• Published 18th Aug 2021
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Manehattan's Lone Guardian - Curtis Wildcat

What's a Reploid to do in a world not her own, and with a technology base to match?

  • ...

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The entire trip to the station was a blur. All I can remember is Drama falling asleep on the way there. I needed to carry her into the station with me because her hooves were around my neck. They still are.

In the past, I would have questioned myself if I had given in to my emotions as easily as I did. As things stand, I don't care anymore.

I'm sitting on the floor in the break room at the MRPD, eating some Heartbreakers that the sleepy unicorn had been carrying (why are they so zesty?). Coffee is explaining what happened.

After Illudere's spell consumed me, one of our neighbors saw her leave and notified Drama. That leads to the first real bright spot: whether due to forgetfulness or something else, Illudere neglected to take my weapon with her.

Or at least it should be a bright spot. I should be happy to have the Javelin again. Right now, I'm just feeling hollow.

Drama volunteered to help Coffee, and they started an investigation beginning with her neighbor. From there, they tracked Illudere to the city's entertainment district. An unexpected third party showed up to help and led them straight to me, which I find amazing: how in the world did Gray's cat know how to find me? I wish I could ask him.

On an unrelated note, bits and pieces of old (recent?) memories are coalescing. I'm remembering a letter from the same pony who owned the building I was hidden in. Alexandrite had confessed that her husband's death left a deep mark on her psyche. That clipping I saw in the apartment confirmed where and how he was killed, so I know now she wasn't lying to me.

Why did Illudere choose to hide me there? Is there some sort of irony I'm missing? Or is there something deeper that I can't put together the way my mind is now?

I don't know. I don't care enough to try. I just want to go home.

Home... where? Neo Arcadia? Or Manehattan?

It was clear-cut a few days (centuries?) ago. Now... now I just...

Drama's whimpering to herself. I can see tears seeping past her closed eyelids. One of my arms lifts to hold her close, and my mind's not registering the action.

Why is she crying? She's not the one undergoing this trauma.

"...much everything," Coffee continues to explain. "I can only assume that after Illudere left you there, she met up with her co-conspirators to take part in the kidnapping."

Kidnapping? Who was kidnapped?

I must not have vocalized it: the conversation's going on without me. "We got word back from the K-9 unit while you were out, Coffee," an older pony tells her, sipping a hot beverage. I know I met the speaker at some point, but my memory's so messed up right now that I don't remember when. "Three of the kidnappers have been found. Would have been five, but the last two scared off the searchers and took off with their victims. I imagine the rest will probably do the same if they're smart."

Who was kidnapped?

"We'll just have to work from there. Where are the three located?" Coffee inquires.

She's still not hearing me. For that matter I can hear what they're saying to her, but it's not getting through to me. There's a perpetual fog there.

With more effort than it should be taking, my mouth opens enough for me to speak. "Who was kidnapped?"

Coffee does a double-take before looking like she's just eaten a very bitter snack. Has she realized something? "Oh... right. Five ponies were snatched all at once earlier this evening. One pegasus, one unicorn, and three earth ponies. That Gray Ghost pony's family. The culprits told her that she'd never see them again if she didn't turn herself over to them before noon tomorrow. ...Or noon today, perspective depending."

Gray Ghost. Hm. Name rings a bell, but where have I---

"Leviathan? I'm sorry about what happened yesterday. Could... you forgive me? ... ... Thank you. Do... do you want to be friends?"


The first pony I talked to. The first one who wanted to be friends with me.

Her family... was kidnapped?



I lost everything that other life gave me. I will not lose what I've gained in this one. For the sake of those that have showed me kindness, I will shoulder that loss and continue on even if it becomes too much for me to bear.

I'm on my feet in a flash, something that startles them. The effect is ruined when I stagger and almost fall: Drama's still clinging to me, throwing off my balance. "Not so fast there, lightning," the old staffer rebukes me. "You have your weapon back, but nothing else. We've got to figure out how to approach this."

"I can still fight," I protest, straightening. "I'm not helpless just because I've been samused out of my equipment!"

"General, you are a haphazard mess," he tells me firmly. "I don't need to see tears to know you've been distraught over something. Physically you're fine, but emotionally you've been a total wreck since you were pulled away from the Golden Bell. That's not helping your judgement."

...You know what? I've had enough. "Gray Ghost is my friend!" My voice is hitting a volume I normally don't use in conversation. I don't care. "I am not going to abandon her when she needs my help the most! Her family's been kidnapped, and you're asking me to stand aside?! No!"

They're staring wide-eyed at me. ...Aside from Drama, that is: somehow that didn't wake her up. "What happened?" Coffee asks.

"I... what?"

