Huh? Huh? What? What?" Sweetie remarked while shaking her head around as if she briefly forgot what was happening around her before apologizing to the mare in front of her. “Oh, Diamond. I’m sorry, were you saying something to me. I wasn’t quite listening.”

Diamond groaned before moving to repeat the question she tried to ask her. “Ugh, I guess even younger sisters of famous ponies need to reminded every now and then. I was asking if your sister Rarity will be taking you to Manehattan anytime soon."

"Because if she is, maybe you can meet up with us while we hang out with a bunch of famous celebrities. Maybe even Countess Coloratura, the greatest singing sensation since Sapphire Shores." Silver Spoon offered finding the idea pretty interesting herself.

"Cool!" Scootaloo remarked liking the idea too as evidenced by her eager flipping of her little wings.

“Well that’s…” Apple Bloom replied feeling a little offended before thinking. “...actually pretty nice of you to offer."

But Sweetie had this to say in response . "Actually, my sister hasn't offered to take me to Manehattan anytime soon."

"Yeah, we figured. Too bad, so sad," Diamond taunted before doing her signature secret hoofshake with her friend Silver Spoon. “Bump, bump, sugar lump rump!" They both laughed, taking pleasure in rubbing it in the Crusaders' faces.

Furious at the two over the fact that was all just a set up for another putdown, Sweetie snapped and retorted! "Oh, yeah?! Well, I don't have to go all the way to Manehattan just to hang out with the famous and super-cool ponies from the Pony Guard! Me and my friends hang out with Princess Twilight all the time! So if you both excuse us, we must be going” She concluded by stamping her hoof into the ground before leading the Crusaders away from them. “Girls.“

Diamond and Silver Spoon were both left into stunned silence hearing this and is now following after them in response. "Wait, d-did you say Princess Twilight?! As in the Princess Twilight?! You hang out with her all the time? For real?" Diamond asked trying to make sure they are telling the truth this time around.

"More like once a week or so is more like it." Apple Bloom explained while still walking ahead of her.

"She helps us learn cool new stuff to do! That we actually do ourselves!" Scootaloo added with emphasis on the last part with a glare while directing her attention back to her poor butler balancing himself on a ball while juggling in front of their classmates while the fan club watch over him to make sure he doesn’t get injured.

“You must bring me along the next time you go.” Diamond eagerly implored of the trio.

“Bring us along.” Silver Spoon added.

“I mean we used to see her all the time and I thought whatever.” Diamond then said.

"But now she's a princess, which makes her totally awesome!" Tiara added with newfound respect for her.

"Plus she has wings!” Silver added

“And she's an alicorn!" Diamond continued before popping the question. "So can I– "

"We!" Silver Spoon corrected.

"-go?" Diamond finished asking the Crusaders with she and her friend sporting the most pleading and eager smiles they can muster.

Both Scootaloo and Apple Bloom shook their heads not wanting to invite them especially after all the trouble they put them through.

Apple Bloom turned back to break it to her while still feeling nervous about her approach. "Uh, I don't think we should–"

But Sweetie Belle quickly spoke up and interrupted before escorting her friend aside. "- Would you two excuse us for a moment? Crusaders talk and all that."

She got both Apple Bloom and Scootaloo to get together in a huddle before explaining what she’s thinking. “We should totally say yes! This is a golden opportunity!" Sweetie suggested in a whisper.

Apple Bloom was understandably incredulous at the idea. “Are you kiddin'? I don't want them laughing at us while I'm mixin' potions and accidentally sendin' plants into chokin' fits! Not to mention she managed to get my cousin to briefly turn against us."

"But don't you get the idea? They’ll have to learn something too.” Her unicorn friend explained before briefly turning their heads back at the smiling duo.

"And they won't be able to laugh at us when they're so busy trying to learn stuff of their own. Which means I'll finally get some payback." Scootaloo added in realization.

“And I suppose it wouldn't hurt to get on their good side for a change.” Apple Bloom then considered another possibility out of all of this. And after exchanging some bright smiles the three came to decide to give both the rich fillies the invitation with the only hope that doing so won’t bite them in the flanks.

Yet they are unaware that Twilight with her observational magic has been spying on their conversation now formulating a plan to deal with this seeking to teach the girls a lesson out of all of this.

After school was over, Diamond and Silver followed the Cutie Mark Crusaders to Twilight’s current residence, the Golden Oak Library. And it didn’t take long for either filly to start gushing over meeting her.

"Oh, my gosh! A princess lives in there! And I'm about to go inside and see her! I can't even tell you how excited I am!" Diamond expressed out of sheer eagerness of a fangirl.

"I can't either!" Silver exclaimed in the same fangirl excitement while bouncing up and down repeatedly.

Just as Scootaloo knocked on the front door, Sweetie Belle turned to the fillies with much needed words of caution to say to them. "Now remember, Twilight takes this time out with us so we can learn stuff. So please try to be on your best behavior.”

