• Published 27th Nov 2021
  • 3,165 Views, 197 Comments

The Pony Guard (Season 4) - MXCDarkHorse2020

The Lion and Pony Guard all seek to protect Ponyville all while learning more the ways of friendship as the threat of Scar grows.

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Episode 3: Daring Don't

Episode 3:

Daring Don’t

It had only been a few days since the Lion and Pony Guard saw Twilight after her trip to Canterlot High, and even so she remains their enemy after she made it clear in a venomous tone of the consequences of trying to return or flee further from the Pride Lands.

The cold and calm tone, dark appearance, very powerful dark magic from the villainous alicorn princess was all effective to the point everyone residing at Diamond Valley that they have nowhere to go and nowhere to hide. She and Scar will know what they are up to with their every movement tracked and neither of them have any qualms about using lethal threats should they not comply with their ultimatum.

For the Lion and Pony Guard, it further cements the very tough predicament they are in, and the fact that they are facing the most difficult task to date. Not only do they have to see to it that Scar is defeated, they also have to see to it that Twilight is defeated if they ever want to get her to reform and make things right again.

Needless to say, the Guard has taking this very hard, especially Kion since her former friend’s appearance here left them terrified beyond his mind. For once in his life, he felt so helpless unable to do anything about it. And the more and more he learns the truth about her ties to Scar, the more devastated he is feeling due to how she fooled everyone into thinking she was on their side up until taking over the Pride Lands.

After recovering from the shock of the whole ordeal, everyone at Diamond Valley continued carrying on life there for the time being. Since they are in neutral standing in terms of moving, the only thing everyone can do prepare in case Scar ever returns by taking this time to be ready to defend themselves so that when the inevitable comes, they’ll be ready.

With King Simba along with Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, and Twilight’s brother Shining Armor’s overseeing and taking charge of their training, not one Pride Lander has backed out in the opportunity of learning self-defense and how to prepare for battle when the war decides it is time for them to take action when needed. And that gave everyone hope that they’ll be able to pull through and emerge on top in the end.

In the meantime, the Lion and Pony Guard have continued their lives in Ponyville, trying to carry it out like everything is fine and that there is nothing to be worried about.

During which Fluttershy and Ono are both now taking the time to tend to a couple of baby birds wanting to learn how to fly while their parents are away. Having prepared for this, the animal expert duo had created a small chart consisting of pictures of birds flapping their wings in order to show them of how to do it.

As a demonstration, both Ono and Fluttershy gently flapped their wings with the necessary flapping needed to maintain flight with the latter holding out a hoof for them to fly towards.

“So you just got to flap them like this…” Ono said while doing so. “…looks easy doesn’t it.”

The two baby birds shared a brief confused glace before giving it a try. And much to their surprise, they managed to perform it flawlessly.

“There you go!”

Although their successful lesson didn’t have any time to stick since their fast flying friend just happened to fly by. And judging by the way she is flying, she definitely has excitement in her blood. "Four more months, four more months, just four more months!" She exclaimed before scooping up Fluttershy and Ono away from the bird’s they were watching just lift themselves off of the ground from. "I bet you're excited, huh? Tell me you're excited!"

"Oh, my. I, uh, I could be excited. I don't really know. I wasn't really think—" Fluttershy commented in return, yet at a loss of words for whatever is on their friend’s mind.

“That depends.” Ono spoke up clearly yet annoyed for her sudden interruption. “How much apple cider have you drunk this morning?”

“Only two bottles…” Rainbow laughed while scratching the back of her head like she is being put on the spot by Ono shooting him with an unconvinced stare. “…okay, okay, six. But that’s not important.”

“If watching and teaching baby birds how to fly isn’t, then what is?”

“Oh, come on Ono, you know.” Rainbow begged of him to guess to which he still maintains the same expression. “Okay fine…” He groaned before smiling. “…I’m excited because the next Daring Do book is coming out exactly four months from today! That's how exciting it is! So what amazing, incredible, awesome adventure do you think Daring Do will have in her next book, huh, Ono?”

“Other than whatever exciting adventure Daring Do tackles, not much.” Ono answered still maintaining his dry voice and emotionless expression.


"I don't know, I don't really follow exciting stuff like that. But I'm glad you're excited about it." She said simply just to appease her friend who went on to further express her excitement.

"Oh, just thinking about Daring Do's adventures has me all warm and tingly inside! Will Daring Do at long last stalk the Fortress of Talacon? Only to be forced to contend with its dreaded and impenetrable arrow defense? And if so, could her skill, quick wits, and courage possibly carry the day against such odds?" She paused briefly in her thinking. "Ooh, or will her next adventure bring her face to face with the vast and horrible Ahuizotl himself?! Her arch nemesis?!" Rainbow wondered outloud with her imagination with said things happening running and flying wild, literally. “Would she cower, turn tail and run? Or would she fly at him, full bore, knowing full well against all odds that the greatest challenge she ever faced was still surely no match for—"

“Look out!” Fluttershy interrupted with a shout.

But her warning came too late, because she didn’t watch where she was flying she ended up crashing right into the bird's nest. Luckily, no one was hurt. Aside from Rainbow taking a hard hit and nothing else, the baby birds emerged unharmed while flying circles around her spinning head.

"Oh, I'm not so sure she's gonna last another four months..." Fluttershy expressed with concern.

“I’m not sure she’s going to even last four days…” Ono expressed with a resigned expression knowing that she won’t stop talking about until the day it’s finally published. “And I’m sure going to be in for a hay load of non-stop Pinkie Pie-like talking until then whenever we’re in the library together…” He groaned while rubbing his small temples upon seeing that this is only the beginning of his growing frustrations.

And true to the Guard's Keenest of Sight's analysis and prediction, Rainbow’s excitement still remained strong throughout the following four days non-stop, (well, with the sole exception of her getting much needed sleep, of course.) from taking up daily patrols in Diamond Valley and Ponyville, along with overseeing the training progress of the Pride Landers, and whenever they hang out in the Equestrian world.

"Three months and twenty-six days, three months and twenty-six days, three months and twenty-six days!" Rainbow happily bounced her way over to Sugarcube Corner where her friend are all already there. “Hey Ono! Aren't you excited that—" Rainbow began as she entered the bakery before being suddenly greeted by her friend Pinkie Pie blowing a party horn in her face, accompanied by party music playing from the record player along with her friends gathered together all wearing party hats of different shapes and forms.

Pinkie Pie wore a purple fez with gold-colored balloon shapes on them, Fluttershy a purple top-hat with light blue flowers, Kion had on a red party hat, while Ono had an orange colored part hat on. Rarity wore a pink tiara while Kyoga wore one that’s colored ice blue, with Beshte, Fuli, all wearing party hats grey and yellow colored party hats respectively, Bunga wore a white-colored fez, and Applejack wore a big red hat with white apples imprinted on it.

Kion smiled before moving to greet Rainbow Dash. "Welcome, Rainbow Dash, good. So glad you've finally made it! I was wondering when you'd show up."

"Uh, what's everypony doing here? Did I miss something?" Rainbow asked everyone.

