• Published 27th Nov 2021
  • 3,165 Views, 197 Comments

The Pony Guard (Season 4) - MXCDarkHorse2020

The Lion and Pony Guard all seek to protect Ponyville all while learning more the ways of friendship as the threat of Scar grows.

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Episode 23: It Ain't Easy Being Breezies

Episode 23:

It Ain’t Easy Being Breezies

One day, Fluttershy had all of her friends from the Guard, gathered together in the park on a large grassy field.

"Okay, everybody. And everybody. As you know, the adorable fairy creatures known as Breezies are about to come through Ponyville." She addressed everyone present.

“And this is a big deal why?” Bunga asked.

“Because they’re the most extremely rare and most adorable creatures you’ll ever meet." She replied. “A once in a while opportunity to see them fly by on their way take the pollen they've collected on their travels."

"Yes! Ooh, it's so exciting!" Pinkie Pie said with grand excitement while hanging upside-down by her tail, swinging herself on a branch and briefly stood vertically on the tree as she galloped in place. "Ah! I can't wait for Rainbow Dash and Ono to make the breeze for them so I can see how cute they are up close!"

And that’s something Rainbow is ready to voice her support and excitement. "I've never done it before, not that I won't be totally awesome at it, because I totally will!” She then turned to the egret flapping beside her. “And Ono, you know what I’m talking about right?"

“Yes Rainbow Dash for the nineteenth time.” He answered with utmost patience since he already did his research on the Breezies beforehand.

"And that breeze is very important." Fluttershy briefly emphasized while flying up. "But so is cheering on those teeny-tiny little things, so they have the confidence to ride that breeze to their native land. Did I mention how tiny they are?" She eyed a nearby ladybug. “So tiny.”

“Yes you did, Fluttershy.” Ono replied with a controlled tone. “For the fortieth time.” He muttered under his breath.

"I was thinking we could do a special Breezie cheer!" Fluttershy proposed.

"I love cheers!" Pinkie exclaimed loudly.

“Me too!” Bunga also yelled instantly, making Fluttershy flinch when they both shouted in her ear.

"But these cheers should be quiet cheers. We don’t want to startle them.” Fluttershy reminded them.

“Or accidentally send them flying away because that would be bad.” Ono added. “Especially if they get into an accident.”

“Why don't we try it?” Fluttershy said to everyone as she walked ahead to lead the cheer. “You can do it, Breezies."

"You can do it, Breezies!" All of the ponies plus Bunga shouted in unison while accidentally and nearly blowing Fluttershy’s ears off.

"Oh, my."

"Heh, sorry, Fluttershy.” Applejack apologized. “I had no idea how hard it was to do a cheer quietly."

“I know.” Bunga said. “I never heard it was such a thing.”

“Maybe because quiet doesn’t come naturally to you.” Kyoga blankly quipped.

“That’s okay.” Fluttershy assured. “Quiet doesn't come naturally for everypony. Let's try it again."

Everyone minus Beshte and Ono cheered this time, with slightly quieter voices but still loud. “You can do it, Breezies!"

"Perhaps just a little bit quieter."

"You can do it, Breezies!" they cheered with quieter than before with slight improvement over the last one.

"Just a little quieter."

"You can do it, Breezies!" They cheered again with Beshte, Ono, and Kyoga joining in this time, quieter than before to the point lowering their voices came out as letting out whispers, which was exactly what Fluttershy was looking for.

She flew up, shouting happily and loudly like her friends first attempt. “Perfect!” But then realized what she just did. “Oh, um, I mean... yay." She said in her now usual tone of voice.

"Perfect." Fuli complimented when they heard another loud voice call out to them nearby.

"Twilight!" Spike called to her as he approached the group while running up to her with a letter in tow. "It's time."

"Of course..." She figured while casually lifting the letter and briefly scanned it before breaking away from the pack.

"Going somewhere, Twilight?" Fuli curiously asked.

"Yes..." She answered while briefly turning back to the face her friends. "...downtown."

"Oh, right." Fuli realized what she means when she said that. "Of course." She mentally said to herself after realizing she is scheduled to go to court in order to determine an appropriate punishment for her actions as Scar's right-hand pony as Midnight Sparkle.

"Yep." She said as she briefly stopped to allow Spike to hop on her back for a flight on over to the courthouse. "This should be fun." She sarcastically remarked mainly to herself before heading out. She knew upon setting foot back in Equestria that she would have to cross this bridge when she came to it and that if she wanted to get herself back in everyone's good graces she would have to do it the hard way.

All she could personally hope for is that the jury is at least fair and reasonable and handing out a proper punishment for her past actions while looking on towards her destination.

When the time for the expected time of the Breezies fly by came, everyone was all gathered together getting everything ready for this special occasion. With the first time of actually seeing them on the horizon, they are also informed that quietness is expected out of all of them. While the preparations were getting set up, Ono and Rainbow Dash were both practicing the breezes they would create for the Breezies to fly on while both inspecting their team’s current progress at hoof. They have also enlisted the help of Hadithi and a flock of birds he’s gathered to help out for this occasion.

"That's too strong! We gotta slow this breeze down or we're gonna blow those Breezies apart!" Rainbow chided two of the nearby ponies.

“Our apologies, Ono and Rainbow Dash.” Hadithi said on their behalf with a bow to them.

“It’s okay, just flap like I do.” Ono assured him and the other ponies as they both correct their flapping form for the correct breeze.

“Like this?” He asked the egret who nodded in response that’s he got the correct measure of wingpower installed in his form.

“Looking good up there!” Bunga called out from down on the ground while helping himself to some cupcakes the Cakes have prepared and provided for everyone today while Fluttershy and Beshte both watched from down below.

"What I don't understand is why they need somebody to make a breeze for them." Mr. Cake questioned the animal expert.

"Well, you see, it's the breeze that activates the Breezies' magic, and that magic protects the pollen they're carrying from being destroyed." She explained.

"So, no breeze means no magic means the pollen goes bad?" Mr.Cake then figured it out from there.

"That's right!"

“All the more reason to ensure that we help them make their way through Ponyville safely." Beshte happily added.

“No kidding.” Bunga happily agreed and advised. “So better use the time we have now to talk because for the next few minutes is nothing but complete silence and whispers when they’re around. Otherwise we might scare and divert them from their path.” He moved to help himself to a couple of cupcakes before walking off.

"Now you understand." Fluttershy complimented him and the Cakes for getting the idea behind it.

“We sure do, Fluttershy.” Beshte said with his little ears perking up eager to see them excitement. “And we can thank our previous trip in Western Equestria for letting us know what to expect for their visit so we can take the time to get everything ready for their visit.”

Just when Fluttershy looked aside briefly with a smile in anticipation, she along with Beshte suddenly had to squint her eyes when their eyes were hit with a sudden blinding white light with some of the zebras and baboons who have gathered here today all shouting and screaming “Bright!“ over and over with half of the group shielding their eyes just like every pony

“My eyes!” Thurston screamed with smoke literally coming out of them.

“Poa! What the’s krubble?” He wondered while keeping himself from blinding himself what the source is.

