• Published 27th Nov 2021
  • 3,164 Views, 197 Comments

The Pony Guard (Season 4) - MXCDarkHorse2020

The Lion and Pony Guard all seek to protect Ponyville all while learning more the ways of friendship as the threat of Scar grows.

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Episode 28: Leap of Faith

Episode 28:

A Leap of Faith

On a nice sunny day in Equestria, the Apple Family is out enjoying a day off at the lake outside of Ponyville. After spending most of the time at the farm recently, they really could use it. They earned it after fulfilling all of those apple orders and ensuring that everything is running smoothly at the farm.

Both Applejack and Big Mac, with the later wearing blue floaties on his front legs, were happily splashing each other in the water along with their good friend and leader of the Lion Guard, Kion here to spend more quality time with the Apple Family. Considering he’s helped the Apple Family out plenty, he’s earned it as much as Beshte who is preparing to make a leap of his own into the pond.

“Here I come!” He declared while marching on over towards the pond and then leaped just at the edge of the shoreline before flying for a few feet and then landed in the water. He managed to land right in front of the two ponies and lion cub, drenching them all in water.

“Beshte!” Kion jokingly chided before splashing him back with water from his paws.

“Come on, Kion! You know me!” Beshte teasingly replied before submerging underwater so he can get under the lion before bouncing him onto his back and then up high into the air before letting him fall and splash back into the water.

The four all laughed all clearly having a good time out here as they all splash each other in a playful and friendly manner.

Joining them from the edge of the lake was Apple Bloom, wearing a pair of orange floaties around her front legs, looking to be able to get another leap and splash in. "Just one more time? Please?" She pleaded with a cute smile that nobody can say no to.

"Alright, but this is the last one." Applejack kindly relented.

With an eager grin, Apple Bloom galloped ahead and jumped on a rock, leaped onto her brother’s back, summersaulted onto Applejack’s hind legs, who launched her upwards into Kion’s arms who launched her onto Beshte’s back. Once she landed there, Beshte launched her up as high as his back will allow her to go up. Apple Bloom yelled out a cheer before finding herself flying back down towards the lake and ends up making a pretty big splash into the water.

"Woo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo! Woooo!"

The splash she created was so big it was enough to wake both Granny Smith and Fuli from their naps with the former on her rocking chair and the latter resting on the warm sand right next to a bucket of apples they brought from the farm. The wave of water soaked both of them completely with the two each having a fish on their heads from the splash the others had created from the water before they leaped back into the water.

“Aah!” She screamed before growling. “All right, which one of you splashed us?!”

“Yeah! What she said! Who done that?!" Granny asked just when Apple Bloom's head emerged and she spitted out the water that landed in her mouth.

“Oops.” Apple Bloom uttered upon realizing she accidentally splashed her feline friend who especially hates water. “Sorry.”

Fuli sighed unable to find it in her heart to be mad at her since she truly didn’t mean to do it on purpose. She was just trying to have along with the others. “Apology accepted, Apple Bloom. Just try not to let it happen again.”

“I’ll try.” She assured before turning to both Kion and Beshte while continuing to talk to Fuli too. “And it sure was nice that the three of you could come join us today!”

“Of course, Apple Bloom!”

“No problem!”

“Glad you all invited us!”

“Oh the pleasure is all ours.” Applejack smiled. “Just thought it would be nice for us all to get away from it all for the day.”

“It sure is.” Beshte returned appreciating the gesture. “Although, it’s too bad Twilight couldn’t join us. She sure would have loved it.”

“Yes, she would.” Kion sighed while trying to be positive about. “But she said she had something very important to take care of that she couldn’t come and didn’t want to be feel pressured into coming.”

“Well, truthfully we have been a little over-insistent on getting her to warm back up to us.” Applejack admitted and recalled. “Back when she was overwhelmed at the Trader’s Exchange at Rainbow Falls and when we were meeting with Maud.”

“Technically that was all Pinkie but… I get what you’re saying.” Fuli commented. “And I don’t blame her. She just isn’t feeling like she deserves any of it after what happened with her time with Scar.”

“We weren’t trying to force it upon her.” Kion lightly insisted. “Were we?”

“Kion…” Applejack placed her hat to her chest, a sign that she isn’t going to sugarcoat it here true to her nature. “…I know honesty isn’t always the best answer but there are just some things I can’t lie about. We truly have been trying too hard much like when we first met Kyoga. I mean even though the ponies at Rainbow Falls along with Maud were able to bring smiles to her heart, she still isn’t feeling completely comfortable being around us out of the guilt she holds due to her actions.”

“But it wasn’t all her fault.” Apple Bloom responded with her input. “Scar encouraged her into doing all of that stuff against us.”

“Maybe so little sis...” Applejack acknowledged while trying to explain it fairly to her little sister. “…but she still had the choice not to do it and she still holds herself responsible for what she did.” Apple Bloom’s looked aside still feeling mighty bad for her feeling what she went through is punishment enough. “I know it is tough, but there are times we must all be held accountable for our actions no matter what happened in the past.”

“I guess.”

“Enough said…” Kion said seeing that it is best that they change the uncomfortable subject for now. “…but I’m sure she just needs more time and space to feel comfortable being around us and it’ll get better eventually.”

“Of course it will!” Granny Smith asserted. “Even after all the hardships she put you all through, Twilight’s still a good pony at heart! Right Big Mac.”


“Thanks.” Kion smiled in reply to her encouragement before having this question in mind. “Anyways, you sure you don't want to come swimming with us?"

Fuli was quick to reply. “No thanks.”

Granny Smith’s reply however was more out of slight fear from something that happened a while back. "Uh, sorry, dear. I just can't bring myself anywhere near that there swimmin' hole."

"How come?" Apple Bloom asked wondering the same question as everyone else.

“Afraid of water?” Fuli asked.

"No, young girl. It’s more like, well, I wasn't always this way…" She began while recalling that very memory playing out like it is happening right now.

“Granny Smith…” Fuli spoke a little weirded out thinking she’s now spaced out now before turning to the three apple siblings. “…is this normal for her?”



“I’m afraid so.”

They replied like it’s no surprise as Granny Smith recalls a time where she is climbing up the ladder towards the diving board over a huge fall towards a small body of water down below.

“Time was, I was an aquapony all-star! In fact, I was the only Apple to ever come close to breaking the Equestria high-diving record! Falling six stories into a deep dish pie pan takes a toll on the hindquarters. Oh, I was so sore, took years before I could even look at the water again! Just the idea of swimmin' makes my whole body ache!" Granny's body shivered before moving out of her chair and walked forward. "Besides, these old legs can't even paddle fast enough to stay afloat." She added, just when she stepped on a small puddle in front of her, and ended up nearly slipping from it. Luckily for her, she her balance was saved when Fuli leaped over to steady herself in place. “Phew, thank you, Fuli.”

“No problem.” Fuli replied while shrugging the water she stepped on. “For someone who had a near-death experience in dealing with water, I can understand where you’re coming from. I may not have not had it as lucky as you but it’s definitely pretty hard to overcome something like that.”

“Sure is.” Kion agreed knowing full well of the cheetah’s waterfall incident when she was young.

"Boy, I sure would hate to be afraid of swimmin'." Apple Bloom commented. "You think I'll ever be scared of the water?" She asked…before widening her eyes when she spotted what appeared to be a shark approaching. The little filly shrieked and moved to leap onto Beshte’s back for safety. Just then the "shark" revealed himself to be just her big brother pulling a prank on her by wearing a fake dorsal fin on his head.


