• Published 18th Aug 2021
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Manehattan's Lone Guardian - Curtis Wildcat

What's a Reploid to do in a world not her own, and with a technology base to match?

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Giant Steps Are What You Take

Coinciding with Leviathan's cleaning and Alexandrite's meeting...


FROM: Untold Walker

A bedbug has invaded the blankets of the city that never sleeps. Please find enclosed this sketch of a being unlike anything ever seen in Equestria. That might be stretching it, but have you seen anything with this kind of appearance?

I've heard the words straight from its mouth. It is a Reploid, a fully living machine with everything that implies. Difficult to believe, yes, but there was enough light for me to catch a glimpse of what lay within its damaged body: metal, wiring, tubing, more metal, and what it referred to as coolant (basically its equivalent to blood) staining its frame. I caught its scent, and there is nothing biological about it.

One would think that its voice would be flat and emotionless, as dictated by sci-fi writers everywhere, but instead it conveyed a wide array of emotions from amusement to annoyance appropriately. It proved itself capable of free-thinking: it deliberately took a lightning strike to the head to save another pony's life, knowing that it could shrug it off. And from what I have heard it speak of, it is no stranger to violence. Were I a gambling pony, I'd bet my old claws that it was made for war. Too, I'd wager my earrings that it knows little about magic: learning what a unicorn's aura was for made it faint.

What truly convinced me that it was an alien being was its reaction to being confronted with a basic door. It treated the door like it was expected to open on its own, but was proven wrong by a collision. This forced the machine to request help in bypassing it. One would think that unless its case was truly extreme, it would at least be familiar with the concept. Everything it does in reaction to its surroundings makes me think of somepony who moves to a big city after previously spending their whole life on a secluded farm. I'm not saying this to be mean, but it doesn't belong here.

The machine introduced herself--yes, it identifies itself as a "she"--as 'Fairy Leviathan'. The name itself feels disturbing, like it's trying to combine the beauty of a Breezie with the viciousness of a cragadile. Maybe that's just me, maybe not.

My drawings aren't high-quality by any stretch, so I would like to clarify that this is not simplistic clothing she's wearing: it's actually a set of lightweight armor, though I can only guess at what it's made of. As alien as she appears to be, it feels to me like she is meant to have a streamlined look, even if it doesn't come off as such to ponies. She's a mystery, and the explanation she provided as to why she's here only raises more questions. More on that when I have the ink to spare.

I have not seen her at full strength as of yet, but she could be a serious game-changer in that none of her functions depend on magic. With this in mind, I'd like to request that my status as one of your agents, however tangential and tentative that it had been while I was with the Royal Police, be reactivated. Somepony needs to watch events play out, and with the news of its existence getting ready to spread around Manehattan and beyond as I write this, I am in perfect position to do so. I await your orders.

P.S. - Someday you have got to drop in for dinner! My husband makes the best carrot-and-potato casserole ever, and I know that my little darlings would love to meet the real you.

The next morning at sunrise...

FROM: The Crown

TO: Untold Walker

Disintegrate after reading. By the Order of the Princess.

Your re-emergence and message could not have happened at a worse time. As of yesterday, a monster classified as a "bugbear" that was previously captured by the agency has somehow escaped from Tartarus and gone into hiding. As it possesses knowledge of our agents and may seek vengeance, particularly against the one who captured it, I have fully dissolved S.M.I.L.E. and triggered Contingency Ultimus. Thoroughly destroy any evidence of your affiliation with the agency that you possess. Henceforth, I will disavow any knowledge of your existence in the event inquiries are made.

But if it appears within your jurisdiction and you are in a position to re-capture the bugbear, then please do so. In all cases, follow protocol.

As to the topic you raised: I have seen the sketch of the creature that you sent with your missive, and I am forced to admit that none of the bipeds I've encountered across my life are anything quite like this. The obvious damage, its unnerving visage... I don't know if this was an intentional detail or if it is a reflection of your self-admittedly poor artistry, but it doesn't look like its eyes have any pupils to speak of. This together with your statement that it is both mechanical and truly alive already worried me, but adding immunity to lightning? I feel that most ponies would be worried if they knew its capabilities, possibly panicked, and I can not blame them. After dwelling upon the matter for some time this past evening, I agree with your sentiment that it is meant for violence.