Both Beshte and Fluttershy turned their heads and saw that it was coming from the dress Rarity had decided to wear for the event. A dazzling cape made entirely out of magenta sequins that produced a very intense shiny light that requires sunglasses just so others could see it. The cape was indeed dazzling…so dazzling the ponies needed sunglasses just so they could see it. Fluttershy along with her hippo friend approached their fashion-loving friend, while each wearing a pair of sunglasses to cancel out the blinding glare it produced.

"Um, Rarity? I, uh, hate to weigh in with you when it comes to fashion, but…"

"Oh, there's too much purple on this, isn't there? I knew it! But Twilight refused to admit it." She voiced missing the point her kind friends are trying to make.

Said alicorn princess, who was organizing her flash cards, turned her head and casted a stern look and raised eyebrow at her before moving towards the podium.

“No it’s not that.” Beshte assured that’s not the issue. “It's the perfect amount of purple. It's just that there's an awful lot of sequins on your jacket."

Rarity chuckled in response. "Oh, darling, please! One can never have too many sequins!"

"You can if they reflect the sun, and the light catches a group of Breezies right in their eyes, and blinds them long enough to get them off their course so they never get home!" Fluttershy nervously countered.

Hearing this had Rarity see her point. “I stand corrected! I suppose there is the rare instance where one can have too many sequins. I'll just take off my jacket."

But once she did, it revealed that she was also wearing a pearly white dress, which was so white it was literally a blinding beam of light. And once again the zebras and baboons were all screaming and shouting. “Bright!” over and over again.

“My eyes!” Thurston screamed again leaving the unicorn embarrassed of how much trouble her outfit has caused for the crowd nearby.

"I suppose this won't do either?"

“Afraid not.” Beshte replied while shaking his head along with Fluttershy.

Rainbow Dash turned her attention to the outskirts of town looking out for the Breezies and she ended up spotted them just appearing of the horizon. And since they were tiny looking creatures with wings they’re here and moved to inform Twilight overseeing the gathering while taking one last look at her notes in a whisper.

With this relayed to her, she gets everyone’s attention in a whisper. "Everypony, it's time. Please welcome... the Breezies!"

With the right and gentle flapping of their wings, both Rainbow Dash and Ono creating the perfect breeze for the Breezies to fly by on with the latter taking a keen eye on making sure that every bird is flapping at the right pace.

Every pony and every Pride Lander gathered there were all amazed at the breath-taking sight from above.

“Wow! Amazing!” Lanini marveled at the sight with her paws clasped together.

“Aww! They’re adorable!” Mtoto added with his bright blue eyes gushing over them along with Bunga who had his hands on his cheeks while watching alongside him and Beshte.

“I know, just like from when I visited them with both of my friends that day.” Beshte whispered back to him very pleased he was able to come here today.

“And were very glad you invited us over here.” Ma Tembo whispered to him along with Kion who was smiling at the sight of the wonderful creatures flying by. “Thank you, Kion.”

“My pleasure.” He nodded in a whisper.

They had the appearance of a pony yet butterfly sized with matching wings, tall and thin builds with antennas on their foreheads along with long manes and tails.

“Wow!” Fuli softly spoke in awe even finding the Breezies beautiful herself.

"They're as cute as Apple Bloom on the day she was born." Applejack whispered to the cheetah next to her.

"And would you look at those adorable little packs they carry their pollen in?" Rarity said while gushing over them.

One of the breezies, their leader, a blue one wearing a black coat with white lining on the sleeves, long and billowy pink mane and tail, led the group across town with a serious expression in contrast to the other’s who smiled while flying by.

"Lun! Arshen aifo!" The breezie directed everyone in the direction of where he is pointing his hoof.

Pinkie Pie known for being loud, naturally is having the toughest time to keep herself quiet. “So… cute! Can't... take... it!" She placed a hoof on her mouth while trying to resist the urge of doing something that’ll scare the Breezies.

Spike himself tried to get a better view of the Breezies but the other ponies and Pride Landers kept constantly got in his way without realizing it.

“Excuse me!” He implored of the stubborn zebra to be a little generous here. “A little room so I can see please?!”

“Um, do you mind, I’m trying to watch the show here.” He refused while turning his back on him leaving the little dragon fuming.

“No wonder no one likes you.” He grumbled before walking over to the pink pony nearby, trying to keep herself from opening her mouth loudly. "Pinkie Pie, can I hop on you so I can see the Breezies?"

"May explode!" She exclaimed and declined in a hush tone before closing her mouth again leaving the dragon to wisely back away from her.

“Spike, Psst!” Kion whispered to him while gesturing to the nearby tree before Ma Tembo moved to kindly give him a lift up there.


“No problem kid.”

Once Spike was on that tree branch, he was able to see the Breezies perfectly clear now and once he did he could barely contain his excitement like Pinkie Pie to the point he couldn’t stand still. Because of it, a leaf broke off from the tree branch and flew off leaving the little dragon filled with panic upon seeing this immediately.

"Oh, no!"

The breezies' leader saw the leaf coming towards them, albeit too late before it managed to split the group in half throwing them off course. The crowd gasped upon seeing the poor breezies starting to scatter.

“Hapana! We have a problem!” Ono declared.

Rainbow called out to Ono and Hadithi, "Slow down the breeze for the other group to catch up!"

"They're too far back! We can't connect the breeze to both sets of Breezies!" Ono reported with a shake of his head.

"What if we speed it up?"

"Then the first group will be going too fast, and they'll get separated from each other!" Hadithi replied with a shake of his head likewise.

The Breezie leader called out to the others, "Tanagretu nik mir! Maisegu de piripa!" he ordered of the others yet futility unable to regain their ground and regroup with the others that didn’t get separated and forced off of their path.

Fluttershy along with Beshte and Ono all gasped and were quick to come to their rescue. Fluttershy flew up and managed to catch one of the breezies that flew away while Ono moved to do the same. Beshte quickly moved right under the breezies so he can be able to catch all should they fall to the ground earning them their thanks.

The breezie leader spoke again with instructions to everyone for the best course of action. "Mekenar stuff!"

"He's right!" Fluttershy told everyone. "You must all gather as close as you possibly can!"

The breezies managed to fly down slowly before landing on the hippo’s back with Fluttershy and Ono’s guidance and wings to ensure they all make a safe landing together. The crowd cheered for the three of them for their successful efforts in saving them. They then moved to gently place the breezies onto a rock. Thankfully, not one Breezie was hurt.

The leader spoke to Fluttershy amazed that she understood them, "Mugudi saikendus?"

"Oh, I understand the language of all kinds of creatures!"

He then rolled his eyes and responded with something close to speaking their language. "You must be so proud."

“And you can speak our language true.” Ono blinked in surprise.

“Aww, that’s cool.” Beshte complimented before realizing and chuckling. “Wait, hang on, did you really mean or were you being sarcastic?”

"Of course I can.” He replied in a still sarcastic manner. “This lot can only understand you. Clearly, they're not the brightest bunch around." The other breezes all shouted taking offense to their leader’s remarks.

"That was amazing!" Pinkie exclaimed while hopping up and down briefly just when the others gathered around them and the breezies.

"I'm sorry we couldn't get a breeze going that would get them back to the others." Rainbow apologized.

"Me too." Ono added.

“My apologies too, dear Fluttershy.” Hadithi likewise added.

