• Published 18th Aug 2021
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Manehattan's Lone Guardian - Curtis Wildcat

What's a Reploid to do in a world not her own, and with a technology base to match?

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Trifecta - Part Three

As the warning sirens signal the beginning of the battle, I don't waste time waiting for him to come to me. I go to him instead. Against somepony who knows what he's doing, trying to fight at range won't help me. If I'm going to claim a victory, then I'm going to have to use the same tactic that got me my few wins against Fefnir: get in close, strike, get away before he can pulverize me, repeat.

A meter appears on the right side of my HUD, and I get an answer as to what it's measuring when Trifecta raises his forelegs to block my first strike. That armor is more durable than it looks: the Javelin did what amounts to scratch damage against it. Yet it's still better than no damage, so I'll take it anyway--

Trifecta wins the brief struggle, slamming the Javelin against the road. One of his metal-covered hooves aims at me, and I'd be a fool to stand still--

My instincts save me as a gout of flame whooshes through the space I'd just been in. I dash-jump again, angling myself so that I'm charging towards him at his 8 o'clock. He predictably jumps out of the way, and I shift to a one-handed grip as I swipe at his breath mask with my free hand--

Ooh~. Surprises, surprises! Is that somepony ripping off my Double Jump that I'm seeing? ...Alright, “ripping off” is a stretch, since I doubt the armor was designed specifically to counter me, but this is still an incredible coincidence. Trifecta just did a little backwards flip in mid-air that took him away from my grasp, and I wasn't quite fast enough to dodge the buck to the back of my head (ow) that he delivered.

So, yes: I can confirm without a doubt that I shouldn't let trained earth ponies hit me againnnn---! Almost got burned there, he tried to ignite me before I could stand back up, managed to duck and roll out of the way and back onto my feet, move move move!

Fired off a few spearheads just now. They won't stall him for long, but they won't need to. Just need to keep him from turning me into a briquette!

That scaly armor's already demonstrated that trying to batter at it with the Javelin is going to be a waste of time. I'd get wreathed in flames long before I did any worthwhile damage. But what's going to happen if I attack the parts that aren't scaly?

As Trifecta's strikes smack the spearheads away, I dart in and swing at the metallic chest piece. He's not quick enough to evade, and the Javelin rips a gash right through it. I jump backwards away from his retaliatory swing while the entire suit roils, like the ocean beneath a steady breeze. The energy meter is outlined in green now, where previously it had lacked any sort of definition. Does that mean what I think it means?

I'm going to have to wait to see for myself; he didn't like me damaging his armor. Trifecta punches the air twice, three times: more fire exits his hooves, not as waves but as misshapen spheres. A simple matter to slash the fireballs into embers--

But while I'm doing so, Trifecta double-jumps into the air and slams his hooves together, pointing them at me. As my scanners warn me of a power buildup and everything from his shoulders forwards glows with an orange light, he speaks one word and one word only:


A storm of flame, much like the one Leviathan had fled from within the Institute, bore down on her at speeds she couldn't escape from in time. A wail of agony, much like that of a pony's, tore through the air as the storm struck home. For a few moments, Trifecta lost sight of her within the fire as he landed a safe distance away.

I wish I didn't have to do that. My fuel tank was thoroughly exhausted from that stunt, and the suit's flare emitters are overheating. It'll be a few minutes before I can make use of either again... the tank's going to need time for the runes to refill it.

It's for the best. She was attacking too quickly, too aggressively. That 'Zero' fellow from the paper... how fast was he for her to have gotten accustomed to it? ... Meh, no point speculating. Even if she survives that attack, this will be enough to give me some breathing room--

No, it wasn't.

Leviathan shot forward, leaving the conflagration behind her. She was looking tired to be sure, and her body was scorched in more places than Trifecta could count, but she was both still active and nowhere close to giving up. And--

Why in blazes is she smiling---?!