But at that moment, Twilight opened the door to greet them. “Hey there, girls! Come on in!”

But due to Sweetie’s words flying through their ears the two both rushed over to Twilight while squealing with sheer fanpony excitement. “Princess Twilight!" They both shouted in unison while bouncing up and down in front of her.

"Oh, it's really her! This is like a dream come true!"

"Oh, my gosh, I don't believe it! Please tell me I'm not dreaming!"

Twilight while expecting this, was still a bit uneasy by the overenthusiastic guests. "Oh, and, uh, you brought guests. Great!" She added with a forced smile leaving the girls to have to assure her it’s a one-time thing.

“Just this once.” Scootaloo stated.

If only if things were easier said than done due to Diamond getting off to a bad start with her non-stop gushing over the alicorn princess. “Princess Twilight, it is such a thrill and honor to be here! You have no idea how long I've been waiting," She then spots the pink skunk stripe in the alicorn's black tail. "Oh my gosh, who dyes your tail?"

"Actually, it's not dyed at all. I've always been this way," Twilight corrected her before leading everyone inside not without stopping the Cutie Mark Crusaders in their tracks for a quick word. "Listen, I'm all for helping as many ponies as I can, but maybe we should keep these weekly visits just between us, hm?” She kindly asked of them who all sport honest smiles in reply to assure that they will. Once that was settled, they all walked inside to get started with Twilight Time. “All right, which one of you wants to practice first?"

None one of the girls were quick to step up.

"Shouldn't they be going first? After all, they could afford to learn a new skill right here." Sweetie protested with a pointing hoof at the two fillies looking at new books to read.

Twilight smirked in response. "No, silly! I have yet to get them set up with their lessons. Besides these sessions were made and just meant for the three of you.” The girls shifted eyes towards each other feeling a little worried they may have made a mistake here. “And since none of you have decided to step up…" She added before turning to Apple Bloom "Apple Bloom, go ahead. Let's see how your plant potions are coming along."

Seeing that she has no choice lest she wants to put an end to Twilight Time, the farm filly moved to do so while their guests watch with mean grins, something that the alicorn was quick to get them to stop with a sharp scolding glare of her own directed at them.

The next day the three fillies were walking together feeling down that their plan didn’t go well. And it was something that Apple Bloom wasted no time in telling off her unicorn friend for suggesting the idea in the first place.

“I can't believe I let you talk us into bringin' guests yesterday and making ourselves look bad in front Twilight."

"Well, I didn't actually hear them laugh at us even once, Apple Bloom," Scootaloo argued. "And at least Twilight kept the two in line even though for some reason Diamond really, really, wanted to spend some time with her."

Apple Bloom quickly voiced against any further thoughts. “It's 'cause they laughed on the inside and we’re not about to cost ourselves a friendship with Twilight because of it."

"Don't worry. We won't make that same mistake again, I swear it." Sweetie firmly assured and promised her fellow Crusaders.

But no sooner than she said it, they found themselves being approached by both Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon, who were accompanied by a huge crowd of fillies behind them.

"Aw, great!" Apple Bloom groaned upon seeing what Diamond Tiara has done. "Look who showed up to make fun of us. No surprise that she would tell everyone in school about our special private time with Twilight."

"So much for learning skills to be big shots," Scootaloo remarked. "Along with our dignity."

"Hey, guess what!" Diamond asked them while smiling. "I told everyone about special Twilight Time."

"Oh no, here it comes..." Sweetie groaned while looking away expecting the usual worst, the inevitable humiliation.

“And they all want in!" Tiara proudly declared.

All the colts and fillies that had gathered behind Diamond and Silver all chanted. "Twilight Time! Twilight Time! Twilight Time! Twilight Time!"

“Thanks to me, you’re the hottest thing around. You’re welcome!” Diamond added feeling very proud with what she has done even though it’s really making things worse for the Crusaders and she knows it.

"Uh-oh..." Sweetie Belle whispered to her friends upon seeing how things just got worse thanks their longtime rival.

The trio of fillies were all left at a loss of how to react to all of this while the crowd continues chanting.

"Twilight Time! Twilight Time! Twilight Time!"

“Wow! All these ponies really wanna meet Twilight that badly?" Sweetie was the first to speak up and ask the crowd.

"We love you forever, Cutie Mark Crusaders!" Pipsqueak shouted with the crows behind cheering loudly in response before Diamond moved forward with the heart and decency (even if there some secret motive behind this) to calm the crowd down.

"Now, now, everypony! Settle down. Demanding time with the princess as an unruly mob simply won't do, not at all," She commented. "Might I suggest that you perhaps get organized through us, the Cutie Mark Crusaders' nearest and dearest friends?" She told everyone while placing her hoof around Scootaloo.

