• Published 18th Aug 2021
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Manehattan's Lone Guardian - Curtis Wildcat

What's a Reploid to do in a world not her own, and with a technology base to match?

  • ...

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I'm in the middle of talking about one of my homeworld's greatest legends to Drama when Gray returns. There's pure evil on that face, and I don't like it.

She tells me about the challenge she issued the kidnappers' ringleader. I immediately ask her if she thinks that trusting her family's safety to them was a smart move, and she just gives me this look. "A week of direct interactions with my children, and you still don't understand them," she tells me. "That's pretty sad."

Some days, I just can't get a read on her. She mopes and worries one moment, then struts about like a superstar the next. Her moods are difficult to predict.

Though a few resurfacing reminders tell me that in light of her background, it's not a surprise.


I continue sharing stories with them for a while. I tell them of the Green Biker Dude, of Zero, tall tales about X. I tell them of Harpuia, Fefnir, and Phantom. I tell them about that one incident from Valentine's Day years ago. It's a random train of thought, just stream of consciousness with no clear connectors, but they listen and react appropriately.

And I tell them about Honoré, about everything we talked about and did in the past. About the opportunity that I realized I missed with him, and the fact that it took a gargantuan lie for me to see the truth. I miss him.

Another look at those letters is the only thing keeping me stable. They're encouraging me to go back. Part of me wants to go back.

The other part of me wants to sleep, encouragement or not.

Business takes Drama away later in the morning. When she returns, she tells me that the remodelers' ongoing work is finally complete and that the ponies responsible for the carpeting would be by later. My fogged memories remind me that I had prior difficulties with the stairs. It'll be good not to deal with that anymore.

We're getting more visitors. Officer Coffee has shown up, out of uniform and wearing a cap expressing her love for Manehattan. She's saying that their Chief Grove gave her a rest day when she tried coming in for work on schedule. She also wanted me to pass along a message saying to stop by the Department later to receive a nice big payment for services rendered.

I know exactly where that money's going. I'm not keeping that entire share.

Maverick and Magnum are escorting her, having been released from the hospital just a half hour before. They tried to apologize for not being available to help, but Drama and Coffee stopped them and told them that no apology was needed. Illudere's mind trickery ran circles around them too, not just me.

The group is getting too large for Drama's apartment, so we relocate downstairs to the auditorium. According to Gray the room's no longer bugged, so we don't need to worry about any eavesdroppers. Everypony brings each other up to speed on important events, and Gray leaves with the boxed crooks to get them set up at Hyacinth Apartments personally, promising to return as soon as she can.

Was Coffee ever this relaxed? She's talking about her entertainment preferences with Drama. Something something mystery novels, Shadow Spade, and evil lurking in the hearts of ponies that he knows about. I can't get behind it all, not with how fast she's talking.

Closer to lunch, Gray and the crooks return. She was able to get them their intended deal, and now they have apartments of their own. When I asked them why they decided to come back here, Maverick---I don't know how she lives with that name---gave me this weird look and said that they didn't need a reason to spend time with me, especially with how I am now.

Don't know what they mean, but I don't care. Just talking about this is too much work.

This familiar pony with a mustache appears at the Pyre's front doors. He has to remind me of his name: Buried Lede, with the local news. He says he's here to talk to me and Drama concerning a report that showed up at his workplace earlier, and on learning that Coffee is here he requests to talk to her too.

One of the ponies---might have been Maverick---suggests that she fix lunch for everypony, but Drama says that she's running low on non-perishable groceries. Gray suggests that she could go for them, but she would need to return to her apartment for her saddlebags. Drama stops her and lends the oddball her own to save her the trip, and Lede---surprisingly---lets her borrow some bits for the purchase. "It's a business lunch," he claims. "It's nothing I won't be making back."

There's a lot of talking going on now, and I don't feel up to it anymore. The only reason I'm complying is that the city needs to know about the dangers of Illudere's presence and what she did to me. I'm not going to transcribe this for anyone, and you can't change my mind.

Visiting the Police can wait. As soon as everypony's gone, I'm going back to sleep. Maybe it'll take some of this emptiness away.

And maybe it'll do something about this process that my CPU's refusing to elaborate on. I don't understand it.

I'll always prefer fresh fruits and vegetables, but that's not to say these don't have their merits.

In the middle of an aisle full of canned goods, Gray pushed her head against a small wheeled cart to move it forward. She resisted the urge to rub her face against it, knowing full well that it didn't belong to her.

Stopping before a selection of canned strawberries, she thought back to that meeting she had with Levi, Drama and Turkey Bowl in this very store. It was only three weeks ago. How in the world did so much happen since then that it feels like much longer?

"You've raised a good son."

Gray froze in place. Oh, no... She recognized the voice as belonging to the dog who had spoken to her yesterday. She slowly turned her head, ready to run if it was who she thought it was.

What she saw instead was a run-of-the-mill stallion with a yellow and blue coloration and a caterpillar Cutie Mark, a cart of his own next to him. Was I hearing things? she wondered, settling down and turning around. Their voices sound really similar. "I'm sorry. What's this about my son?"