"Nope." Pinkie Pie happily replied. "We're having a holiday party!"

"And what holiday would today be, exactly?"

"National Random Holiday Party Day! Woo-hoo! Come on, join the fun!"

Needless to say, Rainbow was clearly confused just when Rarity trotted over with a glass of punch held in her magic before expressing her thoughts about it. "Don't worry, Rainbow Dash. I've never heard of it either, but the punch is simply divine."

"Yeah…" Pinkie added. "You might even say the secret ingredient is," She whispered loudly in her friend’s ear. "A secret!" Then she squeed much to her friend’s confusion since this is new to her.

"And why am I the last pony to find out about this? Did nopony think to invite me?"

“Actually, we did come over to invite you…” Beshte spoke up. “…but you seemed very busy when we tried to talk to you.”

“From reading the last Daring Do book again, for the twelfth time." Applejack finished with a frown to show of her annoyance of the Pegasus’s over-excitement.

“Well…” Fuli spoke up in her defense to an extent. “…she is very impressive. I don’t think I’ve ever heard and read about a pony manage all of that with a broken wing before.”

“Along with being able to think on her feet.” Kion added showing some intrigue in her adventures after having read them while at the library. “She does have quite some interesting adventures to share.”

And it is for those reasons, why both Kion and Fuli have gained an interest in her adventures thanks to Ono recommending it to them.

"Yeah, well that's because in only three months and twenty six more days, I'll be able to read the next one. I wanna be all caught up by then." Rainbow responded before moving to help herself to a cup of punch from the tray being held on Beshte’s steady back.

“Might want to hold in your excitement, Rainbow Dash…” Ono cautioned to her having heard what was being said while talking to Rarity at the time. “Because the release of the next book got pushed back another two months." Rainbow immediately spat out her punch in shock right in the egret’s face. “Ugh!”

"What?! Two more months?! Are you kidding me?! I've been waiting so long already! I don't think I can take another two months! I'll never make it!" Rainbow ranted before planting her head into the floor.

"Yeah, I can vouch for that." Fluttershy said while Bunga places a party hat on the down Pegasus’s head.

“Cupcake?” He offered a tray of sweets to which Pinkie was quick and happy to help herself to one.

"Uh, did they give a reason?" Rainbow asked Ono hoping there is more to it.

"The publisher just said author A.K. Yearling won't be able to finish the book for another two months." He simply answered with nothing else to add on to.

"I can't believe it, you knew something like that before I did!" Rainbow growled. "I'm the series' biggest fan!"

“Well, Twilight’s a big a fan as you!” Ono retorted in the face of her overinflated ego. “In fact, she was the one who first introduced you to the books, remember?" Rainbow looked aside in shame in realization with the very mention of her name casting a grey clouded feel in the party’s atmosphere along with the other’s smiles. "And if she were here and from my time reading alongside her, I remember her saying that A.K. Yearling is her favorite author of all time. She would know everything about her. Where she grew up, where she studied literature, where she wrote the first Daring Do book..." He then stops mid-rant upon realizing what he has been saying. “…but she’s not here, and it’ll be a while until we’ll ever see her again.”

“I wouldn’t count on that, Ono…” Said mare’s voice spoke appearing at the doorway much to the egret’s sudden shock along with the other’s being surprised with her sudden appearance.

“Hapana!” Ono screamed. “She’s come to finish the job!”

Ono attempted to dash out of the bakery through the window before being suddenly grabbed by the alicorn’s magic just before he could fly through. “…easy, easy.” She calmly assured with a smile. “No need to feel frightened. I have no reason to hurt you.”

“Then why are you here?” Ono asked still not feeling safe being in the same room as her even when she lets him go from her magical grasp while everyone else watches on while on guard trying to be ready for whatever she does to any of them. “Trying to crash the party?”

“Actually, I just came by to give you and Rainbow something…” She casually replied.

“…like what?” Rainbow asked still wary of whatever tricks she has in her mind yet is wise not to try to engage in a fight with her.

"Just this…” She presented a blank diary from the Castle of the Two Sisters before handing it to the egret who had to flap harder in order to maintain flight. “…and this.” She added while handing Rainbow a separate page with writing on it. “The answers to what are you seeking for in regards to Daring Do who by the way is my favorite author are all on this piece of paper.” Rainbow hesitantly takes the paper in her hooves before reading it to make sure she is telling the truth to which to her surprise she is. “From where she grew up, where she studied literature, where she wrote the first Daring Do book and yes...” She paused noting of Rainbow’s wide eyed expression upon reading the information she gave her. “…even where she lives.” She said with a sly smile before turning to make her leave but not without helping herself to a plate of cupcakes and a cup of punch to go. “I hope that helps and who knows…” She turned back just halfway through the doorway. “…you might be able to learn a pretty valuable lesson out of all of this, something that’ll help you going forward. And for your sake, I hope it’s worth dying for.” She then left but not without finishing by saying. “Good day, Lion and Pony Guard and as always it’s nice to see you all again.”

Once Twilight had left, there was awkward silence amongst the Guard still feeling unsettled by her sudden appearance and trying to make sense of her motive for doing so.

“Phew.” Ono said while wiping the sweat from his forehead. “Thank goodness merciful mare of magic.”

Rainbow who recovered from her shock continued reading from the provided paper her former friend gave her and there she began thinking of an idea that would benefit her. “Hmm….”

“Rainbow…?” Ono inquired with a skeptical and curious eye in her direction. “…what are you thinking?”

“Don't you get it?” She questioned back in reply. “The new book is obviously delayed because she needs help dealing with whatever everyday nonsense is distracting her from spending her every living breathing second writing! So I…” She quickly corrected herself upon realizing what she just said. “…I mean, fans like me, can get to read the new book ASAP! Think about it! We could help her with her laundry, buy her groceries, cooking her meals, whatever! Now, who wouldn't appreciate that?"

“Probably not A.K Yearling.” Fuli answered with a tone of disagreement to her proposal. “Because I’m pretty sure she wouldn’t appreciate that. And this is coming from someone who actually prefers to be alone.”

“And from me.” Kyoga chimed in. “And this is coming from someone who you met months ago.”

"She can always say no." Rainbow countered to which most of the others nodded in agreement.

“That’s true…” Kion somewhat agreed. “…but still, we really shouldn’t be doing this. If anything we could be creating enemies instead of friends.”

“Yeah, we don’t one more enemy for Scar to recruit after giving her reason to hate us.” Fuli added as a reminder that he is always looking out for any opportunity given.

“But come on…” Rainbow whined in protest. “…this is a once in a lifetime opportunity to see to it the next Daring Do book comes out sooner.”

“Rainbow…” Ono once more insisted it’s not worth it.

“…and whether any of you want to help or not, I’m going on over there!” She declared before zooming on out of the library ready to set her plan in motion leaving the rest of the Guard inside the bakery.

“Should we….?” Fuli began.

“Yep.” Kion nodded.

“All of us…?” She asked.

“Yep.” Kion nodded again.