"Oh, it's not your fault." Fluttershy smiled not holding anyone accountable for what happened.

“Very impressive, Fluttershy.” Fuli commended her while wrapping a paw around her back. “Because I, for one, am very proud of you, Fluttershy. Leaping into action like that."

“And quick thinking!” Kion added while approaching her leaving the girl blushing and shyly looking aside in response to his praise.

"I feel like I should design you a special hero's gown!" Rarity said before contemplating. "Heh… Or a sash. At least a sash."

“Good thing you came to their rescue.” Bunga congratulated while eyeing the creatures up close before placing a claw on the tree stump. “These creatures are as big as my hand.” The leader swatted his paw away in irritation to which the honey badger took it as a high-five. “Yep, they sure like me already.”

Just then Spike came running up to the group begging and crying for forgiveness for causing the whole domino effect. "Okay, okay, okay! I know what you're all thinking! Why don't you just say it?! I'm sorry! This is all my fault! I'm so, so sorry!"

Fluttershy simply caressed his scales in response with no ill regards towards the remorseful dragon. “Oh, Spike, it's okay! It could have happened to any one of us."

“And as long as no one got hurt, that’s all that matters.” Kyoga added in a one of a rare moments of kindness.

“Thanks girls.” Spike said in relief before wiping the tears from his eyes before hugging both Fluttershy and Kyoga. Both girls were both caught off-guard when it caused them to accidentally bump into the Breezies who all complained angrily at him in response. “Oops. Uh… I'm... just... gonna stay over here."

“Probably for the best for now.” Kyoga nodded finding it a good idea herself before turning back to the others. "So, Fluttershy, you want get Rainbow, Ono, and the others to get the breeze going again so these little guys can get a move on?" She then asked. The Breezies however flew up and moved to land on Fluttershy’s head, Beshte’s face, and Ono’s face.


“What the…? Oh, no we can’t possibly afford for you all to stay. You all got to get back home.”

“Aww…” The Breezies minus their leader all complained in disappointment.

“Actually…” Fluttershy spoke up insisting otherwise. “I think maybe we should wait just a moment or so. They've been through so much…"

“But…” Ono tried to protest until Beshte calmed him down.

“Relax, Ono. It’s just for a little bit. Then they’ll be on their way in no time.” He happily assured his irritated friend who just groaned in response like their leader while the other Breezies cuddled around their saviors.

“I hope you’re right.” Ono grumbled while sharing the Breezie leader’s frustration.

"Just give the word when you think they're ready." Rainbow Dash told them finding a little time to recover won’t hurt them.

While the Breezies were quick to follow Fluttershy, Beshte, and Ono back to the former’s cottage, Twilight moved away from her friends so she can think to talk to herself from a safe distance.

“Oh, I think they might need a little convincing before they are actually ready.” Twilight quietly commented the scene before eyeing the kindest friends of the bunch of friends. “Especially these two, because knowing where to draw the line is where this plan counts on the most.” She said as she locked her eyes on them preparing to teach them that very fine line since they are all on a time frame here especially since Scar really wants those keys as soon as possible.

Said lion peering his head from the top of the tree he was hiding in from above so he can personally observe the Lion and Pony Guard from the shadows quietly before disappearing unnoticed.

“Better make sure of that.” Scar thought to himself before teleporting away in a flash with a sense of anxiousness in regards to dealing with the element of kindness.

Once Scar was gone, Twilight sighed in relief after correctly sensing that Scar was watching her with a perked up ear and could sense a silent brewing anger from within the black-hearted lion from when he was nearby. Sure she has seen Scar angry before, but that was directed at his mooks who’s always managed to screw up their training sessions, or start bickering amongst each other, and some missions that they should have been able to accomplish. So to her that is a telling sign that Scar really sees kindness as a really sore spot, something that'll have him shouting at someone on a personal level should it really get under his blood-colored fur.

"I heard that, Twilight." Scar's voice spoke to her causing her to flinch upon hearing that sparking an unnerved gulp from the alicorn who quickly hurriedly away from her current standing position and on over to Fluttershy's cottage to avoid a potential scene she is not prepared for, especially since facing him right now could really affect any advantage she has over him.

At the cottage, the breezies have managed to make themselves comfortable there. They managed to rest themselves in open bird houses and even Angel’s bed much to the bunny’s annoyance to which he made clear with crossed arms and a frown.

Both Beshte and Ono were there since they all wanted their company throughout their visit to which they both complied with their wishes.

During which, they both decided to recall one of their past patrols.

“It was then, after I managed to finally manage a path straight and true like my dad always instructed which allowed the whole antelope herd to safely walk across without getting lost. And let me tell you it sure took a while for me to realize of how many accidental twists and turns I made when trying to make it beforehand because back there was a mess.”

“Wow!” The breezies all awed in response.

Just when Fluttershy was walking inside the living room to check up on them all, e she noticed that one of the breezies was shivering. "Oh, little cold there, Twirly?" she took a tissue paper from a nearby table and handed it to her, who wrapped the paper around him like a blanket.

"Sanken" He thanked as he got settled into it.

"No problem."

Just when Ono turned his head he noticed a breezie holding up a small empty cup. “Malenki?"

"Oh, did you need some more water? Sure, I’ll get you some." Ono moved using his beak to hold a baster so he can squirt it into his cup so the breezie can drink from it.

"Now, who else needed a hoof-knitted sweater?" Fluttershy asked the Breezies while holding up a sweater their size for one of them to wear with the one who requested it accepting it.

The breezies all cheered being so grateful for their big friends comfort and kindness just when Ono eyes Seabreeze sitting all by himself. Just by looking at his posture he could tell what’s bugging him. He wants to go home and really thinks the others are getting to comfortable and constantly delaying their flight back.

“Hmmm….” Ono thought to himself thinking that now’s probably the best time to say they should get going.

And sure enough, a knock on the door courtesy of Applejack alogn with both Twilight and Kion all at the door seeking to check up on them.

“Hey there! Can we come in?" The farm pony asked while peeking her head from the doorway.

"Oh, of course!" Fluttershy happily replied just when she is the first to walk inside. "But watch your step!" She cautioned just when the pony stopped in her tracks.

She looked down and noticed a breezie shaking in fright right above her hoof. "Oop, sorry about that, little one."

"We just wanted to see if you thought the Breezies were ready to give it another try." Kion said while walking inside.

“Has it been an hour already?” Fluttershy asked in surprise while turning to Ono who nodded in response.

"Yep, it's that time already, Fluttershy." Twilight confirmed with a gentle smile.

“Oh, my goodness! Time flies when you're making sure little creatures don't feel that you're abandoning them to the cruel world."

“But they're not going to a cruel world, They're going home remember." Beshte gently reminded.

“Right! Of course!”

“What do you say, little friends?” Beshte then asked. “You all ready to go home?”

But the breezies all complained while flying up and onto the Pegasus pony and the hippo.

“Huh?” Ono felt baffled by this sudden refusal even after having plenty of time to recover.

Fluttershy never one to turn them away stood by their side in their defense. “On second thought, I don't think they're quite ready."

“What?!” Ono exclaimed loudly before quickly correcting his tone upon seeing that frightened the breezies. “Sorry.” He cleared his throat. “What? But they’ve been here an hour, they’ve had plenty of time to recuperate.”