"From the time you left the Pyre to the time we found you." Coffee's cute when she's being stern, but then most ponies are cute anyway. One of her hooves taps me as she emphasizes each word. "It's time you told us. What. Happened. To. You?"

My heart feels like it's trying to support the entire world. My anger just... it's replaced by something I can't describe. My voice catches in my throat as I slide down the wall back to the floor. "I don't even know... even know where to begin," I whisper. "There's not enough time to tell it all. Not in the day, in the moon, in the year..."

"Then summarize it."

Both my hands drop. Any anger towards Illudere that tries to take form leaves me as quickly as it arrives. "I'd just left the Pyre. Two pegasi were next to me... Knight and... Gargoyle?... Magnum and Maverick. Couldn't remember their names... I'd jumped up onto a roof and disturbed a scraggly-looking pony. I apologized to her for bothering her. Her horn lights up. I wake up in my personal capsule back in Neo Arcadia and live my life as if nothing had happened."

They're visibly struggling to understand as I continue talking. "And before you ask, I have no recollection of being put to sleep at all. I was looking at her one moment, and the next I was back home. It was as if no time had passed at all. And once I was in Neo Arcadia, I had no memories of my time here whatsoever. None."

Coffee has a hoof on her chin while the old pony is still trying to come to terms. "That would explain how Illudere captured you. Miss Heart mentioned that her illusions were on the same level as her own."

The same level as... I look down at the snoozing pony occupying most of my vision. Wait, does Drama know her somehow? I pose that question to those listening.

"She said that they were business rivals in Baltimare for a little while," Coffee confirms. "She also clarified some information that wasn't in Illudere's dossier. According to her, what got her placed in an asylum involved hospitalizing one of those trying to rehabilitate her. Probably through one of those spells of hers, but unless somepony over there was careless with the restriction rings..."

"Might've even been the same spell she used on me, for all we know," I murmur. "Who knows what kind of life that other pony's leading right now? Maybe something like the one I led? Worthwhile work, unexpected love..."

"I wonder how long those things last," Coffee mutters wonderingly. "How long were you subjected to that spell?"

"From my perspective, or yours?"

She shrugs, probably not seeing a difference. "Either."

"Two hundred and thirty-one years."

From what I can see past Drama's straightening mane (it was messier a few minutes ago, what even), both ponies have adopted that same wide-eyed, open-mouthed stare. "Two-huh-huh-hundred---!" Coffee manages to stammer.

"Two hundred and thirty one years," I repeat. "Every day of that life was as real to me as every day of this life is real to you. It was as fulfilling as life could get. Everything I'd set out to do I accomplished. I realized I loved someone with all of my heart, and I followed through on it on two different occasions. The world reached the highest point it had achieved in centuries, and I was an eyewitness to it all. I eventually passed away quietly from system failure on an isolated beach, happy with how my life had turned out... and the next thing I knew, I'd woken up having punched a hole in somepony's wall."

Nopony replies, and I take that as permission to go on. My voice is shaking, and I can't stop it. "It was all a lie. It was all a lie! Everything! Yanked away! Just like that... gone! I had everything, and now I have next to nothing! I can't even begin to tell you how serious that is! I've got memories and terminology criss-crossing every which way! I don't know if I want to go home anymore no thanks to that insane imagery!"

They're still silent. Yes. I figured they wouldn't have anything to say to that.


Drama? ...No... she told me to call her Sally, didn't she?

I look down at her. My limpet's eyes are still shut tight... no, one of them is open just a crack. I can't see her eye past a line of cloudy tears, but it's open. "Check my bags," she tiredly utters. "Somethin' else..."

Her bags? I thought I already did. That's how I found the candy. "Officer, could you...?"

Coffee's frowning, mulling over something... what it is, I don't know. She obligingly tugs open one of the pockets, reaches inside, and pulls out a piece of paper oh you've got to be kidding me. Where was that when I was looking through the bags? "Here," she says as she places it in my hand. "I hope that's what she's talking about."

There's writing on it, but I'm not seeing it clearly. Let's see, unfolding the paper... What's this childish scrawl on the other side? This isn't Sally's, is it?

...No, it's not. It's somepony else's.


"Dear Laveathin, don't give up! You're a good Reproid! You can do better! Go home and be a hero! --- Butterscotch"



I read the message to myself. Twice. Four times. Eight.

Is this for real? When did I get this? "Ha... haha..."

There's a delay before my internal inquiry is answered. Even my own systems are having trouble believing it. A hero? Foals and their big imaginations...

I'm having the strangest mental image of a little colt trying to wear my helmet and pretending he's a turtle. "Haha... hahaha..."