Everyone all laughed finding it pretty amusing just when Beshte slides the filly back into the water who is now pouting at her brother for playing that prank on her. “Aw, come on Apple Bloom. It was just a joke.” The hippo encouraged her to let it slide.

To which Apple Bloom did upon seeing that smile of his since it is natural for siblings to engage in these kinds of moments every now and then before playing engaging another splash war amongst the group swimming in the water.

After their day of relaxation, the Apple Family along with half of the Lion Guard that accompanied them, all made their way back to Ponyville on foot where Big Mac pulled a large wagon that carried most of the Apple Family belongings they took with them that day. Applejack who brought her saddle-bag with her, carried hers on her back.

“Wow, Granny. I still can't believe you were a high diver!" Kion happily expressed as they all walked side by side together.

"The best one in Ponyville!" She proudly stated once more.

"Do you think I could be a high diver?" Apple Bloom asked, to which her older siblings were quick to respond with this...


"Absolutely not."

Apple Bloom then looked towards Kion, Beshte, and Fuli, hoping that’ll say “Yes.” instead but...

“Sorry Apple Bloom, but I wouldn’t get your hopes up on that dream.”

“Not happening.”

“Out of the question.”

They all replied while shaking their heads against the idea.


"Now you hold your horse-feathers, little seed!" Granny Smith quickly interjected to keep her granddaughter’s hopes on that idea. "I never said bein' a high diver was a smart decision! It's incredibly dangerous!"

"I know, but–"

“I’m afraid she has a point, Apple Bloom.” Beshte gently interjected. “It takes incredible skill to be able to make a leap from as high as a waterfall. Otherwise you could get hurt or worse.”

“Beshte’s right.” Kion added. “Just because water is soft doesn’t mean you’ll survive if you land it from hundreds of feet from the ground.”

"It is the riskiest, scariest, darn-fool thing I ever did do!" Granny further explained to discourage Apple Bloom from further entertaining herself with the idea. "That's not to say I didn't wish I was still young and spry and confident, but let's leave the flyin' through the air to the Pegasi."

"Wow, when you put it that way, it doesn't sound so fun."

Just then Fuli noticed a large crowd of ponies came walking and conversing by them. “Not to try to change the subject but is it normal to come across multiple ponies that are all battered and bruised?”

Everyone turned their attention to the crowd of ponies who are all (well most of them) battered, bruised, and injured just like the cheetah described. Some hand bandages, some had casts, eye-patches, or supported on wheelchair.

"Wow. I wonder where everypony's headed." Applejack wondered the same question. The answer to that question is in the direction of the crowd of ponies heading off together in one direction, all towards the sound of fairground music nearby yet distant from here. Hearing the music attracted Apple Bloom and Granny Smith’s attention towards the source.

"Now where in Ponyville do you two think you're goin'?" Applejack sternly asked them feeling this isn’t someplace they should be wandering too.

"Aw, quit bein' such a worry-worm and follow your ears!" Granny replied back while pointing at her self-lifted up pony ear, before moving forward.

"Come on, Applejack, aren't you curious?" Apple Bloom added before moving to walk alongside her grandmother.

Applejack, Big Mac, Kion, Fuli and Beshte all shared concerned looks with each other.

“Should we?” Fuli piped up first.

“I guess.” He reluctantly replied. “It’s not like there’s any danger there.”

“Doesn’t look like it.” Beshte added.

“All right.” Fuli relented before joining the others in the direction of the music in front of them. “Although I got a funny feeling that we’ve seen this before.”

“But what?” Beshte asked.

“Only one way to find out.” Applejack stated before moving ahead.

Upon arriving at the source, they arrived at a carnival tent with white and red stripes and three yellow flags hanging from the top. The opening of the tent was decorated with a blue curtain, to which Applejack, Big Mac, Kion, Fuli, and Beshte moved past so they could get in. By the time they arrived Granny Smith and Apple Bloom were already inside and seated with the audience and the music stopped.

Clearly the five have seen this before, but what is it? Who’s attracting everyone’s attention here?

Fireflies in place of lanterns instead of lit light-bulbs, a strange-looking device on the stage with an electric device on the side of it powered by a crank handle. This is no stranger to both the lion and cheetah’s eyes even without their Keenest of Sight around.

Once everyone quieted down a green aura of magic turned the crank to power it up with smoke puffing out of the chimney pipe, a banner of two ponies appeared on it, and the spotlight shined on those two ponies appearing exactly like on the banner with their silhouettes appearing to the audience.

“Is that…?”

“Could it be...?”

“Oh no…”

Both Kion, Beshte, and Fuli shared just when the ponies wearing hats and bow ties greeted everyone with this.

"Thank you, one and all, for your attendance, and we guarantee that your time here will not be spent in vain!"

"The Flim Flam Brothers!" Applejack stated with a disapproving frown and an disgusted tone towards them. “This should be interestin'."

"Eeyup." Big Mac replied, sharing the same sentiment as his sister upon seeing them again.

“I wonder what scheme they have cooked up this time?” Fuli wondered while narrowing her eyes at their new machine anticipating the mystery behind it.

“Whatever it is, can’t be good.” Kion remarked looking on cautiously at the two even when they trying to be friendly and charming. After all, they did nearly force the Apple Family to leave Ponyville after nearly taking over their business.

"Welcome, one and all, to the demonstration of a lifetime!" Flim began.

"A demonstration of a better life!" Flam added.

"A demonstration of a better time! And if we haven't captured your interest just yet, by the time we've finished, an unfortunate phenomenon practically guarantees that we will!"

"A phenomenon? What's that?"

"It's a circumstance perceptible by the senses, but in this case, it's the simple fact that:"

When Flim pulls up a slideshow of germs and bacteria with sad and angry faces drawn on them they both broke out into a song together.

“There's ailments all around us in everything we touch and see…”

“A sickness that lies waiting there in every breath you breathe…”

“Disease will up and grab you as it crawls from land and sea.”

“It's amazing how infected that the natural world and all its things can be!”

While singing, more images of bacteria and germs are shown to make their point across, although what they are building up to is the real question on everyone’s minds.

"Now I understand that some of you don't think you're sick."

"But twisted hooves and aching joints don't heal all that quick.”

Flim sang.

"Consider just how dangerous this world is! You might…"

“Slip and fall, break or sprain something here tonight.”

As Flam sang that part, he slightly pushed one of the ponies back causing him to stumble and topple onto three nearby ponies with Flim catching an elderly pony that ended up losing his balance.

Upon returning to the stage so they could both sing together…

“But luckily for you, we've got the thing you need

And it's easier when all you need's the cure

The Flim Flam Miracle Curative Tonic

Is just what the doctor ordered, I'm sure.”

The mention of “miracle tonic", sparked a scoffing chuckle from the cheetah in the audience just when an image of the brother's silhouette of their heads appeared on the machine.

“Not what my doctor ordered.” She muttered under her breath seeing this as a new scam with their dung-eating grins written all over it.

"Now I know our claims seem fantastical." Flim told everyone.

"Impractical." Flam added.



“You got that right!” Fuli called out amongst the crowd having the courage to call their bluff from afar. “So prove it!”

The two brothers turned their full attention to the cheetah in the audience looking on seriously and not buying their act for one second along with most of the crowd all murmuring “Huh?” and “Ooh!”