“I guess they feel they need more time before they’re actually ready.” Beshte explained feeling sympathy for them before they all turned their heads toward Seabreeze delivering an angry rant in his language.

"Supa laipas data kurpa! Mise neku ersken laika maur! Siripat sulat!"

Fluttershy's jaw dropped in shock along with Ono’s, while the other's eye him in confusion with raised eyebrows.

"Uh... what did he say?" Applejack asked.

"I'd… rather not say." Fluttershy said while blushing.

“Trust me…” Ono whispered to her while a raised wing. “…you don’t want to know.”

"Okay, well, I'm sure you know what you're doin'." Applejack said in response before Kion opened the door and walked out together deciding it was best to give them some more time. "No one knows rare magical creatures like you do."

"We'll just wait for your word." Twilight said to her as she and the others walked away.

"Thank you. I'll be in touch very soon." Fluttershy said after them before closing the door and smiled back at the happy breezes in her hooves.

Well, all but one breezie who’s not happy with what he is seeing.

Just outside of the cottage, Twilight teleported away from the scene before reappearing right beside the cottage's front window unnoticed so she can keep a close eye on what's going on inside and managed to catch sight of the frustrated breezie leader's voice.

"We need to go now, or we will never get home! I wish we did not need that stupid breeze to activate our magic, or I would just force you all to fly home right now!" He complained.

"Hey! Keep in mind, I hand a wing in the making the breeze manner!" Ono retorted in offense to that remark.

"Why do we have to need magic to keep our pollen safe?" The Breezie leader further vented.

“Now, now, Seabreeze-" Beshte tried to speak in his friend’s defense but Seabreeze wasn’t done there.

"Why are you giving in to these wimps?! If they had not been so scared in the first place, this never would have happened!"

“Now that is just not true, Seabreeze." Fluttershy scolded firmly yet calmly. "It was because of a leaf, and you know that!"

Even still, Seabreeze was not backing off from his stance when he moved to float into her face. "Oh, please! They have no idea what they're doing out there! Like you said, we need as much time as we can get because they are so incompetent!"

"Well, I didn't say that exactly now, did I?"

“Me neither.”

Both Fluttershy and Beshte said before Ono flew over in their defense. “Okay, granted we should be getting a move on very soon, but yelling at two friends trying to be kind to you, isn’t helping anything.”

"And you’re supposed to be the smart one, huh? Some keen eyesight you got there!" Seabreeze bitterly remarked back.

“Well at least I don’t go berating my teammates no matter how infuriating they can be at times constantly for any foul-ups they may have made along the way.” Ono said defensively.

“Like you’re any better?!” Seabreeze snapped. “I’ve heard about some of your trips to the market in Ponyville.”

Ono widen his eyes feeling ticked at the memory resurfacing while furrowing his eyebrows at the challenging breezie’s attitude.

“Okay, okay, let’s just calm down here.” Beshte attempted to play peacemaker here to avoid an ugly scene between the two.

“Beshte’s right.” Fluttershy agreed. “Maybe a snack will lighten the mood." She offered to which the other breezies cheered liking the idea while Ono and Seabreeze still scowl at each other before giving each other “I got my eye on you.” gestures.

Both Fluttershy and Beshte moved to get snacks for the Breezies to which they all greatly enjoyed. They all enjoyed a large cookie, grapes, and a bunch of other fruits, together. And once they all had their fills most of them all rested on their backs with some resting on Fluttershy by snugging with her and taking a nap in her hooves and mane.

One little breezie burped. "Mi fargen."

"You're excused." Fluttershy kindly said to the Breezie.

After taking a breather to calm himself, Ono flew over to Seabreeze in an attempt to apologize to him. After all, what kind of a friend would it make him if he didn’t even if Seabreeze was responsible for half of the argument.

“Hey listen…” He began somewhat awkwardly before continuing. “…I just wanted to say I’m sorry for getting a little testy with you.” Seabreeze’s mood failed to change. “Look I know you’re still upset, but can you at least accept my apology.”

“What difference does it make? It’s not like anybody would listen to me if I did.”

“Look I get apologizing and admitting that you’re wrong is not easy but it really helps mend up friendship and keeps whatever tension one may have for another.” Ono explained trying to get through to him firmly yet calmly like Fluttershy before him.

"I mean how does that get the other breezies to under the severity of the situation?”

“What do you mean?”

“I mean, these…” He corrected himself before he could think of using another curse word. “…breezies are all so comfortable living here that they do not understand that we are running out of time to get home. We don’t have much time before the portal there closes for the thirty moons or so whenever that is.”

“I see….” Ono said after processing his words and really grasping of what’s at stake here. “We really don’t have a lot of time.”

“Exactly!” Seabreeze threw his arms up in frustration towards the others. “The longer we stay here soaking up your friend’s kindness and hospitality the longer we increase our chances of never getting home which I really want to do right now. Surely you know what’s it like to be away from home.”

“I do.” Ono admitted while recalling the day he had to move on from his parent’s nest.

From preparing to fly away from the nest, to waving goodbye and hugging his parents, to flying away to find a new tree to call home, every second of it was painful. It was hard for both the parents and the child, but he’s a grown bird who needs to move on with his life and be his own bird.

“Maybe not away from the homeland I grew up in but I do know what’s it like to move on from the nest I grew up in.”

“So you now see my point?” Seabreeze said while gesturing to the other’s lazing on pillows acting like they are not in a hurry to leave. “We are running out of time.”

So with what must be done, Ono flew over to the other breezies so he can get their attention and get them moving out the door.

"Okay Breezies, you all got your food in your bellies and you are all now energized for the trip home, so let’s get ready to go."

“Are you sure that’s a good idea, Ono?” Beshte questioned his friend.

“I’m sure.” He nodded in response.

“Okay.” Beshte said albeit with slight reluctance before sharing a look with Fluttershy to join in seeing that Ono feels they are ready to get going now.

Fluttershy knowing that it’s time, proceeded to lower her head down to their eye level with a warm smile. "I've loved having you here, and I hope I've made you all feel loved and special. But you have to go. Nopony here will deny that-"

"There is nothing special about these losers!" Seabreeze interrupted and yelled yet again while pushing his way through the group and up to Fluttershy’s eyes. "They cannot handle a simple breeze home! If they could just stick with the program and listen to me, we would be safe! At home!" He added with tears forming from his eyes. "Home, where every Breezie is like us!"

Seabreeze hung his head feeling upset while floating over to the peephole of the front door, sighing as he looked outside really wanting to get out of here.

“Don’t worry.” Ono reassured while flying over to him. “We’re going to get there.”

Yet Beshte and Fluttershy were still a little confused by why Seabreeze was feeling really down and in a real hurry.

“Okay…” Beshte spoke up feeling quite unsure of what they don’t know compared to Ono and Seabreeze.

“A confusing pep-talk, but nonetheless. I do know that if you don't leave soon, you may never make it back, and that would be terrible!" Fluttershy said to everyone else.

“You heard the girl, let’s get a move on, Breezies.” Ono ushered them towards the direction of the front door. Yet despite knowing they had to go, they refused to budge. “Right now as in let’s get going right this second.” Ono added while keeping his smile in order to keep his patience with them. “Come on, let’s not resort to doing this the hard way.”

