• Published 12th Feb 2019
  • 10,739 Views, 448 Comments

SCP: Breakout - Happy2343

The SCP Foundation, an organization that has Existed for thousands of years, survived the near extinction of their species, but will one slip up end it all?

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(1) A Crystal Arrival

Twilight jumped off the still-moving train, something she’s rarely ever done fearing it might put a bad impression on young colts and fillies. She grabbed her bags in her magic, pulling the bags off the moving train in the same manner. She immediately started moving towards the giant crystal palace, her bags floating behind her, levitating in her magic. She didn’t look back to her friends who were struggling to keep up with the purple pony Princess.

Her mind was racing as fast as she was trotting, ‘What the heck was that thing? What’s an SCP 990? He- no it, it referred to itself as an SCP, that makes it an it. Right?’ Her mind continued on its internal rant, ‘How did it get into my dreams, I need to ask Luna about this.’ She continued on her trot, oblivious of her surroundings. A familiar mare ahead of the Princess got in front of her.

Twilight, however, didn’t see her until it was too late and both were on the ground. “S-Sorry,” Twilight hastily got up and offered a hoof, only to realize who it was. “Starlight?” she asked with a surprised tone, “What are you doing here? I thought you and Trixie were out touring?”

Starlight accepted Twilight’s hoof and rose up, “I was,” She reached into her one of her saddlebags, “Until I received this while in Fillydelphia.” Twilight took the piece of parchment in her magic and looked it over. Twilight despite her current serious tone, couldn’t help but smirk.

“So Sunburst invites you here?” She asked.

Her student scoffed, “It isn’t like that Twilight,” She defended, “W-were just friends.”


The rest of Twilight’s friends joined Twilight’s side. All were huffing and tired from both the train ride and attempting to catch up to Twilight.

“Jeez Twi,” Applejack said through various breaths, “I haven’t run that hard since the running of the leaves.”

“AJ, That was like, I dunno 9 years ago,” Rainbow said while hovering slightly above the ground. "You might've gained a few since then."

“It was an expression RD,” Applejack turned to Twilight, “You’ve never gotten so worked up over a birthday party before, are you okay?”

“Yeah, I am,” Twilight replied, “I just don’t want to be late.”

“Trust me, dear, we’re fine,” Rarity chimed in, “We are here twenty minutes early.”

“Yeah Twi, we've got PLENTY of time!”

The other mares looked at Pinkie. “Uh, Pinkie,” Fluttershy’s quiet voice said, “Shining Armor said no party cannons.”

Pinkie looked down, Sure enough, she was sitting on top of her signature party cannon. She gingerly jumped off and gave it a little tap.

“Pinkie you can’t have a cannon here,” Starlight said, “I think Shining Armor might have a heart attack just by seeing one.”

“What party cannon?” She said slowly and methodically in her sweet voice.

The mares all blinked, it was gone, replaced instead by Pinkies saddlebags.

“Whatever,” Twilight said, “We should get to the castle.” The other mares agreed as they saw the moon began to rise. “It’s getting late,” Twilight said.

Twilight began to move again, this time much slower. She couldn’t help but see the glances that Applejack was throwing her way. Each time Twilight would look at her though, Applejack looked away. She was puzzled until the answer dawned on Twilight, ‘Element of honesty,’ She looked over at Applejack, ‘She must think I lied,’ She looked at the rest of her friends, they were talking about the party tomorrow, ‘And here I am paranoid about a dream…’

She looked forward only to see the doors to the palace. In front of the group were three guards led by an all too familiar big brother.

“Shiny!” Twilight beamed as she kept into him, completely forgetting she was an adult. She hugged him with all her strength.

“Wow Twily,” He said through breathes, “Can’t… breath.”

Twilight let up, “Sorry, sorry.”

Shining sighed, “It’s fine,” he replied, “I mean we haven’t seen each other in a year.”

“Yeah,” Shining sighed, “I would always like to come down, but, running an empire is a bit harder than running a school.”

“Oh I’d beg to differ,” Twilight said, she pointed at her brother, “Your empire is full of grown stallions and mares,” she then pointed to herself, “I have to deal with foals.”

“Touché,” Shining said to his sister, “C’ mon,” he gestured with his head, “I’m sure you're all tired from the ride.”

