• Published 12th Feb 2019
  • 10,739 Views, 448 Comments

SCP: Breakout - Happy2343

The SCP Foundation, an organization that has Existed for thousands of years, survived the near extinction of their species, but will one slip up end it all?

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(14) The Beginning of the End

SCP Site Alpha-1

“I know I am about to sound like a child, but exactly why can’t we?” 05-9 asked his superior intent on getting a clear answer.

05-1 exhaled, trying to figure out what would get this 05 off of his back, “We don’t have the time for this right now 09.” 05-1 said, hoping that some time breaking anomaly had sped up space, “Lieutenant commander Shawns and his team are back and he is about to give his report.”

“In an hour,” 05-9 said, “We have time.” 05-9 forced, much to the dismay of 05-1, who only put his free hand to his face in response, rubbing his eyes.

“I’m sorry 09, you know as well as I do,” 05-1 said to the thirty-year-old man to his left, “It is too late to send her back to her family, even if our amnestics supply was as deep as it used to be, these lab tests state that she is undergoing some sort of… infection.” He looked down at the clipboard with details on their Alicorn captive. “It is truly beautiful and terrifying at the same time.”

“We can’t allow her to die,” 05-9 reiterated, “You know what will happen if she does.”

The old man sighed, “It was close, 6-7, but it was decided,” 05-1 pushed a different clipboard into the other 05’s hand, “She will be studied and, if she does die, dissected.”

05-9 shook his head while he read the results, ‘Supporting 05’s on the case of Subject A005 reclassification to AO:1604: 05-2, 05-4, 05-7, 05-8, 05-10, 05-11, 05-12; Dissenting 05’s on the case of Subject A005 reclassification to AO:1604: 05-1,05-3, 05-5, 05-6, 05-9, 05-13. Motion Passed.’

05-9 scoffed, “At least allow me the resources to try and heal her,” 05-9 asked, “It is inhumane to allow this process to continue unabated.” He stopped walking, causing the older 05 to 05-9’s side to stop as well. “I can frame it as… studying the effects of outside stimuli on the infection.”

“I can’t allow this without a vote,” He muttered under his breath, occasionally glancing at the various scientists and guards passing them, “And you know that I am a stickler for regulation and rules.” He tilted his head toward the fellow 05 while still looking at the clipboard.

“Fuck Regulation,” 05-9 then stated, “You told me about the rumors; if 106’s breach was staged by insurgents… this could be part of a scheme to start a war.”

“And just who are they? Your investigation has nothing to show for it if it was staged," 05-1 stated, "If it was staged, then whoever stated it was damn high up,” 05-1 said, “Our precursors destroyed the Chaos Insurgency, as you know from the history classes you were so fond of.” 05-1 shook his head, “And rumors are just that,” 05-1 said, looking at 05-9 in the eyes, “Rumors, untrue gossip that is spread around while we are children and teenagers. I shouldn’t have brought them to anyone else.”

05-1 walked into his office, the other 05 following behind him before the door slid shut.

“We don’t know their plan,” 05-9 reaffirmed, “But, I suspect, if she dies, war will occur between us and the other species of the world. It would be unavoidable.” 05-1 looked up from the clipboard, “Then they would’ve won and we’ll be forced to fight them.”

05-1 sighed and scratched his head before continuing to walk, “You are really pushing this whole Chaos Insurgency-Esque plot onto me.” 05-1 said, “You already know my position.” He threw the clipboard about their captive Alicorn on the stack of papers on his desk.

“And it is to maintain the SCP Foundation and its core principles,” 05-9 replied, “Same as me, I just want to personally see it through to fruition.” 05-9 reaffirmed. “Her being dead is a sure way to fail.”

05-1 groaned as he heard the same argument for at least the fifth time, “Alright, fine, you win, as long as you just shut your mouth,” He said, “But we do this under the table, no other 05 can know, understand?”

05-9 nodded. “Of course.” He answered.

“You’ll need a secluded facility to test at, one that’s far away from here and prying eyes.” 05-1 turned to face the massive map on his wall detailing the continents of Earth and the sites of the SCP Foundation.

His finger moved across the map of the world, looking at old abandoned failures and other sites, “Site 45, an old outpost on the East Coast of Newfoundland.” He pointed to the Island just off the coast, then turned to look at 05-9, “I’ll have all the guards and scientists replaced with ones you trust, it might take a week or two if you can get me a list tonight.”