One of the breezies sneezed, "Merte marshken farde." he elbowed another breezie wanting him to play along to really sell it their hosts before joining in along with the others.

”Merki marshken plumatu."

“Oh my.” Beshte gasped.

"I had no idea you all have colds!" Fluttershy said as she and the hippo buy their act.

Ono however saw right through it. “Seriously? You all suddenly have a cold now?”

Fluttershy grew concerned, "Oh, dear. I can't let you go out there sick! What kind of a friend would I be if I made you go now?"

Ono was quick to dissuade her from thinking that way. “Fluttershy, Beshte, I’d hate to break it to you two, but they're faking it. They’re just pretending so they don’t have to leave and get pampered so more."

Fluttershy gasped. “Ono, don’t say that, they would never do something like that.”

“Yeah, besides, what if they are really having cold?” Beshte said in agreement.

“Right and Twilight could be right around here spying on us to ensure things are going her way.” Ono sarcastically remarked before focusing back to his point. “Anyways, point being if they really were sick then how come it all happened to them so suddenly?”

“Well…” Beshte struggled with what to say next before saying. “…it could have taken some time for it to kick in after nearly getting blown away.”

“True, but it’s all just too suspicious. And I’m sorry but I’m not buying it and they are all feeling really well and all they really need is a push out the door. Gentle of course.” He quickly added to avoid making it sound like he is going to be rough with them.

Fluttershy, however, was still refusing to believe the real truth and instead told him. "I think maybe you should go if that’s the way you’re going to treat them."

“What?!” Ono gasped really baffled by what she is telling him. “I should be leaving?! What about the Breezies who have to be back before they all lose the chance to go back home?! They should be the ones leaving not me!”

“My decision is final! And I think you should leave.” Fluttershy firmly stated without second thought.

“But…?! I…?! They…?!” Ono stuttered in shock with what his friend told him. “Fine!” He growled before turning towards the exit. “I’ll be around Ponyville just so you know where to find when they’re ready. Assuming they’ll ever leave at all. And good day.” He briefly looked back at the apologetic looking hippo before flying off in a huff.

Now Beshte was feeling torn feeling that Ono really was telling the truth in regards to the breezies and that they really didn’t want to leave.

“What could I do?” He silently pondered while watching the breezies embrace Fluttershy while Seabreeze flies inside the nearby birdhouse to curse up another storm in frustration.

“I’m going to make sure Ono is okay.” Beshte said to Fluttershy so he can politely excuse himself out the door and after one of their friends leaving the Pegasus pony wondering what got into him too and feeling maybe she was too hard on her friend there.

All while Twilight continues to watch while peering through the window unnoticed, while waiting for the right moment to speed up the process so everyone can get on their way.

Back in Ponyville, Ono was flying off ahead still fuming over Fluttershy and the Breezies just nearly clipping Rainbow Dash playing baobab together with Kion and Bunga. Rainbow was in control of the fruit until nearly dodging the egret flying off in a flash allowing Bunga to obtain it when she dropped it.

“Got it!”

“What the…?”

“Whoa! Hey!”

Rainbow quickly flew off after him in order to intercept him. “In a hurry?”

“Huh?” Ono was stopped in his tracks wondering where she came from. “Rainbow Dash? How’d you get here already?”

“I was already here passing the time while waiting to see if Fluttershy and Beshte are ready to lead the Breezies back home.” Rainbow replied otherwise leaving the egret feeling apologetic and regretful for what he nearly did blindly. “And guessing from your furious flying, they aren’t ready to go yet, are they?”

“Sorry.” He started before forgetting. And, no, they aren’t even close to leaving just yet.” He added while shaking his head just when Kion, Bunga, and Beshte all reach the two fliers in the sky talking it out.

“Well they better be ready soon. Clock's kinda ticking for them to make it back before the door closes on their home." Rainbow reminded before focusing back to Ono’s sulking expression. “Something about that really getting under your feathers, Ono?”

“That’s just it!” Ono angrily replied in frustration. “The breezies don’t want to leave! They’re doing everything in their power so they can stay and get pampered 24/7."

"No. They're still at her house but they don't want to leave. They keep making up excuses to stay."

“They are?” Kion questioned finding it really surprising. “How come they’d rather do that than go home?”

“Yeah, they should be excited and eager to wanting to get back.” Bunga added in agreement while scratching the back of his head.

"Mainly, because they have a sweet loving Pegasus pony tending to their every need every second of the day. Something that they have never experienced before coming here." Ono explained still feeling upset. "At this rate we’ll have to force them home in a way that they won’t be able to handle it without suffering any potential injuries."

“That wouldn’t be great.” Bunga commented while cringing at the thought of that happening to the fragile group of flyers.

“No it wouldn’t.” Beshte agreed catching Ono’s attention.

“Beshte?” Ono reacted in surprise upon seeing him here. “What are you doing here? Shouldn’t you be watching over the Breezies right now?”

“I was until I decided to check up on you after seeing you fly off feeling very upset.” Beshte replied. “And I managed to hear everything you said.” He added leaving the white egret sighing feeling bad for having his friend come to him instead of tending to the Breezies.

“Then I guess you know why I flew off like that.” Ono sighed feeling ashamed for blowing his top like that. “Sorry you had to see that.”

“Yeah…” Beshte said in an understanding tone. “…I do, and I’m sorry too.” Ono eyed his friend confused from hearing an apology from him.

“For what?”

“For not taking the time to ask of your opinion on the matter along with not doing more to diffuse things back there.” Beshte answered.

“Beshte…” Ono spoke insisting otherwise. “…nobody said you had leave taking care of the Breezies because of me. Besides, I shouldn’t have lost my temper back there.”

Beshte however insisted otherwise refusing to let him take the full blame for something that wasn’t entirely his fault. “And yet I was so caught up in being so kind to them I didn’t realize I was really spoiling them along with Fluttershy.”

“You were just trying to help make them feel more welcome.” Ono assured. “Just as much as I was just trying to get them feel better and on their feet or wings in this case to get them going so they can get back in time.”

“Well…” Kion spoke up with a sense of urgency before that happens. “No better time than to start now.” He then set outs and runs in the opposite direction. “I’ll go get the others. The rest of you meet up outside of the cottage.”

“You got it, Kion.”


“Right away.

“Let’s do this!”

Back at the cottage, the Breezies were all having fun by dancing, playing music, and having drinks together. Fluttershy took the time to make them a water slide for them to play on with everyone enjoying themselves.

All but one, Seabreeze who blew loudly into the Breezie sized saxophone to get everyone’s attention before smashing it to the ground, much to the disappointed groans from the other Breezies.

"Why are you spending your time on this?! I will never get home!" He complained once more which finally got Fluttershy to start seeing things from his point of view.

"Breezies, I must say, Seabreeze has a point. I think it's time for me to get Rainbow Dash and Ono so they can create the breeze for you to get home."

But the Breezies still complained still not wanting to leave, going as far as pulling on her tail, begging her to not to make them go. "Ooh… You're all awfully anxious... Oh, I don't want you to feel abandoned, or that I wasn't the most kind host I could possibly be…"

"Adoshen papan gorn." One of the breezies said.