Silver Spoon rolled out a clipboard and managed to organize the foals into an orderly line. "Everypony get in line! Single file please! No pushing, no pushing!"

Just then, their friends from the fan club came by wondering what the commotion is all about. And of course knowing them, along with Diamond Tiara, the latter has managed to stir about trouble for the trio of fillies yet again.

“Girls!” Mtoto called out. “What’s going on?”

“And why are there so many ponies lining up in front of those two for?”

“What’s Twilight Time?”

Both Kwato and Kambuni both asked.

"A huge mess. That’s what’s going on right now." Apple Bloom replied upon seeing the long line of foals gathered in front of Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon.

“A time meant for private sessions with Princess Twilight turned into a disaster thanks to Sweetie Belle’s brilliant idea of inviting them to one of our little get together’s.” Scootaloo added with some angered sarcasm directed at the little unicorn.

"And it still is!” Sweetie quickly defended. “Not to mention actually an awesome idea!" Sweetie Belle added upon realizing and thinking this is actually a good thing, and quickly explained. "They all think we're the greatest thing ever, because we're their one ticket to get time with Ponyville's newest and biggest celebrity, Princess Twilight! We're really and truly and certifiably the biggest of the big shots in school right now!”

“Huh?” Their friends all were still lost of how it is still a good thing.

“I thought you all said that inviting ponies to your special Twilight Time was a bad idea?” Mtoto brought up. “What’s changing your mind all of a sudden now?”

“It is!” Apple Bloom asserted. “And there’s no way we’re just going to bring the whole class over!”

"Yeah!” Scootaloo agreed. “There's absolutely no way we can just 'convince' Twilight to let us bring our whole class over, she’ll quickly turn us all away in an instant!"

After a moment of thinking, Sweetie looked at her friends calmly while smiling with a plan in mind to keep both parties from finding out the truth. “Relax. I got this. Just leave everything to me."

“Then I guess that means you got a plan?” Shaukku figured upon seeing the unicorn’s calm demeanor and approach.

“Yep.” She nodded.

“And what about us? Anything we can do to help you three out in case, Pink Prissy Pants gets any ideas of tormenting you all?” Gumba asked while giving the filly the stink eye from afar.

“Yes.” She nodded again. “Just keep watch over them and give us signals in case something arises.”

“Okay.” Mtoto reluctantly obliged before turning back to his equally uneasy friends still getting a bad feeling in their bones that someway somehow this won’t end well for them especially since knowing of what happened to the mare herself from the other Pride Landers. And given the scars she still carries from that day, it’s quite likely Twilight’s not the forgiving mare who will look the other way towards those who deceive her.

With that said, none of the kids ever forgot the day they caught a glimpse of her in her darken glory when flying by Scar’s side when he unleashed lava that forced everyone out of their homes.

The sheer heartbroken looks in their ears really pulled their heartstrings of seeing the once beloved protector of the realms resembling and siding with the lion that caused pain and suffering during his previous reign over the Pride Lands. The only thing they could do while running and dodging the fatal splatters of hot lava is wonder what got into her into turning on them like this. And from eavesdropping from on the important meeting with the Royal Family and the Guard with help from Mtoto’s ears, they had to learn that they all hand a hoof and paw for inadvertently playing a role in her decision to support Scar’s conquest.

There were no words for any of the five kids that described their thoughts and expressions of how this happened. Kambuni was left weeping to herself before walking off feeling very upset. Both Shauku and Gumba were both in angered disbelief before storming off together. Kwato was left devastated before walking off staring at the Guard’s direction with a severely disappointed glare. But the worst of all was the upset look Mtoto had with tears streaming from his eyes before walking off ahead and away from the Guard and the Royal Family as they all take in the massive earful from the other Pride Lander leaders for their poorly executed handling of the wedding.

Aside from putting up a positive smile and face in front of the crowd at the qualifying try-outs for the flag carrying for the Games, the kids haven’t really talked to any of the Guard since then due to their respect for them having been completely shattered. Not even Mtoto would talk to Beshte, the friend he idolized from the start. And that really left Beshte very hurt and saddened with how much their failure in protecting the Pride Lands has done especially since it lead to the loss of one their dearly beloved friends.

All the kids could now hope for was that their pony friends knew what they were doing and that they won’t give her further reason to further alienate them and everyone she used to care for.

Later that day, after school was let out, the Crusaders made arrangements to get Twilight to come down to the Hay Burger and hang out with them as a way of saying thank you for all of their Twilight Time sessions with her. During which, the Crusaders made sure to let all their classmates know what was happening expecting just a few fillies to take along for the spying from the bushes. Unfortunately, all the colts and fillies were absolutely thrilled with the idea to the point they all decided to hide behind the bushes together.

But nevertheless, since they have their friends to count on to keep them under control, and from creating a scene with Twilight being the wiser to what was really going on. Even so, the Crusaders knew what they were getting themselves into with this scheme they were preparing for.

