• Published 12th Feb 2019
  • 10,739 Views, 448 Comments

SCP: Breakout - Happy2343

The SCP Foundation, an organization that has Existed for thousands of years, survived the near extinction of their species, but will one slip up end it all?

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(29) A Fateful Meeting

How long have I been here?

Flurry had been up for at least an hour at this point, but, she couldn’t find the effort inside her to get up out of the warm confines of the bed. True, the bed was more of a cot, and it was far from comfortable, but the rest of her cell was so cold compared to being under the blankets.

The bright lights were still off, They usually turn them on at around this time. She sighed as she turned onto her side. The days and weeks she had spent here began to blur together, she always came back to ask herself the same question over and over again, How long have I been here?

Her best answer was somewhere in the range of one month to three months, but she never could pin it down. The only clues she ever gets for time is when she overhears some guards asking the same question. Two months, she told herself, I’ve been here for two months. She repeats over and over again.

Her eyes began to glance over the rest of the empty room, looking for those two silver piercing eyes staring back at her. She’s been having nightmares again, about that creature, and nearly every night, sometimes they spilled out into the waking world as apparitions. I’ll need to ask Aunt Luna if I get back.

She continued to scan the room, back and forth, making sure that she was safe, then she saw it. Two silver-white dots staring at her in the darkness. Flurry tensed, and kept looking at it. She gave a defiant look, I won’t let you get me, Monster!

She is brought back to reality as the lights come to life and blind her. She hears the door slide open followed by a pair of footsteps and an uninspired voice, “You know the drill by now,” he says, “get up, follow us, don’t do anything stupid.” Flurry turned and looked at the two SCP Guards. Their weapons were slung over their shoulders in an abhorrent carefree manner, one of the guards was smoking a cigarette, while the other looked completely and utterly uninterested in her.

Flurry looked back at where she was staring, the spot on the wall was completely spotless. Devoid of any black-brown ooze or corrosion. Thank Celestia… She sighed.

After a few more seconds, Flurry did as instructed and got out from under the relatively warm bedsheets. The cold air hit her body and fur, making her shiver at the touch. She stared at the ground for a few seconds, working up the courage to get off. She gave a tentative glance at her right forehoof, It still feels off. She thought to herself, It feels… odd. She pushed the thoughts from her head and put both her forehooves on the cold hard ground, wincing slightly at the pain coming from her right hoof. As she came off the bed, and all for of her legs were on the ground, Now to walk forward.

She put her right hoof out and took a step.

Only to crumple to the ground a few seconds later.

Ow. She told herself. She felt herself inhale sharply due to the pain. As she tried to pick herself back up, she heard one of the two humans walk forward. She looked up.

“Seriously girl?” The guard smoking a cigarette said, “Jesus Christ…” He sighed and walked into the room. He reached down with his free left hand and yanked her up by the neck. “One of these days, you’ll need to stand on your own again.”

Flurry kept quiet, something she had been doing for quite a while now, but she did nod at the words, How long will it be before I can? She took another tentative step forward, this time, only wobbling slightly. Then she took another step forward. She nearly fell over again, but the man kept holding her, with less force at least. Then she took another, much stronger step forward. After a few more steps like this, she was able to find a nice and stable limp. Eventually, the man let go of her nape. She heard the other guard mutter a complaint under his breath, “Every day like this… we should’ve…”

Flurry tuned out the noise and followed the pair to the site medical office, a place she has become all too familiar with. First left. She told herself, The second right. Then another right, then an… left? Flurry blinked. She craned her head and looked down the hallway. They missed the turn, She turned back and looked at the two guards. The one who was smoking seemed to realize that she was looking at him. “Not going to the infirmary just yet, we have other business to attend to.”

They kept walking, this time down a straight hallway lined with metal doors She looked at the names that were written on the paper cards next to the doorways. Doctor Palmer, Doctor Paige. The group stopped in front of a door with no label. The Guard knocked on the door twice.

Flurry looked up at the guards, her voice was weak and quivering, “Wh-where are…?”

The door opened before she could finish speaking, “Get in there kid.” The guard with a cigarette said, “The boss man wants to see you.”

“Read anything good recently?” Ulgrin handed the binoculars off to Ross as he asked the question.

“No, the selection here is shit.” Ross put the binoculars up to his eyes and began to scan. “You should know, you complain about it every day.”

Ulgrin sighed, yeah… He looked back up, “Watch anything good then?”

“We have a grand total of eleven movies we have access to right now, I can only rewatch something so many times before I want to murder whoever is in charge.” Ross deadpanned. “As for shows, I’m still working on the Mandalorian.”