"Oh, yes, that does make sense...” She agreed before turning back to their leader. “…Seabreeze, do you think you could wait just a couple more hou-" But she suddenly saw that he was no longer there.” "Seabreeze? Seabreeze? Has anypony seen Seabreeze?"

The others were silent, shrugged, and shook their heads. Fluttershy continued to look around the cottage for him, until she managed to catch him flying off away from the cottage having made his escape through the open window and peephole on the front door.

"Where's he going? There's no way he can handle being out there on his own!"

Wasting no time to avoid any harm coming his way, Fluttershy flew off after him.

While she was flying ahead she began to think to herself thinking back to Ono’s words from before. “All they really need is a push out the door.”

"Maybe I haven’t been showing them the right kind of kindness?!" She thought.

As Fluttershy flew off ahead after Seabreeze, Twilight who was the one who opened the window so Seabreeze could escape, watched after them personally not liking what she just set into motion, but with time at the essence here felt she had no choice in the matter and could only hope for forgiveness should this come up at some point later on.

Just outside of the cottage, Seabreeze had one goal in mind, getting back home. Even if he was on his own in this regard. He was not about to let anything stop him from doing that although the powerful gusty winds had a say in it since they were too strong for his small size. It was like trying and failing to steer an airplane through stormy weather.

"Ah! Ah! Ah! Blusken! Ah! Ah! Arge nusen!"

He flew by a couple ponies unnoticed while struggling to gain back control of his flying. He ended up having the bad luck of nearly dodging acorns that nearly fell on him. To Breezies the impact of one of those acorns would fatally crush their fragile bodies and he sure was lucky that he managed to dodge them all.

"Uf! Osemi! Ah! Narsken! Noi serenda! Ah!"

Unfortunately for him, the very dangerous near mission of the last acorn caused him to completely lose control and wind up flying into a beehive right into their hive entrance. Using his antennas to light up the dark hive he accidentally crashed into, he suddenly finds himself face to face with a swarm of angry bees staring at him. He screamed before managing to pull his head out of the hive but at the same time he was cornered at the end of the branch he was standing. With no where to go when backed up to the end, all he could do was hang on for dear life preparing himself for a lot of stinging.

"Excuse me, bees?" Fluttershy called out to them after just having managed to catch up to Seabreeze before anything else could happen. "Can you please back off my Breezie friend? He didn't mean any harm. It was just an accident." She kindly asked of them.

The bees didn’t back off still aiming their stingers at Seabreeze.

"I'm working on a bee-type dance and was hoping you could help me?" Fluttershy continued her kind efforts by now wearing a bee costume to try to persuade them in humor. "Does this bring to mind any images for you? Perhaps a bee?"

But the bees found no humor nor did they back off still aiming their stingers at poor Seabreeze. And that is where Fluttershy drew the line.

"Excuse me!" Fluttershy's now assertively and aggressively addressed them. "I have done nothing but be kind, but I guess that is not working! You bees know better than to hurt a helpless Breezie! I demand that you go away now, or you'll have to answer to me!"

The bees quickly complied and flew back inside their hive already intimidated by her glare and words and left Seabreeze alone. Seabeeze sighed in relief before turning to his savior very grateful for what she did for him.

"Menkyulen. Thank you! Thank you so much! Thank you for coming after me!"

"Of course. You could've gotten seriously hurt out there. Ponyville is much too dangerous for you. One tiny acorn is a threat!"

"Yeah, I know! That is one reason why I have been trying to get us to go from the beginning!"

"Oh, my goodness. I was just trying not to hurt any creature's feelings, but my displays of kindness may have cost you everything. Time is running out, and you may never make it home!"

"That is what your friend Ono was trying to tell you! What I’ve been trying to tell everyone!" Seabreeze exclaimed while turning his head away feeling upset. “But they do not listen to me! Nobreezie ever listens to me!"

"Seabreeze, I understand your feelings are hurt, but it's hard for them to hear you when you're shouting and being mean. The message doesn't get across."

"But what about those bees? You were not nice to them, and that was the only way they listened!"

"Yes, but they had to go, and they wouldn't listen to me any other way."

“Sometimes you have be assertive yet firm when dealing with this sort of thing.” Ono said while flying up to him and Fluttershy with Beshte and Bunga arriving too. “Just try not to be hard on them.”

“Ono. You’re back.” Fluttershy said very pleased and delightfully surprised to see him. “I was beginning to wonder where you flew off too.”

“I just had to fly around and let out some steam, that’s all...” Ono explained. “…having said, that I would like to apologize for how I acted back there. I was getting frustrated with the Breezies overstaying their welcome and after talking with Seabreeze I too ended up acting like him in the heat of the moment.”

“Well, you didn’t really call anybody names or use swear words.” Seabreeze pointed out.

“True, but I still flew away in anger, and that wasn’t kind of me to do that to them.” Ono said still firm on his stance before turning back to Fluttershy. “Or you, Fluttershy.”

“I’m afraid I’m as guilty as you there.” Fluttershy admitted. “For being so kind and loving to the Breezies I was oblivious to the fact that I wasn’t living up to my element either by not having them leave to when I should have.” She then flew over face to face with the white bird while stroking his bright orange feathers. “Can you ever forgive me for not seeing that sooner?”

Ono shrugged before wrapping her wings around the Pegasus’s neck. “Does this answer your question?”

“Oh, thank you.” Fluttershy smiled sweetly before returning the hug.

“Well, you know the moto, Hakuna Matata.”

“Truer words have never been spoken.” Bunga commented in agreement.

Just when the two fliers were hugging it out, the yellow Peagsus along with Beshte looked at Seabreeze's direction just when his eyes along with her own eyes both glowed and shimmered with rainbow colors. They all now know what must be done in order to show true kindness to the Breezies.

"We need to go, now!" Fluttershy declared.


“Right behind you both!”

Her two friends stated in agreement.

Seabreeze hopped onto Fluttershy's head and she flew as fast as she could back to the cottage…

…well, at the fastest speed a breezie can handle for the ride, of course, after seeing that he was about to flying away again.

Back at the cottage, Fluttershy stood before the breezies, with what must be done.

"My dear Breezies, I had to rescue Seabreeze from serious harm, and now I know more than ever that you must leave before it's too late! You would never survive in Ponyville."

Standing by her side is Beshte from behind with Seabreeze floating on her right side and Ono floating on her left side. Seabreeze shook his head at them with crossed arms making it clear they have all run out of excuses and he doesn’t want to hear it and neither do anyone else.

The breezies approached her begging on their knees and had their tiny hooves on Fluttershy to get her to let them stay, but Fluttershy was looking the other way this time. Not even Beshte was willing to do the same when the Breezies pleaded with him to back them up.

“Sorry, Breezies.” He told them with the same stance as Fluttershy and Ono. “We can’t help you anymore. We’ve given you all the generosity we can give you and that’s it.”

“But…” One of the breezies attempted in plea.

“No buts.” Ono assertively shook his head. “Our decision is final, and nothing you can say or do can or will change it.”