"I don't know about this, Sweetie Belle," Apple Bloom voiced still feeling unsure about going through with it.

“You said not to invite them to Twilight Time and I didn't.” Sweetie replied. “So what's the problem?”

"This feels like a trick." Scootaloo answered. "A trick that’ll get our hooves tied up if caught red-hoofed.”

“What's tricky about inviting Twilight over for a meal to thank her for all the nice things she's done for us? Seems like the least we can do for the princess. Plus, we have our friends to help keep them from her from finding out." Sweetie reasoned still thinking they can pull this off no problem

"Did someone say 'princess'?" Pipsqueak questioned loudly while popping his head up from behind a bush.

Both Kwato and Kambuni were quick to have him duck back down out of sight to avoid stirring up trouble, at least for now. “Not yet!” The former scolded.


“If this is to work all of you need to stay down.” The zebra ordered. “And once this is all over, none of you all are to ever speak of this again.”

“Okay, okay, sheesh.” Diamond Tiara grumbled in response though didn’t not have that coming due to the times she has given his friends a hard time.

“Here she comes!” Kambuni reported upon spotting Twilight approaching the place from atop the nearby hill.

“Lavender mare at 2:00!” Gumba added.

“Good.” Sweetie nodded upon seeing that everyone is cooperating for now and everything is falling into place.

Once the four were all seated together, they all ordered food together with Twilight ending up having quite an appetite ready for this visit. It’s like she had a light breakfast this morning. But she was able to reign in her messy manners to the point she was lick her lips clean from the ketchup stains on her face before continuing to chow down on the hay burgers and horseshoe fries she was eating.

"Wow! I didn't realize just how hungry I was! Excuse me" She said after gulping down her first hay burger and side of hay fries before downing another burger in one bite. "I'm so glad you girls asked me to join you here today. In fact, I'm so honored!

"Really? You're honored to be here with us?" Sweetie asked, really surprised of what Twilight was telling them.

“Mmm-hmm.” Twilight replied before stopping herself from eating for a second to take the time to explain why. “When I first started working with you to help learn new skills. I remember thinking 'Working with young students so devoted to the joy of learning purely for its own sake? What could be better?'" She paused for a moment to eat some of her fries, before continuing. "And I really admire and appreciate the fact that you all came to value this special time together and the fact that I know three special ponies I can really come to trust.”

“Really?” Sweetie Belle returned taken by further surprise. “Well…” She and the other Crusaders were left at a loss of words for what she just told them. “Wow! Well…we feel the same way.” The other two girls quickly nodded in agreement.

“It’s why we invited you here.” Apple Bloom added with a forced smile.

“Couldn’t have said it any better.” Scootaloo added adopting the same expression as Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle. Yet deep down all three ponies were feeling guilty with the fact this is coming at the same time they aren’t quite being honest with her for the sake of their own benefit.

Just when Twilight was sipping on her soda she spotted Pinkie and Bunga both walking by with milkshakes in tow. “Oh hey Pinkie Pie, Bunga, what’s up?!” She cheerfully greeted the surprised duo since they never expected a cheerful response from the mare who normally wouldn't be in the mood for greeting them so soon since her return.

“Oh hi, Twilight!” Bunga quickly and happily greeted.

“Wow! Haven't seen you here at the Hay Burger in, like, forever and a half!" Pinkie added equally happily and pleased to see her smiling and greeting them.

“I know," Twilight smiled as she replied. "I've been so busy, I forgot how delicious everything is here!”

"Totally!" Pinkie agreed while turning her head. As she did, she saw what seemed to be an crowd of oogling colts and fillies pressed up against the window with the Lion Guard fan club struggling to keep them at bay.

"Hey, what's going on out there?" Bunga asked causing Twilight turned to look back just when the school ponies disappeared out of sight. "Oh, never mind, they're gone."

But as soon as Twilight turned her back the ponies reappeared. "They're back!" But when she turned to look again, the ponies disappeared again. "Never mind, they're gone again."

The two then walked off somewhere with the honey badger muttering to Pinkie. “I thought I could have sworn I saw the Pride Landers from our fan club just seconds ago.”

But once Twilight turned her back for the third time and well-timed, the crowd all pulled out their cameras and started taking pictures of the mare eating her hay burgers and fries. All while the kids trying to help the Crusaders were all struggling in vain to keep their heads down. With all of those cameras clicking and snapping photos, Scootaloo moved to make poses for the camera while pulling Sweetie Belle into one.

"Knock it off, will ya?!" Apple Bloom whispered to her Pegasus friend with gritted teeth.

But Twilight having fully heard that turned back to the window forcing the fan club to retreat before she could spot them. “What in the world is going on out–" She spots the group of picture takers in the act. “Well, this should be interesting.” She said while getting up from her seat to have a quick word with all kids spying and taking pictures on her.