He glanced back at the group and saw Starlight, “Oh, Starlight,” The named mare perked up, “We sorta ran out of rooms,” Her face contorted into a ‘really?’ look.

Shining continued, “So, Sunburst offered his bed to you.”

Starlight’s eyes widened, basically all the ponies, even one of the guards, snickered. Shining just smirked.
“Oh ah... o-okay,” was Starlights only response. Twilight bat her eye and saw Rainbow whispering something in Starlight’s ear. Twilight joined her brother and smirked, Starlight’s cheeks looked like two giant tomatoes.

Shining began to lead the group past various doors and up at least 5 sets of stairs, “Starlight,” Shining said as they passed a door with Sunburst’s cutie mark on it, “This is your stop.”

“Thanks.” She said.

“Knock him, dead girl,” Rainbow snickered. Starlight merely turned around and glared at her. She eventually just turned and walked in. Twilight, being closest to the Starlight, heard her mutter, “I should’ve stayed with Trixie.”

The rest of the mares continued on down the hallway. As they reached Fluttershy’s room, a certain orange unicorn with a blue cape passed them. He nodded his head at Twilight as he passed them.

Twilight heard Rarity and Rainbow snickering. ‘Why they love gossiping so much is beyond me,’ Twilight said to herself.

The group continued on: Rainbow’s room, then Pinkie’s, Shining Armor had to double-check her bags in order to make sure she didn’t have any of her party cannons. Twilight heard her brother remark, “She can hide those things anywhere.” Then they dropped off Rarity, who gazed in awe ant the splendor of the room until AJ pinched her.

“Applejack, this is your room.” He motioned to the door on the right. Applejack nodded but didn’t enter the door.

“Twilight, a word?” Applejack more ordered than asked.

‘Why in front of my brother?’ Twilight groaned internally.

Shining and the guards sort of moved awkwardly off to the side as the mares talked.

“Twi, what’s really bothering you?” Applejack asked, getting straight to the point, “We’ve been friends for years. I know when you’re lying.”

Twilight didn’t expect this much ruthlessness from her friend, but resigned herself, to tell the truth, ‘She’s my friend,’ Twilight thought, ‘She deserves the truth.’

Twilight opened her mouth to speak, “I had a dream okay,” she said, “There was this thing, it just felt a bit too real.”

“You wanna talk about it?” Applejack asked, concerned.

“No,” Twilight replied, “I’m sure it’s just some monster trying to crash the party tomorrow.”

Applejack rolled her eyes, “I’m here if ya need me.” Applejack reminded her friend.

“I’ll be fine,” Twilight said, “ going to ask Luna about it later.”

“Aight,” Applejack topped her had, “I’ll see ya at dinner then?”

“Of course.”

“See ya Twi,” The apple mare turned and entered her room.

Twilight trotted back to her brother, he immediately asked her the question she did not want to be asked, “Twily you ok?” Twilight looked around, the two guards were gone, most likely given different duties or they understood that this was an increasingly awkward situation.

The names princess groaned, “Yes,” She replied, “I am fine. I’ll talk about it later.”

“Okay, but I’m here if you need me,” her brother replied. He motioned with his hoof, “Your room is right up here.”

They turned the corner leading to the section of the castle reserved for royalty. The rooms were well kept in case of any unexpected royal visits. Twilight saw her Cutie mark on one of the doors. Next to hers was Celestia’s, then Luna’s next to hers’.

Twilight looked down the hall and saw Cadance’s cutie mark and on the same door, her brother’s. Twilight swivels her head and looked across from her door. There was a different Cutie mark, Cadance’s Crystal Heart Cutie mark on her brother’s shield.

“Flurry specifically chose the room across from you, you know?” Her brother said, “She really looks up to you.”

“Well, has she read those books I gave her last year?” Twilight asked.

“You expect an 11-year-old to read old history and magic books?” Shining laughed, “Yeah right,” he looked at his sister, “Out of curiosity, what did you get her this year?”

“Well it’s one of those Pontendo hoof-held things,” Twilight said sheepishly, “Pinkie convinced me to get one for her.”

“Really?” He said, “I cannot wait to have to find a reason to take that away.” Shining said sarcastically.

“Hey, she’s turning twelve,” Twilight said, “Have you at least given her some responsibility?”

“Chores, Yes.” He said, “Cadance and I refuse to let her end up like Blueblood.”

“Yeah, that’s good at least.” Twilight said, “You didn’t invite him did you?”