"They’re right.” Fluttershy stated. “I can't help you anymore. In fact, I wasn't helping you at all by being nice. Oh... But the truth of the matter is that I must be firm!" She opened the door, using her hoof to point towards the direction of the outside before stating with a tone of firm finality. "You must go, now!"

It was there it was over for them, Fluttershy wasn’t playing around or being the very nice girl anymore. They all had no choice now but to leave now. So they all flew up and out the door. Seabreeze the last to follow after them, bowed to her as thanks and with respect for doing what had to be done before leaving

But after they left, Fluttershy started to cry. Even though it had to be done and it was for their own good, it still hurt.

“There, there, Fluttershy…” Ono assured while patting her on the back with his wing. “I know this was very hard, but it was the right thing to do.”

“I didn’t like doing that either but if we didn’t they won’t have had enough time to get back home before it’s too late.” Beshte added while nuzzling her head to which the poor pony accepted while the three embrace each other in a much needed comforting moment.

After everything was all settled, Ono and Rainbow Dash worked together to try to create the perfect breeze for the creatures while both try to do the best their wing power can do along with Hadithi and two other ponies by their side.

"It's too strong!" The female pony exclaimed once the breeze caused more leaves from a tree to fall.

"I'm sorry, but I can't do it any lighter!" Hadithi added apologetically.

"Stand back for a second!" Rainbow said to the others minus Ono with a raised hoof. "I'm gonna try and see if I can slow it down."

Both the egret and Pegasus both tried to soften the breeze by lightening up on the wing power, but it was too much than what they really needed. "Now it's too light! Oh, this will never get them home!"

Seeing that they can’t manage the right level of wing power for the breeze, Ono moved to join the others who are all standing with Fluttershy and the breezies.

“I’m afraid we can’t get the right wing power Fluttershy.” Ono regretfully informed her. “There's too few of them. When they started their journey, there was more of them to face the breeze together."

“What are we going to do now?” Bunga asked trying really hard not to lose it in front of the sensitive tiny creatures. “Anyone have any good ideas, or maybe even a bad one?”

"Not to worry, Bunga..." Twilight quickly assured as everyone all eyed her with what she has to say. "...because I've been studying an old spell book from the Castle of the Two Sisters. There's a spell that I think could help us!"

“Really?” Kion voiced feeling surprised wondering what she has in mind. “What kind of spell?”

“Are you sure?” Ono asked feeling weary of the idea after realizing what she kind of spell she is proposing. “It’s a pretty complex spell.”

Twilight still stood confident and calm that it'll work. "I'm sure." With that said everyone all huddled together. "Now this may probably feel a little funny at first, but you're gonna have to trust me on this."

“Well… I love new ideas that make me feel funny at first…” Pinkie Pie said as she contemplated the thought along with her favorite honey badger friend.

“…I love feeling funny…” Bunga excitedly shared.

“…Okay! Let’s do this!” They both agreed simultaneously even though both Kion and Fuli both were a little anixous of what's going to happen to them when Twilight casts her spell on everyone.

Her magneta aura glowed around everyone’s bodies at the same time another beam hit the breezies before the spell began to take effect with the intent to transform themselves into breezies.

The ponies felt their bodies shrink with their legs growing longer and slender. Their manes grew long as well while antennas appeared on their heads and long, beautiful transparent wings grew from their backs.

Kion, Bunga, Beshe, Fuli, Ono, and Kyoga felt the same changes the Mane Six went through. Their bodies shrunk down to the breezies size, had pointy ears, long hair, along with a pair of antennas grew on their heads and a pair of wings on their backs.

Once the spell was complete, the Mane Six had been transformed into breezies, and the Lion Guard were now animal versions of breezies.

Fuli and Kyoga both had long hair thanks to the spell and both were like in high squeaky pitched voices.



To Fuli, having these wings was no surprise to her since she did have them briefly during her first visit to Cloudsdale.

“Girls?!” Kion addressed them speaking in the same high-pitch voice. “What happened to your voices…” He suddenly realized he’s doing it too to which the two girls smirked at him. “Hevi Kabisa! What happened to us?!”

“We were all transformed into breezies, Kion.” Ono answered. “And yes, this might seem quite a lot to take in but I’m sure we’re not going to be like this for long.”

“Poa!” Beshte exclaimed finding it really cool himself.

“Un-Bunga-veilable! I‘m having a breeze talking like this! And I’m enjoying talking really fast too.”

“Me too!” Pinkie chimed in cheerfully.

“Especially when we have two clowns backing us up every step of the way.” Ono added while eyeing the motor mouths of the bunch feeling like he is going to get another migraine all over again because of them.

Thankfully, Twilight’s killer cold eyes got the two to shut their mouths before they can engage in a motor mouth contest. The two quickly comply knowing that now is not the time to be playing with Pinkie literally zipping their lips up and putting the zippers inside her mane before Twilight turned to Fluttershy with a smiling nod.

“Go ahead, Fluttershy.”

Fluttershy feeling confident, turned to address the Breezies while speaking in their language. “Maifo flai batendud!" And since nobody else could translate Breezie language she did it herself. "Um, I mean, let's go!"

With Hadithi, Cloud Chaser, and Flitter leading some of the Pegasai ponies and Pride Lander birds in creating the right level of wing power for the right breeze, everyone managed to fly on out of town smoothly.

“Good luck, Lion and Pony Guard!” Hadithi called out to the breezies in a normal quiet tone of voice so they wouldn’t be scared by his talking.

Fluttershy, Seabreeze, and Ono all led the swarm all across the land, passing through cold snowy mountains, dark forests, and sunny deserts along the way. During the flight, some of the breezies started to feel exhausted. One nearly flew off course until his friend helped him.

Ono briefly turning back quickly spotted this, “Hapana! Two breezies are starting to lag behind and they’er not looking good.”

Seeing this, Seabreeze quickly rushed over to help them. “You can do this!" he encouraged with a tone of compassion this time around. "I am sorry for how I treated you before! It was not right that I called you names! I did not even really believe those things I said! I was worried we would never get back to our home, and I lashed out…" He looked back at Fluttershy and Beshte, who both smiled at his new approach finding it very encouraging, "I know you can do this! I believe in you!" He moved to wrap his arms around the two breezies. "Hold on to me, let us join the group!"

After helping them regroup, Beshte smiled proudly at him. “Well said, Seabreeze!”


With everyone once again regrouped, the group all pressed forward until they all finally reached the Breezies home. A large hole just under the canyon nearby a flowing body of water leading down a tall waterfall straight ahead.

“Here are we!” Ono announced.

"We've made it!" Fluttershy added. "The Breezies' home!"

“Is it really?” Bunga curiously asked while placing a foreleg over his eyes while trying to make sure he is seeing it right. “It looks more like a hole no one’s been around in years.”

“Just watch and learn, Bunga.” Ono replied back before he, Seabreeze, and Fluttershy lead the way through the hole inside.

Once they all got through the dark tunnel leading up to their home, a bright light shined over everyone’s shoulders once they saw what was in front of them before their very eyes.

The breezies home-world, a land filled with breezies where there are tree made houses, mushroom trees with flowers in them, a small waterfall leading to a pond, all nearby a village There was light and color, small houses made out of trees and flowers with colorful breezies all around.

"Holy mini-sized paradise!" Rainbow exclaimed in wonder.