“Well, well, well, if it isn’t the Lion Guard Fastest, Fuli.” Flim said upon recognizing still as charming as before. “I see you’re up to speed on what we have in store for everyone.”

“And I see you’re up to speed that I not convinced with whatever you’re trying to sell us.” Fuli quipped back. “And if this “Miracle Tonic” of yours really does work, then prove it actually does work!”

“And smarter than you look, impressive.” Flim added still certain that she won’t be a major obstacle at all. “And we’ll gladly show you so you can see it for yourself.” He then turns back to everyone else. "We welcome every suffering pony to make their way up to the stage."

"Now don't crowd."

"And we'll prove our tonic's effectiveness before your very eyes."

Flam looked around until he spotted one pony with light blue and grey coat and a matching mane, walking on crutches and wearing big black-framed glasses, brown hat and blue overalls. "You there! Come up here, good sir."

The spotlight shined down on that pony, who struggled his way on stage due to his crutches. "I'll wager you're tired of those crutches, my friend." Flim said as his brother levitated a bottle of their miracle tonic.

"Try taking a sip of this!" His brother gestured while pulling the cork off of the bottle and levitated the contents of the bottle into the pony’s mouth.

While a little unsure at first, he opened his mouth allowing Flam to pour the tonic down his throat. As he gulped it down everyone watches on to see the effects with Fuli’s unconvinced expression remains yet still certain that it’s still a fake.

After a few seconds, the pony began to shake before removing his crutches, now having the ability to stand straight without any support.

“What in the Pride Lands?” Kion remarked feeling baffled by what he just saw before his very eyes.

The audience gasped in delight upon seeing him now standing on all four hooves. The pony then smiled looking on very happy with what had just happened. Granny Smith watching this was now was fascinated by this discovery in contrast to the baffled reactions from the rest of the Apple Family.

“How could he possibly…?”

“I wish I knew.”

The cheetah and lion shared still puzzled that what they are seeing is actually happening before their eyes wondering if they actually did creating a miracle tonic or they both really convincing. If only they hadn’t tried to swindle the Apple Family out of their business they’d be a lot more trusting of them and actually buy their act for a second.

“That's why you're so lucky we've got the thing for you

Just come on up, we've always got some more

Of the Flim Flam Miracle Curative Tonic.”

With the sensation of being cured now streaming through his veins, the injured pony ditched his crutches and moved to dance alongside the Flim Flam brothers before dancing his way out.

“I won't need these crutches to dance out the door.”

"Now how do ya like that?" Granny Smith said looking on very impressed.

"I don't." Applejack replied still frowning. "There's somethin' funny about this whole thing."

“You said it!” Fuli agreed with that statement without hesitation believing this is all an act somehow while Kion looks on feeling the same way.

If there is one thing he knew about those two ponies is that there are some things that are too good to be true to believe when it comes to their claims because there is always a hidden lie beneath it all.

Just then the curtain behind them opened up to unveil an entire assortment of Miracle Tonic bottles behind him.

“Now some of you may suffer from feelings of despair

You're old, you're tired, your legs won't work, there's graying in your hair.”

Flim sang while wearing a bonnet over his head while examining one of the elderly ponies.

“Just listen and I'll tell you that you don't need to fear

Your ears will work, your muscles tone, your eyes will see so clear!”

Flam sung in assurance while stretching his eyelids while doing so.

Now the crowd is in on the upbeat performance.

“Luckily for us, you've got the thing we need

The answer to our problems in a jar

The Flim Flam Miracle Curative Tonic

Is the greatest ever miracle by far!”

Then the two brothers traded in song themselves…

"It cures the reins, the spurs, and the Clydesdale fur blight."

"Hooferia and horsentery cured in just a night."

"You've got swollen hooves and hindquarters or terrible bridle-bit cleft."

"Saunter sitz and gallop plop will give your tail some heft."

"Mane loss, hay fever, or terrible tonsillitis."

"You heard it here, folks -- this is the only place in all of Equestria you'll find it!"

“It can make you shorter, taller, or even grow old

“But who'd want that?”

“When with one drink”

“You can be young again—“

"SOLD!" Granny Smith called out, raising her hoof up right with three bits ready to purchase their product already.

And without hesitation the two ponies levitated away the bits and levitated the bottle towards her.

“Congratulations, Granny Smith! You just made the purchase of a lifetime!” Flim announced to the delighted elderly pony.

“What?” The Lion Guard trio exclaimed upon her decision but it was too late. All sales were final at that point.

“You can’t be serious, Granny?!” Applejack exclaimed at her.

“Sorry, but this pony’s got some aching that needs curing!” She stated and then cheered before leaving the tent feeling very pleased that she has what she thinks is a once in a life time chance to cure her aching body.

Seeing this prompted the others to get in line to purchase Flim and Flam’s tonic and all crowded the two sales ponies like cleaning out the shelves of a store on a busy day. All while everyone but Applejack, Kion, Beshte, and Big Mac who all looked on with varying reactions of worry. The only one not worried however, is Fuli since she is instead glaring at the two for managing to dodge the bullet with a strong sense that this whole scene was really an act to buy everyone into falling for their latest scam.

"Are you five as worried as I am?" Applejack asked the others.

"Eeyup." Big Mac, Kion, and Beshte all stated in unison.

“Nope.” Fuli replied still not taking her eyes off of the con ponies still mustering every ounce of dislike towards them to let them know that even if they might be able to fool everypony, she however is not going to let them fool herself.

If anything past experience has taught her, that there is something wrong when one has the gut feeling.

While this was going on Twilight who managed to swing by to see the commotion unnoticed eyed the crowd buying Flim and Flim’s ‘Miracle Tonic’ with a calculated expression before moving her eyes forward and snuck away without saying anything and being spotted.

The next day, the Apple siblings sat together alongside Kion, Fuli, and Beshte at the lake again, here for fishing. Big Mac was currently holding the rod with apple bait on it while the others conversed over what happened yesterday.

"Boy, I still can't believe all the things that Flim Flam Tonic can do!" Apple Bloom expressed still amazed at what she saw back there. The others however did little to spark intriguing talk amongst the others.

Applejack was the first to explain why she’s not excited about as her. “When somepony says somethin's too good to be true, it usually is."

Her sister tossed the pebble she was holding down into the lake hearing this. "You mean Granny wasted her money?"

“Well…” Kion began trying to lay it down nicely to her. “I'm still not sure. Actually, I'm not even sure there's a tonic in Equestria that can make an old pony young again."

“Maybe because there isn’t and it was all staged.” Fuli bluntly remarked.

“But could it really?” Beshte asked feeling doubtful about that. “We were all there when it happened.”

“Trust me, Beshte. Doesn’t take the Guard’s Keenest of Sight or the Guard’s Wisest to put two and two together.” She replied somewhat assertively.

“If that’s true, how?” Apple Bloom wondered.

Before Fuli could further speak her thoughts she was interrupted when a familiar voice catch their attention.

"Howdy!" Granny Smith called out while doing something that none of her grandchildren and friends expected to see down there…

Granny Smith swimming!

She was actually doing it, swimwear, swimming backstroke, all while looking comfortable and confident while doing so. Not a single ounce of pain crippled her aging body.

"Granny?!" Apple Bloom exclaimed.

"Hang on now! We'll get ya!" Applejack called out to her while sshe and Big Mac ran ahead to catch up to her.

Big Mac quickly removed his yoke from around his neck and tossed it into the water for her to grab, but she calmly swam past it.