However, I also agree that it is both lost and confused, and I believe it would be amenable to more peaceful means of living if given the opportunity. I admit that it is wishful thinking, given that this is a truly alien being in our midst, but I do not feel that I would be able to live with myself if we didn't give it every chance it deserves. Go, and assist "Fairy Leviathan" as you see fit. In the meantime, while I have my doubts that we can safely return "her" to her world of origin, I will make discreet inquiries around Canterlot for any clues, no matter how tenuous they seem.

All the same, do not expose it to the Royal Guard, Manehattan's local off-shoot, or other military affairs more than is really required by law. This is strictly a 'just-in-case' measure in case we are wrong about Leviathan, but I do not want Equestria to be caught off guard. Having served under me before, you know my feelings about this.

P.S. - On a personal note, I am delighted that you have surfaced alive and well, and with foals no less. I will consider your invite, though regretfully it does not appear that I will be able to make it anytime soon. This regalia feels heavier every day.

We didn't have any provisions for bounty hunters back in Neo Arcadia.

By and large, humanity and Reploids were all gathered together in one spot. I'll put it this way: if anyone else managed to eke out an existence in that unforgiving wasteland that covered the planet, we had no knowledge of it. There was no need to dispatch freelancers out to the great beyond: any messes were somewhere in the vicinity of Neo Arcadia and within our reach. And in the rare times that we encountered someone who could fight Mavericks and/or the Resistance, we didn't waste our time with one-off deals. We would just bring them into the fold and be done with it.

So part of me is surprised by this. Who would have thought that people could earn money from doing this, provided that the authorities were willing and able to pay up? Was this something else that used to be fairly common--or at the very least not unheard of--in centuries past, or is there something I'm missing? It feels like I'm not getting the full story somehow.

I have to fill some paperwork out before I can receive my money. According to the middle-aged staffer I'm talking to at the Police station, I may need to testify before a court at a later date as to how I caught those thieves. Among other things, this means supplying them with my contact information so that they can get a hold of me.

Just one problem: I still haven't had time to learn the written language yet.

I tell Officer Coffee-and-Cream, and by proxy everypony else in the room, of my dilemma. After some back-and-forth, it is suggested that I just fill out the form in my preferred language first, with Coffee clarifying what goes where. Following that I can read off the information, and they would use their own language to approximate what they hear. It might strike some as being redundant, but at least this way everypony was being kept honest.


"Fairy Leviathan. Technically 'Fairy' is a title, but this way it fits your general naming scheme."


"At least 30 years. I'm probably older, but that's as far back as my memories go and I didn't think to bring a birth certificate." Or 'production certificate', either or.



A moment as they parse what I said. "Gender?"

"None, but that just makes things more confusing in casual conversation. Let's just call me female for simplicity's sake, alright?"

"Current address? This one's not filled out."

"Whichever address Burning Salamandra's Pyre of Fears is located at. Or 'Flaming' Salamandra. I've heard her use both."

The ponies paused to peruse a business directory before nodding and writing it down. "319 13th Street. Current occupation?"

There are any number of things I can say in response. My title of Guardian doesn't hold much weight here. I used to be an environmentalist of sorts, but not anymore. So, since I'm most likely believed dead back home... "Retired soldier." Hopefully they won't question that euphemism.

"Country and city of origin?"

This one will have its issues. Even discounting my otherworldly origins, the long decades of war had effectively erased all boundaries. We didn't have countries anymore, plain and simple. "Neo Arcadia. Just... that. Kind of hard to give a country when none exists."

The officers are full of questions, that much is evident, but their professionalism shines through again. "There are a lot of unknowns here, and it looks like there are some things you're not telling us, but that can wait until it becomes relevant. How long have you resided here in Manehattan?"

"Less than twenty-four hours."

Coffee-and-Cream nudged me, amused. "Making a name for yourself already, huh? Should we expect regular visits from you?"

She meant it as a joke, so logically this means that I would address it with all of the seriousness it deserves. "I hadn't planned to make this a career. I want to get repaired and go home, so I would prefer not to be here any longer than two months at most."

A few sets of ears turned down at this, with Coffee's one of them. "That's a shame. Speaking solely for myself, Miss Leviathan, I think the Royal Police would be happy to have you once you became a legal resident."

Okay, they're making it really difficult to prevent myself from squealing over their cuteness. With some effort, I keep myself restrained to a laugh. "Kyahahaha! Don't worry. I'm just messing with you, sort of. Don't get me wrong, I don't mind helping you all out if another opportunity arises. I just feel like the bulk of my time's better spent devising some way of returning home."