“It’s gorgeous!” Fuli voiced breathlessly at the stunning sight.

“Amazing!” Kion voiced in agreement just as breathless as the cheetah breezie.

“Simply beautiful!" Rarity remarked at the beauty of the place. "So much inspiration. Where's my sketchpad when I need it?"

“I’m sure we can take notes about all of this in a little bit.” Ono assured before catching both Pinkie and Bunga bursting and gushing in excitement.


“Un-Bunga-veiably adorable!”

The rest of the Breezies all cheered with joy when they all saw the rest of their friends and family had returned. While most breezies reunited with their siblings, Seabreeze managed to finally reunite with his family.

The sight had Ono’s eyes buttoned up and unable to resist smiling. “Aww!”

“Wow!” Beshte exclaimed with a smile upon seeing this. “No wonder he wanted to get home so soon!”

The sight of this heartwarming scene had Fluttershy tearing up.

"You okay, Fluttershy?" Applejack asked upon noticing it.

"I'm just so very happy they got to be reunited with their family!" She happily responded.

Twilight while watching this turned and saw that the opening was slowly closing so she turned to Rarity with a serious glance to let her and the others know that they need to wrap it up.

"We'd better get going before the entrance- well, exit for us, closes." The unicorn breezie told everyone.

“Good idea!” Kion agreed before leading everyone back on over. “Let’s go, everyone!”

While everyone hurried to the portal before they remained trapped here as breezies until the next time the portal reopens, Fluttershy, Ono, and Beshte all turned back with one last farewell to the Breezies before going while Kion and Twilight watch from the exit.

“Well, it’s been nice knowing you all.”

“Hope we will see you all again soon.”

"Goodbye, Breezies. I must go now."

They all said before preparing to turn back just when Seabreeze held up three flowers for their farewell gifts and showing gratitude over everything they have done for them.

"To remember us by." Seabreeze said to them while placing a flower on and over Fluttershy's head and buried a pebble in Beshte's front legs like they are giving and entrusting him a very special relic.

Fluttershy once more had tears of joy streaming from her face before moving to hug him goodbye while Beshte and Ono both nod to pay their respect for them before turning to head out of here.

Fluttershy wiped away her tears and hugged him goodbye, "Thank you! I'll miss you. I'll miss all of you!"

Seeing this with a great urgency of wanting everyone out of here before it’s too late, Twilight quickly flew over with her fore hoofs her shoulder. “It’s time.” She gently and firmly said to her while turning to Seabreeze and the other breezies with a friendly wave while holding Fluttersh’s left hoof. “Nice you meeting you all!”

Seabreeze and all of the breezies all returned the goodbye wave while all saying.


“Hope to see you again soon.”

“We’ll miss you!”

Both Twilight and Fluttershy both waved back at the breezies while both hoof and hoof with the former leading the urgent yet gentle pull and run for the portal just managing to catch up to the others just when crossing through the closing opening.

Just in the nick of time, everyone all made back outside just before the portal closed.

“Phew!” Bunga exclaimed in relief. “That was a close one!"

“No kidding!” Rainbow said in agreement.

“Not something we’d want to spend an indefinite period of time trapped in.” Kion added even though the place itself was nice and essentially a new world to behold.

“Especially with what’s at stake.” Rainbow said in agreement.

"Okay everyone, gather round." Twilight then instructed everyone before working her magic again to undo the spell. With her magic reversed all of the ponies and animals were returned to their normal forms. Bunga opened his mouth, hoping to hear his squeaky voice again.

“So super sweet…” He realizes he’s speaking normally again. “…Aww, man!”

“Too bad.” Fuli giggled. “Like all things all good things come to an end at some point in life.”

“So true.” Kyoga nodded.

During this moment, Twilight managed to create copies of the flower and pebble the breezies gave Fluttershy and Beshte unnoticed with her magic while tucking them all deep inside her black mane.

“So very true as sad as it might be.” Twilight spoke up to acknowledge said fact in life before finding that both Bunga and Rainbow eagerly eyeing her with something in mind.

“So….” Bunga started with a huge hopeful grin. “I’ve always kinda wondered what it would be like to be a fire breathing dragon."

"Along with a griffion!" Rainbow added while smiling too.

The purple alicorn smirked back at them before turning to walk away. “Not a chance."

“Aww, come on!” Bunga implored of her.

"You sure?" Rainbow asked while sharing the same eagerness to want to transformed into something. "What about a dragon? No?"

“It doesn't even have to breathe fire!" Bunga further protested pratically begging her in vain to transform them into one.

"Now, Bunga..." Twilight playfully remarked while shaking her head. "...If I did that, what kind of friend would that make me?"

"A pretty good friend!" Bunga stated with his hands raised up at the pony moving ahead not giving into their pleas.

The others behind them shook their heads finding it very amusing before pressing forward back home in the direction of the sunset over the horizon.

On the way back home, Fluttershy managed to think of what to write down for her latest friendship lesson along with Beshte and Ono's in their journal which she managed to do when she got back home and wrote it herself at night before going to bed.

"Mine and Beshte's experiences with the breezies have helped me to see that kindness can take many forms, and sometimes being too kind can actually keep a friend from doing what they need to do. Pushing them away may seem cruel, but it's sometimes the kindest thing you can do."

"Especially if it means preserving a good friendship by balancing it out because if you don't hear everyone out and hear both sides of the matter, then you'd realize you'd be sinking deep in really thick mud too late."

"And truth be told, there is of course knowing where to draw the line from being cruel in order to be kind otherwise others might not want to listen to you anymore. Had I not figured that out as soon as I did, I defintely would have lost a friend by then. Common knowledge, really."

Ono giggled in response knowing that's exactly what he would say while finding the experience very endearing and another teaching themselves again of how to be properly kind and assertive with both balacing out perfectly.

At night, Twilight arrived at the Golden Oaks Library with her eyes scanning every inch of her surrondings before moving to safely lock away the most recent keys to the Elements she just managed to obtain.

"Almost there." She whispered to herself in a breezie tone of voice to ensure Scar can't hear her yet still alert should he try to give her another surprise visit if it suits him.

All while Scar secretly watches the scene with his magic from Pride Rock still calm, cool, and collected as ususal seeing that every piece of the puzzle is coming together as planned.

Author's Note:

Here we have the Breezies flying by for a rare fly-by to town which of course doesn't go exactly as planned when an unexpected obstacle separates a group from the others while flying by.

Luckily for them, they have Fluttershy, Beshte, and Ono looking out for them by giving them some downtime in order to recuperate. Unfortunately, for them, it turned into something that the Breezies got a little too comfortable with and of course stirred a little tension between Fluttershy and Ono when the latter caught onto to their little scheme.

For them it was another reminder of knowing how to balance out kindness and assertiveness while still striving for great friendship.

As for Twilight on the other hoof, well it's quite an anxious experience knowing that Scar wants the keys to the chest and is watching her every move and whatever plan the latter has up his paws, well, only time will tell what it is other than locking them away.

Next up is "Somepony to Watch Over Me." where Apple Bloom is having a tough time getting to have some freedom in being alone and responsible for watching over the house thanks to her over-protective big sister Applejack, aimed to come sometime next week so stay tuned...

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