05-9 sighed, “I’ll take what I can get, sir.” He looked at the map, ‘It’s the base with the most distance to anything on this continent, perfect to have complete secrecy.’ He turned back to the other 05, “I might need some SCP’s.”

05-1’s head went back as he sighed and muttered, “Dear God, still?” Under his breath. He heaved and looked forward, “Which ones?”

“Only a few, 049, 2295, and an instance of SCP-427.”

“049?” 05-1 asked quizzically, “What on Earth are you going to do with it?”

“We passed the containment chamber on the way to 348; at the same time we were passing the door, he got… agitated, I think he might give me some insight into the nature of the infection,” 05-9 explained, “I’ll make sure all safety procedures are properly followed. No corners will be cut.”

“Fine, done, but if anyone dies, it’s your ass,” 05-1 said, “Is there anything else in the ways of SCP’s?” 05-1 took out a paper notepad and wrote down the numbers.

05-9 leaned on the wall behind him, thinking about anything he might need, “A… sample of 106’s substance and blood if it even has it.” 05-9 put his hand to his chin, “And 1531.”

“You have the clearance to get the substance… let me see… it’s at...” 05-1’s head looked to the ceiling as he thought, “Site 6, administrator Alice Armstrong, she has some samples, I think…” He wrote it down on his pad. “As for blood, you’ll need to get someone to extract it for it to remain fresh.”

05-1 finished writing down the items and SCP’s on his notepad and closed it. “Get me a list of personal, then you’ll get that site.”

“Are you sure you think the ponies should know?” Shining Armor asked, “It might cause a panic.” He walked up to his wife and sat next to her, “Scratch that, it will cause a panic.” He put a hoof around her as she leaned her head into his. They both stared out at the setting sun shining on the snow below. The sky turning a vibrant pink.

“I don’t know if it’s right or wrong, but,” She moved her head to look at her husband and he looked at her, “It’s going to get out eventually, they should hear it from us. If they hear it from us, and we… and we don’t hold back on the details, they won’t panic.”

They assumed their previous position, “Yeah,” Shining Armor said, “Yeah,” He repeated, “You want me to do it?” Shining Armor blinked as he continued to look at the new pink snow.

“I’m pretty sure I’ll burst into tears if I try,” Cadance replied, “I’ve barely been holding it together since all this started happening.”

“I know how you feel,” He replied, “I can’t stop thinking about Flurry, at all. What’s happening to her… where she is… Sometimes I just want to… fall apart.”

Cadance nestled herself closer to her husband. “When should we tell them?” Cadance asked, changing the subject.

“I was actually going to have Celestia do it right before I left for Thorax, but then…” He paused his thought, “Friday maybe? It gives us two days to prepare speech and answers to questions.”

“Yeah, that sounds good…” Cadance Paused, “I just want our daughter back Shiny…” She began to cry into the white coat of her husband. Shining Armor rested his head on his wife’s pink and yellow hair.

“Me too Cady, me too.”

Immediately the press began to clamber the forum where Shining Armor was giving the announcement. Not just Ponies and Crystal Ponies, but Changelings, Griffons, and a Dragon. ‘Celestia wasn’t lying when she told me that this has garnered international attention,’ He thought to himself, ‘There’s a surprise.’

He gazed at the crowd and the magical ‘broadcasting’ devices described by Twilight that had recently hit the market. ‘A camera that can record picture and sound…’ he thought to himself, ‘Great.’

He lit his horn and filled it with magenta magic, turning on the voice amplification spell, “Thank you all for gathering today for this announcement.” His voice boomed at just the right volume for every-creature in the crowd to hear. “If it alright with all of you, I would like to get right to the point, please, save your questions until after.”

Shining Armor cleared his throat and began, “On the Night of January 19th, there was an… incident… involving a previously unknown species that inhabits the far North of the Crystal Empire.” Shining Armor could hear the clicking of cameras and murmurs of various both the pony citizens and press.

“A… creature, of unknown power, infiltrated the castle and began to rampage throughout the castle. At the same time, a group of this species, humans, entered the castle, intent on capturing the creature before it would’ve been discovered,” the Prince paused, “Suffice to say, their methods… they tortured the Royal Crystaller for information about the castle.”