Once Twilight went outside, Apple Bloom took the time to question Scootaloo for her choice to make poses for the cameras which allowed Twilight to spot them. ”Seriously?! What was all this? And this?" She chided while mimicking the poses Scootaloo had made.

“I couldn't help it." Scootaloo responded in slight defense. "When I don't smile in a picture, I look sad."

"Oh, we're gonna look sad all right..." Sweetie groaned, placing her head face first into the table. "Once Twilight learns the truth and once all of those kids learn the truth, we are done."

“Who knows?” Scootaloo tried to get her friend to think otherwise. “Maybe she won’t find out about our involvement.”

"Of course she is going to find out!" Sweetie retorted. “Do you honestly think Twilight is that gullible?”

“No.” Apple Bloom honestly answered.

And truthfully, Scootaloo agreed with her there. “Me neither.” She then motioned the other Crusaders towards the door. “What do you say we split before she gets ticked at us?”


“Good idea.”

Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle quickly agreed before moving to make the super sneaky maneuver in order to get the hay out of dodge.

At the same time, Twilight had gone outside and was currently confronting the massive crowd of ponies who were all standing and staring at her all waiting for her to come on. "Uh, can I... help you?" She asked upon seeing the silent and wide eyed look from the group of fillies.

After a few seconds of staring, the group burst out into cheering and screaming while surrounding the princess like crazy fanponies. Some of them even went as far as wanting autographs, and even posing for pictures.

"You seriously all want my autograph?" Twilight asked the crowd, before deciding it was the least she could do for some of the kids. "Okay, I guess I'll sign a couple for you, but then I really must get back to my little friends." Just then she spotted the three trying to sneak away from the restaurant unnoticed. “Oh, there you are!"

"To think I've been to the Hay Burger so many times, never knowing it's a regular hangout for a princess!" Pipsqueak remarked feeling amazed with what he is learning about her.

“This isn't my regular hangout.” Twilight kindly yet quickly clarified while gesturing a hoof in the Crusaders direction. “I'm only here to be with them.”

“You mean, Princess Twilight decides where it's cool to go based on where they go?” The brown spotted filly then voiced with surprised disappointment.

“Well I wouldn’t say that.” Twilight replied before turning to the Crusaders without a hint of anger towards them. “Anyways, thanks girls. This was very fun.” She added while wrapping her hooves around them as a grand gesture of great trust for the fillies before flying off leaving the surprised fillies silently astonished further by her compliments as she flies off and away. “See ya around!”

After Twilight had left the fillies gathered around the Cutie Mark Crusaders with excited chattering with their friendship with the princess feeling very amazed with what they saw.

"Hey, Crusaders," Pipsqueak spoke up. "I'm opening up a new lemonade stand! Won't you come to the grand opening next week?" The three fillies all exchange quizzical looks towards each other whether or not to accept this offer. “I'll give you free lemonade for a week!" Pip further offered.

Still unsure of what to do, Sweetie hushed to her friends with another quick fix she thinks is doable. “Relax, I got this.” She then moved to answer their friend’s question. “Of course we’ll come, Pipsqueak.”

“Yay! Everpony is invited!” He cheered with joy with their decision just before the crowd dispersed all planning on being there too.

As soon as the crowd left the Crusaders alone with the smug smirking Diamond Tiara glancing back at the Crusaders feeling this is going to be a pride before fall situation where they'll crumble and lose everything should things inevitably go wrong.

“Sorry girls.” Mtoto began feeling responsible for not doing more than what he could. “We tried to stop them.”

“But all of them apparently don’t understand the fine line of privacy.” Shauku grumbled.

“Or respect for others.” Gumba grumbled. “Because it seems to me all of these ponies care more for Twilight being a princess rather than being a friend who wants to be valued for her friendship and learning. If she truly does have a heart.” He said with the last part under his breath.

“It’s okay.” Sweetie holds no hard feelings towards them. “You all tried your best.”

“I just hope you’re not letting this special bond with the princess get to your heads along with allowing things to get out of hoof, again.” Kwato expressed hopefully.

“Like the other times we’ve tagged along for some of your adventures.” Shauku added that the past memories aren’t lost on them.

“I’m sure of it.” Sweetie once more insisted. “As long as we keep both sides from knowing either way, it’ll all work out. Right girls?”

Her fellow Crusaders didn’t exactly agree with her there as evidenced by their disagreeing and uncomfortable expressions.



They both reluctantly replied for the sake of her friend.

“Okay.” Kambuni relented along with the others not wanting to further argue with them while deciding for the best they she and her friends leave them to it. “Whatever makes you happy even though I don’t think of what you’re doing is a good idea.”



“Me neither.”

Shauku, Gumba, and Kwato all agreed all not into sticking around to the end for the inevitable to happen before they move to leave.

“Good luck, girls.” Mtoto wished them the best while joining his friends. “You’re sure going to need it.”

