• Published 18th Aug 2021
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Manehattan's Lone Guardian - Curtis Wildcat

What's a Reploid to do in a world not her own, and with a technology base to match?

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I left Diarchs behind me a minute ago. The beach that Coffee is directing me to is about seven miles north of the bridge. There's a small village there that sees a massive influx of tourists every summer, becoming all but abandoned as the weather gets colder. I'm told the beach is appreciated for several things: the bright lights of Manehattan at night in the south, and the excellent view of the mountains to the north during the day.

My next target, Metallium, has decided that scaring away the locals is her idea of a good time: according to Coffee, she's already forced the tourists to flee. If my past encounter with Trifecta has told me anything, it's that she's luring me into a trap. There's no choice but to spring it if I'm going to subdue her, and it's going to be much more difficult if she turns out to be a fire-breather like I'm expecting. I'd better be ready.

Just one problem: I can't focus.

This is nonsense.

Pure and utter nonsense.

The tingling in my hands hasn't gone away. Instead, not only has it gotten worse, it's extended to my feet as well. Something's caused my auto-repair to go haywire. I mean, that has to be it, right? I felt a much more subdued sensation when it was repairing my frame, but I at least knew what was going on and could relax with that knowledge. Here, I'm not understanding what's happening.

Is it trying to build something? I don't see why it would. My auto-repair function was designed to fix and restore, not to construct something new entirely out of whole-cloth. That should be beyond the scope of its existence. For example, if one of my arms is mangled or otherwise crushed, the system would be able to return it to full functionality given enough time. But if the same arm is ripped off entirely, I would need my support staff and an array of technology to build and attach a new one.

A half mile north of the bridge, I drift to a stop. "Coffee, bear with me. I need to take a break. Over."

-"Something wrong?"- Coffee inquires, the transmission buzzing a little.

"My auto-repair's been rebelling since I used Trifecta's Reddocite sample. I don't know if there was anything unusual about it, but this is getting too distracting. If I go into battle like this, it's not going to help me survive."

-"Hopefully it won't take too long to stop,"- she says with some reluctance. -"Take what time you need, then get back to work, understand? Those in trouble can't wait."-

"I'll try to hurry. Out."

As I end the transmission, I come to rest on an underwater ledge. My hands and feet are all but vibrating. "Systems check!" I call, requesting the same internally. I need answers, and I need them NOW.

-Analysis of Incineration Cannon complete. Reconfiguration process interrupted; weapon incompatible with all hardware due to heat sensitivity. Altering process. Please wait...-

Magic, if that's you, stop doing this to me. In most cases I would never turn down a new ability, but this is still very suspicious. Was this something else that was hidden because of my altered blueprints? Why am I receiving something new, again? There should not be anything else that I'm capable of! It's defying everything that I should really be! I repeat, stop doing this to me!

-Systems drawing on donated schematics of genetic donor...-

"Genetic... ...!" It... it couldn't be... This can't be...! "X!"

-Scanning... 46%... 82%... 99%... ... ... ...-

Figures. It always has to sit on 99% for the longest time. I don't have all day here. Hurry it up, hurry it up!

-Done. Inner workings of Mega Buster Mark-17 compatible with hardware. Outer shell discarded. Variable Weapons System applied. Link established with CPU and applicable hardware. Eight slots available. Stand by...-

All of the tingling is finally dying down... and of their own volition, both palms are aiming outward. A shapeless mass of ice particles sprays from my hands, travels about four meters, and dissipates in the water. What the...

-Reconfiguration Complete. EX Skill gained: Arctic Pulse.-

-Project short-ranged freezing mist through one or both hands. Cannot maintain cohesion past four meters. Can be charged for double the range and lower temperatures if Dry Ice Mode is functional; this function does not stack with the effects of Overdrive. Energy limit imposed to prevent overtaxing Energen and Ice Manipulation. One unit of energy per one second of usage; expenditure is doubled if both hands are used. Twenty-eight units total.-

-Depletion due to integration of Variable Weapons System noted. Energen Supply: 100%. Reserves: 98.6% --> 8.2%.-


Heh heh...