Applejack then ran past her and readied to kick a large tree into the lake for her to grab. But like before, Granny Smith casually swam by. The group then slid down the nearby hill just when their grandmother got out of the water..

"Granny, I thought you were too afraid of the water to swim!" Apple Bloom asked as she approached her. "And, and what about your hip?!"

"Well, I reckon it might have been a problem before I had myself a dose of that there Flim Flam Tonic!" Granny replied while pulling out the tonic from her back pocket.

"I'm not so sure that tonic really does anything'." Applejack said.

"Doesn't do anythin'?! What d'you call this?" Granny returned before taking another drink from the bottle and then did some break dancing like she was young to prove it.

While impressed, Applejack still stood by her stance on the matter. "I'm glad you're feeling good, but how do you know it's from the tonic?"

"I looked out at the water this mornin' and I felt the same terrifyin' aches and pains I always do. But one sip of that magic elixir and it all went away!” She answered. “Told ya them Flim Flams made quality merchandise. Why, I might even get a head start on my chores! What do you say, Big Mac-a-doo? Up for a little afternoon applebuckin'?" She then asked Big Mac while kicking up her back legs.

"Uh, no." Big Mac shook his head looking aside rather awkward at the idea thinking it is still out of her skill range even with a newfound mindset.

"Oh, quit your bellyaching'!" Granny Smith insisted while wrapping her hooves around her grandson and led him back to the farm leaving the still unsure pony having the feeling he is going to have to stop her from getting to buck one apple tree.

"Gee, it looks like that tonic works after all! I wonder what's in it." Apple Bloom commented with a smile.

Applejack adopted a serious expression before stating. “I think maybe it's time we found out."

“Agreed.” Fuli stated with the same stance ready to find how they pulled it off this time.

Later that night, Apple Bloom, Applejack, Kion, and Fuli all headed back to the Flim Flam Brother's tent, where the same music is playing inside.

"So you're just gonna walk up and ask them how it works?" Fuli asked Applejack.

"I guess." Applejack replied. "Though if it's a genuine cure, I don't suppose they'll be too keen on sharin' the recipe."

“Why wouldn’t they? Is it some kind of secret recipe or something?” Apple Bloom asked.

“Probably…” Applejack answered while still pondering the thought.

“If they had a secret that’s worth protecting.” Fuli added.

“Like what?”

“Probably that guy we met the other day…” Fuli replied pointing a paw towards the tent.


They all turned they attention when the same pony came singing and dancing out the tent. He wiped the sweat from his brow and removed his hat, smiling with another selling performance he put up.

“…Wait a second!” Apple Bloom recognized. “That's that same pony from before!"

Upon being glared at by Applejack and Fuli knowing that the jig is up, the pony darted away from the scene in an attempt to get away from them.

“Stop!” Kion shouted after him before leading the Apple Sisters into pursing him.

Fuli merely shook her head in response as the others run off ahead before getting into a running starting stance. “And by attempting to outrun me, you've now made an even bigger mistake.”

The pony ended up running down an alley knocking aside a couple of barrels along the way with the Apple Sisters and lion prince right on his tail repeating the same notion while giving chase. Suddenly a speedy flash of wind blew right by them and ended up tackling the pony just when he reached the dead end of the alley.


The pony is now literally pinned down by the cheetah right on top of him with the others peering their heads over him just when the former got off of the guy.

“Never try to outrun the Lion Guard’s Fastest!”

The guy looked around for an opening but saw it was pointless seeing that the present members Lion and Pony Guard have him cornered by all of the carnival attractions behind him.

"Now hold it right there, Mister…?" Applejack started.

"Shill." The male pony finished while trembling in fright. "Silver Shill. Ooh, what do you four want?"

“To know what kind of game you’re really playing!” Kion stated.

”And by that we mean knowing whatever is the secret recipe for whatever scheme Flim and Flam are cooking this time!” Fuli added.

"Our Granny took some of your so called "magical" tonic and we want to know how it works." Applejack further pressed for the terrified pony to crack and confess.

"Granny couldn't swim before, and now she can." Apple Bloom further added while looking suspiciously at him. "Just like you couldn't walk and now you can. But what are you doin' back here? I mean, if the tonic cured you and all…"

Silver Shill gulped in fear, unable to speak up. Just then Applejack looked around the area, seeing an assortment of wigs, costumes, makeup and props. It was there Applejack realized what’s really going on and put the pieces together.

"…Because he's part of the act!" Applejack pieced together feeling correct that there was funny business going on around here. "It's time for you to tell the truth! You never needed crutches at all, did you?"

"I, uh…" Silver Shill tried to reach for the nearby machine to create a smoke screen so he could escape but was quickly pounced on by Fuli again who shook her head against trying anymore tricks on them. “Okay.” He said in defeat.

Inside the tent after everypony has purchased their fair shares of the Flim Flam brother’s tonic, Applejack walked inside alongside Fuli and Kion ready with words they’d like to share with them.

"Well, if it isn't our most favorite Apple!" Flim greeted.

"What brings you back to our humble abode?" Flam further greeted next, while putting aside the recently earned bag of bits further to his right side just when when Silver Shill cowered over to the unicorn brother’s side.

"You two charlatans sold my Granny a face tonic, and now she's off actin' like a filly again." Applejack crossly addressed them, although it did little to unnerve them even with the Lion Guard’s Fiercest and Fastest right behind him.

"What's so bad about that?" Flim asked acting like he is trying to understand the point he is trying to make.

"If she keeps gallavantin' around like a yearlin', she's apt to drop from exhaustion or worse! What's more, I know for a fact that your friend here is dressin' up as a different pony every night so he can pretend to be cured!" Applejack further said while gesturing to Silver Shill hiding from her, Kion, and Fuli.

"Well, well, well, that's quite an accusation." Flam shrugged it off like it’s no surprise.

“Because it is, so admit it!” Fuli sharply retorted ready with bared claws like she is going to do more than pounce on them.

But the two sales ponies weren’t done there.

"But let's say that it's true…" Flim said.

"Hypothetically." Flam added.

"Theoretically…" Flim further added as he and his brother placed aside the accumulated bits on a nearby table to replace it with a juicer press.

"As I understand, your Granny was a famous aquapony." Flam recalled causing Fuli to raise an eyebrow at them for somehow knowing that.

"The star of the show, once upon a time." Flim further explained while finishing his brother’s sentence.

"But hasn't set so much as a hoof in the water since." Flam continued while dumping a bag full of apples onto the table.

"Until today, that's right." Applejack replied, still uncertain as to where these two were going with this.

“And how exactly would you two know of what Granny Smith did in the past?” Fuli asked somewhat in an interrogative tone.

“And what’s up with the blender?” Kion also asked while the two continue on without even glancing at them.

"Well, then even if our tonic were nothing more than a mixture of apple juice and beet leaves…" Flim further continued

"Hypothetically…" Flam added as he tossed his brother and apple with beet leaves attached to the steam on the top.

"Theoretically…" Flim added as he tossed the ingredients into the juicer.

"The fact is that Granny is happier now than before she tried it." Flam finished as he juiced the apple and beet leaves, turning them into the green liquid before pouring into into their specially labeled bottle.

“For now!” Kion stated still unconvinced with narrowed eyes. “But sooner or later and she gets encouraged into doing something more and more dangerous she’ll get hurt from doing all those stunts!"

"Has she?" Flim asked, smirking like he is able to peg his surprised reaction to figure out that she truly hasn’t.