“Ugh.” She groaned. “Why does everyone always want to do it the hard way?”

“I don’t know.” Kion replied. “But we’ve got another adventure on our paws and hooves since this has got Scar’s paw prints written all over this.”

"Yep.” Applejack agreed even though she and the other ponies aren’t exactly thrilled in participating what they see is a potential wild-goose chase that someway somehow benefits the mastermind who watching the scene with his ominious green eyes lurking at the partying group from the back of the room.

But nevertheless, the Lion and Pony Guard venture on to the address and map Twilight provided them. And said address led them to a jungle forest where Pinkie Pie along with Bunga literally marked their trail from start to finish with red paint.

“Any reason why?” Kyoga asked the two.

“It’s so we can find our way back.” Pinkie happily answered.

“We’re marking the trail.” Bunga happily added. “And it helps keep us distracted from wondering if we’ve arrived yet.”

Kyoga wanted to argue a reason against the idea but come with a counter response since knowing them it really does beat having them chanting “Are we there yet?” over and over. “No denying that. At least police aren’t pursuing and throwing you two in jail for stealing balloons.”

“What? On Free Balloon Day?” Come on? There weren’t many takers for free balloons.”

“Yeah, otherwise, we wouldn’t have been able to celebrate a party for National Savings Day. And it’s not our fault the police wrongly assumed we were stealing.”

The two quickly responded in their defense.

“Maybe if you both weren’t like…” Kyoga said before whistling then quickly rushing off ahead before rushing back. “…they probably would haven’t thought that way.”

“Eh, Hakuna Matata.” Bunga casually shrugged.

Kyoga rolled her eyes before pressing forward through the forest with eyes locked on the overly-excited Pegasus pony flying ahead along with their surroundings and that they are walking into an isolated area. "You see what I mean?" The lioness said in the Pegasus’s direction. "Why would she live in this remote part of Equestria except to keep folks from intruding on her privacy? We should respect—"

"I think I spotted the house!" Rainbow excitably interrupted, "We're super close! This way!"

Everyone followed after Rainbow right towards the direction of the house of A.K. Yearling where they found a startling surprise.

“Hevi Kabisa! What happened?" Kion said in shock upon stopping in front of the sight in front of everyone.

The house itself is a small cottage with a hay roof, with a lot of damage. Pieces of the door and windows had been yanked right off, along books, furniture, and pieces of wood were scattered outside. Clearly someone trashed her home.

"Apparently somepony has intruded on her privacy pretty hard already…" Rainbow said equally shocked before moving to knock on the door which fell off due to the busted hinges.

Everyone popped their heads inside looking around to assess the damage.

“Whoa!” Fuli gasped. “What happened in here?”

"Hoo-wee, somepony really trashed this place," Applejack said .

"Hmm… Maybe...” Pinkie thought as she examined the damage. “…or maybe A.K. Yearling's just a terrible, horrible, unbelievable slob!" She deduced by placing a frying pan on her head, sliding down the stairs wearing a carpet behind her like a cape and tossing more books into the air.

"I hope A.K. Yearling's alright!" Rarity expressed with sincere concern while examining a cracked mirror in front of her.

“Unless…” Bunga voiced fearing the worst then gasped. “…something already horrible has happened!”

“I know!” Rainbow expressed while appearing from the rummage. “There might be no more books!" That comment alone earned her some looks from Kion, Fuli, Kyoga, and Ono. "Uh… But, of course, I'd be worried about her, too. Heh."

“Well, whatever happened here, we need to make sure there isn’t anything else that happened here.” Kion stated.

“Right!” Ono stated before doing a quick fly around for any bodies inside while Kion, Fuli and Kyoga sniff around the living room.

“Find anything?” Kion asked.

“Nope, I even checked outside of the cottage.” Ono reported.

“And we’re not picking up anyone’s scent either so…” Fuli also reported before catching a whiff. “Wait! I think I got something?”

“What is it?” Rainbow asked.

But before she could answer they heard a voice from the doorway. “What are you all doing here?" Said the mare with a tan brown fur coat and grayish black mane and rose-colored eyes. She was currently wearing a grey hat with a white ribbon and bow, along with a long dark purple cap and large red glasses. In fact, her appearance looks very similar to Daring Do.

"Uh… A... K-K... Yearling…?" Rainbow squeed with delight upon seeing her after being beforehand speechless upon seeing her for the first time.

“Wow!” Fuli gasped in amazement at the sight of the author before moving to quickly clarify their innocence. “Oh hi, and for the record, it was like this when we first walked in.”

“Yeah we didn't do this! We swear!" Bunga exclaimed frantically while waving his arms around.

“We were just wondering the same question as you.” Kion calmly said to the mare as she glanced at them with a raised eyebrow before inspecting the damage.

"And I believe you, but I don’t have time for questions." She responded before looking around and looking under the carpet without paying much attention to her visitors even pulling a carpet from under Applejack’s hooves without a word.

"We're awfully glad to see you're alright," Ono said to the mare who simply bypassed him.

“Good to hear.” She said without looking at him.

“Okay, fine. I’ll guess we’ll talk later.” He said slightly put out by that response.

She then moved to her messed up desk where Rainbow Dash was looking through some papers on the floor. Upon seeing that Yearling was approaching her, she whistled and tried to act casual while tossing aside the books in search for something.

"Okay, clearly this isn't the best time…" Rainbow began trying to ease any ill feelings she may or may not have for her. "…But I've just gotta say how much we all love your books…" Suddenly, she spotted something she was looking for. A book with golden edges on it under Rainbow’s hooves to which she snatched up from the ground while sending Rainbow flying backwards.

“AAH!” Ono yelped when she nearly landed right in front of her before finding good luck that she didn’t crash into him and into the back wall instead another pile of books instead. “Phew!”

She smiled in delight before quickly turning the three golden corners of the book, almost like she was unlocking a secret safe. She placed her hoof on the circle with a golden horseshoe when it shined and turned it like a door knob. The three gold rings unlocked and the book opened, revealing it was actually a secret box containing a gold ring inside. Once she saw that, Yearling sighed in relief before stashing it in her cloak.

"It's safe."

During the time the ring was presented, Ono and Kyoga both managed to get a good look at it and it was there they began connecting the dots, because it looked very much like something they have seen before…

There Rainbow thought now would be a good time to ask her favorite author her question. "Great! Maybe now would be a good time for me to ask you how we can help move the new book along a little faster. Chop, chop!" She implored of her while pushing the typewriter towards her, which earned her a scowl from the mare…and being levitated by Kyoga’s magic from her right paw.

"Rainbow Dash, a minute please!" Kyoga said to her in a chastising manner while dragging the impatient pony outside for a private word leaving the rest of the Guard in the house with Yearling.

“I’m so sorry we came here uninvited.” Kion apologized. “It’s just our friend Rainbow Dash is very eager in anticipation of the next book of Daring Do and really wanted to know why it was being delayed is all. She didn’t mean any harm and neither did any of us."

“We honestly found this place in this state when we got here.” Ono added. “And that’s all there is to it. We had nothing to with the damage here.”