Eh-heh-heh hahaha...

...Why am I laughing? It's not even funny...

"X, you barely managed to help us in life. Are you trying to make up for it by helping me in death?"

I'm not really expecting a response to that question. X is a whole other universe away, consigned to his rest in the depths of Cyberspace. It still had to be asked, because it's something I'm wondering. I'm probably never going to get an answer to it.

Thinking about it, it strikes me that we knew very little about X. The real deal, that is, not the copy. I was familiar with the basic history I gave to the Minutes, but not much more. I only had one face-to-face interaction with him before he vanished from the scene, and it struck me just how sad he was. So very tired, like everything about life was pressing him into the ground. He couldn't even spare enough energy to be happy with the creation of his own 'children'.

Was he always like that during his life? I wish the four of us had been created during his heyday so that we could've seen it for ourselves. The world's paragon, looked up to by humans and Reploids alike, couldn't have been such a downer full-time. Surely he had to have enjoyed life to some degree. I know I did, despite my previously-discussed issues.

Heh... still, I could never hold it against you, 'father'. You had all of our best interests at heart in the end. I wish I could've gotten to know you, but for now I'm content with the knowledge that you tried your hardest. Sleep peacefully.

There's something in my eyes right now. I'm sure it's just seawater collecting there.

Focusing on the here and now, this "Variable Weapons System" is very interesting. It took one of Trifecta's attacks and turned it into something I can use, completely skipping any training I would need in order to create and learn to use my own facsimile. If my recent history is any proof, I'm going to be ending up with something from each opponent I'll be fighting today, and that's in addition to unlocking my hidden equipment.

I'm carrying literal history in my systems. X's creator installed this into him? Just what kind of person was he to have designed something like this? ... Well, whoever he was, he was a mad genius. When they built things in his day, they built them to last. Neo Arcadia's archives had said that X was able to copy his opponents' weapons, so this was how he must've done it. Sorry, Dr. Ciel, but if it was you who built that Copy, that element-switching system you gave him was just a poor man's imitation.

Enough pondering. Time to get back to work. "The situation has resolved itself, Officer," I say, reopening the transmission back to HQ. "Back on the clock. Got some new toys to play with, and I'm ready to put them to use. Over."

You can't mistake her curiosity for anything else. -"Spontaneously? Just like that?"-

I raise one of my hands before my eyes. Outwardly, it's not much to look at: five digits, palm, and white fabric. Inwardly---and I never thought I would say this, given my element---it's burning with an awesome power. "Yes. I still don't know if it was the Reddocite that did it or if another trigger was responsible, but I think I'm just now realizing what I can really do." And I'll have to send another letter to the Princess when I'm done. She's going to need updated on this.

A short silence. -"You can give us the details during your debriefing,"- Coffee decides. -"Now, any questions before you confront Metallium?"-

After some deliberation, a question comes to mind. "Does the Police have anything that'll let them contain a dragon? Once I defeat her, I'm not going to be able to guard her forever."

-"Sadly, no. There've been a few smaller dragons that have been sighted here and there, so there's been some debate as to what to do if they break the laws. However, nothing's cropped up where containment is concerned, and the dragons haven't been forthcoming with advice. For something of this threat level and size, we might have no choice but to get in contact with Canterlot and request that Princess Celestia send it back to the Dragon Lands with its tail between its legs. Over."-

Hmm... "On a related note, do you have any Dragonfire candles?"

-"Heard of them, but I've never seen one."-

Glad I didn't get my hopes up. "This should still work out. Dispatch the fastest courier you have to Canterlot with instructions to give a high-priority message to the Princess. Code words: Omega Zero Weil." I pause to spell out the fourth word to her. "I've been in contact with Canterlot often enough that the Princess will understand the meaning of them. Ensure that any other credentials that would be needed are utilized. Over."