Several gasps and more murmurs, “By the time we were aware of what was going on, it had already made its way to Princess Flurry Heart and foalnapped her along with killing,” That word, caused the crowd to stop and focus, “five guard ponies maiming twelve others.”

“When we arrived to… subdue all of them, the creature included, the humans had already stunned the creature and captured it. Some of you may have seen or heard their method of transportation that night, a machine with the ability to fly.”

“We were able to capture one of the humans successfully, and he had provided… a limited amount of information, but he and one of his compatriots who also got left behind escaped earlier this week, killing a 30 additional pegasus guard ponies, and hospitalizing 30 more.”

Shining cleared his throat, he tried to keep tears from welling in his eyes, “I am also… apologizing... that this information was not given out earlier. I am truly sorry. I also ask the ponies and citizens of both Equestria and the Crystal Empire to remain strong and brave, we have conquered worse and we will get through this together. Princess Luna, Celestia, and I will be allowing members of the public for further questions at a later and currently undetermined date. That’s all I can speak of for now.” He turned away from the crowd and all their numerous growing questions. "Thank you for your attention."

May 19th, 5017
Time ██:██
Former Dominion of Canada Territory - Newfoundland, [Redacted] Island
SCP Site 45

05-9 looked at the stormy coast of the island that he and his team had been given. “I at least thought that there would be a better view, administrator,” Researcher Paige said beside him, “Also, Davidson apologies he can’t come, but…” 05-9 turned and nodded, “Anyway, you wanted to see me?”

“You knew Davidson Personally? Correct?” 05-9 asked the doctor. He kept looking at the clouds and the gathering storm that would undoubtedly hit the facility later that night. There was a flash in the sky, lightning.

“Yes, I was his assistant until a couple of weeks ago,” She said. The blonde’s attention turned away from the 05 and to the storm, “He recommended me for a promotion and… well… now I’m here.” After she finished her statement, the sky erupted with a clap, thunder.

05-9 looked at the researcher, “It’s time we get started, no?”

She nodded, “What exactly am I doing, I wasn’t given any briefing.”

“We’re having a facility meeting tonight, special regulations, but I need you to answer some questions for me first.”

“Of course,” She nodded, “Here?”

“Of course not, my office.”

The “office” looked more like standard-issue quarters for a senior researcher rather than an 05 or site administrator. One bed with one pillow and gray sheets. A desk with the 05’s laptop with a window above it facing the ocean. And finally a closet off to the side.

The 05 closed his laptop and pulled out a metal box. He offered her the room’s single chair. “Put that wire there on your wrist.” Paige did as instructed.

“Now, describe your opinion on how we should fit into the world. The grand scheme of things so to say,” 05-9 asked as he sat on the bed.

“I believe that… we should only have to interact with the other species when they reach technological parody.”

“Do you think that our organization should reclaim the world?”

“No,” She shook her head, “No I don’t think so. We… lost it and have to live with our species' mistakes.”

05-9 laughed, “A bit of a pessimist are you?”

“I guess.”

The 05 walked over to her and ripped off a piece of paper that was printed from the strange metal box. “Good,” He showed her the paper, only having three words being on the page, ‘True, True, True.’

“You can take that thing off,” He said. She took the odd suction cup with the wire attached to it and took it off, “You are aware of the rumors of what happened at site 26, with 106 escaping?” He sat back on the bed and looked at her.

She nodded, before backpedaling on herself, “This isn’t a punishment, is it?” She asked, “For hearing rumors?”

“No, of course not,” The 05 reassured her, he took out a package and handed it to her, 05-9 sighed, “They’re true, 106 got out and ravaged the countryside, and the largest pony city this fat north and… kidnaped the daughter of some really important ponies.”

While the 05 was explaining, the researcher opened the package and viewed various pictures of the pastel winged unicorn with teal and purple hair. “Royalty?” She asked, surprised.

“Royalty.” He nodded.

“And I am going to…?”

“We are trying to save her life, if she dies, the ponies will want retribution,” He explained, “and some group of us, I suspect, want that to happen, do you understand?” Paige gave the package back to the 05.