I turn the paper around to read the back. It's a note from a pony called Cotton Ball thanking me for capturing criminals. "There may be plenty of crooks on the city streets, but because of your efforts there are seven less roaming about. I wish you the best in your search for a way home. With sincere gratitude..."


I'm remembering one of the kindest individuals I've ever met, whether human or pony, give me encouragement at a later time. I'm wishing I could recall her name. "You go and get yourself home, dear. Be the Guardian you were meant to be."

"Kyaha... kyahahaha..."

The chain of memories continues: the pony holding on tightly to me giving me advice that I never thought would apply to me. "You'd be surprised just how much impact words can have on someone. Never underestimate what they can do..."

Sally was right all along. I hadn't thought holding on to that letter would be worth anything.


Now... it feels like one of the most precious things in the world.

My mind fog is clearing up. Not much, just raising the visibility from zero meters to five, but it's enough for me to admit that the old desk jockey is right. If I try to fight right now, any victories I attain will be costly, if I get any at all.

But as some of my earlier anger at Illudere returns and colors my feelings, an idea takes shape. I fold up the letter and return it to Sally's saddlebags, then stand up (carefully this time). "I believe I might have a way to mess up the kidnappers' plans without having to fight them tonight," I say, a certain item I own returning to its rightful place in my memory. "But to do that, I'll have to call it a night. Can I bother the Department for a lift back to the Pyre?"



"Quick question if you're up for it," Coffee asks me before I leave. "What does 'samused' mean? I've never heard that word before."

Now's not really the time, but I guess I could... "It's used to describe what happens when a warrior or adventurer accumulates a stockpile of equipment and supplies that could help them in the long term, then somehow loses them all before their next adventure for any reason."

"Huh. Have to remember that."


"Autumn! ...Rain Shine! ...Waterfall?! ...Deciduous?!"


"Please, say something! Anything! Why's there smoke everywhere? What happened to the village? What happened to my home?!"


"What's with those looks? Say something! One of you PLEASE SAY SOMETHING!"


"AAGRAAAHHH! You know what, fine! If you're not going to talk to me, then logically there's no reason for me to be here anymore! I'm going to find my place in the world, because it sure as blazes isn't around here! GOOD-BYE!"


-"Agent #6, wake up. ...Wake. Up."-

Urged on by the voice, Calico was roused out of an uneasy sleep. She fumbled around for her headset, mumbling the entire time. When she finally grabbed it, she held it up to her ear instead of securing it on her head. "Ignition, why in Tartarus?" she sleepily complained.

-"Agents #8 and #9 have just contacted me,"- Ignition coldly explained, uncaring for the kirin's grumpy mood. -"Your positions have been compromised. The Royal Police has discovered your locations."

Calico perked up at this, or at least tried. Her face looked alarmed while her brain was still rooting around for caffeine. "How the who now?"

-"Their K9 unit was able to track down all of you from Flower Row. Take your captive and proceed to the Maximum Millions Shopping Center immediately. Drone support is en route, but make sure you are not seen. I will inform #5 and #7."-

Hearing that name was the shot of caffeine her brain needed. The facility was the brainchild of somepony who got the bright idea to combine multiple markets and shops---clothing, jewelry, toys, music, food stalls, even an amusement park ride or two---within one four-story building. When finished, it would be Calico's greatest dream come true: a paradise for bargain hunters and those who liked to shop solely for the sake of shopping. The idea of touring the facility before everything was finished setting up made her grin with delight, and the fact that the building's owner was in league with Mocha and his lineage was pure gravy. "Yes, sir!" she crowed.

The transmission ended. Calico properly secured the headset and gave herself a once-over to reassure herself that she was still wearing her custom armor. She retrieved her boomerangs and hitched them to her suit's belt, then jumped off her bed and turned her attention to her captive. "You're coming with me, kid," she told her as she removed the ropes that kept her bound, trying to sound like she wouldn't brook any nonsense. "If you need to use the facilities before we go, make it snappy."

The child stared at her for several long seconds, her impassive eyes remaining locked on as they had been for hours. Despite the front she presented, Calico was beginning to worry. From the moment the child was yanked up until now, she had been completely quiet. No complaints, no yelling, and neither a single word spoken nor noise emitted. It was just... eyes.

As impossible as it sounded, she was beginning to believe that the child had somehow been to her homeland and had gotten Silenced like the rest of Calico's family and friends. It never occurred to her that Fiver was being quiet entirely by choice.

Finally the filly got up and slowly shuffled into a small bathroom, continuing to stare at her all the while. Once the door was closed, her captor breathed a soft sigh of relief.