"And I believe you." She firmly stated before gesturing to the door. “Now please leave.”

“Of course.” He replied before she and the others followed suit without another word. “Well…” He commented with an annoyed glare in Yearling’s direction before flying out. “That sure wasn’t very friendly…”

“Well, considering we did come in her home without permission, you can’t really blame her for being annoyed.” Beshte commented in her defense.

“I know, but it doesn’t kill you to be nice.” Ono grumbled. “But still…” He then pondered. “…there is something very familiar about that pony.”

“Yeah, like we have seen her before.” Kion added while getting the same idea. “Because her coat and mane looks very much like her.”

"I know.” Ono returned. “Plus there’s that ring she came here for. Could it be possible that A.K. Yearling and Daring Do are one and the same pony?”


“Or maybe A.K. Yearling has a special desire in wanting to be left alone.” Fuli replied while glaring at Rainbow for her behavior. “Like what we should have done when we first met Kyoga or when some of you thought it was a good idea to invade my privacy when I want to get something to eat.” She irritably reminded Rainbow.

“Fuli’s right.” Kyoga spoke up agreeing while letting Rainbow go. “If we want to be her friend we need to respect her wishes.”

"You should tell that to those guys." Pinkie Pie responded while pointing towards the window roof of the cottage, where they saw a mysterious trio of male ponies enter Yearling's home with obviously bad intentions.

“Hevi Kabisa!” Kion exclaimed.

“Bandits!” Fuli deduced with the lion cub quick to climb up to the roof after them with Ono and Rainbow flying after him.

“Hey, Beshte…” Fuli turned to him. “Could you give me a boost up?”

“Yeah, sure.” He happily obliged offering his back for the cheetah to climb onto to right after she made sure her claws weren’t bared before doing so.

“Huwezi!” She stated upon leaping up to the rooftop before being joined by her flying companions in eyeing the potential predators approaching A.K. Yearling like cornering their prey inside.

Said pony was adjusting the broken mirror when the three ponies appeared in the reflection. The pony turns around to face them. One of had a white coat of fur, a black mane and tail, with matching sunglasses. The other had a brown coat of fur, with a matching mane and tail, wearing a red scarf and a black hat, with a slightly stubbly chin from a recent shave. The third was an older and bulkier pony with a dark grey coat, orange mane and tail with sideburns of the same color, wearing a tan vest, and sported a scar over his eye similar to Scar’s.

But before any of them could attack her, Yearling reacted quickly by tossing her cloak at the brown colored pony, her hat at the dark gray pony, and her glasses at the white pony. With the cloak, hat, and sunglasses, removed, there stood the mare wearing her green explorer's shirt and hat. Kion, Rainbow, Ono, and Fuli, gasped at the discovery right in front of them, and exclaimed together.

"A.K. Yearling is Daring Do!"

“Hapana! So it’s true.”

A.K Yearling and Daring Do are one and the same, and her stories are based off true stories.

Kion himself honestly didn’t know what to think, while surprised and amazed, he also could not believe that the author and adventurer, two separate characters are both the same pony deep down. If he hadn’t his friend flip between being good and evil, he would have been more pleasantly surprised.

Fuli while not sure of what to say or think about this like Ono, both were amazed by this revelation. Beforehand, they thought her stories were based off an adventurer she’s been following. Now that it’s based off of a true story and a first-person perspective, it makes her stories even more interesting.

Rainbow Dash out of the four of them, was the most giddy and fangirling in excitement over the sight right in front of them.

"A.K. Yearling and Daring Do are one and the same!" Fuli said, with an excited and impressed smile. "Okay, now my mind is officially blown!"

"Mine too.” Ono said with the same tone and expression. “Who would have known that would have been possible?”

"I did.” Rainbow smugly remarked. “I knew it all along." Her three closest friends responded with eye rolls.

“Sure you did.” Fuli replied not buying it before watching Daring Do in action.

The dark gray one jumped at her, trying to take the ring away with his jaws, but Daring Do kicked him away, causing him to be tossed back.





Applejack, Bunga, Beshte, and Rarity all expressed upon seeing this just when Daring Do kicks the pony pulling on her tail away.

She stood her ground when two ponies jumped at her, easily bucking them off of her back before the four engaged in an all out brawl with all of the hoofs laying out the punches. During the brawl, the ring emerged from Daring's grasp, tossed up towards the ceiling lamp, spun around, and then fell into the fireplace.

“Whew-wee that is hot!” Bunga commented on the ring in flames.

The three ponies approached the fire, hesitant to take it from the flames without burning themselves. Daring quickly seized the opportunity by using her mouth to rope her lasso onto it and tossed it away from them. The red hot ring, cooled down when it made contact with a vase of purple liquid which fell on it.

"Wow! So much action! Whee!" Pinkie commented with glee just when Daring retrieves the ring and starts flying to the other side of the room, using a chair to keep the other ponies at bay.

“What is she doing?” Ono questioned her approach.

"Daring Do!" Rainbow shouted in worry which accidentally distracted Daring Do and gave the ponies cornering her an opportunity to jump on her, causing her to lose her grip on the ring. It fell to the floor and rolled right into the hooves of another pony who entered the house.

He had a brownish-gray fur coat, light green eyes, a recently shaved stubbly chin, and a sleek combed back black mane and tail, wearing a white tan shirt and had a golden skull with red ruby eyes for a cutie mark.

"Many thanks, Daring Do.” He sarcastically said to his foe. “As you've probably surmised, our earlier search for this treasure was... unsuccessful. So kind of you to find it for us."

Daring grunted while trying to get up to her hooves, only to be currently suffering a wounded leg from the fight she had just endured and stumbled back to the ground. "Give it back, Caballeron!"

"That's Doctor Caballeron to you." He corrected.

"He's from book four: Daring Do and the Razor of Dreams." Rainbow whispered to Ono.

“I know," He acknowledged. "He wanted to partner with Daring Do on her adventures, but she refused."

"I still can't believe it!" Fuli said now starting to get a little giddy inside, matching Rainbow’s enthusiasm. "The real Daring Do and the real Caballeron! Here comes the next part about Ahuizoti!"

Her friends were taken aback by this to which she quickly regained her composure and continued watching the scene in front of them unfold.

"So let me guess…” Daring spoke while trying her hardest to get back up. “…Ahuizotl has put you up to this?"

“Nailed it.” Fuli remarked with a proud smile.

"You're stealing the ring to give to him so his hold on the Fortress of Talicon will be good for eight centuries as foretold by prophecy!"

"Close, but... no." Caballeron replied. "I'm going to sell this to him, make a bundle, and retire from archaeology in splendor."

Daring Do tried to take the ring back, but was held back by his henchponies. "Caballeron, you fool! You're dooming the valley to eight centuries of unrelenting heat!"

"To market, henchponies!" He ignored her warnings while speaking to his lackeys who released the Pegasus before following after him.

“I don’t think so!” Fuli declared before quickly running after them to intercept them “Huwezi!”

She quickly leaped off of the roof ready to pounce on Caballeron and to retrieve the ring back.