Sure enough, they were right when their connections to Princess Twilight lead to them getting pampered at the hangout where Pipsqueak is holding his lemonade stand where all three fillies were getting the special treatment of their lives from it.

There, Scootaloo got her hooves shined so bright that you could see your reflection in them, something that Rarity would admire herself. Sweetie Belle was treated to complimentary lemonade, and Apple Bloom got pretty bright diamonds on her pink bow ribbon.

Then, Diamond Tiara invited her to her pool party as part of her trap to lure a massive mob of colts and fillies to her who are all currently waiting for them at the front gate. All of them chanting…

"Twilight Time! Twilight Time! Twilight Time! Twilight Time! Twilight Time! Twilight Time! Twilight Time!"

"Okay, I know exactly how to handle this." Sweetie quickly suggested in a calm tone.

"And that would be?" Apple Bloom asked.

"Run!" Sweetie shouted without any traces of her cool in her tone before leading the Crusaders away as fast as they could run. And they weren’t trailing too far behind since they are able keep pace on hoof along with some who are able to ride on scooters.

The girls personally wish they had the fan club friends along with the Lion and Pony Guard around to help them out in a time like this. It was there they came to see the consequences their friends tried to warn them about, yet too late.

After finally managing to run all the way across town to get to Twilight’s house, the kids were all able to quick surround them before they could knock on the door. The chase wore the Crusaders down and were left helpless when the ponies riding on scooter’s knocked on the door under Diamond’s instruction.

A second later, Twilight answered the door, looking surprised at the many ponies showing up at her doorstep.

“Well this should be interesting.” Twilight thought to herself before addressing the Cutie Mark Crusaders seeking an explanation for this. "Care to explain?" She asked with a raised eyebrow.

“Look, we know you said we should keep Twilight Time to us…” Apple Bloom frantically began.

"We didn't mean for so many ponies to be here! Honest!" Scootaloo added just as frantically as her farm filly friend imploring of her to believe them.

Twilight looked at them with a calculating look before responding to their pleas. “Okay. Let’s do this.” She said with a positive smile.

“Huh?” Apple Bloom was confused along with the other Crusaders.

So you're not mad?” Scootaloo felt the need to ask even though it is generally not a good idea to push her luck in these kinds of situations.

“Oh, no. It’s the perfect opportunity for you girls to learn a very special lesson I have in mind today.” She shook her head still treating it like it’s no big deal before leading everyone inside. “Come on in, everypony!”

Once every pony was inside, the Cutie Mark Crusaders took a moment to sigh in relief thinking things were going to play out just fine, yet unaware of what the princess was setting everything up for when she separated the fillies into three separate groups. Earth ponies in one section of the library, Unicorns in another section, and Pegasai in remaining section in the library. And the Cutie Mark Crusaders themselves are in the remaining section where Twilight turns them with the intention of wanting them to prove their skills first.

“Okay, now that everything is now organized, let’s begin shall we?” Twilight announced to everyone while standing on top on the center tree stump used as a book stand for ponies to read with every pony all eyes and ears for what’s going to happen first. “Starting with the Cutie Mark Crusaders.” She gestured to the three now surprised fillies.

“Oh boy," Sweetie gulped now feeling the pressure and heat has already has turned up on them, and nervously she said to Twilight. "Us first?”

“Of course!” She replied still smiling. “Who better than the first and most loyal students I’ve taught in my time here in Ponyville? The ponies who aren’t the kind of ponies who wouldn’t use our time together to their advantage just because I’m a princess.”

The girls exchanged scared looks towards each other seeing they are now cornered when she approaches them both ways.

“Of course we wouldn’t!” Sweetie quickly protested their innocence. “We wanted our time together just as a way to be with you and learn new things. Really and truly!"

"Prove it." The alicorn told them.


"If what you said is true, then I'm sure you've all been practicing your skills over the past week. Show me how much better you gotten," Twilight instructed and explained. "So I’ll know for sure that you really mean it."

The three girls looked at each other awkwardly and trying to figure out a quick solution to saving face in front of everyone present. From the eager ponies to the smug and arrogant Diamond Tiara awaiting to see their inevitable humiliation.

"Uh, well, uh... we... can't." Apple Bloom stammered in response.

"We kinda rushed over and forgot to bring our stuff. Sorry." Scootaloo added apologetically.

"I see." Twilight remarked in a tone of disappointment before turning her back from them.

Seeing they have no choice in order to keep their lies from being uncovered, Sweetie was quick to respond. “No, wait!" She called out to Twilight, before turning to all the ponies gathered while dragging her friends into the inner circle of the treehouse. "Hey, everypony, you're in luck! You came to learn, but instead you're getting dinner and a show! Get ready, 'cause we, the Cutie Mark Crusaders, are about to lay on you the amazing skills that we've learned in Twilight Time!" With that announcement made, the colts and all smiled ready to see how talented they all are. "Unfortunately, since we don't have Scootaloo's unicycle parts, she'll just take apart and put back together one of the scooters from outside."