“Of course not!” Her brother replied, “After last year? No way.”

‘Ah last year,’ Twilight recalled, ‘Blueblood had the audacity to ask, privately at least, for Flurry’s hoof for his son.’ The other princesses were disgusted at the prospect just as Shining Armor was.

“Such an asshole,” Shining said, Twilight deadpanned at him, “I know, I know, language. And I mean, his foal is nice, he isn't his father, and Flurry and Silver get along, but,” He shook his head, “They aren’t meant for each other.”

“Plus, that would be a forced marriage.” Twilight pointed out.

“Yeah.” Shining said to Twilight, “That too.”

“I heard he joined the guard,” Twilight said.

“Really,” Shining said in shock, “Huh,” Shining Armor thought for a bit, “Well, I gotta go, Cadance will kill me if I’m late.”

Twilight again jumped and hugged him, “Later BBBFF.”

“See ya.” Twilight broke off the hug and watched as Shining turned and walked down the hall to his and Cadance’s room. Her face’s happy expression immediately left, replaced by a serious one, a desperate one.

She opened the door to her room, it was pristine. A comfortable bed lay in the corner of the room, a bookshelf with several assorted books were on it. Twilight then saw a window, clouds off in the distance.

The purple princess threw her bags on the bed then left the room. She began walking down the hall, occasionally glancing back. ‘Why am I being so paranoid?’ Twilight thought as she looked forward, ‘I’ve never been, so paranoid before.’ Twilight sighed as she passed the door bearing Celestia’s cutie mark. ‘I should've been truthful,’ she thought, ‘Did that thing do something to me?’

Twilight gazed up and saw the door bearing Luna’s Cutie mark. She sighed and brought her hoof up to the door. Her hoof stopped just before knocking, ‘What’s wrong with me?’ She gulped down the lump in her throat and knocked on the door. There was a brief shuffling behind the door. Twilight ruffled her wings, contemplating to just walk away.

Eventually, the sound of hoofsteps on the other side got closer and louder. Twilight cleared her throat and tried to put on a pleasant smile, but only achieved a stoic and emotionless look. Twilight forced her face to wear a smile.

The door opened to reveal the midnight blue Alicorn, “Ah, Princess Twilight,” Luna said with a nice smile, “To what do I owe the pleasure?” the Lunar Princess asked. Immediately after asking the question, Luna looked at her purple peer. “Is something the matter?”

“I um,” Twilight began, “I have a problem,” Twilight was able to stammer out.

Luna’s face adopted a new face, a stoic and emotionless face, one only used for serious situations. “I see,” Luna said she moved out of the way and allowed Twilight to enter the room. It was nearly identical to her room. A bed, bookshelf, window. The only thing that was different was the size. There was a large area in the middle of the room to allow Luna to traverse the dream realm without knocking anything over. “I assume since you’re here,” Luna said again, Twilight looked behind as she shut the door, “You want to talk?”

Twiliight nodded, “Yes, and I feel that you are… suited for a question such as this.” Twilight sat down on the plush rug. Her body shuddering at how soft it feels against her fur.

Luna walked and sat opposite of Twilight, her faces still wearing the same stoic expression she had at the door. Twilight looked down, some part of her told her that this was a bad idea, to tell Luna that she’s really fine, to just go back to her room and sleep.

“So Princess Twilight,” Luna began, Twilight looked at Luna, waiting for her to continue, “What is it that troubles you?”

Twilight breathed in and out and recalled what exactly she had dreamt.

Twilight looked around the train car, it was dark. Her ears perked up, listening for the strange voice that had just spoken, ‘Who was that?’ She thought groggily. She took the covers off of her. She began to walk around the cabin. She heard the raspy breathing and she kept walking towards it, but whenever she got close, it was gone.

“Stop trying to find me, Princess,” The voice said before another sharp breath. Twilight backed herself up into the wall. She looked behind her and saw the bed, but no pony in it. ‘Where’s Rainbow?’ She thought. She looked around the room and the other beds, “Where are my friends?!” She demanded, her horn beginning to collect a magenta hue on its tip.

“Oh your friends are safe, I assure you, however, if I were you, I’d be more focused on you.” The voice said in the same tone, “I know you are one that craves knowledge, Princess,” The creature breathed in, “So I am going to give you some.”