“Yes, I understand, sir,” She said, “I feel sorry for the doctor in charge of her, though, that’s a whole lot of pressure.” The 05’s head cocked to the right as he looked at her, realization dawned on her, “That’s me? Isn’t it?” The 05 nodded, “Great… then I need to meet her, get some of the other researchers, and begin running some tests. Her blood, whatever is wrong with her...” She trailed off.

“I’ll make sure a full medical report gets to you’re lab,” the 05 stated.

“I’ve already cleared the other researchers and the commanders of the site’s security, they’re trustworthy. You will have any resource we have to save her, I expect results,” He said, She nodded, “Good, meeting tomorrow at 05:00, be there.”

She got up to leave, “Oh, and one more thing.”

Paige turned around at the door, “What is it, administrator?”

“One of your… assistants is 049, you might want to get acquainted before you begin.”

‘They’re heading to Site 2 through Baltimore.’ The man in the earpiece repeated those words in Twilight’s mind, ‘Baltimore.’ echoed.

Twilight’s head shot up off the book she was reading. She blinked her eyes a few times, letting the weariness leave her. “Ugh… what time is it?” She asked herself, “Spi-” She caught herself, ‘He’s in the Dragon Lands with Ember, he’ll be back later this week, hopefully.’ She told herself.

The Princess looked back down at the pages of the book she was reading, ‘The Founding of Baltimare’, to see if any connection existed between the two cities. ‘The names can’t just be a coincidence. 990 was telling me something.’ She closed the book, ‘He had to have been.’

She sighed, ‘But maybe I should go see my friends, they might be worried about me being cooped up in here for…’ She realized she couldn’t recall the date, ‘Yeah, I need to go outside.’

The sunlight began to shine through the windows in Twilight’s library, The Princess shivered despite the warmth she was currently feeling. ‘Maybe I should go talk to Ze…’ Twilight stood up and began to walk towards the front door to her castle, ‘Oh, she left for Zebrica,’ Twilight walked outside and the sun hit her fur, giving warmth to her unusual coldness.

The air was dry and clear as she breathed it in. “Hey, Twilight!” A familiar playful voice screamed from across the field. Twilight looked to where it had come and raised a hoof to wave, but her friend was already gone, ‘Uh oh.’ She thought for a brief second.

The next thing Twilight knew, she was being squeezed by Pinkie Pie, “Hiya twilight, How’re you doing, are you doing okay, Imeanyou’vebeenstuckinsideyourcastleforlikethreeweeksand,” *Pinkie breaths in hard* “We all really wanted to check on you, buuuuut, we knew-”

Twilight grabbed Pinkie’s mouth, “One thing at a time Pinkie,” Twilight said, stifling a laugh, “Even I can only process so much at one time.” Pinkie’s eyes widened, “Now try again just a tad slower, please.”

Twilight let go of Pinkie, and she immediately started talking, a bit slower, “We all wanted to visit, but when you got here, you said something about having an important… thing.” Pinkie’s hoof scratched her head, “Something about Baltimare?”

Twilight nodded, “Yeah, It was just some… research about humanity.”

“A three-week long research session?” Pinkie began hopping next to her, “That’s the longest we’ve ever seen you research for that long.”

Twilight looked at her friend, “We?” Twilight blinked.

“Yeah Twilight, Us.” Pinkie’s voice was distorted as if every resident of Ponyville said it at the same time.

Her eyes opened, Pinkie was gone.

Twilight became very aware of there being no other ponies around. Her head swept left, no pony was on the streets of Ponyville. She swept right, the setting changed, the Crystal City. Full of Ponies. But they looked off.

Their eyes were bloodshot, holes in their bodies.

And blood in their mouths.

She began to hyperventilate, her head swept left again, there were more ponies, just standing there, watching her. She began to tremble. “Wha- wh-” She crumbled to the ground, “happening?” She managed to breathe out.

She looked up. She was outside the city, on a hill.


The world turned white.

Twilight’s head shot up off the book she was reading. Shaking, cold, and crying. “Why?” She heaved. She tentatively looked at the book she was reading, ‘The Founding of Baltimare’. She stared at the cover of the book for a few seconds.

Twilight’s head shook as she magically though it across the library.

Author's Note:

A bit early I know, but I needed to write this.

Also, has anyone seen the final season of the She Ra reboot?
It was pretty good in my opinion.

Any comments, questions or suggestions?
Tell me below.

Also, thank you to Darkcrystal66 for suggesting their OC for the story!