“What?” Cabaleron questioned with little time before being pounced on by the cheetah who quickly snatched the ring and quickly sped off ahead and disappeared.

He quickly got up to his hooves looking around for Fuli before leading his men after them. “This way!”

“Ono, fly ahead! Make sure Fuli is okay!” Kion ordered of him seeing that they are all after the cheetah.

“On it!” Ono saluted before quickly doing so.

Kion along with the remaining ponies and Guard members quickly went back inside to make sure Daring Do is okay.

“You okay?” He asked the mare bandaging her hoof.

“I’m fine.” She responded without a smile. “No thanks to your Pegasus friend.” She added in Rainbow’s direction quite unhappy for accidentally tripping her up like that.

“Um, she was just trying to help, Ms. Do.” Fluttershy gently defended her friend.

“Daring Do doesn't need help. She handles her business herself.” The mare asserted before flying off ahead ignoring the others.

“Okay.” Bunga commented while taken aback by her adamant refusal to accept help. “What just happened?”

“And why were they after that ring?” Beshte wondered.

“So Ahuizoti can seek control of the Tenochtitlan Basin.” Kyoga answered.


"Ever since book 3 Ahuizotl sought control of the Tenochtitlan Basin." She explained.

“But in book four, she defeated Ahuizotl and secured control of the Amulet of Atonement, dispelling the dark magic of the Ketztwctl Empress, and thus protecting the basin with the Radiant Shield of Razdon." Kion added.

“But the Radiant Shield of Razdon is vulnerable to the dark enchantment of the Rings of Scorchero!" Rainbow said next.

"But the Rings were scattered to the four corners of Tenochtitlan, thus rendering the dark enchantment powerless." Kion continued next.

“Only if you assume that the Rings have yet to be retrieved, and the ring Caballeron tried to steal isn't the last to completely restore the dark tower and its cruel hold on Tenochtitlan! Did you ever think of that?!" Rainbow countered while the others watch the back and forth sparing over their knowledge of Daring Do’s adventures.

“Anyways…” Kyoga spoke up. “…with all four rings together, the valley will be suffering eight centuries of extreme heat.”

“Which means we need to stop them!” Rainbow stated wanting to take action.

“Are you sure Kion?” Beshte questioned. “Because she made it clear she doesn’t want help.”

“I know,” Kion acknowledged. “…but Fuli and Ono are being pursued by Caballeron and his ponies right now. We have to make sure they are okay!”

Rainbow immediately agreed with that statement “Yeah! How can we just stand by and do nothing? You know what's at stake here!"

"You gotta admit, Rainbow Dash makes a pretty good point." Pinkie Pie said.

“Well, I guess that’s true.” Beshte relented. “...As long as you have a plan in dealing with them.”

“As always.” Kion confidently replied. “Having said that here’s…”

"I'm coming, Daring Do!" Rainbow Dash immediately rushed off ahead without letting the leader of the Lion Guard finish.

"Rainbow Dash! That’s not a plan! Wait for us!" Kion attempted to shout after her to no avail.

The brash and brazen Pegasus flew off ahead, looking for any trace of either Doctor Caballeron, Daring Do, along with Fuli and Ono. She searched quite so time until she was able to find Daring by herself stealthily making her way through the forest.

“Bingo!” Rainbow said before flying down to join the adventurer "Here I come, Daring Do! Ready to join an adventure with the greatest, bravest, coolest, most incredible hero I could ever–" But then she suddenly stopped herself mid-sentence and mid-air. “Maybe she needed to compose herself and focus on what’s really important here.” she thought in her mind. "Okay, maybe I just need a sec... Just another adventure. No big deal. I can handle this," After coolly walking through the forest on hoof she then she smacked herself. "Come on, get a grip! Play it cool! You can do this.“ She tried to get serious but then… “Although... the idea of doing it alongside Daring Do... Wow! Maybe I could get my picture taken with her afterward, or maybe an autograph, or-" She smacked herself again. "There you go again, letting your thoughts get the better of you. She's just a pony like any other pony. A pony who stops entire armies of bad guys with nothing more than her bare hooves, and an attitude, and—!" Another smack stopped herself from her own train of thought. "Ow... That's starting to hurt. Gotta stop doing that."

Just then, she was suddenly ambushed by Daring Do who tackled her down to the ground with her hat.


"Oh, it's just you.” Daring Do quickly backed off and placed her hat back on. “What do you want?"

“Listen I know you’re more of a solo hero, but can I please help you out?” Rainbow pleaded. “I am suuuuuch a huge fan." She added with a nervous laugh after gushing over her again.

Daring sighed in annoyance before pressing forward. "No thanks, now please leave me alone because I. Work. Alone.”

“Why not?” She further pressed of her.

“My work always involves secrets.” She answered while moving ahead. ”And since you never know who you can trust, it's best never to trust anypony.”

“But just because you can't trust some, doesn't mean nopony can be trusted!” Rainbow protested.

“Look, I don't have time to argue—“ Daring Do once more insisted on wanting to do this herself.

But Rainbow wasn’t having any of it. “Neither do I. Let's go!”

She then fly off ahead leaving the solo adventurer no choice in the matter. “Can't believe I'm even talking to her...” She sighed under her breath before moving forward.

The search with the two Pegasus ponies looking out for the cheetah and egret went on for hours, but so far they found nothing. All Rainbow who was growing increasingly concerned could hope for is that they’re both okay and that they haven’t been captured.

If anything, Fuli knows how to conserve her energy and keep herself from over-exerting herself and that’s exactly what she is doing.

Just after running off ahead while obtaining the ring from Caballeron and his minions, she decided the best course of action once she was sure she lost them, was to hide and lay low. Hopefully, she would be able to make it back and find the others without getting caught.

At that moment Ono who was flying after Fuli, spotted her approaching a deep chasm up ahead. “Hapana! Fuli!”

Having spotted the chasm, she quickly leap up over the edge, and found herself clinging onto the vines. During the jump she accidentally flung the ring up in the air but she quickly caught it with her tail after swinging over in that direction. She proceeded to spin the ring around her tail and moved it up towards her waist before moving from vine to vine on over to the other side while swinging side to side.

Once she made it to the other side, she stopped swinging her body and moved the ring into her front paws.


Ono was relieved yet amazed with the amazing swing trick she had just pulled, just like Daring Do did in one of her previous books.

“Thanks for the heads up, Ono!”

“I was just glad I was able to find you in time.”

Fuli was now taking the time to catch her breath after running for a good few minutes of running and sprinting before quickly ducking in the nearby bushes. “Can spot them and tell how far back there are?”

“Let me check.” He did as he was told. He examined the skies to look for any signs of any pony or anyone nearby before flying back down to join the cheetah down below. “Very far back.” He reported. “But for now, we probably need to lay low and sneak are away in that direction.” He added while pointing to his left side while emitted a loud gulp when he noticed something up ahead. “Because we don’t want to get caught by…Ahuizotl…!” He then shuddered and trembled when said figure appears right behind Fuli who is looking confused by what he is trying to say.