Trifecta didn't waste any more time thinking, instead letting his combat training take over. With his ranged options temporarily exhausted, he ducked beneath a Javelin swing and went low, trying to sweep Leviathan off her feet with a kick. His movements were a hair slow (cursed age) and she easily evaded it with a backwards hop. The Javelin--which he finally noticed was glowing and making a strange sound--descended again, this time at an angle where he couldn't evade; he twisted into position to block it, much like he did at the start of the fight.

Unlike her first try, Leviathan had a Charged Slash backing up the impact. A shockwave of icy cold air completely enveloped Trifecta, searing everything that wasn't protected with a bone-deep chill. Giving in to instinct, he tried to shield the few parts of his head that didn't have any protection from the cold. The dragon scale mail that he wore shunted aside most of the blast, leaving him relatively unscathed.

But as soon as the first slash struck home, he knew that he'd lost this fight.

While he'd acted on instinct, Leviathan had acted on experience. Not waiting to see if he'd weather the attack, she did what Zero would have done and pressed the assault. Slash after strike rained down on him, keeping him from gathering his strength for jumping and systematically wearing down his armor. He tried his best to dodge and counterattack, but with the emitters in his armor's hooves still overheated, the mobility he loved was limited. He was able to connect with his attacks only once more before Leviathan's aggression fully paid off.

A Water Circle cleaved his fuel tank into pieces, scattering them about the road. The attachments around his neck and chest met the same fate, and the belt containing his backup Reddocite was slashed apart. With the embedded metal and their enchantments gone, Trifecta felt every hit dealt to him despite the scales themselves withstanding everything. He continued fighting, of course, but it was when Leviathan got a firm grip on his mask and goggles and tore them off his face that he was finally forced to admit that he'd been bested. He did not want to deal with the noxious odors caused by the fires he had started.

The former law enforcer and secret agent might have gone through a lot throughout his storied career, but never in his life had he gone up against somepony quite like the Siren General. From the opening charge to his final surrender, it took two minutes for the fight to run its course.

So. Tired.

When Frame met Flame, I was able to stay intact... mostly. But that scream you heard? That was the sound of me experiencing my coolant being forcibly evaporated. If I hadn't found the strength to get away from it... well, the burns I'm sporting should give you a good idea. I'm counting myself fortunate that Trifecta only had enough fuel for one of those firestorms.

It probably says something about me that I still enjoyed that fight, as brief as it was. I know it's not healthy, but I just can't help myself. At least the cheering I'm hearing not far away is telling me that it was worth it.

As things stand, my levels are pretty close to the danger zone. I'm in no condition to continue battling, not after the dregs of my willpower just gave out. Not saying I didn't have to if I needed to: I just don't want to. Something that surfaced towards the end should be able to fix that, however. "Coffee?" I say, glaring at the subdued Trifecta to make sure he doesn't try anything. "The fight's done. Tell them they can send their squads to the Institute now. Over."

-"Roger that. Out."-

Forcing myself to stay standing, I drag myself over to where I saw a chunk of Reddocite go flying during my final series of attacks. I'm keeping my eyes and weapon trained on Trifecta the entire time. Even if he must be a walking bruise beneath his armor, I don't want to give him any opportunity to flee.

Picking up the ore, I take a few long steps away to keep its effects from restoring Trifecta's equipment. Satisfied that he's not going to escape and that he won't regain access to his arsenal, I crush the Reddocite in my hand.

I can feel my energy returning to me, my damage fixing itself, and my stores of coolant replenishing. It feels so, so wonderful. Have I ever said that before? I think I have. It can't be exaggerated enough: I needed that after what Trifecta did to it all---

-Analyzing data for Incineration Cannon. Auto-Repair Systems undergoing reconfiguration. Adapting weapon for current user. Estimated time: unknown. Please wait.-

...Huh? What's going on? My hands are tingling! "What's happening to me...?"

Trifecta's outwardly curious, but I ignore him. There's one more message incoming:

-Scanning... unable to absorb. Ability designated 'Double Jump' is already activated.-


...On Earth.