Scootaloo quickly pulled out the first scooter she could find outside and began disassembling it catching Pipsqueak’s eye.

“Hey! That's my scooter!"

"Sorry but you got us into this mess, kid. Might wanna roll with us here." Scootaloo simply replied before continuing with her personal setup.

"Now, since Apple Bloom doesn't have her apple seed with her to try her plant growth formula on, she'll just grab a fresh apple from the kitchen," Sweetie continued while Apple Bloom is doing exactly that at that moment while she moves towards the broom she plans to use to conclude her announcement to everyone. "And I will begin the show by using my magic to lift this here broom! Now watch and prepare to be amazed!"

So far the Crusaders were making a good first impression. Scootaloo managed to put Pip's scooter back together like it was no big deal. Sweetie managed to lift the broom without too much trouble. Apple Bloom poured as much of her plant growth formula onto the apple as she could as she instructed.

But then, things literally fell apart when Pip’s scooter fell apart seconds after Scootaloo started riding it along with Sweetie finding herself unable to lift the broom up any higher than her the tip of her hooves. Along with the biggest blunder with Apple’s Bloom formula growth working on the apple too well to the point it grew to the size of Applejack’s prize winning apple before exploding and covering everyone in applesauce.

"That didn't turn out quite how I had hoped," Sweetie was all she could bring herself to say in response to their initial success blowing up in their faces.

Twilight sighed while casually shaking the applesauce of her coat before telling everyone while removing the applesauce from their bodies one at a time. "Looks like Twilight Time is over since it’s pretty clear you’re all only here just for the sake of meeting a princess." She then quickly eyes Diamond Tiara with a look that’ll tell her that she is going to get a stern talking to for her behavior if she doesn’t leave now. “And that includes you too, Diamond Tiara.”

Diamond Tiara walked off in a huff with all the foals whined before making their way out the door with Twilight following after them.

Once every pony was cleaned up and out the door, she turned her back to the Cutie Mark Crusaders with clear disappointment and disapproval in her tone of voice. "So…” She gestured them to explain themselves. “…care to explain why things got to this point? Taking advantage of our friendship for popularity and inviting me over to the Hay Burger for all of those fillies to be taking pictures of me." She sternly added while levitating the photos she confiscated from them which consisted of some of her slightly messy eating moments.

“You knew!” Sweetie exclaimed in shock upon this revelation.

“Yep.” She nodded before silently recalling her earlier spying on the kids just before she arrived at the restaurant with her magic along with the Crusaders time with the other fillies during their short-lived popularity. “I knew all along of what was really going on around me and quite honestly and frankly, I do not like being taken advantage of by those who I’ve come to trust after taking them in under my own wing.” She further scolded. “And I’m afraid I can’t work with ponies who are only out for themselves.”

“Can’t say we didn’t deserve it.” Scootaloo didn’t even try to deny it.

"We're really sorry, Twilight." Sweetie Belle apologized on behalf of the Crusaders with great remorse. “We know we made a huge mistake and we really never meant for things to come to this and start off huge, it just grew that way.”

“And we really and truly did enjoy learning new skills with you.” Apple Bloom with great sincerity even knowing that Twilight won’t be giving them another chance anytime soon. ”Guess we'll have to just keep on doing it without you now. “ She sadly said while properly fixing up Pipsqueak’s scooter and handing it to her. Thanks, Twilight.”

Apple Bloom moved to recreate her potion again on a flower this time and created a small purple flower with it with Sweetie Belle following it up with by magically levitating it onto the alicorn’s black and pink mane.



The other two Crusaders followed up before they and Scootaloo all proceed to walk out of the library for the last time…

But during that time frame, upon seeing of how sincere and remorseful the three fillies, along with how much she sees herself in them while thinking back to a time where she had it worst when she was a filly in school.

A time where she thought to herself to when she was just taken advantage of by other fillies the following semester since her biggest embarrassing scene in magic kindergarten for her connections to her mentor. By the time it was all said and done and she was left alone, Twilight was left a sobbing wreck with her feelings against friendship further strengthen because of it…

…it was there Princess Celestia back then approached the poor girl by gently moving her wing to bring the filly in for a much needed hug. An act of kindness that really helped her feel so much better giving Twilight the feeling that she at least has one loyal, generous, and honest pony she can turn to in a time of need.

And just thinking back sparked a light inside Twilight’s still darken heart to where she actually was left very moved and touched inside to where she acted right before the girl’s could set hoof outside of the library.

“Sweetie Belle…Girls…” Twilight called after them who all turned back just when she magically removes the applesauce from their coats. “Remember a moment ago when you asked me to give you a chance?” She said with a warm smile.