“That’s right.” He sinisterly said while alarming the cheetah by his sudden appearance.

Both Fuli and Ono tried to make a run for it only to be stopped by an aura of magic before being brought back face to face with the guy seeking the ring itself which is levitated away from the cheetah’s grasp.

“But how?!” Fuli demanded to know why this is happening.

“Because thanks to an ally of mine. We’ve been expecting you.” Ahuizotl responded with a smirk before turning to his attention to said captor.

“That’s right.” A voice of a familiar mare spoke to them while emerging from the bushes with an evil chuckle while levitating the ring towards her. “And I can tell you now that you both arrived in time for the party preparations.”

“Oh, no! Twilight!” Ono gulped hard upon seeing her.

“Let us go!” Fuli demanded trying not to show fear in the face of her former friend.

“Oh I will…” She assured. “…right after I finish helping set up the party with Daring Do’s name on it. And you two are the perfect volunteers for the job of luring the guest of honor over.”

“Volunteering for what?” Fuli asked feeling her composure slightly cracked.

"Guest of honor?" Ono asked in the same manner while sweating nervously.

While her face didn’t show it, she clearly and was visibly feeling anxious of what Twilight is going to do them… “You’ll find out…”

Elsewhere later that night, the two Pegasus ponies have walked on foot before finally finding Caballeron and his henchponies settling down for the night having hay for dinner.

As they spy on the crew, Rainbow has a deep concern in her mind. “Where are you, Fuli? Ono?” She hoped since it has been hours since they were last spotted before spotting the ring that is currently spotted right in the four ponies possession. “Huh? But how?”

“I don’t know.” Daring responded before quickly moving towards it with a plan to re-obtain it. “But we’re not going to find out and risk losing that ring to them.”

"Oh, right," Rainbow said after getting her point. "But what are you gonna do?" Daring moved to place mud on her chin along with some leafs from the ground, forming it into a beard before she put back on her A.K. Yearling hat and head band. "Oh, I see.” Rainbow seems to get the idea now. “You're gonna ambush them like in book four at the Horavian caves! Or maybe, that neat trick you did in book three, where you swoop in and knock three guys down with one swing! Or maybe- "

“Shh.” Daring hushed her before producing a sack of bits before trotting forward in her disguise, plopping them down in front of Caballeron and his minions who immediately eyed the bag with great interest. She spoke in an exaggerated voice. "I have been led to believe that you have in your possession an item of significant importance that might be... for sale.” She said to them in a disguised male voice. “I don't suppose you'd be willing to part with it? I can meet any price."

Caballeron eyed the sack of bits finding it very tempting. In fact, a little too tempting to pass down. "W-well...I... did have another potential buyer lined up, but... he's not here at the moment. And I always say 'My policy is: First come, first serve."

But all of a sudden the ground began to shake and the trees started to get knocked down in a raging stampede when Ahuizotl himself immediately arrived on the scene. "Caballeronl!" He growled at him for his idiocy in falling for her disguise.

“Ahuizoti!” Daring quietly voiced with locked eyes when the giant reaches out his hand from his tail in a demanding fashion.

“The ring!”

Caballeron cowered before him before quickly fleeing from him leaving Daring Do face to face with Ahuizotl himself. During his hasty retreat, he ended up dropping the ring leaving it open for the explorer to quickly retrieve it before her arch-enemy could.

"For the last time, Ahuizotl! You're never getting your paws on the ring!" Daring Do vowed as she grit her teeth.

"The ring, Daring Do! Give it to me, now!" Ahuizotl demanded of her while advancing on the mare with an attempted swipe at her to which she quickly and gracefully dodged.

"Now Ahuizotl, you know I love you. But I'm afraid I can't give you the ring until I've properly proposed." She responded with a teasing smirk while wearing the ring around her body.

“Very funny…” Ahuizotl remarked while Rainbow snickers while watching the scene from the bushes. “…because my friends here have a proposal of their own." He snapped his paw like tail, and his several cats minions appeared from behind, all hissing and growling.

Seeing what’s in store for her if she doesn’t surrender the ring, she still sees the odds in her favor before bravely declaring. “Bring it!"

The black panther charged first with Daring Do quick to respond with an uppercut to the jaw, sending it flying back towards the others.

The tiger charged and lunged at her next with Daring likewise leaping up and dodging the attack before leaping on and off his head when he fell. With a charging kick she moved to kick away the cheetah before getting into a scuffle with the lynx.

"Come on, Daring, you've got this!" Rainbow Dash nervously pleaded while observing the scene from a safe distance.

So far, Daring Do had the advantage over her attackers, so Rainbow’s nerves slowly but surely eased down…

…at least until she was tapped on the shoulder and immediately levitated in the air by a certain alicorn appearing right behind her.


After Daring got done defeating the felines all attempting to attack her, Ahuizotl approached her while sarcastically applauding her. “Bravo, Daring Do. Bravo, a marvelous performance.” He mockingly laughed at her before giving her a sinister grin. “Too bad for you I have one more trick up my paws.”

“Oh, really, like what?” Daring scoffed.

Ahuizoti snapped his fingers once more and in a flash, Rainbow appeared in his grasp, greatly surprising her foe along with the appearance of Fuli and Ono also held captive by the alicorn’s magic.

She gasped upon seeing her and that Ahuizotl now has the advantage to force her into submitting. Rainbow tried to speak out to her but the magic restraining her was literally muffling her mouth. Upon seeing she has no choice since she values pony life, she drops the ring and looks down without further resistance.

Ahuizotl smiled and then snapped his fingers once more for Rainbow to be released and Daring to be tied up by his cat minions before seeing to it that she is taken away while he himself takes the ring for himself.

"Don’t worry Daring Do! I'll come and help you!" She still declared even when she is tossed away by Ahuizotl along with Fuli and Ono once their help was no longer needed.

“Don't bother. I’ve already say you’ve helped plenty!" She bitterly returned as she is dragged away by Ahuizotl and his minions in the temple’s direction.

Devastated at what happened, Rainbow Dash looked down in shame. "What have I done?!" She thought out loud just when Twilight briefly appears before her.

“Managed to help Daring Do get captured is what happened.” She answered while floating right over her head which further increased the Pegasus’s guilt. “I guess it wasn’t really worth coming here after all was it?”

Rainbow had no answer or comeback just when Twilight teleports away just when Fuli and Ono approach her along with the rest of the Guard who all finally regroup with them.

“Thank goodness you're alright!” Rarity is the first to express their relief. “We’re terribly sorry we couldn’t get here sooner but it seems we were given a detour that took us longer to navigate our way here.”

“Quick, where does it hurt?”

“Any injuries?”

Both Bunga and Beshte seriously asked.

“In here.” Rainbow sadly expressed towards where her heart is.

“What in your heart is hurting?” Bunga asked thinking something is literally wrong with her heart which earned him a dope slap from Applejack. “Ow! What?”

“Daring Do and the ring have been captured by the dreaded Ahuizotl, and it's all my fault.” She explained to which had the rest of the crew gasping.