"Zig-Zag," he confirmed, no malice or hostility in his voice and an honest smile on his muzzle. "He's the friendliest pony I've ever met."

"He has that effect on everypony," Gray said with a smile, always happy to hear compliments about her family. "I saw him kiss Leviathan a few weeks ago. Poor girl's face looked like a tomato."

The stranger 'snrked' back a laugh. "I can believe it." He glanced around quickly, his voice quieting. "Wasn't expecting to see you here, but I may as well let you know that he's doing just fine."

And just like that, Gray snapped from 'relaxed' back to 'on edge'. She too took a quick look around, making sure nopony was in earshot. "One of the kidnappers? And one of those tied to the breakout, I'm assuming?"

The stranger closed his eyes and nodded. "Yes. Yes I am. I'm Bushwhacker. It's an honor, Gray Ghost."

When she'd broken into Mocha HQ and stolen the files, Gray hadn't taken an in-depth look at them. She'd only given them a cursory glance to make sure that there were solid connections to the Midnight Castles. It took her a little bit to recognize the name.

More importantly was a nagging feeling that wasn't leaving her alone. She hadn't wanted to make the conclusion earlier when she'd heard him speak, but now that she was thinking about it... "Let me guess. Changeling?"

Bushwhacker nodded, slightly embarrassed. "Changeling." He took another look around, then met her eye to eye as he was briefly covered with green flame.

The fire vanished, and in his place was what Gray expected of said species: a bug-like black quadruped smaller than she was, with small holes in his limbs and large blue insectoid eyes. He was wearing the same type of armor that she'd seen Bastion with, the aforementioned holes evident via slight depressions in the suit's scales.

Something was amiss about him, though, and after a second Gray realized what it was. Twice in the past during her career, she'd sniffed out and fought aggressively hostile changeling infiltrators. She recalled their wings being holey and misshapen. In contrast Bushwhacker's wings were intact and well-formed, seemingly possessing their own shine. She wondered what the significance of that was.

"Satisfied?" the changeling asked, and Gray nodded. He quickly returned to his prior appearance, sighing. "I'm too used to masquerading as a pony. I almost forgot what it was like to just be myself."

"I've gone up against your kind a few times before," Gray spoke softly. "They weren't very good meetings. What are you doing out here away from your Queen?"

"Can we not talk about Chrysalis?" Bushwhacker complained, agitated. "I switched sides to get away from her."

Dissension in the ranks? Interesting, though working for and with criminals isn't much better. "Putting a pin on that for later. What are you doing here, then? I'm assuming you know about that challenge I issued your leader."

"Zig-Zag requested macaroni and cheese for lunch," Bushwhacker answered, shrugging. "I found macaroni, but there was no cheese in the icebox. I left him snacking on some diced carrots to tide him over until I returned."

"Refrigerator," Gray corrected him absentmindedly, gauging his personality. He's certainly friendlier than my prior encounters with his race had established, but that could still be an act. It doesn't explain why his wings look like that, though.

And I hate the fact that he just left him wherever he's staying, but I understand why he did. If anypony who knew us saw them together, they'd wonder why Zeke was with him instead of myself or Ocean.

Several ponies turned into the aisle, occupied with their own shopping. Gray quickly changed the topic by making it seem that she was talking about minor family issues with Bushwhacker, and his perception was keen enough for him to play along until they'd left. "Zeke especially likes Coltby cheese," she instructed him quietly. "He'll eat other kinds, but he won't be as satisfied with them."

The changeling nodded and started to leave, but Gray raised a hoof and stopped him. "A moment. You seem mellow compared to others like you I've met. Not quite so hostile. Is there a reason for that?"

Bushwhacker frowned, contemplating the question. Giving him time to come up with an answer, Gray continued surveying their vicinity. When he sighed, she brought her attention back to him. "If we had met years ago, I wouldn't have been any different from them. We've been constantly hungry for love for a while, and when we're unable to get any... well, you've seen the results for yourself, I'm sure."

She had.

"I eventually met somepony who came off as fairer than Chrysalis. He described himself as somepony who used to be a commoner---similar to myself, in a way. He promised me a steady supply of love, among other things, if I chose to join. Chrysalis became upset that somepony was stealing from her forces and had us both attacked. Seeing her reaction and my new benefactor's ability to fight them off convinced me that I'd made the right call. He taught me the very basics of fighting, and directed me onto a path that ended in Ponyville."

That pony he's talking about. Was he the same one I called this morning? ...Couldn't be. He wouldn't be so open about his experiences if it was the case, would it? Still, there has to be a connection.

And since he's in league with Statuette, is there some relation to her statement that she's opposed to Princess Celestia? Is he opposed, too?

Another pony entered the aisle, and Bushwhacker shifted to talking about the everyday antics of Ponyville's citizens until the shopper was gone. "At first I was nervous being around so many ponies at once," he continued. "But there was enough ambient love that it staved off the worst of my hunger, so I settled in. Life there's not perfect, but it's far better than when I was just another drone." He smiled happily. It wasn't the same sort of smile that Gray had when she thought of her family, but it was in a similar vein. "I even met somepony there who found out about who I was and accepted me as a friend."