“Not yet, but she will!” Fuli answered for her friend when he was left speechless in response. "And before we do, what makes you think Applejack won’t want to tell her Granny Smith, huh? Or more accurately on the real question is, what happens to your business when the truth comes out?”

“I think the real question for you all is to ask yourself this…” Flim countered while levitating the bottle towards Applejack’s right front hoof. “Do you really want to be the pony who takes all that happiness away from your dear old Granny?"

“I…” Applejack hesitated when faced with the hard-hitting question seeing that she is backed into a corner here before replying. “Honestly…as long as it works, I... don't suppose it really matters.”

Both Kion and Fuli looked at him wide-eyed in disbelief as she conceded in defeat.


“Are you kidding me?!”

“It’s okay!” Applejack quickly asserted to assure them. “Let’s go!”

“That's the spirit!”

“Come back anytime!”

Flim and Flam waved her off as she made her leave.

Both Kion and Fuli looked at each other like they are not believing what they are seeing. Applejack is actually refusing now to tell her own grandmother the truth about the tonic that she thinks is making her feel better. But nevertheless, they both followed after him but not without Fuli having some last words to say.

“This is going to end very badly, miracle workers, because even if you are able to fool Granny Smith and silence Applejack it’s not going to last because sooner or later the truth will come out and when it does, I will have four sweet, sweet, words for you both.”

“Oh, really?”

“Are they Flim and Flim Win?”

“No.” Fuli shook her head. “I told you so!”

Both of the con ponies laughed together in response.

“Yeah right!”

“We’ll see about that little girl!”

Fuli frowned and growled in response towards them before moving to leave the tent in a huff. As much as she wanted to teach them a lesson right here and there, it was not worth getting in trouble for. Besides, like she said, it’s only a matter of time until they pay the consequences for scamming everyone around them once again.

But the more important issue in mind is when Kion had Applejack hang back from Apple Bloom for a quick word.

“Applejack…what happened back there?” Kion eyed the country pony expecting a good reason for folding in the face of the scammers.

“What do you mean?” She asked like she is trying to dodge the question just when Fuli catches up with them.

“Deciding to go against exposing Flim and Flam’s fake tonic?” She clarified walking opposite of Kion.

“Look believe me I really wanted to, but how could I?” She responded feeling torn and guilty right now. “How can I bring it to ma self to tell Granny Smith just when she is feeling young for the first time in years.”

“Applejack…” Kion tried to say.

“What?!” She snapped causing him to flinch. “You got a better plan?!”

“Um, no.” He replied while still taken aback by her outburst.

Applejack’s flash of anger faded before burying her face into her hat. “I’m mighty sorry. I didn’t mean to yell at you like that it’s just I really would like to tell her but I really don’t know how without hurting her feelings.”

“By breaking it to her as gently as possible.” Kion replied after a few seconds of trying to find the right words to say it. “I mean don’t just tell her outright, just let her know as nicely as possible that this tonic she is taking down isn’t as um…” He stumbled a little in his wording before continuing. “…magical as she thinks it is.” Even with this note-worthy advice, Applejack was still unsure about the whole idea. “I know this is tough, but it’s better than her finding out herself. Otherwise, she’ll feel hurt wondering why would didn’t tell her sooner rather than later or never.”

“I’ll…I’ll…try…as soon as I can.” She uttered still uncomfortable with bringing forth the tough matter at hoof.

“Just make sure it’s very soon because it’s only a matter of time before your Granny’s encouraged into doing something reckless and stupid like Apple Bloom and her friends attempting to zip-line all the from their clubhouse to school.” Fuli sternly advised.

“Hey!” Apple Bloom exclaimed in a pout having heard that. “It’s not our fault that our line didn’t hold. How were we supposed to know that the rope we used won’t be strong enough to hold the three of us together and that there would be a muddy and stinky pile nearby the elephants making their way to class?”

Fuli cringed before replying. “Well for starters some ropes aren’t known for being strong holders and second that pile of mud well…” She motioned the filly to come over so she can whisper it into her ear.

“We fell in what?! Eww!” She screamed in shock. “No wonder everyone around ran away from us that day! That’s disgusting!”

“Takes one who’s been there to know that.” Fuli said sharing sympathy for her horrified reaction before walking alongside her. Even still, Applejack still had her reservations on telling her grandmother the truth even with the consequences of what will happen if she doesn’t sooner or later.

While Applejack and Kion moved to follow after Fuli and Apple Bloom, Twilight flew overhead up high in the skies having watched and listened to the whole discussion unnoticed with a pained expression on the subject of truth before shaking it off with a look of resolve before flying away.

“Truer words have never been spoken.” She said with a sigh sharing the country pony’s pain with this obligation while flying towards the direction of the moon.

The next day, the Apple Family enjoyed another day off at the lake only this time Applejack is swinging on a swing while watching Granny Smith play with the others in the water.

She was still watching on still unable to come forward with the truth. She wanted too, but even though Kion is right she still can’t shake off with how happy Granny Smith has been recently. She was feeling more youthful than she has been in years and was able to have the time of her life with her grandchildren, yet she knew that if she doesn’t it’ll come back to bite her in the flank.

Just when she is thinking of how to break it to her, Apple Bloom had an eager request for her grandmother. “Hey, Granny! Think you can buck me over the water?"

"I don't see why not! Come on, Big Mac, toss her this way!"

Hearing this had Applejack rise from the swing and rushed over to the edge with great worry. "Granny, wait!" She called out, only to see that Granny was handle it perfectly well, able to move her back legs like she is backpedaling while sending her granddaughter around in circular motions while Big Mac smiled and laughed.

"Uh, what were you sayin', dear?" Granny asked Applejack as she sat back down on the swing with mixed feelings of concern.

"Granny, don't you think you should take it kinda easy?" She tried to advise her too-sure of herself elder.

"I've been takin' it easy for too long!” She predictably dismissed it. “And now, thanks to that Flim Flam Tonic, I don't have to!"

Apple Bloom splashed back into the water after leaping off of her grandmother. "Granny, you think I could be an aquapony like you?" She asked while swimming up to her with her front hooves.

"Of course you can, sapling. There's nothin' to it but to do it!"

"Well, the Ponyville swim meet is comin' up." Apple Bloom brought up as she and Granny Smith got out of the water, while soaked. "We could enter together! A legendary water pony like you? We'd be a cinch to win!"

There Granny seemed to have some common sense when she hesitated there for a moment. “Mm, ee, uh, I don't know... Bein' back in the water is one thing, but a competition is a pony of a different color."

Apple Bloom's predictably was disappointed but accepted it none of the less. "Oh. Okay."

Witnessing this had Applejack briefly holding up the bottle of tonic while thinking of how much she’s improved since she started taking it. And after recalling of how she was able apple buck without injury along with being able to swim in the water without fear, she decided to act on ensuring that her grandmother was happy.

“I don't know, Granny. A swim meet sounds pretty safe." Applejack piped up as she got up from the swing. "And after all, if that tonic lets you swim in a river and a swimmin' hole, a pool should be no problem at all."

Hearing this from the most honest pony she knows had Granny smile and reconsider her initial stance right away. “Well, I'll be a tart turnover, you are right! All we need now is more tonic!"

She drank down the remaining tonic she had in store while Applejack forced herself to grin over having to go against her very element by continuing not to tell the whole truth.