Twilight dimmed her horn slightly, “I’d like to see who I'm speaking to.”

“Quite right your majesty,” The voice said again, Twilight lit her horn again, she saw something on the far side of the car, ‘A pair of hooves,’ She thought, but as they trotted closer, it became abundantly clear that there were no hind legs, this was a new species. Twilight would normally be happy, excited, or foaming at the mouth right now, but instead, she had her horn lit and ready to strike in the event this new thing attacked.

The creature kept walking into the light of Twilight’s horn. The Princess initially stood her ground but began backing up as the creature kept growing taller. Eventually, the light of her horn revealed the majority creature. She already took note of its hind legs, which it only stood on, and its forehooves lay limp against its side, occasionally swaying with each step of its hind legs.

“W-What do you want?” Twilight asked as she felt her rump against the wall of the train car.

“What do I want? My dear, this is about what you want.” It replied. Twilight looked up to where the voice was coming from, but the darkness still concealed the creature’s face. Twilight gulped again, “W-what do I want then?”

“Safety,” the creature said, “For your friends and family.”

Twilight’s horn grew brighter, “You will not threaten them!” She bellowed.

“And I’m not,” It replied, “But there is something that will.” It paused in its speech, “Oh where are my manners, my name is 990,” It stuck out its right forehoof, “SCP 990.”

Twilight didn’t shake the appendage, instead, she kept her horn bright and ready to strike at the first sign of danger. After a minute 990 lowered its hoof, it sighed. “I was hoping you would be more receptive Princess Twilight.” 990 said, “But my mission is still the same, despite your attitude.”

“And what would that be?” Twilight asked quizzically, She tried to brighten her horn, to try and get a glimpse at its face. ‘No luck,” she thought, ‘No matter how bright I light my horn.’

990 continued unabated, “My… colleagues within the SCP Foundation have grown complacent in their technology.” 990 said, “And in this, another SCP, 106, is planning something. I do not know what it is planning, but the corporal is planning something.”

“Should I be afraid of this 106?” Twilight asked, “What can it do?” She probed.

“Oh Princess, you don’t have to be afraid of it, but the birthday girl should be.”

Twilight nearly retorted, but she heard the train whistle blow. Immediately her eyes opened up. She looked around, her friends were all groggily rubbing at their eyes and getting out of their beds. Twilight stepped out of her bed and shook her head to wake up more. She moved her head and looked out the window, the final hill before entering the cit was pristine, snow-covered every inch of the mound. But there on the far side was a figure, standing on two legs. She saw its black and blue pants. She saw its tall figure. She squinted and tried to find its face. She recognized a hat on the tops of its head, ‘A fedora?’ She questioned. Twilight focused, there was a small mane on its head. It was facing away from Twilight, ‘Come on, turn!’

But there was no such luck. She blinked and it was gone. The Princess heard something in her head, “Secure. Contain. Protect.”

The train sounded its whistle again. The train platform took the rolling hills place

Twilight felt out of breath as she finished talking. She looked to Luna, her face was still the definition of seriousness. She seemed to study Twilight’s face for anything else it might tell her.

Luna then stood up, “Well Twilight, I suppose all you had was a bad dream,” Luna said.

“Luna, are you sure,” Twilight asked, “I mean, that was oddly specific. And I doubt I've ever heard of an SCP, let alone actually seeing one.”

“Twilight Sparkle, I believe you just had a wild nightmare,” Luna replied, “You might have been in a stressful situation and just gone to sleep stressed. It was just your body’s way of getting calm again.”

“Funny way of showing it,” Twilight said, semi to herself, semi to Luna, “Well,” She turned her attention to Luna, “Do you think we should be worried?”

“I will talk to Princess Cadance and your brother along with my sister. I think what you should do right now is get some rest. You must be tired after such a nightmare.” Luna said as she walked towards the smaller Princess.

“Yeah,” Twilight said followed by a yawn, “It was a long train ride.”

“I shall see you in a few hours Princess Twilight,” Luna said.

“Yes,” Twilight said, “I guess it feels good to get that off my chest.” Twilight walked out of the room and back down the hall towards her room.

Luna watched as Twilight Sparkle left her room. The door closed behind the younger Princess. Luna sighed, ‘That couldn’t have been a simple nightmare,’ She questioned, ‘It sounded too specific.’ She breathed out through her nose, ‘Maybe some sort of dark magic?’