-"...Alright,"- Coffee agrees after some deliberation with somepony I can't hear. -"Just bear in mind that reinforcements won't be quick. Even at full speed, it's not a short flight to Canterlot."-

"That's fine, I can wait. I'm probably going to be out of range while I'm at the village, so don't bother calling me. If you've got anypony free, you'll want them to go find a high point and keep a telescope trained on that beach. You don't want to be off-guard in the event that I lose." As if.

-"That was how we knew the dragon was there to start with,"- Coffee confirms. -"We'll keep on the watch."-

"Good. Then it's time I got to work. Commencing mission. Over and out."

With nothing else to say or do, I pour on the throttle and jet down the coastline. Wasting time is for those that have plenty of it to spare, and that's not me.

I'm not encountering any opposition on the way to the beach. All of the drones I've fought before are far ahead of their time, but it can be safe to assume that none of them are submersible. I guess they never thought to try and claim superiority over the seas, focusing on the land and air.

Is there sapient sea life here? Probably is, and if so, it shows that my foes have a long way to go.

I leap from the water, flipping in mid-air and executing a perfect landing on the beach. Completely pointless because there's nopony around to see it, but it's still fun, so there.

...Well, almost nopony. Or in this case, nodragon. At the edge of the beach near a three-story hotel--one of the nicest buildings I've personally seen since I arrived in this world--is the target I'm after. Metallium is reclining on her side, in the middle of chugging down a collection of assorted drinks. The ground next to her is littered with empty glasses, and there's something about this detail that's making me mad.

Though I guess she hasn't seen me yet after all... question mark? She's more interested in her drinks than in her surroundings. Full of herself, isn't she?

Metallium's lacking much of the armor that Trifecta had, being limited to a vest, bulky gauntlets, and goggles. Unlike the mole's, her goggles' lenses are translucent, allowing me to see her eyes. And I suppose she wouldn't need the armor, given that she seems to be fairly tanky. The briefing I received told me that her species was the source of that armor, so she's obviously going to be a juggernaut.

In short: play it smart.

My feelings on the battleground are conflicted. Plus side, it's adjacent to the water. Minus side... well, you already know my opinions on anything that makes me dirty. Fighting on the streets of the city is preferable to this. It's a bit annoying that I don't have any room to bargain, but I don't have any choice either. In the worst case scenario, I may require Drama's services again later.

A downtrodden stallion exits the hotel, a serving tray full of additional drinks on his back. He realizes I'm here, and his eyes widen; slowly, ever slowly, he backs off into the hotel again and shuts the door. Smart move there, mister.

Metallium tries to claim another drink in one of her massive hands, but finds nothing. Wondering why she hasn't received it, she looks up and spots me walking on in. She snorts disdainfully as I approach her, a little cloud of smoke rising from her nostrils. With a careless toss, she lets the glass she was drinking out of shatter against the hotel's exterior. "Just what I needed. Shish kebab waiting to happen."

"Dragon-flavored popsicle. My favorite," I retort, unfazed.

"Hmph. I don't get why they're all worried," Metallium muses aloud, standing upright. My initial guess was right: she's approximately twice Bossa Nova's size, not counting the long neck and head. "You'd barely warrant two mouthfuls, three at most. Though I would have to roast you first. Eating my prey live isn't good for my throat."

"Just to reiterate: I'm made of metal," I tell her, unimpressed as I ready myself for battle.

A wicked sneer and a mouthful of fangs, some of which I'd wager are as big as my head. "My race eats gemstones, robot. I'm not too worried about a bit of metal."

Okay, that's impressive. Morbid thought, but I wonder where ceratanium ranks on their scale. "Let's fix that, shall we?"

The dragon's tail whips against the sand repeatedly as she steps forward, meeting me halfway. An electrical humming surfaces within my hearing range as first her gauntlets, then her entire body, take on a blue-white shine. "Poor little thing. You can't fix what isn't broken."