"Fair enough. Do you feel you'll be here for at least the next two weeks?"

"I don't see why not. Being in a city at least feels like familiar territory."

The middle-aged staffer thumbs through what's probably a guidebook. Impressive, considering his lack of digits. "I wouldn't consider this a 'standard' situation, so here's what I suggest. City Hall is closed today, but I'll get some paperwork with your information prepared and mailed out. This way when you apply for citizenship, they'll already have it on hoof. Head over there in about three days and ask the pony at the front desk, and you'll be told where to go."

I'm probably not going to be getting out of this without becoming a citizen of Equestria, am I? It feels a bit jarring. Just a day ago, I was fighting to protect Neo Arcadia's people, and now look at me. You'd be alone if you thought this was how I expected my life to turn out. "It's really that easy?"

"The legal process used to be substantially more tedious," the staffer explains. I really wish he'd remembered to give his name. "A holdover from the days when Equestria was on strained or hostile terms with its neighbors. Eventually Princess Celestia got it into her head to streamline the process and make it easier for those that genuinely liked Equestria to remain if they wanted. Nowadays, if whoever it is can provide definitive proof that they'll be within Equestria's boundaries for a prolonged period and they keep their noses clean on all fronts, they can stay, come and go as they please. It's just a matter of getting you recorded in the official register for legality's sake. Some towns and villages skip this entirely, but in a city as big as Manehattan it's a necessity."

There's that name again. 'Princess Celestia'. Judging from the context she's the ruler of the entire nation, not just this one city. I wonder if she was officially... what's the word... coronated, if that's the case. There's some doubt there... or maybe she was, since she passed whatever legislature was required to make gaining citizenship easier...? I don't know. Stories that tell of kings and queens presiding over their lands have been around for ages, but no such rulers have been around as long as I've been alive. The closest figure I can think of that matches the description is Copy X. If princesses really do meet the criteria for widespread governing I haven't the foggiest, and that's another example of just how little I know. "Makes sense, I guess. So, is there anything else?"

"No, that should be everything. Let's give you your reward." The staffer starts to duck beneath the counter, but there's a split-second's pause as he realizes something. "Hold up. Miss Leviathan, do you have something to carry them in?"

I shake my head 'no.'

"Not even a knapsack to your name, huh?"

"Not even that. Aside from my weapon, which the Police should already know about from my statements last night, everything..." In this world... "...that I own I'm currently wearing."

The staffer gives it a bit of thought. "Guess there's no helping it, then." He ducks behind the counter, this time returning with a canvas bag in his mouth. He places it before me and unties the strings keeping it shut, revealing its contents. "Your reward as promised. 3,500 bits for the entire Midnight Castle gang's capture. Keep the bag, too."

I do a quick double-take at this last one, checking to see if... yes, that's the Police's emblem sewn into the bag. "Are you positive? Won't ponies get suspicious if I walk out of here like this?"

The aged pony waves it off with a smile. "If they do, direct their inquiries to the Station. We'll make sure that those currently on shift are notified so that they know what to expect. If it really concerns you, nothing's stopping you from using some of that money to buy your own bag before returning this one."

"I'm surprised that you're not making a bigger deal out of this," Coffee comments. "It may not pay all of your bills across a moon, but 3,500 bits is still a decent sum."

Compared to my earlier laughter, my chuckle is subdued. "I'll let you in on a secret: where I'm from, I had no real use for physical money and no way to judge its value. I don't even know how I'm going to spend all of this."

Not sure if I'm going to get used to how expressive these ponies' faces can be. "...Huh. Not sure if I believe that."

I think my amused snorts are becoming more natural-sounding, in my opinion. "Still the truth whether you believe it or not, Coffee-and-Cream."

Happily she's not trying to force the issue, despite her misgivings. "If you don't mind a friendly recommendation, Miss Leviathan?"

"What is it?" I ask, tying the bag shut and hefting it over one shoulder.

Everypony shudders, though its the one behind the counter that speaks. "Buy yourself a coat. Just because we're good at hiding it doesn't mean you're not making us nervous with those holes in you."

I shut my eyes and count to ten under my breath very slowly before re-opening them. "Suggestion noted, officer. My 'caretaker' is wanting me to visit the fashion district anyway," I reply, my preferences clear in my sour tone. "Which way do I go to get there? Anypony know?"

The soft sound of wingbeats subtly shakes the air. I turn away from the officers and suddenly eyes in my face what in blue blazes---! "I can help you out with that," a friendly, familiar voice offers.