...Did you say? Care to run that last one by me again?

-Unable to absorb. Ability designated 'Double Jump' is already activated.-

That's what I thought you said.

"Leviathan?" I can dimly hear my guide calling out. Must be feeling brave enough to approach. "Why is your face turning red?"

His words are irrelevant.

Somewhere in Diarchs, a tea kettle whistled.

You mean to tell me that I didn't even need to set up that subroutine in the first place? That all I had to do was fight an opponent who had a similar ability?! That is pure nonsense! I wish I could have known that back when I first put it together! And why haven't I received anything like that from Phantom and the others?! Why wait until now?! I know I've sparred with them enough times!

-"I don't know, but whatever it is you have, wouldn't that be a good thing?"-

"Kya! Officer...!" Did Coffee just hear all of that? Please tell me she didn't!

-"You sound like somepony different when you're angry,"- she comments. -"What was that about?"-

A very slight scuffling sound reaches my ears. I point the Javelin in its direction, and the sound stops. "I'll tell you about it shortly." Coolant, get out of my face, get out. X in cyberspace, I can't believe I said all of that out loud.

I'm serious, though. I've taken part in my fair share of fights. I've won duels against Harpuia and Phantom, and as I said earlier, I've even managed a few very close victories over Fefnir. A couple times to keep my subordinates from getting too ornery, I've had to bring them low. Never once have I automatically learned a new skill or unlocked a new ability after a win.

So why start now? Why are mysteries being thrown at me?


You know what? I can work out my frustrations on something that's not going to break in a little while. I'll piece things together once I'm done being flummoxed by ever-loving magic.


MISSION - 100 - 20p
CLEAR TIME - 23'17 - 8p
ENEMY - 35 - 20p
DAMAGE - 35 - 12p
RETRY - 0 - 20p

TOTAL: 78p


Oh, shut up.

While the blaze at the Institute is being contained--and after I extinguish the leftovers from Trifecta's attacks--the Royal Police show up to arrest him. All of them are either angry that they'd been working with a traitor, or distressed that somepony they'd been working with for years was never really on their side. One of them reads Trifecta his rights, slaps some cuffs on him, and loads him into one of the carriages to be taken back to Manehattan.

Instead of defeat, the expression on his face is one of defiance. It seems like he's going to fight this one to the bitter end. Maybe he's thinking that one of his co-conspirators will succeed where he failed and discover some way of killing me, or that the one who set all of this up will. I'm not sure.

They're not unbeatable. Unorthodox, yes, but they can be defeated. I've bested one of them in combat, and I'm fully recovered. It's time for me to move on to the next.

While some of the Police go about questioning the locals who witnessed our battle and collecting the destroyed armor pieces for evidence's sake, my guide from before walks up to me with the journal. "Excuse me, but I've been deciphering the writing since your battle ended..."

I nod at him in thanks. It beats having to do it myself. "And what did you discover?"




This... this explains so much. A little cliché, yes, but it all makes sense. Coffee, still listening in, agrees with me with a bit more surprise in her voice: unlike me, she didn't see it coming.

"So, what do you intend to do with this?" I ask my guide.

"Normally this would be taken back to the Station as evidence," he answers. "However, the case this pertains to has been closed for over thirty years."

-"That journal's author confessed her crimes long ago. There's nothing in that book that isn't already in the archives,"- Coffee adds. -"And from what Codger just told me, the victim's name was stricken from the records to protect their privacy."-

"Journals by and large are private affairs," the guide continues. "But given that there's nothing private in this book anymore..."

"Lend it to the one who needs this information most," I finish. "And trust that the right thing will be done."



I offer a fistbump to my guide, which he accepts before turning to join the rest of his squad for the ride back to Manehattan. "Officer Coffee?" I speak, watching the weather team and fireponies at work. They have things under control here, so it's time for me to go. "I need information. As long as I'm on this side of the bridge, I'm going after that dragon."