Wings flapping, Metallium rises into the air... but instead of flying towards me, she twists and dives straight down through the ground. Electrical arcs trail behind her as she tunnels deep within, disappearing into the darkness. For someone her size, that's some decent speed she has.

She left an open invitation, but I'm not taking the bait. I stay on the beach and charge up for a Spirit of the Ocean, Javelin spinning---

I have a second's warning, and I accept it. I double-jump backwards away from the surfacing dragon and the eruption of debris, though a clod of dirt and sand still catches me in the face (yecch). At the same time, I release the Spirit and direct it straight at her.

Instead of burning it, Metallium takes a different tack. With a mighty swing, she decks the Spirit right on the nose with her gauntlet-covered fist. An electrical flash covers the distance between face and tail in a heartbeat, shattering the attack into fragments.

Only then does she open her mouth, putting her fiery breath on display. It's close, it's close... there. Almost got me, but I was able to dash away as soon as I landed. Good thing: those flames are ridiculously pink and ludicrously hot. They make Trifecta's improvised flamethrowers look like lighters: the space where I'd landed has just been glassed.

Yes, I know. The 'hot pink' joke wasn't funny the first time, though I will agree that too much of this is dangerous for my health.

I charge in and slash at Metallium's belly, evading the punch that she tries to counter me with. As expected, there's barely even a scratch left behind; the energy meter on my HUD twitches a little, but that's it. “Nice knife. Think I'll use it to eat my meals with,” she rumbles. Gathering her strength, she punches the ground to launch a wave of sand and debris at me.

The Javelin spins, the RPM high enough to keep the worst of it from hitting me. As the mess scatters, there's a rumbling beneath my feet... and by the time my vision clears, Metallium's vanished into another tunnel, the sand settling around it. Blast!

Well, best to keep on the move. I dart around the beach, altering my path every three seconds to try and keep her guessing. I crisscross my path multiple times, jump and double-jump all over the place. All the while, I can faintly hear the rumblings of her tunneling beneath the beach.

I alight on the sand, pivot and jump towards the ocean---


Point-blank roars are not fun to listen to, and having a dragon snag me out of the air as she explodes out of the ground is even less fun: one of Metallium's scaly hands just snared my right leg. How'd she keep track of me---?!

And then I'm rushing down to meet the sand. It reciprocates by delivering a gift basket straight to my face. Shoreline-flavored fruitcake, can't recommend.

I can feel Metallium pulling the Javelin out of my grip, prying it free with her superior strength and chucking it away. “Not going to phase me without your little toy,” she chortles, engulfing me with both hands.

Something crumples in my knee as she tightens her grip and SWEET CELESTIA THE PAIN! “That's right, scream for me. It'll just make my meal that much more delicious!" she cackles, raising me towards her mouth---


Time slows down as I shut off all non-vital functions, devoting everything I have to processing my situation. I've only got one chance at this: as I think, Metallium's fanged mouth is ever-so-slowly opening wide.

The Frost Javelin's some meters away out of reach. Most of my body is restrained by my enemy's grip, with my left knee partially caved in. Aside from my feet, head and right arm, I can't move.

Not for a moment do I believe I'm about to die, however. Because as I register that one of my arms is still free, two important details reach my mind. First, as the inside of Metallium's mouth becomes visible, it has become clear to me that her natural defenses do not exist inside of her body. Second, dragons are a reptilian species. Read: cold-blooded.

I don't know why she left that arm alone. Maybe it was to give me some false hope that I could pull myself free, or maybe she's just being negligent. Who knows? What I do know is that by doing so, she made a colossal mistake.


Time speeds back up to normal. Just as I enter Metallium's mouth but before she can seperate my head from my neck, I point my open palm straight down her throat and trigger X's legacy. The Variable Weapons System activates; with a thought, the Arctic Pulse sends its perpetual mist... -53°F, far as I can tell... down where it's supposed to go.