To her, nothing bad has happened so far, so it shouldn’t be a problem for her to see her grandmother work up the energy and strength to participate in this. All while Fuli who had arrived along with Kion having both witnessed this shook her head in disapproval with her continuing dishonesty because the clock has started ticking.

"Welcome, friends, and step right up! The next show starts in five minutes!" Came the voice of Flam currently sitting at a table alongside his brother in front of a line of ponies eagerly awaiting to buy their special tonic.

"But why not buy your tonic now and avoid the rush?" Flim added as he lifted up another bottle. Among the crowd, Silver Shill, chimed in on the sales while wearing a different disguise so he can secretly buy another bottle without being recognized.

"We'll take the whole case!" Granny Smith called out with a large bag of bits in tow. The Flim Flam brothers both smiled see this. With Applejack conceding for the sake of her grandmother, they know that they can score big with their current ongoing scam.

"Are you saying this stuff actually works?" One bandaged up pony supported on a wheeled wagon asked.

"Ya better believe it!" Granny happily stated. "Right, Applejack?"

Applejack was taken aback before reluctantly speaking for the sake of happiness once more. “Well, it…does seem to work for you, Granny." She said with half-truthful words that are emotionally killing herself from the inside and further fueling the two brother’s con.

"You heard it here first, folks!" Flim stated quick to take advantage of this. "Flim Flam Miracle Curative Tonic is Granny Smith-tested and Applejack-approved!"

Applejack’s eyes widen upon realizing the mistake of her choice of words.

"If Applejack says it works, that's good enough for me!" The injured pony declared instigating the increased profit and sales for the Flim Flam brothers further increasing Applejack’s complex feelings of her honesty.

The more and more this keep’s going on, the more things will get worse for her thus leading to more and more snowball effects rolling downhill against her and with one big question going through Fuli’s mind as she continues watching this spiral and descend into insanity.

“How much longer will it take for you to finally live up to your element of honesty and tell her the truth?”

Sometime later, ponies have gathered at the swimming pool where the competition is set to take place. Three ponies serve as judges at the booth over the stands and there is a tall tower hosting an equally tall diving platform and a dunk tank down below.

One pony competed in a high diving competition and managed to score a 18 out of 30 with one pony giving him a 3 because there was something about his entrance she didn’t like compared to the other two judges.

While other’s jumped into the water to swim while warming up, the two competing Apples both did some warmup exercising in perfect sync ready to do their best in this competition.

"Hoo-ha, hee-hee, ha-hoo-ha!" They both chanted when Applejack approached them to wish them luck and check up on them before they take a dip into the water.

"Just remember, you two. The most important thing is to be safe and have fun, right?"

"Fiddlesticks!" Granny Smith shrugged it off like there is nothing to worry about. "With the routine we've been workin' on, I'll be a plum puddin' if we don't win this thing!"

Applejack still kept smiling while still hoping while was getting over her head here. "Uh… good luck, then!"

"Luck?” Her grandmother scoffed. “Pfft, who needs luck? We got tonic on our side!"

And as that wasn’t bad enough…

"Flim Flam's Magical Curative Tonic!" Flim announced to the crowd from the stand they have set up nearby. "Get your Applejack-approved tonic! Granny Smith drinks it – why shouldn't you?"

Along with that there are two posters of Applejack smiling while holding up the tonic right next to a #1 mark on the upper right side to further cement the deal to get more and more ponies to further purchase their product.

“Right.” Applejack sighed somewhat more annoyed with the brother’s further rubbing salt into the wound.

"Now, if'n you'll excuse us, we got some swimmin' to do!" Granny stated before she and Apple Bloom took their positions as the music played for their turn to perform. Applejack moved towards the stands to sit amongst the crowd where both Fuli and Kion who still disapproving as ever for stretching the truth out here but still being as patient as they can be about it.

The two swimmers both performed a series of elegant synchronized swimming, which there was no damage to the eldery pony so far. Even in her age Granny was happy and in perfect sync with the water and her granddaughter. Applejack while watching this could not believe her eyes that they are actually doing so well together and everyone watching was very impressed like it is the best performance they have seen all day.

Fuli and Kion despite their reservations couldn’t help but look on amazed by the two ponies perfect synchronized performance together as they performed with such elegance together that they had to win this. To cap it all off, Granny lifted on her shoulders, then twirled and spun around together like ballerinas, with the latter elegantly spitting water out of her mouth like a running fountain. The audience cheered and all three judges each gave her all 10s, a perfect score (though the same judge who previously gave the previous pony a bad score had her 10 held upside down, earning her a glare from the pony on her right).

"Well, I'll be…" Applejack said amazed with what she saw and so were both Kion and Fuli.

“Hevi Kabisa! She actually did it!”

“They won with a perfect score!”

Granny actually managed to pull it off and she and Apple Bloom were both gifted with a golden first place trophy when they both returned to the edge of the pool. As soon as they got out of the water, three pony news reporters took pictures with one of them levitating a notebook and quill to ask some questions of their amazing performance.

The purple pony with a grayish-brown cap began with this set of questions. "That was some of the most amazing aquabatics I've ever seen! How in Equestria did you do it? Hard work? Lots of practice?"

"Yeah, but mostly it's the tonic!" Granny answered just when Flim and Flam came up to join both Granny and Apple Bloom.

"That's Flim Flam Miracle Curative Tonic, to be precise." Flim said to the reporters.

"Buy it now while supplies last." Flam added.

While many ponies gathered around them for more pictures and tonic, Applejack could only watch with the knowing feels that this is still gradually getting worse and even more so when further reminded by her two Lion Guard friends approaching him yet again.

“Still having trouble telling her, huh?” Fuli said in a figurative tone.

“Yes.” She admitted while tilted her hat downward while glancing back at her. “It’s just so hard.”

“Understandable.” She said with sympathy for her. “But of course you also see…” She gestured Flim and Flam with Apple Bloom and Granny Smith being interviewed and having their pictures taken. “…by putting off it, not only are those two profiting off of your ‘honest’ opinion, but the more and more your grandmother is getting encouraged it pushing her limits and the more and more ponies are actually encouraged into falling into their scam.”

“I know, but how?!” She asked back. “Do either of you two have any idea of hard it is to tell somepony something that’ll make them feel disappointed in you just when she along with everyone else is actually feeling happy because of it?”

“Pretty hard.” She replied when Kion stepped forward feeling it’s best that he handled the proper honesty advice here.

“I agree.” He said. “And as leader of the Lion Guard I can definitely tell from experience.” Applejack turned to face Kion wondering just how she can relate to him in that regard. “Remember when we first met Reirei and her pack of jackals?”

“Uh-huh, I remember those deceptive varmits.”

“Well, much like Flim and Flam most of us initially ended up fooled by her and because of it the Kuptana Celebration nearly got ruined. Just when the jackals attacked the Pride Landers my dad inquired of me of how this happened and it was there I knew I had to admit the truth that it was fault they were welcomed in the Pride Lands in the first place. I could have told them I had no idea how they got there but since he really trusts me in protecting the Pride Lands I didn’t.”

“Because he’s your father and you can’t afford to break it.” Applejack said understanding why even though he could have lied about how it happened. “He’s your father you always want to be honest with.”

“Exactly, with family and friends along with allies to kingdom’s, relationships are nothing without honesty. My dad had to know it was mine along with Twilight’s fault for inviting the jackals into the Pride Lands in the first place. Even if she might be upset at first, she’ll definitely appreciate that you were honest with her about the truth of Flim and Flam’s tonic.”