-"Roger that, General."-

I have some irritation that needs to be expressed appropriately.

Knock knock knock.

Gray's ears twitched, and her eyes opened a sliver. She was greeted with nothing but darkness, her blankets hiding everything but her muzzle. Her forehead felt like it was burning. Wonder who that is...

The clip-clop of hooves walking across the floor, and the door opening. "Hello?" Ebony's voice was heard saying. "Can I help you?"

"Hello, young miss. Officer Spindle with the Royal Police. Is there a Mrs. Gray Ghost at home?"

"I'm sorry, but Mom's not feeling well today," Ebony answered politely but firmly. "Is it important?"

"In a way. I'm told you're acquainted with a 'Leviathan'?"


"She was doing some work for us this morning in Diarchs, and she discovered something to pass along to Gray. Something about a 'solved mystery', from what I'm told."

"Is... is that a journal?"

"Yes. I haven't read it myself. It's for her eyes only."

Hmm? What's-it? A journal?

"Alright. Sure, I can give it to Mom. Want something to drink? We don't have much, but I can make some cherryade."

"No, thanks. I'd better get back to my beat. Got to make sure nothing else crops up around here. Tell your Mom that we all wish her a speedy recovery."

"Thank you, sir. I will!"

The apartment door closed, and Ebony was heard relocating to the master bedroom. A moment later, the inquiry came: "Mom? Are you awake?"

"Technically, I'm a pony," Gray managed to groan.

There was a stretch of silence. "...Take that as an 'I'm awake', Eebon," Fiver murmured close by as she continued to play her games. "Stop making that face."

"Right, sorry. I have something here for you, Mom. Somepony from the Police left this here. Said that it was important that you look at it."

Gray reached out from under the covers, fumbling around. She was rewarded with the sensation of paper and cardboard against her hoof, and she dragged the item beneath the blankets. "Thanks, sweetheart. I've got to at least try to focus on something other than this stupid cold," she groused.

A few moments of silence. "...You might want to try moving the covers off your eyes," Fiver suggested only half-sarcastically.

"I knew that," Gray claimed with all the innocence of a foal who told their parents they're not stealing anything while their hoof was still in the cookie jar. She worked her head free from the blankets. "I was wondering why I couldn't see anything. Ebony, could you please go and make that cherryade so you all have something to drink at lunch?"

Ebony cheerfully agreed, leaving the room and closing the door behind her. Gray raised her head so she could see Fiver past the edge of the bed. "Do you mind stepping out for a bit? I think I want some privacy for this."

"...Recover from your cold first," Fiver muttered. "...I'm not leaving."

"Fiver, I---" Gray whipped her head away, coughing. Once she was sure the fit was over, she turned to address her child again. "Look, if it's from the Police, I'm not going to want anypony else seeing it, alright? The last thing any of us need are gossipy hens not knowing when to stay quiet."

A soft sigh. "...Mom, think very carefully about what you just said."

Puzzled pony was puzzled. "Huh?"

A four of diamonds moved to a seven of spades, and the both of them to a ten of hearts. "...First, I can't see what you're reading from the floor. Second, even if I could, you have me confused for somepony who loves to talk."

Gray's addled mind took a little time to process that reminder. A hoof was massaging her forehead at the end of it. "Sometimes, I wonder how much you actually inherited from us."

"...Didn't Grandma and Grandpa say the same thing to you?"

A snort just as soft as her sigh. That runs in our family, at least.

Making herself comfortable as Fiver went back to her game, Gray took her first real look at the journal's cover. Property of... Juniper Leaf? Why does that name feel so familiar? She took note of the date. Year of Celestia 964...

Trepidation settled like a shroud over her. That was the year I started kindergarten. She remembered what she'd told Leviathan recently about her state of mind, and how it had been influencing her "from kindergarten on". And that Officer had mentioned a "solved mystery" in connection with this book that concerned her personally. Is... is this it? Am I finally going to get the answers I've been wanting?