Metallium's response is immediate. The shock of the mist collecting on the inside of her neck causes her to almost blast my hearing out with a half-choked roar, and she tries to pull me away. "No no no, I'm not done," I declare, catching her tongue in my hand even as I continue my attack. "You wanted to eat me? You got it---and everything that goes with it!"

The dragon answers with a defiant growl, and a High Heat Warning flashes past my vision as she readies her flame breath. Trying to melt me before I can finish this, I'm assuming? Time for something a bit more audacious, then.

In its struggle to free itself, the tip of her tongue twitches near my face; with just a moment of hesitation at how disgusting doing so would be, I open my mouth and chomp down on it---

Well, if that last roar almost deafened me, this one's threatening to rip the plates right off my temples. The buildup of flames ceases for a moment, more than enough for the Arctic Pulse to make some progress in its mission. I let go of Metallium's tongue, spitting something nasty at the side of her mouth; at the same time, her hold on me slackens as the icy cold starts to take effect. I take advantage of this to yank my other arm free of its restraint and pull myself farther in, jamming my hand into her throat. "One dragon-flavored popsicle, coming right up!"

Not the best thing I could've done. I'm still registering High Heat Warnings, despite the lack of fire; it's like a furnace in here, and my arm and coolant are both suffering for it. In addition, now that I'm not holding onto her tongue, the dragon's trying to pull me out entirely. To mitigate this, I aim my free hand at the roof of Metallium's mouth and let it rip with a dual Pulse blast.

This does the trick. Two energy meters on my HUD are rapidly dropping: one representing the Arctic Pulse's power supply, and the other Metallium's willingness to fight. The second outspeeds the first, hitting its limits just before I'm no longer able to sustain my attack.

Metallium continues to struggle, trying to remove me before my actions catch up to her, but it's no use. "You're... cra...zy..." she manages to hiss as her grip becomes increasingly weaker, lethargy brought on by the encroaching cold overcoming her as she lets go of me. With a thud that shakes the ground and whips up a short-lived sand cloud, she topples over backwards and collapses; I'm able to yank my half-melted arm out of her mouth and jump away as she does so, landing awkwardly on my good leg.

Crazy, huh?

High in the sky flies a crimson comet in her mind's eye. It bounds from airship to airship in an attempt to reach and disarm a bomb that would put an end to the feeble Resistance...

I grant her the dignity of a smug little smile as her eyes close. "I learned from the best."


MISSION - 100 - 20p
CLEAR TIME - 5'53 - 20p
ENEMY - 1 - 20p
DAMAGE - 50 - 9p
RETRY - 0 - 20p

TOTAL: 89p


It took some searching, but I was able to find the Reddocite that Metallium had stashed away inside one of her gauntlets. I crush it in my good hand, savoring the sensations brought on by my everything being rejuvenated. The pain leaves my leg as I'm able to stand on it again, and the arm that I'd sacrificed to Metallium's maw returns to its original shape and composition. I tighten my hand a few times to reassure myself that all the connections are there.

No sand in my frame, either, I note as I retrieve the Javelin. Bonus.


There we go. I was wondering what was keeping it.

-Password broken. Subsurface Radar operational. Scan surroundings in a fifty-kilometer radius around the user in order to track points of interest and enemy targets. Most effective underwater, but can be used above ground with vastly decreased range.-

That settles that. The subroutine I'd created to break the protection is officially obsolete. Oh, well; it still served its purpose. I'm not going to waste further time whining about it.

Now, let's give this a test. Given that this must have been how Metallium was able to track me through solid ground, I should be able to see through walls and such with this. Activating...


My surroundings become obscured. Everything solid and inanimate shows up as dark outlines without any real detail. I let my eyes wander over Metallium for a moment; her own outline shifts more towards red-white.