It was there Applejack started to understand the importance of telling her the truth but her thoughts were distracted when she turned her head towards the sound of bits nearby coming from Silver Shill selling one of the nearby ponies a bottle of tonic. Said pony was currently wearing a referee outfit with a baseball cap and ended up startled when he found himself face to face with the country pony again.

"What are you doin' here?"

"Oh, things are going so well, Flim and Flam gave me a promotion!” He explained while showing her the bit he had just earned. “Just made my first bit as a salespony. No more costumes for this pony." Applejack still glanced at him eyeing said uniform on him right now. "This is more of a uniform."

"If you say so."

"I used to wonder if I was doing the right thing. You know, pretending to be cured, basically lying to folks about this tonic. But thanks to you, I realized that sometimes honesty isn't the best policy." He further explained his thoughts to which had Applejack taken aback by what he said.

"Thanks to... me?" Applejack placed a hoof on her heart in response. It was she realized how much more consequences her decision not to be honest had than she realized. And even more so, when she heard and saw her little sister further helping promote the tonic to the crowds.

"With Flim Flam's magical Curative Tonic, my Granny can do anything! Just ask Applejack!" Apple Bloom announced while pointing to her sister, who was left unprepared for the flash photography she received.

At that point she decided she had to draw the line there. “No! This has gotta stop! If ponies keep believin' that tonic can do things it can't, who knows what'll happen?" At that moment she felt Silver Shill tap a hoof on her shoulder, directing her attention towards the diving tower.

"Maybe something like that?"

Applejack along with Kion and Fuli all gasped when they saw Granny Smith climbing up the diving tower who’s not going for just the high dive, but the high-high dive.

“Hevi Kabisa!” Kion exclaimed at what she is about to do to herself.

"Granny!" Applejack called out from down below and rushed over towards the tower, where Apple Bloom pushed a small little tin filled with water to where her grandmother plans it land. Said tin itself was small to the point it serve as a dog’s drinking bowl. "What in blazes does she think she's doin'?!"

"Granny's gonna break the Equestria high divin' record!" Apple Bloom said excitedly, further shocking both Kion and Fuli.

“Is she crazy?!” Fuli exclaimed in horror. “She’ll kill herself!”

"Land sakes!" Applejack exclaimed as she ran up to climb the tower herself. Fuli quickly sprinted a good hundred to two hundred yards away from the diving platform so she can be ready to save her in case Applejack failed to stop her in time.

“Granny Smith! That’s dangerous! Get down from there!” Kion shouted out to the elderly pony in an effort to stop her from going through with it.

“Relax, Kion! I got this!” Granny dismissed his valid concerns while preparing to go through with it.

"Don't you worry about a thing, dearie!" Granny called out from down below as she prepared to leap down after reaching the edge of the diving board. After drinking down one more gulp of the tonic she bent her legs and leaped down towards the small tin towards the ground.

Applejack made it just in time when Granny jumped off but was too late to stop her from jumping off and can only gasp in horror as she leaps to what amounts to falling to her death.

As Granny dove down, Fuli who was in a ready running position locks eyes with her just when a rainbow shimmer shined through her eyes when the sun at it’s peak for the day glimmered. At that moment she sprinted towards her running as fast as she can in order to catch her before it’s too late.

Upon seeing the pool right in front of her projected path, she quickly thought fast by running towards the nearby diving board leading towards the pool. Upon seeing a pony emerging from underwater she positioned herself so that the pony would unintentionally give her a flying boost when his hooves emerged from the water. With that momentum she was able to leap up into the air and managed to catch Granny Smith mid-air. After catching her she was able to land safely on the grass while skidding to a halt leaving her sliding claw markings on the ground much like a racecar’s tires burning a little rubber on the track.

There, Fuli took a moment to catch her breath while Applejack and Kion both wiped the formed sweat from their foreheads when it seemed like they were going to lose her.

Granny moved to get off of the cheetah’s back before turning to demand an explanation for her (in her mind unnecessary) intervention. "Now what in tarnation did you do that for?!"

“To save your life!” Fuli blankly stated before turning to a sharply and stern scolding tone. “Because that was the most dangerous and most reckless thing I have ever seen anypony do in all my life! And this is coming from a cheetah who accidentally fell over a waterfall when she was the age of a filly!"

“So very true!” Applejack agreed as she slid downwards on the side of the tower to join the others down on the ground. "You can't do a dive like that!"

"Oh, quit your fussin'!” Granny once more dismissed and then countered. “I had enough tonic to do a dive ten times as high!"

"Twenty times, by my count." Flim further countered and tried to back up that claim.

"Thirty, with a favorable breeze." Flam further added.

“Oh, sure. If you both like burying bodies for a living!” Fuli snapped at the two since this is the near result of their scam because of their constant encouraging of the elderly pony with what could have happened had she not to react accordingly.

Applejack narrowed her eyes at the two in silent agreement while watching her Granny gulp down another bottle of the tonic down. When that happened, the rays of the sun shined on the glass, causing it to emit the same shimmering rainbow color Fuli just saw a minute ago in her eyes.

It was there, Kion’s previous words rang through her head.

“I know this is tough, but it’s better than her finding out herself. Otherwise, she’ll feel hurt wondering why would didn’t tell her sooner rather than later or never.”

“With family and friends along with allies to kingdom’s, relationships are nothing without honesty."

With her eyes shimmering as the realization struck her, she realized of what must be done in order to set things right, even if it means telling everyone the hard and harsh truth. Sure it’ll be hard and she is going to be met with frowns, but it is the right thing to do and she needs to do it now.

"I hate to disappoint everypony, but there's no way Granny could have made that dive, because this tonic is a fake!" She stated with the entire audience, minus Kion, Fuli, and the Flim Flam brothers gasping in shock hearing this.

"But you gave it your stamp of approval!" One pony pointed out. "Are you saying you lied?"

Applejack took off her hat in shame and placed over her heart before admitting to what she had to say.

"…I am."

She earned more gasps with this confession in light leaving the question of why did she lied to everyone if she knew the tonic was a fake in the first place.

"I didn't mean to!” She somewhat defensively stated before explaining. “But Granny seemed so much happier, I couldn't bring myself to tell her when I found out the tonic wasn't real. Then I saw everypony else buying into the lie but I still stayed quiet because I wanted everypony to be happy. I know it was wrong. I just hope with time, I can win back everypony's trust."

"But if the tonic is a fake, then how come Granny can swim again, and what about all that aquabatics stuff we just did?" Apple Bloom asked.

"I reckon sometimes you can forget what you're capable of, and it just takes a little extra confidence to remember that it was inside of you all along." Applejack further explained as she walked on over to her grandmother. “I just wish I had the courage to tell you that from the start and for that I’m sorry.”

“Awww, it’s okay.” She assured all is forgiven with a hug. “Things like this can happen to anypony and I’m glad you told me now. After all, better late than never I always say.”

With this heartwarming reconciliation taking place, both Kion and Fuli turned their attention to the Flim Flam brothers with words to say to them for setting the domino effect throughout the course of the most recent events around everyone present here today.

“But the same can’t be said for you two!” Fuli stated to the fear-stricken duo with a smug smirk.

"Exactly!” Kion stated in agreement. "Telling ponies your tonic can do things it can't is just wrong!"

"But Applejack just said it boosts confidence!" Flim said, attempting to save face.