Gray nosed open the journal to the first page, immersing herself in her reading material. She knew it was the only real way to find out for herself.

The filly that we've asked for has been delivered. She's old enough that in theory, the experiments won't have any adverse effects on her growth, while still young enough that she isn't fully aware of her circumstances. Best part is that she doesn't have her Cutie Mark yet, so whatever her talents will be won't be affected. She'll be perfect.

In addition to my current duties, I'll be seeing to it that all of her needs are cared for. Our boss was very clear on that. He said that if the experiments are successful but the filly is malnourished or unhappy, he'll be holding me directly responsible. As if that warning was even required. I've wanted to have a foal of my own for the longest time, so this will be good practice for me.

I've already gone ahead and set up a bed for her. With the locks I have installed on my door, she'll be able to sleep peacefully without outside disturbance. I'm glad they agreed to have those put there; I hate having ponies barge into my quarters when I'm trying to get my work done.

Additional entries will be made as time warrants.

Juniper Leaf
Science Dept.

The filly received the first injection this morning, and was allowed to rest for a few hours. After she woke up, we had a good lunch and spent some time making sure she knew the Equish alphabet. She's adequate in that regard, but she can do better. She seems like a bright sort.

Her behavior showed a marked improvement from when she was brought in. At that point, she was remarkably squirmy and found it difficult to remain still. Now, she sits at attention and remains completely immobile when absorbing information. I was a bit anxious when this all started, but maybe it's looking like things will be alright after all...?

I just realized that I've never asked the filly for her name. I'll need to do that soon if I'm to take better care of her. I can't just keep calling her 'the filly' in these entries.

Juniper Leaf
Science Dept.

Yesterday evening after dinner, the little filly received her second injection. The changes she's expected to undergo should be taking effect soon, if they haven't started already.

The strangest thing happened when I took her to breakfast this morning. There's a mirror in the hall near the break room. When we walked past it, she reacted like she'd just seen a Timberwolf. She jumped away a short distance, arched her back a little, and just glared at the mirror for a few moments. She then looked at me and asked who that strange pony was, like she'd never seen her own reflection before.

I'll need to ask my co-workers if they've seen her exhibiting unusual behavior.

Ah, yes. Almost slipped my mind: She trusts me enough that I was finally able to get her name. I'll be calling her "Gray" in all future entries.

Juniper Leaf
Science Dept.

During today's meeting with the rest of the department, I asked my colleagues if they'd seen Gray behaving oddly during their studies. One of them answered that she seemed attracted to a stray box that was in his office, spending a lot of time resting and playing in it. This doesn't seem strange on the face of it: children have always had a lot of fun with boxes. What seems a trifle concerning is that she's choosing it over all the other toys that she's offered.

Another one said that he'd been writing a report to the higher-ups when Gray wandered into his office, climbed up onto his desk, and fell asleep right there on his papers. Cajoling and frustrated noises alike failed to budge her: she just opened her eyes and blearily stared at him without saying anything, yawned, then drifted off again. He was left with no choice but to call the department's other unicorn and get him to move her himself, since he was less likely to be moved by a cute face.

Neither of these things are typical foal-like behaviors. From what I understand, the experiments being done on her are supposed to make changes to her physical form while letting her keep her mental faculties. Was this something that she was prone to doing before she was abducted, or...?

Juniper Leaf
Science Dept.

I can't hide this anymore. Gray's grown on me.

I went to collect her for breakfast and her final injection, and she acted like I was the greatest sight in the world to her. That upbeat smile of hers could light up Tartarus itself. It certainly lit me up: for a few moments, I forgot that she wasn't really my child. I don't think I've ever been happier to be called "Junie". It... it feels pretty nice.

The situation isn't progressing as well as it should be otherwise. She's thrilled with life, well-fed, full of energy and about as intelligent as foals her age are expected to be, but Gray has been showing next to no reaction to the drug. The only change that I could find was that a few of her teeth have shifted into over-pronounced canines. There has been nothing else to indicate that the drug is working as intended.