“What do you think the two rookies are doing right now?”

Ross moved his head to the left, “I don’t think they’re rookies anymore. They’ve been on two missions now.”

“Well, you remember how long colonel Scott called us the rookies right?” Ulgrin sighed.

“Like three years. Maybe three and a half.” Ross sighed, “I doubt that they expected us to be the most veteran agents on the team.”

Ulrign laughed, “Yeah, I’m sure they’re spinning in their graves.”

Ross dropped the binoculars and turned to his friend, “Graves? What are graves?”

“An expression, I heard Doctor Bright say it when talking about… the past, I think. I’m pretty sure it’s like, the people who are dead would be severely disappointed in us.” Ulgrin explained. He sighed, “I don’t know, it sounded right at the time.”

“Huh, interesting. I never knew you knew the guy.” Ross Turned left again, then began to scan again.

“I don’t. I just overheard him saying it. Some other doctors say that Bright intentionally doesn’t talk to a lot of people. Too much pain in getting to know someone.”

“Makes sense, you are a pain in the ass.”

“Fuck off man.”

The two soldiers shared a laugh then Ross put the binoculars down, “Alright, let’s move to the beach.”

Ulgrin followed Ross as they walked the mile and a half to the beach from the field. Trudging through the Knee deep snow, “You never did answer my question. What do you think they’re doing?”

There was a brief silence for a moment, “Well let’s see, they’re out here, patrolling like we are right now, unsupervised.” Ross turned around, “What do you think two twenty-somethings who are so fervently infatuated with each other be doing?”

“Ah.” Ulgrin responds, “Point taken.” Natalie and Connor were staring at each other a lot earlier. “They’ll understand soon enough that they can’t just do that,” Ulgrin added.

“Yep, everyone learns the hard way at some point.” Ross sighed, “This line of work and love don’t mix well together.” he murmured.

The rest of the walk to the beach was silent between the two friends. As they reached the snow beach, Ross began to scan again. Ulgrin shivered in the cold as he stood on the snowy beach, himself and Ross, both head to toe in white MTF armor. They couldn’t have built the facility in a warmer climate? He asked himself sarcastically, “Hey, Ross?” He absentmindedly asked his friend.

“Yeah, man?” The slightly taller man sighed as he looked at the great vast nothingness through a set of binoculars. How did a man who hates doing anything with a passion, get to be the colonel of this pitiful little squad?

“What do you think we’re doing here still?” Ulgrin asked, “To my knowledge, the horse has been healed.” Yeah… the horse… what was her name again, he asked himself, It’s not like we were both captured by 106 for a time. He thought for a moment, something heart.

“Yeah, she has.” Ross put the binoculars down and looked at his friend and comrade, “In all honesty, this should’ve been a month-long mission, Max.” He offered the binoculars to Ulgrin.

“A month-long mission that turned into a half-year one?” Ulgrin rebutted as he took the field glasses. He started to scan the coastline and field. “There’s gotta be a bigger problem behind that.” He paused for a second, thinking carefully about what he was going to ask next, “Are the rumors true?”

“Rumors? Which one? There are literally hundreds.”

“That we’ve lost contact with site 01.” He briefly looked at Ross, “That would explain why we haven’t gotten a resupply in the past 2 months.” He went back to looking at the snow. “And… ya know, why we haven’t left this godforsaken island yet.”

It would make sense, Ulgrin thought, no contact would mean that we are to continue with our last orders until the site admin deems otherwise. He turned right and scanned the snowy beach, “I could see that happening, can’t think of what would cause a breakdown in communications though.”

“That’s what I kept coming back to too,” his friend agreed, “If there was something as bad as a communication failure, it must’ve been caused by something really bad.”


Ulgrin continued to scan the area for the next ten or so minutes as Ross took out a cigarette and lit it with a lighter. “Want one?” Ross offered. Ever since the incident 9 months ago, Ulgrin had been having trouble sleeping. And staying awake. And eating. David and Allen were both quick to point out the fact that his history with 106 might be the cause.

No shit it was the cause. I got dragged into that cursed hell and somehow got out. Whenever I was assigned to guard it, the damn thing always stared at me. Ever since… He shook himself back to reality, “Sure, helps me focus.”

He put the binoculars down and took the cigarette. Ross brought his lighter up to it and lit it. “I gotta admit,” Ross said, “It’s beginning to wear down on me now.” He said in between puffs of smoke. “The mission I mean, two months away is one thing, but…” He put the smoker back in his mouth and took another puff, “The mission’s been done for weeks now, there’s no more point to it anymore.”