The girls all smiled in return seeing that she is really giving this opportunity to redeem themselves.

“Really?!” The girls asked in unison making sure this was really happening.

“Under the condition that it never happens again.” She seriously added while briefly dropping her smile when she said that.

“Of course not!”

“That’s a promise!”

“Absolutely guaranteed! You won’t hear another peep or see another uninvited guest with us.”

Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle, and Apple Bloom all quickly vowed in that order.

“Good.” Twilight nodded in approval before handing them all towels, buckets, and wet rags. “Might want to get started on making a good start to that promise.” She added while gesturing to the applesauce splattered in her library.

“Of course.”

“Will do.”

“Whatever makes you happy.”

The three obliged to her request because they didn’t even deny they expected that they have to own up to the mess they created. After all, she is offering her something she rarely does for anyone anymore. But because of a spark of light from inside, she gives in and gives them that second chance.

Sometime later after the whole fiasco, Twilight Time sessions have resumed. And ever since the girls learned their lesson their skills have greatly improved since them.

Apple Bloom managed to successfully create potion that made a really big and tall flower bloom. The flower itself had large blue, pink, and purple petals supported on a purple steam.

Scootaloo managed to successfully reassemble a unicycle that managed to stay together in one piece while she rides around on it. And Sweetie Belle managed to improve her magic to the point she is able to levitate the broom around the room effortlessly. A skill that Twilight was capable of doing when she was a filly.

During one of their most recent sessions, Twilight had managed to obtain the friendship journal feeling this is worth writing about. And said entry that Sweetie Belle wrote herself from being the one who learned the lesson the most went like this.

“I guess Twilight must not be so super-upset anymore, 'cause she's letting us do a diary entry like our sisters do. Boy, did we ever get our priorities messed up. We started acting special just because we were friends with someone special. And we almost forgot the real reason she's special – because she's our friend. But she forgave us, and, like magic, things are good as new! Now that's the kind of magic I really want to get good at, now that I'm getting so good at the other kind."

"Wow, all three of you have made so much progress! I'm really proud of you. See you next time!" Twilight greatly commended them before seeing that they head out.

During which Sweetie added one more bit to her journal entry before leaving.

“We're just glad that Twilight Time is back to normal. Well... almost back to normal.”

Once that was written down, the three fillies adopted elaborate coats, hats, and sunglasses before exiting in order to keep things under wraps.

"I just hope no one sees us like this." Sweetie whispered to her friends.

“Why? Is it 'cause we're tryin' to keep Twilight Time a secret now?" Apple Bloom whisper asked.

"Or is it because we look completely ridiculous?" Scootaloo also asked.

“Well, a little of both, actually." Sweetie responded.

Twilight giggled at the sight before turning around back inside and closed the door after her.

Once she was inside she moved to sit at her desk to take a look at the blue-prints to the magical chest containing the Elements of Harmony just when her warm and friendly smile turned into a more concerned and worried look with her previous smile instantly fading in an instant. With Twilight Time over for now, she is ready to get back to work in ensuring and trying to stay at least a a step ahead of Scar’s plan on securing the keys he needs in order to keep the Lion and Pony Guard from accessing the one thing capable of defeating them. Just when a rainbow shimmer shines a light directly in the direction of Fluttershy’s cottage where she and Beshte are both having fun, giggling and laughing, and tending to a tea party with the former’s critter friends.

All while Scar observing this from the Pride Lands, with narrowed eyes yet still smiling and feeling prepared for when he enacts his endgame.

Like he said to Tirek before, he doesn't have to worry about finding and securing them right away because little does she know is that she is still doing his job for him and right now he is thinking that he needs to do whatever it takes to bring her down if necessary, he’ll do it if it all comes down to it before conjuring a fiery ball of magic and hurled it right towards the volcano in the Outlands which caused a hot boiling eruption that lead to lava leaking out from the very top.

Scar smirked at the sight of it from afar feeling content that he will not let anyone get the better of him ever again and will be able to stay on top through it all and destroy anyone who stands in his way.

Author's Note:

After the heartfelt trilogy in regard's to Twilight's isolation she is now back home where she has taken the Cutie Mark Crusaders under her wing for private lessons to which each of the fillies try to improve their skills. Of course, from having to deal with Diamond Tiara on a daily basis ends up putting that to the test. Something that Twilight herself was ready to enact since she too is someone who knows what's going on around her.

Even with their friends help to try to keep their relentless fans off of their tail, it all ends with everything falling apart for the Cutie Mark Crusaders and predictably losing their short-lived popularity.

Even though she knew the whole time and let it play out she ended up taking another big step in coming to forgiving the fillies after having a heartfelt flashback pop up in her head thus allowing Twilight Time sessions to continue in secret.

Next up coming by the end of April is where another pair of keys is on the horizon with "It Ain't Easy Being Breezies." up next so stay tuned...

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