"And that's not all it does, folks–" Flam began to add before being interrupted when Silver Shill spoke up.

"Yes, it is!" He removed his hat and glasses when he now decided to confess his role in their scheme going up against his bosses while standing before everypony in the crowd. "In fact, it's not a tonic at all! I know, 'cause I helped make it!" The Flim Flam brothers began to sweat nervously upon realizing the jig is up now. "Watching Fuli save Granny and Applejack admit to lying, well, that made me realize I was making ponies believe in a thing that just wasn't so!"

"Believin' in somethin' can help you do amazin' things." Applejack further said, "But if that belief is based on a lie, eventually it's gonna lead to real trouble."

The two brothers attempted to sneak and run away from the crowd, only to be stopped when Fuli quickly sprinted over to pounce on them and then tackled and pinned them both to the ground.

"I don’t think so.” Fuli shook her head for their feeble attempt. “Not with the Lion Guard’s Fastest in town and unless you want me to do more than just tackle you, you’re both going to pay the consequences for scheming everypony out of their money. And by that, I mean every single bit you scammed out of every one of them.”

Flim nervously laughed while Flam nervously gulped in response to the piercing daggers coming from the cheetah’s eyes. It was there they know that she is not playing around here and that they are literally facing defeat.

“Of course!”

“Whatever you say!”

“Good.” She smiled before having to this to say to them before letting them both go. “Oh and before I forget, I told you so!”

Ponies quickly lined up at their stand so they can all receive their refunds to which the two brothers were left hanging their heads in shame upon being foiled yet again by the Lion and Pony Guard.

During this Silver Shill approached the orange earth pony with something on his mind. “Thank you, Applejack." He started while reaching into his pocket and pulled out the gold bit he had made in selling the fake tonic and placed in on her hoof. "I got this through dishonest means. That was a mistake I won't be making again! I'd like you to have it, as a reminder of how you helped me finally see the truth."

Applejack naturally is hesitant on taking it. “I don't know…"

"Oh, don't worry. I'll track down the pony I sold that worthless tonic to and give him another bit to replace this one! Honest." He assured to which had Applejack smiling in return and accepting his gift to her before turning to Fuli with another gift. “And as for you Fuli, I got something for you too…”

“Really?” Fuli was touched by this generous gesture. “Oh, you really shouldn’t.”

“I do and I insist.” He stated while pulling out another gold bit along with a brown cowboy hat with a black stripe and a rainbow colored feather on it. “My way of saying thank you for coming to Granny Smith’s rescue and saving me the burden of guilt from seeing a pony losing her life because of my mistake. You’ve earned it.”

“Aww, shucks! It was nothing!” Fuli replied and shrugged it off like how Applejack would respond if she was in the same position.

Applejack chuckled in response seeing this before turning back to her grandmother still feeling the need to apologize once more. “I'm sorry, Granny. I hope this doesn't mean you'll stop swimmin'."

"Why in tarnation would I do that?” She replied like her granddaughter said something preposterous. “I just can't believe those two salesponies had me believin' I could near fly!"

“Well I’m sure by now, they’ll take this lesson to heart and maybe never try coming around these parts of Equestria anytime soon.” Kion said while watching on as the two brothers are continuing to return all of their ill-gotten gains with Fuli watching over them in a ready to pounce position to make sure they don’t try any quick getaway tricks on her.

After that was all said and done, the Apple Family returned home where Big Mac would continue his job in hauling freshly harvested apples for the farm while both Apple Bloom and Granny Smith spend quality swimming time together in the pool they set up in the family orchard. During this, Applejack took the time to write about the lesson she learned that day alongside Fuli.

"Bein' honest sure gets hard when it seems like the truth might hurt somepony you care about. But I think believin' a lie can end up hurtin' even more. Maybe some ponies don't care about that – but I sure ain't one of them."

“As far as speed goes, when it comes to being the Fastest of the Fast there’s always room for improvement. When it comes to using it when other’s need it the most, it takes great timing and patience in aiming for just the right moment to perfectly execute it. It’s amazing of how using your head every now and then can come to play, especially when those who depend on you need it the most.”

Once Applejack and Fuli were both done writing in the journal while sitting on the grass on a small hilltop beside each other under the tree the former turned to the latter still wearing her new cowboy hat moving to stretch her back before settling to take a nap.

“Thank you, Fuli...” Applejack said to the cheetah just about to start napping. “…for saving my Granny’s life.”

Fuli froze from the position she was standing in before shaking it off and replying with this response. “You’re welcome. And like I said it was nothing. I’m sure you would have done the same thing if you were in my position just like Beshte was for me for when I was a young cub.”

“And I can honestly say that there is no question about that.” Applejack agreed with a nod while tipping her head towards her who likewise returned the same gesture. She then turned back to the two swimmers where Granny is preparing to leap down into the pool from a diving board. A small more reasonable jump for a pony her age. "Now you take it easy there, Granny!" She called out to her.

"Oh, I plan to! Hoo, ha, ha-whee!" The elderly pony respectfully replied before leaping into the pool and splashed Apple Bloom while doing so who likewise splashed back at her in a playful family friendly manner.

As Applejack walked on over to the two, Fuli moved to settle down into the grass so she can take a well-earned nap. While Fuli was now sleeping with a smile and closed restful eyes, the bit that Silver Shill gave to Applejack currently resting on the side of the journal along with the rainbow colored feather from the hat Silver Shill also gave her, gave out a shiny rainbow glimmer.

During which Twilight had appeared from behind and tiptoed her way towards the hill. There she moved to secretly swap the feather and bit with identical ones before tiptoeing away before she could be spotted.

From the uncomfortable look she had on her face, she clearly didn’t like having to do this, but in order to ensure that they don’t wind up falling into Scar’s paws, it was necessary in order to save Equestria.

“Hopefully…” She said to herself. “…they’ll understand someday.”

With Applejack and Fuli’s keys now in her possession, that just leaves three more to go, Kion, Kyoga, and herself with one big question on her mind now.

Where and how will they live up to their elements and earn their key’s in order to access the very magical rainbow power contained in the Elements of Harmony?

Author's Note:

Here in this episode, I'm sure you know by now that our certain con-artists have returned in this episode just in time for another quick rich scheme. This time it's a proclaimed tonic that can magically cure ailments and enhance physical performance.

Of course the main cast know from the start that it's a scam from the start, but the only problem is that Granny Smith has seen remarkable improvement ever since she started taking it, getting Applejack to keep quiet for the sake of making her happy, even though it isn't living up to her element.

Because of her choosing that over being true to herself it winds leading to Granny trying riskier stunts with every passing day up until she nearly tries to make the impossible possible by attempting a world record high dive. If it weren't for Fuli's quick thinking and being fast on her paws when she did, Granny Smith would have kicked the bucket because of their shenanigans.

It was there Applejack finally came clean and exposed Flim and Flam when she confessed the truth to her grandmother, who true to her nature is forgiving of her since it's bound to happen to everyone every now and then. Plus, both Flim and Flam are literally forced to pay the consequences for their scam thanks to another quick cutoff by the Lion Guard's Fastest.

Two more valuable life lessons leads to the keys to the Element of Honesty and Speed being uncovered leaving three more to go.

But since there are since are a few more chapters left until that happen's our next episode will focus on both Rainbow Dash and Ono as they prepare for their upcoming Wonderbolts Entrance Exam, one of them is taking the right course of action, the other is not. Until then, one has to guess how this plays out so stay tuned...

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