The mission, that fucking pony. He thought back to that day, “Hard to believe that she’s still caught up in all this mess?” Ulgrin asked, “I can’t imagine what she must’ve gone through.”

“Yeah…” Ross said in agreement, “Hopefully we can just… go…” Ross’s head bobbed more to the left as if he was looking at something. Ulgin whipped his head and followed where Ross was looking. “ You have got to be kidding me.”

He gave off a smirk, “Son of a bitch.”

Rainbow Dash landed on the snow-covered beach, the snow blowing away as she laned. She breathed a huge sigh of relief and looked around I don’t SEE anything. I sure hope that this is the place. She kept looking around and saw all the white snow, the blue of her wonderbolt uniform contrasting with the white of the snow, making her stand out like a sore hoof. A few seconds later, the Griffons she was with landed alongside her, “This is the place, right?” she asked them.

“According to the doctor, yes, but we didn’t see anything too out of the ordinary while on our flyover.” Rainbow turned to the two soldiers, they had been assigned to her by the duchess. Apparently, these islands were in a neutral strip of land claimed by both the local ponies and local griffons. “I just hope that we can find what we are looking for.”

True, Rainbow thought, I didn’t see anything either, but that monkey did say that that it might be an underground facility. She turned to the young griffon that had volunteered to go with her. “Yeah, neither did I, but it might be underground.” She said, “These guys seem like the type for an underground lair.” Rainbow turned to the other griffon, “Did you see any movement?”

“No, none at all.”

“Well, be on the lookout for some,” Rainbow Dash said, “There has to be something here.” Rainbow huffed.

“Maybe we should do another flyover?” The younger griffon asked, “We’ve yet to do a complete flyover of the island.”

Rainbow looked over at the setting sun, Dammit, it took us so long to get here, we’ve already lost too much daylight. Maybe we can ask Princess Celestia to extend the day. She sighed, Cause that would go over so well. She looked at the supplies in her saddlebags, “Not tonight, we’ll do it in the morning, we make camp tonight.”

The older Griffon nodded in agreement. “We pick up the search in the morning then.”

The group made camp, each member of their little group set up their own tent, though, the younger Griffon did need some help from the obviously more experienced one. Why send a new recruit on such a dangerous mission. She shook the thought off, they were sent by the Emporer and Duchess, so they must be competent enough to do this.

Rainbow looked at the younger one.


As night began to properly set in, the trio made a fire, usually, there would be jokes and stories to tell, but Rainbow didn’t really know the griffons, so there was nothing really they could talk about. For some reason, Duchess Eagleclaw decided that they couldn’t send more than one pony that needed to be hoof-picked by the princesses. Of course, she also asserted that there had to be one more Griffon than pony, Because that’s fair.

Rainbow ate her meal in silence, as did her companions. She idly looked at her saddlebags, and the blinking red light inside it. She recalled the directions from Twilight and Doctor Bright.

“If you find them, or anyone at all, push the red button, then tell them that I sent you,” Doctor Bright explained, “If who is in charge is who I suspect, then he won’t order to kill on sight.”

Twilight looked up and made a concerned face at the Doctor, “If you push the button,” Twilight said, “We’ll send somepony to pick you and up.”

“Along with all of our Heli’s to pick up the staff still at the facility.” Bright added, “Also, if you see the light on the thing,” He brought out the device, “Start to flash green, it means that another team already found them, got it?”

Rainbow idly noticed herself gradually becoming more and more tired. She shook her head several times in order to keep her focus. As she tried to maintain her focus, she looked at the pair of Griffons. Suddenly she became more concerned. Both of them had gone to sleep. She whipped her head around.

“Well, lookie what we have here.”

Flurry looked at the human male. He wasn’t dressed in a white lab coat like the scientists, or armor like the guards. He was in some sort of black suit, only missing a tie around his neck. He had a mane of what looked like short black hair on the top of his head and held a serious feeling around him.

“Good Morning, Princess,” He said. Flurry cringed at the way he said ‘princess,’ but it didn’t feel like he wanted to antagonize her, “How are you?” his face softened.

“I...I’m doing fine,” She answered softly, “Who are you?” She asked, “Are you going to let me go now?”

The man fell back into his seat, “My name is Director Azul, and, as the men outside might have told you, I am in charge of this facility.” He answered her first question, “As for if you are going to leave, completely depends on what you tell me next.”