I'm picking up some movement from the village: the residents are coming out of hiding to investigate. All of their outlines are speckled with green, which I can only assume indicates that they're friendlies. A further examination shows me upwards of three hundred of these outlines, which I believe constitutes the village's entire population. I turn my head towards the ocean, but the outlines don't truly go away: it's like I can see them behind me no matter where I'm facing.

Excellent. The Radar's working as advertised. I switch it off, and my vision returns to normal---

-Analyzing Heavy Sandhog...-

-Scanning... 12%... 36%... 71%... 89%... Done.-


Why is my own weapon yanking me off my feet? Why am I being thrown forward? Why is the spearhead spinning like a demented drill---... ...oh. And also an 'rrgh' because the Javelin stopped and dropped me in the sand, but mostly 'oh'. Okay, I get that it had to demonstrate to me what I just picked up, but why couldn't I have obtained something like those electrical gauntlets instead? Flash-freezing targets with my fists sounds like it would've been fun.

-Reconfiguration Complete. EX Skill gained: Permafrost Squirrel.-

I spit out a bit of sand and stand back up. The names on these things... is my CPU just randomly picking terms out of a dictionary that remotely apply to the situation? At least "Arctic Pulse" was within believable bounds; this one's stretching it too far. Well, I guess they can't all be winners, I say to myself, sighing.

-Temporarily converts Frost Javelin into a high-speed drill. Good for short-range tunneling or surprise attacks. Can not damage titanium alloys, diamonds, or other substances harder than either unless Overdrive is active. Maximum distance: eight meters. Seven units of energy per usage. Twenty-eight units total.-

Not something I can use repeatedly, then. I'm getting the impression that it's highly situational, and that despite its description it's not really meant to be used for attacks. Maybe as a shield breaker of sorts?...

"Excuse me, Miss Fairy?"

I'm interrupted by the pony who'd been serving Metallium out of duress. He seems anxious. "Yes?"

"I'm... I'm sure you're busy, but... would you care for a free sample?" he asks, offering me a little drinking cup filled with a lime greenish-brown liquid. The cup's small enough that I can hold it between my thumb and index finger.

Half of me's saying that I should let him down easy and tell him that I wouldn't be able to taste it even if I wanted to. The other half's telling me to humor him and drink it down anyway. The latter half wins out, I bring the cup to my mouth---


---and I stumble as a familiar kick hits me. My Energen reserves are increasing from the 8.2% I'd started the fight with up to 12.2%. What the---?!

"Miss Fairy!" the worker exclaims, concerned. "Are you alright? What happened? Does it taste bad?"

"No no no, it's not that," I hastily reassure him, straightening. "It's that I can even taste it to begin with! What's in this?"

"Oh. Um... I pulverised one of those little Heartbreaker candies and mixed it into some fruit juice," he explains. "My boss came up with the idea after reading that report about you."

So it's essentially liquid Energen. Talk about novelties. "Hmm... well, if you want my personal opinion, I suggest offering warnings on the sugar content," I tell him as I give the cup back. "There's such a thing as too much of it, after all. Even for ponies. Other than that, I have no problems with it."

"Th-thank you! I'll let my boss know immediately!" he proclaims with relief, taking the empty cup and galloping into the hotel with it.

I probably should have asked if he had any more. My food supply's in my purse back at the Pyre. And was that 'thank you' for the suggestion, or for saving his village from Metallium? ...

Well, what's done is done. I'd better make sure the dragon doesn't wake up until reinforcements arrive, and destroy the equipment she was using. That chill she's experiencing isn't going to last forever.


'Nearly eaten by a dragon'. Add this to the list of "Things I'm Never Talking About When I Return Home".

Almost two hours later...


None of the locals aside from that hotel employee have approached me since the battle ended, though they're cautiously starting to go about their business again. If they're waiting for the dragon to leave, they're just going to have to be patient a little bit. My help hasn't gotten here yet.

Though if they're really wanting to get those tunnels filled in, I can understand a little bit better. Tourism is their lifeblood during the summer, and any breaks in the routine would likely make their lives more difficult.