Luna walked out the door and into the hallway. She turned her head and was able to see Twilight’s tail enter her room. Luna walked out of her room. ‘Could there be another creature that could enter and influence dreams?’ Luna mused, ‘I’ve never heard of any other pony that could do that.’ Luna gave an audible “Hmph.”

Luna began to walk down the hall. ‘Another dream walker, perhaps it sprung up during my exile?’ Luna walked forward, ‘Celestia must know something about this.’ She mused. Luna stopped in front of the door bearing her sister’s cutie mark. She raised her hoof and knocked on the door. A muffled “Come in,” was said by her sister. Luna grasped the doorknob in her magic and entered.

“Ah, Luna,” Her sister said while looking down at a book, “What is the matter?”

“Twilight has arrived sister,” Luna replied, “But she has told me something troubling.”

Luna’s sister put a small bookmark inside the book and closed it. “What is it? Did Discord decide to show up again?” Celestia said, “I swear, I can still find-”

“Sister,” Luna Inturruppted, “I think this is a new enemy. Twilight described a dream too vivid to be imagination,” Luna said, “I fear we may have another dream-walker trying to mess with young Twilight.”

“Do you know what this... thing is?” Celestia asked.

“Twilight said it called itself SCP 990,” Luna answered, Celestia, nodded, “Do you have any idea what this thing is?”

“No,” Celestia replied instantly, “I've never heard of this thing before.”

“There is another concern in addition to Twilight,” Luna said, “I fear young Flurry Heart could be in danger.” Celestia merely nodded in acknowledgment.

“We need to relay this information discreetly,” Celestia said, “Shining Armor and Cadance should know.” She got up out of the chair she was sitting in, “Shall we tell them?” Celestia then asked.

“Now?” Luna asked, “I don’t know about that,” Luna muttered, Celestia raised an eyebrow, “Well, I mean they should know, their daughter’s life is at stake,” Luna said, “But Shouldn’t this wait till after the party, we don’t need to put even more pressure on them.”

Celestia’s face scrunched up, “I think they would put their daughter’s life above some party, Luna.”

“It was merely a suggestion,” Luna said, “Do you know where Flurry is?”

A knock at their door interrupted them.

Twilight collapsed on the bed, magically pulling the sheets around her body, she felt the comfiness and warmth of the bed surround her. Despite sleeping for nearly a quarter of the trip, she was still beyond tired. She began to slip into the realm of unconsciousness until she felt something at her hooves.

She kicked at it out of instinct. It came back quickly, she scrunched her face and kicked again, mildly annoyed. She felt something wrap around one of her hind hooves and try to pull her out of the comfortable warmth of her bed. Twilight pulled her hooves away. She thought she heard a grunt. Twilight shot up off the bed and took flight. She looked down at the attacker

“Flurry Heart,” Twilight said in a serious tone, “I’m going to have to tell your parents about intruding on my privacy, again.” The named Alicorn filly rubbed her hoof.

Twilight heard Flurry say, “Dad’s gonna kill me,” Twilight glided down and looked down at the Alicorn, who hung her head.

Twilight then laughed, “You… actually… darn, I got you really good.” She said.

Flurry brought her head back up and smirked, then pounced on the still laughing purple Princess Pony. “This is what you get for scaring me.” She then brought her hooves down to Twilight’s hooves.

The mighty Twilight Sparkle was brought to tears as the tickle attack continued. She kept saying, “No, Flu-ha-rry… stop.” Twilight brought her magic around, albeit shakily and grabbed Flurry’s hind hooves. She let loose without mercy. It was now the younger Alicorn’s turn to suffer the mighty tickle monster that was Twilight sparkle.

After a few minutes and a few dozen more laughs from both the mares, a truce was called.

Flurry rested on Twilight’s chest, still crying from the amount of tickling she had to endure. Twilight magically cleaned her face of hers. She then turned her face.

“You are getting too old for that sort of thing you know,” Twilight said she turned her head toward the ceiling, “So why’d you come and wake me up? Dinner’s not for another hour and a half, right?”

The young mare to Twilight’s left stood up and hopped off the bed, “Actually,” She brought her hoof up to her face, “Dinner’s in about ten minutes,” She said casually.

“WHAT!” She only now noticed Flurry's silver dress.

Flurry’s eyes went wide, “Uh oh, here we go again.”