Flurry stiffens her back as the man stands up and begins to walk out of the room, Flurry tentatively begins to follow him out. The two guards who were outside before, are gone, Flurry notes. “Wh-where are we-?” She looks up at Azul.

“The holding cells.”

Where is everycreature? She notes that not another human crossed their paths during the pair’s entire walk to the facility’s holding cells. It’s like the place is deserted. She looks up at the man, Are they finally going to…. Kill me?

They reach the holding cells, they are not too much different from her room in all actuality, Other than the fact that the cell has multiple of everything. Bedding, red emergency lights, and most importantly of all, creatures. Three of them. Two griffons, and a rainbow-maned pegasus.

She looked down at the room. Is this a sick joke of theirs? This can’t be real, she can’t be here! It… it’s too dangerous, they’re dangerous. She falls to her rump, Did Rainbow Dash come for me?

“The three of them have said some…very interesting things, but… I just need you to confirm,” Flurry wearily turned her head to the man, “Do you know who that pegasus is?”

Flurry couldn’t nod fast enough.

Author's Note:

Hey, I'm Alive, Hooray!!!!

As Always, Put your comments in the comment section!

Comments ( 21 )

But did Rainbow say that Bright sent them?

I like to think that's obvious, unless the MTF immediately knocked her out tho

In SCP Lore, yes, I think so. But this story takes place thousands of years after the fall of humanity.

Site 19 is destroyed. So they relocated it.

Are there other GoI's here? I know we have the Chaos Insurgency back and all, but what about others like the Global Occult Coalition, Serpents Hand etc. Apologies if their fates were mentioned already in another chapter.

Not going to lie I read this story like last year ago in Decemberish and I really liked it it was a good read and I can what for the next chapter I got other stuff to read keep up the good work dude.

Ok so. After a sleepless night I finished catching up with the fic, from chapter 7 part 2 to well here.

I’ll be honest, I sort of regretting not sleeping to read this because I feel so god damn tired. On the other it has being a few years since a fic was so good that I didn’t sleep in order to read it all. You should be proud mate :twilightsmile:

As I said before, I was a frequent reader of the original version of the fic; but I didn’t read it as you rewrite the story. A big shame because as i said this has being an amazing rewrite. There’s so much more, what feel short in the OG one is now so much robust, making the story so engaging.

It was a massive drop to get to the last chapter published because of how good the fic has being, leaving in such a massively cliffhanger was kind of cruel to be brutally honest XD

I do hope you can write more soon. I saw your old blog post about your concerns with the quality of the chapters, I think you were to harsh on you. As I said this was an exiting and captivating fic :twilightsmile:

Anyway, that’s all from my part, as I said I will be patiently waiting fir a new chapter. Please take care :)

Hello, are you going to continue this?

yep, I am going to finish it

Just found this, I must say this is a great piece of fanfic. I love how well you built up world. (Although I was confused for a while on what state the Foundation was in at the start)

I am a bit sad that Discord died of [REDACTED], he surely would’ve broken the plot. (Also is SCP-2000 not in this universe?)

I hope your creative juices flow soon. I can’t wait to read the rest!

Now behold my nitpicks (aka me poking fun): Zombies should have decayed by now. A lot of ponies went into zombie blood water in one chapter. Inconsistent infection rates. Totally should have used the Flesh that Hates instead. Predicted the Pandemic. No Alicorn OC. One of the Mane Six should have died to raise the stakes then came back the next chapter for no reason. (I am now bored writing this so pretend this list is 5 times as long, getting more stupid as it goes on.)

3000ish years give or take.
I've been rewriting the whole story for a while now. It's going to be a bunch of changes, both grammer and story wise.
But yeah.

I wonder what will happen to the human civilian population after all this is over, humanity can't hide anymore (and i also imagine they don't want to keep hiding anymore) and the SCP Foundation is basically paralyzed after many of their facilities and leadership were destroyed and dead.

And there was also problem with Princess Twilight, as Princess of Friendship she certainly wouldn't let an entire ancient species like humanity go back into hiding after this incident, she might try to help them and relocate them to somewhere in Equestria and maybe help them rebuild human civilization.

I think that would be a realistic good ending.

Are you still active?

You're lucky I know what you mean by that :twilightblush:

This is really good, I can’t wait for more!

Hello, are you still active ?

Just finished re reading, are you still alive or can we expect no more updates or what?



lol, yep I’m still here. I’ve been rereading and rewriting the story. Progress is still going, but I don’t really have a timeline when it will be done.

This is the biggest cliffhanger that I have seen.
When are you going to continue this ?

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