I've been periodically applying an ice layer to Metallium to keep her under. After the first time, I hurried to the ocean to take a quick swim. I was in a dragon's mouth, viewers, with everything that entails. If there was anything left on me after the Reddocite was finished putting me back together, I wanted it as far away from me as possible.


A pop of air and a pair of groans attract my attention as I reapply Metallium's coat for the seventh time. Wrapping up that bit of business, turning to see who's here---

DESTRUCTION IN PONY FORM. "Kyaaa!" The Javelin almost goes flying out of my hands in my haste to acknowledge Equestria's ruler. I secure my hold on it, straighten, and salute the Princess appropriately. "Your Highness!"

Photographs do not do this pony justice. If you count her horn, Celestia's taller than I am. And that mane... I've known a few humans who would've willingly died if it meant getting hair like that. Ponies could've probably taken naps using that mane for a blanket, provided it stopped moving. And if you want to talk about pure beauty in a physical sense, you can begin and end your discussion with her.

Still, my HUD's right to label Celestia a Class-S threat, even if she's technically a 'friendly'. Never in my life have I ever been in the presence of someone with this much power. My prior experiences have done nothing to prepare me for the anxiety I'm feeling right now. If she ever snapped... I don't even want to imagine it.

Celestia's chuckling. About what, I don't know. "Private citizen or not, you aren't one of my subjects. Calm down, Leviathan."

I have to shut off the alert twice before my system gets the message. Relax, girl, relax. She's more or less on eye level with you, so just act naturally. "Sorry. I just wasn't expecting you to arrive like you did. Did you teleport all the way here?"

"I had help," Celestia corrects me vaguely, not saying any further than that on the topic. Alright, so I imagine arriving here like she did with passengers would probably be energy-intensive, but it's going to bother me not knowing just how she circumvented that.

Speaking of passengers, I turn to inquire of the two ponies that are with her. "And dare I ask how you two are involved in this? I thought you were helping fix the jail."

Gargoyle and Knight, who are both wearing bands in the Royal Police's colors over their prison uniforms, look at each other questioningly. The latter finally shrugs and answers me. "The Police's best fliers are all either incapacitated or busy. Their chief told us that if we flew straight to Canterlot to give her Highness your message, they'd see what they could do about getting our sentences reduced in court. Like swapping prison time for community service, some of both, or whatever."

"While if we made a break for it, we'd be wanted mares all across Equestria," Gargoyle added, ears turned down. "We'd never be able to set hoof anywhere again."

"Essentially you're 'boxed crooks', as the expression goes," I note, to which they nod.

"You can imagine the stir they caused when they all but crashed into the gates," Celestia tells me. "I wasn't sure what to make of their presence at first, but when they told of the dragon causing trouble for my little ponies, I knew I couldn't afford to dismiss them." She smiles and gestures at Metallium. "On that note, I thank you for keeping her occupied until my arrival. I hope she didn't cause you too much trouble."

Oh, sure. She didn't cause me trouble. Only cost me an arm. I don't say any of that aloud: I'm not that casual. "I had a bit of difficulty, but I got creative."

Knight sniffs the air a bit, nose crinkling in disgust. "What's that smell? Kind of smells like sulfur."

Celestia does the same, her serene expression giving way to confusion and worry. "Leviathan, did you... almost get eaten?"

My face pays my hand another visit. Curses. "I was hoping nopony would notice that. It gave me the opening I needed to bring her down, but... yes. Yes, I almost was."

"Metal," Gargoyle whispers, astonished. "Both definitions."

Celestia doesn't think so, her voice becoming regretful. "I'm terribly sorry that you had to put yourself through that for my ponies' sake, Leviathan."

My heads shakes slightly. "I might not like have liked being in that cavern, but I don't mind doing what needs to be done, Princess. You don't need to worry about me."