"GRAY!" I screech, jerking away and almost stumbling over the startled Coffee, who side-steps just in time. My systems are blaring a high-volume warning at the suddenness of the pegasus' appearance. "Don't do that! What are you, a ninja?!"

"No, I'm a housewife," Gray tells me as if I hadn't just screamed at her. Talk about nerves of steel. "You said you wanted to know where the fashion district is?"

Twice, twice over. That's two times I've been scared out of my synthskin just in the past hour, and two times that this same pony has snuck up on me in the past day. I swear to X, she is not going to catch me off guard like that again. "Gray. Seriously. Why? If I had my Javelin out, I could have killed you just now!"

"She does that. Nopony knows why. Just try to get used to it," the elder officer says, rolling his eyes. "If I had a bit for every time she snuck up on me, I could afford that pinball machine I've been wanting."

"Hm?" Gray perks up, recognizing the stallion's voice. Her face lights up as if she'd recognized an old friend. "Oh hey, Codger! When did you get here?" She settles onto the counter as she talks, despite this being a blatant no-no in most circles. "I thought you would have retired years ago!..."

Analyzing the situation at lightning speed helps me calm down some. "That answers that," I murmur. Coffee looks up questioningly, so I clarify it for her. "I was wondering yesterday if she was in some position of authority, and I'd just gotten her on her day off. She must've been an officer herself once."

"I'm surprised you were able to figure something like that out so fast," Coffee murmurs back, slipping a baton back into one sleeve. "I didn't think she was allowed to be here, so I was ready to escort her out." Alongside those looking on, she watches 'Codger's' face soften as he talks about some past experience or other with Gray. "But looking at them like this, she must've been very respected in her time for her to come and go as she pleases. I wonder if I could get like that someday?"

"Maybe ask Codger about it when you're both off the clock?" an on-looker suggests. "He looks like he has some stories to tell. He could have some advice."

Coffee rubs her chin in thought, then lowers her hoof with a smile. "I might just do that. Thanks."

As fun as this is, I have business to take care of. "Gray?" I call. "Is there a reason you're here besides catching up with old friends?"

"Ooh, right. Thanks for reminding me." Gray and Codger tap hooves briefly before she goes airborne again, addressing me directly. "I was hoping to see how you were doing this morning, but Drama and that reporter pointed me in this direction." She grins. "You go out carousing last night?"

Okay, so maybe there is a bright side to having my exploits published. "If you want the full story, wait for tomorrow's news," I answer. "I don't want to re-tell it more times than I need to."

The background noise increases in volume a bit. Are they or are they not looking forward to my existence being divulged to the public? "I can't say I pity anypony who gets subjected to Buried Lede's tender mercies," Gray remarks. "He's relentless where getting the truth out's concerned. When I showed up, he was even taking a picture of Drama's spider mane for future reference."

...Okay, I have to know about this. "Spider mane?"

"That's just what I like to call this wicked wig she keeps for performances," Gray explains. "Looks like a gigantic recluse was nesting on her head."

Oh, right... that was another one of those things that the thieves were trying to steal. I recall wondering if it was necessary for it to look so scraggly. "Hm. Anyway, my business is done here. Soo... fashion district?"

"Sure. There are probably a few stores that have opened by now. If not, they will be soon." She's smiling eagerly. "How about it? Ready for your first true look at Manehattan as a whole?"

Not that I didn't get a good look at the city on my way to and from the Lonely Heart, but I don't think that's quite what she means. "May as well get this out of the way." I nod politely at those in the room. "Coffee-and-Cream? Codger? The rest of you? Thank you for your generosity. Until another day."

"On behalf of the Royal Police, thank you for doing Manehattan's citizens a favor," Coffee tells me with complete seriousness, raising one hoof towards me. I glance at Gray briefly; she nods and mimes the same action, making it clear what the decorum for this situation is.

At the very least, I tell myself, it's nice to know that I did some legitimate good for these ponies. Compared to my recent life, this at least is something I can look back on fondly. I smile, close my hand into a fist and tap it against the officer's hoof, accepting the gesture and the thanks.

Author's Note:

The link for this chapter leads to a remastered version of Goldeneye 007's pause music.

Yes, I went there with the J. Jonah Jameson reference. No, I don't like spiders. Moving on.

The bulk of my work at the office is done, so hopefully that much stress won't rear its ugly head again anytime soon.

Estimated Chapter Deadline: November 23, 2021

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