“No! Not Daring Do!” Bunga gasped in horror.

“Dash, I'm sure whatever you did was an honest mistake.” Kion attempted to assure.

“Especially, since Twilight had a hoof in this.” Fuli reminded.



The others uttered hearing this.

“Yeah, she managed to capture us in order to force Daring Do to surrender to Ahuizotl.” Ono explained while trying to wonder why she did it. “Though the question I wonder is why she didn’t see to it that we were captured or worse…”

“I don’t know.” Fuli quickly answered while cutting the egret off. “And I’d rather we not go there.“

Either way Rainbow was too depressed to care. “Whatever. Let's just go home.”

“What?” Bunga questioned with complete shock before quickly moving to intercept. “Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! Time out there! You can’t really mean it!”

“Yeah! What he said!” Applejack agreed with him for once. “We can't go back now! Looks a mite like she needs our help more than ever!”

“Trying to help is how I got in this mess in the first place.” Rainbow asserted with her back still turned and head hung in a downcast manner. “You were right, Kion, Kyoga. We should've stayed out of this.”

Kion, Kyoga, Fuli, and Ono exchanged looks with each other before turning back to Rainbow Dash. Sure, they did say they were better off from the beginning, but with all things considered now, she sure could use it whether she wants it or not.

Kion stepped forward to try to cheer up her and convince her otherwise. “Look, there is more going on here than meets the eye. In every Daring Do book, there always is! We can't turn our backs on her!”

Rainbow’s mood still failed to change. “She doesn't want my help, Kion.”

“Perhaps. But she might need it anyway.” She further pressed gently.

“No. My hero's way better off without me.”

“This don't sound like you.” Applejack attempted to nudge her in the right direction.

“Where's the Rainbow Dash who would help anypony at the drop of a hat?” Pinkie added while happily hugging her around the neck.

“Or pith helmet, as the case may be.” Rarity also added in encouragement.

But no matter what it still failed to lift her spirits while gently forcing Pinkie off of her. “She's here where she's got no business being. She should be at home.”

So with all else failed, Fuli decided it was time to say something herself. “Come on Rainbow, it's fine to look up to Daring Do, but it seems to me you've put her so high up on a pedestal, you can't even see your own worth anymore! I get that you’re finding it really difficult to be patient but truth is even though I have taken lessons I still find myself having trouble with it time from time. Point being, I know that you are loyal to those in need of help when it really counts and if anytime is the chance to do it, it’s now.”

“She's in the fortress, and we're here, and we wouldn't be who we are if we didn't go in after her!” Kyoga added. “And neither would you! So, are you with us, or not?”

Rainbow looked back still uncertain whether or not if she should but after some thinking and some reconsideration she made her decision. “Ono…” She began firmly before smiling. “…show me the way!”

The Lion and Pony Guard smiled grandly at her decision and seeing that the Rainbow Dash they know is ready to help save the day once more.

Inside the temple, the captive Daring Do is currently chained up to a stone wall just above a pool of rising water filled with piranhas.

"Surrender now, Ahuizotl, or I'll be forced to take you down!" Daring grunted as she tried to break free of her restraints.

Ahuizotl appeared from an opening on the wall from the side of the room and laughed at her expense. "Oh, Daring Do, I will so miss your amusing laughter-jokes. Now, I must leave to commence the ring-placing ceremony to unleash eight hundred years of unrelenting, sweltering heat!"

He pulled on a cord which made more water came in through a large pipe hole, causing the waters in the pit of the room to rise up and with the piranhas down below she didn’t have much time to free herself. With time running out, Daring pulled with all of her might and finally managed to removed her left back before managing to free her other leg with the stone and metal shackles still attached to her. She then managed to free her front hooves, and her last one, but the water was already so close and the weight from the metal and stone was a little too much for her to be able to keep her body above water. Once she was free, she tried to flap her wings, but was struggling to stay afloat. Luckily for her, help came for her this time around.

"Gotcha!" Rainbow Dash declared while lifting her higher from the rising pool much to her astonishment. You can flap too, y'know!" She reminded to which she did until they managed to rise to the entrance on the wall. Once they were both safe for the moment, Daring broke the stone and her shackles.

"I was just about to save myself, y'know." she said while breaking herself free.

"Of course. I just thought you might need this." Rainbow acknowledged before tossing Daring her signature hat.

"Have I mentioned yet that I work alone?"

"Have I mentioned yet that you're lucky I don't?"

The two traded with the former sighing at the latter’s undying loyalty

Daring sighed before finally giving her a friendly smile before deciding to work together with Rainbow Dash in racing out of the temple.

In another part of the temple, Ahuizotl laughed as he stood on top of his throne within the temple. There a group of native ponies rose up their spears and tapped on the floor with an accompanying tune to match the occasion. The ponies were all male ponies, wearing ancient headsets, necklaces and face paint all watching on as Ahuizotl prepares to stack the final ring in place. But just before he could do so, Applejack called out to him.

"Drop the ring, Ahui...

“Ahuizotl.” Ono quietly corrected though there wasn’t much time or room for error here.

“…whatever your name is!" Applejack then finished before the Lion and Pony Guard immediately sprang into action.

"Place the ring, quickly!" Ahuizotl commanded his minions.

But Bunga quickly leapt up and snatched up the ring from their hooves. “Zuka Zama!” He shouted before tossing the ring over and around Pinkie who swung it around her body like a hula hoop before tossing it over to Kion.

"Get it!"

At their leader’s command, the ponies lunged at Kion, who quickly tossed the ring over to Applejack, who leaped up to retrieve it. But another pony using a spear tripped her up causing her to drop the ring. He took the ring in his mouth until Beshte body-slammed him away and obtained the ring with his teeth.

“Heads up Fluttershy!” He called out to her before tossing the ring over to her who quickly caught it with Ahuizotl giving the Pegasus pony a chase.

Fluttershy tossed the ring over to Kyoga who quickly tossed it over to Ono upon seeing two more ponies coming at her before performing a spinning kick and moving forward in helping play keep away with the Guard. While this was happening distracted, Rainbow Dash and Daring rushed to where all of the rings are stacked up.

"Help me get all these rings off!" Daring instructed of her.

Rainbow was quick to aid her in the task at hoof. They started off by managing to lift up three rings in one lift, but it wasn’t easy since they were very heavy. While they did this, the Lion and Pony Guard kept on trying to keep the ring away from Ahuizotl’s henchponies. When one of the ponies attempted to obtain the ring, Fuli quickly rushed back and snatched it before it could slide into the pony’s spear before tossing it back to Kion. The leader of the Lion Guard quickly bared his claws and slapped the pony approaching him and then unleashed his restrained roar to force the many ponies advancing on him backwards into the ground. Even with the power of the Roar, these ponies still kept fighting.

Daring and Rainbow continued removing the rings, but there were just too many of them and very little time to remove them all.

"If we can remove the giant ring at the bottom, the whole fortress will collapse!" Daring said before they quickly moved to lift it.

"W-Was this your plan all along?"