I have a theory as to what is happening, and I'm starting to feel sick thinking about it. Ending this entry now.

Juniper Leaf
Science Dept.

It's been almost two weeks now. The experiment is a failure. The higher-ups will not be pleased.

Zoolinef did the exact opposite of what it was supposed to do. According to the specialists who created it, it is supposed to alter a pony's physical structure to make them more beast-like, enhancing all of their physical capabilities while making no real changes to their minds. All prior studies and tests have shown this to be the case, and it had been our collective hope that the first proper administration of it to a pony would bring the expected results.

It seems there was a one in a million possibility that we did not account for. You would think we would know better than to believe we have full control over ourselves by now, but it seems sometimes we need a reminder that no, we don't. Almost all of the changes that were made to Gray weren't in her body: they were in her mind. The only changes to her anatomy that I've found are to her teeth and her vocal cords. As I write this she's nestled up against me, purring like a kitten and idly swatting at a loose thread on my lab coat.

There's nothing to indicate that the changes will wear off over time, no signs of degradation. This behavior is going to stick with her for the rest of her life. I agreed to work in this department because I wanted to see if it was possible to turn ponies into animals. I did not join to make them think like animals. How in the world am I going to break this to Gray? Or her parents, should they find her? She's going to go through life thinking like a cat with everything that entails, without a clear understanding why, and I'm partially to blame for letting this happen to her. She's going to be ostracized and looked down on by everypony until the day she dies.

Celestia, I beg you to forgive me for my part in this. Nightmare Moon sure won't.

Juniper Leaf
Science Dept.

I don't have much time.

The Royal Police have caught wind of the fact that the Institute was a front to hide our experiments. As I speak, they and the town's Guards have started to surround the building. It's only a matter of time before they discover the hidden passages downstairs. I have made the decision not to run from what I did, and as such, this will be my final entry. I'll have to hide this someplace so that nopony can find it.

Gray's been very tired today. She was running around the entire sub-basement playing, then she staggered to her favorite box and fell asleep in it. She doesn't know how close she is to freedom, to being reunited with the family she was taken from. I envy her a little.

It had been my hope that I could somehow reverse the damage to her mind before it was too late, but "too late" has arrived. There's nothing that can change her back to what she used to be. I just hope that she'll be able to have at least something resembling a happy life.

As for me, I'll be fortunate if I'm out of prison before retirement age. There's too much I've done in my pursuit of science that can be counted against me in court. I should never have let myself take part in these unethical practices. They have killed any chance I might have had of having a foal of my own. And because of my hesitation and fears, I can't even say six little words to the pony who needs to hear them most:

Gray, I am so, so sorry.

Juniper Leaf
Formerly of the Science Dept.

Gray didn't register Fiver's presence on the bed until she felt a tissue dabbing at her eyes. For some reason, everything was blurred. "...Mom?" her child's voice whispered. "...Why are you crying? Are you okay?"

"Tell..." Gray's breath caught in her throat momentarily, and she spent a few precious moments getting herself under control. When she finally spoke, her voice was unnaturally heavy. "Tell your siblings. We need to have a family meeting after Ocean gets home. There's... there's something important I need to tell you all about."

Fiver nodded minutely. "...Bad news?"

Sniffing, Gray closed the journal after determining that there was nothing else written in it. She smiled, partially to reassure Fiver as much as herself. "No, dear. It's just the best news ever."


Author's Note:

Music links include: "Rockin' On", from Mega Man ZX; "After the Battle (Blue Memories)", from Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow; "Where Dreams Die", from Ultimate Custom Night; and "Mother Sea", from One Piece. Regarding the latter, the first minute and a half or so of the linked track is what I had in mind.

Chapters with 'boss battles' are going to take a while to work on, I've discovered. As such, I'm extending the deadline for those.

Estimated Chapter Deadline: July 6, 2022

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