"All the same, I feel like some sort of repayment is in order," Celestia tells me. "Presumably you are getting payment from the Royal Police for your services..." I nod at this, and she continues. "...but that's not enough. Not after you almost got yourself killed." She beckons me forward, almost like she wants to...


... ... "Princess, I don't know where to begin explaining the breaches of etiquette that would require," I weakly complain, taking a step back while being mindful of where Metallium's tunnels are. I discreetly activate the Subsurface Radar for a moment: there's plenty of on-lookers close enough to see and hear everything, and I think some are whispering to themselves judging by their mouth movements. "Never mind the news headlines that would result."

"Skies above, I think I actually agree with her on this," Gargoyle murmurs, wide-eyed as she realizes what Celestia was planning on doing. "We're talking a nation-wide scandal here."

"Would be unprecedented for sure," Knight agrees with the same face. "Front page news on every paper. 'Equestria's Ruler Hugs Space Alien'."

"Maybe," Celestia affirms, looking me directly in the eyes. I would have to be blind to miss the sorrow reflected in those pupils. "But like you, Leviathan, I've taken part in my share of battles. I've seen war with my own eyes. I've always hated taking the lives of others, and each one that has died on my watch hits me right here." She taps her chestpiece for emphasis. "I still remember the names and likenesses of all who have given their lives for me.

"How many times did I seek out comfort in the wake of a tragedy, only to be forced to stay strong in the eyes of my subjects? To be seen as a pillar of support, galvanizing my forces with my presence alone but rarely, if ever, receiving support in return? With that in mind... can you honestly say that you never wanted a shoulder to lean on, with everything you've seen in your life?"


"...Forgive my profanity, but Tartarus on a cupcake," Knight breathes, awestruck. "Princess..."

My eyes close, and my weapon disappears. "You have a way with words, Celestia. You just answered a question that's been bothering me for a little while." If this is the sort of situation he lived through, with his friends and allies either disappearing or dying, then it's no wonder X looked so depressed my first day alive... My eyes reopen a sliver, and I see nothing but sand. "But I guess I should still ask if it's really okay for me to do this."

Celestia's mood lightens, and she chuckles. "Then I'll have you know that in Equestria, it's perfectly legal to hug a Princess."

"Wait, what?" Gargoyle blurts out, echoing my thoughts. "Seriously?"

"I am not kidding."

... ... ... You know what? Why not?


"The Princess intended that speech for me," I complain to the two who've joined the embrace.

"'Thief' and 'Monster' are mutually exclusive terms," is Knight's rebuttal. "We still have our empathy, so take the stupid hug."

Gargoyle has something else on her mind. "Did you know you're really warm for somepony made of metal?"

Celestia, please stop laughing.

-"Agent #2. Are you receiving?"-

"Voice is crackling like dry leaves, but I have you. Any problems, Mr. Ignition?"

-"Trifecta and Metallium have failed to signal us since they left. Leviathan has subdued them."-

"Hm. And you feel that the robot is after either me or #4 next?"

-"Correct. Are you ready?"-

Glintlock tilted his hat, a smirk on his beak. "Ask a cliché if it's overused. I'll signal you by three o'clock."

Ending the connection, the griffon hunter sat back on his branch and reached for the guitar he'd taken with him from his guest suite. Belly's full, there's not a cloud in the sky, and by day's end I'll have gotten the hunt I've been wanting for years. Today's shaping up to be a fine day.

Author's Note:

Music links include: "Metallic Soul", from Megaman ZX; X3's boss music as heard in Mega Man X DiVE; "Bud", from the soundtrack of Megas XLR, and Zelda's Lullaby from Skyward Sword.

...What in Michigan did I just write? No, seriously. What in Michigan did I just write? I'm pretty sure there are better ways I could've had Levi defeat Metallium. So why did I not use them? :applejackconfused:

I... I don't know if I want to talk about this one more than I really need to. Let's just move on. If there's editing to do, I'll deal with it later.

Estimated Chapter Deadline: July 27, 2022

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