"I had to find a way to get into the fortress."

"You did it on purpose?! But– but I thought—"

"I didn't count on how heavy this ring would be, along with your friends being of great help... Guess having a little help can be handy sometimes."

Rainbow smiled in response to her hero’s token of appreciation.

The keep away game continued on, until Ahuizotl finally managed to obtain it to put an end to it himself. But his victory was cut short for the two winged ponies were near the removal of the ring needed to foil his plot. The fortress began to shake and crumble once Rainbow and Daring both managed to make progress.

"Stop her!" He commanded while pointing in their direction.

The ponies were quick to try to attack the two with their spears with Daring trying her hardest in kicking them away.

"You can flap too, y'know!" Daring reminded.

Rainbow Dash quickly as she was told and flapped them as hard as she can. "Everyone! Everypony! Run! This place is goin' down!"

“This way everyone!” Ono shouted while flying ahead so the others can see where he is guiding them.

The team wasted no time doing as they were told before they all ran out of the temple just when the two Pegasus ponies fully lift the ring was fully out of the pedestal, which began to crack and tumble along with the fortress. Daring and Rainbow quickly flew out from the ceiling while just barely avoided an attempted grab by Ahuizotl just when the whole building collapses on top of him.

Everyone else made it out of the fortress unharmed while Daring and Rainbow joined them with the final ring in tow.

“We did it!” Kion smiled while taking the lead in the group fleeing the destroyed temple which is now in shambles with the ponies were dazed from the impact while Ahuizotl rose up from the wreckage having survived the impact of the crumbling building.

"Daring Do! I will have my revenge!" He shouted towards the pony flying away in the distance furiously.

Once they have retreated far away from the temple they all stopped to catch their breath just when Rainbow Dash and Daring Do regrouped with them after dropping the final ring, which broke into pieces when it hit the ground. Daring Do was proud of her success just when she turned to lower herself towards the ground towards the Lion and Pony Guard with something she would like to say to them.

“Thank you for your help.” She gratefully said to them before sincerely adding. “And I’m sorry for not accepting it when I should have.”

“It’s okay.” Kion was quick to accept her apology while stepping forward. “Just glad we were able to help.”

“It’s usually our thing.” Bunga proudly boasted while dusting himself off like it was another stroll through the Pride Lands.

“I can definitely tell you all have had your fair share of adventures and I greatly appreciate it.” Daring said pretty impressed before turning to the mare who helped her out the most. “And I especially want to thank you for all of the trouble you went through it getting me to see it doesn’t hurt to have someone helping you out when the situation calls for it, Rainbow Dash. I couldn't have done this without you."

Rainbow so filled with giddy excitement lunged forward to embrace her hero in a hug. While slightly taken aback by the gesture at first, she hugged Rainbow in return before breaking it up.

"And now that this adventure has been concluded, I've got a book to finish!" Daring declared before waving goodbye to the team and flew off ahead into the sunset like the hero she was portrayed in her own books, with everyone else waving goodbye after her.

Just when Rainbow regrouped down towards the others they heard clapping of the hooves from nearby which earned everyone’s attention. The clapping came from of course the one and only alicorn just about their size who appeared on the scene.

“Bravo, Rainbow Dash! Another day saved by the Lion and Pony Guard.” She commended them. “You all never cease to amaze me.”

“What are you talking about, Twilight?” Rainbow snarled with her hooves up ready for a fight. “Here to endanger us some more?! You up for a challenge?!”

Twilight simply responded to her threat with a simple “Tsk, tsk, tsk.” while shaking her head. “Good to see the rainbow-maned hot head is back. I knew you would come through, and all it took was encouragement from your friends at a low point in life.” She said briefly in the Guard’s direction before turning back to the blue Pegasus who attempted to charge at her with a super speed sprint.

“Talk to the fist, egghead!”

She was able to catch up mere inches from her face with her right forehoof before sending electric magic from her horn to shock her with her left forehoof behind her back.


“Oh, please, Rainbow must I actually defeat you with one hoof behind my back before you realize you’re outmatched. Although I will admit shocking you back down to earth is pretty hard. For you.” When she was done shocking her, the Pegasus was very drained but not nearly enough to pass out since the alicorn demonstrated restraint with her magic. “Ah, ah, ah. We can’t have you pass out and forgetting all about what you’ve learned today now can we?”

“Why are you doing this?!” Kion questioned the alicorn of her motives just when she lets go of the rainbow-maned pony who dropped to the ground as a result.

“Let’s call that one more puzzle to put together, maybe for when the time comes you'll have managed to put them all together by then.” Twilight simply replied before preparing to teleport away once more. “See you next time!”

With another flash of magic, Twilight was instantly gone for now. But even so Rainbow was still determined not to let her words get to her while focused on wanting to bring her down even if she has use brute force to do so.

Once the Guard returned back to Ponyville, Rainbow Dash took the time to write down her experience with Daring Do in the journal Twilight provided her.

"Just had the coolest adventure with the coolest pony ever. Came this close to blowing it because I got so wrapped up in how awesome she was, I almost forgot about how awesome I was. Good thing I didn't, 'cause it gave me a chance to show her how important it is to put your trust in somepony else. And in animals outside from the Equestrian world too."

Just when she was writing it down she heard a knock on her door where a messenger Pegasus pony handed her a package.

"Package from A.K. Yearling."

"Sweet! The new book a week before anypony else gets it!" She brightly exclaimed before snatching the package and quickly tearing it open and with what had happened, she was definitely expecting something big.


On the cover of the book was Daring Do, with Rainbow Dash appearing and fighting alongside her. Surely she will remember this adventure for years to come.

Meanwhile at the Pride Lands, Twilight has just approached her boss with a satisfactory news report as he watches Rainbow take the lesson she learned today to heart. “The package has just been delivered and the lesson from that day has been learned.”

“Excellent.” Scar voiced pleasure to hear this while grinning at the journal Twilight had provided them.

Author's Note:

Okay, before I get started on this recap I just wanted to get this off my chest. Mainly, everyone's concerns towards Twilight Sparkle in this season so far.

I get that many of you are not a fan of her villainous actions lately, I get it, but it's still early in the season and there's still a lot of layers to the whole story to yet be uncovered, so it'd be greatly appreciated if you all calm down with the hate towards her.

Honestly, because all of this is making Scar look like a saint compared to her.

Moving forward, is essentially, Rainbow Dash leading the Guard into the discovery of Daring Do's true identity (A.K.A. A.K. Yearling) leading to a string of adventures where they only come across ancient treasures and a day of adventure but also Ahuizotl himself in this little action-packed adventure to serve as the slight breather episode after the events of the Season 3 finale and Season 4 premiere.

It took quite some obstacles for them to overcome before Rainbow was finally able to get in Daring Do's good books with a very well-earned parting gift from her.

A day of excitement that Twilight herself counted on happening exactly like she wanted to as part of her mysterious plan...

...but in the meantime is another Breather Episode with "Flight to the Finish" next on the calendar set to be published later this week so stay tuned and Happy New Year with the hopes of a great 2022...

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