Despite outward appearances and her role in her fellow agents' breakout, Calico still possessed the kindness that was inherent to her race. She hardly ever kept everything she purchased, instead giving them discreetly to those who needed them more than she did. And she didn't like the idea of explicitly harming or mistreating others, least of all children. As long as she was in charge of this one, she was going to make sure that the little filly wasn't traumatized when the time came to release her.

-Many eyes staring at her silently, hearing out her complaints without answering verbally, judging her without expressing themselves outwardly, her family and friends not supporting her...-

Calico's mood sunk. "If she doesn't traumatize me first," she whispered to the air.

Her headset buzzed, and Ignition spoke again. -"Are you still there, Agent #6?"-

"Yes," she answered, concerned. "Is something wrong?"

-"Bad news from Agent #5,"- Ignition growled. -"Leviathan's awake. And to make matters worse, our bluff has been called."-

Calico inhaled sharply and started to curse, but caught herself in time. She didn't want the filly in the bathroom to overhear her. "How?"

-"Unclear. #5 claims that she had somehow felt the General's awakening some time ago, but opted not to notify us until now. She received a message via a dragonfire candle warning her that if the Ghost's family was harmed in any way, shape or form, Leviathan would stop holding back."-

"I guess that spell of Illudere's wasn't all it was cracked up to be," Calico snarled. Her anger at these sudden turns of events spiked, but she hurriedly put the clamps on it before it could trigger anything destructive. "Why did Leviathan wake up when that comatose pony didn't?"

-"Unknown at this time. Have you left the premises yet?"-

"Not yet, Ignity. Just gotta wait for---" The sounds of running water reached her. "There we go. By the way, is the equipment still secure?"

-"Until the safe can be transported to Mocha HQ, it's as secure as we can make it. Don't assume that Leviathan's helpless without it: if she confronts you in the next few days, don't play around and take her out immediately. And above all else, do not harm the child. Clear?"-

I wasn't going to anyway. "Clear, Ignition." Calico smiled. "Take care, okay? Kiss, kiss!"

-"Say that to me again, and I'm reducing your rations to an eighth,"- Ignition warned her in all seriousness, the signal cutting itself off a moment later.

Calico didn't pay the warning any mind, giggling as she grabbed her cloak off of a hook. He's such a kidder. "We're burning moonlight, kid. Get your tail out of there and let's go!"


This kirin was many things. She was an outcast and wanderer, having left her home to fulfill her every desire. She was a thief, unintentional or not. She was overly selfish, focusing heavily on her own needs and wants. Her crush on Ignition was misguided and unrequited. At the same time, her desire for justice was strong. She was willing to be friendly even without anything to gain from it. Her capacity for kindness was present and in force.

In the end, her many flaws and facets made her a deluded Calico.

A letter materialized next to Gray in a burst of flame, startling her. She jumped to her hooves, turning every which way before she realized that she'd been spooked by a simple sheet of paper. "Not my night," she sighed as she calmed down, taking the paper with her into the kitchen to see what was written on it.

"The noon deadline is a farce. Their bluff has been called: they know I'm awake and alive, and they will not act against you as long as I am.

If you are still up, please get some rest and meet us at the Pyre at nine in the morning. I am sorry for reneging on my prior stance, but circumstances have changed: I am in no condition to fight physically, mentally or emotionally right now. I feel that it's only if we work together that we can end these crises we're undergoing.

Please. I need your help.

Your friend, Leviathan"

Gray set the letter down, conflicted. Filled with worry for her loved ones, she was loathe to take a chance on the kidnappers' threat being a sham. There was little that mattered more to her right now than waiting for the Police to return with good news and five healthy ponies.

At the same time, there was obviously something that was troubling Leviathan that Gray didn't understand. She couldn't just leave her, either. She turned towards the door out of the apartment, then indecisively back towards the letter.

Then, unbidden, a thought crossed her mind. At the end of the day, the question is: how much do you trust that your friend is telling the truth?




Gray peeked into the living room where Echo, his belly full and his muscles tired, was stretched out at his favorite sleeping spot. Deciding that she wouldn't let his work go to waste, she walked into the bathroom to brush her teeth and undergo her typical preparations for a night's sleep.

I hope I don't regret this.

Author's Note:

Music links for this chapter include: Day 7's "Cosmic Sailing", and an arranged version of "Crystal Palace", from the Super Famicom game Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon R.

After I finished my Descent crossover I tried to focus on this chapter, but it didn't really want to let itself be written. Tired mind was tired. :ajsleepy: It still doesn't look right to me, but considering Levi's circumstances, Drama needing her sleep and Gray's own plight, it may as well be the best I can do.

To the commenter who used Samus's name as a verb a few chapters back, I hope you don't mind if I borrow that for my own use. >^_^<

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