Gray skeptically considered who in their right mind would do something like that. Not knowing of what she was thinking, Bushwhacker went on. "But nothing tops what I felt this morning. That little child of yours radiates so much love, it's like he's a furnace. Completely natural and unconditional. If you want context, then I'll ask you: do you know the significance of a changeling's wings?"

"No, I don't." I'd always assumed the ones I'd seen before were normal.

"If they look flimsy and/or frayed, that's a sign that we haven't been keeping ourselves fed. If they look sturdier and shinier, that means we're healthy with no immediate need for us to eat." Bushwhacker's smile turned joyous. "I noticed it for the first time this morning, and I was able to make the connection: today's the first time in my entire life that I've ever felt truly full."

"..." Gray felt entirely blown away by what she'd heard. She unconsciously felt her posterior hit the floor. "I always knew that Zeke was a lovebug---" She caught herself at Bushwhacker's slight head tilt. "...no pun intended---but is his enthusiasm and affection really that much of a force?" she asked, stunned.

"It is," he affirmed. "That's why I feel confident talking to you. For a child to display incredible love, that would require the kindness and love of their caretakers. Whatever it is that's making my boss take you seriously, you're not a cold-blooded killer."

...A bit backhooved, but I'll take that as a compliment. Zeke keeping a changeling fed just from proximity? No harm or entrapment involved? I... I think I'm going to need time to get over this!

Bushwhacker chuckled and shook his head. "I should really finish shopping before Zig-Zag starts wondering where I am. Nice talking to---" He started to walk away, but didn't manage more than one step before remembering something. "...Oh! Right, before I forget... would you be able to let Leviathan know that I apologize for not answering her letter?"

Gray brought herself back to awareness with a bit of effort, standing up again. "Hm? Oh... Huh. She wrote to you?"

"Yeah, a few weeks back. Things were hurried, so I couldn't get back to her. Tell her that I can't give her the exact recipe of Heartbreakers, but I can at least inform her that Zap Apple jam is one of the ingredients. That might be what she's talking about."

"That was---" Gray's voice raised in surprise. She caught herself two words in and lowered it quickly. "Okay, we've got to talk again at a later time. There's a lot going on here that I don't know about."

"My boss would get mad if I gave up critical information," Bushwhacker reminded her. "We are supposed to be enemies. But I'll be more than happy to return Zig-Zag to you at the end of the challenge period, alive and well."

Gray smirked. "That little confidence in the others fulfilling their end of the deal?"

"Do you seriously expect Illudere to have success in babysitting?"

Gray sniggered, though her swishing tail gave away her irritation at being reminded of her. Levi and Drama's explanation had painted an ugly picture of her. "No, I don't. I'll let you get back to your shopping. Remember what I said: Coltby cheese. And don't forget to add salt."

"Sure thing. Take care, Mrs. Gray."

"You too." And I never thought I'd be saying that to somepony of his race. Sad that we had to meet while all of this was happening. "And don't add to your crimes if you can help it. You're a decent changeling, Bushwhacker. I'd hate to kill you," Gray murmured with a melancholic smile, putting a few cans of strawberries into her cart and rearing up to push it away.

"You're a decent pony, Gray Ghost," Bushwhacker told her in return, smiling the same way as he went about his business. "I'd hate to die."


The two of them were only enemies because their goals ran counter to each other. Under different circumstances, they might have left that meeting as friends.

As she returned to the Pyre with her groceries, Gray decided to see how things went with this oddity. Leviathan would still need to fight him later once she got enough of her act together, and he would still need to face justice for what crimes he'd committed, but her instincts told her that Bushwhacker could at least be trusted with her child's safety without prompting.

She hoped that in the end, the challenge wouldn't end poorly for her youngest son. There was a developing friendship in the works here, and the city needed each one it could get.


Gray squealed, inadvertently making a passing pony stumble when he spotted her sharpened canines. Zig-Zag's effect on Bushwhacker had finally finished processing. My. Children. Are. The best!




Analyzing memories...

DNA scan in progress. Priority set to "lowest".

Defragmentation: 1% complete. Completion time: unknown.

Damaged Files: 3% restored. Completion time: unknown.

Point of interest found. Securing... ... ...done. Scanning... ... ...done.

Solar Energy Backup unavailable for use. Breaking down. Reconfiguration in progress. Completion time: unknown. Please wait.

Diverting resources...


...the first of a new generation of---



Author's Note:

My only selected music for this chapter is "Identity Check", from The Sims 3.

Shorter chapter than usual. I wasn't in the mood for anything lengthier. Primary purposes were to get Gray acquainted with Bushwhacker and to drop a certain revelation regarding Heartbreakers that I've been keeping at the back of my mind for a while.

And yes, the "Princess Bride" reference was intentional.

Ko-Fi Tip Jar!

Trope page!

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